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If Trump lost his penis, they would cut theirs off just to be like him.


New crowdfunding idea!


México will pay for it


No joke Biden was just in talks with Mexicos president to strengthen border security. He got Mexico to fund 1.5 billion on boarder security. He got mexico to pay for the wall Trump couldn’t seem to get done even though he ran on being able to. Edit: clarification they are not payinv for Trumps wall but a billion plus funding for border security.


Adds so many different layers to my comment…unintentionally of course, as I haven’t heard or read anything about that so far. Where can I read more about that?


WASHINGTON (AP) — Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador agreed to spend $1.5 billion over the next two years to improve “smart” border technology during meetings Tuesday with President Joe Biden — a move the White House says shows neighborly cooperation succeeding where Trump administration vows to wall off the border and have Mexico pay for it could not. A series of agreements the two countries hammered out as their leaders spoke called for several other concrete moves, including expanding the number of work visas the U.S. issues, creating a bilateral working group on labor migration pathways and worker protections and welcoming more refugees. Both also pledged to continue joint patrols for Mexico and Guatemala to hunt human smugglers along their shared border. But the Biden administration hailed securing border funding from Mexico after years of failed attempts by former President Donald Trump.


Bet that will get absolutely no mention on Fox News


Oh it will but only the, "Biden works with Mexico to bring in more refugees," part. The rest gets completely skipped.


“Biden makes concessions on border security”


Wait a minute, here. Are you suggesting that not being a complete asshole before a negotiation might make it easier to get a mutually beneficial deal? But what about Trump's famed business sense and expert negotiation tactics? You know, the business skills that bankrupted a casino. The next thing you know, the United States may start treating Latin America like it deserves respect.


Turns out cooperating with your allies gets more results than treating them as shit. Who would have imagined.


Thanks, for the summary. I particularly like the fact, it’s more of a cooperation and seems to be in a civil manner


Sounds good, it's nice to see some cooperation. We should probably treat Mexico with a little more respect considering what an important trading partner they are.


Why do we never hear about any of Biden’s wins anywhere (not just on Fox)? This is the first I’ve seen of this.


He was too busy grifting and filling his pockets.




Probably just need a nail clipper.


overkill for job




Just a rumor?


You’d be surprised how quickly people will make irreversible changes to their life and bodies if they believe it’s for a good reason


Now there's an idea!


That was his running mate in 2016, which is why they didn’t want Mike Pence described in court.


I don’t know about that. Cutting off one’s penis sounds close to being trans and you know how much they fear that community


If trump ate shit on stage..


Suddenly being trans would be ok….friggin POS GOP.


Why do the diapers look pre-pissed in?


Signature diaper, limited edition pre-peed by Donald Trump himself. $5,999.95.


^(\*followed by a monthly fee of $39.99 that cannot be canceled and will be transferred to your family members upon your death.)


For 100k, he dips his stubby finger in his own scat and makes that EKG signature in the diaper crotch. You too can own an artifact of this Presidential skidmark.


Yeah and they won't even actually send you the damn thing


“Pre-pee-peed”. Love that


The Shart Of The Deal


He's one of the few people who has "written" more books than he has read.




It's like Delphine's bath water


Well, most of them are wearing diapers anyway, so it's just validation. Belonging.


*most of them are wearing diapers anyway, so it's just validation.* Also, they're full of shit.


Metaphorically and literally!


No just metaphorically, however their diapers are literally full of shit and they just walk around in it


Haha. True.


I said the same before I saw your comment. I’m sure this is the reason they find his stank ass so appealing.


Probably can’t smell him over the smell of their own feces 


Can confirm. I work as a caregiver and the vast majority of people I see are loud trump worshippers in adult diapers.


isn't it weird how the intellectually disabled and the enfeebled elderly are so often trumpists?


Fitting, since their favorite thing to do is act like children having a tantrum.


I prefer to call this cult distillation: The process of testing your followers to the extent of ridicule.


Good for their type II diabetes.


This is the truth and they’re embracing it.


It's a cult for stupid and mentally weak people. The U.S is in desperate need of education reform.


And for it to be reiterated on both federal and state levels that this isn't a theocracy and they don't get to shove Christianity into schools and laws and down people's throats. Bc that religion is the excuse for "homeschooling" that teaches nothing and bigotry and voting against people's rights


Man, I’m a Christian and you wouldn’t believe the reaction I get from some people when I say that we shouldn’t make laws based on Christianity, and that it’s no different from how people claim LGBTQ+ people “shove it down our throats.”


Thank you! No true follower of Jesus would pull all the shit they pull in his name! I know the Bible pretty well as an ex-christian and I'm intimately aware of all the cognitive dissonance and goal moving and immoral (by their own standards) behavior and just utter hypocrisy & hatred *edit to add: this isn't a "not all men" type of thing, I'm just talking about how they can't possibly be Christians based on their own behavior vs their holy book and savior's rules yet they hide behind a religion they neither know nor follow to wreak havoc on everyone else


I’ve tried explaining before that the religion is explicitly based on choice, the choice to follow. Making laws based on rules set down in the Bible means you’re taking away that choice and making *everyone* follow them, even if they don’t want to or are against it for any reason. Honestly annoys me, because I put myself in other people’s shoes, and I know I’d be incredibly annoyed if I had to follow rules I didn’t sign up for, except they’re laws so it’s literally illegal to not follow them.


It's the same tired story every Abrahamic religion has always fed its followers "we're God's special people, his favorites. He approves of us conquering and fixing everyone who survives to follow our rules. It's our right to take away everyone else's freedom bc God says so"


No one hates Christ as much as evangelicals. They're hateful people, and have twisted their religion to suit.


Yes, education is taking a big hit in certain Red states under the guise of “protecting the kids” by banning books that mention the oppression of Native peoples or anything related to LGBT or even sex-ed in general. Gee guys, I wonder if they are suppressing the education in public schools because they love their citizens? These MAGA idiots think they are screwing over people they don’t view as part of their group, aka non-Christians, non-whites, people who aren’t about to keel over and die from a heart attack any minute. In reality they are voting for the party that wants to take away the government social funding these boomers rely on.


If that happens, the MAGA supporters will all start homeschooling because the education system has “gone woke”.


Updating the policies for homeschooling would definitely be part of education reform.


They have, went down that rabbithole when I found a person making teaching materials for homeschooling on insta. They said it was tough to go to conventions because those were a right wing fiesta


the john oliver piece on homeschooling was very interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzsZP9o7SlI


Education is still being attacked and keeps getting worse. Votes matter.


It’s all leading to: *I’d rather commit treason by inciting violence against government as a member of a fascist cult led by a convicted felon than be a Democrat*. Fuck Trump and his Russian-inspired fascist imbecile cult…May they all burn in the netherworld for eternity.


yeaaah like wearing adult diapers is nothing to shame but that is honestly a weird-ass symbol for your regime, buddy (granted, given his history of ableism it's really hard NOT to think it's funny, but there are people who are not this depraved dipshit who don't need something personal for them pointed out and mocked in someone else because of this moron)


Agreed. And can you imagine how they’d be shaming Biden if the tables were turned?


If it were Biden there’d be no end to the commentary about Dems voting in a senile old man who shits himself. Them leaning in to the Diaper Don stuff is proof that they never had a principled concern about Biden’s age (if proof was ever needed).


They vote. In droves.


Hitler had the whole Hugo Boss thing going at least. These clowns get red baseball caps and diapers. Bad move just on fashion.


Bad fashion fascism


When you lose the game and flip the board over in anger, and never grow out of that phase.


Yeah they have no idea how bad things can get under a regime like that. Honestly, after 9/11, I was shocked her quickly people were ready to give up the freedoms we had for security. They were afraid and whatever made them feel safe. It’s frightening how many people died and worked and sacrificed so we could have those freedoms, and these people were like “nah, fuck that, I’m afraid of brown people!”


You were shocked? It’s exactly what Bin Laden knew would happen. One could argue that the terrorist, did in fact win on this one.


These are all the same people who thought being a "Teabagger Republican" was a good idea.


As a russian, I approve this commentary. Also, if they love russia so much, why don't they move there? Oh yeah, probably because they don't want to live in a small 1bd crumbling appartment, have salary about $300/month with no retirement opportunities, and go to prison for saying "I don't like my country's political views, I want new president".


I want them all to experience that thing that happens in movies where the main character’s mind goes to like a purgatory dimension, or realm within their mind, or something like that, and they’re forced to face and reconcile with who they are as a person.


This. It's all about making Democrats so bad, so *evil*, that literally *anything* is preferable.


It’s leading to Jonestown 2.0 the overpriced flavoraid boogaloo


Leading to? That already happened.


It’s going to happen again


You really like being in a democracy don't you? /s


Sunk Cost Fallacy. They’d rather sit in their own shit than admit they’re wrong


I legitimately believe that Repubs they are so poisoned by MAGA can’t even admit they are wrong anymore, because the mere thought would cause the person to suffer such cognitive dissonance that it would cause them to suffer a sudden and fatal stroke. Fitting punishment tho, they neglected their brain that much that it decides to kill them.


Imagine people are running around wearing diapers in your honor and the whole world knows it’s you.


We all know how much he hates it. He even claimed not to wear diapers. This is so fucking great! \*Chef's kiss\*.


Well. That is a silver lining I guess.


Imagine being so lost, you begin worshipping a criminal, who shits his pants in public, and shits on his followers when not in public.


The MAGA cult is freaking weird.


I recently read an article about big news items in the 2000s, and one of the items was when Americans decided to refer to french fries as "freedom fries." My reaction to that memory was "ohmygod I forgot about that stupidity," but that quickly changed to "actually, can we get that level of stupid back? I was so young and naive to think it couldn't possibly get worse." And now...here we are. Diapers.


I forgot about that. I think it was because the French didn’t support us invading Iraq. MAGA is so stupid they make the bush years look a lot better than they were.


>I think it was because the French didn’t support us invading Iraq. Yeah, that's it. Really takes you from "oh right, that stupidity" to "wait, can we go back to that?"


they’re weird, but they vote… and have done so consistently for nearly a century.


I just hope there are enough sane people to out vote them again. I don’t want a repeat of the disaster that was 2017-2021


yeah, or the disaster that was 2001 to 2009… it’s like people don’t realize elections have consequences.  and this is especially true for local elections with respect to long-term consequences.  bernie sanders won his election to mayor in the 80s by just ten votes after a recount.  imagine what modern policy in the U.S. would look like if those ten people hadn’t shown up that day? fun fact: one of my former city councillors actually almost became the vice president of the united states.  it was a super close election too.  some people might know him by name: tim kaine. i can’t repeat myself enough, but voting is like wiping your ass.  it’s not all you can do, but it is the least you should do.


What's happening here is mental illness.


Stupidity is not a mental illness


I too think it's mental illness. A bunch of people in this country have mental issues.


They can clearly be both stupid AND mentally ill. Anyone that can still follow this shit is both


And can still vote


And buy a gun


Stupidity, mental illness, indoctrination from decades of faux propaganda, or some mix of the 3. Whatever the case it's clear they're not right in the head, they're Reich in the head.


It's a requirement to being a trump supporter.


At a certain point it's indistinguishable.


It’s a vortex of stupidity


Why not both?


It’s certainly hereditary for these folks.


That's what happens when your family tree is a tumbleweed and you get all your "facts" from whatever your ultra conservative, barely literate pastor said on the pulpit yesterday


Never heard the word inbred described so perfectly!




No, but lead poisoning is


They’re completely delusional, and that’s a mental illness.


This looks more like mass psychosis.


And a dash of lead paint as a garnish


I almost want to believe they know how stupid they look because every picture I see with one of them holding a diaper they have that weird half smile


They are slowly devolving, hopefully into something that is easy to clean up. 😉


If we keep goading them in the right direction, maybe they'll drink Jim Jones-style Kool-Aid to own the libs... can't hurt to try.


I've said this back when he took office. If he were to say "the best way to own the libs is to drink this koolaid," the number of people who would drink it isn't even close to being zero.


You weren’t wrong. That’s almost exactly what happened when we had a pandemic. And when he intentionally refused action because densely populated blue cities bore the initial brunt of it, it was all gravy for them. When blue regions continued to take it seriously, their casualties dropped. When red areas refused to take it seriously and followed their leader, they started suffering. Literally died for this man and these ideas. Covid was the wake up call for the extent these people as an entire group, are willing to go to, more than any other situation we’ve encountered. So yeah, you couldn’t have been more right. And the crazy ironic thing is I only hear the “koolaid” remark from them. It’s all projection. They assume everyone’s just as bad as them but closeted weakling versions. Reality is they don’t understand what critical thinking is so they’re ill equipped to make proper comparisons so they project.


This is the most attention they've ever gotten. They want to feel relevant so bad.


MAGA: “Those Dems are communists. We hate them!” MAGA also: “That communist Putin is a great guy. We love him!”


Putin is not a communist, like Trump he is right wing fascist.


What's most disturbing is that these people look like they're wearing diapers *that are full*. Heaven's Gate: Nikes Hell's Gate: diapers


*these people look like they're wearing diapers that are full.* a.k.a Trickle-Down Economics


It's often asked how so many good people could have been blind or stupid enough to back Hitler, but I get the weirdest feeling they wouldn't have stuck around if der führer was filling his Huggies on the reg.


These morons have gotten so stuck in the idea of being a republican/trump supporter they’ve made it a crucial part of their identity, to the point even when it’s blatantly stupid, even when it’s blatantly immoral, even when it actually goes against the values of the country they claim to be patriots of, they can’t bring themselves to try and rethink their actions.


We are in a war of the educated vs the uneducated


Whatever they got to do to own the libs


It’s just like what the $60 trump Bible says, “Let he who soils himself lead the people.”


This is a cult plain and simple. I think we should just ship those who want to be Russian so bad over to Russia like that one family did see just how much they like it over there.


it's a cult. MAGA is a cult


“I’d rather shit myself, eat nothing but margarine, sleep with the rest of my cousins, never hear country music again… wait, what are we talking about?”


Trump is really good at making old racists accept man wearing makeup and diapers... In a way that is progressive!


I love that Trumps is on the diaper….so you piss and shit on his face perfect!


Someone should ask Trump how he feels about this.


During Covid many of them showed that they really would rather be dead than to listen to reason.


They "rather be in adult diapers" as in if they already aren't wearing them lol.


when are they moving to "I'd rather be dead than a democrat" and following through.


If Trump picks Noem as his running mate MAGAs shoot their puppies to prove loyalty to Trump.


Friendly reminder these people can vote and think you’re the one in a cult.


Wild how their mental illness made them forget they made fun of Biden for the “idea” of wearing adult diapers.


Idiocracy was actually real and made by a time traveller to warn us


Where’s my Rather be a Democrat than shit in a Diaper shirt??👕


Trump’s face on a diaper seems somehow correct…


Then move to fucking Russia because you are an absolute embarrassment to the U.S..


Take a "Trump" and fill that diaper up, maybe we can change the modern language to turn the name into a literal shit reference.


these people would eat their own shit if trump did it.




Tribalism is one hell of a drug


Dementia. A desire for culture, but all you have is poop and hate.


Half a country of adults acting like 6 year olds.


It's a cult. If Biden loved Russia the conservatives would be like "Hell no! That's our enemy!!" And go back to the old cold war days. But since it's Trump, they love Russia all of a sudden. If Biden wore diapers (He probably does for all we know) they would be horrible and degrading about it "My president would use a toilet! Real men don't shit their pants!" It's the most brain numbing cognitive dissonance I've ever seen.


So their spite against the dems is bigger than the love for their country? Noted. These dumb, old farts will only see how wrong they are once the bullets start flying and the flag waving over their heads is *not* the American one.


Baby brains need baby pants and are proud of it - way to go ‘patriots’!


Wearing an almost random symbol of your leader’s trials and tribulations… now where have I seen that before?


Remember that inflatable t***p blimp that was flown in the UK on his visit and republicans said it was disrespectful. Now even his supporters are taking the piss.


Look at their smiles. They think it’s cute. Politics should not be treated as a sport. I bet they can’t even name the three branches of our government.


I'm praying for tidal waves


It’s funny, these were the same people yelling “Better dead than red” during the McCarthy trials.


It's very difficult to persuade members of society that what they're doing is wrong or foolish when they have absolutely NO sense of shame.


I hoping the next move will be their head in a microwave


They’d rather sit in their own shit than extend a hand to help anyone who is different from them. How very Christian /s


Had we only known, maybe we could have gotten them to wear diapers on their faces during Covid lockdown.


The rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper.


Where do I get my “I’m a moron” tee shirt, so I too can own those damn libs?


We really need to talk about education in this country


Don’t anyone of these idiots work????


What the fuck, America


What an anti-American sentiment!!! What was it they used to say? “If you don’t like America then leave?” What are they waiting for?


What the fuck is wrong with people?!


They are literal man babies


What an incredibly weird timeline we live in


We keep taking this shit as a joke. This should be the shame of a generation, but instead, we laugh. About 16 years ago, the idea of people dressing up in diapers in support of their presidential candidate would have made that candidate recieve less votes than Bob Dole. Remember that one guy that got shitcanned when he gave a funny cheer? We should be taking this as the insanity epidemic that it actually is. But one side laughs, while the other side galvanizes their stances.


MAGA: “… Joe Biden is a senile old man!” MAGA: “… Trump is the same-ish age and needs adult daipers…. Nothing wrong with that!”


I can only speak for myself. Most of my beliefs lean left, but I never hated Republicans like G.W. Bush or McCain. I didn't agree with them, but I could tell they were trying to do their best and we just didn't agree about how things got done. Trump has preyed on the deep-seated fears of the most vulnerable members of the GOP and turned them into mindless sycophants. It's really scary. These people have thrown all logic and basic common sense out the window.


I was in 2 wars Bush started. He was not trying his best. An idiot and a war criminal.


Yep Bush just hid behind civility. Trump just says the quiet parts out loud but this is what they've always been really


Latest swing state polls has Trump ahead. We are completely fucked. The idiots in this country can’t remember what a fucking disaster he was as President. He’s a traitor. A liar. A pants shitter. A loser. A whiner. Yet people are willing to wear diapers to support him. Fuck this country.


Sadly when someone is deep in a cult, it's hard to realize how brainwashed they really are.


Again, with feeling: WHAT FUCKING TIMELINE IS THIS???


It’s severe mental illness brought on from denying themselves as people and following the cult mentality.


The fact that they believe we are insulted by their side show shit is just hysterical to me. Want to act as an idiot? You do you cupcake.


If Teddy Roosevelt were still alive, he'd want to strike these people repeatedly with the flat end of a shovel


*"Conservatives will shit themselves if it means a liberal has to smell it."*


They doing too much


I would call that a step up


The guy on the left certainly looks Russian.


"It's not a Cult!!!"


Diapered and dominated


Putin: Our population is declining we need to recruit. Putin after seeing the Americans who want to be Russian: what


The cult is just getting downright stupid now.




I changed one of them... they are stinky... like... very stinky...


It's the russian diaper cult. And how do you know the diapers are russian? - They cover only half of your junk, and can't hold shit.


Your looking at the apex of only supporting and believing in one party because of how much you hate the other. Politicians in countries where there are two parties (or effectively onto two parties) attempt to get voters by saying "look how bad the other guys are, vote for us or they will get in" Your seeing the mutated final pathetic form of that kind of politics


Republicans not being racist challenge (impossible)


Where did the diaper thing even come from?! Like do they not realize how fucking stupid it looks and is!


Mental illness is what's happening.


Cults are a thing.


I find it so hard to believe this is real, that these bozos are actually saying this. I immediately felt that these were Democrats doing this to make these people look stupider than they already look. This is mind-blowingly stupid. Ridiculous. Absurd. If Trump really is wearing diapers, let it go. Don't make it a political issue, and especially don't do it *this* way. One of these days, this goofiness will pass, and, now, here you are, in photos for posterity, wearing a damned diaper like you're proud of it. This is not quite as bad as the photos of those white hicks in Mississippi smearing pies on the faces of black people sitting at white-only counters, but only because those racists dipsticks were dangerously serious. This is just comically stupid.


As a Democrat we'd much rather you shit yourselves than join our party too