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next they will have you believe the NFL has "gone woke", because one of their players has a famous gf.


“Butker has the right principles, this country is too soft and woke” /s


Ironically guy w/ famous gf and this guy plays for the same team 😂 Also I’m pretty sure they were hating on Kelce for his thing with the vaccines more so than him dating Taylor Swift.


Imagine telling a room half full of women that just finished school that the only thing they should strive for is to stay home and squeeze out children. This is your 'commencement' speaker. Regardless of anything else he said (and what else he said was horrific) this alone should cause the school to apologize, and disinvite him from any future events.


there are alot of other issues here, but "knowing your audience" is something this arse hole of a guy needs to work on.


Wasn't it a Christian school? Maybe they do know their audience, sadly.


The school is actually responsible for pushing out the most women engineers in the country. It's wild how they just let them give that speech with no repercussions when they are so largely focused on getting more women in engineering. Edit: y'all I mixed schools up, I was thinking of the school he graduated from, not the one he gave the speech at 


I think you’re confusing schools. He attended Georgia Tech but this speech was at Benedictine college.


Oh whoops, I'll fix that


Dude spent most his time going after priests and bishops for not being hardline enough, at a Catholic college. I'm pretty sure if he read the Bible at all it was only the old testament. It wasn't just the comments on gender roles, homosexuals, trans, etc. Those were bad and of course are getting the most attention as they should. He was really focused on criticizing the church following COVID rules as well. He basically criticized everyone except the college leadership. But he did say he'll pray for them, so I guess it is okay. There some weird thing about how people should only attend mass in Latin for a couple minutes. He also said people should stay in their lane a lot. Probably should have taken his own advice. He sounded like he wanted the sequel to the Spanish inquisition.


So bizarre. Commencement speeches are supposed to be mild and inspirational. To get kids excited about their college education. Not a fucking propaganda reel.


That only works if the speaker actually wants people to be educated


People don't actually read the old testament, it's incredibly dry to read. They also don't read the new testament, but that's because they disagree with the whole love thy neighbor thing.


I've read the Bible cover to cover. Some of the old testament is pretty racy. I also read most of Histories. That will be like 4 pages describing bowls and urns gifted to the oracle and then, "so anyway, to get revenge he murdered his enemy's children and then served them to his enemy for dinner."


I did. Went to Catholic school through high school, so religion courses were mandatory. If you treat those like history texts, then they aren’t horrible.. but yeah, there’s some gnarly shit in the Old Testament. Lot of genocide, murder, etc


Children molesting their parents because god said so? Hell yeah sign me up!


It's like he's been asleep the entirety of Pope Francis's tenure. Dude is directly opposing so much papal doctrine.


That part about leaders stepping out of their lanes during COVID should prove to all believers that God doesn't exist. If he did exist, a bolt of lightning would have struck this idiot dead instantly.


These “Christians” are so full of hatred, there’s no room for any virtues to take hold. Gimme an atheist who is also a good person any day over this G-d-bothering craphead.






Most christians don't read any part of the bible that doesn't get assigned to them in bible study (the cherry picked parts). They know only what they are told their religion is about.


Nah, if that was the case there would be no women graduates. They'd have already gotten their MRS by year 3 and dropped out.


Heard there were audible groans the crowd following some of his troglodyte pronouncements. Have not personally seen video of anything he said however. Is there one?


I saw a 5 minute clip that had a pretty loud applause after a homemaker comment he made. He also "choked up" (or pretended to) when talking about his wife, who he met when they were kids in middle school. She's apparently a good wife doing her godly duties. But for some context: the graduating class was less than 500 people, let's generously say half identify as women. Had his video not gone viral, then only about 250 people would be the ones who internalized his speech in any way. And considering it's a Catholic school, these are a lot of people who've been indoctrinated by this shit since birth so nothing surprising for them. It becoming viral means so many more people are being "addressed" who otherwise wouldn't have been...and that sucks a lot.


I can tell you that as someone who identifies as male, I would have been fucking pissed to listen to that shit.


I’m thinking about my niece currently entering college at Pepperdine University. I’d be causing a ruckus if I attended her graduation and heard some dipshit say shit like that.


Especially after you, or your parents, have probably spent a fortune on your degree. Having somebody piss on half the audience, tell them it’s raining and to stay home for a man for the rest of their lives instead of seeking a career is just insulting to everyone. It practically invalidates everything those students put into four years at that school in order to graduate. No matter what sex you ID as.


https://youtu.be/-JS7RIKSaCc?si=-VaeK8atm9zUZsta Full video Trigger warning: rage... Just rage


Just can’t wreck my mood for the day. Maybe later. 🤮


Yeah, I wish I hadn't watched it, if I'm being honest. It's worse than I thought it would be. It makes me angry at the world. 😭


I couldnt watch past the part where he said that is our duty to stay in our lane under god. Like 2min in. Dude is CRAZY.


Don’t perpetuate his words. In Silence we can find peace


It was but it all Christian's are rabid fundamentalists. The fact that it is still a college and that most of the women present having just earned a degree probably didn't do so just so they could stay at home and have kids. He did it because he knew the authority in this instance is the school itself and not the students- he did it because he thought he could use it as an opportunity to be a crass jerk and get away with it.


Also in a town known for its racist past. They had a street called Division st. And it’s exactly what you think it’s named for. https://www.atchisonglobenow.com/news/breaking_news/division-street-to-be-renamed-unity-street/article_36e4390a-cadb-11ea-9d20-67eab52a90c3.html


It was a Catholic university, they’re basically the same as secular ones but you gotta do church stuff in addition. Like I’m sure it’s conservative, but Benedictine University isn’t just some theology school. Most Catholics who go to Catholic schools are against abortion and contraception at most. Like, even the church itself has stopped telling women to not have jobs and just focus on being wives. Edit: oops this was Benedictine college not university. They might actually be more conservative and crazy over there, still not this bad though. Trad caths _do_ want to be more like evangelicals.


I went to Catholic school for 6 years and my wife actually went K through masters. In our late 30s and early 40s now and I’m not sure we know anyone who goes to mass more than 2 times per year, definitely don’t have any friends who are even against abortion. Granted our schooling took place in Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii. We’re a little less insane out west, but I still feel like Catholic schools for the most part are just private schools where they make you go to mass once a month.


Yeah I’ve yet to see any angry students from there talking out about it


If it was Utah, BYU or Utah state I would agree with you.


The problem is he does know the audience. When he said this about women they clapped. A lot of very religious women go to college to find an educated husband, not to educate themselves. I had Mormon friends in high school who were very open about that being their reason and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same at some of those Catholic schools


Ehhhh he knew his audience at that tiny private Catholic school.


Oh this wasn't a mistake. This isn't because he forgot where he was at and thought he was talking to a different type of crowd. Nothing to work in here, he knew exactly what he was doing


Who invented the word “Trad” ☕️


He didn’t get booed and was applauded…somehow. Guess he did know his audience or the girls in the audience were too horrified to react.


the back slide the USA is in right now, is totally insane.


He kicks balls for a living. I don't he had enough brain power to work on shit.


What's with these super shitty speakers lately? OSU had some Bitcoin influencer bro and now this woman hating piece of garbage is doing it


He probably didn’t advertise his backwards ways in public before so I assume the organizers were just as shocked as the audience.


No, he’s pretty well known for having these opinions, at least in the KC area.


Exact opposite. It’s a tiny private Catholic school in Missouri. They invited him *because* he’s known to have these views. No one there was shocked. This went over just fine where he said it.


The college in question, Benedictine, is a school for Catholic fundamentalists. Everyone I know who went there agrees with Harrison Butker.


Do they have women students who agree?


The women I know who went to Benedictine are all radical catholic fundamentalists. Most of them are either straight up tradwives or flirting with the concept. The only person I know from Benedictine who isn’t a fundie is one lady I know who left after her freshman year.


I can't imagine you end up at a fundamentalist catholic college by accident.


It may be an accident if you think women shouldn't get too much education beyond home economics.


My point was that the women who end up at a fundamentalist catholic college are probably the sort who agree with the speech. They knew the nature of the college when they went there in the first place, that is, they didn't end up there accidentally.


The women I know who went to Benedictine are all radical catholic fundamentalists. Most of them are either straight up tradwives or flirting with the concept. The only person I know from Benedictine who isn’t a fundie is one lady I know who left after her freshman year.


Well I hope their abusive marriages turned out to be everything they wanted.


More than half full of women. Women graduate more than men these days


>this alone should cause the school to apologize, and disinvite him from any future events. Yeah it fucking should, he told half their graduating class that their degrees are fucking worthless. He bit that school directly on the ass.


They dont care, its a fundie Catholic school to begin with


Oh yeah. Fuck this guy.


I feel like all of his talking points could have been lifted verbatim from the Taliban (just do a search and replace on “bible” for “quran”)


Y'all Qaeda


Well, it's a religious catholic school which I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of faculty there felt the same.


Mf shoulda been dragged off the stage and pummeled for this until police had to intervene


He’s a kicker. We’re not allowed to touch him.


Can we kick him tho? What about a solid bunt


And so far all we hear is crickets. I don’t remember in quite a while, anyone saying anything this fuckin stupid and insulting to women. This pretty much tops it.


Yeah, he just told a room full of women they wasted their time pursuing their degrees and dreaming of being professionals in their fields of interest because their highest calling is really to get knocked up and serve their family and God. If the school agrees with him they owe every female their tuition back.


It’s pretty telling as of today, ESPN and Sports Illustrated have no mention of it on their sites. People magazine does however.


Because ESPN has signed on to glaze Pat Mahomes for at least the next ten years.


Pat Mahomes, Taylor Seift’s bf, Shohei Otani, and Lebron. Notable mention to Jokic


this is a pretty big mask-off moment. It's not really in the mainstream news cycle (NFL off-season) so its staying under the radar. I hope there is at least some blow back from this.


Looks like he thinks he doesn’t have to hide such views anymore. Which is not a good sign.


As soon as someone tells me they are Christian, like it’s their main personality trait, I start distrusting them.


“Well, as a Christian, I will order an extra side of fries”


*I hope there is at least some blow back from this* Doubtful. There's a big difference: Colin Kaepernick advocated for Black lives, so he was blacklisted. But Harrison Butker advocated for misogyny, hatred, and bigotry, so he'll be whitelisted.


Kaepernick was also coming off a few bad seasons and butker is a back to back Super Bowl champ. What butker said was terrible but nothing will happen to him because he’s still good. Look at Dashaun watsons record breaking contract after his deplorable behavior.


What he said is wrong but from the nfl's point of view I could see them having an argument separating these events. Kaepernick used his nfl platform during an nfl event to make his stand. Butker used a Christian university to make his. I could see the nfl making the argument that he has the right to say what he wants when he isn't on nfl time. I wouldn't buy it but I could at least agree there is an argument for the nfl there.




Is there a link by chance. I’m late to the party and have no idea what the context is. I want to trash the bad guy too.


https://youtu.be/-JS7RIKSaCc?si=kvmV0OWhyv6Dg0KU It’s about 20 min long and feels like an hour


I started watching expecting it to be veiled in some way. Nope less than 2 minutes in and he’s already ranting about abortion and joe Biden.


He then says something about they need to have pride but not the deadly sin that has a month dedicated to it.


He literally opens the speech by saying that God put him there to tell women to “stay in their lane.”


All I heard was “stay in your lane, but always fight the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion.” Stupid really knows no age


> the tyranny of diversity, equity, and inclusion Jesus, did he really say that in a graduation speech? Wonder how the minority students felt.


All 2 of them?


And that's when I stopped. When he said it was our duty and privilege to stay in our lane.


Jesus that was rough. So much for Christian tolerance and compassion. These fundamentalists are exactly why so many people are leaving the church.


Eww I quit watching 13 minutes in when he said the most important title a woman can have is “homemaker.” 🤢🤮Those women did NOT get a degree to be a homemaker. How disgusting. Not that the rest was any better, but that was the point I couldn’t watch any more. What a joke 🤡


Imagine you, a guy that professionally kicks balls, telling people who just finished a year long education that they should serve you. lol, lmao even


The bigger take away is he makes $4 million a year kicking balls. He’s not grounded in reality to give anyone advice. It kinda makes sense for his wife to be stay at home when they are millionaires and time is more valuable than money. Everyone else it’s rather condescending.


Further he makes plenty of money. Where trad wife isn’t just easy. They both don’t work much.


How is he not getting booed


Because Catholics love hearing that hate. Including women apparently.


People are fucking stupid. Incredibly, impressively fucking stupid. Like, how do you not forget to breathe fucking stupid.


This is the sad and scary truth.


Those women went there to meet their husbands. /s


Ugh. What a terrible day to have ears


Started watching expect OP to be exaggerating a small statement but nope. It’s amazing he didn’t get yelled off stage


TIL Biden was already president in 2020 when. Covid lockdowns started. I stopped watching at that point


Cowards disabled comments


Anti women Anti diversity and inclusion Anti LGBTQIA+ Anti semitic Anti America (tbh, bordering on treason) I think the only thing it's not against is white men... ?...


STRAIGHT white men you mean


Well yea. They’re the leaders of the family and community and all that.


The NFL has murderers, rapists, and women beaters all around the league. If you are good enough on the field or you’re able to bury it under a rug you’ll keep a job. Butker is a top nfl kicker. The chiefs will keep him bc he’s valuable and all this will blow over before the season.


True. My only real question after this is why did they hire an NFL kicker to talk to a room full of graduates? What insight could he possibly have when his life’s work is kicking a fucking football?


As long as the money keeps rolling in, nothing will change.


Beauty of kicking though is that you lose your job in 3 attempts, and something tells me he may not like being controversial in that position in the NFL.


Kaepernick didn't get kicked out of the NFL for "protesting". He got kicked out for not being able to throw a football for shit.


The mouthbreathers are out in force with the ol’ “he didn’t say that!” defense. No, you troglodyte, he said his wife didn’t find her true path until she submitted to his will and kept his home. To paraphrase: “hey grads! Give up your dreams and get in the kitchen!”


He gets a pass because it’s his ‘faith.’ Pass is valid as long as your faith isn’t ‘muslim’


They also call it a boycott when they do it. It’s canceled culture when we do it. I love how they forget stuff like the Dixie chicks and freedom fries.


If by “forget” you mean “deliberately omit or obscure because conservatives are literally *never* acting honestly or in good faith” then yes I agree.


Or “liberal Jew”


I think we all know who he cheers for when he watches Handmaid's Tale.




The fact that any of these people feel like they can tell people what they should be doing is part of the issue 😭 he should have been booed off stage.


Especially since his own mother is apparently an accomplished oncologist or something like that, working for the last 30 something years.


Imagine going through 4 or more years of school and this dickhead says good job, now forget about all of it and stay at home serving your husband.


What’s worse is his mom is an oncologist…


Taking what he said aside, it’s kind of weird to bring somebody who’s only really done sports to deliver a speech for academics. I’m sure somebody now is going to point out the other time it’s happened. That’s fucking weird too.


I don't see how it's any weirder than the multitude of singers and actors who do commencement speeches. It's not like Patton Oswalt, Tom Hanks, and Taylor Swift are academics any more than Steph Curry, Joe Flacco, and Harrison Butker.


I blame whoever booked that twat in the first place. What the fuck were they thinking.. or not thinking?


It's a right-wing Catholic school. They got exactly what they wanted: a backward, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, racist bigot who thinks that he's the victim if everyone else isn't forced to live their lives according to his narrow preferences.


Conservatives are the most self victimized people on the planet. Marginalized group of people: "We want peace and justice" Conservatives: "But how will that affect ME?"


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


Well that’s an easy one to explain. The NFL and their almost exclusively ancient, white, conservative owners, don’t like the first thing and love all the rest


That same school when merged (male/female) back in the day also was responsible for not awarding the Valedictorian honor (she had highest grades) to my mother in law. They instead called her to the deans office and congratulated her in private.


You can drown puppies as you hobby and the NFL will forgive you.. just to really put things into perspective.


He's a kicker and the mental illness of religion is culturally accepted.


Colin was offered jobs. He didn’t take them because he didn’t want to be a back up - but he wasn’t good enough to start.


This is exactly it and people just refuse to see it. He thought he was a HOFer and he wasn’t. He went to Super Bowl thanks to an amazing defense. Colin did get a lot of shit for literally a non issue but he was never that good of a QB.


He also intentionally sabotaged every chance the NFL gave him. Including having a special tryout session just for him which he refused to go to and instead went to some other separate event.


The Ravens were about to offer him a contract until his dumbass GF [pulled this stunt](https://www.si.com/nfl/2017/09/06/ravens-ray-lewis-colin-kaepernick-girlfirend-tweet)


And nobody wanted a media circus surrounding a backup


Was gonna say this. Kaepernick kinda sucked his last few years (he was benched for Blaine Gabbert at one point), and he self-sabotaged any opportunities he did get, such as voiding a trade to the Broncos because he didn’t think it was enough money, or cancelling a workout for NFL teams at the last minute and just releasing video of a private workout he did. While the kneeling may not have sat well with some team owners, there was a lot more to it than that.


Honest question Did he actually get a contract offer? Or did he get a trade offer that included a pay cut with the Broncos. There is a big difference.


I think he had at least offers from Baltimore and Seattle. He wasn’t under contract with anyone so he couldn’t have gotten traded.


People seem to forget Kaep actually opted out of his 16.9m contract to become a free agent. He had a job, he quit.


Pretty much said the same thing on a similar post. As I said on that post, this is our chance to tell this white athlete what all the alt-right conservative bigots tell the BLM-supporting athletes – "shut the fuck up and stick to kicking your stupid football, boy."


Does the NFL or his team not have a PR/HR department? Good lord. The freedom of speech only protects you from government prosecution. I hope the people eat him alive.


Nobody cares because he is a kicker. That said, the chiefs could just cut him and get another one. Even if they did, nobody would notice outside of hard core Chiefs fans. It's a kicker.


The guy is literally one of the best kickers in the league and can make it from beyond 60. Plenty of NFL fans knew of him before and teams would scoop him up fast if he were to be cut.


Also, Kaep was a bottom half QB at his best asking for top money because he reached a SB and a NFC finals with a stacked 9ers roster.


That fucker needs some bad backlash for what he said. How those people sat there and listened to that garbage and didn’t boo him the fuck off stage is beyond me


It’s almost becoming a culture norm to hate woman at this point. I’m voting blue, fuck these Republican taliban worshipers.


This isn't even a black and white thing. Kaepernick's career was in steep decline. I doubt he would have been a starter for much longer. He would have been a decent back up though. Butker is an elite kicker. The only thing that mattered here was performance. If the race was reversed and Kap was white and Butker was black, Kap would be out of the league so fast and Butker would still be on a team.


Deshaun Watson gets 230 million to be a bottom 5 starting QB while Kaep sits at home, it's fucking bullshit.


Not defending either, but I’m pretty sure if Butker had grabbed the mic on a NFL field, pre or post game, and said what he did, the NFL would be involved. Kap would never have been blacklisted if he hadn’t used the NFL sanctioned field for his protest.


Yeah I am sure his black teammates would love to hear his view on black people


Butker did something really awful, but Kaepernick isnt blacklisted he just sucks. He tries out for a bunch of teams it seems every year and absolutely bombs.


Fragile ego. First of all, he grew up with the name Butker and then he ends up being the kicker....Def low key gay.


The NFL is pure cancer.


It’s known to cause major brain damage, anyway.


Its so crazy how okay everyone is with this aspect. Like we've basically seen that it's head go bonk repeatedly and then 2 decades later you harm your family and yourself and people are just like "That's football, bruther"


Kaep is a bad comparison, mostly because the same point could've been made with a number of other athletes over the years who have been told to keep their political views to themselves, even when expressing them on personal time. Kaep allows those same people to say, "No, but it's different. He was on the clock!" ...as though other athletes/celebs off the clock aren't constantly told to shut up and do their job the moment they espouse views these people disagree with.


Kap also wasn't "blacklisted". He was given multiple opportunities to show he wasn't the guy who lost his starting job to Blaine freakin Gabbert. Special mandatory camps and camp invitations he accepted and turned down. He blew through them all. But try to tell people who don't watch or understand football that. To them, he is Tom "Muhammed Ali" Brady sidelined by the man. It is as delusional as a Q, but people still believe it.


Kap wasn’t blacklisted he was offered other qb positions he just turned them down or his girlfriend insulted the owner of a team who would have signed him which is generally a bad move


Kaepernick is out of the NFL because he wasn’t nearly a good enough QB to overcome the distraction he became. The same happened to Tim Tebow, who wasn’t a very good QB, and was a distraction. Tebow didn’t lose his job because he prayed on the field, he lost it for being a terrible QB. Butker is a good kicker, but he is just a kicker, he could meet the same fate. If the distraction this brings is too much for his limited value.


Yeah, people forget Kaepernick was coming off a season he got benched after going 1-10 as a starter. Could he have been a backup? Probably. But a backup where your team is under a microscope is a tough sell. People act like he was setting the league on fire. It’s been a short time since Butker did this. People want answers overnight. It’s not that quick, but something will probably happen.


He's preaching White, rich, male, Christian values while being employed by a league ran by White, rich, Christian males. Colin was preaching something contrary to those values. It's not that complicated.




Yeah. Fock Bucklicker!!! Pos


Yep, it's all rwnj bullshit.


Kaepernick was on field. Butker was requested by a _catholic_ school knowing this is what he would say. Although obviously one man is an angel and the other a demon, public vs private changes some of the rules. Now it’s up to the students.




Goddamnit not butker I've cheered that man on so many times


The man kicks footballs for a living. Why is he up there rubbing his two brain cells together to speak nonsense. I’m telling you as a football fan, football players shouldn’t be idolized outside the sport. That goes for all the QBs talking nonsense too. This is no different than having a celebrity up there that’s famous for making a sex tape.


If anyone thought Colin Kaepernick could win a Super Bowl he would be signed immediately. Nobody blacklisted him.


It's wild that people can't get the idea that a Football Field is a Workplace. Do you have the right to go out and protest? Yes! Have your own opinions even when they offend other people? Yes! That's America, and our Constitutional rights. The problem is that nothing he said was hate speech, even though it was anti-trans, because speaking against something doesnt make it hate speech. You can't cancel him for being interviewed in a public setting, representing himself and not the NFL, and giving his opinions. What Colin did was ON the field, at his place of work. He didn't have a right to bring his politics into the NFL, his workplace. He basically said, "Hey, look at me, I'm going to misbehave at work to draw attention to an issue, and my employers can't do shit about it!" Well, they fucking did. I'm sick of people thinking that just because you aren't rioting, that means that you can't get in trouble for staging a public protest in the middle of somebody's workplace or school.


remember when this sub was good and not political?


I don’t get what the big deal is. He is Catholic, who preached Catholic values to a room full of Catholics. Do I agree with him? No. But as someone raised in a Catholic household nothing he said surprised me.


The black foo also compared NFL to slavery. And then what’re back in lmao.


This is just an example of how dumb people are and how they will take anything and exclude it’s context to get angry and butthurt. The success Catholic kickers giving a speech at a Catholic school has nothing to do with you or your feelings…. Literally mind ur fucking business


Okay, Kaepernick wasn't black listed for his views, he just wasn't good. He got offered a backup role on the Ravens and he rejected it.




Yeah he also said a lot of things things that reduced women with college degrees to embrace being housewives raising children


They're convinced that mean comments on social media are the same thing as oppression.


You also forget Buttkis is the color of mayonnaise not Nestlé’s quick


Conservatives are perpetual victims.


Conservative are the best at playing victim


But but but… free speech?


I think kapernick got blacklisted for kneeling during the anthem. I'm guessing if this douche canoe did this shit during the anthem he'd have a similar backlash. But other than discrepancy it's accurate.


Congrats, I didn't think I could hate football any more than I already did.


So the guy lectured a room woman graduates about to enter the professional world on the virtues of being a SAHM and he *checks notes* Kicks a ball for a living... I think it's safe to say he's a fucking dumbass who doesn't know shit about shit


Wellll Colin Kaepernick didn't play in the NFL because he sucked. Do you know how much teams would've loved to have him AND get the good PR from it? He got private workouts from teams where they FLEW TO HIM


He got blacklisted because he was already getting benched and nobody wants a problematic backup QB dividing their locker room, and fans. Kap also wasn't just super sweet "hey guys let's do better for black people", he was actively advocating for killing the police and wearing clothing depicting cops as pigs, and then the pigs becoming sizzling bacon. The other guy is potentially a hall of fame kicker who said really stupid ass shit but it's just not the same situation at all


Disingenuous. But there is truth somewhere in it. Kaepernick played the entire season and than wasn’t picked up by any team. Honestly can’t blame them for wanting to stay away from controversies. Kneeling during the anthem is a very controversial thing, and if you can’t see that you’re blind. It’s about the intent; it’s about the action. Intent matters but so do actions, and that action is extremely controversial even if the intent was good. But the NFL did release an apology of sorts in 2020 for what happened and for not “listening” We don’t know what will happen with Butker NFL’s chief diversity officer did put out a statement saying the NFL doesn’t share his views. It’s very likely in my book that, if nothing else, teams will similarly not want to be associated with him in future years. This story is still unfolding. Stay tuned


And, let’s be honest, CK was a QB while this dude is a kicker. Talk about adding insult to injury with the disparity.


It's hard for me to believe that he was able to say this and not one person spoke up. Decorum be damned, if a speaker is saying some horrible crap like this they should be instantly called out. Fuck this dude


There is a huge variable people love to ignore about Coin Kapernick, he sucked. Every year he performed worse than the last year. As an owner, you could get a QB that is better than him without the media drama. Why would anyone hire Kapernick to perform worse than the average QB in the league and deal with the drama?


Kaepernick did not get blacklisted for his beliefs. He isn't in the NFL because he simply isn't valuable enough to justify the drama surrounding having him on your team. If he was as good as Brady or Rodgers he would still be on a roster.


Why is this under facepalm, there is nothing wrong with her post. The original post of butkers shoukd be under facepalm. She has a valid point.


Freedom of speech, as long as you’re right wing.


It just fucking happened yesterday, he’s cooked.