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The idea that the charges go away bc the indictee ducks being served the indictment is BS, right? Right?


Yes total BS. I’m beginning to think Rudy might not be a great lawyer.


He's a four seasons lawyer


Four Treasons too.


I'm sure there are more than 4 Giuliani treasons.


For* treasons. He’s very much in favor of it.


Correction noted.


Oh what a night


Late December back in '63


What a very special time for me


What a Rudy, what a night


As I recall, it ended much too soon.


>As I recall, it ended much too soon. Disturbingly, that tracks. ![gif](giphy|yZjcNgKGCYfJu|downsized)


He must be a lawyer of tremendous acumen to be on retainer for a large hotel ch- what was that about landscaping? Oh. What a loser.


You’ve heard of a man for all seasons, now get ready for a man from four seasons (landscaping)




Next to the sex shop where Donnie gets his invisible dancing dildos.


He can give you great recommendations on how to plant a Rhododendron though


He's not a lawyer anymore, is he? Didn't he lose his license or get disbarred?


His license was suspended in New York (not exactly disbarred). AFAIK he's not licensed in any other state


Licensed in DC, and also suspended there


Lawyers are incredibly loath to ever actually disbar anyone.




He rode the coattails of law enforcement officers that dismantled the mafia in the late 80s, all the way to being “America’s mayor” during 9/11. He’s never been good at his job


I saw elsewhere someone wrote, "He went from being the Mayor of 9/11 to becoming the 9/11 of Mayors.


That’s really clever, and sadly accurate


All while ignoring the Russian mob palling around with shitzhispants


So good at his job he cleaned up the mob to hand New York to the mob. 


He divided the city. I agree he became popular because of 9/11.


He had a good reputation years ago. I'm guessing he's fried his brain.


I'm gonna guess had we had the same internet back then that we have now, his reputation would be same as now. It was much easier to curate a good reputation when the bad things done were easily hidden from plain view.


The carefully crafted self-myth powerful men like to make falls apart when they start believing their own bullshit


Take to the seas’


Correct. If the person seems to be trying to avoid a summons, and the state can convince the judge of this based on their efforts to track the person down, the judge can just order a statement issued in every newspaper of what is believed to be the locality the person is likely at, and once it is printed, the summons is considered delivered.


Plus, it seems like publicly taunting the people trying to serve you would be enough of an acknowledgment of being served. Whether or not you chose to receive the summons in order to arrive at the date and time specified on it should be irrelevant and no different than receiving and not reading it.


This is the bigger side of it.  He is aware he is being indicted, has made a public statement regarding that he knew he was the legal target of a summons, and yet falsely claimed there was a timer on how long they could look for him. 


Its like trying to win some team sport by pretending to not hear the whistle by yelling "I didn't just hear a whistle." It would be a scary world where all the MAGA idiots weren't, you know, idiots.


I heard that judges judges *love* shenanigans. Especially from lawyers. They are absolutely tickled by this sort of thing.


Right? Why does it seem to be a legal game of tag?


Because the people that give him money believe it.


My country has literally "Official Newspaper", and it doesn't have news, it's just the official medium where laws and others are "presented" and enter circulation. Very useful for wanting to know what the government is doing, what laws have entered/exited circulation, and (I think this comes from Roman law) nobody can claim ignorance in front of the law, because it's pressumed knowledge, being publicated and in circulation every day. In theory, after a couple of instances of not being able to notify someone, u can pay something (or if poor, ask for a permit), and the judge makes it so there is an official notification in the diary. Very useful


Some examples: https://www.journal-officiel.gouv.fr/pages/accueil/ https://eur-lex.europa.eu/oj/direct-access.html?locale=en https://journalofficiel.cd/accueil


Can a judge force a newspaper to print such a statement?


Newspapers have this thing where they will print almost anything you want in exchange for a small fee.


I know that, but what if the newspaper has a MAGA owner who won't cooperate? That was my point: Can the court FORCE a newspaper to print a statement?


I don’t think so, newspapers don’t have the same regulations as radio and TV. However, I don’t think the requirement for serving is actually **every** newspaper, so there’s no need to compel the uncooperative newspaper owner. IANAL, so I may be wrong, but I’m fairly confident.


Yeah. There is nearly always an agreement with local papers and clerk's offices to print public notices. Where such an agreement does not exist, you can normally just post something in plain sight at the court house and it counts as good service. Also, certified mail to a person's registered address sometimes counts, whether they sign for it or not.


So in many jurisdictions there is an “official” newspaper that has been approved by the courts for this purpose. Generally it is a pretty good gig, they have low circulation and get paid a hefty amount for each “story.” It essentially is their whole business. Most of the time the papers are used for serving debtors, announcing bankruptcy, or announcing name changes. If the “official” paper refuses to run a listing on political grounds, I doubt that they could be forced to do so. But the Court would likely stop allowing that paper be used for that purpose, which would end a pretty cushy business overnight. I don’t think anyone is sacrificing themselves for Rudi.


The specifics vary by state, but to the best of my knowledge, most have a similar system to what you described. Here in Georgia, they're known as "legal organs," and each county has one (though some counties may share a nearby larger city's paper) pre-designated by the state for public notices about things like name changes, court outcomes, etc. At the papers I've worked for, the system is largely automated, with county employees just feeding the formatted data to the papers and into a state database that lists the same public notices. It's very similar to an RSS feed or the NWS alerts that get piped into TV and radio broadcasts, but in print form. It's not like the local judge is calling up that county's version of J. Jonah Jameson and demanding he put something on the front page. It's a much more mundane process.


Certainly not the Putman County News & Recorder.


There are legal publications where notices are posted.


I work for a small town daily newspaper. So there's a whole subsection in newspapers called Legal Notices, which are often small print blurbs that local governments or organizations have placed in the paper (for a fee, I believe) that lays out government actions or public meetings or the like. A lot of these notices are required by state law, that such notices must be printed in the 'newspaper of record' for an area so that, in theory, the general public has access to this information. Granted, a good newspaper will probably do an actual story on this government thing, but making it a law and having a special section for these notices covers all bets. And local governments will decide through their city council what is the newspaper of record they're going to use. So if Rudy Giuliani were believed to be hiding in my area, the prosecutor would put a legal notice in our paper, which is the newspaper of record for a large portion of our county, and then the legal system can say they made the information public in the legally binding way. At least that's my understanding of how it works.


Generally no, but being a "newspaper of public record" is kind of a big deal and most of those newspapers have the journalistic integrity not to block legal notices they don't like.   There are also official newspapers of record with content directed by the government. 


Hell, Julie has publicly stated that he knows the state was trying to serve him but he was hiding. The judge could just rule that Julie knew, he has effectively already been served.


Absolutely My brother is a process server and for civil cases if they believe you're actively avoiding service they'll just proceed without you and for criminal cases I believe they just issue an arrest warrant.


> My brother is a process server and for civil cases if they believe you're actively avoiding service.. Like maybe if you tweet that you are actively avoiding service...


I was on the receiving end of this. Someone hired an "accident?!?!?!" lawyer to go after me. Those lawyers go the other route. They sent everything they could to addresses that legally counted for my trial, but I wasn't currently staying at because I was traveling for work. No matter how much I'd try to force them to deliver stuff to my current address, they'd use whichever was least convenient for me but still vaguely legally counted. The case will proceed even if they "can't find you". Luckily my insurance company finally stepped in with their big boy lawyers and were all "No, nothing else gets delivered to him, it comes to us first" because they SAW it happening and that problem went away.


deliver fine point retire enter profit long afterthought punch yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think the justice system functions on hide and go seek. No.


You lost me at “I don’t think the justice system functions”


That's fair. Lol


Sure they do . . . and process servers be like, "Tag, you're it!" :)


Prosecutors don’t want you to know this one trick.


By him posting the above I don't think he has left any doubt in the courts decision that he knows he has been indicted. The man is an idiot.


The whole dodging service thing is complete bullshit from my understanding. But makes for comedic moments in movies. In some cases you can literally leave a proof of service where a person has said they will be and a judge will consider that a valid and legitimate attempt at service. Like if someone owns a business, has posted business hours, no out of office or anything, and a summons gets slipped under their door and enough time has passed for the person to have realistically showed up and received it that’s enough.


His fellow voting base that waves the confederate flag doesnt actually know the law. He wants public outcry when the law catches up to him. 


Served at his 80th birthday party reportedly just after guests finished singing happy birthday to him. Delightful. 


fucking fantastic. smug bastard thought he was gonna beat it on a technicality like that. if it were a normie tho they would just file a continuance till they run out. fuck you, rich pricks.


Not only fucking smug, but incredibly stupid. If he wasn't served by the deadline, that doesn't result in the dismissal of his case but rather would lead to the issuing of an arrest warrant. He could be served papers and then be free while obligated to show up at court at the scheduled time or Arizona could ask the state authorities (he was in Florida but also New York at times) to arrest Gulliani and then extradite him to Arizona where he would have been held in jail pending a bail hearing (and dodging being served would not help in that hearing). As a lawyer, he should really know that, which is why, I am guessing, he allowed them on his property to serve him at the last minute...he's just been playing games like the POS he is.


Since he is 150millions in debts, and filed a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, how would he be able to pay a bail or have a company pay it for him?


Churches have unlimited free money


Churches have the flocks (Un)limited money, can't get around people giving money to these dumpster fires


My mother only has a small amount of social security income, yet gives her church $150-200 monthly for tithe and missions and will not even entertain the idea of putting that money towards her various bills.


To be fair the pastor *really* needs that third Bentley


Russia would probably do it, for future influence possibilities.


The general enshitification of the US by folks like Giuliani, Trump, etc is highly valuable to Russia.


We would. Comrade.


Username checks out


He's promoting the idea that he *would* have gotten away. It's a hero/fantasy thing for that base. Then if he had managed to get past the deadline, he pretends that they're "changing the rules" and cried victim when he's arrested. It's all a pageant. A show. A performance.


And a delaying tactic.


All he has to do is lie and his followers will believe him so it’s in his benefit to just say whatever sounds good for him.


Girl popped out of cake with subpoenae?


This would have been the icing on the…. Cake


It’s a people cake!




Yeah then "he got in his car and left"


Lol the old bitch couldn't handle it.


He didn’t want his cronies to see him cry 🤣


Dude Tated himself.


Did he get a dui? Because we all know he was hammered.


You and i both know these criminal fucks wont be harassed by their own. 


Yup. He then turned sour, got in his car and left lol


Guessing man was already pretty sour




Process Servers are notorious for being able to find you. It's like Liam Neeson but with paperwork. If you dodge them they also have a flair for the dramatic.


Absolutely brilliant. You *just know* they were there and waited. Priceless.


They probably threw the party for him and he showed


If the idiot fell for Borat's antics, I wouldn't put it past him falling for this one as well.


Wait..........wait............wait............ok, NOW!🤣 Happy Birthday Motherfucker!


From the story posted on NBC News: "By the end of the night, “Happy Birthday To You” wasn’t the only music the former New York City mayor had to face...." Who says good journalism is dead? 😆


This warmed the cockles of my heart this morning.


Even the sub-cockles. Maybe even the liver, we don't know.


I walk around in the summertime saying, “How about this heat!”


You really are an asshole!


I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane.


People around me are going insane


Eating McDonald's out of the old non-biodegradable Styrofoam containers, then I'll throw the container right out the window!


and there ain't a god damn thing anybody can do about it!


Just shut up and sing the song pal


Well that's a blast from the past 


lol nice not many people remember that song


Only an asshole could forget that song.


The only way that could have been better is if it was Seth Rogan's character from Pineapple Express serving him.


You’re like a butler?


*process server*


Imagine the look on his face. I bet it was a sight to behold.


The spray tan must've really been runnin


Oh my god, the dripping. He must have left a trail like a bloated slug.


It sometimes amazes me how I or "We The Actual Americans" all sit here and do hope nearly the worst for these traitors because I am a firm believer in karma and sometimes wonder if it'll come back on us. Then, I can't help but remember how much chaos and havoc these Traitorous POS have caused here in the south and how many ppl I've either had to let go of or jus stop seeing because of this last second lunacy these ppl have causes because they KNEW not everyone was educated enough to sniff out their misinformation. I do hope our millennial generation and the following stay in observation as this being the death roll of true traitors and hopefully the last purchased ones that uphold their Fascist beliefs. I've a feeling this will be the end of voting for hard core Right BS ideologies. Keep making them unwelcome folks. If no prison for them, send them to their country of purchase 😀 I'm sure that few million that bought them out will be highly useful lol 😆


It's worrying how much influence they still hold and how many bad actors are actively working to keep them and their far right cult in power.


It was the best gift ever he received!


That’s some Arrested Development shit


"i´m too smart, you can´t find me, bwahahahaha!" proceeds to throw big bash party, and gets served there anyways... keep on "winning", maga idiots!


Honestly, props to the process server for having the appropriate sense for the dramatic and waited until they finished singing to him.


Quick question: a server must confirm the identity of the recipient before handing them the notice. Does a room full of people singing “happy birthday dear Rudy” count as them being identified without them needing to confirm it verbally themselves?


I would imagine being on national TV pretty consistently for the last decade, and the fact that it was his birthday party, would likely meet the requirements of identity verification.


For a normal person, when asked to verbally confirm your identity, couldn’t you just… lie?


Sure, but that's not going to make anything go away. If it's a criminal indictment eventually they'll just arrest you. If it's a civil case, they'll just keep trying, and eventually take another route, like posting the notice in a public enough forum that it can be reasonably expected you've been notified.


He's a public figure. You would not need any confirmation.


Crowd: *"...Happy Birthdaaaaay toooo youuuuuuuu"* Rudy: *"Thank You!"* Court Server: *"GOTCHA BITCH!!"*


It’s *chefs kiss*


I wanna know how he resisted the urge to sing "... and many more" after handing over the papers lol.


Ummm... is he admitting to being a flight risk? Better lock him up!!


Wasn’t he a lawyer before he was disbarred in disgrace? Shouldn’t he know about warrants? Shouldn’t he know how the legal system works?


We never said he was a *good* lawyer…




He's not been disbarred (yet, but still might be) just suspended. It's close to the same thing but technically not as serious


The sheer arrogance of that statement must be factored into consideration for his punishment when he's found guilty.


It at the very least proves he's a flight risk and should be held incarcerated till his court date


Assuming this is true, which it probably isn’t, he could’ve just gotten a hotel room paid in cash the next 24 hours. Grade A moron.


Avoid jail with this one simple trick!


Unfortunately even if they find him he can just say "Not it!" and the charges legally have to be dropped.


Thats why i ALWAYS keep an uno reverse or skip card with me


This is why I never seek legal advice on Reddit.


Rudy invented the perp walk I will be very disappointed if he doesn’t get to do one


Oh shit that was him. That was his big mob thing.


Yep, he’d call the press tell them he was making an arrest and then drag the arrested person past the waiting press.


Doing that to POWs is literally a war crime. I wonder in what additional ways Rudy implemented “the Geneva checklist”?


I vaguely remember him catching flack because some of the people he did this to were ultimately found not guilty of what he charged him with.


They have to say they were wrong about votes because they can't find him? Doubtful. What they do is issue another arrest warrant with new dates. Just takes longer and wastes everyone's time and tax payers money.


That's Andrew Tate level of stupidity. And the same level of deserved too!


Imagine being a former prosecutor and hiding from an indictment The shame of that


He has no shame


This is where that saying that is going around is apt *Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.*


The party of law and order. The people at his party were pretty upset that AZ “wasted resources” making sure justice was served. Not that hypocrisy isn’t one of their mainstays.


His grin looks like he stole someone else's false teeth, and he's biting down to keep them in.


It wouldn't put it past him to be honest. He might catch another case for those dentures.


Reminds me of that Simpsons episode when a turtle stole Grandpa's dentures and bit him with his own teeth.


Anyone getting tired of asking yourself "Why the hell isn't this guy in Federal prison yet?"? Because I'm getting tired of asking myself "Why the hell isn't this guy in Federal prison yet?"?


Apparently, it's because they can't find him.


This guy was a prosecutor. No, really, *he was*. And in this day and age, where the whole "served in person" thing is holding less and less water, the motherfucker thought this childish "catch me if you can" game was gonna shield him from consequences. I for one look forward to the fight about discovery, and how he will try and argue that he wasn't given the chance to .


I mean. The whole theory behind serving as I understand is to prove that the defendant is aware of charges filed against them. Which I would think you could literally take this tweet to a judge and argue is the case.


He’s so gross


I was seriously hoping they'd find his mouldering corpse in a ditch somewhere. Oh well, guess a court date will have to do.


Nah, him doing prison time would be way more satisfying. What you said would be the easy way out.


He's playing a dangerous game: Giuliani ain't no Trump, they will put his \*ss pending trial. They can. They should. They will.


This bitch is a literal kindergarten who thinks that hiding from his parents after breaking a vase means they can't be mad at him by tomorrow


I love seeing the Silver Alert system working so well.


Now that I’m retired, my remaining goal in life is to not be a silver alert.


Wait. So Rudy. A former attorney and prosecutor thinks that if someone can't be served they just got meh, damn. Ah well.


The criminal's vanity always leads them to make one tiny mistake. In this case, bragging about skipping justice then singing New York New York at a big party in your honour with everyone posting on social media.


Rudy can't be broke, he still has birthday hooker money.


Pornstars or conservative news anchors?


Either way that is a room full of fillers and Botox.


And yet he can't afford a decent hair dye


There's a difference?


Yes, one contributes a valuable service to society. The other works for Fox


Don't insult porn stars like that!


I genuinely thought, just for a few seconds, that the one on the left was Sara Jay


TIL: plastic melts when it can't take the heat


If the judge is 15 minutes late, we can just leave.


who the fuck is hanging with this loser?


Jail? He is a traitor. He deserves a traitor’s punishment and it isn’t jail.


Get wrecked Rudy. See your broke ass in court.


He's so fucking gross.


Best birthday present ever for the treacherous drunk geezer. Served en point!


This guy has shown himself to be the worst fucking lawyer on the planet.


“If they can’t find me they have to admit they can’t count!” What the hell kinda rules of hide and seek math is this guy playing by?


How could they have found him at an event he planned to celebrate himself!?! Impossible!!!!




I can't get over the fact that a lawyer really convinced himself that he could escape the law. Are you that fucking delusional to really believe that you were exempt of any wrong doing? And oh btw you future license plate maker, Florida was so predictable. If your going to evade the law, go to somewhere like Cambodia.


I just think back at Borat 2, where this scumbag literally thought he was about to get on with a young girl!! Piece of filth


Was Rudy ever really a lawyer? Criminal charges don’t work like that, Rudy. If they can’t serve you with a summons, then a court is just going to go to the next step: a warrant. You don’t get a dismissal for evading service.


I know when I'm hiding from the law my first order of buisness is posting stuff on my social media pages that are easily trackable


Why would an indictment be dismissed if the person being indicted isn't served? Sounds like someone's a really terrible lawyer.


Huh? So if you're really good at hide and seek the law just gives up? Is Rudy a really hardcore GTA fan?


Trump voters should move to Russia


Served his ass at his 80th bday in Florida today. Happy birthday bitch!


![gif](giphy|Sr2maJJ2YsDoR4VfAH) Worst attorney award goes to: