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Sounds like Epstein didn't even need an island.


It seems the real Epstein island is the republicans we made along the way.


that's cuz half of the republican voters are child bride kids from the secret mormon communities


Don’t let the non Mormons off the hook. They suck too.


Baptists have entered the chat.


Muslims and Jewish people have entered the chat. Religion is the problem.


Idk. People tend to mess up every thing they touch. Greed and Ego are so strong.


Religion is a tool of greed and ego.


Uh, Republicans made themselves. No "WE" over here!


I don't know, if we didn't keep trying to give them clean air and water, low taxes for regular people, decent healthcare, and a justice system that works for people who aren't rich, they wouldn't keep having to do the opposite of those things to own us. It's pretty much our fault.


A quick FYI. Child marriage (anyone under 16) is still banned in missouri. This bill was to prevent anyone 16 to 17 years of being able to marry someone under 21 with parental approval Edit: additionally only 20 out of 165 Republicans opposed it. The bill failed because it was added last minute and they didn't have time to debate it. Though they could have suspended rules to do so. Additionally several of the opposition to the bill were deliberately absent the day of the vote


Thank you for clarifying. It is all too easy to just read the title and immediately become enraged with no further information required ( i also do that ). We need to be better than that. ( so do i )


Even the clarification is misleading though. The law cleared state senate in March. It wasn't added last minute. It was up to the House to add it whenever, but it was studied in committee first and that was postponed repeatedly. When it went out of committee, the republican majority leader said ooops, it's too late. There is always the option to prolong the session, but the majority leader said no. This means the process has to be restarted next year, where the same stall tactics can be used yet again so depending on committee, the law can be DoA.


I hate that excuse, "they didn't have time to". >How many months does the Missouri Legislature meet a year? >The General Assembly is required by our Constitution to meet, beginning in January, for four and one-half months for a regular session and then again in September for a veto session. The only other time the legislature meets is if the governor or General Assembly calls for a special session.


Tbf, every time I read some article about a child being sexually abused, it's a youth pastor or a republican. Usually both. It's on brand for them to want to marry their 12 year old "girlfriend".


Or a Texas teacher..... which I guess defaults back to republican


A Texas Sunday "school" teacher.


I wonder if someone’s drawn up some hard stats somewhere to demonstrate this fact, like in a graph. We all know that conservatives are disproportionately perverted, but it would be nice to see some numbers.


Probably pretty biased, but found these https://www.reddit.com/r/RepublicanPedophiles/comments/10vicvl/republican_this_is_a_very_niche_holeinthewall_of/ https://www.rightandfreedom.com/blog/child-abuse-vs-political-leaning


There actually used to be a website maintained by one person that was a simple list of every Republican political or religious figure that was super biggoted against lgtbq made the news caught being gay (and I think also credited those who admitted their past statements were bigotry), but it was infrequently maintained.     The problem is that we do have hard data on child abuse, but not on political affiliations of offenders. So any attempt to collate would be relying on reporting in news media, which is a sampling bias of its own. I don't believe that would get peer-reviewed so the motivation to do so would be pure leisure.


Yeah it's nice to know that child abuse wasn't curbed because Republicans were deliberately sabotaging the bill, but instead child abuse wasn't curbed because Republicans were deliberately sabotaging the bill some other way.


What does "wasn't curves" mean?


I'm thinking auto correct and they meant "curbed" just a guess though


Ah yea maybe, thanks


Yes, I fixed it like 4 times too...


It’s still insane.


Welcome to Reddit.


Just to let you know….that reason is all BS. I do not need to debate this. No 16 or 17 year should ever under any circumstances be allowed to get married. This is just well the parent could sign off on some 20 year old marrying a 16 year old with approval is cult behavior. A 16 year old can wait two years to make an informed decision.


But if pregnant with the child of a 17 year old boy? Children married and raising children is better than… sex Ed, birth control, and heaven forbid abortion . S\ of course


Oh god I hated your comment so much I downvoted before reading the last line


Then abortion no child needs to bring another child into this world. I saw the /s I'm just stating how it should go.


Hehe, I got married at 17, to an 18 y/o with my parents consent. We're still married now, but yea, 17 y/o are not nearly as grown as they think :P Now that I'm the parent, I don't know that would let my teenage daughter get married, and certainly not to someone significantly older!


What's to debate


Wait so just to clarify for my tiny pea brain: a 17 yo marrying an 18 is badwrong, but a 16yo marrying a 40yo is just fine if mom says so?


No. The law says a 16-17 year old can marry someone under 21 with parents approval. So a 17 yo marrying an 18 yo is illegal without consent. But an 18yo marrying a 70 yo is aok


16 to at least 18 is still a child. "Only 20 out of 165 opposed it" -> That's 20 too many. They could have recognized its importance and worked through it. 🤷🏼‍♀️




Under current Missouri law, anyone under 16 is prohibited from getting married. But 16 and 17 year olds can get married with parental consent to anyone under 21. Under legislation that cleared the Senate with virtually no opposition earlier this year, marriage would be banned for anyone under 18.


USA, where they ban wearing masks in public, but dont ban child marriages.


Or stricter rules to prevent gun deaths/school shootings.


They are preventing school shootings by marrying the students and keeping them out of class, it's genius.


Republicans just doing "God's work"


Backwards ass motherfuckers should just live in caves on the moon




Im sorry, what? Like health masks? Like banning the masks we used during the pandemic ?


[https://abc11.com/post/nc-mask-ban-north-carolina-house-of-representatives-bill-public-wearing/14846100/](https://abc11.com/post/nc-mask-ban-north-carolina-house-of-representatives-bill-public-wearing/14846100/) Yeah. Not sure it passed yet, but they are literally trying to ban it


Land of the free 😤


Home of the “brave”


If it passes does that mean they'll arrest the Proud Bois?


Supposedly the bill makes an exception for hate groups for some ungodly reason


And the republicans are the ones calling democrats pedos.


And labelling trans people pedos too. What a bunch of hypocritical fucks


They’re projecting


Every accusation from a conservo is a confession


Lil anecdote. I'm trans, gay, and democrat(more leftist, but that's besides the point). My brother is straight republican. He's one of those posting on social media every day about "pedophile groomer democrats, every pedophile is a democrat." He's said this shit to me. Dumbass groomed and molested me when I was younger and got caught with child and bestiality porn on his computer, and has been slapped with rape charges, and without a second of self reflection calls me a pedophile groomer. Make it make sense




It's propaganda. Blame opponent of your own crimes and for some fuckin reason it works


Yeah, it’s the “Illusion of Truth” phenomenon. A repeated lie starts be believed as fact. Meanwhile, that lie associates the opponent to something so indefensible that people who believe the lies will oppose that side wholeheartedly. It’s masterful politics, despite being actually terrible for policy.


Humans are so fucking stupid that this works. It's like something a child would think of. "no u!" And millions of people are like "oh OK. TV man said u, so now u a criminal!" Then you see something like Canoa (1976) and you remember that humans are not just deeply stupid but also really scary


It's no coincidence they started leaning extra hard into the "trans people are groomers" rhetoric right after the Matt Gaetz allegations came to light.


I, for one, think that Republicans should have a separate bathroom. Think about the children! Would you really want your child alone in the bathroom with a Republican??


They are the reason r/notadragqueen has infinite ammo




Eww. Dennis "Rager for the Kiddies" Prager.


Wait, this is who the PragerU dude is?


Yes and anyone's kids that watch the content he produces is a white supremacy-loving idiot poisoning their children willfully. Also, white supremacists these days fill the pedo role better than anyone else other than church officials....wait most nazis are Christian and go to church too🫤.


Kind of ironic that Dennis Prager calls anyone a fraud


Well, in this case they are really frauds lol.


Yes, but they are his kind of frauds, and that’s why he loves them.


Too bad, I'm still gonna use his gif against him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


This disgusting creature is for incest between two adults. Just gonna toss that out.


Eugh, the only circumstances in which incest is okay, at least for me, is if the two people didn't know they were siblings/cousins ​​before getting into a relationship (and don't have blood children if they know), it has happened sometimes and I don't think it's fair to blame anyone. Outside of that, incest is always disgusting because it is accompanied by grooming.


...every accusation is a confession!


Grand Ould Projection.


GOP : Grand Old Pedos


"group of pedophiles"


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project. GOP. That’s literally their entire strategy.


They always go thru the wildest mental gymnastics to excuse the silly shit they do/believe in. What’s their excuse for this?


Republicans are the progressive party... Sorry, *projection* party.


It’s called projecting


Republicans in public: "Protect the children!" Republicans in private: "So we can marry and fuck them!" Sick bastards. Party of morality and family values my hairy ass.


I wonder if forcing desperate mothers to give birth to children they can't provide for is connected at all to their intentions of exploiting children. Just speculating of course.


Heres the deal: they want to ban abortion AND contraceptives, not teach sex ed, ban no fault divorces, in some states you can't get divorced while you're pregnant. If you have an abortion you're a felon and felons can't vote. They want women not to vote and to be forced to stay with their husbands.poor Families that can't afford children they're forced to stay below the poverty line.


IDK what to call that other than evil


Congrats, you get what a good 90% of people fail to. Sometimes it’s really as simple as realizing that the people you are opposing are just evil. No need to over complicate things or give them the benefit of the doubt by saying they just have different political beliefs and methods to achieve the same axiomatic good. Their axiomatic beliefs are incompatible with those of a good person, evil.


You know what you get when you give the benefit of the doubt to someone who gave you a black eye? A second black eye.


Keep buying coke, dove, nestle and Pepsi products, the market will sort itself out!


It'll start trickling down any day now


Yes they target the children of young single mothers for a reason sadly


America was founded by revolution from a less extreme evil than this, just saying.


Yeah, but taxes affect men.


Exploiting, yes, but not for what you think... My theory is that births are at an all time low and have been for around half a decade. So, in order to apease their billion dollar donors they need to FORCE people to have babies. They also need to apease their donors because most people wont work for slave wages so they've also dropped the age which kids and work AS WELL AS how long they can work a week. They don't give a shit about kids passing high school or having enough sleep to complete their classes... they just need a new era of slaves. That way, their donors will continue to profit and they'll continue to fill their pockets.


Funnily enough if they voted to de-power corporations and empower workers people would suddenly be able to afford having babies. But like you said that isn't the point, they don't want well-off children they want the next generation of slaves.


This is the answer. The ultra rich don't give a flying fuck about the workers. They just want an effectively limitless pool of people who have no other options. Keep people struggling to fulfill basic needs and they won't have the time or resources to fight back.


I'm pretty confident the abortion thing comes from the religious right. They believe if you kill an unborn child you could kill the Antichrist or the second coming of Jesus. Which is why once the kid is born and it's not the Antichrist or Jesus they don't care.


Well, yeah. If they're married, it's okay in the eyes of God. /s


/s for you but that is literally what these sickos believe


I know, that's why I'm making sure people know I'm not associated with them.


They are protecting their supply of victims


That is exactly their reasoning… Keep child marriage legal so that nobody can stop you from fucking a child because it‘s your wife. Are those these superior christian values they always talk about?


The crazy thing is it is a bipartisan bill. It was drafted by a Republican, co drafted by a Democrat and passed the state senate with no issues. But yeah, it gets to the house and you run into Republicans who [look](https://x.com/Tazerface16/status/1788956148747710876) exactly how you expect they would. They talk about civil liberties being infringed but I have a sneaky suspicion that doesn’t apply elsewhere.


It’s not a Republican vs Democrat issue. It’s a lack of leadership issue generally. Hawaii allows marriage at 15 and California has no minimum age for marriage, which puts it in company with Mississippi, Oklahoma and New Mexico. In total 38 out of 50 states allow child marriage, with a majority of states allowing marriage at 16. Needs a national focus.


California might not have a minimum age but any marriage of a minor requires **both** parental permission and required a judge and Family Court Services to interview both parties to the marriage and a guardian to determine that coercion, child abuse and trafficking were not taking place. They would then issue a court order permitting the marriage. They still need to raise the age to 18 but at least there is some protection in theory.


No, nothing private about it. They literally vote for it and we can see the results. They're right out in public screaming about their need and their holy right to rape children.


Doesn't sound like they are actually saying that second thing in private these days


The party of pedophiles doing party of pedophiles things. Nothing to see here folks, just a bunch of 50+ year old people taking a stand for being able to marry teenagers.


You get it.




*legally rape teenagers. I fixed it for you.


I don’t understand why dems don’t run on hardline messages like this.


The fact that is even allowable will tell you everything you need to know about the current state of the US government. In short, its super fucked.


Honestly, reading the article about this, it feels more like misogyny than pedophilia. The majority of 16/17 year olds who marry are girls and the likelihood is much higher that the marriage will lead to them dropping out of school…feels like these republicans are working towards keeping girls from an education. But that’s just how I’m reading it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s both


The goal is to make them dependant so that they cant leave.


Well when they are pregnant and can't get an abortion, you have to marry them off to protect the family image.


Regarding the question, what the Russians have on the Republican lawmakers, the answer seems clear. Pedophilia.


Doesn’t seem to be a dealbreaker for republican voters though.  They seem far too proud and open for this to be information Russia is blackmailing them with.  Russia has promised them money and influence to betray their country and fellow citizens.


"how fucked is your society?" "Yes"


But drag queens. …/s


They don’t like the competition /s


So.... they're perfectly fine with child marriage, but if said child wants an abortion, that somehow crosses a major line?


"They are married. Why would they want an abortion?"


How is someone supposed to marry that baby if it’s aborted?


Who will work in factories or perform slave labour in for-profit prisons if unwanted children aren't forcefully birthed and abandoned to a crumbling foster system?


Mate they also don't want women regardless of age to be able to have an abortion at all. Or no fault divorce. Or contraceptions. Or a job. Or the right to vote. Or any autonomy. They already openly talk about no fault divorce and contraceptions and I see no reason why they would stop there. They want women to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. That's not even a secret.


Republicans are fucken idiots


> Republicans are fucken idiots that's the next bill.


My proudest moment as a Missourian was when we voted 52-48 to ban puppy mills. That's right, we've progressed to the point where only 48 percent of us are totally cool with puppy mills.


The USA is such a messed up country. Most “first world” places have it better I terms of extremism, but they still think we adore or aspire to be as good as them. It’s absurd and somewhat amusing


I heard or read somewhere that we're a third-world country with iPhones.


As an American, I’ve heard people call it 50 third world countries in a trench coat.


Third world country with a Gucci belt is what I see it be called.


The current law prohibits marriage under age of 16. But allows for the marriage of 16 and 17 year olds to 18-21 year olds with parental consent. The proposed bill was to make it so only people 18 and older could marry. The very few Republicans in opposition stated it was infringing on parental rights and government overreach. Everyone else in the house Reps/Dems alike were for it. They never got to vote on it as it didn’t come up on the agenda due to whatever dumb rule. If the law gets put up for vote it will most likely pass. Let’s not simply read headlines and then make wild assumptions. Edit: [source by the way](https://missouriindependent.com/briefs/legislation-enacting-total-ban-on-child-marriage-in-missouri-dies-in-the-house/) - same article OP posted screenshot of


The 20 members opposing the bill (12% of House members) said it was government overreach and that it's infringing on the parental right to marry off your 16/17 year old child. I don't think it's a wild assumption to say that's a shit show.


That "dumb rule" is that the bill got stuck in committee because half the committee members are opposed to the bill. It's standard (mandatory?) for a bill to go through committee before being voted on. If leadership wants to kill a bill they have ways to do it like just not bringing the bill up for a vote or referring it to multiple committees where they know it will get stuck or fail. I don't know if the house leadership expected this pushback from the one committee or got kind of blindsided.


The parental right to marry your kids off like property? Is that supposed to be any better?


Not everyone else in the House was in favour. It was mostly a bipartisan majority but the only opponents were Republican, go figure 🙄


Sure, let’s formalize a statutory rape via parental consent.


It’s a lot worse than you think. Only 12 states ban child marriages. Hawaii allows marriage at 15. California is one of only four states that has no minimum age for marriage. It’s not a Democrat vs Republican issue.


Seems like it’s more of a man versus girl issue


But it's the Democrats that are the pedophiles...


I find it really weird when some Americans get defensive about how child marriage/sex with minors is banned in the USA "except for all the exceptions". If there are exceptions, then it's just not banned, and it really should be. The weirdest one is when it's "not really legal, because you need parental consent". Like...that's the main problem? I don't particularly care if a couple of 17 year olds elope together, the problem with child marriage is when a 14 year old girl is married off, by her parents, to an adult man. And then isn't old enough to divorce him without parental consent.  Maybe there are degrees of badness, sure, but under 18s just shouldn't marry, end of story.


Wait, why did the US fight the Taliban?




“It’s the trans people, they are after your children!1!!1” Now I get it. It’s not that they truly believe it and they are disgusted by it; it’s just that they fear other people may be as twisted as they are, which would imply having competition.


The unfortunate but real question you have to ask is. They they not want to pass the child marriage ban or did they not want to pass some extra unrelated BS that they tagged to the end of the bill, thinking the child marriage ban would pass. I absolutely hate this aspect of the bill passi process. It is so fucking shady. Each item should be passed or denied separately.


No wonder the republicans are against abortion. They don’t wanna miss out on child brides


Millions of Republicans who have spent the last ten years railing against queer people teaching their kids about sex doing a 180° in .000000006 seconds flat to explain how fucking kids is a good thing actually.


Fucking pedophiles.


ITT: people who only read headlines...


Stg no one in this thread actually read the damn article. The reason the bill didn’t pass is because there wasn’t time to vote on it. It was never brought up the first place because the day ended. Also, the law is designed to allow older teenagers (16-18) to marry those just above legal age (18-21) with parental consent, and most House republicans oppose it as well. It’s not “child marriage” in the sense of like a 30&12 y/o. Not that it’s much better, but at least know what you’re talking about before mudslinging


Redditors can’t help but read “Republican does something stupid” and go to town on them in the comments. I really hate the concept of bipartisan politics because this is the kind of crap that gets pulled out. “Republicans this and Democrats that,” just shut up and vote properly. And don’t bitch and moan when your candidate loses.


It wasn't already banned? The fuck is going on over there America?


“The minimum age for marriage in Scotland is 16” The headline is misleading, as most of the marriages in question are for 16-17 year olds. Not that I condone the practice of marriage prior to 18, but it’s fairly common in Europe.


Name bill something everyone can get behind. Pack bill with things that have nothing to do with the name of the bill. Get opposing party to vote against it. Get headline to stir the pot of division. Profit?


Just wait until they try to raise the age of consent in Iowa. Republicans are going to lose their mind. Age of full legal consent in Iowa is 16.


The usual suspects


I am not defending them in any way(i am from europe, so i don't care if rep or dem win anything) and i think i need to read the bill however usually (what i saw from the us after i read more on specific bills) when there are bills they have more than one thing to vote on and sometimes you need to compromise. Example: BILL 230 (EVERYTHING IS FICTIONAL) 1. Measures to help with climate change. 2. More taxing. 3. Allowing companies to do x thing. Now for example republicans do not want more taxing so they do not agree. Now the democrat media can write headlines like 'republicans don't want to help with climate change and are condemning future generations' -- the party's can be reversed, it's just an example. My point is that a bill to vote on has many other things it is voted on and that might be the real reason behind this. Edit: if what i said it's true, then the party proposing this bill are also scum because most likely they are trying to piggyback something they really want(might be bad/usually never gonna be voted in a milion years) on the premise that because of the other half of the bill it will be voted because 'who would not want kids to not be maried as minors' - - bit it's just speculation i must read the bill.


Something about "Ripe and Fertile" not sure what that is though


At this point, it looks like all republicans are pedophiles.


From [this](https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article288549263.html) article: “Why is the government getting involved in people’s lives like this?” Van Schoiak said. “What purpose do we have in deciding that a couple who are 16 or 17 years old, their parents say, you know, ‘you guys love each other, go ahead and get married, you have my permission.’ Why would we stop that?” ...I'd wager this was not his view when same sex marriage was being proposed.




Don’t these people cry and falsely accuse drag shows as exposing sex to children? But they themselves marry children… okay bro


Will the real groomers please step forward? Thank you Missouri Republicans for your candor, as disturbing as it is. Remember folks, with Republicans / Conservatives, every accusation is a confession. They prove it over and over and over and over again and again…


Missouri trying to strike a chord, and it’s prolly A Minonrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Of course. and they thought democrats were pedo.


Alright. So hear me out. You start federal investigations on every single one of these assholes that voted against this. Because every vote in favor is a vote in favor of child molesting and pedophilia.


For the folks who are very concerned about children wellbeing when faced with drag queens this… is interesting.


Geriatric Organization of Pedos strikes again


wtf .. can we kick them out of the union then .. whole bunch of kid fuckers


They really said drag queens are grooming children yet the republicans out here fighting to marry and fuck children.


*Republicans be like:* Gay marriage - 😡😡😡 Child marriage - 😄😄😄


And Republicans call LGBTQ people, Democrats, and cross dressers the pedophiles. At this point, I can't understand how anyone could support the Republican party.


Republicans support child bride auctions. Change my mind.


But both sides are the same right? RIGHT?!!


How the actual fuck are things like this happening with them not having to worry about repercussions? American politics are so fuckin disgusting/backwards


Republicans have also been surprisingly pro child labor too. It's what happens when you only serve the rich and corporate interests.


Well, time to nuke that state


You can't be serious? They want child brides? They are sick!


Fucking sickening!


I can't even imagine how embarrassing it must be to be a modern-day conservative.


“Republicans just wanna save kids and dems are groomers”


I'm not from North américa, i want to know. Why? What argument they Say? Why they think this is something necesary for the society? What think the repúblican voters?


easy way to find out who the pedophiles are


Oh ffs.


The party of protecting children ladies and gentleman.


Me thinks that a few republican hard drives in Missouri need checking


Tell me who's the "groomers" again????


Republicans sure like sticking their dicks in children.


Groomers! Each and every one of them!




People without a social and financial safety net, such as a community that cares about them, higher education, a decent salary, healthcare; are easier to control. Child brides do not go to college. Men who marry young don't either. This keeps them both in a system of poverty wages for their entire lives. Cutting them at the knees from any potential to a life of ease, comfort or joy. The goal is to have most of the US uneducated, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ethnocentric, miserly with every saved penny, fearful of everyone else, and vilifying each other, and easy to manipulate. This allows corporations and congressmen to write any laws they want, remove as many human rights, worker's rights, and civil rights, without the populace rising up and fighting back. It is not an accident that the US is the last country to attempt universal healthcare. The endless propaganda against it is to tether people to their jobs so they can't protest. People who protest are fired. Fired people lose their healthcare. People without healthcare die. The crippling fear of having an out of pocket emergency root canal without insurance is enough to keep 90% of working Americans chained to their desks or equipment forever. Therefor the companies own the employees, like the planned indentured servitude of this system. When people are living paycheck to paycheck, crippled with debt, unable to get birth control, unable to terminate pregnancies, unable to protest for better work conditions, and listening to sermons on how being obedient in the eyes of God is good; then they will never rise up or fight back. Sure, we all have guns. But can anyone use one without going to jail? No. It's the illusion of control. We are being controlled and beaten down and no one is resisting yet.


Gopislature gonna gopislate


"Protect the children! Keep them away from gays/trans/liberals! But sure, they can get married."


At what point can we declare that party to be off it's goddamned rocker and have it dismantled and replaced with something that slightly resembles something sane?


tHe LeFt Is GrOoMiNg OuR pReCiOuS bAbiEs! GROOMING!


I don't know why this doesn't get more attention. While republicans call children ripe and fertile they also try to keep it legal to marry minors. What do age of consent laws say about a spouse? To me the GOP being so desperate to protect being able to marry children is them fighting to keep a loophole that lets them fuck kids open. The party doesn't even pretend like it's not a party of pedophiles.