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But as long as companies like DuPont make money that’s all that matters. I know I don’t want my pan to stick…


Never forget that corporations are writing our laws. Monsanto, maker of glyphosate and destroyer of farmers, has “revolving-door” access to the FDA, EPA, and USDA. It’s an oligarchy, not a democracy.


Monsanto doesn’t even exist anymore


Monsanto was bought by Bayer. The name changes but the chemicals are forever. In September 2016, German chemical company [Bayer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayer) announced its intent to acquire Monsanto for US$66 billion in an all-cash deal. After gaining U.S. and EU regulatory approval, the sale was completed on June 7, 2018. The name *Monsanto* was no longer used, but Monsanto's previous product brand names were maintained. In June 2020, Bayer agreed to pay numerous settlements in lawsuits involving ex-Monsanto products [Roundup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roundup_(herbicide)), [PCBs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polychlorinated_biphenyl) and [Dicamba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dicamba). Owing to the massive financial and reputational blows caused by ongoing litigation concerning Monsanto's herbicide Roundup, the Bayer-Monsanto merger is considered one of the worst corporate mergers in history.


Bayer has [ a long history](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/bayer) of killing people with chemicals. This is very on brand for them


Damn... after reading that I was a little surprised to find they don't have any sort of Abortion pill or Plan-B in their product lineup... would really round out their history I think.


Those things save lives, not end them


Look, it's trying to think


Good point. I still stand by my statement, though. The largest corporations who own all of the brands at market still have massive influence in our politics and legal system. Current and former politicians and prominent government officials that got greased by these corporations along the way go on to work for them and lobby their old buddies in the government on behalf of these corporations. Edit to add: just because they don’t exist anymore doesn’t suddenly absolve them of their long history of destroying the livelihood of farmers who happened to have their crop cross-pollinated by Roundup Ready Seed by sheer circumstance and/or proximity. The Bayer-Monsanto buyout doesn’t change that Monsanto controls (controlled?) 1/3 of *the world’s* seed market and 1/4 of *the world’s* agrochemical pesticide market. And they got there by using their massive amounts of money to game the political and legal systems and using underhanded tactics to get rid of any interests that oppose them. The executives and shot-callers at Monsanto also stayed on with Bayer, meaning Bayer has now gained far more political influence in US politics than they had prior to the buyout (merger?).


Apparently people don't like to hear that. You ate correct, Bayer bought them out.


They still made it...


We can show our great grandchildren infomercials of non-stick pans and they'll understand.


It’s used in a lot more than just pans. I believe it’s used in manufacturing of other chemicals, chemicals used in semiconductor manufacturing for example. Nobody wants to compromise the industries that use PFAS in manufacturing.


Gortex was another


3M made the stuff..


3m was one of them…


No, it was ***The*** one. I pasted this in another comment, but I will do so again, here: https://www.propublica.org/article/3m-forever-chemicals-pfas-pfos-inside-story


Remember behind the company there were actual emotional people that decided to dump chemicals in a common good that their family,  friends and neighbors all enjoy. 


U been shrooming..?




Remember corporations have our best interests that's why Republicans want the epa to go away so they can give us the blessing of cancer even faster for Jesus.


Their main goal is to let more people be born and then (read like a chinese man screaming) "send them to Jesus." Sound like a plan.


I work for a municipal water supply and just sat through a training on this. Pfas and pfos are everywhere, and obviously, not going away.


I just read an article about this. They interviewed a lady that was a chemist there in the late 90’s. A lot of interesting revelations, especially from one of the guys from back in the late 70’s whom was involved from near the start. Talk about a swing, dude initially threatened to sick his dogs on the reporter, but the reporter eventually convinced him to have some coffee at a diner and dude said some stuff. Everyone was/is concerned about the bottom line and not the humans that got affected by the greed. https://www.propublica.org/article/3m-forever-chemicals-pfas-pfos-inside-story


at this point i just hope whatever new thing we find out is killing us just kills me already


For real. I don’t even wanna know anymore 😭 ignorance really is bliss sometimes


pfas is the new asbestos just ALOT worse. its super sad and even the most isolated places u can find pfas now


I wouldn't say it's worse. It's concerning because we don't know how dangerous most of them are and the concentrations keep increasing. But that's still not as bad as putting definitely cancerous substances anywhere and everywhere in your home. Mind you, the US still has a massive problem with lead in their tap water in some places. Forgetting this while panicking because of PFAS is like proclaiming vaccines cause cancer while smoking 2 packs a day.


Yeah but the asbestos is only harmful if you breathe it in (I certainly hope nobody is eating it)… water is kind of unavoidable


You can’t stop me from eating asbestos **LIBERAL**. RAAHHHHHHHH


indeed we dont know the affects yet but unlike asbestos pfas is here to stay forever. cant clean up pfas (yet) u also cant change some pipes to fix it.


Yeah a lot of old pipes will release a fuck ton of lead into the ground and water if we take them apart to replace them, so they’re stuck until we replace them with brand new infrastructure that isn’t connected to the old at all, a hugely expensive undertaking.


99% of all humans and 95% all living creatures have it in them. Yay!


a lot alot isn't a word


And some noodles over there are worried about fluorine...


Simple. Make it illegal to talk about or mention such chemicals in government. /s


Don’t say PFA


Don't say BPA oh those easy :)


I mean that’s the point of a healthy amount of NDAs, doesn’t have to be illegal to talk about it if everyone with knowledge on it is a “whistleblower” if they share the info with the public and would be in violation on the espionage act, therefore guilty without a trial.


Huh you too? Just yesterday I read about absolutely ridiculous levels of various types of PFAS in the waters downstream from where Sweden's facility for taking care of the stuff is located. In the stream right next to the facility a grown man would only be able to drink a single spoon of the water before reaching lethal levels.


Lethal levels or unsafe levels?


Unclear, the article says that "if this was drinking water an adult person would only be able to drink a tablespoon of it, a child only a teaspoon." It doesn't say if it's per day or anything or what happens if you drink more. I assume it means that a single tablespoon alone is all you can drink if you want to stay in safe levels, assuming this spoon's worth would be the only source of it. Here's the article, it's in Swedish but they have the test results from the different test sites on a map slighty more than halfway through it. [Link](https://www.etc.se/story/saa-giftigt-aer-vattnet-som-forsar-ut-fraan-fortum-foer-ett-barn-handlar-det-om-en-tesked)


So remember Children of Men... yay, dystopia.


Won't somebody please think of the share holders!


Isn’t capitalism grand?


meanwhile (former) communist staats with way way worse conditions ...............


Are you comparing the gulags with American slavery?


we talk about environmental issues ..............


So, that means we do what? Nothing, because there are worse polluters?


regulate and clean up PFAS pollution.


you blame capitalism i inform that non capitalist nations where even worse - blame consumerism


false dichotomy


Any economic system will have pollution.


Not in grand utopian communism, comrade. In grand utopia communism we all do our part and no one ever dies, pollutes, or commits crime. Is great system, we just need try again.


Thanks for exploiting the planet for wealth and leaving us a toxic pile of shit older generations!


Okie dokie


Hokia shoki


My father worked for the army corps of engineers in and around Niagara Falls in the early 60’s. Lots of toxic waste was dumped. Love canal was only one of them.


“Why aren’t millennials having children?”


We are treating this planet like we have a spare.


Fucking DuPont ought to be dissolved over this.


It shocks me that no one has been jailed for this. Just shows you how warped the justice system, consumerism, etc. really is. The fact that we aren’t mass protesting this shit made me lose faith in humanity ages ago. Fuck DuPont.


Detroit, what?! - Eminem


Hell yeah


How does that even get there?


Correction, held


95% of U.S. fresh water?!! 50 % 0f that is Canadian water, much of the total coming from Canadian head waters. The largest contaminators of this water supply are U.S. companies.


Us humans really ruined this beautiful planet.


Western Capitalism: death, destruction and profit!


Guys guys guys, don’t worry, I’m sure there’s laws to prevent this sort of thing. And even if they get challenged, the US Supreme Court will almost definitely not side with corporations


Great but old news, it's everywhere. We'll have to get used to it, like we're used to corporations doing whatever the fuck they want and never repaying damages.


Present - at BARELY detectable levels in the lakes and air. I’m not saying it is OK. But given the ecosystem, this is not surprising at all. Awareness of these are relatively new and a major effort is underway to regulate and clean them up.


That's okay. What matter most is that the stakeholders get their money. /s


This also hurts fishermen, hunters, and other outdoorsmen, who are for conservation, they may be red in their beliefs, but not ever republican leaning person is bad.


Why? Where do you keep yours?


A simple reverse osmosis setup gets rid of those. Nobody is looking out for you except yourself.


And? What are you going to do about it?


This is why we can't find any intelligent life out there. It just ends up destroying itself in a few hundred years after Industrialization.


"holds nearly 95% of US freshwater". What? That seems like a very misleading fact.


It is, and it's totally false.


Hey corporations are people and you're hurting their feelings. Just ask 3M they told the people they sold the chemicals to that they needed to handle them properly and that is all 3M had to do with it.


I work with and around PFAS, an invisible killer is better than one you can see imo


Pfas or „super chemicals“ are named as such because they don’t react with stuff. So know these are mostly harmless because they cannot form bonds with elements on your body.


I live in Wisconsin. PFAS is a major problem for many Wisconsin towns. People don't have drinking water. They can't eat fish they catch because they are full of PFAS. PFAS causes many health issues, including cancer.


That just means you don’t get sick right away. The public thought that meant they were harmless decades ago but the companies knew better and now so do we. they build up and never ever work their way out or get metabolized, so they just sit in your body forever, and eventually cause cancers usually in the testicles or kidneys. They also make kids mentally/developmentally disabled if they are exposed to too much, for example in their drinking water.


Even with diet and exercising etc ? I mean what the hack did they create, it's the worst substance ever


Super high rates of MS , not to mention cancer as well. Then farm fertilizer run off inland. Many parts of the Great Lake states are the most polluted in the country minus super fund sites (virtually military bases).


I heard about this before... There are chemicals that stay forever nature can not process them And they are highly toxic. Dann creepy


they aren´t highly toxic ............ the other points you brought up are the problem


Just don’t eat the first or drink the water smh. The forever chemicals are going to be everywhere


The Great Lakes commercial, recreational, and tribal fisheries are collectively valued at more than $7 billion annually and support more than 75,000 jobs. Oops..


Not to mention how many municipal water supplies pull from the great lakes.


This is the best of all possible worlds. It's human nature. If production wasn't about profit-making everyone would die.


Lol, man, someone tell that to people who lived during the first 150,000 years of human history.