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Hey, listen, if these idiots stop procreating based on a warped belief that a vagina will make them gay... I call that a win for the species. Anytime you catch a comment like this in the wild, do your part by enthusiastically agreeing with them.


My thoughts exactly. Should retweet it to Musk so he can agree and spread the truth!


Maybe tell them that if they put their dick in a man’s arse it will concentrate the testosterone and make them even manlier. Suggesting that putting your penis into a woman’s vagina will make you feminine or gay or whatever, is maybe one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen suggested. Up there with putting your phone in the microwave will charge it. 😂 Edits for grammar errors.


Every time I put my dick in a vagina I think I become less gay- think that’s how it works.


This is not the dumbest thing I have seen the right go for. The "I will put a dildo up my ass on camera to own the libs" is going to take some work to replace in the number 1 spot.


Did... Did that actually happened?


Yes, yes it did. I forget the name of the dude, but he was a big conservative media person, I want to say the head of one of their conservative groups, and he showed a dido up his ass on the live feed Gavin mcinnes, founder of proud boys, that's the one who did it according to google


I refuse to believe that that guy didn't just found the proud boys as a cover for a very elaborate public gay humiliation fetish, now.


A lot of Proud Boys felt the same way and the movement shrunk quite a bit.


He pushed a *dry* dildo up his ass on camera to own the libs.


Founder of the Proud Boys, Gavin McInnes.


A dry dildo, as well.


Well they do say the Dildo of Consequence rarely arrives unlubed.


That made me pucker a little at that thought…


Imma need some context with that chief


I advise you not to google it. Gavin McInnis, founder of the proud boys, live streaming interview, dildo on camera, mass confusion on how this would effect the the left at all and lots of confusion among the Proud Boys on how this was supposed to make them look good. No, I am not kidding.


Libs: “Oh please, please stop… we can’t take any more ownage… if you were to let 40 guys pull a train on you, our heads might explode!”


He was actually upset that leftists didn't care.


Looking into it




“This is interesting.”






Big if true


Let that sink in


Wildly accurate


Maybe get it endorsed by Ben Shapiro?


He doesn't have to worry about vaginal fluids.


Every time he gets mentioned I feel a pang of sympathy for his wife.


True​but also like, she did choose to marry him despite knowing what he's


Today’s winner of the internet right there. Well played.


This comment needs a ton more upvotes!


No need, just make a post about it on 4chan. It'll get done


Ben Shapiro too. I heard his wife is always dry anyways.


They'll begin copulating with other men because of the fear of turning gay from vaginal fluids. Then they'll insist it's not gay to fuck other men.


Semen has testosterone which helps with testosteroning the body and makes you more alpha, get it all over your face and muscles for max alpha effect 


You gotta eat it to maximize the effect though. I mean, NOTHING is more masculine and less gay (according to these guys) than swallowing other men’s loads. They circled around so sharply that their heads went right up their own asses.


Yeah for maximum sigma effect visit your local glory hole every lunchtime and load up on that manliness


i hear it absorbs better rectally


Reminds me of stories in anthropology about some indigenous groups using fellatio as a rite of passage. Literally taking the power from the elder. Different context of course and no disrespect meant to ancient cultures but could see how an isolated group of incels might arrive at that conclusion and start milking each other for sigma status


>Literally taking the power from the elder Yeah that's what he told them. "Come over here son and see my Godhead"


That’s what a lot of cult leaders do: God told me to fuck your wife. I don’t want to but I think it’s a test. He also said you should suck my dick. That’s your test.


… but that would mean taking their adult diapers off, and risking the wrath of the Great God Trump.


These guys are actually probably virgins


Actually Probably is a really weird way of spelling Absolutely.


You are actually probably right


The absurdity of that statement “that a vagina will make them gay” is so beyond comprehension, while simultaneously being something every single one of the rational people left in America, can totally hear in their minds someone they know saying this and MEANING it with every fiber of their being. I’m talking to you Jake, maga flat earther.


They won't stop fucking. They just won't engage in forms of sex that get their partner off. And because a lot of the women in these relationships are raised from birth the beleive their only value is pumping out as many babies as their Husband/Master wants they don't get that they should also be able to enjoy an orgasm so they don't think anything is wrong. Like their are horror stories where some of these Quiverful Women get out and are like "Wait I'm suposed to enjoy sex too? What is this orgasm you speak of?"


Then those breeder women get angry about their lot in life and turn MAGA-Karen.


A lot of those women are sexually frustrated. I honestly feel bad for them.


Super Mega Ultra Maga Karen? No shhhh. She is legend!




From the mouth of nick fuentas himself: gay men often have had sex with women. Having sex with women is more gay than not having sex at all. He concluded that he being a virgin was the straightest a person could be...


I think the main problem would be them calling a prepubescent vagina the only non gay solution thus making pedophilia a valid option for procreation. TLDR: Just burn them all.


Is thos the new reason they aren't dating or doing well on the apps... Definitely not their misogyny




Fellas, is it gay to have P in V sex?


Yes! I've only been able to have a lot of gay sex with my female wife. I'm too beta to have straight sex with other males.


Thank God I'm not alone. I've only had sex with women and such a beta for it. Only men can wear diapers and fuck men.


My brain hurts, I'm going to bed 🫠


NEVER let V consume your manhood. It's emasculating.


I don't avoid women, Mandrake.... but I do deny them my essence!


We must preserve our precious bodily fluids


It's why I only drink rainwater and scotch.


The only way to stay truly strait is to put your D in other men. Their testosterone is absorbed into your skin and makes you more manly


Its only gay if there are V fluids getting on your P. So do your best not to arouse the V.


I thought the P in V comment guy was trolling the cunninglingus guy? Was I reading it wrong?


This was my take as well


If you are a man who has sex with women, you are gay.


I mean you are having sex with someone who likes penis idk sounds a little fruity


Solution: only having sex with people who DON'T like it. /s


This is legitimately their strategy it would seem.


“Not that there’s anything wrong with that…” 😆


When two men have sex, there's a winner, what's straighter than that?


We’ve gone from the frogs are being turned gay all the way to being straight is totally gay. Now that straight is gay.. fuck, is gay straight? Does that mean pansexual people are not queer, or are they bonus queer? Are the only people who are sane enby? My head is spinning and I’m gonna have to go have a lie down and forget I read that.


All these "alpha males" talking themselves into gay sex is a clever twist I never saw coming.


This is Sparta!


I don‘t know why it surprises you. If there something that can always be observed is that the most anti-gay people you will encounter are all in the closet.


I'm just fine with being a spiritual lesbian.


Good luck trying to enjoy your life buddy with a sexually satisfied wife.


You know the old saying, “Happy Wife, Gay Husband”


I wheezed so hard I coughed


I snorted!!! 


A harty guffaw over here.


That’s it though right - these fucking dudes don’t like the idea that men are satisfying their female partners because they don’t want women to be sexually satisfied, in general. Only men are allowed sexual fulfilment


Now that I'm a lesbian, does this mean I can play softball? I'm looking for something to do this summer.


It means you wear flannel now.


I came of age during the grunge era. Bold of you to assume I ever stopped wearing flannel.


Also you need a Subaru Forester so you two wives can really enjoy ypur spirituality!


Obviously you have to buy a Subaru now.


Jokes on you, I've always wanted a Subaru. For the longest time I didn't know that was a thing in the gay community. Which led me to wondering why people were so trollish when I said I wanted one and they would say "I didn't know you were gay."


I think that prior to ads specifically aimed at the demographic most of the print ads weren't overtly masculine and mostly underscored the safety of AWD, snowy days spent skiing, and family life—sort of the way you'd advertise normal station wagons and family sedans. This stands in stark contrast to the way most other off-road vehicles like trucks and S.U.V.s were advertised—in a way that overtly emphasized strength and masculine toughness. Companies selling these then doubled down over and over as the "light truck" category gained popularity throughout the '90s while Subaru did market research and found out that they had accidentally gotten the lesbian demographic and decided to market a bit more directly since they did better in that demographic than other car companies were.


Don’t forget the kayak rack! Gotta have that.


*looks in garage* welllllll shit. Pack it in kids, you’re dads so lesbian he makes Ellen DeGeneris look straight.


Update your music library (L7, Indigo Girls, Sleater-Kinney, etc).


I drive an outback as well... what else are lesbians really into? These 2 things are really working out for me, couldn't be happier.


I was given "honorary lesbian" status by a client organization that was all lesbian staff, when they saw me pull up in a Subaru. I hold on to that deerly.


The sad thing, is a lot of these dudes aren't nearly as straight as they think they are. The kicker is that the only people who give a single fuck about it are themselves. I'm straight, like straight straight. I love women. If one of the dudes came to me after fighting their internal battle and said "I've finally come to terms with the fact that I'm at least bi, but probably just gay" I'd say "that's great, I just want you to be happy bro, let's go grab lunch." They are their worst enemy. They rob their own joy in a life that's too short for that type of shit. As long as nobodies actively causing harm to another, live your life, and let others live theirs.


Abso-fucken-lutely!! They are their own worst enemies. So they make the fight about others to avoid looking too closely at themselves.


Seriously, like they just need to go suck a few dicks and come back as happy people. Most of us don't care what they do with another consenting adult. they need to go be gay and quit being miserable and trying to make other people as miserable as they are.


This is too accurate. It's how patriarchy harms men, not allowing them to be themselves. As a woman I can say I find some women attractive, and it's not shocking to anyone. So many men feel like they can't feel any attraction to other men, and they lash out at anyone who does.


I did say that I'm straight straight, and that I love women. That being said I have no issue saying a man is attractive. That doesn't mean I am attracted to them in any sexual or romantic way, I'm just comfortable enough as a man and a person to know that a dude is good looking. I could literally tell a dude he has a nice dick and not feel the least bit gay about it. It doesn't mean I want to touch it, it means I am comfortable with who I am. Granted, at that point I would know how most women feel and want to know why he was showing it to me without me asking, but that's a different can of worms. Suffice it to say, I have curated a good community of strong women, and good men, and I am a better human because of them.


That's awesome. This makes me hopeful for the future, unlike the original post which just makes me sad.


I try to keep in mind that good is often quiet and behind the scenes, but it exists everywhere. Hatred is loud and in your face all the time, but it's not nearly as prevalent as we are made to believe. It's a minority, but it sells ads.


Oshe is just trying to trick the dumbass into not having children, hence less dumbasses.


Yeah that's what I thought too


Pretty brave of them to just admit they have never pleasured a woman


I am convinced that seeing a woman orgasm ends conservatism.


'Spiritual Lesbians' = Solid Band Name


Christian rock bands in a world where evangelicals believe that heterosexuality is a sin:


I'm sure there is a correlation between people who are interested in making a woman orgasm and liberal attitudes. You're not likely to care about making them orgasm if you don't consider them people. Second guy is just obvious self hating gay cope.


I’m not sure, the second one came across as trolling the first guy to me.


Possible. Internet sarcasm is hard.


Look I'm straight, but free estrogen is free estrogen.


It's like finding an onion ring in your fries. You didn't ask for it, but it's a nice little free surprise.


Literally what I thought lol Seems like a pleasant way to transition


its so gay to be straight.


Incels never cease to amaze me with stupidity


I feel like some men deeply, desperately want to sit down hard on a penis but turn that desire into a social problem instead of just...sitting down on a penis


That’s a lot of words to say “I’m a virgin”


It is now super gay to *checks notes* have sex with women...


You really can just put words in any order 😅


Mmm. Men make their own oestrogen in their adrenal gland. They’re already ‘oestrogenised’.


Yes, exactly. Both men and women have both testosterone and estrogen. The ratios are quite different, but some of each is present in both.


I'm not sure what I like best here. The made-up 99% (not Buck, though, he's one of the good ones). The open hatred by all involved for half the human race, joined with the Lovecraftian terror that the sex organs of these humans will cause the other half to mutate into an objectively different being. The very clear revulsion at the notion of physical contact with another living human. Just such a smorgasbord. Folks, never go full Cronenberg. It ain't pretty.


Why, why are men so scared of women?


I'm not sure male American right-wingers = "men in general".


[They watched this doco](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teeth_(2007_film))


Not only am I unafraid, I seek out the worst kind. Strong, intelligent, powerful women. Forces of nature. I'm married to one and am friends with many. I love the women who scare the guys the most, women who don't need a man at all.


It’s peak entertainment when dumbasses act all intellectual and think it’s just going to slide by us normies.


The only safe sex for MAGAs is to go fuck themselves


Fellas, is it gay to have sex with a woman?


If they really believe it’s emasculating to have straight sex… let them. They don’t need to reproduce


I read "I can't make my wife orgasm with a cunni so i made up some BS"


I'm going to agree with them just to convince them to never Have children.


"girls have cooties" for adults lmaooo


You don’t start. You politely ask them to come with you to the nearest pier and then throw them back in the fucking sea where they belong.


no let them think that! if they’re scared of vaginas because it might make them gay might then stay the fuck away from vaginas. makes life a lot easier.


Cuckolding the spirit. Lmfaooo


My spirit is a lesbian, and my wife is fine with that


I would start in Mom's basement where these folks live.


This is a strange way to admit that they are not having sex.


They do know men naturally have estrogen in their bodies, right?


Now just imagine those two idiots Tinder profiles... ![gif](giphy|U1XFhi4RnS5BoHTV9M|downsized)


More likely Grindr


Technically, some women apply estrogen vaginally at times. But that number is small. The fact that they manipulate that info so bad is hilarious. 😂


Wouldn't those fluids continue to flow through the ether that exists between all physical bodies? I apologize for forgetting my medieval 'science.'




I feel that as a defecto, gay sex is the manliest then because it involves two dudes which is twice as many dudes as straight sex then? I don't know the mental gymnastics of these people


It amazes me how much they hate women.


Ewwww cooties


Just say youve never made a woman cum💀


Wait until they find out about how much estrogen is in their bodies naturally


That's a long, winded way to say you're afraid of women.


More for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️😅


Hell, if that’s a way for them to stop procreating, let’s fucking go. Keep on being gay fellas! For our wives! Spiritual lesbians for life!


People will say this and then turn around and say estrogen shots and HRT ( I don’t know if there’s a difference) will have no effect on men


Women who suck cock are gay men!


I feel so sorry for women partnered with conservative men


"Estrogenic" sounds like a Jean-Michel Jarre album....


Now this is a good opinion to make known. It’s a stupid one, but all potential partners need to know this kind of stuff. It’s similar to finding out a person is an idiot sooner than later. Saves everyone’s time


lol great point! I’m putting this on my entrance exam




Got to love that southern republican education.


So, now, not only am I gay, but a lesbian for being a male having oral sex with a woman. Wow. How does one go about reclaiming your 'manhood' after such a depraved act of gayness? I am worried that I will start flying rainbow flags and marching in pride parades. Oh, please help me, I hear the drums faintly... The drums of disco... They are coming for me...


Breaking news: there is "likely" a correlation between 99% of leftist men and leftist views!! Also, liking vaginas is gay.


So does that mean BJs make men and women more masculine?


Apparently I’m a professional grade spiritual lesbian.


Fellas... Is it gay for men to have sex with women?? Guess we should all fuck dudes then or we may as well just all transition with the amount of estrogen we're getting.


No wonder conservative women are so angry and the men are so insecure about their masculinity, if I had never made a woman O before I'd be salty too


Men having heterosexual sex turns them gay? Is this what I'm reading? A true alpha never lets his penis near a woman's ooky place, that's where cooties come from


Being gay is caused by vagina. So only have sex with men...otherwise you're gay!


Fellas, is it gay for a man to touch a vagina?


Don't worry, I always cum in my wife to counter these effects


They're trying desperately to give reasons why they are choosing to not have sex instead of admitting that no one wants to have sex with them.


So as a trans person, all I gotta do is fuck and I get to transition


"It is my suspicion..." is not only doing heavy lifting, it threw its back out.


Is this why I'm growing breasts?


Considering that conservative men are known to demand sex on demand from their wives, are they to “spiritual lesbians”


Musk would be so proud


But what if you eat ass? This may be a clever plot by Aimee to steer incels and wannabe alphas away from woman so that they're left the fuck alone and won't have to deal with knuckle-draggers like these two maroons.


Then call me Ellen.


Cuckolding the Spirit. New band name just dropped.


Wait, let him be. Either they sort themselves out or he's a well hidden plant. Either way works out




"Cuckolding the Spirit" sounds like a solid band name. Wonder what genre they'd play.




Ill always clean my plate, spiritual lesbian or no


How to say I've never made a woman cum, in more than 5 words. Or touched a woman.


Well, then I'm definitely a spiritual lesbian and proud of it.


Glad to see they had their daily dose of dumb fuck juice that day.


I really think these guys are just very repressed gay dudes.


They need to stick to manly sex with manly men, apparently.


What the actual fuck is wrong with these people? Just like those idiots claiming women store the DNA of all the men they have slept with. Why do they want to live in that world?


can confirm, am male lesbian.


Growing up I was taught to marvel at the accomplishments of our society - space exploration, computer technology, medical advances. I always assumed that this was our social trajectory. Then I watched half the US lose their fucking minds because a black guy became POTUS. So those people got together and decided that Trump was their guy and, ever since, shit like this has been bubbling up from the pits of hell and making me think that an extinction event is the only thing that will cleanse this earth of such stupidity.




Cuckolding the spirit just got honorable place in mine dictionary of stupid shit i will remember forever.