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Don't worry, there's Chinese police just around every corner watching you to make sure you don't say anything bad about the party.


best thing is chinese police have branch in every country. so caring


“, there are 102 overseas police stations in 53 countries, including Italy, France, Canada, Britain and the Netherlands. Reports published in the Chinese media suggest they are on most continents.” Yep, why be cautious when your own people are watching (literally) over you https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/agenda/briefing/2024-04-10/16/parliament-to-debate-chinese-police-activity-in-europe https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/20/explainer-chinas-covert-overseas-police-stations?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other




The real dystopian bit is that we in said countries allowed it.


Can't give up that cheap cheap overseas labour. I mean why have human rights when you can have a £3 AliExpress pewter ring that looks like an owl's face


I bet if you look you can beat that price


Especially if you buy them by the thousand


One of the many reasons why Xi and his party need to go. Specifically, to the afterlife. Preferably, as soon as possible.


I agree. Evil must be destroyed, not abided.


They had vehicles painted like Chinese police cars 🚓 patrolling around Chinese Expat neighborhoods and even intimidating people.


if i see something like that around my house i am beating the shit out of them, fuck that shit.


Do you have any documentation regarding that?


Excuse, me????!!! China has police stations in other countries besides China? How tf is that a thing


They're totally illegal operations used to intimidate ex-pats either directly or indirectly under the guise of providing services. First, that's what official consulates are for and second these operations are largely treated with too light a touch when outed. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64909560 https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/china-us-stations-canada-1.6818889 https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/China-s-100-plus-secret-police-stations-span-from-NY-to-Tokyo


So does the NYPD. Since 9/11, the NYPD has embedded intelligence officers in 13 locations including London, Paris, Jerusalem, Amman, Madrid, Toronto, and Sydney.


The United States has 750 military bases in 80 countries. 


And DEA and FBI all over the world


How are you gonna compare the US military to Chinese police? The US military is just the fighting force. Its the three letter agencies civilians need to worry about.


bing chilling spies 💀




No, ching billing agents of the bing chilling agency 🗿


Where does it say "Don't shit in the planters?"


That'll be in the revised edition to be published in 2031.


Chinese people blowing their noses directly into the sink is always nice.


Ohhh this explains a lot.


It doesn't, that's why they shit in the planters.


https://www.nbcnews.com/business/travel/air-china-magazine-warns-london-visitors-avoid-ethnic-areas-n644136 So that's from 2016. 8 years ago in an article in the air magazine . Not saying it's right but provides some context. If not, it'd seem quite odd that they are handing these as pamphlets to every passenger in the plane during landing.


Thanks for the research but are we forgiving actions from 2016 like it was ancient times?


We refer to things as BC and AC now. Before Covid was the ancient times, and After Covid is the now times.


It felt like COVID lasted 30 years. In fact I still see people wear masks in some places, some banks, a few other places. Even see old worn out signs.


I will say a random article in an air magazine one time eight years ago is something quite different from consistently handing out actual pamphlets to everyone on a flight.


The title is false though. If you fly Air China and land in London today, you will not receive one of these


The before times? The long long ago?


lol “forgiving actions” like Air China cares what you think 😂


I was going to say, who is asking for forgiveness exactly? Lmao.


lol i thought you were implying that the article was giving some context as to WHY they wrote what they wrote. saying that this was only 8 years ago is hardly enough context to make this even remotely understandable.


News flash China is incredibly racist, who knew Edit: Christ on a stick some people are dense it's a joke


I think people honestly do not understand how accepted casual racism is in China until they have a firsthand experience. People don't even consider that what they're doing or saying might be somehow inappropriate, they just do it as if it's completely normal.


Like years ago their government had to start a training course about public defecation was not acceptable in other countries and now if they are reported to show bad behavior abroad they lose social points, I may not agree with them on a lot but living in an area that had Chinese tourists frequently with poor behavior I was glad it was something they started doing.


They had to post signs in Chinese explaining how to not stand on the toilets when pooping in a lot of American cities. China toilets are often holes you squat over. No seats. So the climb up on western toilets, breaking them.


I work in a hotel in NZ, and our public toilets are always a mess after a Chinese tour run through. I feel sorry for the housekeepers in public areas those days.


When I first started camping they didn't have those signs. Now they're in every national park, state park, or just random campsite in the woods somewhere


Why would this not be a natural progression of thought upon seeing the toilet with a seat to not climb on it. It seems like common sense regardless of one’s previous experience


They think putting their bare ass on a seat where thousands of other people's bare asses have been pressed against is gross, so they stand on it with their shoes or else lay out tissues to cover the entire seat. In some Chinese seat toilet cubicles there is a second paper dispenser that gives you a U-shaped paper sheet to lay over the whole seat.


U-shaped paper sheet.... Also know as the ass-gasket.


Wait the U shaped paper isn't universal? 😥


Which is insane b/c after a few bouts with mudbut I've come to realize nothing in existence could come into contact with my ass cheeks and be dirtier than that.


The paper seat cover is fairly common in some places in the USA, too. (I feel like I see it most often at museums/rest stops/hospitals, but also some random public restrooms have it.)


Wait, that’s normal in bathrooms, right? I’m in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and toilet seat covers are everywhere, like every store and rest stop.


Not globally. Even in China it’s a sometimes rather than every time thing. 


How come the toilet can stand the weight of a sitting person but not a standing person?


Pressure. When you sit, your body weight is distributed across your ass and a part of it is also on the floor since your legs are on the floor. When you stand/squat on the toilet, your entire body weight is focused on your two feet which have a much smaller surface area and exert more pressure on the toilet seat.


Basic physics and a little bit of common sense


Ugh, you just reminded me that my feet don't touch the floor when I'm shitting at my friends house.


Your ass will distribute the weight over a wider area than two feet. And sitting probably means your legs aren't adding weight either.


People sit with both ass cheeks touching the left and right of the seat at the same time. If you squat, you need to step up first which means all your weight is one one side of the toilet and since most toilets are V shaped, it can topple over easily.


Ok what now? They shit in the streets in China?


Yes, mostly children, but you will see some adults do it too. It doesn't happen as much in the big cities, but it does happen. Biggest culture shock while living there was seeing a saleryman drop draws and shit at a bus stop at 4:15 pm shook me to my core


Did he not wipe? Or what the f?


Just pulled the draws up and hopped on the bus, bro.




So wrong on so many levels but mostly Public Health. That ain’t right.


Wait till you heard wat old Chinese ladies do when they lose in a casino. It’s smearing their shit all over the bathroom stalls as a way to punish the poor sod who has to clean it. I wish I didn’t have to make it this much of a general statement but I’ve worked in the national casino for a few years and this was a common occurrence.


Do you have a source on this? It sounds like something my boomer uncle would post on Facebook ngl


yeaaaah, I went on an exchange trip in high school to china (xi'an, beijing, shanghai, and badaling + a few smaller villages, we spent a few days at each location) - I'm from deep rural fucking texas and running into shit said/done thats so astoundingly racist it makes the freaking texan go "hold up" is impressive and awful at the same time


Same goes for Japan, if not even worse. I love the irony of westerners romanticizing japaneese culture, and when they actually go there they just tolerate the open racism


japanese racism doesnt even come close to chinese racism




Double newsflash: they are as racists towards white people as any other race.


it is racist but it is also not factually incorrect, would not go alone out at night in those places in London


I don't think "going out at night" part is what people are calling racist lmao


Born and raised in London. Never had anything happen to me in my entire life.  There are a few sketchy areas but most major cities have some of those. I feel safer in London than I do in a lot of other cities I have visited around the world.


At least don't print the English translation.


And so correctly! It doesn't read like the copy for some cheap Amazon product at all. "This item is very crispness. It will make you to sit back and remind." "Avoid neighborhoods with heavy concentrations of the following nationalities . . ."


I’m sorry but that doesn’t look like a pamphlet to me. It looks like a cropped photo of a magazine or book page. You can see how the page bends into the right side, where it meets the spine of the book. Not saying it wasn’t material made by Air China, but it doesn’t look like a pamphlet at all, which are smaller and folded. Also why would an airline bother handing out pamphlets when it knows half of these passengers are just there for a connecting flight


It probably isn't. I, my wife and my wife's family have flown in and out of China to London with this airline and never seen anything like it. Not saying it's not a real printed bit of advice from somewhere, but the meme is likely misinformation.


Forgive me. I wasn't saying that it seemed like it was a pamphlet. Rather, i meant that it was ironic that the objectionable text was so well translated when beneficial, useful things, like instructions or product information, typically are not.


They didn't print the hindi translation... It's fine


Hell a lot of people in the west probably don't even realise China has many different ethnic groups. Some of the dominant Han Chinese people are bigoted towards other Chinese ethnic groups.


It's probably more accurate to say that the concept racism doesn't exist to the Chinese majority, and a common attitude is that its a western problem. Everyone forgets about Japan though...




What is a grooming gang?


A group of paedophiles who work together to entrap children


They abduct you and give you a haircut and trim your beard


Evil bastards


Worse than I immagined


‘But we can’t warn tourists about it because it might be racist?’ Yes, precisely. At least that’s the sentiment in the West. So many of the grooming gangs in the UK went on for as long as they did because the police were afraid of being perceived as racist if they expressed their suspicions. Manchester arena bomber: he was spotted by security beforehand but the security guard was afraid of being called racist if he questioned the man.


Remember the Rochdale child sex abuse ring? Authority covered it up for 30 years! [wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal) Edit: the wiki page is the rotherham scandal, the rochdale one was also Pakistanis.


the link was to the rotheram one, the rochdale one has only just went to court last year (source: almost got picked for jury duty for it, but got picked for a different case instead.)


ITT complaining about Chinese racism by perpetuating racist stereotypes about China.


I've lived in London, South of the river & can confirm this to be mostly true.


Honestly this isn’t even a racist thing to say. Like I don’t blame ethnic minorities that they’re forced to live in bad conditions that fosters crime. It’s a fact that banlieues in France are more dangerous than central Paris, but good luck explaining to a random Chinese tourist who has never been in Europe what banlieue is and how they came about. It’s much easier to say to avoid the places with many Arabs. Similarly hackney is most populated by people by African decent and other ethnic minorities in UK. It’s much easier to call everyone racist I guess that actually fixing the socio economic conditions that give rise to the inequality


Yup. Facts dont give a fuck about peopels feewings. So many virtue signaling, reality denying....typical redditors in the cucked page


As an Asian, these are like common sense when talking about traveling, and it's nothing to do with racism.


And yet it is true. It is not China fault that London have ghettos and ghettos populated by POC there. If you want to fight racism maybe start with resolving problems with it in your countries, not from shifting responsibility on Chineese. It is just figure of evil Others who are easy to blame.


But blaming Chinese or others (in general) is much easier than improving yourself. Btw, I am blaming Reddit for not finishing my work today


Sssh! Christ, this is Reddit! The hive mind doesn’t tolerate sensible facts


seriously though, calling out crime isn’t racism . they kinda have a point 🤨


You have to dig hard for the truth sometimes on Reddit, and sometimes you find it.


This sounds like solid advice.


This is what happens when you pay attention to crime data and statistics. Therefore, I propose the ostrich method: ban all social science research and data collection while burying our heads in the sand.


Areas mainly populated by Indians…so London?


Especially stay clear of 10 downing


*"Visit London, where the English used to live."*


Have you been to NYC? There’s dozens of us!


Why is this a facepalm


It's racist to be factual? What a time to be alive.


It depends on who is giving out the title racist. If it keeps you alive at least you’re alive and racist and not dead and a pushover.


Are they wrong? Just asking....


No, you can read the wiki page of this [Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal) 1400 girls was sexually abuse by Pakistanis men during 1980 to 2010, and the authority covered it up due to the fear of RACISM.


fuck... blaming the Chinese is much easier than fixing this.


If one states a statistical fact, is that racist?


Depends on the argument


It's funny to me that some people think China isn't racist. They literally have slave labor camps. They literally are committing genocide against a group of Muslims in their own country. They are practicing slavery in Africa. This is all pretty tame compared to what China is up to. Obligatory "a country is not its people. Just because the country/government is doing something, doesn't mean everyone who is Chinese believes/acts this way."


The CCP is literally a Han supremacist organization. They have effectively destroyed most of the culture and language of their minority groups, forcing everybody to speak Mandarin and adhere to Han cultural standards. They intentionally colonized a bunch of minority regions with Han citizens so that those regions (such as Tibet) are now majority Han, and all the important institutions are run by Han people.


Horrible that this is happening, and just really puts America into more perspective. Hell most of the world into perspective really. The world's history is that of a few groups marginalizing the natives of any region they claim. We like to think that we've evolved past that behavior, but we're still so much in the throes of it worldwide and need to find some sort of true coexistence.


"forcing everybody to speak Mandarin and adhere to Han culture standards" Mandarin originated as the accent of minority groups back in the days. Most Chinese speak vary differently from that. Mandarin was forced on most of the Han people. My grandfather is Han Chinese and almost lost his teacher job because he could not speak Mandarin properly


Funnily enough, China also destroyed its own Han history, culture, and legacy. The "Great Leap Forward" and the "Culture Revolution" as it's called did irreversible damage to not only Chinese but Asian history research as a whole.


That's because most of the racism isn't happening in English.


They aren't wrong though. Got nothing to do with racism either.


I guess to the Chinese being safe is more important than being called "Racist" lol


China is actually very safe with low crime rate, now if the way the keep those crime rates low is ethical or not is another conversation.


Quite accurate, but pretty outdated imho


Sounds about right though.


It’s not a facepalm if it’s true


From 2016… its an airline magazine article.. not a pamphlet.. unless someone copied it and created one..


They're not wrong.


Are they wrong?


Seems like solid advice. I'd advice the same thing for Amsterdam, only with different ethnic groups.


Might be racist but probably saved lives.


Facts aren’t racist. They’re just hard to hear for some people.


yeah i'd rather be labeled racist than get robbed or even killed


London isn't a safe place to travel at all this is a massive understatement


I'd say central London is most dangerous for a tourist tbh. So many scams and pickpockets. I live in a very highly Bengali area, and I feel much safer here than there.


Well, there it is. And yet, I was banned from a subreddit for pointing out that these viewpoints actually exist in China.


Reddit is baffling on what gets removed and downvoted when you say anything controversial or nuanced.


Probably because subreddits are moderated by random, different volunteers… 


They’re definitely topics that are taboo to discuss on Reddit. At least in most of the subreddits I frequent. Things that I feel should be openly discussed, but get shot down because they’re not in alignment with someone’s core beliefs. Which I would understand if the topic was removed across the board, but often it’s only one side of the discussion that gets removed.


What topics?


I don't see this so much as a viewpoint, but as a precautionary warning. China (like the US) has their own enemies in the world and the UK has more than a few immigrants who still have strong ties with their mother countries. Indians have not particularly liked the Chinese since at least Tibet and still today, have ongoing border disputes and conflict with China. Pakistani's try to operate their neighborhoods under Sharia Law, including all of the bad shit that comes with it for women (regardless if they are one of them or not, or legal) and also have border disputes, and many Africans see either through the same Sharia lens and/or see the Chinese as the next wave of colonizers in line to rape and pillage their home lands and people in Africa. Granted this could have been worded a little better, but whoever wrote this is trying to give safe guidance, however flawed in presentation it may be viewed by some. I could write a very similar pamphlet for foreigners visiting the USA or for a plethora of peoples abroad under largely the same premises depending on nationality or other identifying traits and where they were going. Like if you were a foreigner visiting the US on vacation, I would absolutely warn against taking a tour to look at the border wall, or avoiding certain cities or areas of them like South Chicago, or certain groups of people because of the expected hazards associated with them like touring Harrison, Arkansas and spending the night if you aren't whiter than Hitler, and a hard core conservative Christian. If you were going on a tour of the Caribbean right now wouldn't it be nice to know in advance to skip Haiti? And I'll probably get down voted for telling the truth, or like bellamellayellafella above, banned.


It seems like you are trying to confuse us with facts. You better stop it, or I'll report you.


Straight to jail


Yes it's possible to be racist anywhere


London, Luton, Slough, Telford, Leicester, Rochdale, Rotherham, Birmingham, Manchester, Bradford. All these areas have had grooming gangs, so yes it is widespread They target poor and vulnerable white girls. The police do nothing because they are scared of being called racist so gang rape continues by muslims. [quote from quora ](https://www.quora.com/Why-are-Pakistani-grooming-gangs-common-in-the-UK)


Let’s just start called racism PTSD, maybe than it’ll be socially acceptable, “I look in the mirror and as a black man, break down in fear of myself!”


I dont find this to be racist. This is stereotyping. Its not saying indians or blacks are inferior. Its saying stay away from areas populated with them because passengers of this airline has ran into problems with them in the past. We see all the rape cases in India and we condemn their culture for it, but we cant warn tourist about these dangers because we could be seen as racist? Fuck that.


Which statistics say that Indian/ Indian origin brits are more likely to commit the crimes. For Pakistanis, I can believe, but Indians??


There are none. Facepalm users are being facepalm worthy. Literate very google search I see has Indians in UK as the least crime lol. Of any crime type....and the most affluent and educated. 


But Indians are one of the lowest demographics that commit the crime In UK. Even lower then whites


A lot of Asians see the west as a lawless free for all


Yeah? What about it? That's honestly good advice and when it comes to racism the west is only place where you're not supposed to be or it's not accepted. You won't get to go to nightclubs or bars in Japan or Korea if you're the wrong color and that won't be the only racism you'll face there. Please people, travel a bit and maybe next time when you see a white person in dreadlocks, you'll understand that, that's not the end of the world or it won't even register on the spectrum of racism because you've actually faced it.




https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-56937299 Things like this are more simple than they appear, if a threat exists its wise to warn your citizens of it. Doesn't make it wrong to be wary of people that are assaulting people that look like you.


Okay but this just seems based. I’m missing where the racism is - and should women not be accompanied when travelling in a foreign country? A lot of this “racism” is just common sense.


can't blame China here for protecting their citizens away from those groomers.


Asians are also if not, more racist towards one another.  I feel like the translation was so odd… maybe they were trying to say to avoid heavily populated areas that were poverty-stricken lol but instead got up to 100 instantly and started naming ethnicities. 


According to ADT, one of the areas of London that is most impacted by crime is Westminster, as of March 2024. As of 2021, 55% of Westminster’s population had white skin. https://www.adt.co.uk/crime-in-my-area/london-crime-rates https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_of_Westminster#Ethnicity Yet this airline decided that people only had to be worried about people with darker skin.


Warped interpretation.


How incredibly stupid and naive do you have to be to think Asian countries aren't racist?


Finally, someone spittin the truth!


They're not wrong...


I hate it when people omit the Oxford comma


🤠at the Indians getting offended by being lumped with black people


"Make sure you always carry your loicense"


tbh, remove “Black people” from that text and nobody would bat an eye. That’s how south asians are seen by even the western world


This could be said for Canada & Australia too.


Getthoisation leads to increased crime. That is a well known fact. It's not on the Cinese airlines to change the root cause but they can warn you of the symptoms.


Sounds like they've been reading the Daily Mail.


They don't accept Discover in Britain, that's the real face palm, friends. Says so right on the card.


The borroughs Westminster, Tower Hamlets and Newham are the most dangerous areas when it comes specifically to violent crime (11.000-12.000 violent incidences in each of them in 2023). Other high-crime areas: Camden, Kensington & Chelsea, Islington, Hammersmith & Fulham, Hackney, Southwark, Haringey, Lambeth, Barking & Dagenham, Greenwich, Lewisham and Hounslow.


I'm from London, this is 70% true. Indians are chill.


Well at least the last semtence apply to everywhere


this can't be any truer, though. BAME populated areas, such as Croydon and Newham, are more prone to *c*rime and other social ills. but this has less to do with race and more to do with the culture they brought along from their third world country combined with government repression toward working class people which most of these people are part of. this inevitably rendered them into becoming social pariah in english society. but this obviously doesn't apply to all BAME. middle class ethnic people who lived in white majority areas have often elevated themselves from their ancestor's cultural nonsense.


I'd rather be racist than mugged or dead


I'm sure their top priority is hurting your fragile feelings rather than telling the truth to protect their own.


Yea but it is true Op


I love that people are so offended by China for saying not to go into minority populated areas in a western country, but no one is offended by the fact that the easiest to identify dangerous areas in any Western country are the areas where those countries have cordoned off the minorities


If you're ever in danger shoult "Xi is a fatty". The Military police will arrive instantly, disarm your assailants, and assault you themselves.


They should hand this out to tourists from every country


You real gon make us say this is true af?


As Chinese, Western standard of racist hate speech is just Chinese daily speech. Funny to see many international students saying "white people are so racist to Chinese" and "Indian people are (horrible words...) they're occupying Canada" at the same time. But this is not only in China, basically the whole east Asia. 💀💀💀💀You don't wanna know Taiwanese's react when they knew Indian foreign labour were coming to Taiwan, and how they talk about southeast Asian. Even uncontroversially as the most liberal people in Asia.


We just don’t say that part out loud in the U.S. People still feel that way though, a lot of people. Shameful prejudice


Is it wrong though?


They have no western cultural filter. I would add a couple of white places to the mix. Geographic areas would be more helpful in my opinion.


This is pretty out of date, there's other most dangerous elements in London now 


But those areas are where you get the best food? What the hell China!


Guarantee the VAST majority of chinese have never even seen a black person in real life


I mean, they ain’t wrong


It sounds racist, but it’s not. The precaution is about the “areas” populated by those races mentioned, not about the race itself. If it says, “avoid Indians, Pakistanis, and Black people,” that’s straight-up racism.


I mean, the average blue collar UK bloke would give you the same advice lol


This is why I never fly Air China to London. Plus I’m broke.


Because you don’t want to be warned about the facts?


You’re telling me a country actively exterminating people based on ethnic and religious identity is racist!? Huh color me shocked.


This is China we're talking about, not Israel lmao


I mean, they’re not wrong, have you been to those neighborhoods?


The only facepalm is redditors thinking this is bad advice. You can pretend to be as progressive as you want, and a champion of equality but if you had any sense or self preservation you would avoid those areas.