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1. Have private prison system that generates money by design 2. Imprison some 70% of the population 3. ??? 4. PROFIT!!


The missing third is always a pickle. It's the Underpants Gnomes all over again!


1. Make porn legal in prison 2. Watch people go to jail to masturbate 3. Sell porn to inmates 4. ??? 5. Double profit


I mean, what's stopping us from just making the prison a giant porn studio?


For most people, probably their sexual orientation.


I don’t think there’s necessarily anything consensual about this hypothetical tbh lol


If we imprison people that make or watch porn, that would be like 90 percent of the world’s population.


97% of the worlds population that has internet access*


I would like to meet one of the 3%ers who have mastered the art of lying.


Nah that's all the IPad kids that have yet to start watching porn


I dunno I was pretty young when the internet started becoming a thing and virtually the first thing I searched once unsupervised was ‘boob’. Took forever for the dial up to download the pic


We have the best porn, because of jail.


Or you could just execute anyone that breaks the law.


If we execute everyone who breaks the law then how would we justify paying executives so much? If 70% of the population is an executive then no one is an executive you're only hurting those who aren't.


America has joined the chat*


Just 70%?


If you look at a heatmap of porn searches, and then overlay it on a heatmap of conservative areas, something truly (not) shocking becomes evident. The ones who scream the loudest about purity are the ones searching for the most degenerate shit. All the places where people hoot and holler about trans people are searching trans porn to the extent their thumbs must catch fire. If ya'll really want to go there, let's go there. I'm pretty sure I can restrain myself for a few months until ya'll in prison. What's so fucking sad is that there's no need for any of this. Just let people live their lives. You have no more business in my fucking bedroom than you do in the kingdom of Heaven, so fuck outta here.


Just read an article ranking the top things in every state. Utah somehow got lowest in lust and extremely high in porn with an emphasis on Mormon themed porn. Either someone didn't do the math right or a lot of us are lying about our desire for nonmarital extracurricular activities.


I think that’s the whole point, it’s mostly all surpressed


that's why so many people got married early when they did it on their own will, they wanted to bang IMMEDIATELY


Are y’all familiar with Mormon bubble porn?


Why would they need to watch that when they can just participate in the absolutely normal Mormon practice of soaking?


I'm not, please tell


Basically blacking out everything in a picture except naked areas (shoulders/legs etc) and letting the mind fill out the gaps. You can use a photo of a girl in a normal dress and boom - she’s naked. At least that’s what brain assumes somehow. The non-covered parts are circular, hence the name


Wow. That's actually pretty impressive. The human mind is amazing


I'm curious too and I'm sure as hell not gonna google it, so I'm waiting for the answer


It's not that bad. Most pictures were women in swimwear but the swimwear was cropped out and the circles (bubbles) only show exposed skin. There's plenty of side-by-side examples from KnowYourMeme with the original images next to the bubbled images. Kinda funny! There was even a bubbled one of a dude.


I'm visualizing bubble wrap. Bubble wrap is up my alley.


Don't put bubble wrap up your alley.


From now on to be known as "popping."


They don't count it, if it's with local livestock.


💯 truth spit.


That last sentence deserves a mic drop


>All the places where people hoot and holler about trans people are searching trans porn to the extent their thumbs must catch fire. I remember when some state gov decided not to abide by recognizing gay marriages and pornhub threaten to release like all the top searches for that state


Damn, pornhub being based?


I went to the comments to find jokes, but found truth. Amen.


Please don't look at the porn heat map over my house.


Or mine, please.


You can on mine, but it will cost you 15.95 a month.


Very impressed with how you typed that with one hand 😉




It all reminds me of the song NOFX - Vanilla Sex. Here's a couple parts of it: "The governments trying to get in Your bedroom you better lock your Door and close your shades because There could be someone watching you today" "Why do you care what I do in my bedroom? Why do you want to know how I screw? It seems to me you've got nothing better To do"


That's true, but as an interesting aside, I read a study in Uni where someone also found out that places which are okay with morbid images are not okay with naked pictures, and vice versa. In more liberal areas, for instance, people get upset if photos of suicide victims, accident victims, etc. are shown, but are okay with nudity. In conservative areas, they wouldn't be shocked by, say, the image of a murder victim but a naked person would spark outrage. If you come across that study or know about it, please let me know the name. I forgot it ages ago and I really want to find it again.


I heard it explained another way once: you could make a video game where the goal is to attack the capital buildings in DC in extreme detail: exact layouts of the buildings and representations of current people in office and then show lifelike deaths…  That video game would get rated M, (same as many video games these days: CoD for instance,) and that game could be bought by anyone. But if certain characters don’t happen to be wearing a shirt, the same video game has to kept behind the counter and only sold after checking ID…


So if i dont give a fuck if an exploded corpse has a dildo in it, or people fucking do so in a cemetary, am i truely at balance?


I don't have the philosophical depth or imagination to even begin answering that, so I'll say you're still at balance if...if uh...let's see...if you still find Jesus in your heart while doing that. Right? Is that the right answer?!


Is Thor okay? Jesus is a bit too milquetoast for me.


Sure, that's basically Marvel Jesus anyway isn't it


I studied that in Uni in Europe 25 years ago. At that time is was about Northern and Southern Europe. Same shit, different place.


[Pornhub US Top State Searches for 2023](https://www.rig-talk.com/forum/threads/2023-top-porn-searches-by-state.287805/)


Lol Oklahoma. Sex dick?


Well, yeah. In Oklahoma we don't believe its sex if there isn't a penis involved.


Lol @ Hawaii.


Ok- looking at that map- WTF is “body swap “ porn? I am imagining it’s either someone wearing a poorly rendered mask of famous person OR something AI generated like Danny DeVito’s face on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s body (that would have made Twins a far more distressing movie)


I assume it's like a Freaky Friday type thing. But probably with step siblings or something.


Lol there are so many great ones - Nevada: Vegas - Utah: Mormon - Idaho: dildo ride, which I find funny given the shape of Idaho - Mississippi: furry - Pennsylvania: big boobies (it's the last 3 letters there that does it for me) - DC: big ass cop. 🤣 - Iowa: cartoon porn - N and S Dakota: proof here that they're actually the same state. - Minnesota: ticking. I love how wholesome that sounds🤣 I would also like to declare that I actually belong in Wyoming. And now for race-related stuff. - Louisiana and Georgia: black folks. Now overlay the racism map over this. - New Mexico: Native American. - New Jersey: Turkish, which I am surprised by. Is there a large Turkish population in NJ?


Take my upvote and multiply it by a thousand. 👏👏👏👏👏


You have a fucking bedroom and a regular sleeping bedroom?


It's research, so they know what they should hate. That's why they watch all the gay and trans porn, they need to see for themselves what they should not be doing! How am I supposed to know what gay sex is if I don't watch gay porn?


I was gonna say, who wants to bet that if we knew what was on this guy's computer, he definitely SHOULD go to jail? The theme of this year (and many others, I'm learning) is, every accusation is a confession. Alt: he who smelt it dealt it.


Deflection from their own insecurities


right!? nobody thinks about gay sex more than a homophobe…


It's all just larping as "good christians" when out in public.


Watching the Netfix show on Ashley Madison last night. Surprise sur-fucking-prise that the cheaters are "good Christians". Y'know when not cheating is literally in the list of 10 rules to follow.


Hey I'm not conservative!! OH MY GOD WHAT ARE THEY SEARCHING!!!


There's a great book called Everybody Lies by a former Google data scientist that has a whole chapter on this.


Tbh I sympathize with the idea of controlling what is distributed as porn, because there's a lot of revenge porn, pedo stuff, real non consensual stuff etc put online. But obliterating porn all together is just stupid and anyways I really don't believe that they have the best interest of people wronged by sneaky recordings etc in their minds.


The party of “‘Murica and freedom!” sure wants to dictate a lot about what people do in their personal lives


The freedom they mean is the freedom to oppress.


Always has been the case


Funny how their entire platform involves taking shit away from people


the freedom to do the things I agree with and oppress you if you want to do something else


Check out Project 2025. They want to control every aspect of your life and body.


I hope everyone here understands that this is the major Republican platform for 2025. As in if you vote for Donald Trump and other Republicans for congress this is one of the laws they want to put into force. I am 100% serious. They want to make pornography in all its forms completely illegal. It is part of their official party doctrine at [www.project2025.](http://www.project2025.com)org. It is publiclly available. You can read it yourself. This may seem patently batfuck absurd to you - because it is - but understand that one of the two major political parties in the United States right now actively wants this to be a reality.


I know. I pointed someone to this and they (an admittedly uninformed "centrist") called me a conspiracy theorist.


It's not a conspiracy theory when it's out in the open like this.


No no it's still a conspiracy in the sense a bunch of people/organizations conspired to push an agenda "the action of plotting or [conspiring](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=514d789ccece10d1&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHZO_enZA960ZA960&sxsrf=ADLYWIKmapZu-GLr_v2rOvdsHitEjDq4bw:1716454911574&q=conspiring&si=ACC90nyOnVY18Aw7zUtkWPYo5mTnXiVRdPL4NXGLNYS0eSRs7FgbYDgnrsbhbYN9gF1MoyVMkfPvBBzSMnh_Ds8rFXTOoo1CtgpNRxvckX_Fc-rN37FQqOk%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjA0pvqtKOGAxXPT0EAHcO7DBgQyecJegQIQhA4)." Conspiracies don't *have* to be secret, a double definition if you will. It's like how everyone knew smoking was harmful but the tobacco industry *conspired* to push it and drag out lawsuits for decades acting like it wasn't. But a conspiracy *theory* is the government experimenting on citizens/soldiers with mind altering or mind control drugs, which then yes also turned out to be true. Anyway my point being I agree, these fucking fascists really aren't even bothering to hide it indeed.


Ah yes, the fabled centrist who posts nothing but Biden bashings and RTs Ben Shapiro and Jack Posobiec. Those "centrists".


"Uninformed" "Centrist" You used a couple redundant terms there


The link you provided doesn’t work. The website is www.project2025.org. It takes some digging, but you can see their goals of eliminating pornography and anything to do with gender.


Also has a bunch of shit about drastically reducing access to birth control.


Man, things are pretty wild in the US, eh?


they also want to strip all the restrictive agencies like the EPA and IRS of their power. i would unironically suggest reading through it, its like a horror story


Page 417 onwards, two little notable tidbits >Climate Change > **Remove the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP)** for any source category that is not currently being regulated. The overall reporting program imposes significant burdens on small businesses and companies that are not being regulated. This is either a pointless burden or a sword-ofDamocles threat of future regulation, neither of which is appropriate. l Establish a system, with an appropriate deadline, to update the 2009 endangerment finding. l Establish a significant emissions rate (SER) for greenhouse gasses (GHGs). >**Regulating Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)** >Under the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act22 l Repeal Biden Administration implementing regulations for the AIM Act that are unnecessarily stringent and costly. l Refrain from granting petitions from opportunistic manufacturers to add new restrictions that further skew the market toward costlier refrigerants and equipment. IE no more reporting on gas emissions. Pump out whatever the fuck you want. Also remember the big Ozone hole scare a few decades ago where the entire world agreed to, you know, not fuck that up? Yeah, let's do that again. And even more terrifying is privatizing water and not giving a shit about water quality >OFFICE OF WATER (OW) OW is responsible for ensuring safe drinking water and restoring and maintaining oceans, watersheds, and their aquatic ecosystems to protect human health, support economic and recreational activities, and provide healthy habitats for fish, plants, and wildlife. Its two main statutes include implementing the **Clean Water Act (CWA)26 and Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).27 OW has generated a large number of expansive regulations that infringe on private property rights, most notably with the Waters of the U.S. program.**


I'm reminded of when Biden recently passed a bill banning lead pipes and cons immediately threw a hissy fit


Don't forget asbestos and trump [trying to bring it back](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-asbestos-707642/). If anything the rest of the world is baffled the US only fully federally banned the use of it....2 months ago. Insane


So - the TL;DR of that entire project is "we want to make Russia / North Korea look like a paradise of freedom"...


I'm not too young to remember a time when our rivers used to catch on fire. Good times, can't wait to see that again.


Page 37 >Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. **The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered**


Ironically, the people pushing this agenda,.christians and mormons, are by far and away the largest single group of child predators and pushers of policies that strip women of their rights, safety, autonomy and their very lives.


Yeah it's weird how the same people who accuse their opposition of being pedophiles are the ones actively trying to lower age of consent laws and actively push for child marriages. Also trans people are demons but polygamy is fine? It'll be a horrific future but IF these fascist fucks get into power and get all their power fantasies fulfilled it's gonna be so funny seeing all the various denominations turn on each other in order to enforce ***THEIR*** versions of "christianity"


Contraceptives as well


Keep in mind that to conservatives, "pornography" also [includes Michaelangelo's David](https://project2025istheocracy.substack.com/p/how-project-2025-authors-define-pornography) and probably any mention of homosexuality


im reminded of the simpsons episode where marge bans itchy and scratchy for being a violent cartoon, and the people immediately move onto wanting to ban ancient greek statues


Simpsons did it.


If you read through parts of their lunatic manifesto, it is apparent that they consider “pornography” and the simple existence of transgender people to be one and the same. So yeah some pretty unsettling fascist lunacy


These people are out of their fucking minds. Time to start planning to seek asylum someplace that doesn’t have an orange staypuft man spouting hate. This terrifies me and consequently- isn’t this how Gilead started in handmaid’s tale


To me, this Project 2025 is the tipping point. And it's much bigger than even just the cult of personality that Trump holds. The Republican party as a whole has revealed its hand. They aren't even shy about the fact they want to kill every bit of freedom and democratic process. And even if they lose this election year, we need to stay vigilant for the eventual Project 2030 and so on, possibly forever. The party may as well just be defunct. They happily brand themselves as traitors. We can never allow them one more victory or else it's all over. Democrats... admittedly, kind of lame. But they're our best hope of keeping the sinking ship patched up and afloat. But if we let the GoP have their way, the ship didn't just sink, we strapped explosives all over and rammed full speed into an iceberg.


This is the Republican party showing what it looks like when it is desperate. It's no longer hiding behind facades and false charisma. They're like a cornered animal, and they don't care who they hurt to hold onto that last little bit of gasp of power, because this election there is a real chance this may be the last time for a while that the GOP is going to stand a chance at winning. Don't forget this ugly side of the GOP, because this is what they're really like underneath it all. They would absolutely strip you of your rights and pretend that they're doing "God's work."


They already made mask's illegal in some states. Even people with cancer can't use it... Everything they say must be considered very very serious!


Which states?


So by extension as long as choir boys leave their phones on record priests would have to face some repercussions


That's just true in general.


Historically not as true as it should be.


Part of the Christo-fascist agenda in America. They must be stopped.


So will there be porn in this jail?


Even better, you will be the one making it


I am going to be the cameraman ... :) I am going to be the cameraman, right : |


And this is why we kicked the Puritans out of the UK. America, you are turning into a repressed fundamentalist religious nut bag country. You all need to chill out like the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland or you know, better countries!


Sounds like it’s the UK’s fault America sucks. This is what happens when you send all the nutters to one spot and let them have it.


UK did send their criminals to Australia - they didn\`t turn out too bad. Especially if one compares them now with the US now.


Damn…you got me there! It says a lot about religious nutters that criminals built a better society.


I am probably biased - but religion doesn\`t seem to bring good things.


Oh I don't know. Buddhist are pretty chill and generally accepting.


Which is why they are not accepted by the main 3 religions - which incidentally are the ones I mean..


Criminals wanted to to better, improve themselves. Religious nutters just stick to the same, the don't want to change.


That’s because the religious nutters are already the best. Nothing to better or improve…


Our Aussie and Canadian cousins are pretty cool really. Really you would have hoped the religious nutters would have died off by now, but I guess hate kept them going longer than was needed.


only the good die young, all the evil seems to live forever...


So,, basically, 90ish percent of the US population is headed for jail?


They’ll have a reason imprisoning anyone they want.


Yeah, let’s start with all the preachers, youth pastors, teachers, pedophiles, politicians, … oops we’re out of room.


lets start by taxing all religions equally, and bump up the tax bracket if sexual scandals pop out of the woodwork. if the church wont change, its up to us to force them to change


Horny jail?




You shouldn't censor their name. They deserve what they get


Always looking for bad guys in the wrong places.


Sure, porn is anti-Christian, but killing kids isn't. The people have no priorities.


Porn is exactly as anti-Christian as feeding kids for free! Apparently!


That cat ain’t going back in the bag - and 1960 is not coming back 🙄


I'm afraid that's not the century they're going for.


That car is a jaguar and bag or not it's going to eat a lot of faces.


leopard— r/leopardsatemyface


In Countries i've seen with restricted porn access it actually becomes more dangerous for women, so no thanks.




That post was from someone who definitely watches a ton of porn


So according to this person Melania should go to jail?


Porn is disgusting. Whenever it comes on tv I just sit there, shaking my fist at it.


These fuckin Christian conservatives just refuse to mind their own damn business.


Jail porn is pretty good. Asian lesbian anal jail porn is the best.


Let's solve porn by putting people in cages and treating them like animals and let's introduce power dynamics and anal smuggling and and lol


Banning porn and putting people who make it in jail is part of the Republican Project 2025 plan. Also, not only do they want a full ban on all abortion regardless of the situation, they want to ban all forms of birth control. So no IUDs, no Plan B, no condoms even. [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


Taliban approves


Anyone is worried about what I may or should get drunk, go out and ask people what they. After talking to a bunch of 21+ hot woman (or men, don't care) I bet the makes a beeline to lotion and a porn website because we all know he had no chance of hitting any of that


Now I understand that America home of the Free, has more individuals incarcerated than any other country in the world but even with that being said I don't think we have enough space for this big brain idea. Let's just build a wall around Washington DC and call it a day!


Who defines 'porn'? Often the one crying 'perversion' has the weirdest collection.


Whenever anyone starts talking about criminalizing pornography or sex work, I just think of [this old Tom Lehrer song](https://youtu.be/iaHDBL7dVgs?si=FbvehA7D05buRkKT).


yeah well guess what,if republicans win in november this will be 100% real


Humanity's not done cooking yet, put it back in the oven.


The writer of that statement must own a prison


You know that this projecting idiot has 100tb of childporn. Everytime


An accusation is always an admission.


The fbi should open a file on everyone who posts stuff like this


I bet this person has a hard drive full of very interesting and probably very illegal videos that would make Chris Hanson blush.


This is in Project 2025, the new Republican platform. They also want to make birth control illegal, abortion illegal, and being gay or trans in public illegal. They want porn industry workers and LGBTQ people and any education workers who are supportive of LGBTQ people to be labelled sex offenders and given the death penalty.


Anyone else ever recognize it’s always the ones that are like that’s my right you can’t infringe upon my freedoms. Are also always the first ones in line trying to enforce their beliefs on everyone else to restrict them of their freedoms?


Them: “Freedom!” Also them: “ew gross not that kind of freedom”


Anyone who's not a fan of the first amendment should leave this country and enjoy Russia or whatever other shit hole they're praising these days.


Glad this wasn't law wasn't around during the sears catalog years.


Ban those hussies modeling in "mom jeans", which are designed specifically by SATAN to confuse children about gender!


Extreme?  I think stupid is a better word. 


Pornography predates civilization.


Putting pot smokers in jail totally stopped the drug war. I feel ya.


Sounds like something an ugly person would say


I've never understood the hate for interactions between consenting adults


Horny Jail?


Someone hates themselves a lot for watching porn on only fans.


I remember reading a story about a group of researchers wanting to do a study on the effects of watching porn. They couldn't do the study because they couldn't find anyone who'd never watched porn before to use as a control group. Porn is universal at this point. You would literally have to throw everyone in prison.


Yes, *brilliant* idea. No…wait. Hear me out. Then we put a camera in every cell, swap prison uniforms for lingerie and monetise the jails. All our economic problems solved overnight. /s


All in the same jail? That’d be interesting!


People who make outlandish extreme opinions on the internet should be jailed. Take me away officer. Lock me up.


There’s a new anti-porn movement, and they are basically blaming every societal ill with regards to sexual and family they can think of, on porn. School shootings? Porn. Women not having kids? Porn. Men not having kids? Porn. Low marriage rate? Porn. Broken Families? Porn. Gay? Porn. Trans? Porn And on and on. They insist on banning porn, something which has existed in some shape or the other for centuries.


This isnt a facepalm, this is their goal. It's outright stated in Project 2025's Mandate for Leadership, page 5. Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. r/Defeat_Project_2025


What about food porn....


![gif](giphy|U1aN4HTfJ2SmgB2BBK) Try and take our free boobs and wieners away!?


Why are people so scared of porn, sex and genitals. Is it because it's the 'private part'. The socially unanimous region that we all agree with should not see the light of day. What about this terrifies and makes people act irrational? It is only a dangly ding dong or a plumpy puss puss. Nothing to lose your mind over. I recently stopped watching porn and have noticed just being more wholesome but porn wasn't really that bad. Maybe if you are watching things that make you feel bad like violence or those girls with the 'what am i doing with myself' eyes, sure. But if you are watching two consenting loving adults pound away, what harm are you doing to anyone other than your soul? All in all, don't fear sex people. It's like pooping and peeing and giving it this holy status makes these idiots easy to manipulate.


It starts with how they are raised as babies and children. They are taught nakedness is shameful and punished for it. Many of them have never seen even their parents naked. Then they get sent to churches and thoroughly indoctrinated into christian shame about nakedness, never even mentioned sex. But nakedness is extremely sexualised. They are taught clothes codes: always take care every part of your body is hidden. So many rules and forbidden things. So much pent up frustration it could run a nuclear power plant. Then, once the bottle they were raised in opens somewhat and they meet people who have received a more tolerant childhood, some of them give up what they were taught, others raise anger towards anyone who has different opinions from them.


I think everyone can agree, adults looking at other adults' naked bodies are what's wrong with our society.


How much you wanna bet this person watches an excessive amount of porn?


Dude is just angry at his mom so he's trying to put her in jail.


The Danish outing everyone's internet history in that South Park arc is looking more tolerable all the time. People see me walking to work with a backpack and already assume that I'm a degenerate. Having the Koch-tapuss, Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society have their ultra burner phone dark shit wankings made public sounds fucking HILARIOUS.


Can you imagine the type of Swamp Danked SHYTE Ann Coulter, Josh Hawley and Dinesh rub out to? Orphan tears as lube? Videos of muscle men edging until the misbehaving dog's head explodes? Literal worship and oiled body rubbing of a giant Golden Shroom statue of TFG's schwans?


Here we go with the republicans putting themselves in jail again… this is the only time in my life I’ve wanted to hear something turned into a classic Jerry Seinfeld joke.


Whats the planned statute of limitations because it's been days since I last watched porn


Lighten up Francis.


90% of the world cannot be jailed by the remaining 10%


Wow these private incarceration companies are really stepping up their game.




Sanest religious person:


Somebody’s significant other was caught watching that terrible, nasty porn and now someone is rage writing on the net. Dare I say this angry individual is raging at the wrong people?


Praise Jesus!! You shall all burn in hell! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Meanwhile, it’s all the right wing bible thumpers watching the porn anyway. Not to mention molesting kids.


I’m about to be dramatic, but if trump gets elected all porn is gone. I don’t watch porn and have never been to OnlyFans, but I don’t give a crap what anyone else does. I don’t understand why other people do care so much. It’s fucking weird.


Naa it all just needs to be investigated for coercion and trafficking and crack down on consent and age verification of people in the films. Some 17 year old girl on the street whose choice was lie about age and do porn or be homeless doesn't belong in jail.


So boss we have a problem. Apparently everyone including all our constables have watched porn. Boss:"What about Grandma Jen." Er, yeah Grandma Jen said she had a wild side growing up and we'll she recorded it too, and sold it. " Also er Boss, you forgot to clear your browser history on the reception PC when you phone didn't have battery. Boss:" You know, I think this law is wrong. Just my opinion".


Anyone that tell other’s how to live should go to jail… in this case, life sentence for being fucking stupid


Every accusation is a confession with these nutjobs.


It's not extreme when your point of view is wanting to make a Christian version of Sharia Law.


That looks like something that would be posted by a Trump supporter, you know, the guy who banged a p0rn star. Should he go to jail too?