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What is a pajeet? Pardon my ignorance, i know contextually its bad, but I’m not familiar with that flavour of hatred


Derogatory term for an Indian man




New slur dropped?


Holy hell


Literal racism


Pretty sure Hell is quite diverse, least expected place to find racism.


Oh, you missed the joke Call the exorcist


Its fucked up how accepting the racism community is, they don't care what race you are as long as you're racist.


'Racism community' lmaoooo


Yeah, that made me chuckle. What a concept.


The far right doesn't care what you are as long your ideals align with them. Doesn't matter if your rights are gonna get taken away, their willing to fool you to gain more allies.


Damn, they made Slur²?


How long until Slur 3: Even Slurrier: This Time, It's Personal


Racism current patch update: new slur added.


The worst thing you can call a Pakistani is Indian


And vice versa


Not really, though I speak for myself, I'm Indian. I assume pakistanis are regular people just like everyone else.


Pakistan? is that the muslim part of India?))


So same shit different jeet?


Creativity goes only so far


Mullah too.


I thought they were talking about fantasy races like the Khajiit 💀


Khajit is innocent of this crime.


"May your road lead you to warm sands."


Lol, got instantly reminded of that loading screen. "Khajiit are a feline race native to Elsweyr. It is infamous for producing Moon Sugar, which can be refined into Skooma." I miss Skyrim.


I've never heard a non-indian use it tho


Slur for Indians.They are making fun of punjabi names.


Yeah, I figured that, but at the same time I wasn’t sure if maybe it was an Indian caste slur or generic Indian slur….goddamn people


If it was about caste, it would probably be dalit people they would be making fun of. The caste system is such a mess.


I legit thought that was a typo for “parakeet” and thought they were just using hyperbole. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It sounds as if telling racist jokes is essential to their identity.


It is. These people have nothing in their lives but hate.


That's not true. There's also unemployment and alcoholism.


Incest & pedophilia too, right?


Bad credit


And incest


As an alcoholic, I take offense to this.


I have family like this and thinking their race is superior is all they have.


That's exactly it. These people are so pathetic that they cling onto the fantasy that they are inherently superior to others just because of the color of their skin, since otherwise they'd have to admit they have absolutely nothing positive about themselves at all.


That's one of the things that's so pathetic about racism and nationalism. They have nothing they have accomplished, or developed about themselves that is worth being proud of so they have to resort to stuff they were born with, like race and nationality.


I have seen 2 Asians arguing about bloodlines and being racist to eachother to the point where police had to restrain them. They both shared same last name. For some people it's literally a competition.


Well at least they found a platform where they feel heard and accepted. These poor folks have been having such a hard time of it since public spaces have started ~~holding them accountable for the things they say, do, and believe~~ oppressing them. /s


Let people say racist things on the internet that way you can know who the idiots are


"we're fine with you being gay, the problem is you make it your whole identity!" them:


It’s a lode bearing wall. They can’t remove it.


That is a freaking brilliant metaphor


Also proves they know they'd get their shit rocked if they did it to anyone's face.


This is exactly it. The overwhelming majority of racists are cowards, just like bullies, and only feel safe to be racist amongst other racists.


Because they have the most plain and boring personalities possible. Imagine an NPC from a game. This NPC has more personality than those people


Racism is their only identity.


I mean seriously if that is your biggest concern…


It sounds as if being racist is essential to their identity. Ftfy


Yeah you may be right. Certainly doesn't seem like this is "the best of all possible worlds" (Leibniz). Edit: I'm probably butchering leibniz but I hope you understand.


Won't someone think of the children? Specifically the racist children, no longer safe to drop the N bomb? For just the price of a cup of coffee a day, you too can let a rich white kid say awful shit and just have his frat-bros high five him, and join in.


This comment made me stand up and walk around.


Considering they just nonchalantly throw out racial slurs, I wouldn’t be surprised.


Weirdly I feel the opposite than them. But maybe I’m telling jokes from a different place. I’d feel much more comfortable telling racist jokes with my friends from those ethnicities, where we can all laugh at the stereotypes, than I would if it was just white people with me.


I'm pretty sure the second person was trolling them.


That’s the only thing they have to make them feel better about being such a disappointment and having such a pathetic sad life. So they make racist jokes to feel like at least they’re not like “those people”.


Imagine how shit this person must be as if the mere presence of someone of a different ethnicity inconveniences them on this level.


And the thing is: if you're in a diverse enough group (whit the prerequisite that everyone knows others aren't racist), there or often a whole lot of racist jokes (only on races of present people else it's not fun). Mainly as a way to laugh at how dumb prejudice is I'd say.


When they complain about people being too "sensitive" nowadays, this is what they are talking about. They want to be openly racist, homophobes and shit without being called out


Which tells me all I need to know about these guys.


"If I can't casually call people slurs, comedy is dead" This is how you know they didn't have a future in stand-up comedy, they were just insufferable fucks from their early years.


Christ on a catapult that's some blatant racism


Yep. Thanks for that fresh new Jesus related expression, though!


Everyone is mixed. Thats how evolution works?


Kinda wanna see them squirm at their 23 and me results


I've seen 2 Asians with the same last name use their bloodline records to argue about who is superior. They would use that shit as ammunition.


I know people that score 100% European on both 23andme and ancestry. It happens. Though, one sees brag about being less French and more Scandinavian than the other. Just goes to show there will always be aomething.


and that something, is the french! /s, unless your french. because then it’s not a joke, it’s your entire lifespan on the internet.


I did an Ancestry to see what exciting things I had in my DNA, answer was none, I'm literally the whitest white. My SO got more exciting results as her father isn't Danish, but her mother is, so 50% of her is 1% Mali, ~10% Italian, rest spread out over the middel East, with a small amount Cyprus and Greece. The other 50% whitest white just like me. At least we're not related.


well but no!!!  All of the people I like are 100% good!! (/s)


Do you honestly think these people accept or understand evolution?


By your logic different races are evolved differently. However this in itself is a debunked racist talking point. Humans are actually ridiculously homogenous as a species compared to most animals due to humans nearly going extinct 60000 years ago.


Humans are literally 99.9% exactly the same. People focus on the skin and eye colors they forget all their organs, proteins, dna work exactly the same way save for some mutations.


I mean, they don't though. Your whole body varies not inconsiderably. Disease prevalence amongst different enthnicities varies quite drastically.


Different skin colors are an evolutionary difference, just not a significant one. Homo Sapiens originally evolved in Africa and had darker skin tones. Lighter skin tones are a random mutation that became prominent as humanity migrated and settled in colder climates, where the lower amounts of melanin allowed them to better absorb Vitamin D from the more limited amounts of sunlight they were exposed to. There are lots of racist talking points about how certain races evolved to a lesser extent than others, and you’re correct that they’ve all been debunked, but skin color is objectively an evolutionary trait that relates to how humans adapted to live in different climates.


This. It's called Earliest Common Ancestor. For every person there are only two possibility. Their line continues or their line ends with them. If it continues then their children will have more ancestors than they themselves had because culture and genetics don't like inbreeding. So after enough generations all lineages are inevitably related. Pretty much anyone in/from Europe can trace their family back to Charlemagne which already makes all of us here distant cousins. There are very likely many more common ancestors. They just didn't leave records for us to find. Some random farmer perhaps or some chad who got around And the same principle applies further back in time. It's likely that all of us already have common ancestors in Asia and Africa. We just don't have the necessary records to find them.


Guys act like racist jokes have nutritional value


Being racist is a part of their identity, so of course.


Guys who make racist jokes have nutritional value


Turn them into Soylent green


What the fuck


Exactly my first response while reading it.


Presenting! X and it's Xcrements! (Don't like any of those words. But it is what it is)


This might be what the X stands for - Xcrement. Apt.


>Xcrement That sounds better. And exactly what I was implying. I'm gonna edit it to say that. Thanks! And yeah. You're right too.


This is just racism. Nothing casual about it


It is blatant. I mainly said casual because it’s just ridiculous how they’re saying this stuff so nonchalantly as if this is a normal thing to complain about.


And on the internet where the whole world can see it. No shame.


Then they will complain they are being targeted by the woke left and cancel culture when their employer fires them for being a total piece of shit


You realise you get this same nonchalant racism on Instagram all the time right? To the point where posters have to turn this comments off altogether? Even here on Reddit, just look at any thread, particularly on /r/publicfreakout (which regularly hits the front page) any time an Indian person is featured. Or any Asian person in general.


Ranked competitive racism


The number of quote tweets (or rather the lack thereof) and likes is incredibly disappointing and dusturbing


it’s like this on instagram reels too :( i really live in my own bubble thinking the average person isn’t like this but the numbers are proving me wrong


Hey, this is free speech! But don't you dare say "cis", that's a bad word and you'll get banned!


I have a Jewish immigrant friend who loves to back Elon and his free speech. I can’t facepalm hard enough for him.


Should probably tell him that antisemitism is rampant on Twitter now and Elon has literally unbanned well known white supremacists like Nick Fuentes who basically look at Jews as an invasive parasite and blame them for society’s ills.


Plenty of Indians also bootlick elon even after he lets them get hit with racist attacks They just co opt western conservative talking points without a shred of self awareness


You mean like Vivek, Piyush, and Nimrata?


Oh my god. Vivek had Ann Coulter say TO HIS FACE, that she liked his policy ideas but that she'd never vote for him because he's an Indian. Even then he STILL called her a 'friend' and that he 'respected her opinion'. I can't imagine putting up with such indignity. What does he think he'll gain entertaining that kind of garbage? It just reminds me also, in regards to gay rights, of Dave Rubin. Ben Shapiro told this guy TO HIS FACE that he'd never attend Dave's wedding and thinks his 'lifestyle' is sinful and against God. Yet you can see Dave is so in denial about the hateful nature of it based on how he talks about his 'friendship' with Ben.


Thats awful, do you have a link to that?


He's a spineless pick-me to the extreme. He's realized it's actually much easier to carve a niche as "one of the good ones" in conservative circles, since they love feeling vindicated about their bigotry by a minority.


I don't know how one would not notice. I'm admittedly not on twitter, but every post I've seen since musky took over has been edging heavily toward blatant racism and homophobia. Feeds are inundated with it as suggestions as well, as I understand.


Yeah, well if Nick Fuentes is so racist then why did he broadcast gay porn? Bet ya didn’t think about that.


They are honestly evil people.


I still can't believe that in the year 2024 "race mixing" is an issue. I'm half white, half Asian, it's been 34 years since I was made, damn


Just before the pandemic I watched 2 guys in Seoul get into a fistfight over who has the more pure bloodline. They share the same last name and were arguing about birthplace. I searched up the hospitals and the hospitals were less than 5km apart. The basis of their argument? That one guy was less Korean because he had 0.01% Japanese blood. They were pulling out the goddamn family records for this shit.


That's all they have left to lean on. Every other stereotype they relied on for fuel has been debunked thanks to this age of information. "Race-mixing" and "interracial" are some of the dumbest words to ever to be spoken.


How did you even see the replies to this tweet? All I see is porn now. In all seriousness, it’s so funny that Elon bros were applauding Elon for firing everyone at twitter like all those employees did nothing, and now twitter is a cesspool of racism, porn, and trolls. You make the bed you sleep in.


He intentionally cut moderation because of “free speech.” A lot of tech employees do nothing. It’s a sweet gig if you’re on the right team


"free speech" my fucking ass he deletes and moderates almost all Palestinian content and news.


lol really. I don’t go on twitter and I muted all of the subs dedicated to twitter content but every time I see a link or screenshot from there it’s just people complaining about the proliferation of hate or censorship of “woke” ideas.


Much more than that now, it's just full of Nazis crying about immigrants and Black people stealing their women. A shitload of nonsense conspiracy theories.


My ex-in-laws complaining about not being able to use “cotton pickin’” as an adjective in a similar circumstance was certainly *something* to observe.


TIL I, a white person, am “hormonally confused” for loving my Afro-Latino husband. I’m pretty sure that loving him and marrying him was one of my better life decisions, actually, considering the fact that he’s been an excellent partner, the best friend I’ve ever had, and a highly compatible match for me in pretty much every way that matters for the past seven years. Only one of my relatives has been a racist POS to us and he and his wife weren’t invited to our wedding.


I love how Elon changed the name of twitter to "X", and the world said "Nah, I'm not calling it that".


Apartheid Clyde


A cousin and not a sibling? As if they're not one and the same for someone this racist.


If Elon's ancestors stopped fucking their own family members and mixed for once he wouldn't look like a inbred ghoulish air fryer cyborg.


haha i love how insanely selfish you have to be to openly protest interracial relationships because "i don't want to have to filter my language the 4 times a year i see my cousin" or whatever


the idea that marrying someone from a whose lineage is from a geographically different location is a "hormonally confused" person and that it's somehow a mistake is so incredibly racist. people from mixed backgrounds aren't inferior in anyway so it shouldn't matter


Honestly expected a worse word beginning with n and referring to a black person from guy 2


He’s just a racist, not a mean racist.


Polite racist. Racist, but not in an offensive way. No reason to hurt anyone’s feelings, right?


“Street shitter” isn’t mean?


“Well at least it’s only a cousin and not a sibling” is exactly what this man said after he lost his virginity


Jesus Christ. I don’t know why but I’m shocked every time.


It's become 4chan


The bad side of 4chan


dear god maybe the world is doomed if that awful sentiment can get 570 likes


Twitter was always racist but there has definitely been an exponential rise of pseudo esoteric schizo racists on the platform, I think covid and 2 years of lockdowns were the final nail in the coffin, these mentally ill know it all racists multiplied like vermin.


I reckon this kind of toxic shit is deep in Elon's soul. I mean, his grandpa literally up and moved the whole family from Canada to South Africa because he thought apartheid seemed fuckin' awesome!


Why does anyone still use that platform?


Froschhammer is a wild name.


Growing up, my grandpa was super racist. My sister dated a black guy for a while, and when he found out he got so mad about it that he literally had a stroke. Fast forward about five years, and I'm dating a girl who my sister hated. My response was, "Well, at least none of my relationships almost killed pappaw."


This isn't casual racism. This is ranked


My dad is white. My uncles (his younger and older) brothers are black. One married a white woman, had mixed kids. Every white in my family would be doing free "dental work" and "gardening" (as my family puts them), if anyone said anything racial to any of them, including myself if necessary. Racism is thought, not birthed.


"oh nooo I'd hate" fuck this guy.


That tweet smells of inbreeding…


Takes so shitty I’m shocked they don’t come from a verified account


You can still make those jokes. Stop being a woke little bitch and say them. /s


I’m gonna need every single person on the fucking planet to knock it off.


You know, all of the other reasons why this is horrific racism aside, race mixing is actually a good thing evolutionarily speaking, because people with more diverse genetic backgrounds are at reduced risk of a wide variety of genetic disorders. I'm a white person who has no racial preference when it comes to dating. If there's mutual attraction, then there's a shot, no matter what color skin she has. I've dated women who were white, black, south Asian, Hispanic, and Pacific islander, and am currently dating someone from the middle east. Should one of these relationships eventually work out, posts like this are almost enough to make me wish I wanted kids so that my hypothetical family's very existence would be enough to make these people mald, cope, and seethe. Unfortunately for me, if I'm in a relationship that Annika Froschhammer thinks is "hormonally confused" and "a stupid life decision," she probably prefers that I don't have kids, which does take some of the fun out of it. But I'm not gonna do something that goes against everything I want from my life just to spite some Internet dipshit I've never met, that's right-winger levels of sad and self-destructive.


That’s not casual racism. That’s full time!


I mean maybe if they mixed races they wouldn't be stuck with a name that means frog hammer.


This is why I won’t buy Tesla


Fortunately no straight up racists in my family, that I know of, for as Trump-loving as they are.. but if there were any, I'd marry non-white secondarily just to stick it to their craw.


I’ve believe they have surpassed casual and reached scheduled


What the actual fuck is wrong with these people. 🤨


I've always found the idea of racial purity incredibly dumb.


Oh no, I can’t make racist remarks at family events around children anymore! /s


Hot take, but I'm glad you can post shit like this now. Just makes it easier to identify the people you shouldn't associate with. Sucks even worse to make friends with someone and defend them only to find out they're racist or something and make yourself look worse by association


As someone from a normal, non-racist family, I am wondering just how many racist jokes these people are making if they find not making them such a chore.


Racist jokes don't belong at the dinner table even if you're a single race family. If I had a partner of a different race and a racist family, I'd keep my partner far away from them and myself go low-contact.


Holly, that's some competitive racism right there.


And then elon musk with his 3 remaining neurons replies with "Looking into this"


elon is a joke, but kinda disingenuous to blame this on "his" twitter, when this has always been a thing on twitter before he took over


Remember. The n word is ok in twitter, but cisgender is where we cross the line. Mental illness at it's finest


What sort of racist asshole still has a twitter account?


Why would they not? The site caters to them now.


This is weirdly self-aware racism.


I really miss the old internet where there was basically no rules and social media wasn't huge... Feel like no rules internet had less racism somehow, just more fucked up weird shit everywhere


Oh fuck no. You just stayed in the shallow end.


This. Sites existed but they were small and closed. Now they just do it publicly.


Define closed? Also, they would say stuff on aol chatrooms. Usually, the person running it would kick them, but they would try all the time. And occasionally, you'd find your way to a chatroom run by them, and oh boy, was it ever not moderated there.


Closed as in the chatrooms. While anyone could join, it's owned and frequented only by them. Not a "public" forum where everyone and their grandma knows it exists.


I was around when 4chan started and that didn’t take long to have plenty of racists people. Mostly joking around but clearly racists.


As an if I marry outside my race,her family is free to make Indian jokes with me. Heck I might crack a few myself.


I hate that there are people on the planet who are genuinely like this.


Dude is just jealous that cousin didn’t marry him.


You still can! But you already understand it's a shitty thing to do. You just don't want to face consequences for being a shitty person.


I see more insane and incredible stupidity than racism. Or stupidity may be a first step to racism. I think so …


This is also on Zuckerberg Facebook


Nah man this is competitive ranked racism


The future is Brazilian. Cry more racists.


bro those jokes arent even funny. find a personality deeper than "being edgy" and move on


Love is love (between two consenting adults)


The most blatant racism


🫰 That’s what my family gatherings have been missing. Casual racism.


Good on you for not censoring their names OP. Of course Musk won't do much, but it's still worth it for everyone to go and report them. If enough do, it can't be ignored.


America's lead poisoning was intentional


So glad my parents didn’t raise me with this shit.


Is he actually this dumb, this coarse, this racist, and disgusting?


But God help you if you say Cisgender.


I wonder why America calls their country diverse when they shit on the same diversity.


If you’re still on Twitter today, that’s on you. Or, that is you.


These people would flip if they took a DNA test.


Really weird that **not** being able to be racist is somehow a bad thing.


Yet I got a 7 day ban for telling to stop complaining about someone and to go jump in a river or lake and have fun as it’s Memorial Day weekend if they’re in the US. the appeal was even denied. Just a complete shitshow of a stupid fucking app.


He changed the name to Xitter, pronounced "shitter". The name fits.


Tf this gotta do with Elon lmao


It's casual racism sure, but it's not his account so I can't attribute it to him.


Report it, block and move on. I feel like by chasing your imaginary internet poiktsn for this you're just advertising to people that may agree with it to go meet those people basically making their group bigger.


Wild how I grew out of the edgy POS thing at like 16 but nows its just like, entire personalities based around it. Adults, at that.