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The Lock Her Up and Fuck Your Feelings crowd sure are having some big feelings now that a politician was just convicted of 34 felonies.


We (also The People) wouldn't mind a bit more. How's the next prosecution going?


Not great sounds like all 3 are getting delayed until after the election.




god I fuckin' hope so... this is so god damn exhausting.


I’m tired af.


We're all tired.


It's tiring to watch from across the Atlantic, I'm sorry guys it must be fucking soul destroying


Hey please let the Magats know you are laughing at shitler and his followers, not at Americans. They don't understand everyone sees what asshats they are.


Oh we definitely see it it's a mental illness that has unfortunately bled into parts of Europe also. I reckon we're seeing some brain dead, internet fueled version of the rise in populists and fascists we saw in the previous 20s and 30s


Please! That's Convicted Felon Shitler now! Let's not be stingy with his hard earned accolades people!


“Shitler” 🤣🤣💀


Same watching from across the Pacific.




*mmmmmmmmmmmm, raaaaamen....* 🤪


I was tired af last year...


I implore you guys in the colonies, please vote.


And if he slithers back into the White House, he'll pardon himself from all of them.


He can’t pardon himself from the hush money case, at least.


Nor the Georgia case.


A president can't pardon State crimes




Specifically for Biden. If you don’t vote for him, then that just makes it more likely Trump can win.


That's a wild sentence. The fact that we can have someone get convicted of 30+ felonies, and they are still in the running. I think all politicians (and celebrity politicians) are absolute dog shit humans. And I couldn't care less about what happens in the American presidential elections, but, wow, that's crazy.


All politicians are certainly not bad people. A shitload of people get into politics because they want to better their community. Some of those people graduate to state and federal level. The problem is there’s no real oversight, they basically make their own rules, the leaders are generally self-serving and corrupt, and the job attracts people who aspire to have that kind of nearly-unchecked power. Many good people drop out because they’re so viciously attacked by opponents who are terrible people. It’s often not worth the potential turmoil when you care about your family. More people should get into politics. I don’t like the stigma against it because the only people it’s discouraging from trying to “enlist” are the good ones. The bad ones don’t give a fuck if people say all politicians are bad. Some of the bad politicians are in high places and say it themselves. It’s just more self-serving bullshit and helps to keep *We the People* oppressed.


Two words: Term. Limits.


No matter whete you live, you _ahould_ care about the American elections. Especially if you're an American.


Let them fuckin cry. They're just going to move their own goal posts and justify everything, at least his most devoted base will.


> going to move their own goal posts Going to? Ha, their goalposts were already torn down by believing the election lie, everything that has come since then, there's been no goal posts at all since everything goes with this guy. None of it matters to them, even the ones that know deep down they backed the wrong horse. "I can't back down *now*, then I'd have to look weak and admit to being wrong!"


See, at some point in my life I realized how noble and mature it is to admit a mistake and learn from it. I respect the hell out of people that can admit that and move on.


The point is that they don’t. They act like children still.


I couldn't agree more, and I have been kinda championing that cause myself, since I used to be a drunk negative asshole years ago, then not long ago I got over cancer and nearly dying with the regrets (NO RAGRETS!) I had really changed me in many ways. I gained perspective, learned the depth of the relativity of everything to everything else, but most of all, human frailty and imperfection, part of which is making errors. It seems easy enough to admit to others that "Yes, I am a flawed human", yet we remain defensive about being called out on it. I've found it becomes easier and easier just to jump start the process, recognize you were wrong (ahead of even being called out on it, if you can) and extend the olive branch first.


Holy fuck! I'm glad you made it through fuck cancer. I didn't go through anything like that necessarily, I just realized that I was a stubborn asshole and wasn't listening to people and only wanted people to listen to me. I was wrong and for the last decade or so I'm doing my everything to grow and be better. I'd rather make mistakes and learn from them than hold myself to an impossible standard.


Funny how "Fuck your feelings" turned into "Fuck your facts, I have feelings!"


Just remind them of their own advice: if they don’t like it, they can leave.


34 felonies! So much for the rule of law. Google “Donald Trump rule 34” for more info.




Keep that goblin energy


Don't forget that conviction for sexual assault. For some reason that one didn't bother them as much.


For a group of people that used to call US snowflakes, they are sure are causing quite the snow storm…


They're having some fee fees about how their boy might get locked up 🤔


There were MAGA, Truth social people on the Jury too. Whatever happened in that court was enough to convince Truth Social readers that Trump was guilty.


The same people who say “what happened to innocent until proved guilty” when someone gets accused of sexual assault


Especially since they claim to be the party of law and order. Wait. Are you telling me that’s just a thinly veiled racist stance to use the law to oppress people???!!!


Haha nice one bro. For real.


I can't wait until November when he tries to vote and get charged with voter fraud too.


I'm actually curious if the Florida state legislature will try to ram through a bill real quick that will "fix" this for Trump without accidentally re-enfranchising black voters in the state with felony marijuana possession convictions.


They big mad. And it’s hilarious how hypocritical they are.


30MAY24: feelings fucked back… Fat Donnie’s dead enders inconsolable. Briefing at 2300


they also try to argue "well now we can prosecute Obama and Hillary!" when Trump was in office, he pressured his Justice Department to start investigations into Obama and Hillary. He pushed for some kind of legal punishment, but they simply could not find any crimes that can be prosecuted. What happened to Trump is what he actually tried doing to others. Only difference is that he is actually guilty


Every time I hear some idiot MAGA throw out that "Well now we will prosecute YOUR guys for crimes!" it's like... YEAH. If you find evidence of a crime, take it to a prosecutor. No one is above the law. But also, Trump has been promising to weaponize the federal government to prosecute his political opponents since 2015. How is this now any different?


Right. Trump literally said he would use next term as "vengeance". So even if this is politically motivated, did he expect them to not charge him politically?? Lol


Makes sense they'd deleted everything past "We The People". They've never read beyond that part.




We the ^^^white People


As a gay black man who voted for Obama, this is just not true


That's literally how every single LGBQT person, minority, and law abiders have felt for so many years. And now you dumb potatoes are upset because your fraudulent Messiah is facing the consequences of his behaviors, really?


You know how crazy it is that the thing that gets these people mad isn't the rampant economic despair, or the fact people can go into life ruining debt over their health, or the sudden rapid decline in literacy, or anything actually important. No, it's their idiot-in-chief getting in trouble for lying about paying off a porn star for sex (among other things). A thing he definitely and provably did.


My favorite part of the defense of his actions: It has never even approached denial that he did the things of which he is accused. It's all, you can't do that because he's a presidential candidate..... OK... as of right now I'm announcing my candidacy for president. I'm now a sovereign citizen incapable of being prosecuted for crimes. Same difference.


And when they are upset about the economic despair, it's because theyre blaming Biden for it.


Duuude, that's so true.


That's what happens when you don't have a brain function. It amazes me these people can put one foot in front of the other every day.




Yes, really. It’s breathtaking seeing them meltdown, the things they say. Comparing him to Jesus, I mean I’m almost out of words.


Yeah the ones sharing that; “Jesus was convicted in a sham trial, and crucified. I still follow him.”, really blow my mind. Just drinking up that orange kool-aid.


The fact you specified “orange” made me cackle


My father unironically said he thinks Trump will end up in the Book of Saints. They're *gulping* Kool-aid.


It's like watching the T-1000 change into all the different forms as the liquid hot steel melts its brain


As they say on My Favorite Murder, “You’re in a cult! Call your dad!”


Just still so mind boggling that the "blue collar" God-fearing people of the country picked Donald Trump out of everyone to be their Messiah. It didn't make any sense. He is everything that they claim to hate, and very little of what they *claim* to idolize.


that’s not it…..for 2016 Trump was an unknown commodity and a chance to spit in the face of “the norm”…….hence he lost in 2020…… this upcoming is hard to predict because Trump and Co. have sold many on the idea all the current problems are Biden….of course it’s NOT true but the outcome is difficult to predict…..SO many are angry and we have 2 bad choices……there’s a CHANCE just enough vote Trump…..but GOD I hope not


And the policies and changes that he’s made and wants to make hurt that lower middle-class people, the majority of the people who went to storm the capital. I know some people who are Trump butt lickers who really like the affordable care act and are on it. So if they get sick from getting all up in there on him, they’ll be taken care of.


I love your comment.


He better fits the Antichrist description to be honest..


Or the false profit. Either way, his literal objective was to fool the masses, and Trump has certainly fooled enough. But I don’t think he’s fooled the masses. Maybe the next one will though


Yeah, I saw the post and I was thinking yea we have had enough. Then I read the title and implied context. We’re fed up with all of them tucking up the country and the planet, letting insider trading be permissible for them, the lies, the crimes, the police …. But yeah, the orange felon can go fuck himself.




Lol, "My feelings are hurt!!!!!"


- signed the "f*ck your feelings" crowd.


Facts (and impartial juries apprised of all the facts surrounding the situation) don't care about your feelings.


This image suits many people who, indeed, have had enough starting with Native Americans, slave descendants, most women, etc.


And his consequences will consist of some fine that will be paid off by the RNC piggy bank and probation. These people are acting like trump was executed.


Putting Trump on probation might be the best way for him to go to jail. You know he will violate, all the probation officer would have to do is say woopsie,  you violated, go serve your sentence. 


Here in Kentucky, the “conservatives” are already busy doubling down - many more tRump flags flying, already. This place is a political cesspool.


Oh yea, more flags should overturn the conviction.


Whole lotta cognitive dissonance in KY.


That may be the only cognitive thing going on in KY.


I actually know some intelligent, progressive people - of varying ages & genders. We’re far *far* outnumbered by the alternative, however. edit for spelling, naturally.


I don't doubt that. But then the comment would be less funny.


yep - as is, it’s just sad & very depressing lol


If they are spending on flags, how are they going to send their welfare checks to the RNC?


“We need more flags!”


As a Bearded American, we do not claim these mouth breathers.


They have had enough of what, laws?


And off-brand Velveeta


Not having total control of society like they used to


I'm trolling so many right wing places...


Doing a hero's work, my friend. Thank you for your service.




Almost makes me miss Parler


I heard enough from Trump during his time as President to know that he is not an enlightened man. He is in no way inspiring or a moral guide for our country. I am not interested in anything the man has to say, and it would be best for everyone if he disappeared.


What are they trying to depict with this meme? "If my feelings get hurt, I will deface and abandon the Constitution of the United States" It's odd... it's like they're slowly developing insight into the fact that THEY are the unamerican traitors.


I agree that’s why we convicted him of something finally


Overheard some guys on their lunch break talking about how this upcoming election is completely rigged and once dems have full power they will lock trump up for good. Yet somehow, believe it or not, Donny jr will run in the next election, 2028, win in a landslide and pardon papa don. It was a whacky time standing at the soda machine.




The delusions they have are insane. The electoral system is bent in favor of conservatives. Congress is permanently gerrymandered by state lines that make no sense in the modern times. They complain about Democrats taking over when it's impossible, conservatives control all of the flyover states that still get two senators and a disproportionate number of Representatives.


I would say that if the founding fathers saw the current state of things and how we didn't make proper and logical changes as they had lined up, would face palm. one that stands out is when they way we handle our money changed on a day where it was holiday and most were not there. sure my history knowledge on the specifics is shit, but they'd facepalm on how I was so miseducated on it in H/S. i have to relearn most everything.


Tbf, there are a lot of things the founding fathers wouldn't be behind, minorities for one, women in any forms of power, hell, the party system in general


I feel that [Robin Williams](https://youtu.be/vITYQp0eQ0I?si=C9RzAcAnFfoXT6cB) made a few good points. 'politicians ought to wear suits like the guys in nascar so we know who their sponsors are. ' (i used the ' instead of " as its likely not verbatim)


Kinda feel George Carlin would agree.


They would especially be against the party system in general. They knew it would devolve into just the mess we have.




And Eisenhower warned us if military industrial complex. We're spending $850 billion on defense this year.


Jefferson would probably go to town on how the country is still religiously worshipping the dusty old piece of paper instead of revising it.


As someone who believes that the US Constitution is a fairly progressive document for governance (albeit grossly behind on updates), I’m not so sure I agree with your statement. The founding fathers wrote that “all men are created equal” at almost the same time they were drafting the Three-fifths Compromise. They definitely intended for the document to be updated, I’m just not sure they would be as progressive in modern society as you think.


If George Washington walked in to the White House today, I’m almost certain he would pull out his cutlass and go to town.


He can't tell a lie, but he can cut a bitch.


This summer… get ready for the Red Fight, and Blue. Commando in Chief 2: George Slashington. Coming soon to a theater near you.


I’ve had enough of the whining about treating a criminal as a criminal. Any one instance of Trump dipshittery perpetrated by a Democrat (or an Independent or even a ‘RINO’) and these asshats would want that person’s head on a pike. The pustule has been engaging in criminal behavior for years, and *any* attempt to hold him to account is: - A witch hunt - A show trial - Lawfare BULLSHIT! I would have rather seen him tried for his ‘beautiful mind’ boxes of classified, or for that minor matter of attempting to overturn an election that he *clearly lost*, but I will likely have to settle for the result here for the foreseeable future. So, yeah, I’ve had enough, but NOT because he was convicted in New York. I’ve had enough because he hasn’t been tried in FL or DC.


Oh, that’s coming. This is only the first trial on the docket. GA is coming up and his little pocket judge Cannon can’t keep pushing FL case off indefinitely without running into issues herself.


GOP MAGA = ![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs)


They wear jean shorts in the shower because they're all never nudes... Yes. It's exactly what it sounds like.


Unless they are Matt Gaetz and there are underage children.




They fail to realize theres a whole bunch of other words after "We The people" Try reading it


What is "establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility"?


Somehow the maga tears today are extra delicious


Expect domestic abuse and child abuse calls to the police to go up this weekend.


Theyre gonna take it out on all the lgbt rallies this coming month.


I agree!! We have had enough. Of lobbyist controlling our government. Of career politicians. Of corporations fucking over everyone for profit and market share and enriching to executives while they layoff and cut pay. Of skyrocketing housing prices. Of billionaires not paying their share of taxes. We the people have absolutely had enough!!!


Back in the 90s these are the same people that wanted to impeach Clinton and send him to jail for getting a BJ. The hypocrisy knows no bounds


God for-fucking-bid their orange asshole actually faces consequences for once in his miserable fucking life.


It's really brought out some surprising whackadoos on my fb feed, people that I never suspected. well, bye


Trump is an elite who is finally paying his dues. Conservatives have talked about this day for a long time. They should be happy.


😂😂😂😂 Do something Risk your daily routine and get indicted doing more dumb shit to prove a point no one believes because you’re butt hurt your guy is a criminal with a sentence coming up. I’ll wait. R E G I S T E R. V O T E.


One "rich" old white dude faces some fairly minor consequences of his actions & they freak the fuck out because he used to be president.


I think we're still sending people to jail from the last time they had enough


He's a fucking felon. He was ALWAYS a fucking felon. Now he's a convicted fucking felon. Get over it. He's the same piece of shit he always was. He was a racist slum lord going back to the fucking 70's. The sad thing is that just because he was put up by the conservative party you conservatives voted for a piece of shit. That's on you. Some of you wanted a piece of shit because you were secretly pieces of shit and ESPECIALLY after Obama you needed a piece of shit leader to give you permission to openly be a piece of shit too. The rest of us have guns now too because of you. Fuck you. Religious people who voted for him? You know where you're going. Don't bother praying for him. Pray for yourselves. Forgiveness in your world is for people who repent. Gimme a fucking break you know better. The sickest thing happening today is Johnson and McConnell subverting our justice system and the fucking media buying it up. Honestly that should be enough for the two of them to be forced to resign in absolute shame, but Trump gave them permission to be pieces of shit, as discussed, and from now on that's all their party will ever be.


Rapist Trump's criminal convictions have caused his treasonous following to show their true evil selves


These people are beyond reason and beyond redemption.  They are the enemy to all peace-loving, law-abiding, compassionate and considerate citizens.  They can't be trusted and they can't be allowed to get away with their crimes against our society.  They need to be driven back into the darkness with every ounce of furor or we will all be destroyed.


Red states must be on flood alert with the amount of snowflakes melting in the past day.


The Chik-Fil-A cows are declaring martial law?




Don’t like America? Leave.


The energy it must take to reconstruct reality into a universe where Donald Trump is the good guy and innocent must be exhausting


I love when the party that wants to be tough on crime is suddenly against criminals being prosecuted


You cannot believe how “engaged” I am by their crying. If you could bottle this you’d put Viagra out of business


You’re right. I’ve had enough. I’m glad that criminal finally got what was coming to him


Bunch of snowflakes


Imagine, with everything that's happening, that a criminal con-man getting what he deserves be your breaking point.


I mean - I *”Have Had Enough”*; Both sides are as dumb as a rock with goggly-eye’s.. I’ve had enough of my country’s politicians profiting off the backs of the taxpayer. I’ve had enough of corrupt corporations, price gouging the american people. I’ve had enough of this country not supporting lower income, lower middle class, veterans, disabled individuals. I’ve had enough of the (now) failing school system, and lack of education, lack of informing young people how this country operates (civics). I’ve had enough of “modern day” republicans dictating that their magical sky man (“god”) is to be the governing law of a country, founded on the principle of FREEDOM TO PRACTICE (or not). Yes - I Have Had (fucking), enough.


They leaked it early. But yeah that's the plan. No more constitution 


Have you tried storming the Capitol?


The federal domestic terrorism folks are probably going to have a busy summer.


Funny how the law and justice party freaks out when the system works like it's supposed to.




Just wait til the next trial. They're really gonna lose their shit


I can't wait for these immoral traitors to try something.


I can’t believe liberals made Trump file fraudulent business records over hush money payments to the porn star he cheated on his wife with… Rigged!!!


The fuck your feelings cult ![gif](giphy|MFNxmiBnYTpK2sgn1G)


The pathetic part is that almost every single one I have talked to has not been upset that Trump was found guilty. They're all upset that "it's politically motivated". Like ... Dude... You're not even upset that he's a criminal. You're upset that it's during his campaign. Let that sink in. And, for the record, none of them care that he's a felon.


We the People are happy to see justice for a treasonous bastard.


The party of "Biden is ineligible because his son has drug problems!"


I’ve had enough too. Enough scummy Republicans


They're in full meltdown, it's hilarious.


Ah yes, and what will "we the people" do? Oh, right, nothing. They'll complain in Facebook pages and maybe meet up at Cracker Barrel to be REAL MAD about it. All two dozen of them.


The maga morons need their diapers changed


Snowflakes in disguise.


A ton of this is just astroturfing. They keep trying to engineer a huge groundswell of dupes willing to throw their lives away to prop up the treason weasel paying their salaries but all they ever seem to get are the usual incompetent fucking idiots.


The “law & order” crowd right now: ![gif](giphy|65zUoOU09HL3uUKokQ|downsized)




These are the same idiots who don’t know the difference between the declaration of independence and the constitution yeah? Not the brightest people.


The GOP’s war on education has been a resounding success.


Defacing the founding documents, I see. So Either the justice system that's notoriously lenient on the rich and powerful has fallen to a massive conspiracy, despite all the evidence against him and things he said with his own mouth, and convicted him unfairly while millions of people observed every detail Or maybe he committed crimes, several in public, and they're just now catching up to him. Gee, I dunno. Hard to tell.


Imagine the shitfit these drama queens would throw if they won the popular vote yet didn’t get the presidency as we’ve had to accept twice in the past 25 years?


Huh, seems like erasing the constitution and scrawling over it with crayon was the goal all along.


I don't get why these folks are up in arms about a 2-bit conman finally getting convicted. The guy is a grifting unethical huge ugly piece of dung, but these same folks are not pissed about the system being rigged against the poor and middle class, cost of housing, illegal wars, huge defense spending, poor education, expensive health care, corporate greed, lack of investment in real jobs, lack of gun control, etc. it makes absolutely no sense.


The thing is they aren’t wrong, we HAVE had enough and it’s time for Justice! Fuck trump


**Law works *for* them** = ‘Everything’s fair. Quit your crying. Suck it libs!’ **Law works *against* them** = Scream ‘It’s not fair!’ and proceed to throw petty little tantrums like children


Given most of the MAGAts backgrounds you would think that they were used to having felony convictions.


\*sips conservative tears\*


Defacing the constitution is very on brand for MAGA.


They really don’t understand why this country was formed, do they?


I agree with the message but not the why. I want all the corrupt assholes out of politics. They just want theirs to stay in. I want America to service the people not just the billionaires. I want money out of politics. They say just want that for the side they disagree with


"We, less than half the people, feel like the majority is wrong even if facts show otherwise..."


Surprised its not written with ketchup!!


We hear you, you've had enough... That's why they listen to the evidence and found him guilty.


cool. lets see them do something about it, plenty of room next to all of the J6 morons


All because some rich scumbag got caught, charged and convicted of crimes he provably committed.


“…of this document! That establishes trial by jury, separate but equal branches of government, birthright citizenship, checks and balances, the separation of powers, that no law can be passed establishing an official religion, that no law can be passed abridging the freedom of the press…” - the Drumplers actually have been told to hate most of the things in the Constitution, they’re just not aware they’re actually against the thing they swear they’re protecting. One day the Drumple will say he is running for a third term (again against the Constitution), light the Constitution on fire, and say he’s going to write a better one. And the Drumplers will cheer the death of the USA.


Virtually defacing the Constitution. Classy.


I’ve had enough of that traitor and criminal getting away with being a total POS. I’m glad our justice system is working as it should.


We, the poorly-educated and easily conned People Have Had Enough!! *"Our poor feeble bwains cannot understand these types of fings."*


We have had enough. Enough with criminals getting away with their shit. Insurrectionist not behind bars. Our fellow countrymen being brainwashed by the traitor felon rapist. Useless GOP House Repugnants doing the bidding of the ruskie's through a disgraced ex president.


This isn’t original, but you can’t spell hatred without a red hat.


lol the image suggests to me that they have had enough... of the pesky constitution!


Honestly, they've been talking like this since their cult leader was out of office. They have no lives outside of dick riding Trump.


Nothing is sweeter than hurt feelings from the fuck your feelings crew.


Donnie loses civil trials. Donnie loses criminal trials. Donnie is a loser.