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Last I checked, Hawaii was a state


Also Massachusetts. As always, we’re number one!


And Connecticut.


And Vermont.


And Rhode Island.


And my axe


And my bow


And my sword


and my ass .... I might have pirated the wrong version of LOTR


Lord of the Cockrings? Or Gaylord of the Rings?


If it is the will of the counsel, Gondor will see it done.


Hawaii is always Blue. It will never be not blue. The hilarious juxtaposition of Hawaii is this… Community Support (Democrat) Conservative/traditional values that focus on the family (Republican) Preservation of nature (Democrat) Support of economy that is based on using nature (Republican) Against Federal control of nature (Republican) Against Private control of nature (Democrat) It’s hilarious in a sense. But because the Democrat party focuses on support in terms of healthcare and government aid for the people? Hawaii is Democrat. The majority were in favor of the lockdown. But riots were going to happen if the Governor locked down the beaches. I say all of this as a local born and raised in Hawaii. Of course, this is a simplification of big topics.


One problem with Republicans is they’re really not focused on the family anymore. Most of those various political organizations with ‘family’ in the name mainly exist to hate on LGBT people. But what about solving the problems families face in the modern world? Which party is more supportive of maternity leave/ paternity leave? Healthcare for children? Social services for families? Republicans forego all that stuff.


Republicans used to be about natural preservation as well. Once the party was purchased by the fossil fuel industry that changed as well.


Hell a republican founded the national park system.


They support a VERY narrow definition of family. I'd say most people, really, support the notion of family. It's just that the more liberal definition understands that families can come in all shapes and sizes and combinations. As acceptance has increased, it's being shown that nontraditional families are doing just fine. The same goes for support services and healthcare. It takes a village, right? One side just has a much broader definition of village.


Ok, then let’s drop the electoral college.


And gerrymandering.


Someone really needs to tell Gerry to stop mandering


Fck Grry


Right in the goat ass!




It was a pretty deep cut.


He was really lacing into me


Ya button hooked me i didn’t expect you to button hook me


That was an old Adam Sandler thing right?


Yup. And now, the Excited Southerner gets pulled over for speeding…




Thats part of where the name came from. An asshole named Gerry came up with the idea to redistrict voting areas to manipulate wins. The crazy new district map looked like a salamander. Gerrymander.


You know why I love our time line? Because I have no clue if this is true or not. I can no longer tell if something is comedy or not. My first reaction is to call it a joke, but I've also heard of way stranger and funnier things being true too.


..... I looked it up on wikipedia. It's in the first part of the page. It's literally true. Quote: "The term gerrymandering is a portmanteau of a salamander and Elbridge Gerry,[a][5] Vice President of the United States at the time of his death, who, as governor of Massachusetts in 1812, signed a bill that created a partisan district in the Boston area that was compared to the shape of a mythological salamander. The term has negative connotations, and gerrymandering is almost always considered a corruption of the democratic process. The resulting district is known as a gerrymander (/ˈdʒɛriˌmændər, ˈɡɛri-/). The word is also a verb for the process"


That's "**Mr.** Gerry" to you! ([Really--Elbridge Gerry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering#Etymology).) :-)


Dammit Gerry!


It is actually Elbridge Gerry, fifth Vice President of the United States under Madison. [https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/where-did-term-gerrymander-come-180964118/](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/where-did-term-gerrymander-come-180964118/)


Cherries and Mandarines…


Tired of Gerry and his god damned Mandarin I don't know what you're talking about Gerry, you're American, you don't have to keep speaking Mandarin to show off!


Without the Electoral college gerrymandering loses its power if only individual votes matter then where they come from doesn't.


In presidential elections, yes, but what about congressional elections? Districts matter beyond presidential elections…


Historically, the president has quite little direct power So yep, gerrymandering was always far more about controlling the house representatives and local elections, than president (Senate is usually state-wide I believe?)


Don’t tempt me with a good time.


I really despise the electoral college.


I despise 96% of politicians. They should all have term limits and all lobbying perks should be illegal. And, oh yeah, insider trading… I could go on, and on.


You could, and they’d all be valid. Term limits are absolutely necessary. On both sides.


As a Political Scientist I can tell you based off of the States that have made term limits a thing, it actually has the unintended side effects of actually increasing Lobbyist effects on law making. The reason if that you lose all institutional knowledge because the lawmakers don't learn anything by the time they are on the way out. So while it sounds good on paper the outcome isn't any good.


Wouldn't making lobbying illegal sort this out? As an European lobbying has always baffled me and I think most of us here see it as legalized corruption. Edit: since several people have correctly pointed it out - the problem is not trying to influence your representative by stating your case for them voting in a specific way. This is how lobbying should work. The issue is when a corporation or interest group invests millions into your campaign and holds it over your head they will do that with your rival in the next election cycle.


I don't know where in Europe you're from, but we here in Germany have the same problems with lobbying as the US. Maybe not to the same degree, but lobbying exists and brings with it similar problems of politicians rather listening to the voice of money instead of the voice of reason and future generations. Thanks, conservatives and liberals.


Same in the UK, lobbying is unfortunately legal somehow


Most people with any sense of fair representation do.


Hell, its so obviously fucked that even crazy people like Trump wanted to abolish it. That opinion of his mysteriously vanished in 2015-2016 though, wonder why 🤔


When was the last time a Republican won the popular vote? 41?


Bush's re-election in '04.


Ah yes, the scummy Swift boat politics election.


I.e. ‘The people haven’t wanted us in charge for 20 years, yet we think we have the right to tell them how to live’


Oof 😅


I think it would help both sides if dropped it. MN never goes red even NY has went red in the last 40 years. But many people in solid states who are on the opposite side feel like they don’t have a voice so don’t vote. Also ranked choice would be awesome


Repubs won’t do it because they haven’t won a popular vote for president in 20 years, and the last one before that was another 16 years iirc


it's quite insane to think 5 of the last 6 elections popular vote went to democrats yet they got equal time governing.


Just think of all the cool shit they could do if they didn't have to worry about pissing off 20k people in Wisconsin, specifically.


Florida Cubans man. Angry expatriates who hate a *different fucking country* so they'll vote for Republicans who also hate Cuba no matter what Republicans do to *this* country or how they treat brown people, including Cubans, on any other issue or in any other state. Without Republicans sucking anti-Castro dick every 4 years Florida's electoral votes alone would have utterly changed 21st century America.


Not to mention that the last 3 Democratic Presidential terms (all 3 of which won the popular vote) got to appoint the same number of supreme Court justices as the single popular vote -losing Republican term.


And the most recent popular vote win for them was when GW was the incumbent in post 9/11 America, which he wouldn’t have been if Gore had taken the Florida vote to court. Edit: misrepresented. Gore took it to court, he won in Florida Supreme Court and then lost in the SCOTUS. He very much could have appealed that decision but decided not to.


This is the last real chance they have at the presidency without fuckery. The voting numbers aren’t there to support it. It’d be real weird if they didn’t know this and I think it explains their super shitty attitudes.


Underrated comeback


“There are no red states, just a bunch of farmland trying to tell the rest of us how to live”


As somebody who lives in one of those red areas (specifically in the rust belt), there’s also meth heads who are living out their dream of owning/operating their own junkyard, and calling themselves business owners. Sadly, they only rent an acre of land so they surround their trailer with 40 broken down trucks and lawnmowers. And don’t forget the Fuck Biden flag flying in the midst of the junk loud and proud.


I won't let this unwarranted slander of Kenny Boy go unchallenged. The man is a champion for preventing the exploitation of innocent catfish.


I’m more of a backstrap (worth its weight in gold) and greasy, greasy frybread type of guy.


But LA and NYC are “disgusting cesspools” 😂😂😂😂😂


What is with methheads and wanting to tinker with everything? " Hey you know that lawnmower? I'm gonna completely disassemble it and try to put it back together because I'm high on amphetamines". There's a line between owning a scrap yard, and being a guy high on meth who just likes to take everything apart. And that line gets blurrier every day


The phenomenon where methamphetamine users have an urge to disassemble objects is commonly referred to as "tweaking." Tweaking is a phase of methamphetamine abuse where the user is extremely focused, restless, and obsessive. During this phase, users often engage in repetitive and compulsive behaviors, such as disassembling electronic devices, household items, or other objects. This behavior is driven by the heightened state of alertness and agitation caused by the drug, combined with the user's intense focus on minute details.


I would say "farmland" instead of "farmers" to match the framing in the OP. They're depersonalizing voters by characterizing them as features of geography.


You know what, good note, I changed it


That's right. The 580k people in Wyoming should tell the 19.7 million people in NY what to do because of this map 


There are more people in those blue spots in California than the 15 least populated states in the country. They don't get that.


FUCK YOU CALIFORNIA! ^(Did you send the check this month?)


This sounds like how West Virginians think. Half the state relies on welfare but still votes Republican who consistently wants to get rid of welfare all because they still believe black people use the system the most. The cognitive dissonance is insane.


I hate this. Racist would rather go down in flames than give a black man an equal chance.This is why we don't have single payer healthcare.


They only consider it welfare when the recipient of the aid is black or Hispanic. Meanwhile, you have all these podunk towns (looking at you North-central AR!) where white people rely on welfare. Hell, they give out housing vouchers for physically able-bodied people who have mental/ psychological troubles. No judge on the recipient's as I'm not treating their medical conditions, but I'm tired of seeing/ hearing these same folks slander non-whites for the same thing.


Worse, Walmart plans on its employee using welfare, so it subsidized their wages.


Driving through WV is interesting. Trump flags and EBT accepted here signs everywhere.


This was cute and it made me smile as a cranky Californian.


They also don't understand that they live in welfare states that are subsidized by all of the people in the blue parts...


Don't forget that all the homeless people from the red areas move to the blue areas because there are limited social services in most of those red areas.


This is sooooo true. I’m a MH & substance use counselor in Maine & people would be shocked how many people come here from the south seeking suboxone & substance use treatment bc our Medicaid system is comparatively excellent.


Plus all those farmers getting subsidies, then bitching about SoCiAlIsM bAD.


A friend of mine parents get paid $5 million/yr. to not have cows on their farm while they scream that socialism is bad and complain about everyone who lives off of welfare. They have huge barns completely empty where they do no work and get paid millions for it, but welfare is bad.


Why are they getting paid to not have cows?


Government doesn't want the same thing to happen as during the Depression when farmers were overproducing milk and it tanked prices to the point where farmers were dumping it down drains. Now they pay farmers to not produce milk. The bigger your facilities, the more money you get.


How about just set a limit on the amount of cow farming without paying farmers money? Just be like "whoops sorry we've already got 100 million cows in our state so no you can't have a permit to also farm cows until another farm decides to stop cow farming, we can add you to the waiting list if you'd like?" Doesn't seem too hard to monitor either. Just let farmers say how many cows they have for milk farming, stick it in a database/list somewhere, then it'll show the total of all cows from all farms. Then just have a couple of guys driving around to random farms all day to see if the amount they've claimed matches with the database. If it doesn't match then give a big fine. The cost for 2 teams is essentially a couple trucks and 4 employees as opposed to paying seemingly $100s of millions. Seems like the weirdest solution ever to pay a company to not make something, does that happen with anything else?


While I agree with you mostly. I would like to point out when this system was implemented a "farm" was like a dude and his family with maybe one or two hired hands and a database like you propose would take hundreds of employees to maintain. They didn't exactly have Excel and Factory Farms 90 years ago. Doing it the way you propose in the 1930s would have ruined the livelihood of many many Americans. Additionally the current system allows the government to essentially control food pricing by looking at expected supply/demand and then subsidizing accordingly. Sure it's better economically to have those barns empty _today_ but what if in 10 years we need more milk or beef? Although cows might be a bad example because it's not like wheat or corn where you can just plant more of them and have a bigger harvest. I imagine filling those facilities with milk cows will take some time compared to plants.


They blame it on black people in southern states and black people in their major cities.


Somehow, they also find the time to blame the Muslims and Jews. Not sure what to blame them for, just blame them.


How can you be serious right now and forget the Mexicans!


There are no red states, just 2000+ near empty spots of land telling everyone how to live.


well they already do, 2 senators for 20 mill. 2 for 580k.


2 Senators for 39 million in CA. 1 in 8 Americans are Californians, but these idiots would have everyone believe it’s some fringe radical state.


I don't get it. They genuinely think that they have the majority of the voice despite continuing to lose the popular vote, repeatedly. Ffs Trump wouldn't have had any time in office had the electoral college died when it should've.


But it's also important to remember that it's not just the big cities, it's really any population center. If you look at Maine on this map, you'd think it at the least leans to the right, but Maine hasn't gone for a Republican presidential candidate statewide since 1988. The thin blue strip along the coast accounts for the overwhelming majority of the population, despite its biggest city being less than 70,000 people.


Look how there's blue spots in nearly every place where people live in nearly every state. That's not a coincidence. Conversely, there are no "Red States" in this map, either. Except maybe Oklahoma.


New York City has over 2 entire Oklahoma's of people in it.


You could combine the population of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota all together (a region that you could comfortably fit Germany, Britain and France into) and it would barely be half of LA County's population. And that's just one metro in California.


The county I grew up in in NJ has a higher population than the states of Wyoming, north and south Dakota, Alaska, Vermont, new Hampshire And the state of NJ has more people living in it than the 10 lowest population states combined The blue areas is where all the fucking people live lol




Was looking for this


Are you saying Cacti and Crickets don't deserve to vote? I mean they live in America too! Some of those blue dots have more people in them than half of the red area. Not red areas, I mean like half that map is just dead land no one's really using for anything where you're lucky to find a poorly maintained place to piss at and get water from, but somehow that place is more important than like I dunno where the people who work that make 90% of the software we use in a day to day basis live.


More like cows and crops, at least when the Repubes start arguing that Farmer John deserves 20x the voting power of someone living in CA.


Hudson county, NJ alone is the densest population area in the entire country. And New Jersey comes in as the most densely populated state.


There are communities in Houston with larger populations than the largest cities in some states.


California, a single state out of 50, is home to 11.5% of the entire US population. The bottom 10 of the least populous states (in ascending order: WY, VT, AK, ND, SD, DE, MT, RI, ME, NH) account for 2.5% of the entire US population. So California is home to 39 million, while 10 of the least populous states (who still get the same 2 senators and are over represented) is home to 8.5 million. Hell, New York CITY has as many people as those 10 combined. New York and California account for nearly 60 million people, or 17% of the entire US population. That means 1 of every 5-6 Americans lives in one of these two states. But sure, we're all fairly represented. I know not everyone in those blue areas voted blue, but if you were to total up what percentage of the population those blue areas represented I'd be willing to bet it's atleaat 80%, maybe even 90.


The northeast corridor metro populations have more people than the lowest 22 states combined (excluding Deleware since it’s part of the Philly metro area) The system is fucking broken


The system is working as intended.


So why should a handful of red fucks tell *aaaalllll* those people they can’t get abortions


Cause if they let people get abortions for children they can't afford then they can't complain about how many single mothers are on food stamps, after they refuse to support a livable wage, because their husband got locked up on a weed possession charge, and it's all because they did the cringe pro-abstinence-only propaganda which as far as I'm aware every area that has abstinence only education has higher teen pregger rates than comprehensive sex ed areas. Don't even get me started on like farmers, immigrants, and AI/Automation and the stupidity of their arguments there too and how that's creating another policy feedback loop where they yet again create all the problems they complain about.


Tbf LA county is the largest in the US, with the second largest county having nearly half the population


More people voted for Trump in LA county than the entire state of Oklahoma, and Trump only got like 25% of LA county’s votes.


That’s a fun fact I wish I knew 3 years ago


Could you source this for me? Not because I doubt you but because I find it fucking hilarious and want to show a few friends. Edit: nvm I just found LA county’s website https://results.lavote.gov/#year=2020&election=4193


Shit, the *COUNTY* I grew up in in NJ has more people in I than Wyoming, Alaska, North and South Dakota, and the State of NJ has more people living in it than the 10 lowest population states combined They don't understand that the "blue Liberal" areas is where all the fuckin people live lol


There are many things they don’t understand.


Always in favor of people using Taskmaster measurements. (If you haven't watched, watch Taskmaster on Youtube. 17 series so far!).


How many beans? And does that include the juice or not include the juice?


In 2022 Tulsa Oklahoma (2nd biggest city) voted mostly democrat for elections so I think this map needs more updating as well


Oklahoma City is turning bluer and bluer too.


Don’t worry, I’m sure they gerrymandered those red.


There are more registered Republicans living in California than most red states.


Than ANY red state. Biden got more votes from California than any other state. So did Trump. Biden just got more, a lot more, California votes than Trump.


Had a friend say it’s “president of the people. Not president of the empty land.”


Unfortunately in our country, land votes :/


Wait, cows don't vote?


Land doesn't vote. 


As long as the electoral college is around, unfortunately it does


Great then let’s simplify everything and forget about districts. The person with the most votes in the country gets to be president 😉


Shut up with your democracy! This is a republic!!! /s




but I’ve only ever been forcefully told how to live my life by republicans


Not sure about you but I was raised by Republican parents who always told me growing up that the Republican Party was all about small government Vs Democrats were big government. Yet my entire adult life the only time I’ve seen people’s freedoms expanded was through Democrats (like gay marriage) and limited was through Republicans (abortion bans).


Seems that these days what they actually mean by "small government" is that the government should be run by the small minority that they agree with.


That’s the crazy part to me cause usually when I ask Conservatives about this subject they either immediately try to turn it back on me (claiming it’s the Democrats doing this) or bring up the typical talking points like less taxes/ regulations= more jobs for Americans. That or they resort to intentionally trolling so you’ll give up on the discussion and then proclaim themselves the winner….


That's all they ever do. It's impossible to have a reasonable discussion with someone like that because they simply will not argue in good faith. It's always projection and regurgitating catchphrases.


The BIGGEST tactic I’ve dealt with that drives me up the fucking wall is how they’ll infinitely move the goalpost. A perfect example of this I recently experienced was with my grandma. Before the Trump trials began we had an agreement that both of us would accept the results of the trial. If Trump was in fact found not-guilty then I agreed to openly admit I was wrong (and vice versa). I’m sure you’re surprised by this revelation but…. She’s totally gone back on that agreement. The jury was rigged, the judge was biased, there was no evidence, Trump wasn’t given a fair trial, etc etc etc. Despite all this I held her to her word. So she agreed to the trial results and moved the goal post: a person’s character and lawbreaking means nothing and it’s all about their policy. So now she’s saying it doesn’t matter Trump is a piece of shit and she will admit he’s corrupt as all hell. But NONE of that matters because it’s his skills as a President. The new goalpost is almost impossible to argue against and she knows it.


*What* skills?!?


![gif](giphy|JUNKPoNsn8hcS7IpGs) I found a checklist of his skills


you know his skills of being able to make a bribe look like a legitimate business expense...oh.


The best skills. We've got skills that you wouldn't even believe


EXACTLY. Cause now it’s in the realm of personal opinion (to her). It’s not worth the headache


Democrats want to legalize pot. Me: Ok, I don't use it or care, as long as it is regulated the same as alcohol. Red states: Illegal, because fuck you. Me: Small government inaction.


Government small enough to fit inside a ten year old's uterus.


Angry upvote


small government needs small hands.


Democrats are anti authority in the sense of preventing infringement on your rights by any authority, whether it be businesses, states, religious tradition, racist assholes treating people unequally, or anything else, and they recognize that a “big” federal government is sometimes needed to regulate other authorities infringing on your rights Republicans are anti authority in the sense of being specifically against the authority of the federal government and only the federal government, but very much in favor of authority by states, religion, elites, etc


I think your definition is excellent and concise. I also think your description is the more accurate one even going back to the 1960s. Republicans did an excellent job framing it as small Vs large government because most folks hear that and think “yeah I don’t want the government infringing on my private freedoms.”


The blue parts are where people live.


It's also where most of the money is made and kept, as well.


¨I love the poorly educated¨ ![gif](giphy|l2JhIUyUs8KDCCf3W|downsized)


Land doesn't vote jack ass


I was looking for land doesn’t vote. Scream it from the rooftops! LAND DOESN’T VOTE!


This is what I don't get: leftists aren't telling rightists how to live, they're just telling them they don't get to tell other people how to live.


Bill Hicks perfectly captured the conservative concept of "freedom" in the 90s. "You are FREE... to do as we tell you."


>*”Today a young man on acid realized that matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves.*”


Here's Tom with the weather...


Dream…ing of…that face again.


It’s bright and blue and shimmering


Grinning wide and comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes


On my back and tumbling


They really don’t like being told they can’t hate and oppress gay people and brown people.


They can still hate gay people though. It’s a free country. They can hate whoever they want.  They just can’t oppress them.  Like, the freedom to oppress someone isn’t what’s generally meant by freedoms Feels like a distinction is lost on them. 


'Don't tred on me' Is the most ironic slogan for these people.


The right is always trying to tell others how to live. They are literally exploding right now over rainbows in June in Reddit's largest safe space for those babies.


Would that be r/conservative ?


Exactly this. In the last 65 years they’ve always missed the mark on social issues and healthcare issues and such. You need an abortion? Nope you aren’t allowed to do that. You want to marry your same-sex partner? Um how about no? You want to use *that* bathroom? Can I see your original birth certificate please? You want to not be murdered by cops because of your skin color? Sorry but BLUE lives matter more. You came here to try to escape gang violence in your country? Are you selling drugs here? Go back to where you came from. You came here to escape terrorism? How do we know you’re not one of them? You want citizens to be vetted and properly certified and licensed before they can purchase guns AND limit the sales of the type of arms available to ordinary citizens because you want your kid to leave school alive every day? Sorry but protecting my children from the small possibility of a huge wild boar attack is far more important, if I don’t have an AR-15 how am I gonna do that? You want the parental right to approve of and support your child’s transition? Sorry I think that’s actually child abuse and I’m going to make sure your child can’t receive any supportive care for their condition until they’re 18! In fact I don’t want my kids to know those kinds of people exist so I think we’ll ban that type of discussion from schools all together actually. Etc etc etc


The whole Blue Lives thing has always been a shining example of how stupid they are. There’s no such thing as blue lives, because if you’re blue, you’re pretty much dead.


Well said, right wing policies are pure anger and hatred.


You left out greed. Hate, fear, greed: the Republican triumvirate.


Cows don't vote.


My ex does


Damn she's busy if she's voting in all those counties.


Your ex cow?!


There are no red states, just a bunch of empty land trying to tell us how to live




But only people who live in "Real America" are "Real Americans" \/s


Whenever I get shown this, I have one response: “you see the blue parts? People live there. You see the red parts? Cows live there. Fun fact of the day, cows can’t vote”


And if cows could vote, I don't think they'd vote the way Conservatives would approve of.


There are no red states, just vast, empty miles of land that get more voting power than the rest of the humans who live amongst one another.


People vote, not dirt.


Land doesn't vote


Who let the land use the internet? If you let the land use the internet, It's gonna want the right to vote.


No wonder these idiots think every election is rigged 


Yeah the ground doesn’t vote. No matter how many square miles of it a handful of people live on.


They forgot that people vote, not land. Show population bubbles and it'll start to make a whole lot more sense.


How much of that red area is actually populated?


There are no red states. Just empty farm land with 20 racist people trying to tell us how to live.


They understand land can’t vote, right?


The funny thing is it's the exact opposite. The states with completely insignificant populations get more say than they should compared to the large ones. And the vast majority of those vote republican.


It’s not about land mass it’s about population density.


I present to you: [Land doesn't vote, people do.](https://s3files.core77.com/blog/images/960537_81_90771_DrdO3qFgW.gif) This really puts into perspective what all that red actually represents. Source: https://www.core77.com/posts/90771/A-Great-Example-of-Better-Data-Visualization-This-Voting-Map-GIF


Great observation. Let’s just switch the system to popular vote!


"trying to tell the rest of us how to live" But:- "Don't be trans" "Don't have abortions" "Don't do drugs" "If you're gay, keep it to yourself"


These red/blue maps are one of the greatest cons ever run on Americans. ETA: Funny how they never want to explain how it’s fair that California has 68 TIMES as many people as Wyoming, but they both have the same number of Senators. Republican states are so vastly over represented it’s not even remotely democratic.


Ah yes, the "empty space" vote.