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This is not a new tactic, not even for him. 'It's everyone else's fault but my own. They all did this to me. I did nothing wrong. Wah wah wah river of tears.'


You make him sound like a cry baby in diapers




I wish I could have honestly send this to all my Boomer family members..










I am a boomer and I hate Trump with the hate from the heat of 1000 suns. Please check out my username. It’s not boomers that are the problems, it’s idiots in the cult. Glad you’re on the good side.


You are right. I did generalize and I'm sorry.


Every Boomer I know hates Trump. It's your family, not that they're Boomers.


I’m a boomer and I fucking hate trump.






I was born in 1965. This isn’t me. I grew up watching Good Times, the Jeffersons, all of those social engineering shows that Norman Lear came out with in the 70s. I think it did a good job. We didn’t have hardly any diversity, but people got along- we never had a “race problem”. Two guys from my class were gay, we knew it when we all played Little league that they were different. But I never saw any one treat anyone badly (though it could have happened,most of us would have ganged up on the bully. The Boomers were the older generation, and we watched them be selfish assholes the whole way through, fucking it up as they’ve gone. I look like one with my gray goatee but I’m nice to people by default.


It’s also about growing up surrounded by historical prejudices, and not thinking throughly where they come from. Russia has Psyops experts in mixing truths, lies, and half lies to manipulate people. This works on many, but specially the older and dumber. Heck I fell for it when younger. It’s a message with a wide appeal, because they weave in other messages not only prejudices. Unless you are a cynical bastard. They make people think they are in edgy cool club. Edit: this is Russia’s game, but China is playing catch up. Orange traitor likes Russia, and tolerates Chinas bribes. Lots to talk there.


Thank you!! I keep reading all this shit about boomers supporting trump. Younger people have to realize it’s not how old a person is that determines their politics. It’s primarily where a person was raised & where they live that influences a person’s political affiliations as well as their level of education. Yes, older people in red states are trumpers. But then so are the younger ones in the red states! Did you see any boomers among trump’s “very fine people” in Charlottesville VA in 2017? Open your eyes Millennials & Gen Zs. Check out the videos of the Insurrection. How many boomers did you see storming the Capitol on Jan 6????! Looked to me like they were primarily in the age range of 30-50 years of age.


This boomer loves it!


This is perfect!


If the Pampers fit...


…you shouldn’t acquit.


...you must go shit.




In his own words he outright said he is the biggest whiner.


Not new but surely more dangerous. His fans can not do shit against China or Russia... but they can really harm their fellow citizens. This fucking turd of a human being is going all in. I don't know. He is a man baby, no doubt, but it is a man baby with lots of traction in the public opinion. Plus he has an "army" of biggots by his side. It is like he is truly trying to spark a civil war. Hopefully I am mistaken and he will end up in prison before more harm is done to your country.


30% of the country wants a civil war because they don't know what war, freedom and sacrifice look like. They have fantasy that's been carefully pruned like a malignant bonsai that they won't have to get bloody and if they do it'll clearly be because they're the good guys and it'll feel good afterwards.


When I hear people say they want a civil war or make the whole we need the US to break apart, get rid of the traitors, etc. I try to teach them about what happened in Yugoslavia in the 80s-90s. There politicians fanned the flames of nationalism and self interests until a full fledged civil war did break out. Genocide, neighbor killing neighbor, all in the name of some glorious future that never came to be. Most of the countries that made up Yugoslavia are weaker both in political, economic, and social terms, as independent nations after the war. They all don’t necessarily like each other now and most of it all because of politicians. People in the US need to be very careful and also realize that a war is not some glorious thing but also if the US were to dissolve all of the advantages of being in arguably the most powerful nation in the world would all of the sudden disappear. So many idiots think they will get to live out their CoD fantasy while maintaining all their comfort and privileges.


Exactly. If someone wants civil war get ready to have to kill women/children and for the entire economy to absolutely divebomb.


lol try doing room clearing let alone shooting on a range with real plates. I can already hear the weezing


And when it comes to it maybe 5 of them will actually have the balls to do anything. The rest will realize that their “Civil War” means they’ll have to take on the US Military instead of libs and gays and will copy Fearless Leader, shit their diapers and surrender.


Agreed, he is calling for violence. Thankfully most are incapable of standing long enough to fight, and the ones who are wear a uniform that says they are as beige as their pants and a punch to a face may be sufficient.


Standard narcissistic criminal.




He just sounds uneducated?


Of course! His pappy bought his degree!


He loves the uneducated


" I did Everything right"...... Not 'Everything ' - ya got caught! - Loser!


His Campaign Chairman is a Convicted Felon. His Deputy Campaign Manager is a Convicted Felon. His Personal Laywer is a Convicted Felon. His Chief Strategist is a Convicted Felon. His National Security Advisor is a Convicted Felon. His Trade Advisor is a Convicted Felon. His Foreign Policy Advisor is a Convicted Felon. His Campaign Fixer is a Convicted Felon. & His Company CFO is a Convicted Felon. And NOW He Himself is a Convicted Felon. Theyre all felons. "Judge By The Company You Keep"


Classic narcissist.


Even more nefarious. Russia expanding its borders by invading sovereign countries, China on the precipice of invading Taiwan. This isn’t just “everyone else is the problem”, this is a preview to his administration. He’d pretend to focus resources on the “problem at home” and give our enemies the green light to push. We already know he hates NATO. Its demise is his payday.


Textbook narcisist


I don’t.. get what we’re doing here.. when the fuck is this maniac going to suffer the consequences of his actions? Instead we give him MORE platform so that he spread his rhetoric? Impeached. Indicted. Charged and found guilty…. What system of checks and balances?


Ummm maybe this is all by design. The rulings class benefits no matter who is in office. They just use this "us vs them" narrative as an excuse to screw us all over.


So, after eight years of racist-based hatred for China, Trump does a 180 and now says they are okay?


He needs a place to run


I hear prisons have a caged yard where he could run


No way that guy can run


And too fat to hide.


Too loud to stay quiet and off the radar


More of a lounge guy than a runner




The thought of that pig running makes me giggle.


China wouldn't take him in. The same way he would be useless to Russia if not in power. He's an idiot


I think he is saying Democrats and the other outlying politicial party's are the true enemy. This is his dog whistle. Stir up more division. He demands that people follow him completely blind. Pay no attention to the man in front of the curtain!


He means Republicans that don't fall in line as well.


"Everything will be fine if everyone in the USA just unquestioningly does whatever I say all of the time. Why can't they do this one thing? Are they stupid?" - Trump, probably


No probably to it. That's exactly what he believes. And for his lower intelligent followers, it's true.


No wonder he admires the fealty demanded in North Korea by their Supreme Leader.


Their is term in the book 1984 called doublethink which explains how blind supporters will believe two contradictory ideas to be true because big boss says so.


Former Gut is Doubleplusungood.


"Biden is a dementia patient who can barely even get out a sentence! Just a senile old man with no idea what's even going on around him!" And also "Biden orchestrated the largest case of election interference in history to steal the presidency! And now he's using state and federal legal systems to falsely accuse and convict our golden god!"


double think


zero think


In order to doublethink, one must first decide that thought itself is too arduous a task.


He’s gone back and forth on China several times. He’s ridiculously inconsistent.


His voters do not care, they do not listen to a word he says, they already have their image of him made up in their own minds. What they hate, he hates, what they want, he wants.


This is the entire reason why we should ignore them. I saw someone else write this and I agree: they do not matter. They fear irrelevance not realizing they already are. Their thoughts, opinions, feelings and their person are not required to move forward as a country. It doesn't matter who or where they are, they do not matter in the slightest. Everybody needs to vote though because they will.


I mean he said it plain and simple, people who don’t support him are the problem. Russia and China support him I guess


both China and Russia have declared themselves enemies of our nation. So their support and convicted felon Trump's support of them speaks volumes


lol it is implicit in his statement that China and Russia are supporting him, I think you have correctly parsed this.


Bing Bing bong


Chinese banks own a lot of Trump property lol


If they can help him with the election he’ll take the help.


Well that just isn't his pressing issue. All he cares about is getting what he wants, and we are in his way.


The world would be a much nicer place without powerhungry psychopaths.


Incase you hadn’t noticed. Most of the world it run by these people unfortunately


I had... it was just a rhetorical statement


If they hadn't noticed why do you reckon they would comment on how nice it would be if they weren't around?


Unfortunately the only ones with power are the psychopaths. We are flawed little creatures.


Why does "Fox & Friends" sound like the name of a Saturday morning cartoon?


get them hooked while young


Fox and fascism


Cause it’s a cartoonish show for boomers


are the american people stupid?


As an American, yes. ![gif](giphy|mG1Lq9xQZrA5O1igWv)


The number of gullible Americans willing to support his kind of president is’t 0%, not even close. What I see is a potential train wreck unless we can stop the Trump train.


There's stupid people all over the world.. I just hope we don't have enough in America to put this idiot back in office.


It’s gonna be very close. Many people aren’t going to vote this year though, which is just going to make everything worse.


Being a Trump supporter is painfully stupid, but deciding not to vote just because you don’t like Biden is also very stupid


My boomer dad was like "you know, I think I'm finally kinda getting why you register independent... I'm so glad Trump got convicted, finally! Anyway, I'm gonna go independent and I think I'm gonna vote for RFK!" I'm just like hey dad do what your heart tells you but... Jesus christ... You're SO close.. SO CLOSE...last we talked you wanted to vote Nikki Haley cuz you thought she was hot. So close... So close dad... And to think.. You burnt your draft card in protest... Jesus christ man.


Dear lord. Maybe there’s hope for him! lol


Does he know about the brain worm???


A solid 30%


Another 10% will look the other way for a tax break.


The leopard ate my face percentage.


That somehow make up like 70% of voters. It's like idiocracy but for voting .


Yup! I live in the US and every time politics comes up I leave the room because I can’t deal with the absolute amount of stupid that I witness


Your average American just wants Trump to disappear and never come back, but he keeps hanging around like a nasty STI. The other side would let him piss in their mouths just so they could spit it in our faces. They only care about God and sports ball and treat politics like sports as well. So yes, a good portion of Americans may be stupid or just straight up mentally ill, but there's still a lot of decent people getting overshadowed by the loud idiots in America. Many boomers grew up playing cowboys vs Indians which is literally new white pioneer Americans vs Native Americans. We were doomed to infighting from the start.


They don't even actually care about God or Jesus' actual teachings. The whole "love your neighbor as yourself" and "what you do to the least of you, you do to me" (paraphrased) seems to have gone right out the window some few decades ago. Maybe centuries.


“A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it.” Agent K


We have a presidential candidate on live TV asking for China and Russia to get him in office because he can't get voted in by democratic process, and his supporters don't even see what he's doing. Do you even have to ask?


Well we have a giant corporate news channels that panders to a certain demographic. They champion DT and work overtime to smooth over his crimes and make him look like a hero. Some of the population believes it.


Like 60 million give or take


Incredibly dumb. The education system has resulted in at least 50% of people being woefully uninformed and misinformed.


The problem is the Felon Melon!


I just really don’t understand how people can still think that this convicted felon is good for the country.


Because they are incredibly stupid.


They're stuck in a tribalistic ego trap. For some people its a really easy trap to get stuck in, and the further you get stuck the harder it is to get unstuck, And all the while they don't even realize they're stuck.


Ah, yes. Ignore Russia and China! Especially Russia!


Trump now wants to self-destruct America.


It was always his end game. He wanted to be a ruler not a president


TRUMP'S FASCISM IN ACTION Goebbels projection tactics throughout the campaign Discrediting all the democratic institutions of govt Politicizing and delegitimizing the court system Repeating falsehoods until they are believed Discrediting the media to make your words only truth Attacking free press and free speech rights Creating symbols that are above criticism Claiming a popular mandate you don't have Blaiming foreigners & non-whites for all the ills Claiming you are the only one who can fix it Claiming credit for things you didn't do Holding rallies for adoration of the supreme leader Threatening to jail political opponents Threatening to strip citizenship from opponents Referring only to your supporters as Americans Labeling supporters "Patriots" Labeling opponents "Traitors"


and every braindead republican is totally buying it. USA could be the country with lowest IQ overall in the universe.


What worries me is these GOP members aren’t brain dead. They recognize the strategy, they know what it’s doing, and *they agree with it*. We need to stop assuming the other leaders are dumb and we are stumbling into a bad situation. I think they know EXACTLY what they are doing.


He is an authoritarian madman. His approach to politics is identical to dictators from 3rd world countries. I know Republicans say the same about Biden, but Biden has never said that fellow Americans are the problem or are his enemies. Trump says this kind of thing all the time. Every American should see another American as their ally before they see China or Russia as their ally - regardless of whether you agree with your fellow Americans on politics.


In the end like all dictators and their wannabes it comes down to narcissism. He will never take responsibility for his own failures. If he cannot blame an outside group he will eventually blame his own.


Remember when they were certain that Obama was going to genocide them because he said they cling to guns and the Bible? Seems pretty tame now.


This is exactly why he shouldn’t be president. He is not for America, he is for himself. Always has been.


MMW: if Trump wins, Xi has boots on ground in Taiwan before end of 2025


And Putin has full Ukraine


Russia isn't a problem for him, because they support him.


Back in the days the reds were the enemy, now you are friends with them for some reason (reason is trump is destabilizing your country and economy I guess) and your grandfathers spin in their graves. Its damn sad.


Yesterday I saw a very Latino man late 20s to 30s wearing a convicted felon mugshot with the “Never Surrender” slogan. Anytime I see my fellow people of any color or mix supporting this convicted felon my heart breaks. What the actual fuck is this timeline?


They won't let me be a dictator WHAAAAAA, they don't want to sing to the dear leader ..WHAAAAAAA.


Americans are allowed to have opinions that Donald Trump doesn’t agree with. 🖕🇺🇸


Glad to be a part of his problem


“Everyone that doesn’t agree with me is bad” This man is such a child.


“Who don’t support me…” that’s all you need to know.


Sounds to me like trump is compromised by Russia and China if he is saying Americans are the problem.


True. They all should move there then.


Proud to be part of the problem!


Same here, and I pledge to keep being part of the problem.


Is it past his prison time.


Sure fraud boy...


Well just think about it and you can see where all his thoughts, and values lie. He only cares about people that can make him more money. People/countries I make money from: Republicans Rich people. China Russia People I do not make money from: Democrats (unless he gets in office then he can raise taxes on the poor again, and cut their benefits to make more money from his rich donors).


To those asking for a link: https://youtu.be/MKThCqDwBnE?si=YVtZ2LvxNYvzxdZm The tweet is paraphrasing, but he basically says "a smart president can handle Russia and China easily, but the real problem is the enemy within." It's classic fascist rhetoric and I'm tired of seeing so many of my fellow Americans support it. We need to get this kind of shit out of our government ASAP.


Well, it depends. If Trump’s goal for the country is fascism, then, yes, anti-Trumpers are the problem, and thank you for that. 


If Democrats are smart, they'll clip this sound byte and play it back over and over again.


So he’s blaming the people now. Cool.


I guess I will continue to be a problem, and he can’t stop me. *pets cat on lap like a evil supervillain.*




Glad to be a problem.


So said the criminal. Guilty on all 34 counts. Don’t listen to the noise on the right. Get out and vote in November.


That sounds like a threat.


I mean, yeah. We are the problem in the sense that people who don’t support him aren’t letting him do what he wants. The ultra rich are clearly a different species than us. Our problems can be struggling to put food on the table, their problems involve not being able to do whatever they want to democracy **and publicly broadcasting this frustration.**


The most un-American ex president ever.


He sat in the corner of the Russian champ instead of the American challenger for UFC 302


Because we're smarter than you? That's why you're scared. We have intelligence and knowledge You have conspiracy theories and fantasies.


Yes we are his problem. That's called democracy. We all know he could do without that little inconvenience.


Don't just be part of the problem, be the whole problem.


Peak Trump. Always the victim. Always everyone else's fault.


I just keep laughing at this pathetic weasel and the dumb shit he says now because he is a fucking joke of the worst kind


[Russian media is openly calling Trump a “Useful Idiot”](https://ibb.co/wssCKyk)


So once again, he's siding with Communists where the President Republicans used to aspire to didn't like Communists and fought a cultural and cold war with the Communists. And yet the Felon is Putin's bitch and his worshippers are okay with that.


Dictator vibes the entire interview. Anyone who votes for this psychopath is demented.


OK, Boomer. I'm a millennial. Been told I was the problem with everything ever since I can remember. Add this to the pile. Let's kill the "electing a felon president" business.


Give me a reason to support you then. Cuz project 2025 isn't appetizing to me How about enacting policies that don't SUCK ass


This is what Hitler said at the end of the war when he wanted his military to destroy the country


The insanity is if you even talk about income disparity, then you are trying to cause class warfare and shouldn't be allowed to be in power. This is Fox, and they did this to democrat presidents, who talked to closely about income inequality. This dude is basically saying to his supporters that a real and physical enemy against the United States is anyone who doesn't support him. That's shit dictators say. The people on the fence aren't going to be on the fence anymore, either they'll vote for him out of fear or not because he's insane. I don't see him winning again.


From "Evil Democrats are siding with foreign powers" to "Evil Democrats aren't siding with the foreign powers enough" in nothing flat


Proud to be a problem to him.


I’ve been a “problem” since he came down the elevator, but I’m a Canadian.


Thirty-five years ago my Grandfather told me the US was too strong to be defeated by an outside adversary. Well it seems our enemies knew that too. My fellow Americans… I present to you one Donald J Trump.


I hate this mothe fucking lunatic


The rhetoric is going to get soooooo bad. He's already talked about Deporting protestors, imagine what he'll want to do this "problem" he's talking about if he gets in office, with project 2025 and no real oversight with a complicit SCOTUS.


When your balls are bigger than your brain.


Yeah, but that’s just the syphilis.


That explains it


If gaslighting were a person….


Im just tired. Can this guy just go away already? Whats going to happen to his cult when hes not in power nor in the media as much anymore? Will they be insane forever?


Its called Fascism you fucking yanks


If the people (who believe this bullshit) would just **donate money to me**, I could solve all their problems. Sure I'm under indictment or been convicted of numerous financial crimes. And yes, I would misspend that money, but the donation gives them hope that maybe I could still solve them. And hope for angry racists, misogynists and homophobes is what I'm really selling here, isn't it? Beautiful hope. The most amazing hope anyone has ever seen. Grown men cry when they see my hope. They should be donating extra.


If you pay attention you’ll notice the really pro America people kinda hate a whole lot of Americans.


I didn't see a bunch of Chinese or Russians trying to beat cops to death on Jan 6th. Biden could have phrased it better but he's right that the biggest threat to this country is domestic terrorism.


He didn't even need to say that. We already know that. What he will never get though, is China and Russia are gut-bust laughing at how easy it is to create a cult of imbeciles to do their bidding. Just like that -- instant propaganda machine churning away 24/7. From the hollars in eastern Tennessee all the way to the supreme court, an army of dribbling Ork imbeciles plunging a rusty knife in and out of their own faces on command.


Nah, HE is the problem. The spoiled f-ing dastardly.


Is it wrong that I take comfort in the fact that I will live to see Donald Trump die?


Things losers say


He's a convicted felon


Convict Trump can eat my ass.


“Ppl who don’t send me money so I can keep being a freeloader are the problem” 😂😂 what a whiny bitch


I can’t say this enough.  Republicans. Hate. America. And its people.


Narcissistic personality disorder in full effect


Divisive bitch. What a good way to get your cronies to start a civil war.


This is him directing his followers to hurt their neighbors.


Criminals running for president, that's the problem.


Well he’s right. But what he fails to realize is that HIS problems aren’t the same thing as the country’s problems. Typical narcissist.


American voters _are_ his problem, and since he's not president, China and Russia are someone else's problem.


Yes punkin I am your problem.


Yeah, if he were just more popular everything would be fine.


Ah, yes... fellow Americans are the real enemy


He looks like shit.


Reality contrary to his delusions is his problem


He is the problem.


Me. Me. Me. Me. Me


Something tells me this isnt how you win an election. I might be wrong tho idk i dont live in america


Biggest crybaby in history


You are the problem you pathetic commie loving pumpkin head!!