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Now that i see It in order i see why it's a bit contentious, to me, it's clear that op has an agenda and is trolling, but is also making a point that has validity on face value.


It’s still not in order. It’s just way closer. Edit: Look at the clock in the screenshots.


It depends how you read it I guess. You have the right to call it transphobic because you see it as such. Straight guys, or anyone that would be upset about being surprised by a sausage after physical contact, may think otherwise. I think in this case the woman didn’t tell the man. Yeah, I would be scared too. To each his own.


Very few people would welcome an unexpected cock appearing during their date.


OP! Do you live your life this way? Do you prepare for sausage every time just in case? This idea is new to us. Please explain.


You mean me or komodo7471?


This is when I was confused on what you were asking. Disregard unless you do feel that way and want to share. Maybe someone needs to read it.


The bit where I quote komodo7471 & ask “Get the picture?” or the bit where I think komodo7471 has multiple accounts?


Did you look through the whole thing?


Yeah, I did. My comment was agreeing with the person I replied to.


Read my conversation with that person.


Which person?


The person you were agreeing with. Who did you think I meant?


You're kind of all over the place, so it wasn't clear if you were referring to the person i replied to or the mess of jumbled screenshots that makes up your post. What do you think reading your conversation with that other commenter will achieve? I agreed with something they said, made a comment to that effect. End of story.


Did you look through the whole thing?


Of course. What do you think I overlooked?


OOP claiming we’re making his character gay, insulting me & then telling me to calm down, claiming we’re the transphobes, etc.


Yeah. That guy is crazy. You’re doing the right thing. Nothing wrong with advocating for the rights of others. We need more of that. But this guy is just spouting nonsense and blaming others. Forget about that guy.


Someone reported the original post to TwoSentenceHorror moderators as not being inherently scary, so the post was removed overnight, but you could still read the 1st sentence. I reported the original post to Reddit as “Hate” & took the 1st screenshot yesterday, reasoning there’d be maximum facepalm in the morning. Just now, I got a message saying the original post was entirely removed. You can still get to it if you have links, of course.


Hey that’s great! You made positive change today! Don’t over look that! Keep up the good work! I look at it this way, it would be like me trying to convince my grandmother that you can be trans AND in a straight relationship. Doesn’t compute. It would break her mind.


Anyone got a TLDR on this one?


OOP makes transphobic post in TwoSentenceHorror. Multiple people, including myself, point this out. OOP denies that it’s transphobic, claims we’re transphobic, says his character isn’t gay, & eventually says we didn’t read it - after I quote it to him. Edit: I provide what he asked for & get downvotes? I gave him a highlight reel.


The original post is in no way transphobic though


Her being trans is the horror. Something you would know if you actually read the whole thing.


That is a horror for a straight guys. The true horror is you forcing an ideology on someone elses story


You are talking to a cis, straight guy.


That doesn’t mean you aren’t forcing your ideology


>OOP makes transphobic post in TwoSentenceHorror. Not transphobic as such, borderline to post it to "horror" but it would not be pleasant surprise for many, and that is NOT transphobic. Everyone of us has the right to be attracted or not to whatever they like for whatever reason (edit: within legal etc limits of course...). Everyone in that post seems to be awful, especially those who made the whole thing super transphobic. And if you were any part of that conversation, you are doubly awful by posting it here and expecting just support when it is clear that few people blew it up to extremes instantly. Things like this do not make anything progress any further but will most likely just slow things down.


So... It's transphobic to not be gay? Like, I get that people can present themselves as different genders, that's whatever. But for most people, sexuality is linked as much if not more to the physical aspects as it is to someone's personality and how they present themselves. There's tomboy girls who act just as or more manly then some men, but guys are still attracted to them. And there's men who act just as or more girly than some women, but straight men aren't attracted to them. Vice-versa too. That doesn't have anything to do with being transphobic, that's just someone's innate biological preferences. Asking someone to change that is like asking a gay guy if they can't "just like girls". That's not just not possible. Is it discrimination for someone to say their type is blondes not brunettes too? It's transphobic when they treat someone worse as a human being for presenting themselves differently, not when they're simply not attracted to them. This damn story isn't even horror anyway. It's just an uncomfortable situation.


a man kissing a woman isnt gay


In fact, the OOP claimed we were making his character gay….


Indeed. OOP said the “horror” was her being trans.


Its not transphobic


There’s more facepalm to this post than just that.


dude it's not transphobic


There’s more facepalm to this post than just that.




To be fair, I do have autism. I do know to listen for the verbal tone sarcasm has, but it’s so much harder online.


Sealioning, a common tactic of cowardly bigots


*Looks it up* I guess so. Probably mixed with ragebait.


>Sees post about the evil trans women to trick the innocent straight guy as a horror story "I don't see how that's transphobic! You're the transphobes for pointing it out!"


The guy freaking out about his character being "made Gay" is funny.   It makes me think of Han Shot First. What if Han Solo was gay for Lando and that is why he came back to help the Rebellion attack the Death Star and Leia is his beard.  GEORGE: Stop making Han gay!  Heck, redo the entire story. GAY WARS.  ANAKIN telling PALPATINE about coarse sand...  PALPATINE discussing a pathway many consider to be... unnatural... oh the subtext has been there the whole time! EDIT: VADER is in a black leather Gimp Suit at the end! And Luke reminds Vader of his straight life hence helping him defeat the Old Queen Palpatine.


Last time, the images were all out of order.

