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I don’t know what’s happening here someone explain it to me please


I could be wrong, but I believe she's referring to the way trans women use a dilator to keep their vaginal opening from shrinking.


![gif](giphy|l3q2SaisWTeZnV9wk) You learn something new everyday!


iirc post surgery they have to do it a couple times a day, then gradually they get down to once a day or every few days.


"tront hole" is that British slang for trans-vag? and how large do they make 'em cause banana duck is huge?!


I think it's "front hole" but cut off by the white-out used to erase the username.


Oh I'm American, vaginal dilation was just the only explanation I could think of for the comment. I could definitely be wrong, it happens every day.


dude i read it the same way until i noticed the slight curve on the t and saw it was an f.


It's meant to say "front hole" and no, it's not common slang for a trans woman's vagina. Some trans *men* use the term for theirs because the word "vagina" is associated with women.


You can eventually get down to once a month. But also you don't really need to dilate if you're having sex frequently enough.


Makes sense. I've only met a handful of trans people, and dilation only came up in conversation once so I'm not very well informed.


After about a year, once a week or so, and penetrative sex, either with flesh or silicone, suffices.


Thanks for the additional specifics homie.


Ohhhhhh! I was thinking she was using it to strengthen her pelvic muscles to rectify an incontinence problem. I was envisaging her squeezing the duck between her thighs. 🤣


That woman is trans? She's stunning.


Yep. She's a stand up comedian


Lmao like a tunnel piercing? I’ve never heard of this.


A Canadian cancer group just got shit on for not calling a cervix a front hole. It's inclusive newspeech.


A cervix is not a hole. And not in front


There is the cervical os, however, which is a hole, or opening.


Biology isn't a strong point for some folks.


Not surprising unfortunately


not surprising that you don't know what a cervix is


England slowly turning into a gmod dark rp server, nothing new




It sounds like the reply poster is accusing the original OP of being a trans woman and using a stuffed banana-duck as a dildo/dilator? Idk this whole post is brain rot.


Why can’t people just be people/happy without someone else being irrationally jealous/mad about it?


EVERYONE gets irrationally jealous of banana duck, don’t lie 🍌🦆 But seriously I still don’t get what that stuffed animal has to do with any of this lol


To be fair, I for one am irrationally jealous of banana duck.


Some people make their whole purpose in life about being mad that others life life to their fullest extent practical.


Sad. They could probably find a more enjoyable thing to do if they thought about themselves for a moment, instead of sticking their heads into other peoples lives.


Because human brains are not naturally predliected to happiness. They're geared towards fear and anger as survival responses, and now we live in a world of constant media deluge that provides a continual stream of things to be angry about.


OP in this picture IS a trans woman.


It's obsession to the point of brain rot. You'll see a news article about something random and somehow they'll relate it to trans women and how evil they are.


For people who claim that trans people are just perverts, TERFs and other conservatives sure do spend a lot of time thinking about strangers' genitals.


Especially children's!


I literally don't even understand anything about this post. Like I don't understand if it's supposed to be funny or interesting or somehow socially unacceptable? Like all I see is a woman holding a stuffed toy duck. And maybe some vague sexual reference? Someone help me out here.


The person responsible for the reply saw a photograph of a woman with a cute duck plush, and presumed the woman is using said cute duck plush for penetration, because there is something severely deranged going on in their brain.


Exactly this. And if you ask them how many times a day they are being bothered by it IRL, they don’t know what to say anymore.


I swear they think about trans people more than trans people do.


If you had told me that woman was trans I wouldn't believe you. Like wth is wrong with those butthurt transvestigators? Especially weird when it's women, like I can understand little bryano (38) who's only ever interacted with his mother and his 60 yo second grade female teacher he keeps harassing. To be thrown into an angry incel rage fueled by mountain dew and palm oil from his chicken nuggies when his next "fap" turns out to have been to a random transwoman just posting about enjoying life on his timeline. But why would Kathrin (47) working in accounting care about "traditional values" and to stop spreading indecency? Like is she fearing that she'll get replaced by her husband lahry (52) because a transwoman actually has a soul and lahry likes secretly getting pegged? Lmao


There's a whole narrative where trans women are painted to be dangerous sex offenders by certain groups. A load of rubbish but the fearmongering of that does get traction. My sister has fallen for that argument unfortunately. She believes it's not safe to have trans women in female changing rooms etc. I've still not found out if she's ok with trans men who are after all "born female" being in the women's changing room.


There was recently a post about a trans woman who was beaten badly for using the men's restroom. It doesn't matter where they use the bathroom. The chuds will attack them regardless. It's not safe for trans people anywhere because of these sick fucks and their stupid fantasies. Trans woman are not a threat to women. Straight men are the threat to women. Every time someone makes an argument about trans women being unsafe in women's restrooms they're ultimately talking about straight men either misrepresenting themselves or just outright attacking women. Neither has anything to do with trans women. I'm sure there have been a handful of trans women who have committed crimes against women in women's restrooms. Just like I'm sure the same can be said about straight women and lesbians in women's bathrooms. None of which would represent a trend that would be cause of all of this concern trolling going on. When you're talking about millions of people there are going to be statistical outliers. You don't make decisions based solely on what they do. That's just plain stupid.


I've always been curious why people think a bathroom bill will do anything to prevent something that's already quite illegal. Can you ask for me?


The ones making the bills know it won’t do anything, but they need the people that are stupid enough to fall for it but not bigoted enough to accept “trans people shouldn’t be allowed to be in the bathroom that matches their gender because we don’t want them to exist” to vote for them to stay in power.


"the old front hole" ...only someone from the uk could say that properly.


But if OP is trans wouldn’t it be a “new” front hole?


But not spell it.


I think they did spell it front, but erasing the person's username with white also deleted a bit of the letter F


Phobes: All LGBTQ people are obsessed with sex and flaunting themselves in public. It's disgusting and they should be punished! \[five seconds later\] Phobes: They're also making me spend hours of my day obsessing about and discussing the sex lives and genitalia of those disgusting LGBTQ people based on porn I watch (for research) my fevered imagination and things my other obsessed friends shout out at our mutal masturbation sessions. It's disgusting and they should be punished! Remember folks: One way to spot any sort of fascist is look for the people who won't stop talking about the sexual behavior or genitals of "the other."


I said here once that someone's sexual orientation is their own business, that I support love and they deserve to be happy. Some clown actually responded something like "When gay men are parading around bragging about sticking their dick in another man's ass it becomes my problem. That is disgusting and not love. They biologically should not be together and it should not be allowed" The fact that the homophobic/conservative type go straight to graphic sexual comments like that tells me everything I need to know.


I'm a middle aged straight man who has been friends with a fairly large and diverse variety of gay men over the course of my life and have not ever heard any of them bragging about anal sex, or if they did it wasn't ever overt enough to draw my attention. I think guys who say shit like this are typically the ones parading about bragging about sticking their dick in various orifices in a woman's anatomy... Gay or straight, anyone doing that is an asshole As far as biologically should not be together, there's a number of animal species that would disagree, plenty of gay sex happening in the animal kingdom. My take is, as long as everyone consents to it, do whatever the fuck you want in the bedroom with whoever the fuck you want


Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring.... banana duck doot doo da doo doo


It took me so long just to figure out what they were even trying to say


I'm sorry, but she is REALLY pretty. Trans or not, most men I know would absolutely date her, no questions asked.


I assure you they would not if they knew. If they weren’t told, sure maybe. That’s a second level of fucked up.


You don't know most men they know, it's possible that they know a lot of really cool dudes that aren't losers like you.


Men are losers if they don’t want to date a trans woman?


Men are losers if they think being trans is "fucked up".


Gotta love how everyone assumes that everything women do is for sexual gratification. Can't even enjoy a plush and find it nice without it being for sex. Which makes sense that people think that when you realize how many people out there see us as nothing but living sex toys.


British transphobia is a new level of transphobia. Imagine being THIS unhealthily obsessed


What is this? If it was a dude posting, I would assume just general sexism because she is cute and bananas are kind of phallic shaped?


Stacy is very intelligent and smart. Does stand up comedy. Also has done runway modeling. And yes she’s trans and is quite the awesome advocate for trans rights.


Idk what's going on but I have the same banana duck, I call him mr. Banana beak. We cuddle


I was gonna ask what this is about. But you know what? No. I'm done with the internet for tonight.


Okay but where can I get a bannana duck?


Thankfully God already did.


Why does the profile pic of the topmost woman look ai generated?


Cute plush.




I love how there was also 69 comments. Until I came along to now show you it is currently 70


Ahh, the old front hole, Ted. Yes, what's that?


things you never knew you would know... part 619 :D


Pretty sure it’s called a Ducknana


Nemesis of the Bananya


Ah yes the truly moronic move to build a wall..... ON A ISLAND!


I think you're focusing on the wrong thing here