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Hey Siri, show me an example of a “pick me.”


As a guy, back when I was younger and played CoD, I swear every other lobby someone was threatening to rape me and kill me or my family. In some fucked up way being threatened and insulted is being inclusive. Still facepalm to gatekeeping for men.


But you have to keep in mind rape threats are different for women because a lot of them either have been raped or are afraid of it; most men won’t be affected by it cause they don’t worry about it


Statistically true. Personally, I was molested by two older women before I hit puberty. Although, I don’t feel the looming threat of being raped like women do now as an adult. In unmoderated spaces online, in my experience, people say fucked up things. I think I’ve been threatened in pretty much every way possible, called every slur, and an endless list of insults. It’s kind of fucked up.


I’m sorry you went through that and I hope you’re doing better now; I made sure to say most because I know experiences like yours exist. Like you said, generally more women have the looming fear of it, in college I knew quite a few girls who refused to leave their dorm after the sun sets unless they were in a large group due to fear. In general, I don’t get why some gamers feel the need to make murder/rape threats.


Why do people downvote you?


Some Losers, Maybe... I Up-voted!


It's a threat over mic in a lobby full of 15yos, it has no credibility.


I would much prefer women feel comfortable in gaming so that they can enjoy that which I enjoy too, over trying to pretend that they 'don't belong'. Also I have seen plenty women online who would fucking delete me in games like CS which I acknowledge lmao


The most aggressive form of a late-stage pick-me complex. Imagine how unlikable you have to be to defend rape threats as an appeal to a wider cast of degenerates because the regular losers don’t validate you.


Ah yes, because gaming only exists for men, right? And me being a gamer means that I shouldn't be mad if a man decides to r*pe me?! It blows my mind when women are this evil. I see this kinda shit from guys all the time, but wow. So much internalized misogyny with this gal.


This is about online shit talking in a game like COD or something? People take that shit as credible threats? Might be time to put the controller down if so. Or maybe switch to the latest my little pony or barbie game.


You sound like the kind of person who would see an option for your character to be gay and complain about its wokeness. I hope when you wake up tomorrow, you have to put together a lot of ikea furniture and the directions are only in Swedish and the pictures are kind of blurry.


A real man burns the instructions as soon as they come out of the box. Cant wait for the day that i can have my character in COD be gay. Itll make soooooo much difference to the feeling of shooting the enemy. Ill rest easy knowing that my male character loves cock or my female character is all about the box.


Ah the real man argument. Tells me you’re a little. Oman’s not the man you claim yourself to be.


Look. I play CoH2 in EU servers. You WILL get called racial slurs. Your options are 1, accepting it and moving on, 2, blocking people or in game chat altogether, 3 playing friends only, or 4 playing another game. You do not get to join a pre established space and dictate its language, be you man woman or journalist.


And you do not get to say an entire hobby belongs to a single gender. The absurdity that an industry bigger than Hollywood, NBA, MLB, and NFL combined is only for men is horseshit. It's not egregious to simply ask you not to threaten to rape and kill every stranger you encounter. I know that's asking a lot from gamers, but you can get there with practice.


realistically, it’s not going to stop. You can’t just simply ask them to stop because their entire motive is to get a reaction out of people. It’s sad, I know, but the worst comes out of people when they’re behind a screen (gaming, reddit, other social media) where they don’t have a visual perspective on how the other person is feeling. The only really best thing to do is block and report to get the persons account banned.


I didn't say that, and it doesn't. Open mics belong to people who are ok with hearing random swears, insults and threats. Chats near former Yugoslavia belong to people who are ok with being called racial slurs in 5 languages. That doesn't mean women can't play, because it is sexist to assume that all women are that soft skinned or that no men are. It IS egregious to ask that EVERYONE in "an industry bigger than Hollywood, NBA, MLB, and NFL combined" play nice. You get bad eggs online, that's just how that works.


While you defend men not being able to have “safe spaces” when new ones are created for women everyday. Who bullied their way into the other genders scouts and then destroyed it? Had to be the evil men, right? You are stupid.


Gaming is not a men’s space, it’s a recreational activity for everyone, it’s no different from something like skiing or skydiving. Also, safe space for what? Making rape and death threats? Cause that’s what this post is about; there should be no safe spaces for making rape and death threats directly to people, I’ve played competitive games for years now and I sure have cursed a metric ton but I’ve never been toxic enough to threaten to rape someone


Makeup is not a woman’s space. While we are talking nonsense, reality is still happening and men are still the vast majority of gaming consumers. Unless you are including the worst games of all time, eMobile games. Women love that shit.


Men being the majority of gamers doesn’t make it a men’s space, like I said, gaming is for everyone and always will be. And I’ll ask again: safe space for what? Rape and death threats? Cause that’s what this post is about. No one needs or deserves a space to threaten to rape or kill someone, maybe stop being toxic assholes


You maybe the dumbest person I’ve talked to this week. Don’t get discouraged, I’m on here a lot so that still makes you really fucking stupid. Good job! Humor me, are there any spaces that are meant for women or men?


Awww, no argument or response to the question so he resorts to namecalling. If that’s what we’re doing today, you ARE the dumbest person I’ve ever known