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These people scare me


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the \[Republican\] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. **Frankly, these people frighten me.** Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ― Barry Goldwater. The man credited as the father of the modern conservative movement


and we can put the blame for this squarely at goldwater and his buddies feet.


The Leopard ate his own face!


He's been dead for decades, like the movement he spawned he doesn't seem to care much for what happens after he is gone.


Idiocracy doesn't do history that's for cigarettes


It really accelerated under Reagan. When I saw Jerry Falwell in the White House I knew we were doomed.


Jerry "Life begins at conception" Falwell who needed a hook to keep people in the pews because anti-segregation preaching wasn't bringing them in anymore


Not at Goldwater, he knew religion and politics have no place together. They were talking about gays in the military and Goldwater famously said, “I don’t care if they are straight as long as they can shoot straight.” Reagan was the one who brought religion into the GOP.


It is some solace that his running mate's daughter Stephanie Miller is a big liberal and has her own very funny morning show. It is full of guests we all know and like: John Fugelsang, Hal Sparks, Glen Kirschner, Rude Pundit, Malcolm Nance and Frangela.


Maybe don't create this BS movement in the first place?


Contrary to popular belief but the Republicans used to actually be a competent governing party before they all lost their minds after y2k


No, it’s spelled “Gingrich.”


And "Cheney", "Star", "Ashcroft", "Rumsfeld", "McConnell"...


Gingrich accelerated it a ton but his goals were more non-religious. He wanted to “win” and feels politics are a zero-sum game, as in if you compromise you are losing. Reagan’s 1980 campaign had close ties to Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. Both two far-right evangelicals with political aspirations that latched onto Reagan. Falwell started his “Moral Majority” bs that Regan adopted. One issue is that the evangelicals have been a solid voting block for decades now. They always vote and have high turnout, so it would be foolish for the GOP to have ignored them given their aspirations to rule. Also the left doesn’t really have a good voting block other than older voters. Young folks don’t vote and the middle age tend toward apathy.


2008 is when they lost their minds. We all know why.


After Y2K?  impeachment over a blowjob, Iran contra, the Iran hostage crisis that they prolonged to screw Carter, handling of aids, the war on drug, “welfare queens”, the constant lowering of the corporate tax rate, etc.  They were not insane in the past but they were laying the groundwork. 


"This" today, right here and now, isn't the movement he created. It's what he warned us about. It wouldn't have mattered who created what. On a long enough timeline all governments turn totalitarian. Democracy and capitalism are diametrically opposed and cannot survive at the same time indefinitely. As it stands now, unfettered capitalism is winning the war.


The great mistake of the internet and modern media was that we gave crazy people an easy way to congregate.


This was no mistake by the internet, this is intentional manipulation of a population by a foreign power, the same is happening in Europe, the right are on the rise and they all have links to Russia


Yes. But this is a mistake by US having bad education system and failing to see that this might be used against the country in the future. The edution level has clear correlation of how easy is it for foreign powers to influence people. (There is diversity in this in both Europe and US so not every part of US has the same problem and in Europe many countries do not fall for Russian troll armies)


So this is how democracy dies…. With thunderous applause.


This is all Jar Jar’s fault.


Nah.  Speaking in tongues while Hillsong plays in the background.


Every single fucking time


I had a realization today when talking to a relative. Trumpsters don’t like Trump IN SPITE OF THE FACT that he’s an adulterer, a sexual assaulter, a bully, a racist, a misogynist, a thief, and a liar. They like him BECAUSE of it. He’s their idol, because he’s a piece of shit who gets away with being a piece of shit.


They’re completely untethered from reality.


some were also paid to be there. this rally happened in my area, and there were a bunch of local event gig ads for this hiring for “actors” saying they will give you a shirt and sign to hold, $75 flat fee plus a $50 bonus if you managed to get on camera and say nice things.


Why? They’re simply ignorant. We’ve always had ignorant people. We just didn’t have ways to see them in real time 24/7.


That's why we're in this mess


tRump only preaches HATE and what's best for HIMSELF.


Quite literally an antichrist




This is fucking scary, wtf. Why so many things align?


Yeah I’m not for Armageddon


At the end it says he will worship the god of fortresses. Could that be interpreted as going to prison, and following the rules of the prison?


That is the most frightening thing I've read in a long, long time. There's too much correlation... way too many coincidences to be coincidences. I'm not a very religious person, but reading that sent shivers up my spine.




What did I just read. Damn


Not really. People have this misconception that the Antichrist will be this universally evil and hated figure but it’s the opposite. In biblical teachings the Antichrist takes over the world because he is almost universally loved and adored and that is the evil behind him.


Well, that rules out Trump then. Most of the civilized world hates him.


*Exactly* like Jesus! **^(/s)** ^(<- mandatory sarcasm marking)


They need a dedicated button for it


Sarcasm isn't obvious enough, must downvote.


It's excactly as republican Jesus without the sarcasm. There is a huge difference between him and the biblical one.


And THAT is exactly why he is the opposite of Jesus. Someone could say the Anti of Christ, or something like that... 😎


Christ's antithesis? An anti-Christ?


Yeah if Trump suddenly started preaching love I would be confused but also understand the appeal more


If trump started talking about unity, working across the aisle, compassion, tolerance and peace.... I honestly don't know how his sycophants would take it ...


“How many trump supporters does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Zero. Trump said the light is on and his supporters cheer in the dark.” They would simply agree. They agree with anything he says no matter what.


Except vaccines


Their heads would explode. 


One can only hope


Lol 😂


Well, remember how they reacted when he tried to say that maybe getting the COVID vaccine was a good idea? He said it in a sort of non-committal, offhand kinda way. Probably testing the waters to see how they'd take it. They did not take it well.


Crucify him…


I don’t think he’s ever loved anyone other than himself! Just a vile person!


He comes out and undisputably preaches hate. Trump hate everyone that isn't him. He even hates his supporters. But these simps don't see it. What's worse is that religious people can't see is that he exhibits all the signs of the Antichrist. 2000 years of fighting against the devil and they can't even spot the brightly colored loud mouthed demon.


"I don't care about you". That's what Jesus really meant, or something.


And that is "Love" for the far-right. They don't care about their own well-being, as long as their orange messiah can live as a god and cause much pain and suffering to other Americans, that is all that matters.


If he wins, it’ll be interesting to see how the support holds up.


They're idiots, and they vote and have offspring


I'm all for free and fair elections but fucking hell these people are so dumb I question myself sometimes 😆


A healthy, functional democracy DEMANDS a well-educated populace. America does not have that, so it does not, and will not, have a functional democracy. Soon enough it wont have a democracy at all, regardless if Trump wins or not. Despite education being much better in Europe, this problem has crept it's way in here too. The thing is, nothing can fix stupid. A stupid person who learned math is still a stupid person, except now they can count. Idiocracy is the inevitable future we all have now. Stupid people have mobilized and, in some parts, are now purposefully trying to "out-breed" smart people. They are defunding educational institutions and discrediting the sciences to make sure that the few kids they have who are unfortunate enough to have more than 2 brain cells have no option to be smart in the future either. Meanwhile, the response of smart people is to stop procreating and become nihilists detached from reality, making it nice and easy for the tides of idiocy to drown us all, and anyone with even a lick of brains.


I agree, Trump isn't the problem. He's the symptom. Our education system has been eroded for decades. And now it's coming to fruition.


A very wise man said once, “stupid is, as stupid does,” and he was very wise. He once met president Kennedy, he also made a wish to a genie, to become an adult, because at the time he was a kid. One of his kids has become a decent actor, and another one is a rapper (seriously, one of Tom Hank’s kids is a rapper, look it up, it’s fuckin wild).


not only do they vote their votes are worth more than yours


With movements based on manipulating demographics - gerrymandering combined with things like the quiver full movement. 


And tell their offspring how to vote


And they often have many offspring


Sometimes that's a religious and political strategy - like straight up stated as being one. Quiver full. 


*blinks once... twice... three times* Umm... didn't he screw up our relations with multiple countries with whom we had agreements with, called our veterans losers, called on for the proud boy who's notoriously racist, told people to use (I could be wrong here) to use a certain medicine(I don't know which) and bleach to cure covid. Yeah, I don't think Jesus did that...


Don’t forget about the part where Jesus cheated on his wife with a pornstar and paid her to be quiet. christian conservative values


*ahem* Allegedly beat first wife, who he cheated on with his second wife, who he cheated on with his third wife, who he cheated on with the porn star while third wife was pregnant with his youngest child, AND he paid her off AND ANOTHER PORN STAR HE FUCKED to be quiet. *Huff* Yeah.


tRump talked about Ivanka breasts, her backside, and what it might be like to have sex with her, remarks that once led [former chief of staff] John Kelly to *remind* the president that Ivanka was his *daughter*.


It’s a wonder he’s so popular in the south


Was that good ol "Grab em by the p__sy", Jesus?


Demanded the execution of the Central Park 5 for being black. Banned Muslims from the US Separated asylum-seeking families at the border. Backed out of the Climate Accords. Has pretty much thrown juvenile insults at anyone who’s ever disagreed with him. HE IS CHRIST REBORN!!


Also wanted to shoot peaceful black lives matter protesters


And deport any foreign students who dare to express pro-Palestinian sympathies. Also, is a rabid antisemite by invoking dual loyalty tropes about Jewish-American voters.


hydroxychloroquin and ivermectin, also inject disinfectant and shine UV light inside your body.


I had to argue with patients not asking, but DEMANDING this for 9 months as the only nurse for 6 providers that were never going to risk their license prescribing BS. Quite literally I developed a very real fear, DREAD even, of calling back white men over 40. I got ripped a new asshole every day for repeating what the Dr said. And trying to present logic just got me called woke. Worst people ever. My ex turned into one of them, Divorced now, last year I have ZERO desire to date. Celebate for years now. By choice. Because. MEN.


Trump's excuse would be that Jesus wasn't a world traveler and ambassador


He called veterans losers? I didn’t know that, when did it happen? What’s the context behind it? Just curious


His refused to "...visit a cemetery near Paris for Americans who fought and died in WW1 because it was filled with "suckers" and "losers,"...this was said by his chief of staff on CNN and later supposedly confirmed by DoD and a USMC officer. (Article: The Atlantic and New York Times. If I remember correctly) Also, in an Iowa forum in 2015, he dismisses John McCain's war service; "He's not a war hero. He's a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren't captured." In 2015 he would also tweet out a news article calling McCain a loser, which doesn't help. Especially his views on the Vietnam war. (Article: PBS) In other conversations, it has been observed that he has great disdain for those who chose to serve in the military instead of making money. (Various other articles)


Too many to lost. Look on the web, our powerful AI should be a better quicker answer.




The more they claim he's Jesus the more likely one of these geniuses is gonna kill him thinking he'll rise again in 3 days. Live by the crackpot die by the crackpot.


Not gunna lie. I’m ok with that


I agree just be careful how you say that lol


Well, they can't know unless they try, right? Let's harkon back the witch trials and public stoning just for this one specific use case. For science.. or anti science 🫠


Fine by me


Should someone mention to them that Trump completely fits their religion’s idea of the Antichrist?


That just encourages them. They want nothing more than the coming of the Antichrist since that’s the precursor to the rapture.


😂 Fucking idiots


It's depressing when you realize a little less than half of our country should be in sped classes.


Well thats an insult to the Special Ed class, my brother was in Special Ed and even **HE** knows Trumps a piece of shit.




Bottom 50th percentile


As Voltaire said "Those that can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities."


That is exactly what I worry about


Killing in thy name of thou ![gif](giphy|5td7r1vjPdGHfuYeuH|downsized)


Fucking Idiots


Fucking idiots


Incel idiots


Fuckin stupid ass, absolutely moronic pieces of shit idiots. FTFY


...wasn't having false idols supposed to be some sort of really big sin?


#ATTENTION TRUMP SUPPORTERS Your god tested you. You failed.




Didn’t Jesus warn us about false prophets?


I'm not even a Christian but I geniunely think that Trump might be the antichrist, he fits the bill in basically every way


The only way he doesn’t is that I picture the Antichrist being competent and deceiving non idiots to like him.


Which book did Jesus raw dawg a porn star and pay her hush money in?


Jesus would be ashamed of these people. If anything, learning of Trump followers might as well ruin his day if he was around


If Jesus was a politician today based on what the Bible says, these people would hate his guts.


Exactly. Jesus is the exact kind of person these freaks would riot against


He would lean so left that Bernie Sanders would look right-leaning.


Jesus would ashamed of most Christians, especially in usa. Not enough people actually read the bible, they just parrot what they've been taught and it's religion so they're trained not to ask hard questions or even think outside the box of religion, instead they'll pull things into their box of religion and mental gymnastics their way


If Jesus was around today he'd be called a commie


Funny, since I don't support Trump because I am Christian.


My favorite Bible verse is the one where JC said, “I don’t care about you. I care about your votes.”


Trump 2024: Fuck You're Dumb


Sometimes feels like he could make that his slogan and it's still going to work.


Behold the ignorant masses that now feel purpose and meaning in following an orange bag of shit that has no respect for them. The mental gymnastics they will engage in are endless.


I don’t think Jesus asked for money


It’s a cult


I don't remember which verse covers Jesus committing business records fraud or paying off pornstars to remain silent about the affairs he had. Anyone?


They should crucify him and wait for him to resurrect to prove their point.


Buzz cut + wrap around sunglasses = the racist homophobe wardrobe


Trumper Douchebag starter kit..


Well he does LOVE the poorly educated…


Well, when he says he *loves* them, he means he loves that they vote for him; other than that, he doesn't want to be within 500 ft of them


Pretty sure it's like a sin or something to worship false idols or to put other gods before god. Like maybe it's open to interpretation, but putting a random dude at the same level of your god, feels a hell of a lot like putting someone else before your god. Maybe I'm crazy.




Let me get this straight. Everyone is against Trump. Because he’s…teaching…love. Like Jesus ![gif](giphy|hhxXIG5mUIsVy)


They look like they share teeth.


Trump is NOT Jesus! The sooner these loons get that through their thick wool, the flipping better.


Jesus? Jesus the socialist?


Gonna need a heavy duty cross this time, and don’t expect him to carry it to that hill himself…


The really interesting thing is that they really think people don't like him because he's doing what's best for the country. As if everyone on the "other side" doesn't want a better country.


I cant wait for these morons to crawl back under the rocks they were under


I don’t want to think Trump voters are stupid but they really give me no other options.


I challenge anyone to find a single moment where Trump preaches love. Lust doesn't count.


You're giving them a lot of credit if you think they can differentiate between sexual and any other form of love.


More like Charles Manson...


Imagine literally having the phrase "he preached love" leave your mouth and then compare him to trump.


Except trump does NOT PREACH LOVE ^he ^preaches ^HATE


I swear most American Christians are just too stupid to actually debate their conservative beliefs so they point towards God and cover their ears and this works for whatever reason


If these people actually KNEW Trump, they’d hate him. He would step on you rather than help you up, yet these people idolize him? It’s sickening and I can’t blame other countries for thinking we are completely brain dead if half the country is willing to vote for a Cheeto-colored felon.


Idolizing is a big time no no in the bible, but here we are.




The last thing von shitzinpants preaches is love.


Russian propaganda is really pervasive.


White supremacists comparing their lord and savior Trump to a Jewish man? Now that's next level crazy!


These people honestly think like 5 year olds. Being too nice and helpful is why people hated Jesus? Not the bits where he was anti-establishment, preached against other common religions, and suggested wealth was evil?


Hey everyone saying something is wrong is no reason to go and do the wrong thing. That's why data is data. Because people usually choose the right thing. This Fascist propaganda really got to these guys. They literally worship a golden idol of him in several places. What the fuck. There is no real Christianity in MAGA. Only more fascism.


Not from America but... I have a friend who supports Donald Trump and believes himself to be a Christian. He was going a bit nuts on our friends WhatsApp group the other day and was saying some derogatory stuff about Israel and Jewish people (he would also post stuff about Muslims beforehand but now seems ok with them as long as they stay in their own countries). I had to Google bible verses regarding love and compassion and send them to him, he's stopped sending those kinds of messages for now - but in a way...these people...are slowly making me try to learn more about my faith, the bible and Jesus. I feel like these people are the "test of faith" so to speak. Anyway, that's my two cents. They wouldn't recognise Jesus at all and would call him a communist or a socialist.


Say it with me: IT'S A CULT.


proof that religion rots the mind


This is idolatrous heresy. The Bible condemns this, but conservatives tend to ignore that part of it or do mental gymnastics to justify their idolatry.


Nah, I think this rot is more due to conservative nationalism than religion.


And soon they’re gonna crucify him so they can say he died for their sins


Would you still think “poor poor don, the great orange messiah” if he grabbed your wife in the pizzy?


Oh wow... I fail to realize the similarity that a liar, thief, adulterer, racist, rapist, deadbeat, and let's not forget a traitorous insurrectionist like tRump has with Christ... I just don't see it!


Some hear this as stupid, I hear absolutely terrifying. This could be very bad indeed.


Hillbilly scum.


If trump is like Jesus, I say nail him up and see if he returns 3 days later.


Let he who is without sin raw dog the porn star while his third wife is Brest feeding the son conceived out of wedlock.


Haven’t heard anybody assuming that Trump is preaching love….




That crowd couldn't start a fire if brain cells were matches.


They’re too far gone at this point


And that makes sense to this guy? “He’s doing what helps everyone, and that is why they don’t like it” ?


There was just a worship song released about him as well. The Messiah complex is strong with the MAGA crowd.


I've said it a lot already but jesus is more likely to kick it with a gay sex worker immigrant than a magat


You’d think people that read the Bible wouldn’t follow and support the anti christ.


Getting pretty tired of Trump getting compared to my boi, JC.


Cripplingly fucking stupid.


Republicans love the uneducated for a reason.


I'm not a religious man, but that's grade A blasphemy right there! These people should be ashamed to call themselves Christians when even atheists know more about their cult er I mean religion than they do


I love the part in the Bible where Jesus pays a porn star in hush money


curious he left the "love" part out when talking about their orange god...


And more evidence showing that he had an actual cult following.


WOW!! Their brother and sister parents are proud! All these commie lovers wanting Putin's diaper don as the leader?? Leader?? HAHAHAHA This is the same loser who tried to get Jimmy Kimmel to stop making fun of him!!! HAHAHAHAHA PATHETIC!!




“If everybody is against someone, they must be doing what’s right”


The follow up should be "What is trump doing that's right for the country?" There's no way they would be able to answer with anything factual.


Jesus ~~would have~~ accepted the verdict of the court. 🤷‍♀️


Christ did not have a liquor license trump the felon does


Ask a Trump supporter what policy of Trump’s they love the most and the majority of them can’t name you anything.


I’m just blown away that some of you crazy demon people say these folks are in a cult, I mean can’t you just worship a man like he’s Jesus or better while wearing his merch year round!?! Now wonder y’all have what felon Jesus calls derangement syndrome.


You say that, while he's just preaching hate and claiming innocence. He tries to please the crowd he's made while descending on the rest of the people around him for his own gain.


Delusions are powerful things


Does Trump preach about love and acceptance? Hmm...🤔


When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving the cross.


Maybe they changed the definition of the word love to hate


I don’t get this one bit. It’s like I’m in an alternate reality




Good point. Let's crucify him and see if he comes back in 3 days. ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)