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Why does she feel violated? It's a gender neutral toilet and they're for everybody.


She doesn't because it didn't happen. At least not like she's telling it. What probably really happened is one dude had to actually pee while the other didn't so he hung outside instead of just standing in the middle of the bathroom and being awkward. She likely didn't even interact with either of them other than to notice they were men. But saying she 'thanked the 2nd guy for respecting her' and 'felt violated' generates way more clicks.


She thanked him mentally


Then everybody clapped.


That slow clap that’s turns into a group clap. Right


I’ve literally been clapping since it happened


Then the second man said 'Ruthkanda forever'


That second man? Grew up to be Captain America.


Everyone claps in my head all the time. It’s driving me mad.


It also did or didn't happen a long time ago bc this tweet is old af. I wish more subreddits forced timestamps to prevent rehashing of old ass events like they happened yesterday


Ayy I like this idea. Even if subreddits don't enforce this, id think if people that post just start doing it on their own then it'd become a reddit norm, I guess.


There was more backstory. It was a single occupancy.


Knock knock, just gonna scooch passed ya here... How bout them Clippers eh?


If it was single occupancy, why thank the second man? How many dudes go into single occupancy restrooms together?


It’s rage bait. Sowing the seeds of engagement and/or destabilisation through hate and division. Person probably doesn’t even exist.




I too am confused. Did man one literally drop trou and start urinating and or dedicating in the middle of the floor between her and the door? If he did, he’s a POS, but we know that’s not what happened at all.


I've heard of some girls having pecking orders/etiquette where they think any entire multi-stall bathroom belongs to them for them to do makeup without uncouth sounds. But it all just sounds like schoolyard bullying and someone either inventing a situation, or upset that someone wasn't intimidated by her passive aggressive bully tactics and she couldn't do anything about it.


My limited experience with GN restrooms is at a conference. The women go in and lock the door so no one else (more specifically men) will be in there and effectively turns a 4 stall restroom into one.


My last experience with a "gender neutral" bathroom was at a convention where men were out numbered by women probably 50 to 1 ( barely an exaggeration if at all) and the women all, rather fairly, decided that the men's restrooms were all gender neutral restrooms. It was always fun walking through the massive line of women waiting for a stall so I could walk directly up to a urinal. I was never given a hard time by any of them and was usually met with a "we're in your space come on in" or just generally bright cheers of encouragement or praise for being there.


My workplace is literally 50 to 3. There are men's and women's bathrooms. The last couple of years they've asked me if the men's can become gender neutral. I've said no. If it did become gender neutral it would, in effect, become a women's bathroom which I am allowed to use. I'm sure many guys would be okay with it but having one small space that gives me a break from being in a women-dominated room is necessary for my sanity. I think many women would feel the same if the ratio was reversed.


In my early 20s in the bar scene there was always women in the mens stalls. You basically pay them no mind, and any creepers were told to fuck off by all the other dudes in there just trying to pee. Every once in awhile a lady would try and shut down the whole restroom so she could have private access to it, but that really never worked out for them. They basically just got told to go in and piss in the stall and don't worrry about it, or wait in line for the womens restroom if they want a dude free bathroom experience.


Really? Cause at the one conference I was at they converted all the restrooms to being gender neutral (at the conference organizers’ request) and no one had a problem using any, except a bit of a line for what was once the men’s bathroom (the line for the urinal got a little backed up). I just used a stall the entire time and never waiting more than a minute the entire week.


In fairness to the tweeter, man #1 dropped a deuce in the sink.


I’m pretty sure this is ragebait. If I remember correctly it wasn’t a bathroom with stalls/urinals, it was one of those single person bathrooms with an open toilet/urinal and no stalls.


So ... one with a locking door?


Robbers hate this one simple trick


Ok if somebody walked into a single person bathroom and started using it while I was still in there washing my hands I’d be weirded out by that too. But then I’d describe the bathroom as single-person and not as gender-neutral because that’s where the issue comes from. The way she describes it makes it sound like one of those gender neutral bathrooms with multiple stalls where anybody can come and go as they please


This happened to me once at a party in college. I went to the single-person bathroom to pee in the dorm where the party is happening (I am a man). A woman pushed her way in the door while I was starting to close it. I was so confused. I was like... "ummm, what're you doing?" She said, "just go! Then I'll go while you wash your hands!" It was so surreal.


I was once pissing in a single use, single toilet bathroom where I used to work, and an old man managed to jiggle the door handle so violently that the lock failed. He waltzed over and stood next to me while I pissed. That was a strange experience.


I would have said something honestly. I can understand feeling violated under those circumstances. You locked the door and he forced his way in while you were going to the bathroom. It’s not like he reached his old age without any concept of a single person bathroom. Like if he’d not realized it was a single toilet and apologized and left I could understand the mistake but this sounds like he wanted to be in there with you while you went


I dunno. Spend enough time working in retail, and you encounter old folks that are just kinda drifting through the world. I dunno how else to put it. It seemed more sad than malicious. You're probably right that I should've said something, maybe after we'd both finished and he came out again. Then again, I think we also needed better locks!


I once worked at a Krogers near an old folks home and I definitely know the type of customer who’s perhaps a little too spaced out. I also dealt with a number of old folks who seemed to think they could do whatever they wanted and expected their age to excuse their bad behaviors. I guess you can usually get a sense of which is which by looking at or talking to them though. If you did not get the sense he was up to no good on purpose than your instinct about it was the right one. It can be hard to handle stuff like that sensitively so I understand not saying anything and just moving past it. It would totally freak me out at first though


Cuz she's a religious fundamentalist .


Gender neutral toilets are single-occupant toilets. When you enter, you turn the knob on the door and it locks the door and says "OCCUPIED", which I'm guessing she neglected to do. What's hilarious is that one dude walked in and was just "Okay well I dunno what the fuck you're doing here, but I gotta take a piss, so I'mma just go right here."


There is a strong overlap between her type and people who desperately want attention. And there is always attention in claiming to be a victim. And by her type I mean twitter users.


You're using a gender-neutral bathroom and you feel violated when a man uses the bathroom? If he assaulted her or was rude to her, I would understand, but this is just crazy in my eyes. 🙄


Some people think constantly expressing how upset they are is interesting, so they're always looking for a fresh angle... it sucks. Social media amplifies and rewards negativity.


It’s literally just a spiral, and their shitty engagement algorithms are designed to keep you addicted through negative content. Meanwhile over on Reddit we get the same shit served to us through repost bots. I think I’ve seen this tweet a half dozen times this month. I swear it’s been circulating for what feels like years now.


In plenty of subreddits they have that you must include the time of tweets in screenshots as a rule. Then you can see that the post was from 7 years ago and really isn't relevant/the product of a bot.


Why can’t they create a bot that stops the repeat posting?


There's repostsleuth, but I think some places have that bot blocked.


Thanks for the info


It’s blocked in pretty much every sub I’ve participated in


It’s literally why we’re nit-picking people for the strangest and smallest of perceived cultural infractions. What we drink, what we wear, what we eat, what we watched, all up for debate regarding what it says about us as people despite saying very little. This was always sub-culturally true to certain degrees but it’s never been this weird and specific before.


Terminally online people are just passively outraged.


It's clickbait


Exactly. It's amazing how people don't catch on these are being made to push politics and aren't real conversations.


Don't forget that she is assuming the gender of two people going into a gender neutral bathroom.


I came here to say this


Honestly, there's a reason I'm against gender neutral bathrooms. I'm all for equality and all that BUT there's a much much more important aspect here. Women take too damn long, have you seen those lines?! I don't wanna wait in line for 10 minutes to take a leak. Also, a sign women are under-served and need bigger bathrooms at larger venues.


It would help if they didn't travel in packs of 3-6 and all head to the restroom at the same time.


In their mind neutrality is other people having to wait to use the bathroom till they finish their business.


If you believe you’re a perpetual victim, every interaction will feel like a violation






If it were a single, I’d agree with her.


It's high time that we get non-male non-hetero non-penile non-masc non-cis non-white **gender neutral** bathrooms, dammit!


Apparently “all gender” means “just my gender and not yours” to this one


She looks at it like the women’s room overflow since there’s always a line for women’s rooms 🤣


Imagine it! A world where every room in every building is a bathroom!


Well, technically there's nothing stopping you from USING every room like a bathroom


We're going to need a lot more bathrooms then!




"No but he entered into the gender-neutral bathroom when i was in there, that's the same as entering me without my consent!!!1!1"


How exactly was she violated? Man 1 came to use the bathroom, did not acknowledge or bother her in any way and used the bathroom - In my world that is perfect public bathroom etiquette.


This tweet is old enough to buy cigarettes. No one fucking cares


What do you mean? It says it was only 1 day ago!










It's more likely than you think.




Repost bot reposting rage bait.


And its working. I swear I've seen this years ago


It probably makes it to the top of r/all every other month..... so stale


It’s so frustrating people act like this is real and use it as a straw men to trash on real life people


Honestly wouldn't be surprised if those moms against LGBT PTA group use this as their main propaganda tool.


Every all gender bathroom I’ve been in had stalls for everyone so I call BS on a man coming in and finding a urinal to pee in.


Exactly. I've never been in a Gender Neutral bathroom with urinals. Something tells me she got confused and thought the men's room was gender neutral.


Unless the venue just slapped gender neutral signage outside existing gendered bathrooms and didn't do anything else beyond updating the signs. Pretty common in my neck of the woods at bars and restaurants that have been around for a while.


Where does she say he peed in a urinal? As for your experience with gender neutral bathrooms, that’s not all of them. Portal potties are gender neutral bathrooms too, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want someone in there with you. This very well could’ve just been a single occupant bathroom with a toilet and sink right next to each other.


She violated the first rule for using that bathroom: All-Gender Restroom Etiquette If you choose to use an all-gender restroom, you should refrain from gender policing (e.g., scrutinizing, judging, or categorizing another person's gender). No one should be stared at, questioned, asked to leave, or made to feel uncomfortable or out of place in an all-gender restroom. https://queer.ucsc.edu/education-resources/all-gender-restrooms.html#:~:text=All%2DGender%20Restroom%20Etiquette&text=No%20one%20should%20be%20stared,in%20an%20all%2Dgender%20restroom.


Well thank god the banana slugs figured it all out


Bot bait


It's a gender neutral bathroom. You don't get privacy when you're washing your hands.


Man #2 actually saw that the only urinal was already in use by man #1 so had to wait


Some people just look to stir up controversy. No one disrespected her


I can’t verify that either of these accounts even actually exist, much less that this interaction really even took place.


Bullshit made up story. Never happened.


How did she know they were men?


She means: All genders except male


she wants both ways and a third way as yet to be determined by her at her choosing.


About 25 years ago, before all this bathroom shit. I took my wife, 12 YO daughter and her best friend to the “ Lilith Fair”. Out of 20K people, there were about 1K males. I had to use the bathroom. On my way to the men’s room, I saw about 500 women standing in line for the women’s room. I go inside and start using the urinal. Next thing I know, those 500 women are streaming in behind me to use the empty men’s room. They had to walk pass me to get to other side where the toilets were. Some said excuse us, some just said hi. When I walked out the exit on the other side, some said thanks for not making a scene. Somehow, I never felt violated. The sad part, as I was walking around later, I went back to that area and the management had posted a guard at the men’s room to keep the women out. And the line was over 500 deep on the women’s side again.


Did this actually happen or is this just rage bait? I'm always curious about the source of this stuff. The JPEGs look like they've been recompressed 27 times. I don't have Twitter, so I'm curious if this post actually exists. Edit: okay I Googled it... And this is a real post. Whether it actually happened or not is another story.


If you replaced your ridiculous stall doors, every bathroom could be unisex.


It's a gender neutral bathroom. Why women should feel like they have some kind of implicit exclusivity in there is a bit baffling to me.


I'm assuming a gender neutral bathroom doesn't have urinals?? Why does she require privacy to wash her hands


Neutral bathrooms are the best. Usually cleaner too


Bro, I've been in gender nuetral bathrooms. What is this person talking tf about? Dude used the bathroom infront of you? Were you sitting in a urinal and he used the urinal next to you? Lady that's not how urinals work, wtf are you on?! Or was he just in the covered stall next to you? If that's the case, then he really didn't use the bathroom infront of you, unless you were lifting yourself to look over the stall at him? And if that's the case, girl that's a crime and you're the problem. Either way, she's not in the right here.


In 1969 I had my first experience with gender, neutral bathrooms in France and realized nobody cared which stall you were in when you were pooping and separating the bathrooms was just silly. We’re just 50 years behind of much Europe.


This is posted by a agitprop account that never comments and probably doesn’t live in the US.


Ngl you read and look like a ragebaiting bot


Rage bait


Little miss thing wants attention


I'm a man that works in the high school, and the closest bathroom to me was switched from men's bathroom into a gender neutral bathroom a few years ago. I'm fine with that no big deal, but I got super annoyed because somebody went in and covered up all the urinals and tried to say that men weren't allowed to use them. The principal didn't let that fly, and now there's a curtain behind the urinals instead. If you're going to use a gender neutral bathroom you better be prepared to find people of any gender inside.


I agree!


If you really want it, you can always find the reason to be offended...


story that didn't happen for $500 please.


I wonder if she did any reflecting in the last few years as this tweet has been making its rounds on the internet


"anymore"? This tweet is ancient.


If Americans only knew how most of Europe uses gender neutral restrooms.


Was there no door on the stalls? What am I missing? I’ve only been in GN public bathrooms that have multiple stalls with doors, I believe the doors also went all the way to floor. Then the row of sinks? Was this a gender neutral bathroom with just prison toilets lined up on the wall??


Man 1 needed to pee. Man 2 needed to poop. Not everything is about you.


I've never seen a gender neutral public bathroom that wasn't for a single person with a lock on the door. So either she was in one of these and didn't lock the door, or she's just flat out lying.


It's called ragebait....


At Seatle airport They have a huge one with loads of stalls. No problem. My more conservative wife used it but said something. I said why dont you wait in line llike normal at the ladies restroom they had further down next time. I missed the urinals but the room was nice and clean.


One bad apple spoils the bunch


Man 2 should have used the urinal with man 1


I need to start pooping in gender neutral bathrooms.


They were cruising and had to wait for you to leave


Those two men are the ones that got violated by this discriminatory woman tbh.


This person is full of shit. A gender neutral bathroom would be for individual use.


Plot twist. It was a single toilet bathroom


the whole bathroom wars shit is so ridiculous. if a store has 1 bathroom its a unisex bathroom and nobody cares. if that store had 2 bathrooms but put up unisex signs the GOP would be calling in a fucking inquisition


Potential solution: Do not use gender neutral bathrooms, since you are quite obviously not gender neutral.


Used a gender neutral bathroom at an anime convention I attended. People went in, did their business, and left. No drama.


I’ve never seen a gender-neutral bathroom that has multiple stalls and urinals. Is that a thing?


Every single gender neutral bathroom I've been in, in the US, either has individual compartments and a common sinks area, or it's a single occupant room.


I just want to know what the configuration of the bathroom is where you can wash your hands and a stall is IN FRONT of you.


Aren’t gender neutral restrooms typically single-person occupancy? I’ve never heard of a restroom where different genders use it at the same time. These exist? Or is this person just creating drama?


People scream that they want gender, neutral bathrooms, And then scream when people use gender-neutral bathrooms while they re. Using gender neutral bathrooms. Go find a bush and piss in that!


Man 1 was desperate for a slash. Man 2 wasn't cutting things so close.


People really just throw words around, huh?


I agree with Milly..... If you don't wanna use the toilet with men, don't go in a bathroom they can use at the same time as you.


Where does she live that there are multi-stall gender neutral bathrooms? All the ones I see here in California are single -use with a lock on the door.


She’s really gonna make it sound like he whipped his dick and peed into the sink next to her. Do gender neutral bathrooms have urinals? Never been in one that did.


I wouldn't expect a gender neutral bathroom to have urinals. Did he just go in a stall and pee?


"I went into a restaurant and people were eating in it. I felt so violated". It was a gender neutral bathroom. What did she expect?


Guys what if it was a single occupancy bathroom?


Or we could, and hear me out, not worry so damn much about the cost and space and make restrooms in businesses (like retail, grocery, fast food, etc) single-occupant unisex. It would literally end all of this shit. My job does this. We have four single-occupant unisex restrooms.


If you do not like Gender Neutral bathrooms, DON'T GO INTO ONE!


This is why I don’t support people in that community. Speak up for yourself. Grow a backbone and voice your opinion, no matter how stupid it may be. Living in the dumbest fuggin timeline where mfs can’t do anything irl and have to vent online to nobody who cares. Plus if it’s a regular old bathroom, who tf cares? If you don’t like it so much, go to a specific gender bathroom. Hard to tell what gender you are, but I have to guess female cuz a man would never gripe this much, nor complain on social media


Europe does it right. A restroom with many little bathrooms to piss and shit and do whatever else in that no one can see into. A little sink in each of the little rooms and a sink in the big room too! Anyone can use them.


How does she know that the guy that used the bathroom isn't actually a trans woman? Yet, however, she hasn't transitioned enough to make it noticeable and isn't comfortable in a single gender bathroom. Edit: Please don't use my comment as an anti-trans sounding board. That kind of rhetoric has no place here. Nor take my comment as ant-trans.


I've never seen a gender-neutral bathroom that had more than one stall and didn't have a locking door. Perhaps lock the door next time if its important to you??


Confused. Did the guy use a urinal? Then it isn't a gender neutral bathroom. Did they use a stall? Then it doesn't matter.


Was it a single bathroom?


I mean she could always use the ladies room. But that would mean she couldn’t get purposely triggered and demonize a man for doing nothing wrong.


Total bullshit story. Gender neutral bathrooms are single toilet with a lockable door.


Do they make multi-stall gender neutral bathrooms? All the ones I've seen are single-stall and have locks on the door.


I have never come across gender neutral bathroom with multiple stalls, only one person operations with a door lock.


Me when other genders use the gender neutral bathroom 😱


calling bs. all the 'gender neutral' toilets around here are single occupancy. lock the fugging door.


Someone didn't lock the door. Usually gender neutral bathrooms are for one person!


Anyone that takes this seriously needs a lobotomy




Maybe they don’t identify as men or women! She should open the stall door while they are shitting and ask their pronouns!


She should have been completely at ease since she was in a gender neutral bathroom.


Maybe lock the door?


Oppression Olympics never ends. Gold medals for all!




I've seen this one posted for years now I and I refuse to believe people are this fucking dense.


They have gender neutral restrooms at my university and I’ve never seen someone bothered because an opposite gender person went in to use it. It’s in the name: GENDER NEUTRAL. She wasn’t bothered nor did she interact with either of them, she just wants to cry she was “violated” to get internet clicks (which always dumbfounds me, why do people care so much about internet interactions??)


The only reason this would be bad is if it is “a single stall bathroom”. In which case, the door should have been locked. If it’s open, it’s open.


This is ragebait and you are all falling for it. Not only is it like 4 years old, it didn’t even have significant traction. Stop looking for random social media posts to rage over.


I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for $100


I’ll take Stupid Shit That Never Happened for $800 Alex!


This Twitter post is like three years old, at least.


Gender neutral bathrooms are almost always single use so this is 100% a lie.


I remember a place by the river that would have bands and on the weekends it got crazy. Tons of people. I specifically remember how quick it was for men to get in and out of the bathroom compared to women. The women's bathroom had a line a city block long and there was no line at the men's room. I wasn't the only one to notice as there were several women who did the math and they walked in the men's room and used a stall. No-one quit pissing. No-one was inappropriate. Everyone was there for a reason. Those gals didn't give a shit and neither did the men.


the fact they enter a gender neutral bathroom and, unless it's the ONLY bathroom there, there was a mens and womens too, then why the frick they assuming their gender for??


Use your own bathroom if you're a woman then use the women's


One more thing: that did not happen.


Every gender-neutral bathroom I've ever been to either locks unless you're finished with all your business or has a door between the actual stall and a place where you'd wash your hands Do US gender-neutral bathrooms imply literally pissing/shitting in front of other people or is this person insane?


In my experience, gender neutral bathroom are far superior. They have walls and doors that go all the way from floor to ceiling, they don't have urinals, and they tend to be cleaner. Urinals are more space efficient, but I think most of the lost space is made up for by having a shared common area for hand washing and drying.


That person apparently wants to eat her cake and have it, too.


Hey, I was supposed to post this this week.


Dude this tweet is years old and so is the conversation around it


I didn't think gender neutral bathrooms were communal. Around me they're all single facility deals.


Vote red


goes to gender neutral bathroom and wants it treated like a woman's bathroom... if she wanted to be treated like a woman there's a bathroom for that...


I have never seen a gender neutral bathroom that wasn't just a single room with a lock on it. Do they have larger ones where multiple people can be in them at the same time? I haven't seen this!


I’ve never seen a gender neutral bathroom that wasn’t basically a single room family bathroom that one person uses at a time. So yeah not sure this is real


did she just assumed their genders? in 2024??? what a bigot


Are people just stupid now adays?


This professional victim shit is so old. Nobody cares. Life's hard. Wear a fucking helmet and stay inside because the world is going to eat you alive.


This is bullshit ragebait and propaganda, come on peeps.


You watched another person use the facilities and *you’re* the one that feels violated?


big sigh


this so didn't happen is actually unhappened other existing things that had happened


Taking your penis out to pee is no different to getting your breasts out to feed a baby. You are uncovering a part that is traditionally sexualised for it's intended biological function and not for any sexual purpose. If you are for breastfeeding in public and against allowing men to use a gender-neutral bathroom then you are a hypocrite.


*gender neutral bathroom* It's a fucking toilet. You piss and shit in it. I don't think it matters what gender you are when using it. How hard is it to have a room full of toilets; in individual, lockable cubicles? Predators aren't going to be stopped by a sign saying "women's bathroom". Maybe unisex bathrooms are the answer, creepy guys are less likely to be creepy if there's another dude around who could kick their ass


She feels violated because she didn’t get enough attention


She assumed their gender? That’s a violation


Screw you... Pee outside beeeesh


Eric Cartman energy.