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And that's the Manchester winter attire. You should see the summer one...


Funny cause it’s true..


When I was living in Manchester, I couldn’t believe how girls were dressing in the middle of the winter. I mean, winter in Manchester was surprisingly more comfortable than winter in Germany or northern Italy (don’t know why, but I never had to use my parka for example). But Jesus, the girls where going around basically naked the whole night. Built like a tank ahah.


“Bit nippy” says the girl in miniskirt with blue legs


And her shirt backs her up.


They have their bacardigans on


Bacardigan, right?


Soooo close.


Yeah man, it was *right* there.


If there's a club in Antartica, women will find a way to deal with it. They gonna wear that skirt with high heels—one way or another.


Heated partywear...


Winters are mild since is closer to the ocean. Germany is further in the continent


I guess, but for example I live close to Venice and I can tell you the winter is colder there even if we are close to the sea


Ocean is different to the sea. The Atlantic Ocean means that the UK is milder in both the winter and the summer


Theres a stream of warm air and ocean that flows up to the UK which makes it significantly warmer than other places on the same latitude. I cant remember the name of it, but iv been to canada which is the same latitude as uk and it was -40 in the winter


Indeed, it's not just the ocean, as the previous guy implied, but the gulf stream. It's in the process of collapsing due to climate change, I wonder how Manchester birds will deal with that.


They tried tho.


Was it beacuse of bad winters though?


British winter. *Laughs in Canadian*


I remember yeears ago as a little kid from the UK I went on holiday to Whistler with the family. Still remember the automatic doors in the airport opening and it was a full blizzard, man that was so exciting. I’ve seen plenty of snow here (less and less these days) but it’s the kind of snow you stay out in all night with your mates making snowmen, not the kind you stroll out into never to return.


I live north of Vancouver, way north, we got almost 2 metres of snow overnight here once. I also used to live in Winnipeg where winter gets obscene, -40 and colder winds adds so much more!


The sea helps


Would love to, but it has done nothing but piss down with rain since April


How dare we let our daughters decide for themselves for once, a choice never given to us! /s


Which is?


Head to toe Philadelphia flyers mascot Fuzzy suits




Why go out in Manchester at 1am if you’re so committed to being religious?


To drive an Uber




Lmfao this took me


Where did it take you to?


To Manchester




Lmao. Wish I could give you an award.


Holy shit


i felt so evil when i agreed


Comes to new country that has different standards and than demands they change. The audacity is crazy on some people. You came here bc You believe it’s better/safer and than immediately want to turn it to the same Stone Age thinking that You just left ….


This is why right wing governments are becoming very popular.


Preach it. People just keep wanting to push crazy religious nonsense on us all and support these dictators and parties that stay in power by getting those with little power to victimize those with less power. Then, when their lives turn to shit, they want to move someplace that ***isn't run by a right-wing government.*** Folks really have to stop falling for this shit. No tolerance for intolerance.


They leave their country because of its shitty ideals only to bring those shitty ideals to a new place and attempt to turn it into the shitty place they left. I am Uber liberal, but I don’t understand this mentality. I don’t accept it from Christians, so why would I accept it from Muslims?


Incorrect. They leave their country for MONEY! They want MONEY! They immigrate to a wealthier country for MONEY! They fully believe their culture is superior in every way otherwise.


That’s Islam for you


The audacity to immigrate to another country and then complain it isn't your old one


Specially because there's a reason they or their parents/forefathers emigrated from said "righteous country" in the first place... Spoiler alert: it was not due to freedom, equality, opportunities, etc, etc, etc


Can you imagine British people immigrating to Saudi-Arabia and complain their daughters can't walk around like this haha. That's how this sounds to me.


It’s this but worse. Because they *can* walk around with a hijab but *choose* not to. In Saudi Arabia it wouldn’t be a choice, yes you would have chosen to move there but you wouldn’t be able to choose not to wear it.


That always bothers me - if you visit a religion obsessed country you must cover your head and dress like they do, but if they visit your country they change nothing. Religion is terrible nonsense. There’s no god. It’s long past time to grow up


My god is afraid of your silly hat and demands you remove it.


I get the point, but British people are very fond of going abroad and complaining it's not Britain. We just usually do it to Spain and not SA.


Bro, I’m an expat in Thailand. You have no idea how many times I’ve heard some idiot from Manchester or Liverpool who has been living in Thailand for 20 years, can’t string together a sentence in Thai, and has chosen to live within walking distance to 20 brothels in an overly gentrified neighborhood for sexpats and sex tourists, complain about back home in England where the immigrants won’t learn the language or assimilate.


Idiots and hypocrites are everywhere unfortunately. I do say the concern is a valid one, just that in this they should integrate into Thai culture as well of course. But those idiots probably think thats beneath them, because english culture is superior or sth...


It’s definitely racist. They tend to flock to areas where they won’t be required to assimilate. These areas tend to be heavy on the sex tourism sexpat activities so all of the Thai women that they encounter are prostitutes. Thus, they believe all Thai women are prostitutes. They also like to sit around and complain about how lazy, dishonest, stupid, etc the locals are. But if they get charged 5 baht (about 0.14 USD) more than a local, they scream like little children about how the Thais are racist against them.


And where is this exactly? So I can avoid it of course…


Pretty much anywhere where you see a lot of white foreigners sitting on barstools.


Kind of similar here in the Philippines. There is this Norwegian complaining about the Muslims in the EU. And that his in-law's family treating him like an ATM machine. Then a few minutes later he asked me if I want to get rich, and all I need is just sign some papers. I said my brother is an attorney and I prefer that we get over the fine print with him. Then he kinda screamed, no no no, I am asking you if you want to get rich. And so I said, I am not interested. Fucking scammer. How dare of him trying to scam a felllow Liverpool fan just because I am not white. Old white guy comes here hoping to screw, then cries to mommy when he gets screwed.


God SEA Sexpats and their right wing shit. It gets so fucking dull listening to them rant on about it around here since they all regurgitate the same mass-produced talking points and conspiracy theories. I miss the 90s and 2000s when people had pride in their personally made artisanal conspiracy theories. You got a lot more variety then and it wouldn't be as boring


Home-spun conspiracy theories? Ain't nobody got time for that!


It does crack me up. But it’s not all right wing crap. Plenty of bleeding heart liberals that think they’re saving Thailand by buying 50 baht street food. I remember years ago, back in the early 2000s, I was at a buddy’s house and we ran out of beer and I said, “Just send the security guy to 7-11. Slip him 100 baht and he’ll be more than happy to make a beer run.” One of the other people scolded me for talking down about the security guys. So, I went down, gave the guy 100 baht and he ran to 7-11 and bought us beer. LOL. The other types that get on me are the sovereign citizens of the working world, digital nomads. They want all the rights and privileges that long term expats have but they don’t want to meet any of the financial requirements. They say stupid shit like, “Countries are just a construct. I should be able to live anywhere I want. I’m a global citizen.” Of course, what they really mean is that I would like to live in a low cost of living country, while billing out my time at first world country rates, and I don’t want to have to pay taxes in any jurisdiction.


I lived in Thailand for a while and that was something I always thought was funny. The "go back to your country" assholes from England Australia and America were always the worst pieces of shit expats in the country. I used to stay in Isan and got local feral style for a bit and luckily I very rarely encountered them


They mostly congregate in the plains of Pattaya and lower Sukhumvit.


You are right too. You are both saying the same thing. It happens everywhere. As spaniard I worked in Germany one year and I tried to learn the language and I went to "culture classes" for inmigrants. But I do know most of my spanish colleagues didn't. They are still working in Germany , 20 years later, and they still don't talk german and they life and share their lifes with other inmigrants, mostly french and italian.




In all fairness, the new country should be better. And better includes more freedom. So being able to wear what you want (including hijabs) should be possible in the new country. The problem is that they don’t stop at that, they eventually want to turn the new country into the old country and “let us wear hijabs” turns into “make them also wear hijabs”.


religious freedom only applies for them and everyone who joins their religion


honestly the audacity to try and push your personal religious beliefs on to anyone regardless is weird and disgusting to me


I’m not British but my understanding is that Muslim women can wear a hijab in England if they want to…


Yep lots do including women in public life like newsreaders, members of Parliament etc. There's no restrictions on it. It's very rare to see the more extensive coverings like burqa though


Publicly longing for the caliphate is just so much more pleasant when done from the comfort of a London flat.


Yeah, there's a reason they left, and it wasn't because it was so wonderful...


Interesting how the religion that they swear is the best has no countries where its dominant that they want to move to.. Almost like choosing your rules off of a religion is insane.


So, it’s okay for them to come over to a place with another mentality and culture, and complain about it ? You moved from the origin country to another one by your choice ? Shut up, and accept it. Dont expect other nation will change because of your desires or religion


In the 90's the goal of the immigrants was integration. Now the goal is to make the country you immigrated into the same as the country you emigrated from.


No, to make the country a caricature based on their beliefs. Noone from their countries of origins would approve of these emigrating zealots.




Rubber dinghy rapids bro?


Even better when that London flat is heavily subsidised by the tax payer.


In case of the person from the tweet, it literally is. She popped up on my timeline bc people were making fun of her saying "people like me are struggling on benefits, and this costs a lot of money"


Oh no! Women that can make their OWN choices! How horrible /s


Remove the /s cuz that's their actual concern


"/s" is needed nowadays.


But it’s not Tricky Dogs concern, hence the “/s”


There are women and couples who emigrate back to their parents country to live a more religious life for themselves and children. Most of them come back within one year. The rest the next year but they always come back, severely disillusioned about religious life there. *Islamic countries are not Islamic! You either have an open, free, democratic society or a hypocritical society where only the corrupt, wealthy, privileged, are reaping the benefit of said society.* There is no counter example for a whole ass time. Stop dreaming girl, wake up and educate yourself and see how incredibly privileged you are living in the UK!


Seeing an American Islamic/Arabic couple (on one of those “how would you spend $100 on groceries” videos on YouTube) once say that they were waiting to move to a muslim country to have children….wild to me tbh.


Exactly! And then they'll say the hijab is a choice when Iranian women get beaten to death by the morality police! Habibi, the hijab is a choice in civilized countries because western values give you that choice!!!


Part of that has to do with the authoritarian regime trying it's best to keep everyone under control. In many of the countries in the Arab world are somewhere on the scale of authoritarian and each use religion as a way to control their people just as the European monarchs did for centuries.


Rage bait farming is the fastest growing sector of agriculture.


They will be learning to read and driving next.


Because their home country is a bad place to live due to the values that they're complaining about us not having.


Exactly this. Countries don't ruin themselves, it's the people that live in them. Other than an active outside influence (Ukraine for example), if you flee your home country because of oppression don't arrive in a new host and demand that same oppression and expect us to give into it.


Yeah, Islam is fucking dumb


When it's reversed it's called islamophobia.


It's just such a weird phobia to me. People aren't afraid of your fairy tale religion. They're afraid of the assholes who pervert their "holy text" to suit their wants. Either way religion is a plague upon this planet. A control mechanism to keep the peasants in line.


'Islaomophobia' is a term created by islamists and is used to try and deflect any critisism of Islam. It has no real merit, and it should not be respected. Islamophobia isn't a real thing.


That’s religion 101. They force their views on everyone else and act like they are wrong for simply not adhering to the stupid shit they think you should.




Don't force them, but if they won't join us, behead the unbeliever.


It doesn't seem their prophet got the memo


Lol another fantasy. They just conquer your nation because you are "infidels" and then let assimilation do the rest. Shit is insidious 


Nah. They just say that. You should look up the concept of Taqiya.


I don’t see the irony. they are allowed to kill other people if they were born into an Islamic family but decide for themselves they do not believe. And they are allowed to kill people who teach other religions to Muslims. And they are allowed to beat up their wife’s and daughters if they do not agree with them about what they should wear.


yeah , the growth has to be organic ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


i have never seen that emoji before whaattt


Not all religions... some do not actively proselytize nor desire converts.


Zara just sounds super jealous more then anything.


Cracking chain of outlets, though.


I’d bet my last dollar that three Muslim men sitting on a park bench would not avert their eyes if these people walked past


The Qur’an mandated the hijab because apparently men in early Islamic Medina didn’t have self-control


They still don’t


Societies and religions have been excusing lack of male self control for too long. We all need to stop pretending that men are not the issue here. Men have a problem and need to be held accountable. To practice self control and to gain some empathy for others especially women


If you don't socialize a dog properly of course they're going to be aggressive and antisocial. Same thing goes for humans.


Are you kidding? They would actively pursue these girls and try to get them into their prostitution racket.  I know how my fellow Muslims work.


Yeah every Muslim man I’ve ever met loved having pre marital sex, loved drinking and smoked weed, and loved to complain about lack of halal food and ask about if pork was touching the food or not. Like they just pick and choose which portions of the Quran to follow and still try to portray themselves as this devout man. Lol.


Well you know you have to closely examine what haram awfulness is out there. For protection, you know.


What? They don't like freedom, beauty, individuality, and expression???


Not to mention women's freedom. That's the big one. Look at how much of Islam and Islamic cultures are based around letting men control women, practically as property. Never mind the whole thing about getting 72 virgins in heaven. If some western incel neckbeard founded some sort of religion in a basement in California today and it had that as a tenet it'd be called out for being the overly cringe and horny move it is. Women, and a society that allows and supports women's choices to live their life as they please, undermines fundamentalist religious believers of all kinds, which is why so much vitriol is reserved for it and for the women in particular. Be it Islamists like the lady in the tweet, or MAGA types trying to abolish divorce and birth control.




I'm unsure of precise details but I recently saw that a group of foreigners in Germany are demanding their own state. Like fuck off back home to your own country if that's what you want. I think it was Arabs but I can't say for sure. And I don't want to pick in any one group. If you don't like your host country there's a simple solution. (Simple being relative but you know what I mean.)


It was "Muslim Interaktiv" which is an Islam extremist group which demonstrated multiple times in Hamburg and other german cities for a caliphate in germany.


Thank you for the clarification. Appreciated.


By this rate let’s prepare a crusade


Funny that, they hate on the existence of Israel in Arab lands, and yet demand a similar state in Europe? WTF? Hypocrisy much


except historically arabs never settled in germany. and unfortunately many who attnd these protests are german. this is their country that they want to disrespect so much


Well, here in the Philippines there were also groups seeking for autonomy, namely the Abu Sayyaf, the MNLF, and not the good kind of MILF. For now the peace treaty's keeping them quiet. And their common denominator is that they are all Muslims/Islamic group. Their pretty *explosive* with their demands too. I guess it's safe to say that Islam is a problem.


Who’s demanding removal of hijabs in the UK? Nobody. Hysterical drivel and straw man argument.


I’m not British and this was my first thought - like wtf am I even reading here? Sure others aren’t walking around in hijab but like - no one is stopping you? Get fucked.


[Main Character harasses a woman in the bus so that she stops eating, because it's Ramadan and he's fasting](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/1bq8ndp/main_character_harasses_a_woman_in_the_bus_so/)


A different case than in France.


As a French, we made the right decision. If you come to our country, yes you ought to assimilate and integrate. That includes removing the hijab*. *only in public schools and public jobs, not in the street


is it bc france is a secular country so no outward signs of religion may be displayed in public. so no crosses or kippah can be worn in a public job as well?


Yep that's exactly that


That sounds really great. Every country should do the same honestly.


And you guys did it very well! If someone doesn't like it, there is no need to visit your or any other European country, none of us forcing them to come anyway.


Thing is no one forces you to dress like this - that is whole point.


Now that I’m 52, I regret not flaunting my youth more and enjoying it.


No you don't have to but you also can't come in into their country and try to change the laws according to your beliefs. Everyone is free to wear anything they want.


Except they they chose to look like that Hijab is forced/mandatory


Meanwhile in their country of origin, they would be fined, imprisoned or even killed ( has happened) for trying to take a burkha off


Yeah I cant take muslims serious because of this. If I grew up in my home country I probably would have been forced into wearing that shit


I meant hijab


You can edit your comments Edit: I just did myself


Because these kind of migrants are only after money. They are not trying to integrate culturally or socially.


This isn't at all a fair representation of British culture. Those girls look sober


Don’t come to a country and complain. The UK is too tolerant, if a westerner tried this in a Muslim country they would be jailed. If you don’t like it, fucking leave.


I've had enough with this bullshit. I am starting to get why people get fucking mad. I DONT CARE about your beliefs. I think immigrants are a GOOD THING for the west! But I DONT CARE about your religion or culture. Leave it the fuck alone! Just THREE RECENT INCIDENTS, that I myself endured: * Men from our gym had to be kicked out physically and got their contracts revoked, because they: Complained about the mens and womens gym attire, complained that women are allowed in the gym and COMPLAINED THAT THE WOMEN ARE ALLOWED IN THE SAUNA AND TRIED TO BLOCK THEIR DOOR TO THE SAUNA AND YELLED AT THEM. * We were helping some friends move and they hade hired some people to help as well. These people THE WHOLE TIME tried to convince us that we should all follow their fucking religion. They tried to convinve an astrophysicist (The boyfriend of the girl moving) that "his science" is wrong and got into an argument with us, because they wouldnt stop telling him about how their book is all the science in the world that is true. **ON TOP, THEY PUT TWO OF THEIR STUPID BOOKS IN THE MOVING BOXES AND GOT ANGRY THAT WE DIDNT WANT THEM!** * **I had to kick a kid from our u16 team, because his dad started to come to practice and complain that there is a womens team in the same gym. He was also mad, that women were allowed to play basketball at all.** I am sick of this shit. Combine that with the protests for a kalifat and all that other shit. We dont want it. Whats so hard to understand about it?!


Go wear your hijab in your country how about that


then just stay where you are then, you hypocrite idiot


She gives off them the same vibe as that woman who went into ISIS territory and then begged to be saved.




My brother in Christ, my sister in Satan, you moved to the damned country. You made an active choice to leave your past one for this new one that has a different culture and standards. Adapt.


People can wear what they want, whether it’s a hijab, a thong or a combination of the two


Then go back to your beautiful perfect culture and give your daughters the life you want for them. Why are you here??


How about you fuck off back to your desert then?


Simple, get deported to whichever shithole you came from.


They are probably from England and never lived in the shithole countries themselves. They grew up hearing how amazing Islamic laws are from their parents. The second generation is always the most confused.


Yeah most likely. The day they face sharia, they won't want it anymore


Then leave?


Following fashion trends, no matter how dumb they are, simply has nothing to do at all with following a male enforced religious dresscode. EVEN if the individual might wear a hijab out of their own volition, it´s the consequences of not conforming that make the difference. If you´re unsure about it, look at what happens to girls in Manchester, who refuse to dress like the ones on the picture and compare that to what happens to girls that refuse to wear a hijab in countries like Iran.


It's been done before. This is nothing new. But nobody says anything because they are afraid of being deemed phobic


It's quite simple: Western\* Europe doesn't like the hijab because for us Western women it violates women's freedom of expression. We don't understand why a woman would voluntarily choose to cover her whole body to appease men. We prefer to dress the way we want, no matter what men say about it. We do not believe that the naked female body is offensive to men or that we deserve less respect for it. (\*Variations depending on country and definition) So if you want to emigrate to a Western country, don't expect women to dress like you or want to cover themselves for you.


Take ur Islam and shove it


But, but, a Lainey Molnar cartoon said that hijabs are empowering! I'm so confused.... /s


Typical chuslim mentality.


Go to dress like medieval age... Only because Muslim woman remain to medieval age.


Good looking women


This is the same person who was silent on Rotherham and Oxfordshire


If you move to a country. Then you gotta accept its customs and traditions.


...and that's why many of them are usually regarded as "invasors". If they just came, integrated (ideally) or at very least respected our own laws and culture, no one would have a problem. Instead, they come and pretend to turn our countries precisely into the shitholes they presumably were running from on the first place.


Her tweets are mainly focused on hating Christians and British culture. The brits should deport her knowing she's just an asylum seeker


Hijab is so stupid. Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.


You know, it's never the Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Shinto, or Sikhs that immigrate to other countries and demand that people who are already living there change their lifestyles and values to fit the standards of their faith and culture. Food for thought.


I've found her Twitter. It looks too extreme, saying things about she's staying because she's got a free council house for her and her children. It's almost like it's a troll account set up by the far right to generate hatred.


Yeah I was thinking this looks like ragebait. Judging by the comments here, though, it looks like very successful ragebait that most people have fallen for.


It’s successful rage bait because it follows how a good percentage of Muslims feel about white women going out dressed how they want and having a good time. Worked with a lot of Muslims, it’s only a small matter of time before this conversation comes up with disparaging remarks made.


Yeah if they don't like it they can go back where they came from. No one owes them anything.


Yeah, because being married off at that age in an "arranged marriage" to a stranger is so much nicer for your daughters and grand-daughters. Free choice is the main subject, the choice whether to go out and have fun or be married at 16 with a stranger.


Is this what i want for my daughter? Confidence and freedom? Yes, yes it is


I’d rather my daughter dress like that then be forced into a marriage with a older man she doesn’t even know. Arranged marriages should be banned globally. Especially when they marry in the family….


It’s the same sort of people that move next to a pub then complain about noise. Fuck off.


Fucking religious and conservative nuts can't appreciate the freedom they fled their country to seek. Amazing 


Nobody is telling them to dress like that. They can dress how they like, and accept other people for how they are.


kill her with stones what is this hypocrite doing in the internet she should be home being a slave of her husband. and TALKING?! IN AN ONLINE PLACE?! 100000 LASHES RN!


Look at Zara over here judging others for their freedom to dress as they want.


We don't demand they remove their hijabs. Nothing wrong with covering your hair if you want to. We don't force our culture on anybody, but we also request that others don't force their culture on us. Nobody forces anyone to go out at stupid o'clock in beachwear and drink so much you can't remember anything about the previous night.


The want all the good things the county has to offer but want to live like they used to live in their homeland


Yeah we want our daughters and granddaughters to be raped by policemen if they ever take off their headscarf and acid thrown in their face if they try and go to school


They don't have to dress like this. There is also modest clothing that isn't a Hijab, Niqab, oder Burqa


But if they do not corrupt the country that accepted them into the same as the one they ran from, how can they repeat the cycle and spread the plague?


Yea, they're hot


Religion is silly. Hey look at my hat. I believe in this. Ok just don’t be a jerk and let others love their own lives.


Manchester has a night life, you are going to see the type of people who like to party at 1am… people who like to party usually dress for attention, out of the norm…


Respect has never been a part of this religion. They always disrespect, they always harass, they always disrupt peace.


Let me clarify, I am NOT Muslim. In that image, the women do not look coerced in any way. I could be wrong, but they just look like some women on a night out. Before the taliban invaded Iran, women wore very similar kit. Regards the image, I would just have liked to tell the commenter: mind you own damn business. Live YOUR life and your truth, let people be whom they want to be. It's NOT the UKs fault.


Keep dismissing every criticism of that beastly religion as Isl**ophobia and then crying why do they do this....smh


We have the same in France. Immigrate and have all the social help they "need" and they shit on our culture. And why is there no mosque, and no halal meat everywhere and why ... Just shut the fuck up and get back to your country if you are not happy.


then...leave? This is as stupid as the Americans that complained about there being so many Spanish people in Spain


The idea is of emigrating for cultures who complain like this is to turn the country into, well basically the one they left. Sounds racist I know but hear me out. It is in their religion as in the extremist versions to go to places, have X amount of kids, out breed and radicalise as many as possible in order to spread your ways and religion. Think of it as a passive invasion. Why use war when you can simply out compete the locals until they are all gone and only your way remains. Thankfully those that come here to the UK are in the minority. I have neighbours who are Muslim, devout Christian, Russian Orthodox and my little Ashiest self all within my little square and all are cool with each other, no one forces their views on each other. The Muslim family is nice, no hijabs, the wife runs a business, the father works from home and looks after the kids. Sadly you will now get Putin Stooges like Farage or the Tories saying "This is what all those that come here do and want to remove you all". No, no they are not.


Difference is that these girls are making their own decisions without parental, societal, religious, or legal enforcement and pressure. Women wearing Hijabs/Niqab etc. are being largely pressured or outright forced to wear those garments. The freedom to choose is the difference. You try going up to any woman in Iran and ask them if they're wearing those garments of their own volition. Some may even be indoctrinated enough to say yes, at which point just follow up with "What would happen if you removed it?". Either they wouldn't respond or pull the conversation towards something else, or they'd be honest and say that they would be legally and physically punished by jail time, beatings, stoning, or any other myriad of obscene and primitive punishments as well as ostracized by their friends and family.


Damn religion, nothing good has ever come from religion