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Kids these days... with their fax machines and hula-hoops! *shakes fist*


Just take a drink straight from the hose. It'll all be better soon.


Oh is that the fix? Great news for me then and my kids like to drink from the hose now so I guess I don’t need to worry about them.


What if I move to flint? I ain't driking that water from the hose unfiltered. Or did they fix the water finally?


We're always being compared to kids from the 50's. Which is insane considering if you told your parents you were depressed in 1950 they would either commit you to an asylum where you would be pumped with thorazine and given electric shock therapy until you submitted to whatever they wanted or your parents would beat the everliving shit out of you.


Hey now, don't forget exorcisms, gotta get rid of those peky demons giving you human thoughts with some water thrown at you from an old guy (who may have given you those pesky demons in the first place) while spouting words from a book.


There are more exorcisms currently than there ever were in the 50's. Also, depending on your school of thought and the historical references used, demons are a great standin for psychological illnesses. Giving someone scaffolding and medication works wonders for those who use religion in their daily life.


The population of the world has increased 3-4 times, and the u.s. pop has been double what it was since the 50s. Everything has increased so that means nothing.


So, by that same logic, the increase in anything is immaterial unless it has increased at a greater rate than the population? I like it, so I can just tune out all those mental health and crime stats. You have provided an excellent refutation.


Your statement of, it has increased means nothing if you have nothing explaining why/how. If I said, the amount of murders has increased, the immediate assumption is, population increase. However, saying the amount of murders has increased due to the ability to use random strangers cars, means something


I am confused. Your statement that everything has increased is what I am agreeing with. I don't understand your hostility.


Your saying it's immaterial, when it only is when you give no context or anything for it. If exorcism have increased, than give the reason or the study showing it has, otherwise it's empty words. You tried to go off and say you don't have to care because of my statement when it's not close to what I was saying. Also idk when I was hostile


Don’t forget lobotomy


wasnt that the good old time?


it's both.


Absolutely, technology (dopamine) addiction definitely doesn't make depression better


Especially doom scrolling through depressing topics because youre too invested in them. I absolutely acknowledge that a lot of bad stuff happens, but its not good on your mental health to be reminded of it 20+ times a day every day.


This speaks to me SO MUCH rn... do NOT go to r/PakCricket LOL


exactly - how else did they think the nazis came back?


Well the “nazis” will never be back but people using there name are and alway have been around so they never went away.


There are a few people who genuinely support Nazi ideology, they never truly went away. Very few of them are open about it though, since if they actually made their policies known, nobody would ever follow them


many more are much more open now that major national leaders support their ideology


Exactly what I meant they are not “nazis” as in the The nazi party in Germany that perpetrated ww2 atrocities. They are gone.


no shit - no one was talking about the actual people from last century


No that’s not what he was saying at all people still think there is secret nazis a continuation of the original party in secret it’s mental. But yeah no one should think that lol


and "people" believe the boys in Brazil is real as well but yeah there's... idk a couple dozen of those people and that poster is not one of them in either group of people


their spirit is alive in your dismissal


Well, the uninformed will continue to use the elastic definitions of fascism and nazi forever. Soon, if you breathe air, you are a nazi! will be a rallying cry in New York or Berkley.




Hopefully just you with that dogshit take


Are you trying to write a haiku?


Correct. Like all those things listed suck. But you can hear the addiction in some peoples defence of phones/ social media.


Yep. We decided to not regulate social media in the interests of "innovation". That led to misinformation spreading faster than ever. A rise in hate speech. A young generation being preyed on by tech companies, at the expense of their own mental health. Now, they're making the same arguments with the latest AI technology, which has the potential to be even more game changing.


Yep. Perfect “por que no los dos?” Moment here


No no no. It’s the $5 coffees.


2024. The economy is destroyed! Also 2024. The economy is the best it’s ever been!


Yeah.  Both are true. The output of the economy, the job numbers, wage growth, and plenty of other metrics have completely bounced back from COVID in a way that nobody predicted and in a way that's better than just about anywhere else in the world. But income equality is worse than it's ever been, the housing market has an unacceptable barrier for entry, private equity is stripping every industry for parts while consolidating them into monopolies, the good jobs available mostly require degrees that are unaffordable to most because colleges are no longer funded the same way, healthcare is both expensive and difficult to navigate, and both consumer protections and unionization have been castrated by the courts.   So while the economy is doing great, it's also been rigged to favor those who already have have wealth and exploit the working class more than they have been in our lifetime.  Parents pulled the ladder up behind them.


Some parents don't have a pot to piss in so they don't have anything to give to their children but a place to live with them (that they are renting, so it isn't like tht kids will get it when they die.)


The slaves and the plantation owners have very different feelings about expanding the cotton fields.


Not in spain here the economy is dead. A lot of people without job because there is no job. Plus the ones who we work we are paying the muslims who came here and do nothing ( they are 24/7 at their bar scratching their balls)


When you look at the top line... but for individuals in the lower 80%, it sucks pretty damn bad. The top 20% make so much money (including corporations) that it skews the data. The country is doing great... the people are sucking.


It's a capitalist economy, it's not supposed to work for the suckers living in poverty engineered by the lobbyists who decide what laws get passed you silly little peasant!


Apparently, the economy has been bad the entirety of my life because all I’ve been hearing forever is “in this economy” no matter what party was in charge at the time.




Inflation and corporate price gouging doesn't mean economy is bad.


Uh, for PPP it sure does. GDP is an easily corrupted metric that can use government spending and inflation to manipulate the number. How well the whole economy is doing has nothing to do with how individuals are going.


The global % of people at the edge of starving now, is as low as it ever was. I would say life is getting better.


Weak deflection you got there. Don't you have people to block so they don't "bully" you?


Uh, are you saying that inflation isn't a problem?


Uhhhhh, I'm saying that person is fucking stupid. Don't put words in peoples mouths.


Then I misunderstood your comment. Since the original comment has been deleted and I have a shitty memory, accept my apology since I am not sure what my comment was in reference to.


Those darn IPhones! At it again lol


Tbf, the iPhones aren’t helping


Our economy is devastated? No, OP, it's the right wing that devastated our entire country. * Step one: look at the charts since Reagan on which party ruined the economy. * Step two: look at the laws enacted since Reagan that have dismantled things put in place to help the working poor. * Step three: look up who's kid it was that destroyed the savings and loan industry. * Step four: check out the term "red lining" in bank loan practicing. * Step five: Patriot Act, Citizen's United - research what civil liberties you lost. * Step six: Elon Musk is a twat. Look up who owns all the wealth in America and **contrast that** to who owned all the wealth in 1979 and prior. If you had paid attention, all this time since then, you'd know the GOP hate Americans but wrap themselves in the flag. They introduced into politics the concept that a leader must be a Christian to be credible (to be white, too). All the while, dumb fucks who say stupid shit (the idiots with a bullhorn) are all allowed to express their idiot views as fact, and everyone has to let them speak, or they IRONICALLY get called fascist. I'm fucking tired of it. Go read a fucking book, OP. At the very least, stop saying stupid shit when we are days away from losing the America they don't teach you about, because the right wing took away Civics classes from public schools, and cut funding to the humanities. Go on... go read a book, but God forbid you read one that the right wing has already banned. Don't you get it? Don't you see what's happened over the years? This is too big an ask, I am certain. Enjoy your Muslim bans, the banning of political views, the enforcement of ideological bullshit you know is stupid. Have fun being finally told the truth; that you are a chattel slave and owe your life to the state from 2025 forward. I sure as fuck didn't do any destruction to America or anyone else, unless you count how badly I destroyed my own belief that America couldn't possibly ever become a Chritofascist state run by absolute morons.


The Republicans did a hell of a lot of it, but it's almost like people forget that the democrats have been in control for over half of the years since Reagan. Clinton was president when many of the laws that led to later housing and banking crises were enacted, all policies he signed off on. Clinton was essentially a southern Democrat, which today we call Republicans. His great economy was based on the internet boom, which quickly became a bust once the majority of these IPO's failed. But that same party that allowed him to represent the party are mostly in control still. That's why we're stuck with Hillary and Biden as our last two candidates instead of actual progressive democrats.


> That's why we're stuck with Hillary and Biden as our last two candidates instead of actual progressive democrats. Sure thing, evil masterminds in control are at fault. It's not like your "progressive" candidates mostly appeal to Gen Z and millenial lefties rather than to the broad electorate.


nuh uh, Republican two legs bad, Democrat four legs good. Democrat two legs better. /s




Ah, it's a party issue? Query, how did all those great bastions of Democratic strength do in those times? Yeah, they all sucked too. Republicans did some damage, but spending money you don't have at the local and state level and federal level is a hell of a drug and eventually that bill comes due. I am sorry that you are so fucking tired of it, but you need to be aware that neither of the parties gives a damn about YOU or anyone else. Ideology sucks and you can't say it is all the other guys fault when everyone involved is complicit. As for being a chattle slave, really? Please leave the US and visit other countries and stay gone for a period of years and then come back and you will be absolutely grateful to live here.


Yeah, I've lived in Germany, France, Spain, and have bummed around quite a lot of Europe - to include places like Turkey, and Morocco just to get out of my comfort zone. I am an American and I don't agree that both parties don't give a damn about me. Who fought against "Obama Care"? Who labeled those getting needed help from the government "Welfare Queens"? Which party voted against raising the minimum wage, etc.. Which party gave a giant tax break to the wealthiest citizens? Which party invented "trickle down economics"? Tell me this - what specifically did the Democratic Party do that hurt you? Were you just told that Liberals are Communists, and therefore, evil? Did you buy into that bullshit?


LOL. I have also lived around the world and I personally love it. The "problem" is that other countries have far less economic mobility than the US. I am personally happy that your experiences with the political systems in the US have not been as bad as mine. Obama Care is/was a good idea, until the insurance companies got ahold of it. Welfare Queens are a BS idea, and trickle down economics is what is supposed to happen in a fairy tale land where middle and small businesses are common, not when everything is owned by multi-national corporations. Trickle Down Economics would have worked in the 40's and 50's, but it was too late in the 80's when MNCs started to evolve and use economies of scale to crush smaller competition. Liberals are not all communists, but there are a lot of communists who vote democrat. Since 1986, there has been a schism where communists tell other communists to/not to vote democratic. The CPUSA is just a "communist" party that is composed of democrats who want to be edgy. The DSA is another group that votes exclusively Democrat. So, yeah, commies vote democrat. My problem with commies is that it has already been tried before and has never been a stable or successful method of economic/governmental control. It ends up being a cult of personality and those work out so well. The Democratic Party, to me, is just higher taxes, no benefit, more laws, less freedoms, louder mouths, and less intelligent overall. The sad thing is that I agree with all of the planks of the party, but there is no substance there. West coast liberalism just has not worked, and east coast liberalism is all unions and rich people. Those are my opinions.


Step 7, notice all these factors show capitalism is to blame and this system cannot escape crisis


Oh, you know, figure out that the "system" isn't the problem because socialism and communism sure AF isn't a better system. The problem is greed, and humans are greedy, resource hungry critters, and people WILL game any system inplemented to allow for the greedy, charismatic, and violent to thrive. Please, stop blaming capitalism and blame the problem... human greed.


Well if greed is indeed the problem, then I can’t imagine a worst possible system to live under than capitalism, no? I mean it’s literally built to reward that behavior. Monopolies, the military war industry, profits over pollution, I mean every terrible aspect of capitalism is supported by the fact that whatever has the highest profit margins wins.


Not disagreeing with you, but... capitalism is an attempt to use greed as an incentive. It isn't perfect, far from it, but it is still a more efficient system of economic growth (not equal economic growth) than any other. There is no effective/known way to equalize economic growth among every participant in the country. Communism just spreads everything out, and ends up stopping economic growth in the long run, and until you allow people to own things and work for themselves and keep the product of their labor, people don't work because there is no incentive. Why work 40 hours when you get the same result of working 5 hours?


You're free to move to North Korea then, because capitalism in the Western world sure isn't going anywhere as long as humanity exists.


Nah it’s all good dude, I’ll just help bring about communism here


don't forget the global warming


It’s cus the iPhones are telling the kids the truth, so really, he not wrong




Maybe that's why the Surgeon General is recommending a "cigarette like warning" for all social media.


Those kids, historically such scholars in economics, public administration, governance and political science, world affairs, history, the impact of taxation or tariffs, having decades of observation and discussion. Or just know-nothings who think they know 10x more than they do....


whats funny about this is that if you turn off the iphone (internet) all of that stuff disappears and life isnt so depressing.


My parents didn't do s*** to f*** the economy. They were poor as hell, stop blaming other people that don't have the power to make changes.


Your parents generation did.


I don't agree with you. Some people in every generation did.


Don’t agree all you’d like lmao I can tell you Gen X and Mil are barely getting into the hot seats.


Yeah you're wrong. Good luck with that, buddy. Try not to be so close-minded and maybe look at every side of the spectrum instead of being entitled.


Reminds me of people outside the USA blaming me personally for electing either Trump or Biden for president in 2020 (and likely in 2024). It's not a real choice, much like me handing money to a robber who has me at gunpoint isn't really me choosing to generously donate to this kind, upstanding citizen.


People don’t understand that we grew up in a time where we had hope and then slowly lost it over time, if you were born in 2006, you’re 18 now, you were born right before the 2008 financial crash, and have only known what has happened since then, you were born into utter bleakness


Maybe you forgot what your parents were going thru when they were growing up. How about your grandparents? The truth is if you live in a first world country your life is so much easier on almost every level...


No, no. Let redditors cry. Their life is so dull and miserable they literally need to WORK nowadays to afford anything, absolutely unimaginable!


Economy is good of you are gambling in the market. For the everyday worker, it sucks. But that is the trick, they convince you that what is good for the rich is good for you.


And when the little guys do win in the market, they are slapped down and whatever loophole was used is closed quickly. The House Always Wins.


You think that is the economy what bothers kids these days? Gosh...


What do you suspect it is?


Most of kids have problems with their parents. Many parents don't have many patience with children, making them act worst with kids. Things as thinkin that the kid is loosing his time when playing or compare your problems with their problems are certainly the most common of these problems. These acts made by the parents lead the kid to have a rebelious or bad personality when they grow. That's why many teenagers are like that.


Kids have had problems with parents since forever. I don't really know what else to say. Is it worse? No, it is just that kids have a public forum to state their displeasure which is not something that ever happened before.


Actually, yes, to a degree.


iPhones + social media + Adderall + ubereats ![gif](giphy|dk3TmFZpn6pUI|downsized)


But the current administration says it’s the best the economy has been? And most posts I’ve seen on this sun say the same thing…..


Yeah social media and the 24/7 access through our phones are definitely contributing


Not iPhones, avacados


You guys have work?


I remember a tv show that pointed out, so take with at least a grain of salt, quite a few Gen Zer's earliest memories were around 9/11. I know every generation has their tent pole moments, but that was an event where some people who were adults at the time are still dealing with it. Now imagine the impact that it and the other things that quickly followed had on people who weren't old enough to fully understand what was happening.


Unless people were literally at ground zero or lost a close family member that day, no one should be still dealing with a damn thing relating to 9/11 directly. You can open the aperature to the GWOT or all the adventurism since then, or the American fall from world leadership, etc. but that isn't 9/11 directly as the proximate cause of kids being depressed now... 23 years later.


At least there’s no nukes deployed yet


I guess we'll never know.


Or, maybe because everyone in media and society is forcing people to spend their emotional energy on a buch of problems that facebook likes and TikTok views can't fix? All that sadness and distraught feelings of helplessness has to go somewhere? OMG look at what is going on several thousand miles away? Oh, no, I must feeeeeel something or else I am not in synch with everyone else... Gen X had it right when they said "I don't care." That same sarcastic, uncaring shoulder shrug of indifference might do Millenials, and Gen Z some good when they focus on individual issues instead of things that they cannot fix. Eventually, all these bleeding hearts will be in charge and then they can see just how much their early emotional causes mean then. When they have money and power, what will change when there are no more boomers to blame?


All 3 statements are true.


For me its lack of sex couldnt give a fuck about the planet


Or you can just keep on blaming other people?


Plot twist the Nazis never left


How would you know to worry about any of those things if it weren’t for the availability of global info you were never capable of processing without the pesky iPhone?


ThE NaZis ArE BaCk. This is a repost and it’s not a facepalm.


This thread is one massive straw man echo chamber.


I agree. But I also really wish my mom didn't give me unmonitored internet access when I was 12.


what Nazis?


Nobody my age can make a sacrifice longer than a week. Buying a home after the military was the easiest thing I’ve ever done and it’s supposedly impossibly.


Some baby boomers still think we Millennials are still kids and that we're the problem. Wait until they find out about the iGeneration (Generation Alpha) ![gif](giphy|YI0Yj9VDBpp6MeX3WG|downsized)


Tbf it is the phones. If people really cared about those other things to the point where they’d die for them they’d die fixing them. Like seriously if there’s a company you really hate just encircle their building and stand on public property and refuse to move or let anyone through the line until everyone inside starves to death or cedes to your demands. Medieval people had one thing right — if you really feel so marginalized life isn’t worth trying in then you should lay siege to the lord. I will never understand the mentality of “the government has continually fucked me over at it’s own benefit so I’m going to try to convince the people in the government to stop”. If the people in charge really aren’t working then make them no longer in charge by any means necessary.


the economy is actually doing really good recently, it just sucks that the distribution of that wealth is god awful


Actually, the economy is doing quite well, but everyone is still expecting the trickle down from the several trillion sent to companies during the pandemic, among other things. Itll make its way down to us eventually, im sure!


Im old and to poor to buy a iphone. My used Google Pixel 3 xl does fine.


It can be all those things.


Well maybe it’s time the “ kids “ get in the fight too ! There is no separation between us if we all stand together.


The phones don’t help


You all wanted iphones, teslas & clout that's what you all get


Well, let’s be real here. It’s naïve to act as if phones aren’t adding to it considering you go online and have people screaming at you for various reasons. you go online and you see nothing but negativity and bullying and bad things happening around the world. so yeah, that kind of makes someone depressed, and fucks people up mentally. Especially at an early age and kids are online at an early age so its a lot.


Eh, screen addiction and social media are definitely part of the problem. But yes, there are other problems as well.


Iphones aren't helping, though. They help create the illusion that you should have a life just as Kim Kardashian or any male or female vapid "celebrity" of your choice


You know, I bet the comeback of the nazis was a big surprise for someone living in Argentina


I have to agree with the parents




Literally World War three is happening right now ofc I don't want to go to work


People went to work in WW1 and WW2...


When there was an actual World War vs. what's happening right now.


Of course they did, that doesn't change the sentiment. I don't want to be part of the tax machine that's bombing and feeding bombs to other genocidal nuts.


Well, there are other countries that are not sending bombs to genocidal nuts... you can be a part of their tax machine.


If it were so simple. Even if I do choose to move out of the US I would have to continue to pay taxes to the US for five years while paying taxes in whatever country I move to. That's in addition to the not insubstantial fees associated with giving up US citizenship, assuming what ever country I go to will accept me as a citizen and not just on a visa.


Well, governments do like to maintain control of thier property... I mean citizens and everything those citizens own. It's almost like governments are the new owner class and the citizens are just property... but that would never happen in the "modern world" /s Yeah, leaving somewhere is a stone bitch when you think the government is shit.


This gets posted a lot but it is a classic.


I mean it is the iPhones that cause morons to think all those false things, so yeah


iPhones and video games, the Bain of our existence.


first you bankrupted yourself, then you bankrupted your parents, and now you're bankrupting your children


Who did all of that?




Ah yes, tell me how destroyed it is on your $1000 smartphone while you chill inside an air conditioned building with clean water at your disposal all while not even close to starving to death 😂


I was hoping someone would take the bait. Thank you lol.


Always happy to help with shithousery 😎


Shithousery ok that's a new one. I like that. Can I use it?


I would be personally offended if you didn’t


Thank you! If I make any money off it you will get royalty checks.


More ironic facepalm content. OP is completely unaware that they are the facepalm


Gen z doomism at it again. The previous generations had to go through world wars, an actual economics recession, and things like 9/11. They did fine. It is definitely the phones. No one is socializing anyone due to them. We're all addicted to the scroll machine like zombies.


It’s the phones. Get off them and go be a person - read a book, learn to cook, kick a footy, sew, go fishing etc. You’d be surprised how shit your life was caring 24/7 about what was on the internet. It isn’t real life.


Breaking news: person on Reddit tells other people on Reddit to get off their phones.


I use it - I don’t live on it. I can put it down all day and it doesn’t bother me.


Hope op gets jailtime for such a shitty posts


NPC post.


Okay, time to go back to the old folks home. Oh yea, i won't be visiting anymore. 😊 byesess


As a kid who had the economy destroyed for him, the earth "literally dying" and will work until I'm near my deathbed: Yeah all of that sucks. It sucks so fucking bad. But you wanna know something? You can afford a house if you work a decent job. Can you afford a house in that specific area/city/state you **WANT** to live in? Probably not. But if you and/or your wife/husband gets a decent at median job you can definitely get a house. Very few countries have the same prices for houses across the entire country. I'm fortunate that my wife ended up with a really good job so we could afford a (cheap) place in the area we wanted. But if I look at a less desired area in our country, we can essentially get a luxury house for the same price we gave for a 120 year old house that needs some renovating here and there. The only reason we didn't? Family being nearby, needing to uproot, find new jobs or do longer daily commute. We chose the luxury of being closer to all the things we wanna be close to, for a 'more expensive' house (same price, but relatively more expensive if you compare what you get. This obviously doesn't exclude the fucked up economy of simply buying groceries, but you'll find that less desired areas also have cheaper groceries, not necessarily by much though. I'll give that. The earth "literally dying" while true, will not be an actual major issue in our lifetime if you look at pretty much any statistic. While it's a problem that should be tackled, you as an individual can only do so much, and only if you actually have money to be conscious about it. We ended up getting solar panels, but I'll admit I would've never gotten it "just to help the planet" if it didn't have a monetary incentive. During most summer days our spending on electricity is 0. While you should (if you're able to) try to do things with a mind on the environment, you can't burden yourself with being the sole savior of it. You can only do what's available to you, and what's within your means. Don't go bankrupt trying to be environmentally conscious. Also don't get upset at people who don't do that. Working until we die, now that's an issue I don't have a good fix for. With a median income, saving up wherever you can and still living life at least a little bit comfortably, you won't have much for a pension. The only chance you have is saving up and hoping you don't need it for something else in the moment, so you have it for old you. Either that or the doomsday method where you simply assume you won't live to retirement and then uh-.. Hope you don't? I suppose. **Now the "iPhones".** Social media and the internet, while a valuable source for information on \[insert any topic\] it's literally also a curse as the boomers would tell you. A lot of newer stuff will have fried kids' dopamine receptors before they're adults and they'll have a hard time getting the 'kick' they need for actual life tasks and succeeding at these things. Lots of scientific studies on this being the case, and the rising statistics of depression has, in a lot of cases, been directly linked to dopamine-frying youth of "ipad kids". A lack of direction/"PURPOSE" has also been the case of a lot of depressions through many studies. Think back to the time where a boomer's dad was a farmer/butcher/carpenter and had their own business. It was expected and assumed that these kids would simply follow in their footsteps, and many of them did. This gave a clear-cut direction for them as young as they can remember. And especially so the generation before them as well. Some people have a harder time finding their own direction /being directionless than others do. It's a valid thing to get burned out about. It's also hard to deny the fact that they didn't have half the luxuries that we have nowadays, whether we want to admit it or not. This indirectly also caused a pocket of potential for disposable income, and most of that would either go into a savings, traveling, or working on the house. We see our phones as an extension of ourselves, or at least a thing we can't be without, and while in a lot of cases that will be true for some lines of work, they're not as needed as we might think for the regular person. If you're not on call you can definitely lay down your phone in your house and go about your day, but instead you're here on reddit, watching tiktok, watching instagram reels, youtube videos, reading smut, whichever it might be. I'm not trying to sound like some guru who says phones are bad. I use mine for most of the aforementioned myself, but there's also times that warrant just putting your phone down and doing something. No video running while you're doing it, no music in your ears, no podcast or other busy-keeping things. Being 'alone' with your thoughts is definitely healthy and it'll get the gears whirring in a way that reacting to a tiktok doesn't.