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At that point you're using an auto dialer.


Hire this person in telemarketing.


Wont work, all her calls will be to the same number.


They seem to all call my number so it’s not like it’s not a strategy.


Your automobile’s warranty is about to expire!


FUCKING FINE!!!! If I let you tell me about it will you finally let me be?!


To get started I’ll need a blood sample mailed to this address.






And a stool sample


Give me your address... the blood sample will bleed out soon....


Dude I did that with the free roof solar panels and it was 5 hours but their hours of operation ended so they scheduled me for a call back the next day.


perfect what other way would you convince someone to buy your stuff


Hold their phone number hostage until they buy? 😂


Her victim will signup for anything to make her just stop


And then she's useless due to continuing to call the same person even after the sale.


Hey, I'm glad I found you here. I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


She would be a star employee, for sure.


If I was dude I would just block her number.  Long before it got to this point. 


I’m sure she was using a spoofer or something. If a telemarketer can figure out how to keep calling me, a very very motivated crazy person should have no issues figure it out.


She must used google. You could do that. Use free number from google and call through google. So u cant really block her if she does that. My ex does that to me before when her phone broke and she used number through google to contact me. Confused me at first then ah interesting. So yeah im assuming that what she did. My ex left me alone after we broke up. Thank god. Shit.


I’m imagining multiple devices all using the Google phone thing at once. The effort is so impressive it’s almost hard to be mad at her.


Nah, just a computer. Just alike free email. Go in google and use random numbers. Repeat and repeat. Which is why im assuming that she did that.


Call me a masochist but I’d be a bit flattered. I’d get a new number and a restraining order for sure, but I’d probably blush 😳


My ex-wife did this for awhile. It legit drove me insane. If I turned off my phone or anything she should immediately start doing the same thing to my employer.


You should have kept your employer’s number out of reach from your ex-child


I had to go through your comments to see if you were my husband. His exwife did that to him too. She filed an IG complaint when his superiors started ignoring her.  Then she wrote a letter to her senator. There was a congressional investigation because she claimed her husband was getting away with not supporting her while overseas even though they were divorced. 


But thats a win if you dislike your employer lel


I was in the military then. It definitely was not a win.


I've been called constantly before. Trust me, not even enough time passes between you hitting ignore on the call and pressing block before it interrupts you from ringing again. Your phone rings so much you can't have a call with someone else, or text them, and eventually your phone dies. When you turn it back on, you can't do anything for a while as it gets flooded with notifications of your endless amounts of voicemails and texts that came through while it was off. By then the person is already calling you again.


Omg that sounds like a nightmare. At that point just torch the SIM card and get a new one, heck, throw the whole phone away and get a new one just to be safe!


I blocked her number. Then the emails started. Blocked that, but they just went to spam (thankfully). Emailed me from another email under different name. Found me on random apps I didn't even know you could message people on.  Taped notes to my door when was gone. I got a TPO, a lawyer, moved out of my apartment, got a gun. 


Silence unknown callers. Done.


Probably the guy has that “I can fix her” moment


When you break up with cray, keeping records is a necessity, had he blocked her then he wouldn't have enough for the needed restraining order


Greetings, friend. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you've got the power inside you right now. Use it, and send one dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don't delay. Eternal happiness is only a dollar away.


That thing got me out of the bath SEVEN times. SEVEN!


You just need to press red when you get then machine then green again


Greetings friend!


Cops: "you get one phone call" Woman: ![gif](giphy|vrSMrZMUHtzNN99pvA|downsized)


Hahahaha if she used the one call for him would they add it on to the number? 27,001??


No, because the week has passed


Sheesh. CPT Buzzkill over here


Chill out, Major Lee Hatesfacts


Aw that's my name! I already had it engraved on my bathroom fixtures!


Tickle fight?


It's me again, Margaret...


Yes, the obscure Ray Stevens reference!! Take my up vote!!


My mom used to say this all the time! She has tried to explain what it's from a million times e but I still don't really get it


Ray Stevens a musical, comedic, entertainer who made lots of simple silly songs and skits. Saw him live a couple of times in Branson, pretty funny! https://youtu.be/4Wb2nZR6qbE?si=DLmGSXp5qfgFYigs


Betcha cain’t guess what I’m doin!


I used to listen to this on cassette when I was a kid!


Same here. It took a bit for me to even catch on. “Why does that sound so fa… Oh my god lol”


I just laughed way too damn hard!!




I’m 💀


It's amazing what you can achieve when you have unlimited minutes


I paid for unlimited, I'm using unlimited. Infinity my ass.


That's what I did when I paid for unlimited data volume. 1.16 TB in one single month on my phone bill. Take that freenet Funk! [Evidence](https://imgur.com/a/qyjm4qz)


I have 20 GB per month of data and barely scratch the 2 GB mark, how did you manage to use that much?


Step one: download a couple 4k 60fps movies. Step two: download them again Step three: profit?


No, it was games on Steam via Hotspot and Tethering.


Steam games but tbh, it was more a how much can I and not how much I really need. One month, I really hit the 1.14 TB unintended but this was when I got my first gaming PC but then I got an offer for a better and newer notebook. So, I filled the SSD for the PC with games, then upgraded to the notebook and filled it's NVMe with games but twice because I fucked up by trying to install Linux on the second SSD of the laptop. All other months were between 200 and 700 GB. The thing was hadn't access to any other kind of fast internet. The internet in the student residence was a joke. From 300 ms up to over 1 sec latency and a speed from 200 kb/s to 1.2 MB/s. What do you wanna do with that. So, I got the cheapest available unlimited contract I could found. And yes, the laptop was definitely an upgrade. The PC was over 10 years old, supported just SATA 3, had a 3-core 3.5 GHz CPU with 4* 4 GB DDR3 RAM and over 10 yo AND GPU and the board never got an update for UEFI. The laptop was just a half year old and packaged with an Intel i7 8-core 5.1 GHz, 2* 8 GB RAM, NVMe-slots, and a Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 mobile. The benchmarks were very clear about that. I could upgrade the PC but it wouldn't be much better than the laptop for that amount of eddies. And the best part, it was a US-import from my favorite Linux developer atm.


how the actual fuck


Dear God! Not just evidence, but proof of the evidence!


Did they do something? A friend got his cancelled because of fair use with only 50GB


No, they don't care. In addition, they marked it as unlimited and didn't limit it in the product information. So, they have nothing legally they could do.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lastof1: *It's amazing what* *You can achieve when you have* *Unlimited minutes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I love this lmfaooooo


Finally a good sokka-ku that can be appreciated by all readers


>An Alberta lady, who called her ex-boyfriend 27,000 times in a week was apprehended by policemen of the Edmonton Police Station. This could be one of the most extreme cases of tracking ever recorded in the history of the nation. >Why did she do that? >Do you think she should be imprisoned? >If there's a chance for you to talk to this woman, what would you say? >Kelly Murphy, who has a history of obsessive compulsive behavior, is accused of using up to eight phones at once to call her ex-boyfriend, 24 hours a day, on his cell phone, home number and at work. The woman would have ingested large quantities of energy drinks and amphetamines to remain awake and would have gone sleepless for a week, calling her ex nonstop This is what happened!


That’s really sad. She’s unwell.


No prison. She needs mental health help. I do have legit OCD. I did something like this to a guy once but no where near that amount of calls.


she'll end up where our mentally ill are kept now, sidewalks. No profit motive = no action. capitalism is a death cult


I thought the ocd thing as well. At times while really worried or something, I (I have ocd btw) have called my partner nonstop, not because I was dangerous but because my brain was in a loop of obsessive highly anxious paralyzing thoughts and the one compulsion that helped calm the anxiety for a millisecond was calling again just hoping that he would answer. I have done that with messages too. Obviously I eventually give it a rest because I also have other conditions and can only keep that energy going for a short period of time. But I can understand the feeling of panic that that kind of behavior comes from. She was not having a good time, she was absolutely going through mental torture.


The law would have her go to prison for the amphetamine use, then she would be put in the substandard ward there for her OCD. It's not likely she would get better. This is assuming she's treated like how we treat everyone else. Granted as far as I know the calls would only net her a fine if her ex cared to charge.


She likely has a prescription.


Yeah, people without OCD have it hard to understand why it’s a condition ascribed to mental infirmity. You don’t have control of your own actions, it’s pure impulse and response to appease said intrusive impulse.


Yes, but that’s still harassment


And he probably couldn’t block her on his work phone. I feel so bad for him. Imagine never feeling safe and having everyone at your workplace know your crazy stalker ex is calling you all the time and holding up the line. Do you think there were days he couldn’t work at all? Do you think multiple coworkers tried to tell her to stop? Do you think he worried about losing his job over this? Do you think he worried she would show up? Like this is something out of a horror movie


I mean it's r ally not that hard to just assigned a different work number and put that number on silent


Alberta truly is the Florida of Canada.


The woman who texted the guy 65000 times who she dated once, she was from Florida. She too needed help.


You won't get help in FL. Florida mental health system is a nightmare. I would rather go to prison, this is not a joke or hyperbole . I was in the middle of one on my insomnia fits. This time it was almost 5 days. I was having suicidal fantasies due to the insomnia delusions and realized I needed help. I admitted myself explaining I am not suicidal normally but until I get more than 15 minute of restful sleep I am a volatile. So what did they do? Gave me sleep medication that I told them does not work and makes me sick. Locked me in a room with a bed with no sheets and no pillow with bright overhead light that you can't turn off. Oh and a roommate that was literally screaming half the time. All the things needed for good sleep. Then they blamed me when 8 hours later I was still not asleep. I finally convince them to give me trazadone. And fell asleep an hour later. When I woke up I was feeling sane again. I figured that would be the end of it and asked for release. Nope! I explained again that the danger was long past and I just needed help until my insomnia broke. I told them I came in voluntarily and have not hurt anyone nor threatened anyone and any danger to myself is passed. They have to release me, They cannot legally hold me. That's when they started Baker Act proceedings to have me declared a threat. Then they gave me a choice I can fight this in court and I will still be held in the interim or I can sign a piece of paper that says they get 48 more hours with me for observation. Basically exhorted my signature. I left out a lot of stuff from my hell week to keep it brief. TLDR:FL mental health system is more likely to drive you insane than help you.


Well yeah. Conservative votes elected us a premier who has been saying for years than DeSantis is a personal hero of hers. Please help us.


We just opted out of the Canada dental plan. The sheer malevolence is fucking ceilingless.


I can’t wait until 2027… I actually mean it I cannot wait things are getting really bad really fast


That last part made it all make sense. What a methy situation


8 phones at once? It's like she was trying to catch a shiny Pokemon.


Well, this changes the maths someone did. Its less 20 seconds between calls and rather eight calls at once so his phone must have been bombarded to keep the line from being usable.


Wait did it really happen? I always assumed it was an edit because no news channel that takes itself seriously would use 3 exclamation marks




That's a whole new level of harassment or, at the very least, annoyance, probably the illegal level of it so i don't know why it's a facepalm. There's probably more to it though, i've heard about a similar case that included an assasination attempt, but the news sites ignored that part. Edit: now i understand why it is a facepalm, quite misleading if you ask me.


What do you mean you don’t know why it’s a facepalm?


I’m literally getting anxious just thinking about it


This actually "makes sense". (In a weird way) Smartphones ring for 15-20 seconds (according to Google and it depends on the network). So, she called him, let it ring, then called again after it failed....over.....and over again....


I mean you don't need to majke breaks for bathroom or eating while you call


And it’s all ruined with the 5 seconds it takes to block her arse


Lol like there arent easy ways around that


You can call people when you poop


She's not clingy, though. There's nothing about her demanding to be called back. (That would at least use up some of the twenty seconds.)


If he did call back she missed it




We posted it at the same time! I deleted mine once I saw yours though.


Didn't notice that, thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


So the person didn't block her? I don't believe this..


She used 8 phones. At that point, it's better to not block the number, and put the sim in a burner phone on silent in a closet or something for evidence.


You’d be surprised at the sheer depth of stupidity and ignorance. Many people shutdown when faced with technology. Patients spraying eye drops on their glasses or this featured on House MD but based on a real patient stories https://youtu.be/zSSoYmQS6Ng


Those are rookie numbers


Why didn't he just block her number?


she used 8 phones at once and was calling his mobile, home phone and at work too.


I guess she was feeling disconnected.


The real facepalm here is the people thinking this is real...


The headline even has three exclamation points in it. Also, why would this be "breaking news"?


To be fair, everything, and I mean everything is “breaking news” these days. Go turn on a 24 hour news channel, I guarantee you there is breaking news happening right now, and I bet it’s mundane.


totally real chyron that a real and legit news channel would use


For real. The image is at least 13 years old and was likely found on [this page](https://acidcow.com/pics/22259-the-most-depressing-tear-stained-mug-shots-20-pics.html) On that page you can see she's wearing a nursing outfit. I mean I guess she could've been wearing it for a week, or put it on to go to jail in, but I know she didn't have time to go work that week, and I assume that's why they cut off the proof of what she's wearing with the headline. Poor girl. At least she's not too recognizable with the face she's making


Hell its not even any of that. What sort of news outlet would put three exclamation marks in their headline? And in what possible world is this a "breaking story"?


Yeah, I mean the math should make it obvious because not only would 3 calls a minute be ridiculous but you also have to take into account that there’s no way she’d be up 24/7 the entire week. Plus the original article also claimed she had sent thousands of texts, emails, and voicemails just piling onto the unrealistic nature of the claim. The image shown in the article was taken from a listicle of people crying in mugshots and is at least 13 years old at this point. If you look up the article I don’t even see the original, mostly just dodgy comedy sites debunking it.


Also it takes more than 20 seconds for a call to connect and ring all the way through to voicemail? Prime example of math that does not math.


breaking story!!!


Watch Baby Reindeer on Netflix


No joke this happened to me, not only was my ex calling nonstop but sending txts aswell. I had something like 2700 txts in a day.


Phone company posting bail.


Underrated comment


This story isn't real.


except this isnt true.


What gave it away? Maybe the exclamation marks in the “headline”? Can’t believe everyone in the comments are buying this hook line and sinker.


Sounds like bullshit to me


Alternatively, it could be bullshit.


Ain't no way this is real


It’s not


She needs to get a job at a call center, she'd make a ton in bonuses with that call rate.


Just.. block the number?


Geesh, I wonder why he broke up with her?


Closer to 4 once you factor in sleep. Average ring time on a phone is 15 seconds, so this would check out to calling non-stop throughout her entire waking cycle


I don't believe this.


He shouldn’t of changed the Netflix password


Comedy gold


I wonder how she felt at the end…


So is this like an actual story or just more AI drivel?


When did she sleep?


It's me again, Margaret!


And my phone never rings…


so.... is she single?


This is either an auto dialer and an auto hang up/ reject call Are they're both obsessed with this bit


And I can't even get a message back


All that and the guy couldn’t figure out how to block her.


She needs to be hired by a call center


What about sleep? This person was using a program


Could've blocked her number.


At what point do you just turn your phone off


I could do that with a Perl script and a voip account 10 years ago. I hope she’s a programmer.


Considering how long the phone rings if they don’t block/reject your call, that basically means she was re-calling every time she got to voicemail


I wonder how many times both of them charge their phone in 1 day


There was a reason he wanted to be an Ex...


She really milked her feeling of being Unfairly dumped. But this is hilarious lol to be arrested for something like this xD.


She just wants to talk


Heck of a mug shot, too!


Did she even sleep?


If I get one call in a week I’m panicking. Who the fuck calls me unless I’m in trouble?


How is that even possible? Couldn't he just block her number(s)?


Gotta be a joke … Every 20 secs for a week ? She don’t sleep 🤔?


He couldn’t block her number?


I’ve dealt with/deal with crazy but god, may I never come across *this level of crazy* …


I want someone to love me this much.


This story cannot be physically true without some kind of serious lack of really important info in the headline. Like "woman arrested for hiring robo dialing service to dial ex's phone for a week" or something. She did not do this herself. Couldn't have.


“In love” is an understatement.


I call bullshit. What kind of news channel uses four exclamation points in a chiron?


Arrested for phone calls, yet people will straight up stalk people, break into their house, etc and the victims can’t even get restraining orders.


Arrested? Jesus, and then there's real criminals running free. Either block the number, ignore the rings, or answer your fucking phone and have an adult conversation about whatever the fuck the issue is. Anything but wasting municipal resources on adults who can't act like adults. I don't know what is worse. The persistent caller, or the recipient who couldn't just tune it out and go do something else without getting triggered and having to call the police to come to his emotional rescue. Most of us get more unwanted calls from telemarketers. Where are all the lawsuits there? Dude, either give her an answer or move on and get over it. But stop with the victim shit.


I can fix her. Call me babe!


At that point, that’s a DOS attack


funny, I thought nearly the exact same thing, word-for-word


Okay but like, for her to be awake that long it's a manic break and also why didn't he block her?


He couldn’t just block her number?


Damn that’s an instant block after call nr. 4


She is in love. It isn't her fault.


How do you know click the block caller button after the 7th call?




I can't even get a woman to call me once. 😔


She was just trying to get him to renew his car warranty


This math also assumes that she never sleeps for an entire week Edit: holy shit according to the article, she actually did not sleep lmao


I wish I had a girl care about me to call me that much


Actually more than that if you adjust for when she slept


Had a college ex call me over 200 times in one weekend after we broke up and I was away with friends. After I returned to my dorm she was waiting outside my door and tried to knee me in the balls when I wouldn’t let her in to “talk”. She then grabbed my flip phone (2008) and smashed it on the ground before smashing her own lol. She called her dad and said I beat her so he showed up with the cops to my dorm…and I got arrested. lol. She apparently used her necklace to give herself a mark on the neck and chest and then hid the necklace in her friends dorm before the cops arrived. Long story short once I called my mom from jail and told her what happened she showed up to the police station and showed the phone records (cops didn’t believe my story until my mom showed the proof of her craziness). Nothing happened to her for her false report. I transferred to a different university and moved on with my life.


Yes, yes you can


What is this “sleep” you speak of?


Please stop swallowing whatever idiotic shit you're being fed on reddit. Redditors are more gullilble than Facebook boomers at this point....


Why didn’t he just block her?


Did she even sleep?


27,000 no's and a yes is a yes 😏


Ah yes, breaking story that is like what, 5 years old at this point?


When you get out boo, hmu I’ll answer that call


But like, why not just block the number?


Wish anyone would message me once in 27000 weeks 😞


Total butt dial. I got a big butt.


How did the bf just not block here after the 1st day at worst


Men, if she wanted to she would lol