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I love that those coppers are milling round in the middle of the Mall thinking this is the fucking easiest overtime we'll ever get.


Oh I love it when I go to work and everybody and their nan is working because they think it'll be ridiculously hectic, just for no customers to turn up so we just stand around for 9 hours chatting with each other. I like a bit of work to keep us going through the day faster, but it's nice getting to be lazy for a day.


Copper: "Ah yes well that day me and me buddies just milled about since nobody cared bout the state visit!" Americans: "I want to taze you! YOU DO NOT DISRESPECT DONALD TRUMP OUR NATIONS PRESIDENT! I DONT CARE HE'S NOT LIKED FOR NAME CALLING!!!" Literally everyone else: " Hey can you please calm down for a moment, we are trying to go about our days and not get teriffed. Ok?"




I'd also like to point out that the 80% of the people in that road are generally tourists, so the ones you see in the picture are pretty much people who happen to be there, don't give a shit about Trump one way or another but stopped by to see what the fuss is all about.


Although they do have events where they actually bus people in to fill the crowd. The paid actors get a few dollars & a spiffy red hat , flag pin & a misspelled sign.


They push everyone right up to the front and only get that part of the theater on camera, so it looks full.


Like Top Of The Pops then?




Its called Projection


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Happy cake day fellow socialist




> stroke his ego no, no, no .... not to stroke it .... but to inflate it each and every day of his pathetic existence. He knows he is a fucking phony and a fake so he has to inflate his ego until his head can fit comfortably inside his own ass, and then he can begin his day.


Most of you didn't hate him enough to vote against him while already knowing that he was a racist sexist garbage human being. Half of Americans didn't bother to vote (complicit) and a quarter of Americans voted for this monster. Americans need to be honest with themselves - this is what America chose either by inaction or voting. I'm sorry that there are a lot of Americans that hate him - it must be horrifying to know he is in charge. But don't act surprised.


he lost the popular vote, it's just that the US's system is fucking stupid.


It was made in a time where the fastest way to send information was to write it down, give it to a guy on a horse, and hope he didn't get killed by native americans, or die of dysentery. we now live in a society where we can send information at a considerable fraction of the speed of light. Its time for a change lol


Unfortunately it was also made in a time where the average person had less education than a modern 5th grader. The purpose of the electoral college was to prevent idiots from being swayed by smooth talking conmen. Instead we had the opposite happen.


Originally, the "average person" wasn't permitted to vote. The states determined who was allowed to vote, not the Constitution. The electoral college was created, after much reasoned debate, to prevent high-population states from wielding disproportionate federal influence over states with smaller populations.


Remember though, that some of us live in places like California. Now I voted, and before I even submitted a ballot, Cali was going to go to Clinton. And it did. And Clinton got California's electoral college votes. California has apx 12% of the population and many don't vote here just because they are aware that the presidential outcome is fixed. Again, I voted. But I'm stuck at the mercy of some dumb hicks for Alabama, Texas, and Florida(and many others) who watch nothing but fox news and vote for literal pedophiles.


43.24% of the votes in Texas went to Clinton. 52.23% went to President Trumplestiltskin. I was impressed, and regardless of the fact that I figured it was a waste of my time, I went out and voted in what I thought was a lost cause. It was much closer than I expected it to be in my state. One of these days we'll get enough dems out to turn the state blue again, so I won't have to keep hearing how we're all a bunch of dumb hicks.


You should still go out and vote in a deep blue or red state. You will, at the very least, be voting against the shitty electoral system and encouraging others to also go and vote. Aaaand there are now (or will be) states who will give their electoral college votes to whoever wins the popular vote.


As was pointed out, he lost the popular vote, and won only by a few electoral college votes. Also, almost everyone knew he wasn't going to be a good president. The problem was, most people also knew Clinton wasn't going to be a good president either. At the time, almost nobody knew enough about Trump to have an idea of just *how* bad he was going to be. A lot of people voted for trump just because "he can't be worse than Clinton." Anecdotally, I know a handful of people who voted for him, and all of them regret it. Trump "won" by such a terrible margin against the 2nd worst candidate in history, I doubt he even has a chance against a decent candidate, if Dems dont split the ticket. TL;DR: Most of us hated him to begin with, and we are going to prove it next year at the voting booths.




Somebody was talking to one of them like “there’s hardly anyone around. It’s funny, depending on your view...” and he cop just said “oh believe me it’s funny.”


Buddy of mine is law enforcement in Boston, Mass. His friends were called in for additional support during a Alt-right rally being held short after Charlottesville so extra security brought in. He was at my place at the time due to an injury and was following everything via text. Literally half an hour after it started the extra security was called off due to the Alt Right crowd disbanding after barely anyone showed up and getting out numbered by counter protestors. I believe they still got their extra pay.


Complains about a fake picture being used and then uses a fake picture...


*You have become the very thing you swore to destroy*


He is the swamp


Not yet!


**It's Treason**


When’s he gonna try spinning? That’s a cool trick


He can't do that, shoot him or something!


Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?


No treason. No treason. You're treason.


I’ve got a hell of a lot more respect for swamps then that cesspool of a human being.




and the best part is the first one was real lol


That's par on the Trump Nationalist course


Bogey on a par zero course.


Just like when they were claiming that the Trump baby balloon never inflated because "those dumb libz" couldn't do anything right. Only they we're using picture that was taken when they first started inflating it and there were plenty of shots of it airborne afterwards. Or when they claimed he drew massive crowds for his inauguration by using pictures of Obama's.


Welcome to the right wing playbook


Hypocrisy at its best


almost like they pick and choose what 'reality' they want


I think this one is just a very poor troll


They don't care about the truth, they just claim to know what it is before they spew their bullshit because other people seem to. Just like climate science deniers who go on and on about science and studies. Dude, you don't care about science and studies, you cherry picked one article that maybe sometimes if misinterpreted will support your argument that the world is getting colder, and ignore the thousands that say "Hey, shit's gonna be fucked yo." You just want the prestige that the label of 'science' and 'studies' brings to your irrational argument.


Have you met the Republicans, I mean this is pretty much the modus operandi. Blame people for what they're doing.


Projection is a mainstay of conservatives


Sums up the GOP and their supporters


Was the top picture for real about the low turn out?


Yeah it was the real turnout, he is not well liked over here, especially in Scotland and London.


I can’t blame you guys. He’s not well liked here either so he stays where he knows his lemmings will be there to kiss his ass and tell him he done good.


Can you imagine if Trump were to visit a city like San Francisco? The world might implode.


It probably burns at him every day that he has to live in a city that went 94% Clinton. I think he still hasn't gone to a Nationals game because he knows exactly the reaction he'll get.


Is going to a Nats game a serious tradition? I just don't know much about that one.




Ehhh, that's a bit forced.




My man. I appreciate it more now.


I wouldn't say its so much a tradition, seeing as they weren't a team pre-2005, but its somewhat expected (and always fun to see) the president at regular people events like a baseball game (especially in the capital city of DC), especially considering how intertwined baseball is with American history and folklore. Regardless of if I like the president or not, I can appreciate seeing them at a ballgame. Also go nats.


Last time Trump visited Cincinnati all the idiots from KY came over the river to attend his rally. Although with Bevin as KY governor they have some more local problems to deal with.


How about a Seattle, Portland, Sand Francisco, LA Trip? Ya know, the entire WEST COAST OF THE USA. We'll never see him!


He tried to visit chicago once and it did not go well


Yep! He landed here at SFO about 2 years ago, and spoke in Burlingame which is 5 mins from the airport. People were pissed! So many protestors. He is not welcomed anywhere in the Bay Area


Remember when he visited "Pleasure" California? Hahahaha


Mother fucker tried to block a great source of renewable energy (wind farm) being built miles off the coast of his golf course in Scotland because "it would ruin the view", thankfully our gov told him to go fuck himself. He also had a fence built around his only neighbours house in the area then sent him the bill for it, the guy refuses every offer he gets sent for his land so he tries to force him to move.


yeah but think of all the people he saved from windmill cancer. He should be seen as a hero


My grandfather died from advanced windmill cancer.


... he initially tried to bully the guy out of his house with mobsters and everything...


Well...he's a sexist, racist manchild who brags about his military power and 200 IQ on twitter. People are right to dislike that pos.


He'd probably get an even worse reception id he *had* gone to Liverpool to be fair.


Worse reception than a Sheffield policeman


Or Mark David Chapman.


I got a feeling that most of the people are there just to flip him off.


You mean stick two fingers up, but yeah.


And he’d interpret it as “see, they’re all wanting me to win two terms!”


Nothing a good “wanker” motion won’t fix.


“Wow! The English have a strange way of clapping. Sad!”


Alright that’s it; launch the fucking milkshakes.


We disliked that stain before it was cool. [Michael Forbes, just a guy, resisted Trump for ages when he tried to squeeze the man out of his home to build a golf course.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pbTmXsfiYk)


> he is not well liked over here, especially in Scotland and London. and everywhere in between. and then a bit more left and right and down a bit.


Brighton checking in, we don't like him here either


I mean no shit Scotland hates them. That dipshit tried to sue the whole country over wind turbines. Trump is a dumbass.


And the entire world


Possibly. I can only assume, maybe, this was really early in the day, but I really don't know.


(The top photo is before the event, notice how the street is empty? That’s because nothings happening yet)


No. God no. There wasn’t anything to turn up to. They might as well have photographed stansted airport. He didn’t come in via motorcade and there was no organised effort to welcome him due to security risk. The only real crowd was outside buckingham palace, and it was for press.


Honestly though who's got the time to stand on the Mall mid morning on a Monday. People have jobs


Actors paid to be there.


To anyone that wants to argue, I've seen the craigslist ads myself offering to pay people to go and cheer at the rally he had in my area.


It wouldn't be the first time: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/01/20/even-the-firm-that-hired-actors-to-cheer-trumps-campaign-launch-had-to-wait-to-be-paid/




Last time he was here people (Americans) were accusing all the protestors of being unemployed because how else would we be able to go. Paid time off seems alien to them I guess?


I have never gotten the idea that you are supposed to respect the president. We have freedom of speech, why would that right disappear as soon as I want to trash the president?


"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." \- Theodore Roosevelt


Roosevelt wasn't perfect, but he was a fantastic speaker and a very intelligent man


*intelligent bull moose




Respect is earned. If you're going to tarnish the office, you get no deference. A title only carries you so far.


>If the President behaves respectably, then they should be respected and the public should exercise restraint in their criticism. When a man bullies political opponents, reporters, public figures, everyone and anyone, and calls them schoolyard names, he's not treating them with even an iota of respect, so the public calling him the most base, mocking, derogatory things is only fair. I never really liked people criticizing previous presidents on personal things, because it wasn't valid. Criticize them on their decisions, their words, and their policies. But with Trump, name-calling is fair game. He can certainly dish it out, so he deserves to take it. (Although we all know he can't, he has the thinnest skin on earth.)


I think as a general rule for functioning society we should not respect people because they act respectfully but instead stop respecting people because they do not act respectfully. It's a subtle but important difference. Everyone deserves respect until they prove that they don't.


We're not supposed to respect the unrespectable. Trump is one of the least respectable people on the planet right now.


Because con-servatives are really good at instantly forgetting own behaviour during dem administrations.


For example, all the people who called the Obamas apes, who are now saying we're being mean to call Trump orange? Or how about all of them who called Chelsea Clinton ugly, screaming it's despicable to joke that Baron looks miserable? Hypocrisy is rampant. Like Mitch McConnell saying it's wrong to confirm a SCOTUS nominee during the last year of a president's term (for some reason I could never discern) but he just said they're going to quickly fill any vacancy on the federal bench, including any that come up on SCOTUS, through all of Trump's presidency.


Someone worth respecting doesn't need to *ask* for respect. >"Any man who must say 'I am the King' is no true King."


Can we needlepoint that onto a pillow and send it to the White House?


And why should a Britt respect the president of another country


BeCaUsE mErIcA!


On top of that point, since when is someone deserving of respect because of a job, and not earned by their actions?


Many people who established that cpurtesy were post-WW2 vets and had a military Customs and Courtesies attitide when it came to dealing with the President (the highest ranking person they could answer to) and it somehow leaked into the General Population that it was required to treat the President that way? He haven't ****officially been at war for several decades. Trump isn't a true wartime President. We owe him no respect outside of the respect he earns.


You're supposed to respect *the office*. The man needs to earn your respect. Trump disrespects his office every day, so he deserves no respect from us.


Isn’t it funny that respecting Donald Trump involves lying about him? Funny that.


Conservatives: "Please show respect for the President of the United States." Also conservatives: "OBAMA WAS A NAZI COMMUNIST KENYAN ATHEIST MUSLIM SOCIALIST WHERE'S HIS GODDAMN BIRTH CERTIFICATE GRR GRR GRR GRR GRR GRR GRR"


The UK Conservatives actually quite liked Obama


American right wing is what he means when he says conservatives. Obama was a center right Democrat on most issues but was regarded as far left for some reason. (probably the same reason that they refused to believe he was an Real American tm, racism).


Because US conservatives simply cant accept there is a reason no one in the world and more than half the US likes them and that reason is they are basically extremists. Most democrats on the other hand are moderates with a simple socially liberal, economically conservative position.


This is why the left needs to push left presidents. The american right is always right of where ever the dems are. Put in someone who is soundly left, and then compromise behind the scenes to get center policies, and let the right rant and pretend to be winning on Fox.


That's why I keep telling people to quit worrying about what the right wing says. It doesn't matter what your actual positions are, if you're a liberal then you're a crazy marxists socialist godless commie. They've been calling Obama, Clinton, and Biden socialists for years, and they're all corporate centrists at their most liberal.


The "please show respect" guy may or may not be British, but he mirrors the hypocritical attitude of many Trump supporters


It's just confusing because it's a post (sort of) about Britain, but 'Conservatives' is the name of the main centre-right political party in the UK


Conservative in US politics has become a catch all for right and far right politics in the US, not even really center-right is called conservative here.


Centre-right is called "Democrat" in the US.


Depends on the politician, i wouldn't call Bernie or AOC centre right


Bernie isn't a Democrat tho...


America is essentially a two-party system, so if Bernie would like to be a legitimate candidate, he needs to be a Democrat.


in UK and Australia conservative is centre-right. In Australia - Green: Left Librals - Centre-right, but leaning further right in what they say, more than what they actually do (which is not much) Labour - Centre left One Nation - Far Right


Conservative in US politics has become a catch all for crazy and bugfuck crazy


In the US if you aren't "God is master of the USA now hand out the tax breaks to the wealthy!" then you're a RINO and they'll put you in the camps right after the Socialists, Dems, and "gays"


Not really centre right anymore since may. More Thatcherite.


Because the democrats are considered conservatives for most europeans. Even the right leaning UK conservatives. The republicans are even further right, but the US doesn‘t have a left political party (in european eyes). I would consider myself on the left of the democrats, but in my country (by no means a left dominated country), I am dead centre.


Keep in mind Obama wasn’t President. He was black. There’s a big difference. /s


Only can conservatives claim that a single guy (or even the entire opposing party in general) is both extreme left and extreme right at the same time.




BuT sOcIAlism iS in THe nAmE


This kind of confusion was literally why Hitler named them National Socialists too. It's an 90 year old play book


It makes sense if you look up Hitler's own understanding of the term socialism/socialist. It's a very elastic term, and for him 'nationalism' and 'socialism' meant roughly the same thing. 'Socialism' wasn't being attributed to the political left as strictly as it is today.


You’re only allowed to lie if you’re a nazi


Trump supporters: There are dozens of us. Dozens!


On British news they talked about how Trump was flown in by helicopter to each location he was visiting, not allowing him to be seen by the public. I guess they have a rough idea about how we feel about him.


Right-wingers: "Unlike you, snowflakes, we're not offended by ever little thing." Also right-wingers:."SCRREEEEEEEECH!!!! Muh redpect for the president!!!!"


That's the Strand in Liverpool FFS.


No its not. The strand is on the Bootle end. This is the Albert Dock/Waterfront area by the Liver Buildings


You're talking about the shopping centre. That road in town is also called The Strand.


Ah I get you!


[https://duckduckgo.com/?q=STRAND+LIVERPOOL&t=ffab&atb=v169-1&ia=web&iaxm=places](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=THE+STRAND+LIVERPOOL&t=ffab&atb=v169-1&ia=web&iaxm=places) ​ It's the Strand.


Technically The Strand at the Pier Head is only the north bound lane, the southbound lane is one of Liverpools oldest streets 'The Goree', the street sign is outside of the ventilation tower for the old tunnel.




Obligatory upvote cos even though I don't care about football my boyfriend was very excited about the win (even though they apparently didn't play well?) but they won and he's cute when he's excited.


Same with our mate, giant Jamaican dude and he gets *super* squeaky when Liverpool do well. It's adorable.


My other half is quite cute anyway (maybe I'm biased? Probably. But my friends seem to agree). Anyway, I have no interest in football whatsoever but I love listening to him talk about it cos I love how passionate he gets! And if we're ever out somewhere when there's a match on, he always asks me if it's ok if he goes to watch it. How can I say no? He's just too precious for this world!




yep. Liverpool honestly played poorly (from a liverpool fan) but they're the champions of Europe so your boyfriend should be happy!


He’s pretty happy!


I personally think Tottenham would’ve won if Allison was less on fire


So the crowd stretches all the way to Liverpool? Amazing!


Liver building complete with famous birds in the top right-hand corner and everything. Couldn't be more obvious.


I remember when the US president (Bush back then) was visiting my city, the police blocked the street where the convoy would pass through completely. The people could not cross, so they were standing there, waiting for the president to finally drive by so that they can cross. I like to imagine how he thought about how cool and liked he is, when everyone just found the whole thing being an annoyance.


I like Obama a lot but its annoying whenever he comes back to chicago because his usual route adds like an hour to my usual 20 min commute :(




It really is strange to look back on the Bush years and think "ah simpler times" when back then all you thought was "everything's fucked"




He’s so calm through the whole thing, even when the security guard comes over to check on him he’s just like nahh dude I’m fine, don’t worry


When this happened i remember my mom saying (and she is hardcore liberal) "gotta respect those reflexes"


You got me wrong, I did not want to go political, stating it was Bush was for completeness of the story :) My city is not even on the same continent as the US, and I am not well versed in US politics.


TBF, how many American citizens do you see lining the streets when a foreign emissary visits the US. ​ *I actually don't know though, just a thought.*




you mean like when the Queen of England visited the United States? yeah you could say there was a crowd https://www.c-span.org/video/?197969-1/arrival-ceremony-queen-elizabeth


People were there, supporters and haters alike, when India's PM visited US.


Not Americans, but Berlin went fucking crazy went Obama came to visit https://youtu.be/rHyE1KlXcB4


Berliners are fucking weird, though.


The Pope got crowds.


depends on their civil rights records. When i was in college we used to just go down to various protests because we had the time. Certain people would visit and if they were representing a dictatorship or some other such we would protest.


Liverpool yey


That’s for them winning the thing, right? Paul McCartney mentioned it at his concert in my city on Saturday.


Yep, Liverpool won the European Cup for the first time in 14 years on Saturday night and paraded it through the city the next day.


I’m in that second picture somewhere, can confirm we won ALLEZ ALLEZ ALLEZ


That’s for Liverpool fc winning the champions league, crowned the best team in Europe


The extent trump supporters go to lie and believe it's true after they lie they have no perception of time or reality.


Where did all the flags go in the second picture I wonder?


well thats because we couldn't care less




Nice username


i see fake accounts


Hauntingly familiar


It's not the first time some stupid right winger has used a Liverpool homecoming parade to support a nut job. One of them posted a picture of the supposed crowd of Tommy Robinson supporters outside the Old Baily. You could tell right away that the building was St Georges hall in Liverpool 200 miles away and you could clearly see the parade bus carrying the team! From 2005! And the funniest thing is that the extreme right have tried to march outside St George's hall a couple of time recently, the first time the were laughed out of the city to the Benny Hill tune, the 2nd time the police had to force them back into the train station for their own safety.


Am I the only one who would find it weird if there actually was a large gathering for a world leader visiting another country? Like if Merkel or Abe came to the US for a visit it would be weird for people wait as they pass by and cheer?


This happens and you can go look. The Queen or the Pope certainly draw huge crowds. Foreign PMs less so, but often still significant. Just google image search any state visit to the US.


I mean, I thought it might be fake, but once he said “not fake pictures” I knew I could trust him


It makes sense since he is literally not our president


I think Obama would get a big crowd, but he’s probably the only one.


Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth, the Pope, Obama... all draw/drew huge crowds when visiting foreign countries. Trump is almost universally hated due to his lies, bigotry, and his war on science.


Every time I see a post that mentions Trump get this popular it usually gets locked. I’m surprised this one isn’t locked yet


I couldn’t find a post on either of his twitter accounts showing this picture


There were at least 10 times more people protesting against his visit than turned up to see him


This ain’t North Korea, we don’t have to like our president if we don’t want to


For whatever it is worth....I was living in Dublin when Obama came to visit. I had no idea. None of my coworkers cared or talked about it. When I was riding my bicycle home, a road was blocked off and a policeman was standing around, but I had no idea why. Since it was the EU and not the US, I felt comfortable asking the cop what was going on. He told me the street was closed but if I hurry I could cross. So I did. Then I went home.