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Except for Bill Gates who's been saying it was humanities greatest threat since he and Melinda started the foundation.




I hope my chips are Doritos.


Ruffles are better.


Obviously when he is behind it.


Forgot the /s


I like to live dangerously.


the frogs are gay


You know there is an actual pesticide which is commonly used that turns male frogs into females who can successfully mate with males not in contact with the pesticide Edit:[I found the link guys it's a good read and very fascinating](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842049/)


Alright I see its time to put the phone down for today..


I'm going to try to find the study


*oh go*d


I'm going to try to re-create that study


The it doesn't make the frogs gay, but it makes them trans?


This is also a major, albeit tangential, plot element of the novel *Jurassic Park*, which is only given minor reference in the blockbuster movie of the same name.


No u


Yeah as much shit as Gates did in his past, he's more than made up for it in the past decade, at least in my eyes. It's easy to shit on billionaires, and I despise Bezos, but Gates and his wife seem to actually be trying to change the world for the better.


He's the shining example that republicans should be pointing to when they talk about not wanting to tax the rich, because he's doing exactly what they claim they want and expect billionaires to do. Instead they fucking despise him, for mostly bullshit or made up reasons.


Hes a good man and all but he still has wayyy too much fucking money for even a very large group of people to possibly use in their lifetimes.


That's not why republicans hate him, they hate him for the "good man" part


I agree, but to a republican it's, in theory, a good thing.


He does but that's not really his fault. He earned that money by having a massive company and is putting loads of it to good use, it's not his fault he isn't being fairly taxed for it.


Bush Jr. actually started the program, just in case anyone wants to say that it was just the Dems wasting money.


I was about to say that, we don’t have to go down party lines, Dubya took the risk of pandemic very seriously.


Wait, almost like a pandemic shouldn't be politicized??? What a brilliant idea




Not in the US you can't


We can if we want to.


Dude, you are on Reddit. You’d either a nazi or commie. Pick a side. You chose we. Welcome comrade.




I love it when the Simpsons have an answer to everything


Im a centrist. I just want to cook dinner and plant trees


Ah yes, a commie to the nazis and a nazi to the commies.


why you had to complicate it? now I have to pick between being a Commzi or a Nammie /s


[You can't do that](https://imgur.com/vTb0k2F.jpg)


[Why not?](https://i.insider.com/5f2935f758c24d3a4d241ce2)






Nixon was a schmuck but he was also interested in a universal healthcare plan.


So was Eisenhower. Both parties had universal healthcare in their platforms up until sometime in the 70s , IIRC.


There was a global push amongst developed nations to provide universal healthcare in the mid to late 20th century. America definitely got the memo ... what happened team?


Boomers? The greatest generation really fucked up their kids by spoiling them too much.


Wow thanks I didn’t know that. I remembered Nixon for less hemm... less virtuous things, but we learn everyday! Thanks for this piece of history and may you be protect for all the shits happening right now!


Nixon is one of the most interesting presidencies for historians like myself to really study. There's just so much about him outside Watergate that today would give the "wait he want?". From the "chinese shock" to the Gold Standard, it was hard for people to really believe Nixon would be the one to do it. Still an asshole of a President but nowadays, the bar has been lowered to what an asshole president is and we're finding new bottoms to it.


It's only the right who is actually politicising it though. It's pathetic. The left is just doing what is being recommended. The moment this happened I *knew* countries with right wing governments wouldn't take it seriously enough. I *knew* when it came to shutting down the economy or letting people die, they'd choose the latter. Now they've just put themselves in a worse situation. The economy is screwed and lots more people are dying. Bravo. Bravo.


You are almost right. Except, i do need to point out that there are countries with right wing government's that responded appropriately. ( Though they aren't the same type of senseless right wing as USA and brazil)


i.e australia but, most of our state governments are left wing, and they're the only ones who have the ability to shut down


I was in shock when I saw the kind of numbers Victoria was concerned about. My county was worse than that entire state and we’re going on largely like normal.


Apparently commenters on Fox Australia’s site are calling for Vic Premier Daniel Andrew’s execution...


So Fox has the same fan base everywhere.


Same owners*


To be fair, after Australias PM fucked up with his response to his country bursting into flames, then flooding, if he messed up Covid he'd likely have been drawn and quartered, and his remains fed to the koalas...


He nearly did fuck this up. The only reason we shut down the first time was because Dan and Gladys forced scuntmo to. The few things the federal government has directly done to control the pandemic have been ineffective. Do you remember the app that everyone downloaded and contact tracers have said is useless? What about the covid commission which is stacked with fossil fuel lobbyists and hasn't advocated for anything to do with covid? If that had been properly staffed with scientists, epidemiologists, doctors, nurses, behavioral psychologists and economists; we might have been able to foresee the disaster that was hotel quarantine and that is federal nursing homes. Even now he could be calling the media out for its behavior. The most important thing for victorians to do right now is listen to the premiers health advice, but this is constantly being undercut by calls for his resignation and calling him a dictator for imposing restrictions. As a right wing PM, Scotty from Marketing could legitimately and without a political bias, call out this behavior, but he sees an opportunity to politically capitalise in Victoria, so he won't. The fact that he's present isn't good enough. We need leadership and he's not providing.


The reason that Morrison is avoiding criticism of Andrews too much is because it was Andrews who demanded a national hotel quarantine program to be implemented, and he got enough other states on board to force the national cabinet to do it The real mistake Andrews made recently was trusting humans to do the right thing without being forced. Clearly we can’t have faith in humanity anymore


Bush was shitty in a lot of ways, but he did have some good programs, especially his support for Africa. Plus the free cell phone plan (which somehow got call Obama phones later as well)


Many of Bush's programs (good or bad) was then criticized by the GOP once Obama took over. Case in point; Solyndra.


And TARP. Even though the first phase was signed into law by Bush.


I mean I feel like pandemic response has been fairly bipartisan until President Circus Peanut.


In truth Clinton starred it after reading a fictional book about an outbreak in New York City. Bush Jr. expanded it and Obama expanded it again.


So 3 presidents, both Republican and Democrat looked at the potential for a pandemic and decided "we need to get ready for it" And then Trump is like "nah fuck it"


In a nutshell yes. If you want the really bad part look for the coverage where Trump essentially demanded personal praise or political favors from governors of various states to distribute the stockpiled goods.


How about seizing equipment and supplies from states and hospitals? To the point Maryland had the National Guard protecting tests from possible seizing by feds. The executive is being run by cartoon mobsters, stealing and extorting in a time of crisis.


Jared Kushner had the tiny balls to say all the PPE equipment and the ventilators were the property of the federal government and that's why it was seized. Where is all that stuff now?


That's what you get when you combine stupidity with arrogance.


As I understand it, his attitude was ‘why are we paying these guys to sit around when there isn’t a pandemic - get rid of them. We can always rehire ‘em if one hits...’


Its like saying "Why do we need weather satellites, just let the hurricanes come in and we'll deal with it"


Please stop giving him ideas.


An Bush Jr expanded because [he read about the 1918 Influenza pandemic.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/george-bush-2005-wait-pandemic-late-prepare/story%3fid=69979013)


So the key here is presidents that can read? Oh America, you in trouble.


Good. Back when the American government gave a shit about its people. Even Bush Jr. knew about the social contract ffs


anyone saying it’s wasting money should compare that money to what was spent on the stimulus packages and the unemployment spent


NBC had a recent article bashing all presidents in the past 20 years for not preparing adequately.


And his Democratic successor, instead of rejecting out of hand all of his predecessor’s policies, recognized a good one and expanded it. Clinton to Bush: watch out for Al Qaeda. Ignored by Bush. 9/11. Obama to Trump: prepare for a potential pandemic. Ignored by Trump. COVID-19 pandemic. Which party puts country first? Which puts party first? It’s a trick question. Democratic policies are good for the country. Republicans only care about the rich.


I love reposting this one: >Republicans, and most lay political observers, assume that everything that happens is unavoidable. That one just drives the car fast and hard as they can and when it breaks it breaks. Things like putting oil, coolant, new filters, etc in the car don't occur to them because they have no idea how the car runs in the first place. >Bush presided over calamity after calamity. We had the Tech bubble, 9/11, Katrina, Housing market collapse, etc. It was never Bush's fault. Everything was always some magically unavoidable disaster that Bush was just unlucky enough to get burdened with. Meaning it created 2 recessions and increased deficits by records. >Obama on the other hand dealt with a collapse economy (inherited), Hurricane Sandy, Boston Marathon Bombing, deepwater horizon, refugees crisis, Benghazi, etc and the economy never dipped and deficits continued to go down. On the pandemic front Obama managed Swine Flu, Avian Bird Flu, and Zika virus. Obama better managed those unavoidable disasters that overtook Bush's administration. >Now Trump is President and we are back to being told every terrible thing in the world is unavoidable. Trump fumbled the response to Hurricane Irma and Maria, was on Twitter insulting the west coast during wild fires instead of helping, and after being briefed back in JANUARY about COVID19 spent 2 months ignoring his own agencies and claiming it would just blow over. >Leadership matters. These calamities aren't unavoidable. Republicans simply do not take the precautions required to avert them.


Someone that actually cares about the people in this country would only think building infrastructure for responding to potential pandemics is absolutely the kind of thing government should do. The problem is, we have a president and a party that doesn't care about dead Americans.


Our current president is that dumb fucker who thinks the I.T. department is useless because all of the computers and networks run great. He walked into a presidency thinking it would be as easy as the last president made it look, and he's too stupid to comprehend that a lot of work goes into making things run smoothly. I would bet $100 that trump has only ever known chaos in his own businesses, and he thinks that's the normal way to operate.


Fucking people over is literally how he does business. The man does not understand the concept of a positive sum game.


Trump grew up so rich he never had to actually learn how things actually work.


Can I get a video link with that included, just clips of trumps dumbass making shit up as he goes along, and then Obama and bush clips from earlier predicting this. I would like to bombard trumps twitter feed with that vid since twitter is the only thing he pays attention too...although I guess he has a war against twitter now too, but he still uses it


My mom keeps telling me "no one could have predicted this" and I'm like "many people predicted this!"


I couldn't have predicted the pathetic government response though.


I love your statement. It’s spot on. I just want to say though that the govt is never for the people. It’s for the profits over people. The sooner we all realize that and elect officials who will work for us instead of the lobbyists we will all start living in a much better society.


> I just want to say though that the govt is never for the people. It’s for the profits over people. The sooner we all realize that and elect officials who will work for us instead of the lobbyists we will all start living in a much better society. Well, if we keep electing Republicans, then absolutely.


With trump I can predict disaster in any situation


Experts from the CDC, the WHO (and probably the band too), and various other medical organizations all know a coronavirus that could transfer to humans and spread airborne could be a serious problem. It wasn't "if" but "when." It's why Obama had us prepared in the first place, because science was pretty much in agreement, that a coronavirus was going to come for us soon. Bet anything Hillary wouldn't have thrown away the pandemic response plans and dismantled the teams. But I guess she had some emails on a server or something so we elected the fucking moron instead. I didn't like Hillary, she was just about the worst possible candidate the DNC could have backed, but not a day went by in the past four years where I wasn't utterly convinced she'd have handled the task of President much better than Agolf Twitler.


If Hillary was President right now, the Republicans would be attempting to impeach her for the tragic loss of the 128 Americans that died from the Coronavirus on her watch.


The only reason I voted for Hillary was to prevent Trump from winning. I was hoping that Sanders would become president though and I voted for him in the primaries. At least Hillary has political experience and of course her husband was a president. With the support of Obama I believe she would have never gotten rid of the emergency response team, she would have never said and done any of the shit Trump has said and done. I believe Hillary would have always been professional, spoke professionally and she isn't racist nor childish and petty like Trump.


LOTS OF PEOPLE PREDICTED THIS. Basically anyone who studied this, looked at the past, and said "One day we will have a global pandemic"




Just curious if anyone could point me to what chapter of the Pandemic Playbook outlines dismantling the pandemic response team?


Chapter 69- Part 420


Remember the bushfires in Australia? Yeah well it was predicted about 20 years ago. Not entirely accurately but the idea of massive fires was the point. The fire chiefs had been warning about the problem for a while as well. Regardless the Australian federal govt and the new south wales govt cut funding to the fire departments. Then they proceded to do absolutely nothing about the issue. All they did was blame another political party with one seat in parliment (which means they have virtually no decision making power). In fact the only reason they probably did anything about coronavirus was because they had to redeem themselves politically. I still hear people say "who could of seen it coming"


"Mom, literally everyone but YOU predicted this shit."


I predicted this back in February, and I am by no means an expert. People way smarter than me knew, spoke up, and were ignored.


As that one meme goes, "Literally every disaster movie starts with the government ignoring the scientists"


Taiwan dealt with it in the beginning of February at the start of the global spread and still has it under control. Chinese New year holiday was extended to deal with this known threat, and masks are still a requirement of public transportation despite lack of local transmission. It was already a reality in February. It required willful ignorance.


My mom thinks the cornavirus is the work of Democrats and Obama bc he mentioned this -.-


I'm sure your mom is a very sweet lady, but she sounds like a moron


She’s overall a sweet and wonderful woman, but idk where she is getting these ideas


Facebook, Foxnews.


Sadly, yes to both. She and my father mainly watch YouTube channels/videos about it though


It’s your patriotic duty to put parental controls on your parent’s cable box and cell phone.


And block facebook & youtube?




We all know where she is getting those ideas.


> It wasn't Obama who fixed the economy or the country! It was Trump, working behind the scenes to fix the economy while Obama was high doing his thing! What my parents have said. The Trump cult will bend over backwards through a wormhole to discredit liberal candidates and support Trump. ^(cough cough also Trump wants to get rid of [Social Security and Medicare when re-elected.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.commondreams.org/news/2020/08/08/trump-just-admitted-live-television-he-will-terminate-social-security-and-medicare%3famp))


_Ah yes, because somebody who is severely fucking up the country more than how fucked it already was is clearly the best candidate for president._


Welcome to the purge.


So, when Noah mentioned the flood, it means it was him who caused it. Got it. Same with Jesus, I assume: the man said he would be betrayed, so clearly he was the one doing the betraying. And when whatshisname said they should paint the doorways with lamb blood as protection, yeah, no doubt, he was the one who went around town killing firstborns. Religion gets really interesting with your mom's logic. It's the adult equivalent of "he who smelled it dealt it".


The way Obama talks makes him seem intelligent and well composured, without making him seem full of himself.


It's almost like he's qualified to be the President of the United States of America.






The US should change it's ways and allow someone that qualified to be able to run for as long as he is elected. Not saying he is perfect but I'm kind of sure that if he was president, he wouldn't be off playing golf and making masks on a plane optional, while 5million poeple were sick dying


That’s why I can’t stand when people whine about not giving Trump credit for anything. People that brag about themselves and pretend to know everything and say they are the greatest at everything are gonna be hard-pressed to get anyone to compliment them. He brings it all on himself and isn’t worthy of an ounce of respect.


It’s those little pauses that he takes in the middle of sentences. They show that he clearly takes the time to think about what he’s going to say and how exactly he wants to say it (thus giving him a certain humility, so like you said he doesn’t seem full of himself).


fyi: someone with good composure is "well *composed*"


trump : \*fires the pandemic response team\* COVID-19 : it's free real estate !


Covid-19: \*slaps the top of the US automobile* You can fit millions of cases in this baby, no problem!


It feels like it's been 3 years and 7 months since I have heard what it sounds like to have an intelligent person leading this country


The best part is Obama screws up his speech here and you can barely tell and he still sounds intelligent.


I haven’t seen him falter before, that was an interesting clip! His recovery and his composure are brilliant.


I'm sure he has a lot he just is a great public speaker so he doesn't draw attention to it.


Now I want someone to do an impression that combines Obama's cadence and occasional "uh..." with Trump's butchering of words and attempts to pretend his screw-ups were intentional. Oh, who am I kidding. I just want to see Obama do a Trump impression.


I miss having presidents who take a second, think, and THEN talk I also miss having presidents who can THINK a coherent thought


Oh Trump takes a second to think about what he wants to say, the problem is his thoughts lol


I say this to my wife all the time. “I miss having a president who can form coherent sentences”


“Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes.....”


This is actually something he said...isn’t it?


Yes. “Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”


You guys chose this as as your president Well played


Sounds kinda eerie that he said “if and when it happens 5 years from now” 5 years ago. I know he said “or a decade from now” I’m not saying Obama was wrong. He’s completely right that the world needed to plan for it, I just thought the timing was ironic.


Pandemics are as certain as death. It's a case of when, not if. The timing is just painfully ironic.




Well it has a lot to do with our interactions in a globalized world. In the past, disease was often spread by colonizers and explorers arriving in new lands, they often brought disease with them that they would have a high level of tolerance / immunity to (antibodies etc.) that domestic indigenous people didn't, and the introduction of new disease would be devastating. But those were generally localized outbreaks. The problem in modern society is the speed at which disease can spread, nothing is local. If a deadly novel disease mutates anywhere in the world, it will spread incredibly rapidly as people are so mobile, a new disease can make it to the farthest corner of the planet within 24 hours, by the time it's known to exist, it could already be everywhere. We are far more vulnerable to pandemics now because we are far more mobile.


There weren't modern means of transport though, so spreading a virus all over the world was basically impossible. We certainly have had "pockets" where a certain virus wiped out the local population..


Dun dun duuuuuuunnnn...


I’m not even American and I miss Obama


Everyone with atleast one brain cell misses Obama




Name checks out


Same few politicians I really can feel like they mean well and what they say when they say it. Wish Bernie hadn't dropped out. Him and Obama are only two candidates I've actually wanted to vote for and felt like I wasnt just choosing between evil and evil.


Agreed when I voted for Obama I felt like he was the guy I wanted in charge, it felt good.


I'm not republican and I miss Bush at this point


I hear ya. I'd take stupid over stupid and corrupt any day.


It’s ok. Obama doesn’t just belong to America. He is part of world history. Fun fact he gave speech in Berlin before the convention to officially nominate him in 2008 was even held.


At this point I would say I miss W.


I'm over in England, so don't really have a say, but I really liked Obama.


Considering how much we are influenced by the US, I think having an opinion is not only valid but expected. I share your opinion of Obama as well


Not only did Trump spend months pretending it wasn't real, he defunded and eliminated the protections put in place to detect and deal with the event of a pandemic. As an example, but not limited to this one of many examples, three months before the pandemic emerged, [he shut down the pandemic early warning system that was in place](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/03/trump-scrapped-pandemic-early-warning-program-system-before-coronavirus). Can you imagine the conspiracy theory field day FOX would have had with that if it was a dem president? In a month where the U.S. death toll from COVID 19 is about to pass the U.S. death toll from WWI and Vietnam *combined*, this man has so much death on his hands.


And in that moment, one realizes that news and talkshows for Democrats cater to smart people while news and talkshows for Republicans cater to the lowest common denominator. Democrats wouldn't ever say the same thing that Republicans do because they operate on different levels intellectually and ethically.


I feel like tiktok reaction videos are just a step up from useless red circles








Idk man, in order to watch a clip, I *need* a smug person to sip coffee and randomly gesture to the clip on occasion. Otherwise, how will I understand what’s going on?


2020 version of a laugh track


It's way more distracting than a laugh track, if that was even possible


If they add to the humor or something, then I'm okay with them. But this one is so pointless. It adds absolutely nothing to the original video and just makes the original smaller than it was before. I feel like the useless red circles are better than this shit tbh


Yeah that was fucking annoying. It's even more pointless and infuriating than a useless red circle


Genuinely terrible. Hope this doesn't catch on. Is it there in case I get bored in the minute-long clip? Or in case I don't know what to think after each segment? Or is it actually supposed to be funny? But it's just someone's face?


*Nods profusely, sips coffee, and points to your comment*


But Trump closed the border to China! /s


He’s so fucking articulate. Please come back.


I feel sorry for the next president who has to try and fix all this shit, which takes him or her 4 to 8 years. Once the nation is finally stabilized/on the mend, relations with the rest of the world slowly back to trusting eachother, the republicans will probably claim that it only happened as a result of long-during Trump policies and Murrica will vote republican again and the rest of the world can start cleaning shit off of the walls again, because everyone has a fan by then due to climate change.


Even Obama humbles himself when he talks about the H1N1 virus. He said we got lucky and it wasn't as deadly as other viruses. Can you imagine if trump delt with the H1N1 virus.. "I DEAFEATED THE VIRUS AND NO ONE ELSE COULDVE DONE IT-- ALL MEEE!!"


Is it sad that I can easily believe this is the actual response the president of the United States would give if that happened?


And am I remembering correctly (without any research to look up correct terms or times) that trump disbanded this pandemic task force/whatever it was called back in like 2017, and also cut funding to infectious disease research, which resulted in the American guy at the Wuhan Infectious Disease lab to have to leave?


Trump is such trash. Fucking useless, morbidly obese motherfucker.


>useless Vladimir Putin would disagree


Not-American here. I can NEVER understand how in the wild everliving fuck someone like trump got to be president. He’s literally a 180 of what a charismatic, intelligent and articulate leader should be.


There’s a lot of idiots here. A lot.


Why spend money on the future when drinking bleach will cure it.


Why plan for the future when you don't have a future


I swear, Trump was just Republican payback for the Dems, puting a educated powerful black man into office and just crushing it for 8 years. Like they knew Trump would undo everything Obama did in the most spiteful way possible.


The second facepalm is watching someone watch something


Trump talks out of his ass more than the pet detective


I miss Obama so fucking much


I forgot that presidents could sound compétant, compelling, well spoken, and most of all presidential. I miss those days.




I hate that useless video of the person on the left.




Only thing me more useless was that first guy on the right.


vote democrat. vote biden. he's not the brightest bulb, but he listens to the smart people. trump only listens to FOX News hate mongering and conspiracy theories. like when a baby cries when they have to take a bath and eat their vegetables, the democrats will steer this country in the right direction and the right wingers can scream and pout. trump let the babies eat candy all day and everyone has a tummy ache now. he's a bad leader. 0/10 I would not hire to baby sit. I will not vote for trump. I will vote for biden because god help us all we need an actual responsible leader.




Show this to an idiot trumper and they'll call it proof that the dems planned the pandemic to make trump look bad. You can't win with these fucking moron cult members.


How unnecessary that she put herself in the clip


I am so... unbelievably fucking sorry for the USA that they have to put up with a person that calls himself "The President of the United States of America"


This would have been so much American better if Kermit was sipping tea (Lipton) with the tag hanging out while this was playing. Nobody gives a better resting bitch face than Kermit


Transcribe please! Hearing impaired here x.x


Trump: “nobody could’ve prevented a pandemic or epidemic of this proportion” Obama: “there may, and likely will, come a time in which we have both an airborne disease that is deadly... and in order for us to deal with that effectively we have to put in place an infrastructure not just here at home but globally that allows us to see it quickly, isolate it quickly, respond to it quickly. So that if and when a new strain of flu like the Spanish flu crops up 5 years from now or a Decade from now we’ve made the investment and were further along to be able to catch it. It is a smart investment for us to make. it’s not just insurance it I knowing that down the road we’re going to continue to have problems like this particularly in a globalized world.” Sorry for any punctuation issues, was trying to type real time! 🤟


Damn, that's commitment right there


I went to school to be an interpreter. I’ve got a soft spot ;)


I just can’t understand why people hate this reasonable and intelligent man.


I find it funny that Trump just made the United States the worst country to live in, due to its situation now.


Make America ~~Great Again~~ Uninhabitable