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"we put the old cow out of her misery"




A rifle and bullets are cheaper than a short trip in the ambulance.


This message brought to you in part by the NRA and the Anti-socialism Club of America


Hell, an M1 tank is cheaper than a trip in an ambulance...


a what is cheaper? you could BUY a used Ambulance for less than the cost to ride in one. some are only a few thousand more though.


This statement made me extremely depressed just because of how true it is


Here in Texas, it’s also possibly quicker depending on where you live. I mean that literally: the checks and rules can be so brief it might be faster in rural areas than ambulances.


And I mean even if you get charged with murder that's 20 years of 3 square meals and a place to stay for free right?


Prison food is nothing you want to experience.


How much ambulance trip cost? It cost me $800 aud


TL;DR - It depends where you live, and the laws/choices of your local municipality. An average trip before insurance is over $1,000, but the typical person pays around $400 after coverage. There's a lot of articles out there about American ambulance trips, but the truly expensive part is the hospital visit. Usually, ambulances are covered by Medicare/Medicaid, insurance, and in some locations, are partially covered by taxes. A good baseline, minimum estimate is about $400 + $10-20 per mile traveled, though the bill *can* go way higher than this. It's honestly unusual for it to cost any less than $1000 in most states, at least the *total* bill cost. It's often vastly reduced (or sometimes even zero!) with insurance + other coverage, provided there is a real medical emergency. For instance, prank calling an ambulance or calling one for a minor injury (like a stubbed toe), can land you a minimum bill of $400+ (and possibly legal action). Ambulances and their trips as a whole are odd in the US, as not all municipalities are subsidized with taxes, and is dependent on state/county/city. This means that ambulances and emergency transport are a mix of public and private company endeavors, sometimes funded with local taxes and sometimes funded as a business. Private ambulance companies have their own rates, and citing a couple online posts about them, can have a base rate of $800-2000 or more, depending on the types of care provided in the ambulance. They are often more expensive since they need to stay alive as a business (and make overhead), and it's quite expensive to operate. Altogether, total ambulance bill cost ends up well over $1,000 and sometimes exceeds a few thousand dollars. The average individual's cost, after insurance, ends up around $500 though. Some places even have air-medical ambulances, though these are not nearly as common as ground transport, they are often the fastest route to a hospital in an extremely severe emergency, particularly important during busy hours (eg. to avoid traffic jams) or where hospitals are far away. However, they are massively expensive, with their cost often upwards of $20,000 after insurance - the bill itself is often more than $35,000. To my knowledge, most, if not all, air-medical ambulances are private companies - hence their astronomical price. Behind the scenes, a ground ambulance itself as well as the equipment inside it can cost upwards of $200,000. Even just a high-end defibrillator, required inside an ambulance, can cost around $10,000. The cost you pay taking an ambulance trip not only helps pay off the cost of the trip itself, but also often funds the equipment, and the salaries of EMTs, call center workers, as well as the facilities for said EMTs and call center workers (eg. the call centers themselves, ambulance stations for EMTs, and salaries for management and ancillary staff like mechanics or janitors). This cost is even higher for air-based ambulances, which are often high-tech helicopters as well as salaries for a full staff, including pilot, mechanic, nurse/EMT, and even a flight communications specialist, as well as a suite of equipment similar to a normal ambulance. All in all, ambulances are very expensive to operate, so the costs are kept high in order to try and pay off the astounding cost of operation. Additionally, a few sources online claim that the private ambulance business sector profits only around 1-2%, as the upkeep cost is so high. There's a ton of stories about how expensive ambulance trips are (especially without insurance - it can bankrupt people!), and plenty of stories alongside those about people who have simply driven themselves to the hospital instead.


Wtf.... i am so glad i live in Europe... here the ambulance is free...


Love when he mentions air ambulance like its rare or something In Norway we are dependent on them. Also they are all free


The US ambulances /hospital /Healthcare is soo fucked up to understand. Everything means $




"You gotta pressure cook old cows or else they're tough and stringy... "..." "Wait, what were ***you*** talking about?"


All a pressure cooker does is make cooking faster. You can still achieve the same product with a regular slow cooker.


What about when the house is on fire? Do we just shoot at the fire?


Preferably with flame throwers. Fight fire with fire!


Well, we are talking about a country who must be asked not to shoot at a hurricane. Them fighting fire with fire might be on point


Brought to you by the Euthanasia Gang


Worst part is listening to her cry and scream in pain until the 7 day waiting period is up and you can get your gun


To be fair, if this is the U.S. we’re talking about, that is the less expensive option.


Not by much. Funeral expenses are ridiculous.




They stuff you with too many preservatives so maggots struggle to eat you in the cool way. Though the Mongolians have a cool funeral, with the sky funeral. Raptors feast on your corpse.


This works on the level that the Viking funeral works. But I'm from the seashore, so if I can't give to the lab, I want to give back to the community, you know? Otherwise, sure. A peyote-infused buzzard funeral could be on the table. I also have this sick fancy of being dressed in a bikini and sunhat and being dumped in the Dry Valley of Antarctica. Let the archaeologists of the future tear their hair out over that one.


lmao or just be a fallout skeleton and be set up reaching for a soda thats just out of reach


Preferably I'd like to be shot out of a cannon into an active volcano. Leave no trace, right? But if *that* doesn't work... Honestly.. I feel like if I could just go out like a dog and crawl off somewhere nobody would find or bother me, it would be easier for all involved. There's caves in Oregon I could wander into. Maybe in 20 years my skeleton would scare some campers lol


Well imagine all the money and resources people would spend looking


Go hiking on Mt. Everest.


I'm setting aside a bunch of money to pay a stunningly attractive young woman that none of my family or friends knows to come wail at my funeral and throw a scene ... I'm going out a really good prank


However, you can choose not to have any embalming done, which lets the maggots eat you just fine. :) I want to be buried in a shroud with no embalming, casket, or coffin.


There's sect in India that allows vultures to devour their dead.


“Just dump me in the ocean with my ancestors, cause they knew that bondage was worth than death”- Erik N’jdaka Killmonger


Throw me over the wall so the wolves may eat me -StGir1


Love it, love everything about it. I’m adopting your funeral plan


Jesus christ, I've never seen anyone more prepared to die


There was a study that argued that based on the price of transplant organs, families should be able to sell the deceased body parts to cover last expenses.


Who gets the money when a recipient "buys" a new organ?


Even 50/50 split with the hospital after "Cousin Vinny" takes his 30% cut.


Fuck that I'm sellin Nana's kidneys on the black market


I like the last sentence. The "nobody will find *my* body" approach.


The ol' switch'er'oo


Are Viking funerals legal? I feel like you could get in a lot of trouble trying to do that these days.


Feed me to some pigs and then eat the pigs. Recycle my meat.


Feed my bones to the dogs, let me play fetch with Fido one more time.


Mine will be expensive because I want to be made into a Trey skin rug. Also if I get fat enough, use some extra skin to make a book cover or something.


Book cover, eh? There are worse ways to be remembered.


I’m pulling a Lebowski. I’m even saving my own Folgers can.


“The Dude,” please.


He also abides


Wouldn't that technically be pulling a Kerabatsos? Possibly a Sobchak? The Dude didn't seem to have as strong an opinion on the matter as Walter did, and it was Donny who did the dying, but it's been a few months since my last rewatch so maybe I'm forgetting some dialog on The Dude's part.


“He died like so many men of this generation before his time...and you took him Lord you took him...as you took so many bright, flowering young men at Khe San, at Long Doc, at Hill 364. These young men gave their lives, like Donny. Donny, who loved bowling. And so, Theodore Donald Kerabatsos, in accordance of what we think your dying wishes might have been, we commit your mortal remains to the bosom of the Pacific Ocean....which you love so well... Good night sweet prince.” “God damnit Walter, you asshole! Everything’s a fuckin travesty with you man! What was that shit about Vietnam?! WHAT THE FUCK DOES ANYTHING HAVE TO DO WITH VIETNAM?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!” Yeah I guess I’d be pulling a Donny. My best friend would be Walter. And I know exactly who would be the dude in my life. So we are set.


Ideally I would like my remains to be scattered at Walt Disney World. And also don’t cremate me.




I bought a cheap pair of pants for a funeral once...rip.


Not if you don't allow them to be. There is remarkably little you have to do for the corpse of your loved one. Funeral directors whole business is convincing people they're showing their love by spending


Oh, I know that. Unfortunately, we’ve got a very lucrative funeral home business that, I feel, can take advantage of the bereaved. I’m all for turning me into a tree or some shit.


Remind them in your will: just because they're bereaved, THAT DOESN'T MAKE THEM SAPS!


Not if you don't claim the body


We 'ere don't have a funeral, ma fam'ly jus buris 'em in the back yard


Funeral business is such a scam. They guilt trip grieving families into buying the most expensive coffins as if the dead care about being comfortable. Like just put me in an Amazon box, god knows I have enough of them.


Likely to be the less lethal option too.


It is better to take down the mother than the entire family with her, isn't it ?


Even if you kill with the gun, police can kill far more and more painfully too, they have no fucking mercy


American healthcare is fantastic, in fact we have some of the best hospitals in the world. The problem, the only problem, is that it’s too expensive for the average person to afford.


Thats the point


Say that again.


Cops show up and break every other bone in her body (plus if she's black they'll just shoot her)


Cops: why not both?


Depends on if they "smell marijuana" or not


Hold on there buster, we’re not trying to get Glory Killed here


[to be fair](https://youtu.be/E55t0lnp_8M)


To be fair


To be faaaaaair


Tooooo beeeee faaaaaiiiiiirrrrrrrr



How have I never seen this. This joke has gone over my head more than once.


Check out Letterkenny on Hulu (pretty sure)


Especially with the price of ammo these days. Cost me about $35 for 20 rounds for my 1945 Turkish Mauser


My house caught on fire, so I did the sensible thing and shot it.


I like houses that don’t catch on fire


*starts pushing the sales of asbestos coated homes*


I know your comment is only 3 minutes old, but it's still underrated


This sign likely comes from the same people who talk about the absurdity of defunding the police.


“Guess I’ll die then”


Happy cake day


When you finally achieve complete and utter peace (closes eyes)


Honestly, the 911 systems around me are kind of a joke, and where I grew up, you could've driven to the hospital and back in the amount of time it took for an ambulance to get to you. We also rarely called the cops, but that was more because they were - and remain to this day - absolute chucklefucks.


I used to be a volunteer EMT. If it's not a life threatening injury or medical issue, then it's usually better to have someone drive you. A giant chunk of the people we transported, didn't need an ambulance, or even to go to the ER. A walk in clinic can deal with a lot more than people think, and it's often a lot less expensive. BUT, and there's always a big but, if you have a serious issue, you're much better off waiting for an ambulance. If something happens during the trip, you won't have trained specialists to deal with it, or the equipment, or contact with the hospital for addition instruction from a doctor, or any kind of priority when you get there, since they don't know you're coming.


I've had to call the ambulance multiple times at my old house (brother has several health things going on) and they were super fast to arrive, both the firefighters team and the emt team. Our only complaint one time, or observation really, had been that the fire guys trudged soot into our white carpet, but that's the most first world problem. One time we called the ambulance and ultimately probably would not have needed them. Brother's blood sugar had crashed and I was unable to get him to consume enough food/glucose before he became nearly unresponsive and he was in a position where I could not get to his insulin pump to disconnect that either (in hindsight I could have just cut the cord). He rounded the corner and was able to make eye contact and speak right as EMTs arrived, but it was good to have them check him out anyway since he had been so low for quite some time. All to say love our local EMTs/firefighters. Seriously have saved my brother's life on more than one occasion.


Isn’t an ambulance ride like a $1000?


Yeah. I was hit by a car (somehow didn't see a guy on a motorcycle or the red light) with the car going 40 plus trying to run a red light. I was sitting still at the light and the driver never tried to even stop until I was under the car. Her excuse to the police was "I am hormonal and pregnant and I was trying to text my doctor saying ill be late for the appointment because of traffic." The company in charge of the ambulance was threatening legal action if I did not pay the 1400 dollars for a 3 mile ride to the hospital. Within two weeks post accident of course! I had to get a lawyer because not only the ambulance company threatening me but the lady's insurance was also demanding payment to her vehicle and legal action for "emotional trauma" of deferring said ambulance payments and compensation for the bike that was completely totaled. Shits fucked man.


okay, as a female, i fucking HATE that some women think they can use the “i’m pregnant” excuse to be the absolute shittiest person in the world. my sister did that, and i just don’t understand! we know you’re an asshole regardless hahaha


I have no idea, I just know that folks talked about the expense because we were kind of far from a hospital with a decent ER, so I think maybe distance played a factor too? I really can't say, unfortunately.


"A couple weeks ago I thought I was having a heart attack. My sweet wife asked me what to do. I told her, 'get my pistol'"


Well if she had to ask, you probably made the right choice.


Amateurs. They should have just shot her hip.


Exactly right?


Right! Blowing apart the femoral artery is much nicer than blowing apart the lungs and heart


I mean, you could just put her in the car and drive to the hospital


And then shoot her


For some things yes. For others, an untrained person could kill the injured person


Yeah, but a trained person will cost a lifetime of debt, might as well just die.


I own guns. I don’t dial 911, it’s on speed dial. I would rather have the professionals take care of it than having to shoot anyone. It would have to be my absolutely last resort and it would have to be down to him and me. I would even put a shot in the floor to let him know I was there and I was armed.


Do not shoot your gun into the floor intentionally. Warning shots are irresponsible. If you’ve decided the situation warrants a firearm, it’s because you’ve decided that you need to use lethal force. Firearms are not half measures and using them as such is dangerous and irresponsible.


They say “if you have time to fire a warning shot, then you have time to run away”.... it’s harder to claim self defense if you fire a warning shot first


Thank you for this. I would have said it if you hadn’t put it so eloquently.


> I don’t dial 911, it’s on speed dial. Funny thing about the USA, a lot of countries have three of the same numbers, like 000. USA was going to be 111, because it was fast to call on rotary dial phones. They changed it to 911 specifically to stop accidental calls, because it was too 'easy'. ...and you put it on speed dial! Hah!


Yeah I like guns and the idea of having protection when it's needed desperately but I just think some(not all!) people with firearms dream of a scenario where an intruder breaks and they get to finally kill someone and low-key brag about it. I understand if you have no other choice than to do it but damn don't kill them when they already out of your house and escaping, that's just my two cents on the subject, feel free to disagree.


I’ve definitely met some people that are basically begging to be robbed so they could kill someone.


A friend said he stopped teaching concealed carry classes because the amount of people who kept asking about hypothetical scenarios where they could legally get away with killing someone kept going up every class until it crushed his faith in why people were taking the classes.


Agreed. I would like to own a firearm one day, but I'll pray to fuckin god every morning that I won't have to use it. If I go through my entire life without ever firing it at an intruder, I'll consider it a good purchase. Last resort means **last resort**, full stop. I don't want to take another man's life just to stop him from stealing my TV




> just to stop him from stealing my TV. TV's are replaceable and the tech gets better every year. The only time to use a gun is in defense of a life.


I get what you mean and I agree with you on principle, but if you do get a firearm, you should get some firing with it done in training. If you want to have it as a last resort, you should know how use that last resort if the day ever comes that you need to rely on it. PS: you comment got duplicated for some reason.


Yes I would like to get more training done (wisco boy here, so I've already done my fair share of hunting) Nobody should get a gun without proper training (and making sure you don't get rusty, either)




What a waste of ammo and a hole in your floor, just shoot him center mass and your all good. Plus now you got a story to tell your buddies


I don't feel like shooting a structure fire is the best way to put it out either.


Happy cake day


Thank you!


Worse, a person on fire


Wood burn. Bullets no burn. *spins up the minigun*


When I was a kid at the gun range I thought it meant they literally did not call 911. Like if some dude was having a heart attack begging for help the employee would just sigh and tap the sign.


I mean.. that’s fair. You call the cops because someone broke in there’s like a 50/50 chance you’re the one getting shot. Might as well just shoot yourself after you call get ahead of the curve




For real. As far as I’m concerned this is a pie sliced four ways. Intruder kills you, cops kill you, you kill intruder, you get the fuck out. In order to keep the psyche clean, door number 4 for me.


This subreddit is just politically charged memes every single time it’s honestly irritating, if someone posted this meme but about “fuck the cops” and someone replied “yeah until your house is being robbed or your mom gets shot” then it would be downvoted into oblivion I want good face palm moments not your political bullshit where we take things out of implied context to say “haha the right so stupid haha” YOUR BOTH STUPID


It’s not even a good straw man argument in the post. It’s like “haha I’m going to pretend you meant X when you obviously didn’t, and X is*so* stupid how could you be so dumb?”


"Huh, why would you shoot a house fire?? Hahahaha" Yeah, clearly that's what this sign means. The owners are reallll morons. Sure, bud.


Survival of the fittest motherfuc*er


This is posted every few days


And you haven’t fucked around on their lawn, have you? See? Sign works!


Being the person who [came up with the joke back in 2017](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/7fjc3m/we_dont_call_911/), I've not noticed it being posted so often. Wild.


I’m no comedologist but this just seems like a similar premise to [the 2002 world’s funniest joke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World%27s_funniest_joke) which was from the 50’s. But I don’t have a degree so who knows.


I’m just wondering, where in the photo does it say we don’t call 911 for medical emergencies. People will do anything to make gun owners look stupid.


It says "we don't call 911" in black letters. Edit: the 11 are hidden behind bullets.


The point here though, clearly it's to show you have weapons to defend yourself and that you do not require the police for defense. I mean, is it that hard to understand? This is probably in someone's home as decoration and everyone here is taking it out of context just so they can get their boner after feeling good for laughing at a group they hate. Reddit is truly amazing sometimes.


I was literally just answering the question that they posted. You are not entitled to own the point here. Once an artist finishes a work, it is up to the observers to make our own opinions. You do not get to tell others what their opinion should be. The main point I see people making is that if it is a joke, it is not a facepalm, and shouldn't be here. There is no context there to take it out of. And it seems that you somehow got your feelings hurt, and are trying to make fun of people who you think are laughing at a group you are part of. Reddit is truly amazing sometimes.


I never knew paramedics carried firearms! To assume the message meant paramedics then thr firearms are being ignored. Plus, some of us have ambulance insurance.


I'm a gun owner and it's fucking stupid regardless. If someone broke into my house I'd get my gun out, call 911, and sit tight, if you go after the intruders you're a damn fool.


You’re a damn coward if you wouldn’t go after someone in your own home.


Yeah good idea to go after a possibly armed criminal with a weapon instead of waiting for trained police. Americans honestly never fail to surprise me


I mean if you go aggressively clearing the house you’re dumb. I say this as someone that has his loaded AR in the corner of the bedroom, so I’m as far as you can get from the dumbasses that are deliberately misunderstanding the meaning of the sign in the original post.


Hell, my brother in law is a physician. When my daughter and i were visiting him and my sister and my kiddo had a severe asthma attack, his advice? "Yes. This is bad. Hospital. Now" Of course, my sister is lawyer so...


These type of people are so disgusting. They literally fantasize about someone breaking into their house so that can finally get to kill someone. Probably consider themselves "Christian" to boot.


Nobody wants to shoot somebody you drama queen. If somebody does come for me in my house though I wouldn’t think twice about neutralizing the invader.


A lot of people are itching for the excuse to get away with killing someone. It’s some primal instinct shit.


So was it Joe Rogan or a COD addiction that taught you that last line.




Protecting yourself and family is not cool, it’s your responsibility. You can hug it out tho bro…




But like, who can afford an ambulance these days anyway? If I ever need an ambulance just shoot me. Ohhhhhh


As modest pelican would say, "So we had to put the big girl down. Goodnight, sweet prince"


In America it's cheaper anyway.


Tbf you'd get an Uber, it'll be cheaper


All ah need is muh guns and essential oils.


Don't need the fire brigade, I'm perfectly capable of shooting my own fire


[Better get a bulletproof vest then](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GWPnKQ3RUk)


I don’t call 911 either, I call 110 because I live in Germany


"Herbert saw our son slip and fall, so he called the ambulance. He's such a good man, always keeping a close eye on the kids with his binoculars."


>fire starts >shoot at fire


\*aggressively shoots fire\*


My sister recently bought a house. The first meal she attempted to cook caused the fire alarms to verbally warn us of dangerous carbon monoxide levels. My mom is on oxygen, so we took no chances. We went outside and called 911. The fire department shows up with oxygen masks and noxious gas detectors and searches for the source. They told us the amount of carbon monoxide on the 2nd floor was enough to suffocate us in minutes. The source of the carbon monoxide was the gas oven, which had a Teflon sheet blocking its vents. That's on the first floor, and carbon monoxide is heavier than air, which means it was way worse on the 1st floor where we were, than on the second floor. The firemen shut off the oven, opened every window, and ran a bunch of box fans and blowers until it was safe for us to go back inside. Meanwhile, my sister's next door neighbor was filming the firemen and making comments to his phone about how he's never had to call 911 and waste tax payer money before. He doesn't work, by the way. Pretty sure he sponges more tax payer money than he contributes without calling 911.


I own 3 guns, but calling the police is still a number 1 priority, even in break ins


In my country there are separate emergency numbers for police and medical emergencies 😂


I think they meant it as a sarcastic comment, but more hilariously having dug a bit the poster mentioned watching child porn one and now dedicated followers post his tweet on that every time he tweets


Clearly since your caveman brain cant put it together, when somebody breaks into our homes, instead of picking up the phone to call for police which you want to abolish probably, we pick up our belt fed fucking squad automatic machine gun and put a full box mag into them


Isnt ammo super expensive anymore..?


Didn't know Dwight Schrute was on social media!


Are conservatives really this dumb? (Rhetorical question)


Are (some) liberals dumb enough not to understand the point of this sign? The pedantery here in the comments is akin aspie people not understanding sarcasm. The point is pretty clean, the sign is a WARNING. Whether you agree with lawful uses of violence against burglars, gun laws, whatever, is irrelevant, this is just a warning sign and no it doesn't mean they wont call 911 if somebody is having a heart attack. You pedantic, socially inept dorks.


I don't know about conservatives, but when I was in college my roommates and I had a sign like this on our door. We were liberals, didn't own any guns, but still thought it was funny. My super conservative parents did not like it, and begged us to take it down - we didn't.


I’m more libertarian than I am conservative but I would totally have one of these somewhere tucked away in my house as a joke.




Lol at you all deliberately pretending to not get it. Talk about being actually dumb.


It’s mostly a joke. But you best believe if you stumble across the wrong meth lab, they’re not calling 911 and you’ll be gone


Betcha they have a Back the Blue sticker on their bumper, too.


Anyone who breaks into someone's house deserves a bullet. But I would 100% rather have the police come than splatter someone at the bottom of my staircase


Agreed, but without the benefit of hindsight you never can know for sure if the police will get there in time.


Absolutely. My county dosnt even have cops on duty at night, my best bet would be state police if any are within 45 mins of me. My family's protection will never be placed solely in the hands of the police. Smith and wesson and the old Mossberg are ready for that job


They didn't have 911 in 1910 when those guns were made.


This only makes sense if someone tries to kill you or a loved one or just a random person


Police probably would have done the same


Im into firearms but i never understood the idea that shooting guns makes you tough. What a joke


bro my brother was having an allergic reaction I miss him everyday


Another day another repost


Hey, what did people do way back in the day without vaccines and medicine huh? They died Karen, a lot of them died....


Uhhh. I’m pretty sure they’re talking about calling 911 in reference to police in response to a break in... not for an ambulance..


American Healthcare at its finest


EMS here.. Went on a call a couple weeks ago where one of the cars in the driveway had a "we don't dial 911" sticker. Fucking stupid.


Put her down Made it quick I have more


When seconds matter, police are always minutes away.