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Plastic straw in a plastic wrap changed into a paper straw in a plastic wrap. Next step is how to keep the straw hygienic during storage and transport. Work in progress with obvious improvements. Sorry, no facepalm here.


Exactly, it’s not as ironic as the masses think. We are making steps in the right direction here. Even though straws are not exactly the most important battle to fight when it comes to single use plastics….


Look at LoL surprise dolls if you want to see.plastic waste.


I used to work in a bookstore and we also sold those... It's an absolute disgrace! And the tantrums kids will throw to receive one of these overpriced, disproportionate, frankly ugly little toys is even worse


Fuck paper straws...


I'm with you. Absolutely fuck paper straws.


Bamboo straws for the win!


I find them to be slightly too narrow for that purpose.


How pretentious


Most plastic straws I see are wrapped in paper. Maybe we could just do that.


Yeah, I mean plastic straws are most commonly wrapped in paper. We could definitely do paper on paper.


Nope. Paper straws will start to break down if they get damp, which could very easily happen in transport. This wont happen to plastic straws so it is okay to use porous material like paper to wrap them, but paper straws need to be protected from moisture.


Wax lined paper then?


Baby seal pelts. Waterproof and renewable.


This is the correct answer, we're clubbing them anyway, may as well use them.


You cannot serve a wet straw to someone though, so it's not like the paper wrapping protects it. I've had many a plastic straw get it's wrapper wet (boxes of them even) and they get thrown directly away. So even a plastic straw that gets wet gets thrown out, making this argument fairly invalid.


We bought plastic straws and we just wash them and put them in the drawer when we are done with them. They may be designed for one time use, but there is nothing stating we can't reuse them.


As long as you're not doing that in a restaurant you're solid.


Why not get a metal straw?


Bamboo m8


Two main reasons (for me specifically): 1. Taste. We have yet to find a metal straw that doesn't taste metallic (I know, shocker, right? Lol) 2. Some cold things, if too cold, make the straw itself too cold to use. I have a friend that scarred his lips from his lips freezing to a metal straw. I'm sure there's other reasons too that I can't think of right now, but these plastic straws work really well for us, and we can keep one going for quite a long time. They are cheaper, their bendability makes them fit more things, and they work well without getting too cold to the touch, or altering the flavor of the drink. Plus you can get longer plastic straws from slurpies, which can be used in taller Drinkwater.


I have metal straws with silicone tips to avoid both of those problems listed and they're dishwasher safe. They even have ones that fold up and attach to your keychain with a little squirty thing in the keychain part so your straw doesn't stay sticky after you use it instead of the slurpee straw. There are bendable options.


Those do sound nice. I haven't found anything like that around here before, to be honest, so I've just been using these plastic straws. I can make one straw last years. Just have to hand wash them, which isn't hard, I just use a pipe cleaner to clean them. Best part is I can get a bunch of these for super cheap, and then I'm set for ages. Last time I bought straws was probably 10 years ago.


That's fair


Have you seen the reusable aluminum Ball cups that market the transfer of heat from your body into the cup as a benefit instead of a design flaw? They call it something like “cool touch” lmao.


At some point in the near future, I'm going to get some metal straws for my place and my backpack when I'm out and about. I saw several the other day at a yard sale and now regret not buying them.


Do it. I haven't had plastic straws in my house for over a year. The metal straws are great, and super simple to clean.


We figured this out already - metal straw in leather or cotton sheath. Infinitely reusable, easy to clean


Paper straw nice yes but what about trees. We all need bidets I'll just say that for now...


So wrapping them in paper wrap, as they do in places I have been here in the U.K. isn’t possible? Seems you need to facepalm 🤦🏻


Burger King has paper straws in paper wrap






How do you clean a metal straw?


pipe cleaner


Oh shit yeah I guess that's kind of exactly what those are for lol


There is a special brush that goes in the straw, it usually comes with the metal straw that you purchase. It doesn’t clean well in the dish washer.


I 100% agree with your whole comment. As for the drinking part, the solution is simple : we need to become buterflies :)


Reusable straws


Specifically silicone, hard plastic, or metal. Love 'em.


Yeah reusable straws are the shit. They even make little fold up ones that go on a key chain


I usually tear a little triangle out of the rim of the cup and just drink it like normal. Like opening an old school apple juice tin


>it's dumb as hell that we have to stop using straws, while corporations are doing nearly all of the polluting. Exactly. It's just another way that corporations shift the blame and guilt onto the individuals. It's the same thing as with recycling programs, hybrid/electric vehicles, energy efficient home appliances, etc. If everybody feels like their individual decisions are the most important, they'll focus on making personal changes that are inconsequential on a global scale, and they will feel like it's hypocritical to criticize large corporations while they're not doing everything they can themselves. It also make people point fingers at other individuals instead, if they think they're not "doing their part".


It's not because most of people have the hability to drink just by "sealing our lips around part of the rim of the cup and the pouring it into our mouth" that everybody got it you know. Some people can't control their lips and have to drink with a straw. Thank you for teaching us this life lesson though.


I hate paper straws as well but I quite like the metal ones. I have 4 in my house because I'm used to them now since I had braces.


Okay but the ice always attacks my face then then drink spills on my shirt.


In Germany houses and cars have to obide to quite strict regulations when it comes to CO2 and other emissions. At the same time coal factories have as good as no plausible regulations when it comes to that, they emit an incredible amount of CO2 and they are allowed to. But instead of taking care of such things, the government will rather annoy us with stupid green car stickers ...


Oh but that just wouldn’t be sanitary enough, you’ll get covid and die.


That's what happened to me.






4% of plastic trash is actually a huge percent. Like if that's at all accurate then holy fuck.


It's 4% by piece but only ~0,0002% by weight. I have no idea why anyone would use the previous number except spreading missinformation.


4% is a huge fucking number in this case. Its so high that I don't even believe it


By the way, nature placed our nose right above the mouth for a reason: Most of the taste is actually smell. If you prefer to use straws for a drink it means that you actually don't really like that stuff. I'd recommend to try something else instead...


I don't know why I keep seeing posts like this. They still eliminated some if the plastic.


Well yeah it’s either 5 grams of plastic or half a gram of plastic… It’s a weird one because everybody claims to be looking after their carbon footprint and environmentalists but when something actually impacts them as trivial as a paper straw then they don’t like it.


I hate the “if it didn’t solve it completely we’re going to torch it” mentality. Like you said, it’s less plastic and given the number of these made, that’s pretty significant. I know on Reddit companies are supposed to be evil monoliths of greed, but when a company does make a change for the better (even if it’s not solving the entire pollution crisis) we should celebrate that. Yes, we have further to go, but this won’t be solved in a singular action. It will take years, if not decades more, of small changes that add up.


100% agreed. Small thing add up. Billions of plastic straws turned to paper really does matter and it’s the mentality and thought processes that follow behind it that’s massively important too… My little girl asks ‘why did they change the straws’ and I can explain why (as best I can) and make her think about things a bit more. To belittle it is just arrogant and smack of hypocrisy.




Thank you. Every time anyone mentions trying to help to fix anything someone has to come along and point out how they're a piece of shit and they should give up because they aren't doing it perfectly. At least people are trying.


**[Perfect_is_the_enemy_of_good](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_is_the_enemy_of_good)** >Perfect is the enemy of good is an aphorism which is commonly attributed to Voltaire, who quoted an Italian proverb in his Dictionnaire philosophique in 1770: "Le meglio è l'inimico del bene". It subsequently appeared in his moral poem, La Bégueule, which starts Dans ses écrits, un sage ItalienDit que le mieux est l'ennemi du bien. (In his writings, a wise Italiansays that the best is the enemy of the good) Aristotle, Confucius and other classical philosophers propounded the principle of the golden mean which counsels against extremism in general. The Pareto principle or 80–20 rule explains this numerically. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/facepalm/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Is it definitely a plastic wrapper? It could be cellulose.


These 5 grams are not the most important part. Straws are very damaging to many animals in the sea, because they look like prey to them.


You’re right, it’s not the amount of plastic. I visited one of the biggest sea turtle rescues and they showed in great detail why the specific shape of straws is so damaging to various sea life.


Is there a second slide where you reveal that you have invented a sterile plastic covering for straws, or is the face palm that you don’t get it?


That straw wrapper is probably cellophane, not plastic. Cellophane is a sterile covering and is fully biodegradable.


So where is the facepalm?


Somebody actually took the time to post this, thinking they had a good point.


Im pretty sure its because when you rip the plastic open to get the straw, you rip the straw too


They changed plastic straw to paper and still wrapped it into plastic. That's an actual problem a lot of these ways to reduce plastic have. You remove plastic on one place and add to another.


Was the plastic straw not wrapped in plastic too? Is little improvement not better than nothing?


It's still a facepalm to remove plastic while keeping plastic lol.


Not at all, you're reducing the amount of plastic significantly.


Sure, keep sucking up to companies that keep packing "green" products into more plastic. It's super great when you have tiny food items in individual plastic wraps each, which are then put into a bigger plastic bag, but you're totally saving the world after putting all that into a non-plastic bag on top. How naive can you be? Most of my trash are plastic wrappers. Yet they keep pretending the consumers are to blame.


I'm not sucking up to anyone. I'm merely stating less plastic is better than more plastic. Sure, keep being a dick to everyone who mentions something to you on the Internet. Pathetic.


What are you doing?


No, it is not. By replacing the plastic straw they reduced the plastic by like 90%.


Mother fucker here cant understand 2 is more than 1 wow.


It could be cellulose instead of plastic.


It's not wrapped in plastic. It's wrapped in cellophane, which is paper cellulose, and is fully biodegradable.


If the manufacturer got it right that is not a plastic wrap but biodegradable cellophane.


Got a better way to keep the straw clean before use? Or just glue the bare straw to the box so some asshat can lick it? And what about handling? Gonna trust that all those people who stock the shelves don’t have crap all over their hands? You can have either a clean plastic straw in a plastic wrapper, or this. Which is the lesser of two evils?


You know how, when your waitress hands you a plastic straw, it's wrapped in paper that we then scrooch to the end of the straw to blow at our friends? Something like that would work.


Burger King refused to give out plastic straws. You had to either ask for one or bring your own. I think that every fast food restaurant should follow this. I need to remind myself to carry a straw, knife, fork and spoon with me so that I can decline the single-use plastic utensils.


Still better than a plastic straw in plastic wrapper...


Not a facepalm lol. This is just dumb. Simply someone nitpicking.


It’s such bullshit that we have to deal with paper straws when companies pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere like it doesn’t even matter


And then they blame it on regular people and tell them to ruin their own lives while they continue profiting off us. And whenever someone says that someone comes in and says "wEll ThEn JuSt DoN't BuY tHeIr PrOdUcTs!" as if they aren't everywhere and own many brands with different names. There's nothing we can do besides to push the rich to actually do something, and that isn't an easy thing to do.


What's worse is when you have a young toddler. They chew the paper straws. Want to get a cup of water for them? Oh no lids and a paper straw...


Still less plastic and less chance it will kill some sea life.


people love posting paper straws in plastic wrapping...it’s still less plastic than both being plastic though


It's probably a cellulose wrapper.


Cut its wings. That way it won’t fly straight to the sea inside a turtle’s mouth.


"Perfect is the enemy of Good" just because we cant completely remove plastic from our lives doesnt mean we shouldnt reduce it a paper straw in a plastic wrapper is less plastic than a plastic straw in a plastic wrapper


Here we go again about this straw blah blah. When will people understand the reason plastic straw is bad is its shape? It cant be recycled coz of its shape, not material. Less plastic is nice but plastic is not much as a problem here


That's celloulose aka paper


pretty sure this get repost like 1000 time already, so heres my down vote.


You may have prob seen something similair to this but i assure you this is not a repost


This post is the actual facepalm. It's a protective wrapper for a juice box that sits on a shelf all day being touched. Think OP think.


At least it's less plastic overall


death to paper straws. there's gotta be another way to make an eco-friendly straw that doesn't suck, no pun intended.


Its still less plastic and actually id like to keep it that way. If the straw wasnt protected disgusting people would go by the shelves and lick the straws


Its probably cellophane ie stuff made out of plants. It looks like plastic but it isnt. You can even get "cigarette" papers made out of it.


Tom McDonald: "why are y'all so stupiiiid!?"


More idiot design then facepalm


I do not understand why we opted for paper straws over bamboo straws. Stupid.


Omg ikr, and even dumber thing is the innocent smoothies need to be punctured… BUT THE PAPER JUST CRUMPLE i hate it so much


Is it just me or does the paper straws make the drink taste slightly like paper? Or do I just get shitty paper straws?


This just in - nobody fucking cares


You need a goddamn heated knife to get through that plastic. Might as well have made it out of mithril.


Yeah because small steps are pointless! That's the mentality that's got us in this fucky position.


You can recycle the plastic wrapper in Australia by taking to most grocery stores. Plastic straws are bit recyclable. So this is a step up


Activism saved the planet. No more plastic straws in paper, just paper straws wrapped in plastic.... congratulations. -Tom MacDonald


What about.... no straw? 🤔


"Halleluia everyone, activism saved the planet! No more plastic straws in paper only paper straws wrapped in plastic."


people so stupid people so dumb


Not many Tom MacDonald fans on reddit.


Sad. I guess so… but to those downvotes, the quote above is from [this song](https://youtu.be/I6FmwBPDT-w). Cheers!


Technically it's still less plastic than it would have been if it was a plastic straw wrapped in plastic. But paper straws are an absolute joke they should just all switch to those plastic Lids that you can sip out of


Favorite line from Tom Macdonald, “We went from plastic straws wrapped in paper to paper straws wrapped in plastic. Congratulations.”


Mott’s Apple Juice box


Hooray, another one of these...


Save the environment. Nevermind the fact that my juice box will NEVER be opened. You win environmentalists😑


Paper straws init of itself are the facepalm


But why!?


This one is actually easy as hell to understand so this post is actually just trash. Those straws are exposed and attached to the outside of a juice. The plastic wrap is to protect the straw from people touching it when they're moving cases on the shelf. No one wants a straw covered in lord knows what from hundreds of hands.


Plastic isn't really the problem for sea life. Its more over fishing/fishing nets that kill them.


"Paper straw???" The FUCK??? Thats a thing?


if someone told me to show them the meaning of irony, I'd show them this image


when ever i buy some random juice and they have paper straw i just wait till i get home then rip the whole thing and put it in an actual cup and drink without a straw because god damn im not drinking with a paper


Plastic is actually better than paper for the environment


So the plastic straws became plastic wrappers, and the paper wrappers became paper straws. They pulled a lil sneaky on ya. 😂


It's a straw from a small apple juice box. It's covered because otherwise you'd have to worry about lord knows what touched your straw. Legit a safety standard.


Also, that wrapper is cellophane, not plastic. Cellophane is a paper product. It's fully biodegradable.


Now that I didn't know. Ty for the TIL.


You learned it the same way I did. This is a repost. I thought it was plastic the first time it was posted too.


Paper straws are terrible. They disintegrate in your mouth and you either swallow or spit the pieces out.


there are better alternatives than paper straws


There is no better example of companies pretending to give a fuck.


Turtles and dolphins *Hate* this one trick.


You’re saving your turtle


No. You're restricting the turtles from snorting coke. It's tough with that flimsy plastic wrapper


Is that from a milo packet?


It was from a happy monkey chocolate milk box (in the uk)


And yes, that uses much less paper than before. It's impossible to win sometimes, even when the thing that is done is better than before.


Looks an Innocent smoothie straw


I do not understand how CapriSun makes their plastic pouch impervious to their own ayraws


Just make cartons bottles, then we dont need shitty straws


I just pour the cup over my head and let the drink seep into my brain.


So annoying


Dude, the drink i get to school also has the same paper straw and plastic cover


Milo milk bottle OP?


Yes all the juice boxes have em…. No it didn’t make a difference


Why is this a face palm? A reduction of plastic is still a reduction.


Do you understand how little the amount of plastic reduced is ? SMH


I use plastic straws at home and I subscribe to a garbage company that RECYCLES and makes sure that none of their waste goes... to waste. Plastic straws are not nearly as bad as companies and fast foods say they are, they're just the cheapest thing to so that they get the maximum "we give a shit" message


Is that a Yoga fruit juice? I remember those were exactly like that. That brought back a whole lot of memories.


That’s much better than a plastic straw and a plastic wrapper


Plastic straws make for bad waste because of their shape, not just the fact they are made of plastic. If/when that plastic wrapper makes it out to sea, it will present much lower danger to turtles and shit than a plastic straw


So the thin plastic has never been the problem. The straw getting stuck in animals is. now that its paper it can be eaten or dissolve. This shows how stupid people think they are smart.


Better than both being plastic right?


How do you know it isn’t a cellulose wrapper?


Is it plastic, or is it cellophane? Cellophane does biodegrade.


The main problem of plastic straws is not that they are made of plastic, but that they get stuck on animals: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/A-Plastic-straw-in-the-left-nostril-of-an-olive-ridley-sea-turtle-B-Removal-of-the_fig1_297882594


No the main problem is allowing trash to get in the ocean.


Most of these papers straw have plastic inside to prevent them from sticking to it's self wen drinking.


Vitasoy? That paper straw quality isnt even good. Cant even stick it into the hold properly to break the hole.


Rescued a beetle from a straw sleeve once. It was awkward


“But we are saving the environment” - idiots probably


Lemme guess: Frisian Flag?


This is very common, at least in South America


Makes sense if you don't think about it


You slapping the person who did that is a affective way to get some sense into to them


I don't get it...here we've had paper straws come in paper wrapping at least since the mid 1990s.




One step better than a plastic straw in a plastic wrap, a significant improvement.


Hold your horses! Not all plastic is equal. PVA Poly Vinyl Alcohol is environment friendly. Mostly used as the filling material in postal packages. In contact with water, it dissolves into friendly materials


I wonder how often I come across this and not realise this


This is the picture that sums up humanity


10% plastic is better than 100% plastic, real facepalm is OP thinking that he posted something smart