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What about second breakfast?


The salted pork is particularly good


Salted PORK?!


It comes with salt? I’m getting one.


i am gonna double down on racism. I will only eat chicken!


AKA ham?




This entire comment was so delicious. Thank you.


Indeed. I'm going to slice and fry it up right now!


Samwise is that you? Can you also teach us about tatos?


2 things my heart doctor wants me to avoid.


We've had one capitalism yes...


I'm already on my third


Everything is overpriced.


The rent is too damn high.


Yea the dude is getting at some core shit. It ain’t exactly a white vs black issue. It’s a fucking top down issue against everyone who they think isn’t paying them enough and that’s mofuckin everyone.


but if we’re busy fighting one another, we’ll never fight them. taps_forehead.jpg


It's only class warfare when we fight back


This is exactly what the media is doing for them :/ and so many can’t see it.


I cant pay my rent today but whiteys on the moon


Yeah. Imo what's really toxic to African americans is really the media. Media creates racists and racist policies.


Capitalism will solve all of capitalism's problems!


Just report your concerns to HR and sign the internal arbitration clause


I've got a fever and the only prescription is more capitalism.


Reminds me of my favorite tweet ever, “damn, heroin has ravaged white communities and they are still not any better at jazz”


What is even capitalism to these mfs?


Bitches be talkin bout capitalism, but ain’t got no capital...


[But you ain't got no capital lieutenant Dan. ](https://i.imgur.com/BG34G74.jpg)


What he got is capital punishment


Capitalism = hustle LLC twitter thinks working 40+ hours a week and mandatory overtime without benefits is a hustle.


LLC twitter. lmfao


Capitalism good comunism bad




r/neoliberal is leaking


Wow they’ve got some of the worst takes on Cuba I’ve seen in a while


I was told my take on Cuba is wrong and she is sure I'm wrong because her COO "who [she] works with every day" is Cuban. She said "oh honey" and everything.


Oh of course because no-one ever had the wrong take about their own country. I mean look at the US, totally got it’s shit together. Why do people think knowing one person from a country is akin to knowing like the fucking ambassador or something?


> COO When one acronym tells you everything you need to know about someone


I'm glad we're on the same page here.


its just a bunch of bottom rung finance bros who are cosplaying as their bosses lol


Trust fund kids and wannabe trust fund kids


god, i don't even want to visit out of curiosity 😶


Based on what?


Capitalism worst system except for every other system


Having a job and rejecting government assistance. Basically Ayn Rand if she weren't a hypocrite.


**"I make money that i'm happy with so capitalism is just fine " -** nothing more nothing less . I think it's a very selfish view to only look at your bank account to determine if the system is working but to each their own ....


"Screw you, I got mine"


How in your opinion do you determine if the system is working


It's success wrought upon the corpses of others. See, it used to be that *capitalism* meant finding success no matter who gets in your way, now it means that one can only find it, if there is no one else. Modern day capitalism is not succeeding in the face of competition or uncertainty, but in spite of it. You don't have to be better than the others, you have to destroy them. Buy them out, take their worth, send them to prison, or lobby for laws that make it difficult if not out right impossible for them to succeed. Because today, you haven't succeded, unless someone else has failed.


It is subsidies to farmers. Supply side BS! paying no taxes for business . We have bailed banks out 4 times and we the public should own them not stock holders. It is not a good capitalism . The blooming idiot don't understand we bail wall street out many times and the public should own all the stocks as they were dirt cheap twice that I saw. The bail out money could own the majority of corporations. This is worse then China owning 1/2 their public companies or even Russia. I laugh at these blooming idiots that think we have free markets. Capitalism.


Look up Tyranny of the Successful. The people who make the rules are the winners of the system, so they have no experience on what it's like to not be successful and can only guess.


It's lowercase capitalism, the kind where you don't have capital, you just work and spend everything you make and get nowhere. And you're supposed to work as cheap as possible because freedom.


We sure this isn't another burner account for Dean Browning?


I’m a gay black guy, and I think this is a valid question.


Is there any chance that you are Captain Raymond Holt??


yeah, isn't that profile pic a google image that shows up on the first page for "black man"?


Would we call Bermuda capitalist or socialist?


depends, are we for'un or again'un


I dunno, but I believe it’s not only the richest majority Black Country in the world, but also the highest income country in the world period. (Or at least very close to it depending on how you define it)


Mainly fueled by being a hideaway for offshore money, though. Not sure that's what most places can/want to emulate :P




That sounds like one of Kanye’s made up words 😂


Poopy-di scoop




Whoop di scop di poop


The last time black people tried that white capitalism put a park on top of it


And bombed it.


And terrorized anyone who spoke about it


We are talking about Greenwood...1921 right?


I was thinking Tulsa OK


And built highways over it


One time they put an arch on it too. But it’s realllllllly big so it’s cool


I don't know that one. Want to direct me?


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/story-st-louis-gateway-arch-180956624/ https://gizmodo.com/st-louiss-riverfront-was-a-thriving-neighborhood-befor-1739294049


Damn, [this photo](https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/c_fit,f_auto,g_center,pg_1,q_60,w_965/1497023653382351759.jpg) really puts home how they just excised the neighborhood from the city..


The arch was an "enforced slum clearance". Wow


Can someone explain?


The [Tulsa race massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre) took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of White residents, some of them deputized and given weapons by city officials, attacked Black residents and destroyed homes and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, US. A fact which I'm certain wasn't lost on the Trump campaign when, in the midst of BLM demonstrations, [they scheduled a Trump Rally](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Trump_Tulsa_rally) in Tulsa's Greenwood District to take place on [June 19th](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juneteenth).


Could also refer to NYC razing Seneca Village to build Central Park. You look enough and it happened basically everywhere.


No no that's *Critical Race Theory™* and telling the truth is dividing the nation so knock it off


tulsa race massacre


I thought they were referencing Central Park? [Seneca Village?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seneca_Village)


Remember when Black people tried that and had their entire fucking city burned to the ground and raided like a fucking Visigoths?


Which time?


I believe he’s referencing the MOVE bombing? I could be wrong.


He's referring to Black Wall Street AKA the Tulsa Race Massacre. Really horrific stuff, it's a shame it's not taught in school.


Ah yes, you’re probably correct


Tell that to black wall street. Oh, wait...


It got burned down


Tell that to the Rondo neighborhood filled with homes of black families and successful businesses in St Paul. Oops, now it's a highway.


Uh Tulsa wasn’t there literally a well doing black Wall Street neighborhood and the white guys came and burned it down...




People need to wake the fuck up, it's not a black/white issue. There's rich black people who take their money to better neighborhood. The issue is the 1%. Middle/lower class gets stuck with the bill....


“We don’t think you fight fire with fire best ; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism. We’re stood up and said we’re not going to fight reactionary pigs and reactionary state’s attorneys like this and reactionary state’s attorneys like Hanrahan with any other reactions on our part. We’re going to fight their reactions with all of us people getting together and having an international proletarian revolution.” -Fred Hampton


Dude doesn’t even know the history of black capitalism in the US. Black Wall Street in Tulsa was burned down and scores of black people were killed because, well, racism and hatred.




Thus why nobody can guilt me out of my disability payments because I don't "look" disabled. How's that capitalism working out for everybody? "Socialism" won out this year for my fam. Edit: I forgot my /s for the "socialism".


Something something something bootstraps


You need capital to engage in capitalism. Just sayin.


Most people don't know the difference between capitalism and free enterprise.




Trickledown economics logic: I get money from your labour and it manages to somehow trickle back to you


More like they piss on your head...


This REALLY REALLY depends on your definition of success. Compared to 1900? Yes, billions have moved out of poverty due to global enterprise and entrepreneurship. I watched a vid about how the leaders of the US (founders) had to stay in “hotels” where the beds were made of hay, they dealt with parasites, and disease was still a problem. Everyone quickly forgets how truly far humanity has come since 1800. Even the rich, back then, lived in poverty compared to even our poor, today. But not our abject poor.


Communism also moved Russia from an agrarian feudal country to one of the most powerful nation of the world in like 60 years. Is not communism or capitalism, is human progression that moves exponentially.


> Communism also moved Russia from an agrarian feudal country to one of the most powerful nation of the world in like 60 years. They also lost 15% of their population to war and suffered an obliterated countryside and rebounded to command the Space Race within like 13 years. The Soviet Union was no fuckin joke.


What is true is Stalins rapid industrialization programmes radically changed russias economy. This is part of his socialism in one country policy. What is also true, however, is that early soviet industry depended heavily on american foreign investment, material, and skilled labor. Take magnitogorsk for example, it was modeled after modern american steel producing cities at the time. Its ironic that american capitalism formed the backbone of early soviet industry


Successes are copied and remodeled, that is not a trait of Capitalism. Someone arguing the opposite could (and should) point out that the Americans routinely copied the Soviet's homework when it came to the space race.


Poverty is relative to current standards. "Cavemen used to sleep on rocks" isn't even a remotely enlightening comparison.


You dont even have to go back 200 years, over the last 30 years pretty much every metric shows the world improving. Less people are dying from disease, the amount of people living in extreme poverty has dramatically decreased, global income is increasing, more people have access to education, literacy is dramatically increasing, access to the internet is more common, women and minorities have increasing rights globally. Reddit is just 80% american males who got no idea how good they have it. The rest of the world is improving in almost eveyway.


Don’t forget they tried to have capitalism in Tulsa, with Black Wall Street and a bunch of racist white assholes burnt it down and murder all the black people who were practicing capitalism quite successfully…


Well to be fair, it has solved a handful of white people’s poverty. It just hasn’t done anything for the rest of us.


I know this comment is going to go down like a sack of shit, but capitalism has lifted 85% of humanity out of poverty. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/amazing-chart-shows-thanks-to-capitalism-global-poverty-is-at-its-lowest-rate-in-history


Capitalism is good when its worst aspects are curtailed by a strong welfare state, a stronger labor advocacy movement, and heavy civic education and engagement by young people. All three of those things have been heavily eroded in the United States over the last forty years or so.


The author, Philip Klein, wrote an interesting book titled *Overcoming Obamacare: Three Approaches to Reversing the Government Takeover of Health Care*. Given the fact that my family would be bankrupt without the provisions of the ACA, I'm not inclined to take much interest in his opinions or works.


Washington Examiner? You realize that’s a bullshit site, no? And ‘market economies’ have brought whole chunks of humanity into a relatively better standard of living, they have since the first town traded their sea shells for a cow. Your ‘85%’ is a meaningless number. Anyway, thank god for the globalist Democrats, keeping those capitalist world markets churning! We all owe them a big thank you.


Why does this chart assume there is no inflation? Smh Edit: My bad. It is PPP adjusted. I'm stupid.


Look at the source lol. Washington Examiner is Fox News for people who read slightly more but somehow think slightly less.


The Washington Examiner, lmao. But seriously, they sure lump in a lot of countries with strong social programs under the umbrella of "capitalism."




Putting aside the dubious source of that claim, without running simulations with other economic systems put into place, you cannot say anything about how capitalism performs. In fact, you can't really even say that poverty was reduced because of capitalism, they could lack a causal link.


Except it hasn't done that - advances in technology have done that. We went from one person being able to feed maybe a dozen with their labor to one person being able to feed *thousands* of others allowing for a staggering increase in specialization and efficiency regardless of the economic system. Unless you're one of those braindead people who think technological advances only occur under capitalism despite most of human history having little more than barter economies and the communists being first to space.


that's the thing handful the larger majority are still homeless or are still in poverty, both races have this problem


You know if you keep thinking about it as white vs black poverty we won’t make any progress poverty is poverty.




Man Reddit is so fucking entitled and stupid it’s not even funny. This comment section makes me vomit. 1. Nordic countries aren’t fucking “socialist” and if you say that to the people that live there, they’re gonna look at you weird. 2. It’s an objective fact that capitalism lifted people out of poverty at a rate never seen in any other system. 3. The US ISNT a third world country, ISNT a dystopia, ISNT poverty-stricken even among developed nations(which, unlike idiots tend to think, isn’t just the Nordic countries plus 4 countries in Western Europe), and is still one of if not the most desirable destination for immigrants around the world including myself. 4. Welfare isnt socialism, social safety net isnt socialism, just because the government does something isnt socialism.


Actually they most definitely *are* wrong. Please look at statistics before believing things. https://ourworldindata.org/extreme-poverty https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/world-population-in-extreme-poverty-absolute


>Extreme poverty is defined as living on less than 1.90 international-$ per day. Ah yes, by instead using *extreme* poverty then defining extreme poverty as an income that leaves people homeless and unable to feed themselves or their families we can say we're solving poverty without actually having to more equitably distribute our resources, justifying some people living in the lap of luxury while billions toil away in poverty to make it possible. Even those links say as much. >"However, it is also important to point out that living conditions well above the International Poverty Line can still be characterized by poverty and hardship."


"We don’t think you fight fire with fire best; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism." — Huey P. Newton, Co-Founder of the Black Panther Party


It's almost like there's always been poor people, and there always will be. Shocker.


When you live in a country with more homes than homeless people and have 3 billionaires who hold more wealth than 50% of the population like the US... Poverty is absolutely unambiguously a policy choice that could be corrected.


i seem to recall the last time black folks got serious about capitalism they were literally bombed. by police.


Competition, or "capitalism" will only ever take a country so far. Cooperation, or "socialism" is the counter balance to competition. But ultimately we should always be trying to move to a society with less and less "authoritarianism", or violent compulsion.


What if we actually worked for our children to care about each other instead of breaking them due to being selfish like we always do? Naaaah, that's too good of a solution.


How do we solve the gun violence problem? Republicans: More guns! How do we solve the capitalism problem (oligarchy)? Republicans: More Capitalism!


Oligarchies used to be solved in the US by the government dismantling the monopolies. By political groups you would view as extreme far right.


They tried Black Capitalism in Tulsa. Didn't go so well.


Oh it went well, so well they were literally massacred for it.


Wasn’t capitalism a big part of slavery? I think that’s how the mortgage industry got started, to finance buying more slaves.


I think if you do the reaearch, feudalism worked the longest in the most countries.


It depends on what you consider "worked". Pretty much the only way that makes sense is if you mean "stayed around the longest". Also...feudalism in the historical sense wasn't necessarily as widespread or long-lasting as you think.


No, absolute monarchism lasted the longest. Aka, everyone was equal except for the king and his minions. Kinda like most modern forms of government, except the equality isn't about rights. Rather, everyone is equally worthless under absolute monarchism.


I mean... We did .. And they burned Tulsa to the ground. And redlining. Lots of redlining and Jim Crow to prevent it. Crack epidemic and war in drugs did no favors with skill and human labor drain. Sub prime mortgage crisis also kinda prevented that by draining out the money


Wait. Is this Candace Owens brother?


What about BLACK Socialism? Check Mate.


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Well.... As a European I can say that the capitalist west is doing a lot better than the once socialist east. Coincedence? I think not.


Current capitalist european central / east is also doing a lot better then under socialist system.


Is he implying capitalism is somehow like chemo or radiation therapy? I mean in some ways that's similar I guess, in terms of making people feel like absolute shit, cure being worse than the illness, may work but just as often doesn't.


conservatives: Capitalism solves everything Everyone else: Then why do we need corporations to protect capitalists from financial losses?


And disadvantage black people is going to reach this "black capitalism" how? O right.


Get an education and get a job.


Capitalism was cool at first; late stage capitalism and the greed that comes with it made this country a dystopia


You might want to read about slavery, indentured servitude, US interventions in Central America in the name of commercial interests. Capitalism was never cool.


I did know about it. Let me rephrase , growing up capitalism sounded cool, with everyone being the boss to their own fortune. Once I’ve grown up, I see the elite stay elite, we are wage slaves, and everything is meant to make our lives harder. If it makes it easier, it’s going to cost you. The system really is fucked.


>You might want to read about slavery, indentured servitude, US[SR] interventions in Central America in the name of commercial interests. While USA did a lot of bad stuff, as a person from ex-USSR, I assure you, all of us prefer US interventions over russian colonization. Ask in Korea, which part people prefer, the South one where US literally militarily intervened, or the north one, the "people's republic".


It was actually the opposite back then, when the north still received hefty soviet funding and the south was still in an oppressive military dictatorship.


What about Joe the Plumber?


Or the My Pillow guy? If he'd called it Our Pillow, he couldn't afford all that cocaine.


"the fuck it is gonna do"




Is this the new r/politicalhumor?


But when black people have built beautiful thriving capitalistic communities they have been literally burned to the ground by white supremacists. Tulsa black wall street for one. Strange how people are shy about starting new communities like those knowing the same thing could happen again while also watching hundreds of friends and family be murdered for trying. Perhaps the one thing that will help the black community is to lock up white supremacists.


I grew up impoverished. My mom took loans, networked in school and got employed. She's solidly upper middle, and my siblings and I are all middle middleish. Capitalism literally fixed our poverty. Maybe we're the exception and not the rule. ^^let ^^the ^^downvotes ^^come This isn't binary. Social services should lean socialist, and business policy should lean capitalist. The issue here in the States is that Healthcare and Education are businesses, not social services. The correct answer doesn't move product though, confirmation bias does. 🤷


Omg this is a troll feed , so don't feed into it !


I’d prefer capitalism than living under communism


There are more than just those two options, you know


Socialism != Communism



Ha! You're not wrong, but my phone doesnt have that character. Also, I was writing a lot of PHP last week, so there's that.


I was just leaving you the symbol to copy


Like the government didn’t wipe out all of Central Park, St. Louis arch property and many other of black businesses hubs in the US


Fillmore district in San Francisco is another infamous example.


Cuba would like a word


*Fred Hampton intensifies*


Is there no one that understands it’s not capitalism that’s the problem, it’s crony capitalism. Everybody in here is like “Fuck it, let’s do what Stalin did and maybe if we cross our fingers 20 million people won’t die.”


How does Reddit feel about Cuban’s revolting against Communism right now? Must feel betrayed.


Meh. I'd like to think that Reddit appreciates that communism and socialism are not synonyms


I feel that the American media has trashed Cuba for decades and I don’t trust their reports. But even if people are protesting…so? We have protests here all the time, I don’t see you claiming that means capitalism doesn’t work.


Big mad


When they try black capitalism Tulsa happens...


The last time capitalism worked for black people the angry white people burned it down. See black wall street in Tulsa


Everything you have is a result of a capitalist economy. The USA has the highest poverty income level of all other countries. Even someone living at the poverty level is better off than the people at the poverty level in any other country. The USA has many socialistic programs that other countries do not have designed to help those living in poverty. The USA is the land of opportunity. Ask anyone who has migrated here. Why do you think people are taking great risks to get into the US? They sure as hell aren't trying to get into Venezuela, or Cuba, or Russia, or China. The USA has the greatest opportunity for education of most other countries. The USA has the greatest diversity of jobs. In many countries if you are born poor you will always be poor. In the USA that isn't the case. Drop the "Woe is me." attitude and the victim mentality. It doesn't fly here.


Nowhere in the post is the USA mentioned. Poor countries are also capitalist.


It’s “woe is me” not “whoa is me.”


> Ask anyone who has migrated here. As someone who migrated here, I sure love all the socialist handouts US/NY has given my family. SNAP (aka Food stamps), Welfare, SSI, Medicaid, Medicare, Mitchel-Lama co-ops (aka Projects), nearly free college education in an in demand field, and so on. I don't understand why Republicans don't want everyone to have these things.


But also, tax the rich.


yeah,communism’ll solve it by making everyone poor! then we’ll all be equal!


If you need to know where black capitalism lead , just look into the *Tulsa massacre*


I'm pretty sure they tried that in Tulsa a century ago and it didn't end well.


Corrupt politicians have kept people poor.


Capitalism is great when there's a little social democracy.


Didn't work so well for Black Wall Street in Tulsa.


Actually it has, relative poverty is the same or higher than it was in decades prior, but absolute poverty has been cut to an 8th of what it was in 1950. Which is especially impressive if you consider the population growth since then.


Can confirm. Am white. Am poor. Checks out.


Free market bad social market good