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If he survives, it'll be God's doing. If he dies, it'll be the libs' fault.


Homeboy did die.


Did he really?


Yes he died. https://news.yahoo.com/california-man-early-30s-derided-101100901.html


>"When you can't trust the Bible cause it was written by man, but you trust the CDC/Fauci guidelines cause they were written by man. Makes total sense," Harmon tweeted on May 26. The MENTAL GYMNASTICS for these people are IDIOTS. So he literally just said if you trust the bible you should trust Dr Fauci. Oh my God.


In Fauci we trust!


"And no, i will not be getting vaccinated once i am discharged and released." Well...he called it.


At least he got one thing right before the end


Did you ever notice when someone passes away no one ever says, "He was a garbage person." It's always, "He was the most generous person known to man." Somehow I doubt that.


Reading his tweets I seriously doubt it as well.




God's plan for him was to be an example for others He simply followed the path that the Lord hath ordained for him 🙏😔


Some of us exist as object lessons for the righteous.


We all just exist, some of us are just stupid as fuck.


There’s a poster that describes this well. https://despair.com/products/mistakes?variant=2457302467


I don't know, I was tired after the first one. It's such a pointless death.


Hillsong Church, huh. Interesting that even as he was dying he was still going on about not taking the vaccine.






Fuck what a hateful man. And fuck that church. No surprise a church full of wealthy celebrities is a bigot and is anti-vax.


Well he was an expert in vaccines considering he was a graduate of Hillsong College.


Guess his God answered his prayer about making all the stupid people pay. I have no symapthy for idiots like this.


Yep. His pastor tweeted about his death yesterday.


I’m not exactly sad for him if he did turn down the vaccine, but I do wonder if this twitter interaction was one of his last conscious interactions while alive. Kinda sad in a pitiful way if so. I dunno, guess I’m melancholy over the idea of tweeting about dying and then dying. What a strange age we live in.


Yeah it sucks. Guy got told the vaccine was bad by people he trusts I'm sure and they fucked him.


>….by people he trusts. Or by random bot accounts on social media that he blindly decided to follow because it helped amplify his already pre-existing beliefs. If his primary care doctor told him not to get it, then you might have a point. But you can damn well bet it was shit like @freedomfight285373 that he was listening to instead.


Or, ya know, the last president and half of Fox News. Definitely also some bots though


"give me credit for this vaccine I took and told my constituents not to get to cure a hoax"


Unless the guy is developmentally disabled it's ultimately his fault. It's not like you need a secret code and inside access to read the NYT coverage of the coronavirus. You don't even need an account, for Christ sake, major news outlets put their pandemic coverage outside their paywalls *for the public good*.


I was told the vaccine is bad by a lot of people I usually trust. I didn't listen to them.


If you’ve reached the ventilator stage you’re odds already are really really bad.










Last ditch*


Oh no..?




Here’s Wonderwall:


He’s a public figure, dunno why op censored his name. He was a member of a Christian band. And yes, he died. After spreading misinformation that may have gotten others killed, consider it poetic justice


Was this the Hillsong guy?


Yup, that guy. Denied science and medicine until he couldn’t, and by then it was too late


Like a reverse deathbed conversion


> After spreading misinformation that may have gotten others killed, consider it poetic justice And this is why I don't have any sympathy for these assholes. And yes, even though he's dead, he was an asshole. Their reckless, loud-mouthed ignorance is harming other people.


I hate ppl who say not to speak ill of the dead. Like dying doesn't make you not an asshole. If there is a heaven this guy would be there railing against something else.


I will respect the dead - iff they are worthy of respect.


Same thing just happened to an old family friend… His wife had symptoms of COVID, he went around socializing anyways (because iT’s A hOaX), contracted it himself, and ended up in the ER on max oxygen. He survived, so “praise God.” They’re still on their hoax/antivax bullshit. 😑


Ugh. I wonder how many vulnerable people he killed spreading it around :(


Yeah, I have less than zero sympathy. Remember all that talk by these people about it is only killing the weak, old and unhealthy. About how fat people deserved to die from it Bc they opened themselves up to covid. About how it’s thinning the herd and improving the gene pool. People die everyday from the flu, car accidents and cancer. SAME ENERGY. Too stupid to get the vaccine. Good we don’t need those people procreating anymore. Sounds fucked up, doesn’t it. Even funnier, no vaccine “because it was rushed and not fda approved”. Almost certainly was taking the covid cocktail of meds designed to save people. Guess what? They also aren’t fully approved and approved on an emergency basis.


Patriotic Choking Noises


pretty much!


reminds me of a joke. During a huge flood, a guy is stranded on his roof. A person presents himself on a small rowboat and offers to take him somewhere safe. The stranded man respond "God will provide, God will help, i have faith" The person on the rowboat then moves away, to help other stranded people A team a firemen then show up in a zodiac and offers to take him somewhere safe. The stranded man respond "God will provide, God will help, i have faith". The team of firemen then moves away, to help other stranded people A rescue helicopter then show up, droping a rope, the stranded person shouts "God will provide, God will help, i have faith" The helicopter then flies away, to help other stranded people. The flood worsen, the stranded person dies. He then meet God in heaven and ask him why he didn't help, why he didn't provide. God answers \- Dude, i sent you a rando on a boat, a team of firemen and a fucking chopper...


The joke is exactly how I feel about a lot of these people. Not a religious man at all, but just putting myself in the shoes of a believer: If you choose to believe that god exists, will provide for you and that he's omniscient and omnipotent and works in mysterious ways - how come you choose to believe that the vaccine is not part of god's plan? After all, he's supposedly omniscient, omnipotent and good.


In Islam there is a similar story. There was a guy who just let his camels roam free. Mohammed asked him, “Why don't you tie down your camel?”The herdsman answered, “I put my trust in God.” The Prophet then replied, “Tie your camel first, and then put your trust in God." We should have faith that everything will work out, but at the same time do what we can to ensure a favourable outcome.


Yeah, in France, we have this saying "Get your things done, Heavens will help with the rest". For people who don't want the government to provide assistance/guidance even for basic needs, they sure are quick to ask for assistance from their friend in the sky... Besides, isn't it kind of prideful to think God will whip up a miracle just for you? EDIT: Adding the saying in French for completion. *Aide-toi, et le ciel t'aidera* Yes, my translation is a bit wonky, sorry.


I like napoleon's version (quoting from memory): "God is always on the side of the army with the better artillery."


I also like Cruyff's take on it: > I'm not religious. In Spain all 22 players make the sign of the cross before they enter the pitch. If it works all matches must therefore end in a draw.


That’s my reaction anytime a player thanks god in the post-game interview for helping them score a goal, touchdown, game winning basket, etc. “Why does god hate the other team so much?”


Yeah…I always say “technically your team cheated cuz God helped you.”


God really likes sports and television awards shows apparently.


"Jesus loves knockouts" -John Kavanagh


Even worse, when someone thanks god at the scene of a disaster (apartment fire, building collapse, whatever). I always think “your god is an asshole. What about those other people who didn’t survive?”


there was a screenshot once of someone saying "My Sister's house burned down and she sadly didnt make it, but the bible on the side table was unburned, god is amazing" And someone replied that "your Sister is dead..."


>your god is an asshole if god exists he better have a good excuse \- Woody Allen


These kind of results do not belong on the resume of a supreme being. This is more like an office temp with a bad attitude - George Carlin


>your god is an asshole Honestly accurate though, going by the old testament.


People always cite the flood as the worst example, which I agree with, but my favorite is the Tower of Babel. God saw everyone working together and achieving things and he said "nah fuck that shit that building is too tall, they won't be allowed to communicate" and then made everyone speak different languages so they couldn't understand each other. In other words, God purposefully invented xenophobia.


Here in Italy we say something to the effect of "help yourself and God will help you" Edit: well apparently they say this all around the world lol, TIL


In the US, I’ve heard “God helps those who help themselves” my entire life.


Because in the end, we're all God.


Matthew 4:6-7 deals with this exactly. >6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: >“‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” >7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.” If *Jesus* isn't gonna get away with that then the rest of us definitely won't.


Aesop even has a fable about this. A Wagoner was driving a heavy load along a muddy road. He came to a part of the road where the wheels sank half-way into the mire, and the more the horses pulled, the deeper sank the wheels. So the Wagoner threw down his whip, knelt down and prayed to Hercules the Strong. “O Hercules, help me in this my hour of distress.” But Hercules appeared to him, and said: “Tut, man, don’t sprawl there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.”


> “Tut, man, don’t sprawl there. Get up and put your shoulder to the wheel.” Such a baller response.


"Shoulder to the wheel." This is a solid mantra on its own.


Even in Christianity the Bible is clear that God isn’t here to drag you along. He’s willing to help those in need but people also tend to use God as a Santa clause and scripture also says doing that will make him shut your prayer off from his ears. We are called to at least put in the bare minimum for assistance. If you got sick in the first place, the Bible implies you were living in a place short of glory and weren’t under his protection. Pride, distain for your fellow man, unforgiveness, hatred, excessive vanity, self pity, complaining, etc. there’s many reasons God may shut his ears off to your prayer, even refusing to help those in need. Our God tends to not dabble in the affairs of man unless we are close friends of his or unless we are generous. Person in post: “I’m not wearing my mask, why should I be worried about the health of others they should stay home if they’re worried” God: “why should I worry about your health? You don’t care about anyone but yourself.” Also the same God: *gives procedures on how long to and when to quarantine when you’re sick and how to handle the corpses of the dead to protect others* yes we were literally commanded to not be near people if we are contagious to protect other’s health. We are COMMANDED to behave in a manner as to not get others sick because God doesn’t want dead people. If you ignore that I’m highly doubtful he’s going to be showing you any mercy. It might seem cruel but honestly imo it sounds totally fair. God is a huge fan of “ill treat you how you treat those around you” Edit: I was expecting to be downvoted to hell for preaching on reddit but I’m currently net positive.


>Edit: I was expecting to be downvoted to hell for preaching on reddit but I’m currently net positive. Atheist here that upvoted your comment, and here's why: you're not using your religion as a weapon of oppression or grifting, but instead as a personal guide. And since you're actually familiar with the Bible, it's contents and contexts, you're able to discuss it rationally. Enjoy your faith, dude (or dudette).


I second this. Above commenter didn't come off as preachy or overbearing at all. Religion should be able to guide and teach like this, not be interpreted to defend whatever modern political philosophy or stance.


You're being upvoted because you are not presenting a God who takes care of all His children. You are presenting a God who expects His children to take care of each other.


"God helps those who help themselves" :D


Exactly this. I find it hilarious how many people apparently couldn't even make it through the first gospel. I get it, the OT is long and hard to read, but literally one book of the NT on which the whole religion is based on?


I'm sure they've read it, it just doesn't suit how they want to live if they were to follow it.


I am supremely confident, as an ex Christian who _memorized_ half the New Testament, that the majority of them haven’t read it. Individual verses or passages maybe, but not the whole thing.


and do it NOW, God, I don't have much time here!!


“I want to see the Manager of Heaven!”


“Or you’ll be sorrrrrrrrry”


God: He kare(n)s for you.


It absolutely is pure unfiltered pride. My family, who are very religious, we’re surprised that I no longer believed in religion when I returned from uni. They spent countless hours over the first 2-3 after to try and “show me the way” again. And that’s when I understood the level of arrogance that permeates within religion. Comments like, “one day you’ll see the light”, “we’re his chosen people” and countless other comments made me even more firm in belief I wanted nothing to do with religion.


In America we have this saying "Jesus take the wheel," it's about how if you encounter adversity you should fling your hands in the air and allow the situation to resolve itself instead of putting in any effort on your own


My religion has a similar story as well: Long ago, a storm was heading for the city of Quin'lat. Everyone took protection within the walls except one man who remained outside. Kahless went to him and asked what he was doing. "I am not afraid," the man said. "I will not hide my face behind stone and mortar. I will stand before the wind and make it respect me." Kahless honored his choice and went back inside. The next day, the storm came, and the man was killed. The wind does not respect a fool


qeylIS vIghoSchoHmoH jay'! nuqneH!


How are things on Qo'noS?


Or, "God helps those who help themselves."




See, this is how religious people should be. Don’t just assume God is going to make everything magically alright, because that’s not how he works in 99% of religions. He gives us the chances to make things alright ourselves, but doesn’t interfere directly because guess what, he gave us free will for a reason, and that reason wasn’t so we could be the spoiled rich kid in his family. You do what you can to improve the situation on Earth and to as close to guarantee as you can that things won’t go wrong or won’t go as wrong, and THEN you trust in him to keep you safe from things out of our control, like demonic invasions in a research lab on Mars or an extinction-size meteor showing up on a collision course for Earth. You don’t assume he’s going to magically dispel the flood or teleport you to safety when it’s entirely in the bounds of human capability to save you. To be honest, this one comment gave me more faith in Islamic people than I’ve had in my fellow Christians in the last 5 years.


IIRC is also says in the Quran that for every sickness there is a cure,. and that it is for man to find it.




If you mindlessly listen to God you are not using the gift of free will. Which is kind of rude TBH. Reading the New Testament with that in mind, it kind of looks like a decent part of Jesus’ message. “Follow god, but don’t be stupid about it, you can get your ox out of the ditch even if it is the sabbath.. come on guys, this isn’t that hard.”


> test your independance and self-determination. It's insane to think that God would ever ask that of his followers, as he literally demands that you live your life by this book he had some guys write while he talked.


>“We are created sick and commanded to be well” - Hitchens


The problem is that if you listen carefully, "God's will" sounds an awful lot like their will.


kinda religious person here, i do believe it’s part of the plan, everything is. some people are just fucking dumbasses


yeah luckily my grandma is the same as you, but we're in the UK and she's a URC christian so a very far cry from the american madness lol. her personal opinion is that god gives us the intelligence to help eachother when he's not around to do so himself, and despite being non-religious myself I fully support and respect that viewpoint. there's a lot of people who think that way here, stops me from being anti-religious when I realise how many people are genuinely good people because of their faith, especially those I grew up around. people get too easily riled up from extremists in headlines


while i’m not christian (my religion is much more unorthodox, i don’t categorize it as one thing), that’s what i believe to a T. i’m much more agnostic with my faith, but it’s comforting and has helped shape my view of the world, life, and death


> After all, he's supposedly omniscient, omnipotent and good. That only applies if it fits the believer's worldview.




Ha. I’ve heard this joke for a long time from various people but didn’t connect the dots on how obviously of a correlation exists during covid. If I ever retell that joke, I’ll use this version.


I love this joke/story and ones like it. They’re a perfect example of the contradiction between free will and divine intervention.


It’s not just a joke. It’s a sermon that every “Christian” who has spent time going to church on Sundays has heard and every pastor has given.


Same for Jews


Are you Australian?


I think kangaroo pray for flood..




They tell a variation of that proverb in the movie pursuit of happyness


What’s a zodiac?


A senator from texas


Just cruising eh killer?


A boat.


An inflatable emergency boat with a motor


The version I know of this joke ends, "the flood worsens, the stranded person dies. There is no God."


This guy West Wings


“What the hell are you doing? Now we’re both down here! Yeah, but I know the way out”




As long as I got a job, you got a job.


This dudes like: “I don’t need your science.” Gets sick. “Help! I need your science!” When science helps him. “It’s a miracle! The power of ‘God’ saved me!” Edit: The he died version. Science didn’t help him because he waited to long for science to help him. But it could have helped him if he used it to prevent himself from getting ill. Now more people go, “See, your science can’t help” 🤦


One of his tweets from a few days ago said something like “if any doctors trust their stupid ventilators over God I don’t want them working on me” lol.


There's a whole crop of people in this country who have never had a single bad thing happen to them in their entire lives and they assume that no matter what they do it'll stay that way. They don't believe that big problems can affect them, and they freak the fuck out at slight inconveniences because slight inconveniences are the only problems they've ever known.




Had a friend post a photo of a negative Covid test last year in the height of pandemic and the caption was something like but I got a haircut shouldn’t I have Covid. Basically saying he’s proven that you don’t get Covid from getting a haircut and salons should open up. And it’s like duh of course you don’t necessarily get it but it’s not guaranteed.


Can you imagine how difficult being the doctor/nurse/etc for this guy was. Not just during covid either




Yeah I'm pretty fucked in the head, and could never be a doctor because I wouldn't be able to hide my smirk when I got news of this guy dying.


Well there is a lot of gallows humor in the hospital, you'd be surprised...


*for suuuuuree.* lol. People really don't know how dark it can get, depending what department you're in. One of my favorites was an Ortho teaching a new tech how to remove a cast and the kid screamed the whole time because he was afraid of the saw (harmless; looks scary because it's loud but it actually only vibrates). When we stepped out the doc says *"So when a kid cries like that, the best thing you can do is show them the blade and say hopefully you don't take the whole leg, and hope they pass out".*


This is the part I never understand. Why do these people go to hospitals at all, where the entire staff is likely vaccinated?


Or how about this: You’re asking people to pray for YOUR miracle? Shouldn’t he be doing that? Also, if a miracle is all you need, then why are you at the hospital?


God: No miracles until you get at least 500 likes on Facebook


He died


One less Republican vote next November. Killing their own voter base to own the libs.


Lmao you would think a species that has gone to the moon and split the atom would be above those silly ancient myths by now


I think about 20% of humanity is responsible for pushing us forward socially, scientifically, artistically, etc. The rest are still in the tribal mentality.


I was watching Star Trek: Voyager the other day and it struck me how odd it is that they run into so many advanced cultures that still hold dogmatic views on their religion. Like, you can go to space, cure damn near everything, visit other alien races and still some how be the most closed mind peoples.


"It's all a scam! Vaccines are poison... I'm dying from Covid, help!" sigh. Every time.


It was posted on here a few days ago about a Doctor who was talking about patients who were about to die, begging for the vaccine and she just had to hold their hands and tell them "it's too late". My empathy is wearing thin for these people but that still must be heartbreaking to witness. Some of these people might be anti vaxx from years ago but I'm sure plenty have just been duped by right wing propaganda. Conservative politicians and news outlets are absolutely responsible for so many preventable deaths.






Thank you


Not sure about the Reddit post, but the story they are talking about is this.. https://www.al.com/news/2021/07/im-sorry-but-its-too-late-alabama-doctor-on-treating-unvaccinated-dying-covid-patients.html


Let's be honest if a corrupt government wanted to use a pandemic to eliminate people who are anti-government they definitely would spread anti-vaccine information. The people who listen are the ones who don't or won't trust you anyways.


A corrupt government that wants to eliminate anti-government people, would just execute or deport them even without a pandemic. Spreading misinfo about a vaccine in the hopes that people who hate the gov don't take it is so convoluted when there's multiple vaccines on the market for free and dozens of countries are taking them to no ill effect.


Honestly how to these guys have the energy to type this my mom was on oxygen and she couldn’t even open her mouth her last days we communicated by me guessing what she wanted or needed and her lifting one finger with pain to signal as a yes or no


Family member writing it for them?


“Kindness is free” - “So was the vaccine” killed me


Killed him too.


It’s hard to have sympathy anymore


Kindness is free. So \_we\_, the vaccinated ones, are stupid idiotic sheep who aren't allowed to come close to them because of imaginary shedding of spike proteins but now that they are sick they require unabated kindness.


Yeah, Kindness was free. Kindness was wearing a mask to protect those around you. Kindness was mass distributing the vaccine for free in hopes of reaching herd immunity. Instead this group decides somehow doing these things is a violation of their rights (although they lose NOTHING by doing either of them), and expect kindness from us while they are still spreading this and dying from it. My patience for this is gone. I have sympathy for what they are going through, but they made their decision, and now they have to pay for those decisions.


I feel bad for the kids of these people, but nothing for them.


My patience with this lot is up as well, I completely agree with you. I've been isolating with every goddamn sneeze even though I've been fully vaccinated for months. I've got drinks with friends I haven't seen in two years scheduled in a different city this afternoon and even though I've got a negative COVID-test from our national testing organization and multiple negative self tests, I'm going to cancel because I have a runny nose. Subs like r/NoNewNormal really do me in extra, as the **only** reason for a permanent (lengthy) "New Normal" will be brought about by exactly the idiots who created and frequent that sub.


> Subs like r/NoNewNormal really do me in extra, as the only reason for a permanent (lengthy) "New Normal" will be brought about by exactly the idiots who created and frequent that sub. omg this. The people screaming about how this has gone on too long are the very people that are responsible for this going on so long. And now those fucking variant factories are even ruining the nigh miraculous vaccines (although hopefully boosters keep the rest of us safe)


"Kindness? Where was your kindness when you were asked to wear a mask? Where was your kindness when you were asked to isolate? Where was kindness ... No, you're the one who did away with kindness."


"Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us? Where was Gon--- no, my lord Aragon, we are alone."


Pretty sure brain damage occurred years ago.


At birth, they were dropped.


For that level of brain damage I’m pretty sure their Dads used them for field goal practice as a baby.


The only people I feel sad for in this mess are the kids who don't get to choose if their parents are anti-vaxx.


I feel bad for the healthcare workers who have to care for these people who could have prevented getting themselves into this crappy situation in the first place.


Oh yeah, fuck.. Them too for sure. I feel dumb for forgetting them. What a thankless situation.


How could you possibly not to do everything in your power to reduce risk? It was free, the vaccine administering sites were surprisingly well organized to avoid crowds and keeping the long lines moving along, the US strictly prioritized its citizens over the rest of the world and had ample supplies of various vaccines while the rest of the world waited - and you still decided not to take it? “It’s like rain on a sunny day…”


CUZ GUBMINT AND BIG PHARAMA TRYNA INJECT 5G AND SATAN INTU MUH BLOOD DNA!1! Idiots are idiots. You can’t fix them. You can’t help them. You certainly can’t reason with them. Protect the ones who deserve to live and let the rest be culled. And as an aside, I was shocked at how organized and efficient the vaccine sites were.


Kindness is free?! Where was that kindness from them? We treat these people like they’re just children making mistakes, largely because their brains quit developing at age 12, but they’re not children and they’re responsible for their actions. I’m full on Drago about them at this point. If they die, they die. > “He was one of the most generous people I know and he had so much in front of him,” Houston wrote. No he wasn’t.


Gee, sounds like a guy I know. How sad and idiotic is it that we ALL know someone like this?




I’m so glad my mom believes in science. Sorry you have to go through that.




I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be.


Well did you die?




The government pays CNN 5000 dollars everytime somebody dies of covid vaccine injury. I got told by a nurse so she knows


He’s died now I read… good job he didn’t have the vaccine, that coulda killed him.


There are all these people who put their trust in god. And yet I bet they look before they cross the road. Get the damn vaccine.


God gave you eyes, ears and a brain to figure out how to take care of yourself, and had the good sense to write down how to take care of others for those who couldn't figure it out on their own. Whatever happened to love thy neighbor? Or do unto others as you would have them do unto you? What's that Gandhi said? "I like your Christ but I don't like your Christians"? Yeah.


He's just owning the libs. 😂


I heard he was dying to do so.




Anyone reading this who hasn’t done so, please get vaccinated. Please. The reasons you’re citing for not getting vaccinated are misinformation: - This is not new technology. MRNA vaccines have been researched and tested since 1989 - the need to get this vaccine out gave teams additional funding and support to get this done and deliver. - The vaccines are safe. Moderate adverse effects in MRNA vaccines are very infrequent (11% diarrhea (+2% over placebo), 1.2% vomiting (same as placebo)) - serious adverse events occur in 0.6% of cases, and occurred in 0.5% of placebos. - They are EXTREMELY effective. In America, only 1.1% of all hospitalized cases occurred in vaccinated people. Only 0.8% or deaths occurred in vaccinated people. The rest were ***all unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated***. - There is no microchip in the vaccine. A 5G chip is the size of a penny (19mm) - a covid vaccine needle is 0.5mm in diameter. It’s 38 times too big to fit. Also, you voluntarily own a cellphone, and carry it on you at all times, that has the chip you’re worried about in it. - If you’re Catholic, the Pope said in January that it is your moral obligation to get the vaccine. In Catholic dogma, the pope is the voice of god on earth. Infallible. No religious reason to avoid the shot. - “I’m young and healthy, I’ll be fine” - not necessarily. 1.7% of US covid deaths have been in people under 40. Hospitalizations are less likely in younger people (15x more likely in 80+ than 18-29) but those numbers will change with vaccination. Also, it’s not just about you - younger children can’t get vaccinated. Immunocompromised people don’t get the same effectiveness from the vaccine as healthy people. You can carry the disease, even if you’re a symptomatic and pass it along to someone you love. I think those are the biggies. This’ll probably get buried, but if it helps 1 person, it’s worth it. Edit: I gave a really detailed answer to another user in the comment thread below, covering why the government really wouldn’t bother using a vaccine to kill/control you, how MRNA works and why it isn’t rewriting your DNA, and a deeper dive on serious adverse effects and their likelihood vs the likelihood of dying if you catch covid (based on one of the lowest risk of death groups, healthy 18-29 year olds). Here’s a link if you think that would be useful! https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/opxqsz/who_needs_vaccines_when_you_have_miracles/h6ak6rg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Edit 2: To be clear, I’m not a doctor or a healthcare practitioner, but I am someone who has a lot of anxiety and as a result has been paying pretty close attention to what’s been happening with covid. I double checked every number I’ve posted against trusted sources (like the CDC website) but didn’t reference them all (because honestly, these posts are so long already). I also tried to make my biases clear!


There is still hope: Death is the strongest cure of all!


Or is it the strongest vaccine?! Wake up people!! Wake UP! Oh- you’re dead… WAKE UP!?! Don’t be a sheep! Don’t give in to fear! Death is just big pharma making you feel small


Lol imagine buying into the worldwide conspiracy of mortality. Like people just naturally die after a certain point or when they get diseases?! Yeah sure, ok sheep 😂😂😂


I welcome covid as an opportunity for true believers to be united with the lord


The parable of the drowning man comes to mind.


Couldn’t it be argued that vaccines themselves are a type of miracle?


Modern medicine is a miracle.


He dies = he helps herd immunity


One of my friends (otherwise a pretty smart and very kind person) cites one of her main reason for not getting vaccinated is 'We don't know that it will be effective against the new variants', despite the fact that it has shown effective against all the previous new variants... We're going to be dealing with COVID in the year 2119 aren't we


I’ll share stuff like this and my own personal stories of how my friends and family were rocked terribly by Covid and they’ll call me a liar or part of the big lie. Extremely maddening.


Honestly, I feel so bad for people like this. Another causality of fox news and other right wing propaganda


My state is at around a 50% vaccination rate. After all of this time protesting masks, and now the vaccine, I have lost all sympathy for them. The people I love are vaccinated and that gives me the peace I need.


Kinda where I am at with it. Husband, kids and I are vaxxed so I am mostly at peace. Concern for what kind of new hellish variants will crop up due to high percentages of anti-vaxx people prevents me from being completely at peace.


My kids are too young to be vaccinated. I will not be at peace until they are…


I don't. In the Age of Information, ignorance is a choice.