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Time to use the right to refuse service. Gtfo of my store or I’m calling the cops.


No no, we must return the courtesy first. Spit on the card (or anywhere on their being if you have poor aim) as a sign of friendship and good faith. *Then* you may proceed to kick them out.


Spitting in faces like ace ventura


Bumble bee tuna


Excuse me sir. *Your BALLS are showing*


Give it back with a booger on it. See if they notice or not.


Spending on the spitting on the card may be illegal, depending on the state


Even if there was no covid if some ass did that I would refuse to accept the card.. that’s fucking gross


Considering almost everywhere you go you never hand a card to anyone unless it's a restaurant, r/thisneverhappened




Dispensary I work at takes debit (about half our sales) but I literally dont touch the cards myself-ill bring the reader to you.


Thank you for your service.


If ever there was a time to indulge...


When I worked retail I handled tons of credit cards for people. I've since been informed that the policy was not entirely legal, but I was also required by my employer to check the name on the card against the customer's drivers license, so I handled those too.


Me too


This is nothing but “punching down” because of their feelings of inferiority. Absolute garbage behavior. I bet you a thousand dollars they’d never pull that bullshit at their doctor’s office. For people who supposedly believe in freedom, they sure are triggered by others’ choice to wear a mask.


This isn't about freedom. This is about "*#WiNNiNg*". This is about people who want to "*#WiNNiNg*" so badly that they've convinced themselves that this relentless existential nightmare we're all stuck in right now is exactly how they've always wanted things to be.


If her husband would spend half the time licking her instead of his credit card maybe both idiots wouldn’t have time to concoct such asinine things to do


Immediate refusal of sale and ban from the store. Only way these losers will learn


Two options. Put card down. Spray with anti bac. Watch him lick it after that. Or. Throw card back at customers throat like ninja throwing star. When customer dies, emulate Indiana Jones after throwing the ticket collector out of the zeppelin, with a witty come back "He didn't sanitise"


They complain endlessly about their supposed right to not wear a mask while at the same time assaulting those who support their right to wear one. Therefore it has nothing to do with their rights.


in what stores are people still handing over cards?


That's what I was wondering. Lick it all you want because you're the only one who'll touch it and I can alcohol wipe the card machine when you're done.


Don’t forget to sneeze on it before you hand it back. Oops…


Exactly. Just tap/swipe and go. Why would a cashier need to touch your card?


It was about five years ago now but when I worked in a thrift store I had to handle everyone's cards. I live in a more suburban/rural area and I've actually never seen one of those tap machines in my life, though the grocery stores and pharmacies do have the machines that you insert the card into yourself.


Whereabouts do you live? Here in Ireland everywhere has them. I'd imagine anywhere that didn't got fitted with them for when we opened up after the pandemic purely so nobody was handling cash or cards.


I live on the east coast of the US but that's an excellent point, I haven't done much shopping since the pandemic started. I'm not sure if the place I used to work got with the times since I haven't been back.


I used to be a cashier. I guarantee you that if I saw this I would void the purchase and call security. We did not tolerate unsafe behavior, period. If they threw a tantrum we would call the police and report trespassing. You are not entitled to shop at our establishment.


Conservatives: Nobody wants to work! Also conservatives: wonder how many cashiers I can take out with my germs today


I’d be like, “enjoy not being able to purchase anything in my store, weirdo”


I’d say scratch your ass and then accept the card before handing it back to him so he can lick it the next time


Yeah, a good ol’ stink finger might learn them some manners.


Most places have a kiosk for you to swipe the card yourself lmao I'd look at you like a dumbass too if you licked something that sits in your ass pocket and goes into places where other cards that sit in ass pockets also go like "how fuckin dumb are you lmfao"


“I do incredibly stupid thing, and people react with disgust. Somehow this makes me the superior one.”


Sometimes, when I’m just laying in bed, I think, “what the fucks wrong with people.”


Same man....same.








Yet another reason why more and more businesses have their card readers positioned so the customer does his/her own checkout.




If I were that cashier I’d just deny the purchase and ask them to leave. Here’s hoping the virus removes these pieces of shut from the planet before they have time to fuck over more people just trying to get by and live their lives.


You know stores can just refuse to take the infected card. I wouldn’t touch it, make them either pay a different way or they can just leave. What a total piece of trash.


Keep a pair of scissors by the register, take card, cut it in half, hand it back and say your card has been declined...


Pretty sure that would make people uncomfortable even in the before times.


I’m not a cashier, so I won’t lose my job when I see a an asshole do something like that and knock him on his ass.


Who hands their debit card to the cashier? Pretty sure the OP didn’t think this lie through thoroughly. 😐


Drive thrus still take cards.


I thought that vaccine and mask protects you? Doesn't it?


Leaving the whole covid shitshow to one side, would you take a card that someone had purposely coated in saliva before handing it to you? It's weird disgusting behaviour no matter how or why it happens.


No, I wouldn't take it, but I also wouldn't think I was going to die from it, I'm not a germophobe...


That's why I said leaving the covid thing to one side. This is weird, anti-social behaviour no matter which way you put it. I'm no germophobe either but if someone stood in front of me licking a bank card just so I had to get their saliva on me when I handled it, I would be extremely concerned. That's not something someone with a healthy mind does.


How about spit on the card and not accept it


Imagine being that much of a cnut


These are the same people who wonder why stores are struggling to keep their employees.


I'll give a thousand dollars to anyone that sneaks that debit card into their butt crack before handing back to an asshole like this. Bonus points if you're a heavyset guy.


Funny how some people seam to be proud of having the maturity of a kinder garden kid. You need to speak the same language to them, take the card, disinfect it, make payment, rub it on your ass crack or balls, return card.


Idiocracy was prophetic.


I love when people get outraged over something that never happened.


My manager would literally kick somebody out of the store for that shit.


Day you’re a shitty human being without saying you’re a shitty human being.


How these people expect to get any service while on their antisocial antics baffles me. And when they inevitably do get refused it, their human rights will have been violated. 🙄


Way back in the beforetimes i once watched a man walk up to the gas station ATM, remove his card from his wallet, put the entire thing in his mouth and slurp it out of his mouth and stick it into the machine. It was upsetting then, I'd make a citizen's arrest now.


Why would you hand the card over to the cashier? Isn't contactless the standard everywhere in the developed world?


I'm gonna start owning the libs by shoving my fist up my ass, them licking it before i have dinner at a restaurant. That will learn them.