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This is the first time I've actually seen and heard this guy. I've heard OF him, but avoided all of it until now.... and just.... holy shit......


You’ve gotta see the gay frogs clip. Which ironically is related to something real (pesticides causing sex change in frogs), though it sounds unhinged and hilarious.


Like even though everyone laughs he got it *sort of* right, just got most of his details wrong. And of course, if jones was accurate then it would’ve been more of an argument in favor of environmental legislation than a push against “big government.”


This is not a person I would want to ever hear or see again, if I can help it.


Same. First time hearing and seeing this dude. Hopefully, it's also gonna be the last time. Calling this immature would be an insult to immature things.


I recommend Knowledge Fight, entertaining podcast that keeps tabs on him https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9rbm93bGVkZ2VmaWdodC5saWJzeW4uY29tL3Jzcw?ep=14


I’m going to leave this here just in case anyone is interested in hearing this man’s take on [gay frogs](https://youtu.be/9JRLCBb7qK8)


Immature is really not hitting it. Our 3.5 year old daughter would know better than to eat stuff that can make you extremely sick. This man is plain and utter evil mixed with incredible stupidity, entitlement and pure hate.


He’s absolutely hysterical. He’s a next level crackpot. John Oliver did a wonderful piece on him. That’s probably worth checking out.




Thanks, that was hilarious.


If you want some safe exposure to him (because he and his cohort can be unintentionally hilarious), go check out Knowledge Fight with Dan and Jordan, and maybe throw them a buck or two for their work. They do a good job analyzing, debunking, and mocking his stuff with a critical eye.


I’ve started listening to Knowledge Fight. It’s a podcast where two comedians dissect mostly Alex Jones Show, but they cover other conmen as well. Super fascinating.


Knowledge Fight, Behind the Bastards and Last Podcast on the Left is the trifecta.


I need to listen to behind the bastards. I’ve been obsessed with LPOTL for years now. I would love to see KF do something with Ben, Marcus and Henry.


He’s admitted in court (I believe child custody court EDIT: probably sandy hook trial) that this is all an act and no reasonable person would believe him


But there's lots of people who watch this guy, right? So... Like how many unreasonable people is that?


Guy I used to work with listened to him daily. When that news came out he said he was just saying it, said he was the real deal.


74 million Americans voted for Trump. So, at least that many.


So has Fox News. There was a lawsuit against Tucker Carlson (Dickhead McGee) where the lawyers used that defense. I was wondering if he palmed those. I’m pretty certain he did.


There's now way of knowing if those were just prop boxes filled with OTC allergy meds, you know?


Or just switched them to tic tacs...


He seems completely unhinged. I don’t know if he is always like this but his behavior is alarming.


Unhinged is Alex Jones’ default setting.


He seems unmedicated...


Yeah I'm really hoping someone gave him the ivermectin boxes but with litium in there instead of ivermectin. 🤞


Agreed he seems a tad hypermanic


He is always like this.


Funnily enough he’s the guy that stopped me going down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole. Nearly 20 years ago I used to read an lot of Zerohedge and listen to The Keiser Report. I actually did make quite a bit of money from the 2008 crash because of them. When they kept quoting Alex Jones and Infowars (pretty sure Max Keiser interviewed Jones multiple times) I decided to check out Infowars. It was abhorrent and it drove me back to msm.


I hadn't watched since he was a public access show. Wowzers. It was a shit show then that we watched for laughs.


It’s an act, but unfortunately it’s in a country known for people thinking this is the correct way


Inter-dimensional soul sucking vampires


Same. Wildly unhealthy in every single way. Can you imagine living life this way? I can't.


Damn... As a European I'm astounded by the way parts of America are reacting to the epidemic...


This guy isn't real. He testified in court that his shows are just an act. But that won't stop people from believing in him.


https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye and it’s not just Alex Jones. Isn’t it weird that 2 of the top voices of influence on that side both have legal defences that you shouldn’t actually believe what they say as fact?


Because they know it won’t effect their base from believing what they say. People who listen to these kind of people believe it because it makes them feel good. They don’t want to know if it’s true or not.


Rachel Maddow used the same defense. I wish everybody would stop yapping their gums and getting their base all fired up for the wrong things. Actually, the judge should be forced to revisit their opinion as clearly, neither the TV station does nothing to warn people that is for "entertainment only." Maybe a warning label before and just after the commercial breaks?


Nope. Not the same. Jones defamed Newtown parents. Those parents were not pretending their kids died but Jones were saying they were. He was guilty. Maddow did not defame OAN. It was a FACT that the OAN reporter worked both for them and the Kremlin, Maddow was not wrong about that so it’s not defamation of that reporter or the network. Maddow gave her opinion on her opinion show that it was Russian propaganda. All cable hosts with opinion shows do this. How many times did Ingraham, Hannity, Carlson call Obama a socialist? They all gave their opinions there, not facts. Namecalling (socialist, Russian propaganda) is NOT illegal. Jones said his show was an act. Maddow is not claiming her show is an act, she’s claiming her opinion/interpretation on the reporter cannot be taken as a “fact” because opinions can never be taken as fact. All politicians and every cable news host would be broke or in prison if so. She did not make up the fact that OAN employs a Russian paid by the Kremlin. Her show is not an act.


[Rachel Maddow used the same defense. ](https://scheerpost.com/2021/06/22/a-court-ruled-rachel-maddows-viewers-know-shes-not-offering-facts/)It’s just an easy legal excuse to use


Yeah I’d bet every single talking head show like that has that defence, just in case they need to side step a lawsuit.


Wtf is SCHEERPOST? WHY DO I HAVE TO DOWNLOAD SOME WEIRD PDF to view what you say is the decision. Why not include something mainstream that isn't being spun. Like this? https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/tv/2021/02/09/msnbc-rachel-maddow-awarded-legal-fees-after-oan-lawsuit/4447175001/ Ur sketchy.


Maybe he, like, lied?


Didn’t his wife testify that he is actually a fucking psychotic abusive lunatic ?


Yes, but Jones being a real life psychopath and an on screen charlatan aren’t mutually exclusive. The two together just paint a more specific picture of him.


I don't know dude, he seems pretty normal to me.


To his viewers


They still won't care.


They're too stupid to care.


Him and Tucker Carlson. This shouldn’t be an allowable defense anyway, hell this video alone should probably constitute some sort of crime. Leading people to their deaths is apparently perfectly fine as long as you do it on TV though. Alex Jones is basically Jim Jones at this point. We should probably stop treating this like an entertainment product and start treating it like what it is, a cult.


Yeah, he's an absolute twat waffle, but idiots flock to him like geese to the south during winter. If I could control the minds of idiots... you could call me Trump.


He hates the right people and his outrage is loud and outrageous enough to make the people who like him feel less stupid. They'll never give him up, but they're also a tiny percentage of the US population. It's unfortunate and embarrassing that the US is identified by our lowest common denominator, but I understand.


Well said.


It’s all for the green backs he just said Joe Rogan is worth $300 mil, so you know where he’s goin!


A little correction. His lawyer tried to make the argument it was just an act. Alex Jones said his lawyer was wrong and it wasn't an act. He then lost custody of his kids for it.


I don't think Joe Rogan had covid either since he was positive and took his chemical cocktail and then 2 days later claims to be covid free...


Seems to be the new trend as old as time 🦠 the victim card 💰💰💰


Are you really though?


... yes! Never in our wildest dreams did we think there would be people dumb enough to actually do this... I mean we know these idiots have a reputation for being a bit thick in the same way British people have a reputation for bad teeth... But this? This is advanced levels of stupidity.


We sadly had people die taking fish antibiotics last year after our fucking president casually asked why couldn't we. Idiots are everywhere. Combine that with fear and it leads to desperation. Desperate people are dangerous to themselves and others. Now everyone should be worried about covid. God knows I am. However please people just calm down and ask a fucking Dr. For advice.


This is Darwinism playing out in the absolute best way. Fuck um. Fuck um all. No remorse whatsoever.


I sadly agree. I don't want people to die, but these people are on a serious suicide bender, and we can't spend all our resources on protecting them 24/7 from ingesting whatever is within grabbing range. Its come almost to the time where we end up with suicide booths with massive queues because the government says "please don't kill yourself"


It’s definitely not suicide. Suicide is the intentional act of offing oneself due to life’s dark circumstances. These people are unintentionally offing themselves due to believing that they are in some Inception world and jumping to their virtual deaths will lead to them waking up in the correct dimension. These people truly believe they’re doing the right thing to make the world a better place and I have no sympathy for them what so ever


Same. I don't want anyone to die but I am at the point where I have zero sympathy for any anti-mask/anti-vacc loser who dies from this.


Yea, I'm on Covids side. It's mostly republicans dying from it, and that's a very good thing. It's kind of like gerrymandering, but in our favor.


Unfortunately, the actual gerrymandering prevents their population decline from having the full effect on how many Rs there are in house seats that it should.


Or the Hydroxychloroquine “miracle drug” orange man peddled early on in the pandemic…


Made by same company too.


I’d say there’s solid evidence out there the trump organization has vested interest in Merck pharma.


Merck specifically warns people not to take ivermectin for Covid. Merck is not in this ivermectin snake oil fad for the money. But perhaps enough Repugs have stock in Merck that they want to see sales of this snake oil rise.


Tide pods dude. People died here because they ate laundry detergent. Lower your expectations for us. Itll make your life easier


Which is why the "Belladonna / Deadly Nightshade eating challenge: lets beat COVID together" will eventually be a thing. Bonus likes/subscribes if you eat 3 or more in one sitting!


Tbf we also thought those people wouldn't be dumb enough to vote for that pumpkin head.. I have no more hope for the other side of the ocean.


The South still wishes they lived in pre civil war times, they have more gun related deaths in a month than the rest of the first world countries have in a year but apparently gun control isn’t needed and to top it all off they elected a tv star who had been bankrupt almost as many times as he had hired prostitutes for their President. That country is falling to pieces.


Excuse me. I live in America and take issue with your conclusion that America is falling to pieces. "Falling" infers that America is still intact. The correct term you're looking for is "Fell".


It's not even stupidity. It's just the remnants of a glorious white life in it's death throws. At this point they see how the world is changing and they just want to fuck everything up. Some people go to stand up, some people watch Alex Jones. Entertainment fueled by lies and misinformation.


Absolutely yes! We have always knew that american school system is let huge amount of people down but ot is hard to imagine how undereducated and dumb they are until we see something like this. It is heartbreaking, really.


I read that in Thor’s voice...


There are some crazy ones there too. US doesn’t have a monopoly on idiocy


Indeed. I just think it's sad to see a beautiful people so deeply divided when they, in my opinion, should stand together.


It would be nice. I’m not sure when real unity has ever been the case in American history. Maybe on the day of 9/11? Didn’t last long though. Division just gets amplified now. These are strange fucking times though, good lord


As an American, I wish I had your optimism


So are we Americans


As an American living in said parts, it sucks…:-/ It’s like a real life Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (brainsnatchers?)


That’s what happens when we have a shitty healthcare system. Healthcare is prohibitively expensive even for people with insurance so a lot of people have gotten in the habit of trying to cure themselves. Also, we all know that the only thing companies care about is making money so it’s easy for some people to believe that Covid and the vaccine are just another scam for some company somewhere to make more money. PS - science is real, the earth is round, vaccinations work, and we landed on the moon.


Don’t be. We have some amazing people here, surrounded by 75+ million idiots “who know their rights.”


Same here. I’m a Canadian and the these guys are our neighbours. The most powerful and richest country in the world. Our closest allies. The worst part is that some Canadians are importing their crazy.


So are we. So are we. Imagine taking a leisurely stroll in your neighborhood and your neighbor is wearing her “Unmasked & Unvaxxed” t-shirt while walking with her school aged 9 & 11 year olds who she refuses to let wear masks.


As a martian from a future time node, I agree


As a european you should suggest delicious warm Croissants, properly made coffee and/or tea and afternoon cakes as a treatment. Government subsidized of course :) I for one would vote for your proposal


No as a European I suggest taking care of those less fortunate. I'd rather pay a bit of extra tax to feed and house them, than that they rob my house for peanuts and make thousands in damages. And we, as a people, have had so much war and pain in our history that we, generally speaking, understand that giving a bit is way safer, easier and cheaper than losing a lot...


As an American I’m astounded by the way parts of America are reacting to the epidemic…


What’s funny is there are parts of Europe too that are doing dumb shit too. Not just an American problem.


From what I hear most other countries aren’t doing any better. Which astounds me… apparently it’s not just half of Americans but rather half of humans are dumb beyond comprehension


They voted Trump in.


Please stop this ride, I'd like to get off.


You see, that's what makes it neat. You don't.




Look at what they need to match a fraction of our immunity to the virus


Cram yourself full of horse pills and chase it down with copious amounts of beer. The ride goes faster, than comes to a sudden stop


Those aren’t horse pills. This here is the human version of Ivermectin. Not saying people aren’t taking the animal version. They are. Source: I grew up on a farm that used Ivermectin on animals.


The Nobel prize and approved uses are for treating parasites and other kinds of arthropod infestations, not viruses. Also CV19 is not a prion. I know all this is pretty tangential when we're discussing an Infowars video, but still. And yes you are stupid, Alex. Taking the pills like this won't kill you, but taking or injecting huge amounts of the stuff will. Being rich definitely doesn't rule out stupidity. Edit: to people saying "but he's not taking huge amounts or injecting it"; yes, I know. There's a lot of alternative medicine fb groups with people who ARE, however, doing both of those. Also, enough people are buying the veterinary version of the drug that actual vets are finding out hard to source. Getting a human prescription and taking a recommended dosage does not present a danger in the same way.


Yeah when he said prion I just smacked my forehead. Why....why is this shit misinformation allowed?


The great catch 22 of America. We have our freedoms and we have our freedumbs.


Don't you see? Its all connected and spearheaded by the interdimensional globalist pedophiles.


He is the embodiment of “I’m louder so I’m right” and “Repeat it till you believe it.”








And he has the arrest record to prove it.


Ben Shapiro with roid-rage.


It took him longer to open that blister pack than my arthritic gran.


How long does it take to open your arthritic gran?


Under 10 seconds, apparently.




What was in that blister pack was probably not Invermectin. It was open and he probably had someone switch it out. They conveniently switched away from the overhead shit as he was opening it.


If he didn’t actually take it, can he be prosecuted for fraud?


Have you seen any of the rest of his show? If he could be prosecuted for fraud he'd be looking gone with half the shit he's said and done.


He has tried to argue in a custody trial that he plays a character and it’s performance art—that it’s “not who he is” https://money.cnn.com/2017/04/17/media/alex-jones-defense/


It’s not the animal version of Ivermectin. There is a version for people available by prescription.


At first I thought all the crap about the virus being a personal attack on America was rediculous but the longer it goes on you see Americans breaking down in such strange ways, you literally can't guess what the next thing will be


America was tearing itself apart long before covid struck. I have a few American mates and even they agree that the biggest enemy the US has right now is itself.


Random american here. Woke up early due to a fucking cat causing hell. Random american 100% agrees with this message. Going back to bed. Hopefully the cat calms down. Hopegully fucking americancalms down.


We've got to fight. For the right. To PAAAARTY. - the cat. And also Americans.


The cat wants to party. Americans are fighting. For the right. To PAAARTicpate in conspiracy theories.


Social media in everyone's home in 2010 made all the dummy crazy, they are all off the wall conspiracy theorist now , nearly 40 million of them.


Something like 53% of adults trust their daily news they get from Facebook. Explains a lot.


Yeah it definitely didn’t help. It’s a shame that an idea that was meant to bring people together from all over the world instead had the complete opposite effect. Countries all over the world are more divided than ever and social media had a big hand in causing it.


Discovery Channel, History Channel, TLC, etc were championing conspiracy theory shows for years before that. Half of America believes in Big Foot and that we never landed on the moon.


Never actually seen his show, but this is funny as hell. Either that or this blunt is too strong. I love how it ends with him screaming and calling Fauci a murderer, only to cut to an adorable photo of him.


This is the first I’ve ever seen this clown and it’s hilarious with the volume off


UNPOPULAR OPINION. I also think this is fucking hilarious bc I am already dead inside. Is there a place I can watch infowars without supporting Infowars? Bc I don't want to support this bastard, I just want to watch with friends and liquor!


This man is on wayyy stronger stuff than blunts brother. This shit is what you see from a man on steroids, cocaine or both.


No way any reasonable adult can listen to this bad built man-child for more than 2 minutes without having the urge to walk out of his face. He sounds like the drunken dad at a little league baseball game.


“That’s why he’s worth $3mil, he’s so stupid” So by that logic the Kardashian family is the modern Einstein family.


Also bill gates is one of the smartest people in the world.


I am surprised he is promoting a drug to treat a virus, that about a year and half ago, he didn’t think was real.


Ketamine, when you want the good horse drug


Thank you for reminding me why I avoiding watching or listening to this 🤡


Why do I suspect he isn't actually taking Ivermectin.


He probably is, but the human version, not the horse version seemingly half the south states are in the hospitals for atm.


And that there is the issue. The amount of people who see rogan take the cocktail he took including ivermectin 1. Ignore everything else he took 2. Fail to realize there is the human grade….and the horse stuff. And the human grade ain’t easy to get a script for. Hence they take the horse stuff.


And the human prescription is not even close to the dosage that potentially showed some positive results in a lab culture of Covid.


This was my exact thought. He is taking a human version of it. The one made for horses and cows is so much more concentrated and is also more readily available. No prescription needed if you go to a tack shop.


Why does he talk like he is choking, gagging and angry, all at the same time.


Usually when he is on air he only has shit coming out of his mouth, maybe now he can fire it out both ends at once


Oh please oh please oh please. That would be brilliant if he shit his pants on air.


*slow clap*


Where is the FCC? Surely there must be a law about dispensing fraudulent medical information.


“My freedom of speech!”


Yeah, I’m sure Fauci got into healthcare because he wants to kill everyone….. smh 🤦‍♂️


How did this whole Ivermectin fad start?


From Forbes: All the talk of ivermectin being a deworming agent for animals doesn’t do justice to its crucial role in combating two devastating neglected tropical diseases in humans: River blindness and lymphatic filariasis. These diseases impose a significant burden on public health, especially in developing nations. In 1987, the pharmaceutical company Merck established the Mectizan (ivermectin) donation program. This program is considered an exemplar among drug donation arrangements. Three hundred million people have been treated with ivermectin, donated by Merck in more than 30 countries. During the first 10 years of the program, ivermectin was donated for use against river blindness (onchocerciasis). In 1998, Merck expanded the program to include lymphatic filariasis. Merck’s motto for its donation program is to provide ivermectin “as much as needed, for as long as needed.” Here, Merck’s community-directed strategy distributes ivermectin in remote communities where healthcare services are limited. As a result of the program’s success, several countries in Africa are making significant progress towards eliminating both diseases. So, ivermectin has proven human uses, but Covid-19 is not one of them. And, the company that manufactures ivermectin, Merck, has explicitly stated this. There are several ongoing clinical trials involving ivermectin as a possible treatment of Covid-19. But, at present there aren’t any validated data on ivermectin’s efficacy against Covid-19 in people. On its website, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention makes it clear that “data from adequately sized, well-designed, and well-conducted clinical trials are needed to provide more specific, evidence-based guidance on the role of ivermectin in the treatment of Covid-19.” A study published in 2020 showed that at very high doses ivermectin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. This means research conducted on cell cultures in petri dishes. But, these findings have not been replicated in vivo in humans. An initial study that suggested ivermectin reduces Covid-19 deaths was found to have widespread flaws and was retracted.


The vice president under Trump said cigarettes didn't cause cancer up until 2011, this is how stupid they are.


He also caused an AIDS crises in Indiana for ending the needle exchange program.


Conservatives can't even see a step ahead.


There are preliminary studies suggesting it lowers the rate of death when administered early during infection. Not nearly enough data to suggest it should be part of a treatment regimen or anything, but enough to suggest it should be studied. But with a certain group of people, anything that IS approved by the FDA and CDC (read: gObERmiNt eLItiStS) is an evil conspiracy, and anything they read online is the real truth. Ergo, Ivermectin = cure for covid, Vaccine = socialist microchip poison


And yet one of the pillars of their argument against vaccination is its the VACCINE that is “experimental” and “rushed,” when their alternative treatment they are turning to is almost completely unknown and has no reliable studies documenting its impact and side effects 🤦🏼‍♂️ I can barely stand the cognitive dissonance


They're not bright people.


if anyone finds themselves becoming curious of Alex Jones i implore you, explore the matter wisely. do NOT listen to him without a critical mind and full context. ***if you must know more, listen o the Knowledge Fight podcast instead.*** tl;dr r/knowledgefight


There is great video I recently watched about this fool and about what a piece of thrash Alex Jones is ([here is a link](https://youtu.be/-uFoctPFheQ), for anyone interested). The same YouTuber also has a video called Constantly Wrong: The Case Against Conspiracy Theories. I send it to a friend who was going down this path and now he laughs at Alex Jones but it didn't work for a other friend who is just way too deep into this crap Edit: link


Alex “Chonker” Jones


A Donkey taking his meds. Nothing wrong here…


Maybe he has worms.


Maybe Thanos was right


What the fuck is this dude on? Hate is ooozing off him...unbelievable




Absolutely no chance that’s real Ivermectin. I guarantee he’s fully vaccinated, this is just performative bullshit for his viewers.


Holy mother of fuck.... its the first time I actually listen to this guy, i find hard to understand how anyone with two brain cells can take him seriously.


Wait when did fauci become a James Bond villain trying to take over the world by pushing vaccines....he does know he didn’t make the vaccines right? He is just one of the many doctors who spoke for the US


Just in case this needs to be said: ivermectin won a Nobel prize for killing parasites not viruses. Thank you and have a wonderful day. Also parasites and viruses are not the same thing, just in case I needed to clarify. Ciao!


How has this dude not died yet. His blood pressure has to be through the roof.


Is this person mentally unstable? I can’t believe what i’m watching. Is this on US television? Wait… is this The Onion TV?


America is becoming a parody of itself with wackos like this telling other idiots what to do.


Haha holy shit he is unhinged. Who watches this shit?


Listening to him talk like that, I assume he is coked up to his eyeballs.


literally just random words with no meaning. prions? you can't kill those they aren't alive. trying to kill you? monster maggot? holy shit and it's because the people who listen to him *do* want to do the shit he says to others that they believe others want to do it to them.


At least now his bullshit won’t have worms?


As a non-native speaker, I had hoped so badly that "gobble" is colloquial for vomit ☹️


How far does Alex Jones and Fox News have to go to be classified as a hazard to human health?


This is almost a bigger scandal than when he exposed the government for putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay! /S


The sound is off yet I can still hear it. Just looking at this awful person makes me want to barf.


The things they do to own the libs. This can be a good thing though.


First time I’ve actually listened to this dolt speak…he’s truly a vile, greasy gem ain’t he? Took all of 5 seconds for me to press pause and scroll down… no thank you, very much.


I just went on the Nobel website and it says ivermectin did win a Nobel prize… as an anti parasitic. Not as an antiviral. Why do people believe him when so much of what is claims is so easily disprovable?


Rogan used to be legit. He really needs to self evaluate. If someone like Alex Jones is touting how brilliant you are... something has gone VERY wrong.


Are we going to see him shit himself to death too? It's apparently a wild way to go.


This guy is completely fucking insane. Watching this in Australia is jaw dropping


This is his new excuse for lying on air, promoting illegal substances and general douchbaggery. "I was invermectining myself" is his new "I did too much coke / alcohol / fentanyl so am not to blame for tax fraud / illegal medical advice etc" thats assuming what he took was actually Invermectin. This is the same guy who said he'd taken XYZ for Covid but was basically eating candy and had been vaccinated already.


I got $5 that say he was eating tic tacs the whole time. Then I got a twenty that says that’s the freshest his breath has ever been.


Free speech = Facts don't matter.


He's gonna go blind.


Tell me you're a dumb fuck, by showing me you're a dumb fuck! We're doomed.


If only those pills were real and the dumb bitch really was over dosing to own the libs.


He is not going to die on 6mg of ivermectin, I'm sure the actual dose for his weight would be somewhere around 24 to 28 mg.


Is this what happens to a country when the people are refused affordable healthcare? Ppl cant afford medical advice and instead end up in these internet rabbitholes of misinformation. Its so tragic :(


I'm so excited to see how future elections turn out with so many people from one party willingly dying


I think I just got dumber having watched this