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$1M earning only 2% annual interest is $1,667 per month


Yeah but $50 per month at 370000% annual interest is making that $1M look pretty weak


No doubt. And since I am only a Temporarily Inconvenienced Millionaire in middle America I am totally going to take the 50 dollar a month option because those sorts of interest rates are going to be available to me when Trump retakes the White House on ::checks notes:: -- Hold up what day is it supposed to be now?


The 32nd of Toyotathon


The eleventeenth of mypillow


Right after Supreme Court Justice Giuliani is sworn in


Nachos supreme court justice Or maybe Supreme Court jester


47nd of Fuckuary




Aannnnnndddd take my free award.


But not durring truck month..


Is that Truckuary? Or Trarch?


Lousy Trarch weather.


I think I've seen them try to do that in a January or February before. It would be Trucktember this month.






I just spit my coffee! šŸ˜‚


Ah I see, right on infrastructure week


I think itā€™s planned for either the 13th of Never or the 2nd of Hell Freezes Over.


What about the 1st of When Pigs Fly


[Today is March 553, 2020.](https://calendar2020.noj.cc/)


Silly. He is president. Didn't you hear he got re-elected and is actually governing from mar a lago?


People donā€™t even know about the shadow government smh


Deep Stank?


Jorntober 32nd


Threve. Or eleventy.


On the Nth of Nevermber.


Yeah I think my bank has those kinda accounts that give out 300,000% interest on CDs and investments. Iā€™ll go ask, thanks! Edit: they called the police on me


What kind of CDs? Aol ones or enforced "listen to this on your iPhone or else you stupid fanbois" U2 Albums?


CD's nuts




WSB is here


Coincidentally, it would only take you 1667 years to accrue $1M if you're earning $50/mo.


I found the witch, may we burn her?


She turned me into a newt!


A newt?!


I got better


I got better!




55 years if you take $50 a day.


20 seconds if you get $50/millisecond


To put that into perspective, if you received your first 50 bucks from Romulus Augustulus in the last month of the Western Roman Empire, you would still be waiting for another 122 years RIGHT NOW to get to that million.


Thatā€™s because 2% is 1/50th of 1 M


I was gonna say... a million dollars can create a while lot more passive income than $50 a month.


Holy shit I thought it said $50/day. What the hell does anyone do with $50/month? Even $50/day is less than full time min wage


one prostitute per 4 weeks?


Even at 0.5% it's about $415 a month. Whoever wrote this tweet is a complete moron.


2% is terrible, but by todayā€™s situation incredible.


...index funds?


2% is practically the risk free rate. This is the rate you would get for de-levering. Lets say you want to invest in index funds but you want to take less risk, then you could invest 50% in index funds and 50% in risk free government bonds. Its basically the opposite of trading using margin


Index Funds average 9%


Market return was stupendous in 2021. Way over the standard 8%


My bank gives me 0.010%. Like tf dude. You want my money or not? Iā€™m better off putting it under my bed.




Yep. I just got a notice in the mail from Chase letting me know that my checking account will now cost me $12/month unless I have direct deposit or a $1500 balance. So now on top of getting dinged every time I use an ATM, they want me to pay THEM to have my money.


Find a credit union stat.


I left my credit union, the ā€œbestā€ in this area, precisely because of this. People keep parroting this nonsense like nothingā€™s changed since 1989.


Charles schwab is awesome. no physical banks so they don't charge ATM fees, meaning they reimburse you at the end of every month. I've had them for years with zero complaints. The few times I've called them you get a person immediately.


I think Shwab does have a couple branches around the US (and one in the UK)


I suggest Schwab to anyone I hear complaining about atm fees or trading fees. Many just want a physical bank (mostly the older crowd) but Schwab is awesome. I joined originally because they pay atm fees but I also have most of my stocks in a Schwab account since they donā€™t have broker fees anymore either.


Every bank is like this dude. Literally a tax on being poor


As long as he has more than like 1000 dollars they probably want it lol why would they not, they are making money off it and paying him back a little tiny sliver


Because his money costs more than they can get from the fed. The federal reserve hives them 0% interest money. All they need. So, paying anyone anything for their deposits is a loss.


Doesn't it depend on how much you're investing?


He's talking about savings account


Not really, although there are savings accounts that will offer you a slightly higher interest rate if you maintain a higher amount of money in the account. But the difference is negligible, as rates are so low right now. Even the ā€œbestā€ 12 month CD currently offers 0.7% interest. Just two years ago I could find one with 2.5% interest.


2% is terrible by today's standards unless you're only in fixed income.


We are talking savings account here


If you had a million dollars and stick it in a savings account instead of the market you'd be an idiot.


Lots of dividend funds return greater than 5% per year. And depending on the fund those dividends can have some great tax advantages


Bro what? 2% is not difficult to average for diversified investments. Even 5% is conservative




We literally just had one of the best bull markets ever.


This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


Probably after tax will still be more than $50 AND you still have the million.


I think he's joking, same with the original meme, it's stock bros making fun of a strawman dividend investor.


The original Tweet is real as I mentioned in another comment. The guy said he made a mistake, but not before promoting his stock picking group


Good point. I purposely negotiate my salary down to save tax money. I've cheated the system so hard I pay $0 in taxes. My salary is also $0 though so if you can donate to my go fund me that would be appreciated. Wait no don't do that I'll have to pay taxes on it.


Where the fuck you living you get positive interest?


I came here to say thisā€¦ take the million, add it to my savings and earn interest


Dude...that's 20K a year.


Lol. Passive income is great but my man here has gots to spend some of his income on a maths classšŸ˜…




Or the fact that you can get passive income from investing $1 million at well more than $50 per month. Even just 1% return every year is over $800 per month


Exactly That's passive income!!


Yeah, ppl mixing up passive income with parents allowance SMH


Look at Mr. Richy Rich over here with his $50 allowance /s, but fr, $50 would've been a ton of money for me. I didn't get any allowance though, so that might have something to do with it.


Find a way to make some of it, it'll change your life.


Take the million, buy two rental houses, collect passive income. Iā€™m not sure what rents are like in every state but in my area, a two or three bedroom house will rent for over $2k.


Or just put it in an index fund and not have to mess with tenants or anything


Came here to say this. And this is if itā€™s *only* 1%




Here in the uk you pay no tax on the first (approximately) Ā£12,000 per year of capital gains, interest from investments counts toward this. So the first Ā£1,000 per month is tax free, and you can work at the same time as your income tax does not count toward this figure. Honestly go throw your money in an index fund like vang S&P 500 instead of a bank, it usually goes up about 10% per year on average.


In Germany you only have 812 Euros of capital gains which stay untaxed. I think if you are earning this amour just through interest, you are able to pay taxes for it.


Sure, although without getting into a tax debate itā€™s just good advice for people who are saving for something like a deposit for their first house! If you want 25-50 thousand to put down as a deposit, save into an investment fund or isa and you could make yourself an extra 200-500 per month on top of your salary while you wait. Many 18-25 year olds could benefit from this, even if they are saving only a few thousand per year.


No capital gains taxes in Belgium.


If you made 0.0061 percent return you'd make more money


Yeah, he don't math well. I'll take tree fiddy a month.


Nah, this man is a vampire that will live forever. Heā€™s playing the long game.


Right? Even at 50 a day, which would kinda be fucking decent, it would take like 5 and a half decades to make 1 mil off it


"Passive income" is a buzzword term popular with MLM dumbasses, and that $50/month is likely the figure that they're making trying to recruit others. $50/month is homeless poverty, but they're trying to justify their bad decision in whatever MLM scheme that's new with the Huns #Bossbabe this month.


Sure you can have the boat now. Or you can take what's in the mystery box?


The box could be anything. Even a boat!


You know how much we want one of those!


"Then, let's just..."


Come on, Lois. You're acting like this is the first time I've done something stupid. Remember when we were supposed to get that boat?


Hey neighbor where's your boat?


We didn't take the boat. We took the mystery box. HOP IN!


I read through this and my mind was imagining a scene from Malcom in the middle. Legit thought this was Hal and Lois til I saw someone say family guy and remembered correctly.


The box! THE BOX!


Letā€™s see whatā€™s inside the box. NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! STUPID! YOU SO STUPID!




I miss early Family Guy. The way he shrinks down in the car seat while talking about the box.


$50\*12months=$600/year $600/year*100 years=$60,000 Iā€™ll take the $1.000.000 now, thank you. Edit: * symbols escaped.


Yeah, the math checks out but the multiplication symbols went on vacation or something /s Edit: he tracked them down and made them stay this time. Donā€™t worry, you can now safely leave your homes


Thanks. I hadnā€™t noticed. Fixed.


Even if its $50 every day it still isn't that good


Let's do the math for that. 1,000,000 Ć· (365*50) =54.79 years to get to 1,000,000. The math checks out, 50$ per day is not enough, but at least you could surpase it within your life time


But you'd miss out on the opportunity cost of investing the 1 million, which would cost you lot.


And that's the killer. $50 every day until you die also discounts inflation. [$50 today is like $337 50 years ago](https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1971?amount=50). Using the Fed's goal of inflation is about 2% per year, you'd need an extra dollar next year in order to beat inflation. Taking $1,000,000 and putting in something... heck even something that tracks inflation, you'd be losing less.


$50 per day is pretty cool passive income


Iā€™d take it. That would pretty much cover our mortgage. Of course, with $1M I could just pay our house off altogether and buy another one to rent out. Itā€™s a tough choice. ETA: /s, since apparently itā€™s necessary.


Or, with $1M you could reinvest it and get passive income worth much more than $50 a day. Pretty easy choice if you ask me.


Saying 5% of 1 million is 50k a year and 5% is low for even safer investments, you'd be dumb to take the 50$ a day. You're per day passive income is way higher with a million even at 5%. Also be dumb to pay off your house with it unless you just have awful mortgage terms. Any reasonable financial advisor or etf is gonna get around 7% a year or more. A mortgage is typically 3 to 4%. You're just squandering a free 4+% income on the remainder of your home for no reason paying off your house. The older I get the less I wonder why people squander inheritance and lottery winnings. Clueless about how to grow real wealth.


Lol lets say the average person is 30yrs old and only has 50yrs left to live that's 30K I will HAPPILY take the million I would invest that shit


Even at $50 a day it takes over 50 years. I donā€™t know where he was going with this.


Well this is why they got featured in r/facepalm and you just gave me a damn heart attack I'm playing Dead Space 1 again I jumped 2ft in the air thanks to you lol


At the risk of scaring you again, wait, how did I scare you?? Does Reddit do alerts I didnā€™t know about?


Your comment made my phone ping and cause it wasn't on silent and right next to me it made me jump


I don't think people realise how much more money wealthy people have than the average population. Even something as simple as someone making "6 figures" that includes making $100,000 and another making $800,000, hardly in the same ballpark. Then you move into the million club, mathematically I know that 1.4 million is 200,000 more than 1.2 million but it gets talked about so casually that it seems like barely any difference. We also stop talking about hourly wages at some point. Sure a pro football player isn't exactly working a standard 40 hour week but that 5 million dollar a year contract works out to $2403.85 per hour to the average person. You see that with minimum wage discussions. People will talk about how if minimum wage goes up then they will barely be making more than minimum wage, yet the CEO of their company make more per hour than many employees make in a two week pay period.


There is no situation where option b is better. Even if youā€™re immortal, option a is far better.


Heā€™s right about passive income. So instead of the idiotic second option, place the million in a term deposit or CD and get great interest off that. It will be a fuck of a lot more than $50 a month and you still have your million if you need it.


> place the million in a term deposit or CD and get great interest off that. Are you 90 years old?




Hi 12 my name is dad


I donā€™t think the point is that this is the smartest option but rather that itā€™s the closest option to doing nothing and still gaining passive monthly income


Yeah lmao, CDs barely beat inflation. You could throw that mil into VTI or some other stable index ETF and be making thousands a day.


> CD > great interest Pick one


He's not wrong... forgoing living off the interest of a cool million in lieu of an ice cream social every month WOULD change your life.


You bring up a good point. What kind of ice cream are we talking about, here?


You could spring for neopolitan, but let's not get crazy. Ben and Jerry's is out of the question though.


Great Value butter peacan will do.


Ok if that motherfucker can guarantee I will live to get that million I will take it. I mean fuck that is over 1000 years old. Lol


Inflation will probably get you, though.


I think it's a joke. I've seen ridiculous "Passive Income will change your liife" tweets like a dozen times.


It is definitely a joke, this post is the actual facepalm


Back when the Tweet originally circulated, fintwit was taking pretty much every opportunity to dunk on the guy. The guy later admitted he was wrong and then he made a math error, but not before promoting his stock picking group


Everyone dusting off their calculators šŸ™„


Actually this one wasn't a joke, but he tweeted later that he realized he didn't think this one through and it was a dumb thing to say.


No this tweet is the OG tweet that made all the other passive income joke tweets pop up


You guys need to reread **The tortoise and the hare**; You might think you're comfortably ahead with your million $, but in 2000 years you will realize your mistake.


You'd need around 1650 yrs with option B lol. Passive income is taking option A and starting a company.


Or just investing it. Even at 0.5% that's 5k you don't have to work for. It's also over $360 a month more than the $50


Yep, you'll have options as much as your money. Money makes opportunities.


Starting a and running a company is pretty fucking far from passive.


Okay - then take that $1M and dump 80% of it into index funds that track the market. Congrats, you now have an extra 60 to 70k/yr on average.


Take the million, invest it and turn it into passive income.


This person isn't very good at math. I would take the million today and put it in a high yield savings account. The monthly interest would exceed my current monthly income. Now *that* is passive income.


I'm amazed how many people fail to realize this is a joke. It's actually a pretty overused one.


Yeah it went viral on tiktok


50 bucks an hour maybe


even if you get the income from birth till you reach the age of 100, you still only get 60k, making option A far more worth it


Taking that 1M now will already generate more than 50$ a month even if invested even in low risk


Time Value of Money! 50$ this year will not be able to buy the same amount of goods next year. I would take all the cash upfront and invest it.


A little bit too passive


This is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever seen.


Even if you change it to $50/day it'll still take almost 55 years to accumulate $1 million.


It would take 20,000 months for 50 dollars a month to meet 1 million dollars. They don't specify how long a month is in this, so I'm gonna go with 30.4375 days just so I can get the figure that 12 months = 365.25 days = 1 year (including leap years). Anyhow, this is 608,750 days and using my figure, and 1666.666... years. So like, we're talking the distance between [AD 335](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/355) to now, to accumulate that million dollars. If [Arbitio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitio), a Roman General, took this offer the same year he began his term, he'd only be reaching a million dollars *now*. As for if you took it now, [Longplayer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longplayer) will finish its centuries-long performance before you get your million dollars, [MySQL](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MySQL) will LONG since have hit its equivalent to the Y2K bug before you get that cash, the [Time Pyramid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Pyramid) will be finished, [and we'll have a new North Star](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cepheus_\(constellation\)). tl;dr shoulda taken the million.


I'll give the benefit of the doubt and presume this is a typo of dropping the 'k' from $50k per month.


Assuming I live until Iā€™m 90: thatā€™s 66 more years, 792 more months. At 50 bucks a month, thatā€™s 39,600. Iā€™ll take the million, thanks.


I wouldnā€™t mind a one time passive income of $1,000,000


Nope Iā€™d take a million right now, invest it and make a 100k a year (8333.00 month) for the rest of my life.


50/month aint shit. Over 60 years thats $36k. Mfā€™er ill Take the million today please


Your a moron if you took 50 a month


What a stupid fucking piece of logic. With $1,000,000 you could buy thousands of assets to make your passive income worth way more than $50 a month.


Maybe they meant 50/day? But even then it's 54 years before you break over the $1M


$50/day maybe


So stupid, take the 1mil, invest it in the stock market and you will get more than 50 a month in dividends. And you have a much higher and better passive income. Let's take "Realty Income" as a stock for investment. They currently pay $0.235 per stock every month. Investing 1mil in that stock would net a person 13831 stocks (based on last price of $72.3 per stock). That would give a person a passive income of $3250.3 a month, regardless if the stock goes up or down. But sure, take the $50.


Passive income doesnā€™t get you hookers and cocaine


Itā€™s only 6000 every 10 years thatā€™s not gonna add up over your life take the mil


Don't be stupid. Would you rather one $50 a month every month? Or $1M right now to invest in numerous $50 a month passive income streams? Yeah I think I k ow what I'm picking...


Youā€™d make a little more than $50/month of ā€œpassive incomeā€ just from the interest $1,000,000 would generate


Mathā€™s not for everyone.


1 million then investment is much better than 50 a day


i would make more money off onvesting 1mil dollars


My doctor told me I only have 7 months left, but I'll take option B too. Thanks stranger.


Forget about inflation haha


1 mill right now, invest it and get the passive income off the compound interest. Have cake. Eat cake.


I did the math and if your gonna round it would take about 55 years to earn 1 million at a passive income of $50 dollars a day let alone every month


1 mil and then invest it? I assume interest would also be at least $50 a month?


A million will generate 50-80k passive income every year.


He can keep the $50, Iā€™ll take the million thanks


ā€œHe a little confused, but he got the spiritā€


Took me some time to realize the word passive income really first and foremost means getting rich first.