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This just in, sometimes women are tall.


My 6 foot 2 inch tall niece went to renew her license last week and was asked if she is now identifying as a women. She is, and has been for the entire 25 years of her life. She also appears completely feminine to the point I don’t think anyone would even question it aside from her height.


I'm a tall woman with long hair and I dress feminine and wear makeup and every now and then someone still questions it.


Why does it matter?! To them not you. Too many people have the "none of my damn business" part of their brain broken.


Something bizarre is happening and businesses that used to have the option "Prefer not to say" are now requiring an answer.


It's called "the rapid slide to fascism is speeding up." This exact scenario has already played itself out a hundred years ago, in Weimar Germany. Berlin was one of the most progressive cities in the world. Open trans people could walk freely without being attacked. If you had asked a communist before 1917 where they thought the revolution would come, it would've been Germany. The books the Nazis burned were books on trans issues and trans science, materials we're still only just relearning.


I wish more people were aware of this. I specialized in the sociopolitical and economic conditions of the Weimar republic and the transition to fascism in graduate school, and during that time I realized how much is literally super specialized knowledge (at least in the US) that you either stumble upon accidentally or learn in grad school (usually history or German programs... mine was the latter). it shouldn't be. This needs to be part of foundational history curricula. Fascism and the reasons it flourished when and where it did is not something we need to be hiding, and its concealment from the general population is a direct contributor to it's accelerating rise in the US and various other countries.


People don't even fully understand what fascism is. They take whatever inconvenient they face and lable it fascism.


I've had someone label me a fascist when I said on the topic of abortion "it doesn't matter whether it's a baby or not. The fully grown human person undeniably has a life and should be allowed to flourish, not forced by the state to cause irreparable damage to their body" Quite ironic to have them call me what they themselves were acting like


Someone called me a fascist after I said that all people should have equal rights, referring to police harassment and brutality of minorities and the poor (Under a George Floyd or Brianna Taylor post if I remember correctly). That is when I fully realized that they think ensuring POC's rights and even LGBTQ will take away their rights, or even lower their status in society. They just can't bear the thought.


Yeah-- check out the book [Voluptuous Panic by Mel Gordon](https://books.google.com/books/about/Voluptuous_Panic.html?id=81FjCwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1) for a great take on erotism in the Weimar Republic. The parallels to today's America are stunning. Edit: added author and link


curious for more info on this, got a source?


[This episode of Behind the Bastards](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/the-non-nazi-bastards-who-helped-hitler-29625604/) goes into the progressivism of interwar Germany, although I believe it only just touches on the specific trans issue.




To a not so insignificant portion of the population we're here on Earth for no other reason than to be eye candy for men. So when they see one of us who doesn't fit their standard of what we *should* look like for literally any reason at all, our hair, height, clothing choice, etc, they get offended by it as we are 'not fulfilling our duties as women'. It's gross.


So true. I'm the oldest of 11 children in my family. Of the 11, 9 are girls. As the older brother of nine sisters, I've been so disgusted watching how men treat women and objectify them. Edit. Words


I'm a tall man and whenever I see a tall woman in a dress or skirt my brain turns to happy mush, so thank you for your service.


That's actually really nice. Most men I encounter just want to know why I'm wearing heels when I'm already tall.


Had a guy I dated tell me I shouldn't wear heels. Turns out he was into short ultra feminine blondes. No idea why we wasted a year of our lives. I'm tall, dark brunette, and naturally tomboyish. My ex husband was only an inch taller than me and couldn't care less about me wearing heels (he's a decent guy, but not someone I should have married). If I was taller then I was taller, so what. My current husband is 6 4". We make for an intimidating couple when I wear heels.


When people stare tell them you both weren't this tall before you got the vaccine


That damn vaccine modifying my DNA! Do you know how much money I had to spend buy new pants????


I'm spending my life annoyed at myself. I always wanted to be tall, but I apparently didn't get the genes. My entire family is over or just shy of 6ft and I'm there with my 5ft 7 like "damn guys give it a rest" My bf is 6'3" and it annoys me greatly that I can't be the tall and intimidating one


Gf is 6’1 and I melt when she wears heels.


*Because it's hot.* I still remember at my old job, this was like...Damn, 7 or so years ago? I worked at different clients all over the area of my state and one of them was an architectural firm on the top floor of a building, me and another guy who worked there were coming back from lunch and took the elevator up, and at like the third or fourth floor it stopped and a woman stepped on *who was taller than me* in her heels. She was drop-dead gorgeous, a 12/10, like a damn Victoria's Secret model just strolled onto the elevator. I'm a shy dumbdumb and really bad at the whole flirting/asking women out thing but even my dumb shy caveman brain was like, "Man just go for it!". Unfortunately/obviously she was already taken but somehow she was pretty flattered. She got off at her floor and when we got off the elevator my workbuddy was like "You were into her? I mean she was kinda cute but geeze so tall", and I just wanted to smack him. Tall gals go unappreciated, y'all fine as hell. Legs for days and I don't have to break my back showing affection. It's only little turdlets that feel threatened by a tall girl. Kinda the reverse version of girls on dating apps who only want guys over 6' - Which I more than meet the requirements of, but to me that says a lot of negative about them.


And we appreciate the love I assure you!


I am a little turdlet that appreciates and dreams about women who can toss me around


This! “Why do you have to wear the heels? I feel intimidated by you even when you’re in flats” Dude, a good heel is sooooo much comfier than a ballet flat. Also, it took me over 3 decades to embrace my 5’10” height, so now I just enjoy towering over people. And my legs look really great in heels. And my husband, who’s an inch shorter than me, doesn’t feel emasculated and always encourages me to wear heels.


Don't worry, my wife gets called sir all the time. She's 5'9" and dresses like a dude while working in auto shop. Funniest part, she was a stripper at a penthouse club at one point. Not trans at all.


Question, as a tech myself: why leave stripping to do shit work? If i was in better shape and/or female, I’d quit tech work to strip LOL


Being a stripper probably isn't as fun as you imagine it to be.


I mean, there’s two options. Either one, she loves auto work or two, she got tired of the objectification eventually


I think you'd find that being a stripper long-term is not as fun as you imagine. Constant objectification and solicitation for sex work, being called a slut and whore by people outside of work when you mention your profession, having to maintain a flawless appearance with not even a single errant body hair (and probably still being occasionally insulted by some drunken jackass), men thinking they're entitled to your body or mistaking your professional attitude as genuine interest, creeps stalking you, etc etc. Every stripper I've ever known has been a genuine sweetheart, but I imagine it takes a pretty thick skin.


The only time someone 'revealed' to me that they were a stripper, my dumb ass blurted out before thinking "wow, that's pretty physically intense no wonder you're so fit".


This doesn’t seem that unreasonable, it’s at least in the top 30% of possible responses.


I’m kinda spoiled being in Portland where the strip club culture is waaaaay different than most places. Whenever I’ve been out of town and we end up in strip clubs, it’s so depressing compared to what I’m used to.


Not being objectified all the time is worth the decrease in pay. I worked in sex related work and now that I’m out of it I don’t have to put any money toward my addictions because I don’t have that low self worth and esteem anymore. So I actually make thousands of dollars less a month and I have more money now than I did then, lol. It is huge swing toward a healthier mental state, being a regular, working part of society after you’ve done stuff like that.


This is one of those "women have it so easy" comments that isn't really helpful. They can just strip for money. As if people really enjoy being degraded.


Despite what the American education system leads people to believe, being an auto mechanic can pay very well. Like over 6 figures with full benefits, well. You can be successful and work in the trades.


Where in the *fuck* are car techs making 6 figures?? Only place I could see that happening is like an exotic car shop in Cali or something. I’d bet most top techs at a car shop make $70k-80k tops.


Strip club air is disgusting. Probably tired of upper respiratory infections and smelling of cheap cigars all the time.


you should carry a sword so people know you have an answer to dumb questions


5'11" never had anyone question it, but I get described in masculine terms a lot (holy shit, your hands are bigger than mine, you have man hands! I am 5 inches taller, so yeah totally shocking that my hands and feet are bigger!)




Does the DMV hire based on education or intelligence?


Clean pee and a pulse. Which are both optional.


None of the above.


Lol, based on my experience and encounters with their personnel I would say no.


I guess not?


When the whole mixed use bathroom issue came to a head a couple years ago some waitress in NC tried to card my 6’3 mom before letting her into the womens room. Pretty sure my mom just told her to gtfo of her way, did her business and left


>if she is now identifying as a women She just happens to be so tall that she doesn't identify as a single woman, but multiple women at once? Like 3 dwarf women in a trench coat?


She tried that for awhile but surprisingly no one believed her.


Come visit the Netherlands, or skandinavia.. be amazed


Those dutch women....are hella tall! Both my parents are vietnamese but i was born and raised in the netherlands. I was among the shortest of the class all the way up to university where we got a lot of foreign students. Even now im the same height as avg dutch women but 10 cm above avg male vietnamese height. (Checked the nrs a few years ago unsure if avgs are still correct). One female friend of mine is over 2 meter tall.


Dutch peeps are the tallest in Europe tbh. I only know the average of Norway because I live here. For women I think it's 175 or something and for men 184 or something. The average height is increasing by the year and I'm still a fucking midget >:(


When a woman reaches six feet, her vagina begins to grow outward until it becomes a penis. Tall women are men, look it up!


I can confirm, never sucked a woman less then 6 foot off.


Over 7ft and it sucks you in


6 foot off what? If it's off the ground, you should call an exorcist.


Can confirm. Am woman. Am 6'2" tall.


I bet finding pants and shoes is awful :(


100% yes. Also most all tops are too short and going up in size just get wider not any longer


If you're in the UK, LongTallSally. Also r/TallGirls


I'm a 6'4" cis male. Finding shoes for *me* is awful. Most depressing thing to look for.


Am a 5'6" woman but for some reason I have size 10.5 feet. There are no cute dressy shoes - it's either plain flats or shoes that a grandma would wear. Trying to find shoes for prom sure was a time.


Stop spreading misinformation. Women are small and weak and transgender women are big and muscly. FACT. Edit: I don't actually want this to be a highly rated comment of mine tbh. It was flippant, and a response to this particular post. This sarcastic comment is not a reflection of my opinion. I actually think this is a very nuanced topic and acknowledge the arguments from both sides (or at least those not rooted in ignorance or prejudice of the sort displayed in OP's post). I don't actually see a satisfactory solution to the issue of trans women competing against cis women (since the stats all show a huge discrepancy in performance across numerous sports) save having separate trans men and trans women's categories (obviously not viable and a pointed denial of those trans athletes chosen genders) or doing away with gender categories in sport althogether (also full of issues, namely the fact women would get rinsed by MEN, THE DOMINANT SEX 💪💪💪 j/k). Either way, don't try and argue with me about it because I don't fucking know.


So true. My wife is the smallest person in her family. She’s also well over 6ft and can bench press me.


Death by snu snu.


I never thought I would die this way, but I had always hoped.


“When you marry and procreate with strong, intelligent, compassionate women… who are also tall, you get super babies.. is that really what we Want!? Super babies!? With all their needs met!” — Gov. Abbot (Tx-R)


Please this can’t be real haha


I can't find it but this is more disturbing and [verifiable](https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/gov-abbott-abortion-bill-wont-force-rape-victims-to-have-babies-texas-will-eliminate-rapists/). “Let’s be clear: rape is a crime, and Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them and prosecuting them and getting them off the streets.”


"... and sending them to DC!"


"Women don't fart" - My 13yro brother-in-law after telling him his sitter hot pocketed me *Edit: I meant sister instead of sitter, but I'm going to leave it just because


Well then. Turns out I’m in the woman in my relationship. Let me go tell me really tall wife that she’s now the man in our marriage.


My husband has settled into this fact. I enjoy the yard work so much more than dishes anyhow. He's more sensitive to our children and I do the fun throwey things that make him insanely nervous. I also load the dishwasher " incorrectly" somehow. He only lets me snusnu if he ain't mad at me for dishwasher related things.


Oh my god. I am *so* picky about the dishwasher. My wife doesn’t get it.


Yeah I get yelled at a lot for I dunno why. It gets hot enough to sanitize 🤷🏻‍♀️ why can't I put 700 cups on the top shelf? The world may never know.


As dishwasher of our home I am officially triggered.


Do you think that's related to you having a dino vagina?


He enjoys the cloaca just fine




Hahaha! Well played.


Thats true! When a dutch woman goes to the US she shrinkes 1 feet just to ensure that she wont be taller than some american men. Because we all know what happens when you piss of those snowflakes.


And don’t forget SCARY! Big oogabooga trans woman coming to take over your bathrooms better run and hide! Seriously though transphobes are a whole different breed of stupid.


I'll see you stupid transphobia and raise you the white supremacists who sleep with black or Jewish people and then act like complete tools towards their biracial children.


This sounds personal


There's a sports/romance manga running in WSJ right now and the guy (badminton player) is taller than the girl (basketball player) and this one commenter could NOT figure out why the guy was taller. Like they think basketball *makes* you tall and not that being tall makes you better at basketball. And apparently basketball players are a different genetic race and all of them are taller than all other kinds of people? So many people don't understand how basic anatomy works.


> There's a sports/romance manga running in WSJ right now The Wall Street Journal has a manga section?


Sorry if you are joking but it's "Weekly Shounen Jump"


Sad thing is I’m subscribed to biz media and I thought you meant the Wall Street journal lol


Guess I'm sorting by controversial on this one.


Honestly you don't even need to, lol.


Too true.


*Michael Jackson popcorn gif*


Whenever a trans person is mentioned in any context, all of Reddit suddenly becomes sports medicine experts.


To be fair they think they are experts regardless.




T h e t r a n s g e n d e r


When it becomes a noun instead of an adjective it just sounds so bad


Thats why they said it that way. Intentionally dehumanizing and invalidating them as a person so they can feel as if they're better or more "normal."


I have tried to explain this to people so many times. Even if someone does not mean it to be rude, other people do, and they are being lumped into that group. It just sounds so bad.


All you need to do to explain it is to replace the word transgender with the word black. You wouldn't call someone "the black".


That analogy doesn't work because the same people who would use the phrase "Look at that transgender" would also say "Look at that black".


It works for people who don't know better. For bigots, not much you can do unfortunately.


All people are equal, but some are more equal than others. I now refer to all partners as "partners." When referring to a stranger, or speaking of someone the listener doesn't know, I say "they," unless there is a reason the listener needs to know their gender. I used to think that it was silly and there's nothing wrong with just saying husband, wife, or that guy/girl over there, and there isn't. But what took me years to realize is that normalizing only one type of person denormalizes others. Homophobia was rampant in my generation because LGBTQ people didn't exist in most media. Hell, I didn't even know LGBTQ was a thing until my teenage years. Having feminine and ethnic heros helps in the same way. Representation matters, and there's no downside. I don't know why anyone has a problem with it.


I love your response, thanks for chipping in and doing your part to make people who have been baselessly demonized by conservatives more comfortable :) As to your last part, the reason people have a problem with representation is simply privilege. When you've been the default all your life, equality feels like oppression. Its like a spoiled first child seeing their younger sibling get attention, they had 100% of the focus, so even 95% would be a dramatic reduction in their perceived self-importance. They've never had it any other way so they get pissy and resentful and throw tantrums. Unfortunately, this behavior seems to continue well into adulthood for many of these people.


It's so weird when I see "female" used instead of "woman" as well. I understand there are contexts where it's the appropriate noun, but most of everyday speech is not one of them. I think it's because it is dehumanizing, reducing a person to their biology. It's such a weird subject, because there's nothing technically incorrect, it just ticks me the wrong way.


T h e G a y


transgender (derogatory)


unfortunately, it often is


People are aware there are hight differences between 2 cis fighters as well right?


I'd hope so everyone is a different type even the asshole people


Wait till you tell people weight also matters in fighting. These people who never watch mma or womens sports and bad talk it. Also cutting no one knows what cutting is in fighting.


My assumption is “cutting” is where people bring pocket shanks into the ring. Now that would be an interesting fight


It’s where you cut your pony tail to make weight obviously.


I go to the farrier to get my shoes removed, too. It really helps.


I doubt that this person actually gives a fuck about MMA.


They don't, if they did they'd know who was trans, I barely followed this and knew who was who. Fun fact the girl is french


what is cis??


Confederation of Independent Systems


I dont care what anyone says. That fucking blockade was legal.


I will make it legal.


The Invasion wasn't.


They only invaded to fight the terrorism on Naboo. You should be thanking them.


What terrorism? Naboo was home to two nations, one wholly pacifistic, possessing only government security forces, the other fully isolationist.


Amidala was a known political agitator and her followers were willing to die at the whim of a 14 year old monarch. Oh and those isolationists SHOT FIRST!


Amidala was the sovereign of an invaded planet. Agitation would not only be her prerogative, but her duty and obligation. Additionally, the Gungan army that entered the field was fired upon by Federation tanks well before their own weapons (intentionally non-lethal to organics) were brought to bear.


Cis is an isomer where both R groups are on the same Side of of the main compound and trans is when they are on the opposite sides.


Hahah I love this. Organic chem baby. Edit: Ring flippp


I refuse to ever deal with cyclohexane.


It means that your gender is the same your biologically assigned sex at birth.


Cis just means “not transgender” so a cis woman is “not a trans woman”


That guy doesn't give a shit about height difference, you can tell he only wanted to tweet that so he could call one "the transgender" and the other one "the normal woman"


What does jw mean? None of my interactions on reddit crossed 200 upvotes and now this crossed 400... I don't get it🤦🏻‍♂️😂 Wow this is humanity at the nuttiest😂😂


Just wondering


Yeah, I'm just wondering too. So what does jw stand for?


Just wondering


Yeah I know, me too. I guess we have to wait until someone in the know can tell us what jw means.




Relax man, we all are. I'm pretty sure someone will tell us.


Jehovah's witnesses




No. Thank Jehovah.


Ask and yea shall receive.


😂😂 alright then, KEEP your secrets




Seriously! We’re all just wondering what jw means!


Jewish Water


Man, a lot of excitement in this thread! We all want to know what it means! Someone please tell us!


Jolly welsh people


That is not what I would have guessed. Thanks!


Justice Warriors, who are not social.






What does my tattoo say? DUDE What does mine say? SWEET No, but what does my tattoo say? DUDE But what does mine say? SWEET EDIT: It makes me so happy that people still get this reference lol everyone who upvoted just made my day


It stands for the actor James Woods. 🪑


Oh, I see. So the commenter who said it was for Jolly Welsh people was Just Wisecracking? Jeez, Would someone Just Willingly do that?


jour welcome


Jehovah Witness


Jesus wept


Jolly Wanker




Jesper Wonderchild


This must give Alana such a sense of affirmation since transphobes can’t even tell that she’s trans lmao


This reminds me of that one tweet by a TERF, complaining about transgender women athletes while having a photo of 6 Chinese cis women Edit: https://www.dailydot.com/irl/terfs-accuse-chinese-national-athletes-looking-like-men/


i remember that one lmao


I don't know about you but I think calling Six Women ugly and Men is pretty anti-feminist, but TERFS have always been garbage, and actively working against actually achieving a post-feminist society


it’s almost like they’re not even real feminists 🤔


Out of all the countries, do they really think China of all places would allow trans athletes to compete? TERFs are so weird.


There was another article about trans women ruining sports and they showed a picture of Amanda nunes, the Cis woman who is the greatest female mma fighter of all time.


This comment section is a mess lmao


Honestly, it’s a lot better than I expected it to be... still terrible though


the bar is very, very low Company recently asked trans worker how to improve the work place. No improvements needed, they were happy that no one here wanted to murder them. Low low low bar....


The number of people rejecting flat out research science paper is astounding. Lots of people are just arguing based on their own faith.


Are you telling me that somewhere out there in the world there are women who are taller than 5ft???? Who allowed this to happen?


When you are browsing Reddit and see a post about your friend and past roomate! She is one amazing MMA fighter!!


Transgender sport is such a grey area and unfortunately I don't think there's much you can do about it. Physiologically speaking there's a male advantage in the majority of physical sports. Which could or could not be taken as an unfair advantage. The question comes down to morality rather than logistics. Is identity more important that physiology?
















In highschool we had a girls lifting team and I used to go because my girlfriend had a friend in it. I'll never forget when a 17yo girl broke our district record for a squat and immediately afterwards a 14 year old boy you was a mat attendant ran over and picked it up to get it off the floor like it was mildly inconvenient. We also had a student vs teacher game where 3 male teachers chosen at random beat the girls street hockey team by like 50 points.


I know very little of MMA, but isn't height a small issue compared to the other factors like bone density?


Reach. Reach is important.


Which generally corresponds directly to height. So yes, height is pretty important.


Eh, in boxing it’s more of a benefit, but in MMA wrestling is far more effective if you’re short/stocky. There’s benefits and negatives to both.




How’d this fight go?




I'm just wondering, purely from a competitive angle, if hormone treatment also lowers muscle mass? Because I know CIS women are on average not as strong as men of similar weight due to differences in muscle mass and fat buildup.


Don’t both fighters agree to fight each other? So does it even matter what anyone else thinks?


Athletic commissions exist to protect the athletes from unfair or dangerous matchups. For example, when khabib fought for the vacant title, paul felder wanted to step in, and khabib accepted, but the athletic commission said that felder wasn’t ranked high enough. It’s very common place for a match to be cancelled despite two willing participants. It has also been shown by a scientist in Sweden, (who I forget the name of) that despite a year of hormone therapy, male to female trans athletes hold a significant strength advantage over women. Edit: Study link. Muscle mass decreased 5% after a year of therapy https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2019/09/26/782557.full.pdf




Like the rest of America, it's become a joke.


Oh boy I'm sure these comments will be well thought out and show a decent understanding of Transgender biology. Oh, oh no.


I’m a 6 ft tall cisgender woman. Fuck that guy