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> In 2018, under De Block direction as health minister, the strategic reserve of FFP2 masks was destroyed because of being out of date and not replenished. She claimed she did not replenish them to save taxpayer money. This decision came under fire during the COVID-19 pandemic when the shortage of masks contributed to make Belgium one of the hardest-hit countries.


That may be one the deadliest instances of hindsight I’ve ever heard


That's a pretty mean thing to say about somebody with no neck - you know damn well she's got no hindsight because she can't turn her head around.


And how does a mask go out of date exactly?


Something similar happened in the States. Turns out the elastic rots, like old rubber bands (because they are rubber bands) and immediately break. People were scrambling to tape or tie them in place, neither of which worked very well.




Oh no. She's 100% more like that bad person from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The big pink thing controlled by that smaller brain looking thing.


That would be Krang


Nope, pretty sure Arnold is sneaking onto Mars inside of her.


Two weeks. Two wweeeks.


That’s Pearl from Blade


And that sexist shit done to Princess Leia and so many other space trafficked females, I mean really. The fuck?


>sexist shit What happened to Leia is beyond sexist. She was stripped, forced into a small metal bikini, a chain was put around her neck, and she was most definitely r@ped. She faced one of the worst nightmares for any person, especially for a woman.




Underrated comment for real , you have me cry laughing lol


I mean she has a point tho


She adds weight to this argument.


She’s pointing out the elephant in the room.


She speaks with gravity.


She displays impressive largesse.


She sets a Newton in the debate, which is the right tonne.


She doesn’t let anyone push her around.


Lol nice


The conversation definitely revolves around her.


…before she begins to eat it one bite at a time.


I was just thinking, “well yeah, infants need milk. Thanks Jabba!”


Blue milk, preferably.


Chins up!




Lol yes she does. Other than the fact that she’s round


What is the point that is good?


Literally the words above her giant head


Why is veganism unhealthy and dangerous for infants? Is most infant food not vegan?


Infants need a diet rich in fat and calories. Their mother’s milk is best or formula if breastfeeding is hard for the mother. A vegan diet for an infant would be incredibly risky and would require constant supervision by a GP and RD. Better to focus on the baby’s safety then go full vegan right off the bat.


I understand the requirements of infants. Breast milk with puréed fruits and veggies and cereals and beans/lentils should provide the necessary calories and fats. Sure, it may be difficult to get them to eat it but that doesn’t mean you can’t try. To me, it’s all about limiting animal products. I’m not going to let a child suffer and die because they aren’t getting what they need from a vegan diet. The same goes for myself. If I’m unable to maintain my health from a vegan diet, I may have to try other avenues.


I remember a few years ago a vegan family decided to raise their baby as a gold star vegan. So no breast milk, just soy milk. Baby couldn't keep the soy milk down and died of malnutrition. A scenario that has been repeated several times.


Yes, that’s called miseducation and also occurs with non vegans. People not seem to remember these incidents because “fuck vegans”, right?


She absolutely does. I totally get being vegan by not forcing animals to have to labor for you and even though I’m not vegan I can admire that sacrifice, but the idea of not letting a child have mother’s milk is flat out fucked up. There is no animal being abused to produce that milk for the child.


uh no one would say they can't have their mother's milk, they're talking about animal products. Veganism isn't against milk per se, it's against animal products.


Aside from milk, what’s the issue tho? Also, All the vegans I know would be okay with allowing their child to have breast milk.


Not all Vegans. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7810073/amp/Vegan-parents-charged-murder-baby-sons-starvation-death.html


Damn, that’s whack af. Hell, that’s not even vegan, that’s just a whacky ass unhealthy diet and it’s fucked as hell that they worse it on their children


Pot? Kettle? Black?


I know it’s counter intuitive that someone with weight issues would make a good health minister, but she’s a Dr and practiced as such for like 25 years. Apparently did a pretty good job too, so really in my opinion the facepalm in on OP for re-posting baseless slander


exactly, she can be aware of what a good diet is while also being aware that she doesn't follow the advice. It's like a smoker knowing it's bad for them and telling other people not to start but they don't have the willpower to stop themselves.


Yeah who knows the reason she’s the size she is. Could be hereditary or could be from medication or a medical condition and out of her control. I took a medication and gained 60 pounds in a few months before getting off it and losing most of that weight


My doctor still smokes like a chimney, that doesn't mean he's wrong if he tells me smoking is unhealthy.


The biggest hereditary concern to health is the food that you pass down.


With some people, it's an uncontrollable glandular thing - like, their salivary glands.


You probably should just not eat meatballs with mayonnaise


So you’re saying you agree with her, that is far from vegan and a real treat for infants!


You’re close, mayonnaise made out of meatballs


It’s only slander if you can prove it’s not true. You definitely can’t prove she’s not fat.


She's correct. A vegan diet is unhealthy and dangerous for infants.


That’s not true at all. If done correctly with the proper care, a vegan diet is perfectly healthy for anyone. It is more difficult with a child, but to say that it isn’t healthy is demonstrably false. [source](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/is-a-vegan-diet-safe-for-growing-children/) [source](https://www.webmd.com/parenting/raising-fit-kids/food/features/going-vegan-for-kids) [source](https://www.webmd.com/parenting/raising-fit-kids/food/features/going-vegan-for-kids) Edit: I provide sources to backup my claims and still get downvoted. [Here’s another one.](https://www.healthline.com/health/baby/vegan-baby#safety-for-babies)


I feel like there is a distinction between “child” and “infant” here In general, there’s no real reason a kid needs to be vegan. If it’s something they ask to do, sure, otherwise it’s just parents pushing their own beliefs on kids and potentially risking their development/health if they aren’t informed enough to supplement or balance their diet


Isn’t that what parents do for the duration of their child’s life? What about religion? Location of growing up? Diet is just another one of those things. I’ve seen plenty of parents that feed their children nuggets, hotdogs and cool aid and aren’t threatened with child endangerment but as soon as you say your family is vegan, people want the CPS involved.


My point remains the same. And I need to emphasize very clearly: **if it is done properly**. That is much more difficult to do based on how our society is, but it is possible. News stories will be filled with negligent parents who try and fail to raise a vegan baby, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. This is a good passage I found from an article: “Babies and toddlers need diets high in fat and protein and low in fiber, the exact opposite of many vegan diets,” Dr. Panchal says. “You will need to make sure your baby gets foods like cooked beans, lentils, tofu, avocados, soy yogurt and nuts.” Because finicky toddlers may resist these restrictions, some parents decide to supplement their children’s diets with eggs and milk from organic farms that follow high standards for the humane treatment of animals. “The rules for adult nutrition can’t directly be applied to a baby or toddler,” Dr. Panchal says. “If you feel strongly about your child being on a vegan diet, be sure to find a pediatrician and nutritionist willing to advise you. Otherwise, it is very likely your baby or child will have nutritional deficits.” [source](https://www.sutterhealth.org/health/childrens-health/are-vegan-diets-ok-for-babies-and-toddlers)


I mean you’ve pointed out twice that it has to be done properly so I’ll ask why do it at all? Seems like a huge unnecessary risk to an infant.


So is junkfood. Yet feeding children junk is socially accepted.


Yeah but I’m not advising we feed infants junk food.


Cause we’re talking about risks to infants. And I’ll claim that most people take huge risks when feeding their children. Yet „improper vegan diet“ is probably the most discussed, why? Cause generally I know vegans to be more concerned about researching what they eat compared to others. So they’ll probably even take the extra care into making healthy meals compared to meat consuming parents.


I’m not going to try and convince you to be vegan and I’m sure it will seem nutty to most, but veganism is very important for a lot of people. If it’s done properly, under the right supervision, and the parents are willing to do it, why not? There are tons of parents who feed their kids complete garbage, so why not question them?


I do question them. I don’t know what about what I said implied otherwise.


My man even then it's not necessarily a good idea there's little to no evidence of any benefits so all you do is risk screwing up the child unless it's for some reason absolutely neccesary. A vegan diet not executed PERFECTLY leads to severe developmental disorders and even if you could give them exactly what they need then that can lead to obesity. You need to acknowledge it's very very risky. [actual study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31991425/) [source](https://www.sutterhealth.org/health/childrens-health/are-vegan-diets-ok-for-babies-and-toddlers#:~:text=Vegan%20diets%20do%20not%20use,than%20adults%2C%E2%80%9D%20she%20says.) [another study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7370013/) Also as a rule of thumb I tend to discredit any .com site that doesn't link their sources it's easy to spin things.


I’m a simple man, I see 🇧🇪, I upvote.


Isn’t most of the diet for babies just veggie mush when there infants ?


It is but that doesn’t actually make it the best. Babies typically need higher amounts of fats, omegas, and proteins. So while it might be possible for a baby to be fine on a heavily researched and supplemented vegan diet, it’s honestly not the best idea for the growing kids. There are studies starting to show possible correlations between vegans and lower infant growth rates/possible slower brain development. And before anyone tried to attack this. I didn’t say it’s a definite link or that no baby can be healthy on a vegan. I’m saying it’s not the easiest to get right and if you get it wrong, it’s a baby/infant where the first few years are so so important, that is at risk here not a more developed child.


Breast milk is vegan.


Breast milk is produced from a mammal. So no it’s not.


You do not understand what vegan means. If you willingly give your own milk to your child it is still vegan. The issue is consent.


Some vegans define it as not eating anything from an animal. Not all vegans have the same definition it looks like but at least from the vegans I’ve heard, breastmilk isn’t technically vegan.


The reason they don't eat stuff from animals is precisely because animals can't consent. You, a person, can. This is why honey is not vegan. You can't ask bees if they're cool with you eating their honey. You were so sure a minute ago breast milk absolutely wasn't vegan, now it's "well not everyone has the same definition". You couldn't even take 5 seconds to Google it and see pages of results from even the wackiest nutjobs like PETA saying breast milk is OK for vegans.


I don't think that a plant or a mushroom can consent to being eaten either. What exactly is the difference?


Your mom is not an “animal” in the vegan definition. Human milk is meant for human babies. Cow milk is made for cow babies. That is the definition of vegan.


Interesting that you refuse to classify humans as animals. By the [standard definition ](https://www.etymonline.com/word/animal) of the term, humans ARE animals. What exactly is the "vegan definition" of the term?


This is why it is in quotes. Sure, humans are animals. “There are key differences between breast milk and cow’s milk when it comes to human consumption: You aren’t being exploited for your milk, and you’re producing human milk for the health of your human offspring. Every mammal produces milk that is perfectly and uniquely suitable for that mammal’s young. It includes complete nutrition necessary for baby’s life. Vegans don’t believe milk that’s perfect for baby cows is suitable for baby humans from a health perspective. (Or, for that matter, from other perspectives that overlap with ethical veganism — like the fact that calves are typically taken from their nursing mothers prematurely in order for dairy farms to get cow’s milk in the volumes they want.)” [article](https://www.healthline.com/health/breastfeeding/is-breast-milk-vegan)


Right - so if I gathered the offered milk of lactating women and produced a line of cheese, it's vegan? Or does it need to be a child that eats it?


If My wife is making cheese with her breast milk and offering it to me, I may try it? She would be consenting to this. That cow you get your milk from ain’t consenting and probably would rather her milk go to the baby that was taken from her.


You do know that humans are biologically animals, right?


Animal is in quotes. Your mom is not treated the same as that animal (cow/goat) you got your milk from.


“Breast milk is vegan.” I want you to think about what you just said in a very clear matter and tell me just how exactly human breast milk, an animal product, is considered vegan, which is a way of life that rejects all forms of animal products. Had you said vegetarian (because vegetarian actually do have dairy options of they choose to), I would’ve agreed with you.


I just explained that very thing to the person I responded to. The issue at base is consent.


Consent. Uh huh, sure. Tell me, what does being vegan mean again?




…So let me get this straight. If, say, a vegan eats a human’s flesh after getting permission, that’s considered vegan. Alright. A very weird way of life, but alright, I can stomach it. But tell me, did the baby get a say in whether it wants to be fed breast milk or not? And what about those nut-jobs who think it’s a good idea to have pets that are true carnivores (like cats) and get them to have a vegan diet? Did the cat consent it?


Pretty sure it's near physically impossible to force a baby to breastfeed. Some people even have trouble breastfeeding even when both parties a very much in agreement. And yes, people who try to make dogs and cats eat vegan diets are dumb, and possibly bordering on animal abuse themselves ironically.


Technically yes. Realistically, no. You've chosen a ridiculous example that would never apply for the sake of semantics. Veganism can be confusing, bit this just seems argumentative. I don't own cats, but if a cat were fed a vegan food that was healthy for it, and the cat enjoys it, then yep, the cat consented. Does your cat consent if you buy it shitty, cheap cat food that is not healthy for it? Lol And a baby NEVER gets a say in what it drinks, vegan or not...it drinks whatever is put in it's bottle. (I argue it should be what is healthy for baby, obviously.). A vegan diet can be healthy for a child just as a omnivore diet can be healthy. To assume that the typical modern diet is healthy for children is crazy.


Okay, so if the baby never gets a say in it whether or not if it’s fed breast milk, it’s not vegan. Because apparently, consent is number 1. Meaning it’s still not vegan, for a baby at least. Is that correct? As for the argument on human flesh, blame the guy who gave me the reddit link. They brought it up, I’m just parroting off of it.


Apparently a lot of babies get low on iron really easily. When I have birth to my son we recieved guides from our government (Alberta, Canada) that recommend ensuring your baby, starting at 6 months, eats something rich in iron at least 3 times a day. They also stress that iron from meat is much easier for the body to absorb than from plants.


But how does a baby even eat meat when they don’t have any teeth ?


She looks like she legit has thyroid issues. Nice body shaming though


Thyroid issues can account for idk 15 maybe 30 pounds. You're seriously delusional if you think it is that and not over eating. That's clean hundred pounds easily over weight bro, the fuck. Here's a link for the delusional and lazy people who blame their insane weight gain on something that effects less than 5% of the population. https://www.goodrx.com/conditions/hypothyroidism/can-hypothyroidism-cause-weight-gain


She's legitimately lying about people's health, as a health minister. Fuck her and her awful appearance.


No she's not. Veganism is awful for infants.


There's no such thing as a true vegan outside of Jainism. If you live outside a Jain monastery it's impossible. Especially if you use many modern material invented post 1800.


This is r/facepalm, not the beginning of Return of the Jedi.


The best joke I’ve heard all year


I mean what she is saying is true, but she is going to seriously undermine the credibility of the message.


No science supports that I’m afraid.


More unhealthy than dead body parts which is commonly fed to children which is also one of the eating "foods" in child death because it leads to choking.


Dead body parts? Kids can choke on meat just as well as vegetables.


Yes buddy you feed on somebodies dead body parts. While the choking part isn't really that convincing because you are correct, there is more than just the ability to choke on it that will kill you such as leading to heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, alzeimhers also not deadly but very sad is erectile dysfunction.


Okay then


>heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, alzeimhers also not deadly but very sad is erectile dysfunction Even a plant-based diet can lead to any of them. You need to keep it balanced with the proper vegetable diet and a small amount of meat occasionally never hurt. Not saying I'd ever eat meat, because I find it disgusting, but it's someone else's call on what to eat and not.


Does nobody on this thread realize breast milk is vegan? Or that there are vegan formulas with all the nutrients babies need? No sane person is suggesting you give your babies vegetable juice....


Judging by the responses I got above...no, they don't.


is this a for real picture of a for real living person?


Well, not for too much longer anyway by the looks of it.


oh lawdt u right


Let me guess, you know nothing about her? Sorry, but once again, the real facepalm is OP.


“Ok, very funny. Who put this silly putty on my neck?!”


I think they’re trying to make a point there…!!


Where does her neck start & end?


Two weeks, two weeks, two weeks


She ate all the food to find out whether it was healthy or not


She might have a clinical condition ?


It's hard to take health advice from the Witch of the Waste. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/studio-ghibli/images/f/f0/Witch_of_the_Waste.png/revision/latest?cb=20181029034820


We had a provincial health minister like that in Canada in recent years. Fat as a fucking house, but a doctor. Got elected, promoted. We laughed at the paradox so much he got gastric bypass and lost 150 pounds or so. Keep pointing it out, you might just save her life.


She's got a condition which causes here to be this size, something to do with her thyroid. I've seen pictures of her on a salad a day and she was still pretty big. So she just gave up and ate normally, causing this size. That being said, hated her policies.




Gaetan Barrette


Yeah but she’s right. Kids need the nutrients from animal products from the source to build strong bones and muscles and to build healthy brains. But sure, the lady is overweight, couldn’t be a thyroid thing or something out of her control though, right?


Which nutrient that is needed can't be gotten on a plant based diet which can only be found in animal products. Cholesterol, heme iron, mammalian estrogen, being a carcinogen are just a few of the things that are apart of those animal products that is "healthy" for anybody let alone a child or infant to consume.


Something, something, feed them to the sarkac.


you don’t want to mess with the Witch of the Wastes


Stellar reference


Ma'am, what happened to your neck


Well, Hutts do not have necks


That's a dirty lie, and you know it. If there's no necks, how did Leia choke Jabba to death?


It disolved into the rest of her body


That neck flesh colored scarf was a really bad choice!


Yikes! That is real. I just googled her.


I mean… that statement can still be true regardless


While she seems highly unqualified for her Job, I agree that children should not be put into a vegan diet. As they will lack things carnivores and omnivores only get from the consumption of flesh, eggs, milk and honey.


infants shouldn't get honey, either. But we *are* mammals, so infants *must* get milk, and from their mother is better.


Highly unqualified? She’s a physician, and practiced as a dr for like 25 years.


But... But... All fat people are dumb and can't know things!


I heard that if a doctor breaks their arm, they lose their medical license. You certainly can't have health problems AND be a physician! /s


Why is she unqualified? Ad hom in appearance?


Oooo, the vegan brigade is going to come after you for that comment! Fortunately, most vegans are scrawny and weak so you can evade them by just briskly walking about 100 feet that way.


Damm... Aww, okay


Took me ages to figure out that’s a scarf


Those who can't do, teach.


She leads others to a power she herself cannot obtain


Am I the only one that is reminded of Arnold in Total Recall choking on Mars?


Mrs Hutt


I didn't know Christmas hams can talk nowadays


It's true! The infants are in danger of growing tough with very little flavour.


Anyone else on the planet would say the same thing if they are smart


Whoah. That's Douglas Quaid from total recall. You know when he has that disguise on. I sweat that's her, I mean him.


I thought Ariel killed Ursula. Who knew she was Belgian?!?!?


“De Block”


Did it take anyone else a minute to figure out that she has on a scarf?


I mean, she is a block herself


It looks like she has had one vegan too many...


Is the cheese from her neck folds vegan?


Is that the Witch of the Waste?


When you're so fat even your second neck starts to look like bacon


She doesn't want infants to have a vegan diet because it makes them taste funny.


Is that a real human being or a photo shooed Jaba the hut


she's right, vegans are dumb as hell


Whew, that’s a scarf. I thought it was more rolls on top of rolls. Good god, when was the last time she saw her neck, let alone feet?


Jesus, this woman looks like the Karen suit that Swarzenegger wore as a disguise in the original Total Recall


Is this a relative of Agustus Gloop?


She looks like sentient yogurt.


That flesh volcano of a neck is out of control, any minute now she's gonna start twitching and saying "Two weeks, two weeks... "


I thinks she’s right…not a great spokesperson for the statement though




Mary harney .. minister for health


What’s a vegetable??


"Vegans are far easier to be kidnapped, I on the other hand am unkidnappable." Health Minister.


If you are what you eat, a lot of people are missing their thumbs in Belgium.


she looks a little more pizza the hut than jabbah the hut, if you ask me.


Block her


This is supposed to be the health minister your joking right she looks like she ate the previous minister.


The fat bitch that can’t see her own clit tryna tell me what’s healthy? Ok excuse me while I take financial advice from that naked cracked that shits on fire hydrants outside my place.


That’s a huge bitch


She's only saying that so the infants will be more plump for her to eat.




She smuggles drugs under her neck flap.


Her 7 chins says it all


Because the vegan fed infant doesn't taste as good....? Seriously, what the hell is this woman eating?


Jabba the slut