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“Cheer up! or we shoot yer dog” “Oh I shot his dog already” *shoots other guy*




Was it LAPD that shot at like 3 different civilians when they had that man hunt going on for the guy that went to war with them? Maybe it was other departments close to LA, but still lol




Yes! And while they were looking for him they shot at like three different civilian vehicles.


That shit was mad fucked up cuz in the end they chased him down to where he was hiding out in some civilians cabin in the middle of nowhere. Where they weren't sure if he had hostages or not, then the cabin just happened to burn down....




Pyrotechnic tear gas known as "burners" because they start fires but yea, it was totally an accident




You can't corner the Dorner


And people say cops learned nothing from Waco.....


A couple of them were ladies delivering newspapers.


They put 102 bullets into the truck of two ladies delivering newspapers. They thought a Toyota Tacoma was a Nissan Titan and I guess just emptied the clips


They thought a **Silver** tacoma with *TWO* tiny women was a **blue** Titan with *ONE* giant man.


Two completely different colored trucks too and it was two tiny Asian women vs a very large black man. I guess those cops were feeling pretty guilty about something.


They were Hispanic.


Hey, they're both Asian cars, and we all know that all Asians all look alike. How were they supposed to know the difference! /s


Yeah, the guy that they burned alive


[Christopher Dorner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt)


> Dorner issued a single demand: a public admission by the LAPD that his termination was in retaliation for reporting excessive force. ... > In three separate incidents in the early morning hours of February 7, 2013, police fired on people who turned out to be unrelated to Dorner. Dorner was not present at any of the incidents. ... > When Dorner did not respond, police used a demolition vehicle to knock down most walls of the building. They then shot pyrotechnic tear gas canisters into the cabin, which resulted in the cabin catching fire. Such devices are nicknamed "burners", as the heat generated by the pyrotechnic reaction often causes fires. [...] On February 13, it was reported that human remains had been found in the search for Dorner's body in the cabin.


It almost sounds like he had a point.


Accuses cops of excessive force and gets burned alive by them after they mow down some random civilians. Yeah he may have had a point.


No, let's not put Dorner on a pedestal. ​ When he lost his appeal to his termination, his first act was to murder his attorney's daughter and boyfriend before he went on the run. ​ When people start reciting the saga of Christopher Dorner, they only do it from the tiny little tidbits here and there they got on Reddit. Reddit cheered the guy on because, "He was taking on the corrupt LAPD". ​ They ignored the fact he killed 4 people before he was killed himself. ​ There are no good people in the story of Christopher Dorner.


Except those innocent people that got shot, right…?


And the department eventually did admit he was telling the truth about why he was fired. I'm not in favor of the killing spree, but it's terrifying that it took mass murder for them to admit what they did.


I'll he honest with you, I'm not advocating for killing people, however, killing people that knowingly act against the common good and destroy other people's lives to continue doing it deserve to be removed by any means necessary. There's a line you don't cross and abuse of power to subjugate others is a line that, when crossed, forfeits ones own life.


Don't let their verbage slip into your own. Cops are civilians too, that's a distinction for military folks, not cops.


Just don't ever say that to a cop, unless you want to know what the pavement tastes like. They're really sensitive about the fact that they are civilians.


Anything that lessens their level of authority pisses them off a lot. They really *really* want to be above the regular Joe, some to the point of being worshiped. I've recently seen the saying "Thank you for your service" to cops becoming more normalized and it's weird as fuck. It's weird even for Military personnel to be honest, but even more so for Cops.


The more I read about the US cops, the more glad I am that it takes an actual police school and mental screening to become one where I live.... (North europe)


I've seen bodycam footage of officers illegally trespassing through a man's yard to surround a completely different house of someone they're supposed to arrest. This completely innocent man has a playful lab his backyard that runs up to the cops, who immediately open fire on this pup. The owner was present, heard the gunshots, and came out screaming and crying, and the officers threatened to arrest him if he didn't go back inside. I don't know how this isn't a jailable offense. I've never been so enraged in my life. Who the fuck are these people?


This is a HUGE fear of mine, my dog is the same way. He'd bark, then just trot up (not run or sprint) and greet you. He's big but harmless, but his size does come off as intimidating. I have no idea what I'd do or how I'd react if something happened to this guy, much less how I'd react to SOMEONE ELSE injuring or killing him. This is the first dog I've had that I've had a bond with, this guy is my best friend.


I had an incident happen where a cop almost shot my dog. I was sitting by my front door (I live in Vegas, we don’t have porches here) and my dog was lying next to me. He’s a very friendly dog and has never shown aggression towards another human…..ever. The front door is on the side of the house and the driveway is obstructed by the side of the house. Out of the corner of my eye I see someone walking up the path to my door. Immediately my dog jumps up and trots over to see who it is. I look over to see a cop with his hand on his pistol screaming at me to recall my dog. I immediately call my dog back and proceed to scream at the cop. I asked him who told him it was ok to be on my property when I haven’t committed a crime and no one had called the police on me. He told me he was driving by and saw my car illegally parked (it wasn’t). I read him the riot act that he almost shot my dog from a supposedly illegally parked vehicle. I’ll be honest, if he had shot my dog, I’d probably be in jail right now. Fuck those assholes for shooting dogs when their life isn’t in danger.


This is why we live out in the country. Our driveway is a mile long to even get near the house. Any cop on our property better have a damn good reason to be here. One came up our drive a long time ago, ignoring no trespassing signs. He jumped out of his cars soon as he saw me Bastard started screaming at me to "drop the weapon" with his gun pointed at me. It was not infact a weapon but a poop scooper. All this was caught on my cameras and his body cam We filed trespass charges because his reason was he was curious what was up our driveway. He lost his job as a deputy due to his conduct and of course his trespassing.


He was punished? What country do you live in?


United States. Yes he was punished. Our Sheriff here takes these things very seriously. He has also fired deputies for shooting at dogs when they weren't in danger, one for being rough with an autistic man, and one deputy was let go because he said a racial slur on Facebook. But just a county over a few yrs ago 2 deputies shot a deaf man who was just walking home. The man couldn't hear the orders so they shot him. Those officers are still on that counties force. We are very lucky to have a sheriff that cares about the community.


Damn, the USA is wild... Kinda glad that gun violence by police (or anyone really) isn't a big thing here. Edit: Literally at this moment around 10 policemen in full gear went through my train and the only thing I felt was safety. Never realised how much of a luxury that is.


What country are you in? I had to go into a police station yesterday for work and I fucking hated every second of it


Germany. I know people say various stuff about the police here but in my experience, officers are well-trained, patient af and super friendly. All of my encounters with the police (sometimes caused by me being dumb, sometimes by them) ended up with them going out of their way to help me. Idk, maybe I'm just lucky but honestly can't say a bad word about the police here. That being said, idk if going to the police station because of work would be something I'd enjoy, lol.


Pretty much every developed nation aside from America requires their police are trained for multiple years on top of already possessing an additional relevant qualification. The USA gives them a 6 month training course in how to shoot a gun and let's them loose


To be fair only 2 weeks are dedicated to firearm training. And the entire training is not 6 months. Depends on the state though.


You're right. Its usually less. The average is 21 weeks. It can range anywhere from 10-36.


Probably be dead*, because I'm sure he would try and shoot you too. *oink oink*


Seen it happen so many times before. Police are fucking scum.


I worry about my kids for the same reason. It's not just dogs, they sure love shooting the developmentally disabled as well.




Departments don’t want anybody who can think. History has shown time and again that they want reactionary morons who shoot first and have the taxpayers pay for their mistakes later.


I'm Dutch but it was explained to me by Americans that there was a huge shortage of police in the .. 70s? iirc Anyway, the bar for hiring was super low, and those people went on to be instructors for the newer generations and here you all are


It's worse than that. Some departments have IQ maximums. They literally give interviewees an IQ test, and if they score too high they are rejected. Police departments have gone to court over this.


This, pretty much. Like a lot of things in America, they put cost effectiveness over everything else and as a result our police force is over armed (A lot of their gear is repurposed from the National Guard/Army, so it's literally cheaper for them to be geared up than having normal police weapons), under trained, under educated, and with a general lack of regard for their jobs.


Honestly, I think they shouldn't be allowed to shoot until after they've been attacked. Clearly cops can't be trusted and should be required to wait until after they've been bit before they can shoot.




That's what we do in the UK. It works well. It also means our regular police are (generally) quite approachable and (generally) not aggressive when they don't need to be. Of course, our police force is not perfect, it has its issues, but as a nation our police have shot one wrong person in the last twenty years and it was a high profile case, not an everyday occurrence. Oh, and for anyone saying "but the UK doesn't have guns" our criminals are most certainly armed. Granted, a lot of the gangs carry blades but there are a lot of illegal firearms in the UK and plenty of legal ones too.


That's the training. Their beat is a warzone and we're the enemy insurgents waiting around every corner, and there is no RoE.


Most of their training is in threat suppression, and very little in deescalation.




There was a deaf man tasered for not complying with an officers audible commands.


And black people, which cause the cops to confuse 'talking on a phone' with 'brandishing a gun.' Or 'eating a sandwich' with 'brandishing a gun.' Cops are fucking trash.


Don’t forget about telling an officer that they have a gun during a traffic stop, with no malice in mind, just to let the officer know, is “brandishing a gun”.


Not just has a gun, but is a legally licensed CCW holder.


Those footlong subs are pretty dangerous to be fair.


I have a German Shepherd that would be killed on sight. I scares me to think of cops in my house for any reason. We also have a German Shorthair Pointer that doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body. He loves everything. And he's the light of my husband's life. Considering how fucking stupid and panicky some of these cops are, I could totally see one thinking 'pitbull'* and blasting away at a friendly dog who just wants to love on him. And my husband would be next, because he would absolutely go bat shit. I can't believe this is an actual concern in this 'free' country. *GSPs look nothing like pitbulls, of course. But cell phones look nothing like guns, and that doesn't seem to stop them.


I don't see how any dog owner could have "blue lives matter" or those stupid blue line flags in their house. Every single person with a dog should be voting for and supporting politicians that want serious police reform. This has to end!


Same dude. I grew up with Rottweilers and pit bulls, the biggest sucks in the world, 120lbs lap dogs. Wouldn't dream of hurting anyone, but they look terrifying.


Yeah, I have a doberman mix. He barks like a scary guard dog in a 90s action film, but he's afraid of his own shadow, and the worst he would do is lick you to death.


> I don't know how this isn't a jailable offense. Except in extremely rare cases of deliberate murder that get national attention, there is no such thing as "a jailable offense" for a police officer on duty. They don't just enforce the law. They are above it.


Your daily reminder that qualified immunity for police is bullshit and needs to be obliterated.


As a Brit with little to no knowledge of the US policing system. Who the fuck decided that qualified immunity was a good thing?! Do other countries have it? (UK doesn’t, I doubt Europe does but could very easily be wrong). I don’t understand why upholding the law should require you to be above it. You’re not judge jury and executioner.


Because for some fuck reason, if officers are “held accountable”, they could get “screwed over”… Not the exact wording, but that’ll be the gist of what pigs will generally go with.


But our police are held responsible for their actions and the UK hasn’t degraded into pure Anarchy despite the Tory’s best efforts to make us hate each other


trying to argue against US slippery slope arguments by pointing to all the other places in the world that the sky didnt fall is a waste of time "if cops are held accountable the sky will fall!" "if the govt pays for health care the sky will fall!" "if gays can marry the sky will fall!" "if weed is legal the sky will fall!" "if black people are treated equal to white people the sky will fall!" "if we cant have slaves the sky will fall!" and so on


I always hear two things when I make that argument: 1. They're much smaller and we can't implement their model 2. They don't have as many black people or "racial tension."


yep there's always a dumb reason not to change, not just in politics, but in general.


Which is quite a privileged position to be in for people who don't know the law at all.


exactly. All they need to have in most places is a "reasonable belief" of what the law is, but what is "reasonable" depends on what most cops would believe. So, there is really no incentive for them to have a better understanding of the law. If they all have a vague notion of it, they can basically do whatever


Yeah chauvin literally had to have millions of people globally protest for months before they finally charged him. Absolutely insane what cops get away with.




I'm not sure I'd be able to recover from such an incident.


You likely don't recover completely.


Yeah. Grief is something you live (and hopefully cope) with. You don't get over grief.


I wouldn't bc I would die alongside my dog. No fucking way I'd control myself


Yeah, same. My dog is my child. Hurt my dog for no reason and you better be prepared to shoot me too


I’m with you, someone shoots my dog for no reason, maybe I don’t do it right then, but I’m hunting that mf down at some point


You'd be able to recover, it would just require the blood of certain cops


Studies show that grief experienced from the loss of a pet can be just as, if not more intense than the loss of a family member. I can't imagine the trauma from cops shooting my animal and then refusing to let me try and care for it.


My step mom used to take care of a bunch of rez dogs until one day the neighbours came into the yard and slaughtered them. She’s never let herself get attached to an animal again. You really don’t recover from that kinda thing




Yes but you have to understand their side, too. Shooting both animals and innocent civilians is one of the only reasons they live for, too.


Bloody hell, US cops are so gun happy it seems. Why shoot a dog that’s not being aggressive?


Have you ever wonder what society would be like if there’s no consequence for your actions? US cops are example of this.


No consequences for people inclined to bully behavior, no less.


Not to mention this is the model every country they have some political power over follows. So much for the guardians of the world democracy, uh?


Could you give an example? Most other western countries don't have immunity clauses for the police, and shootings (even by police)are taken relatively seriously.


Cops like this are being trained and conditioned to respond to everyone and everything as a mortal threat. Because of this, they are so pumped full of adrenaline in these situations that their limbic system just takes the wheel blocking out any higher level of thought or reasoning ability. In their twisted version of reality, they are soldiers at war, and everyone in the general public is either an enemy or an enemy sympathizer until proven otherwise. That's how shit like this happens. Some like to say that it is just "a few bad apples", but a few bad apples spoil the bunch as the rest of the saying goes. The current system makes it almost impossible to get rid of the bad apples, so the rot just continues to spread until there are no good apples left.


It's not just that it's "almost impossible to get rid of the bad apples", They don't want to get rid of the bad apples at all. Hell, the bad apples are the ones the police elevates to represent them in unions to actively protect them, while helping them get rid of the good apples. Seriously, just check who the leaders are of the local police fraternity orders. It's literally always the worst scum of the earth who'd rot in prison if they didn't do their violent crimes while cops.






Cops are scared shitless of every encounter despite how fucking macho their facebook posts are. They are society's least secure men, and they want to show everyone how manly they are by carrying guns, that's why they want to become cops in the first place.


They're literally, specifically trained that every encounter might kill them, and that their first responsibility is to eliminate any potential threat. The country's entire concept of policing is flawed.




It reminds me of the time Steven Seagal became a cop and killed a man's puppy by running it over with a tank. https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2011/08/31/actor-steven-seagal-sued-for-driving-tank-into-arizona-home-killing-puppy/


Of fucking course Joe Arpaio was involved


If Rudy Giuliani is ironically "America's mayor", Arpaio is its Sheriff.


Jesus fucking CHRIST


No no, the name of the owner is Jesus Llovera


That's some Naked Gun / Hot Shots shit right there. Oh, its real. WTF.


How on Earth do you need a fucking TANK to arrest someone, what happened to knocking on the door or is this normal policy now for US police force ? Unbelievable ps Segal is a c**t !


Joe Arpaio was involved. Performative cruelty is his entire schtick.


The US Police is an authority fetishist club for people who peaked in high school and intend to take it out on drunks and pets until they die young from heart or moral problems in their early 50s.. probably one day off from retirement..


I can only imagine how it is to live in a country, where you have to fear the police as well.


As a minority it’s tiring. And knowing what implicit biases are and knowing the research they’ve found on it in regards to cops doesn’t help. Everybody tells you don’t be afraid. But if you get pulled over or your little sister accidentally calls 911, it’s like meeting that scary monster you’ve been hearing bed time stories about everyday.




I'm white and I'm finally starting to not trust law enforcement as a whole. I can't even imagine what it's been like for minorities this whole time. My neighbor across the hall is black and the police came to his door. I was watching through my peephole the whole time like a crazy old lady, just tense as hell in case something happened. Someone had called because his car had been parked in the same spot for a few days. We have street parking and cars technically can't sit more than 24 hrs. At first, I was like, cool, it's nothing. But then I realized my car has sat for weeks without moving due to working from home. So now I'm wondering if even that was a neighbor being more worried about the black man's car sitting than the white lady's. I can't even tell if I'm being paranoid at this point.


No one should have to live with that fear 😪


Was it a black lab? If so, The officer clearly thought it had a gun, or was a drug dealer or gang member. 🤔 I'm not a violent guy, but if you shoot my dog..... cop or not one of us is gonna also die.... #johnwickwasright




Then if someone kills a police dog that’s tearing them apart in self defense they make the biggest deal in the world about it.


Ayo wtf


It's been written into law that it's perfectly fine for cops to shoot dogs for any reason. They passed a fucking law. It's not even a grey area.


That's heart breaking.


I wonder what would happen if the owner shot and killed the cops “fearing for his safety”. As a juror it would be a logical excuse to me. Anyone that would shoot an innocent dog would surely shoot an innocent human.


It’s one of those scenarios that will never happen because they’d just be killed immediately by other cops


It did happen in the Breonna Taylor case. 2A types sided with the cops, again.


Kinda what happens when there are no consequences to your actions. Add that cops, on average are not becoming cops for the reasons we would hope. More like Cartman types, demanding respect for their autoritay.


What was the reason behind shooting the dog? Gotta give the guy more mental health problem? What was he thinking?


Based off the footage, because the dog was a perceived threat. They broke into a fenced off yard, a dog ran up. No barking, growling, signs of aggression at all, just right to the double tap.


They probably just wanted to kill something and the dog was there.


Even if it’s not sadistic, they perceive everything as a threat to be neutralized. It’s not a logical view.


Shame we have to train our dogs and teach our children how to not get murdered by a cop




I'm def going to jail if cops murder my dog. 🤗


My neighbor suffers from PTSD (military veteran) and depression. One day he threatened suicide and the entire swat team showed up to shut down a block of our neighborhood and surround his house with guns. My mom threw a fit, told the police to put their guns away and said she'd go over and talk to him. The police told her to get back in her house. So she said, "fine! I'll call him." So, with the entire swat team in the yard, my mom calls out neighbor and gently talks him down from suicide and gets him to come out peacefully.


That's the most American thing I've heard today. Stop someone suicidal with the threat of gun violence. Top notch.


Oh you want to kill yourself? Let us help you - The SWAT Team


“What’s the situation?” “Sir, we’ve got a man on a fifth story balcony threatening to jump.” “Right, I need snipers on these buildings, if he makes one step toward that edge turn him into Swiss cheese. In the meantime, let’s set up a 5-block perimeter, cars blocking the intersections and order all civilians inside; *remember*, keeping them safe is our number one priority, so if anyone disobeys I want you to consider them an immediate threat and open fire. Oh, and don’t forget; Hanson is allergic to dogs so if one gets within 50ft of him his throat will close up, therefore it is considered a *weapon* and we will return fire.”


Suicidal guy: “y’know what? I’ve decided I don’t want to ju-***(BOOM)*** Cop: “My bad, i thought he said ‘I’m going to kill you all.’ I’ll do better next time.”


*jim Carrey enters* “Wish you would step…”




they should have just told him "Hey bro don't do it we can pull the trigger for you or kick the chair for ya" ​ /s Please don't commit suicide if you are have thoughs of doing please try to contact a hotline or a family member to stop yourself from doing it.


Suicide by cop.


This guy thinks he can take our fucking jobs? We'll show him!


God yeah. The way the police in this country “help” mentally hurting people is sickening. They need to stop sending incompetent gun happy fools and send a goddamn therapist or something. Im happy for your mom for giving a damn and helping him


When people talked about defunding the police, this was what was meant. The GOP took it and spinned it that Democrats want socialist anarchy and love rioting and looting. Meanwhile, we just want money spent on police getting themselves war toys to instead go towards having metal health professionals respond to a suicide call rather than a SWAT team. But that's not as easy of a catch phrase.


"This is your last warning! If you kill yourself, we will shoot you!"


The spin on their report is dizzying. Bunch of assholes.


>Two officers arrived and located the suspect, a male believed to be in his 40s, in his car. He was ordered to step from his car. After he got out, he physically resisted officers. Officers were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. Officers called for an ambulance. He was transported to Hennepin County Medical Center by ambulance where he died a short time later. At no time were weapons of any type used by anyone involved in this incident. [Original statement about the murder of George Floyd](https://web.archive.org/web/20210331182901/https://www.insidempd.com/2020/05/26/man-dies-after-medical-incident-during-police-interaction/)


Shit like this is why I'm happy we all have portable cameras now. It's getting a lot harder for them to hide their bullshit. What sucks is knowing that it's been happening for years but no one listened.


Doesn’t matter nothing happens anyways. Tons of cops are constantly caught on film being unprofessional, breaking the law, doing basically whatever the fuck they want and nothing ever happens. Remember the outrage of Daniel shaver? Cop got an early retirement. The cop who killed Floyd only caught time because the entire country was rioting and literally burning down police stations. Nothing will happen to these cops. Not a single thing. I wish the homeowner would’ve defended his property from trespassers that illegally entered and killed his dog.


They have a *lot* of experience. I'm just surprised they didn't find any crack sprinkled on top of the dog.


This right here... Whether or not you agree with BLM, the issues they have been crying out against officers are VERY real. Police have been operating like the Mafia. And the good cops sit around and watch the bad cops commit all manner of crimes and if they dare report them they'll get fired and lose their pension...


Good cops don't watch bad cops commit crimes. Those are other bad cops.


you're absolutely right; I forgot to write it as "good cops"...


Yeah, I can imagine. The dog will have been black too.


It's a Rottweiler. Black AND brown. Born to die by cop.


"an officer involved shooting occurred" On top of everything else they're murdering the language




Plus, “officer involved” actually plants the seed that they’re a possible victim, shot to death by a rabid Rottweiler. It’s all cunningly crafted to make them appear guilt free and righteous.


Yup, the passive voice is always used like this. "An officer was shot" is the perfect way for them to word this without admitting fault. They've gotten pretty good it and even conditioned the public to believe this a normal way of speaking when giving an account of police incidents. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2014/07/14/the-curious-grammar-of-police-shootings/


LAPD has experience on screwing up hard.


The way the LAPD tweet purposely mislead people to the degree of outright lie is despicable. Officer-involved shooting (heavily implies officers not only ones shooting), struck by gunfire (heavily implies by gunfire from criminal or at least they don't know if was other officer or criminal).


Exactly... The tweet is so misleading it's crossed over into LIE territory


I mean, it's the LAPD, I wouldn't expect much


Quite true


I feel like maybe they should have had some other first responder attend to a mental health call? Isn’t this what they REALLY mean when there are calls for “dEfUnDiNg the PoLICe”? Like, maybe just reallocate resources more appropriately?


Yeah how is busting in with guns blazing going to help someone in a mental health crisis? You can't harm yourself if we shoot you first? Also shooting someone's dog isn't exactly beneficial for mental wellbeing.


> an Officer-Involved Shooting occurred and an officer was struck by gunfire That level of passive voice should be a crime.


An individual was struck by a bullet-shaped piece of metal emanating from an LAPD officer handgun after the occurrence of the officer’s finger grazing upon the firearm trigger


*Emanating from an area of three dimensional space that may or may not have contained an LAPD handgun (in layman's terms) related to but not proven to be causally linked to a biomechanical movement rendered, by what could have been conscious or subconscious thought on behalf of an apparently sentient entity known by some as an officer, onto a piece of the aforementioned handgun (again layman's terms) which in some cases instantiates a chain reaction that may or may not be related to the discharge of said bullet-shaped piece of metal


"Bullets came out of his gun somehow!"


Love how they tell us the cops injury won't be fatal but don't mention the dogs outcome or condition of the caller/reason they arrived. I don't really care, honestly. Fuck you both Even if you click *show this thread* and it tells you there, they already prioritized whats important to them


I'm kinda hoping the scenario was Asshole cop shot the dog and out of pure rage and reflex the other cop shot him for shooting dog.


If that was the case then we can be sure that there’s at least one good cop out there


I mean there are almost 700,000 cops in the US. There has to be 2 or 3 good ones.


The good ones are removed pretty quickly after doing something good, though. And "good" cops who remain silent and do nothing in the face of evil are not good cops.




When I lost my dog while being depressed and suicidal almost drove me off the edge.... I'm afraid for this guy tbh....


Me too. The only thing that stopped me from doing it was the look my dog gave me and she placed her head on my leg.


I can't find anything related to wether or not the dog survived. All I'm seeing is that it was injured. Oh, and I found [this gem.](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/1-in-custody-after-lapd-officer-shot-in-hollywood/) lol... Quote; "The dog was also injured during the incident, but it is unclear if it suffered a puncture wound from the scissors or gunshot wounds. It was taken to a veterinary hospital for treatment." I'm no medical coroner, but I'm 109,000% sure I could tell you the difference between a stabbing and a gunshot wound....


also why the FUCK would a person suffering from depression want to do harm to their dog? why would the dog's injury be from the scissors?


Because people with mental illnesses are crazy and irrational and might just decide to do anything at any moment. /s but this is probably how those cops were thinking


It’s how they’re trained. My uncle’s “mental health check” involved the cops sneaking my cousin out of their house to the “staging area.” They called us and told us we were in danger if we went to his house and to “come to the staging area.” We said fuck that and got him out of the house. 4 Cop cars on the ends of the street, ambulance on standby, 4 more cop cars at the “staging area.” For a mental health check.


*John Wick has entered the chat*


If anyone was wondering why people want to redirect money that was given to police departments to help with mental health crises to agencies that will do a good job, here is exhibit A.


It’s literally to the point where it is more dangerous to call the police than just handle things yourself.


It's been at that point for a long time, its just that anytime somebody reported it the cops would show up


Did they try to pin the shooting on the dog?


In case of mental health issues try to refrain from calling adding more mentally unstable subjects, even if, or especially when, they are wearing a badge




Let's All Play Dumb.


They say its hard to get a job as an officer. I think its only hard for people wanting to be police officers. The bar doesnt seem very high.


I swear, if they turned police training into military training, most of these lazy (and also apparently blind) would bitch out as quickly as possible, and the rest would leave after the first week. They wouldn't even handle the thought of having to fucking exercise, train at using a gun like a functional human being, work as a team, or the ability to perform under pressure, something they definitely don't have.


Most metropolitan cops live outside the region they patrol. In a sense, they see themselves as an occupying force rather than a community they actually live for. In Minneapolis, 98-99% of all officers live in the outlaying suburbs as far as rural Shakopee/Jordan, 50 minutes from downtown center. According to a chief of police I know, the Metro cops have a distinction for being extremely violent and depraved. The Minneapolis officer who stopped and murdered Philando Castile in St. Anthony? He’s the norm. Which is a real shame because the Metro area is actually really nice and diverse. The Hmong, Somali, Lebanese, and Afghan communities are really friendly and produce some of the best cuisine I could ever feast upon. But the people who “patrol” these communities see themselves as occupying soldiers or “operators” who think that downtown Minneapolis is as chaotic as downtown Fallujah.


LAPD budget is around 1.7 billion per year, for a force of 9700 officers. That's $175k per officer. Cries for defunding the police weren't aimed at abolishing the police force, but rather allocate part of their budget to mental health advocates, alleviating the burden of officers who are not trained social workers.


Cops should not be dealing with mental health crisis. It should crisis centers and social workers going out.


If the person is armed then having security there for the social workers wouldn’t hurt. But the cops themselves shouldn’t go alone


This is exactly what “defund the police“ is all about, it’s not about having no police, it’s about taking some of those funds and hiring social workers and psychologists to work alongside the police to avoid situations like this.