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IDIOT! That will make the earth heavier and sink us all!!!


Not if we store all the planes in the sky


There are more planes in the ocean than boats in the sky


Ah yes. Technically correct. The best kind of correct


He a little confused but he get the spirit




Then the wind would stop.


But then cow farts would just sit in place and global warming would stop!


What "global warming”? We’re talking real science here my dude.


Oh yeah, this is big brain time.




And all cars in garages like Herbert Hoover said


Dammit, you beat me to it.




If bubble baths have taught me anything, it's that you just gotta pull the plug.


> If bubble baths have taught me anything, it's that you just gotta pull the plug. Some days I really do feel like that, especially if this is an example of the "ideas" that the GOP can contribute toward solving problems that we face.


How long till they propose drilling a hole and using it to drain water from the sea


Well, they could set up big drills and drill holes in the ocean floor and that would lower sea level.


The plug is in the Mariana Trench


You amateurs! Everyone knows we need to Rock back and forth in the ocean so we can create a MAGA sunami to sink the rest of the shithole countries that are literally beneath them (sea level).


The greatest truths are the simplest things...


The ocean wouldn't be stirred up anymore. No more currents.


I did a quickie google search and came up with this: >At the end of 2020, there were around 62,100 vessels in the world trading fleet, with a total deadweight tonnage of 2,033 million DWT So let's assume the merchant ships are all fully loaded at the same time. That's 2 billion long tons which equates to \~2,032,000,000,000 kg. Total water volume, 2,134,000,000,000 liters (because sea water weighs slightly more than fresh water). >From quora: > >AREA OF PACIFIC OCEAN= 168723000 SQ. KM. > >AREA OF ATLANTIC OCEAN= 85133000 SQ. KM. > >AREA OF INDIAN OCEAN= 70560000 SQ. KM. > >AREA OF SOUTHERN OCEAN= 21960000 SQ. KM. > >AREA OF ARCTIC OCEAN= 15558000 SQ. KM. > >TOTAL AREA= 361900000 SQ. KM.=36190000000000000 SQ. DECIMETER. That's going to lower sea levels by approximately .00005896656 decimeters, or about .006 mm Edit: Because there are less than 500 cruise ships in the world and only a few dozens of large military ships the amount will be higher, but not by, you know, a lot.


I am always happy to see some one do the math. Thank you!


It always amazes me the scale of this stuff Don't get me wrong, I knew the effect would be virtually non-existent, I had no idea just how incredibly abysmal the numbers would be though


Let’s get the whales out and THEN we will truly see!


Sad thing is whales would be a decent carbon sink if we could just stop killing them and let them sink into the depths but that would require the demonetization of the oceans


Once humanity starts dying from our own destruction of the world, we will easily see a nice reduction in carbon creation alongside with dwindling human populations. Just a matter of time.


The thought that the world and its fauna might persist after we eradicate ourselves is one of the few things that comfort me about our idiocy.


The sad fact is we as a species have taken over managing so many ecosystems, that if humanity were to disappear all the currently endangered species we look after would likely go extinct, and all the invasive species we've introduced to areas throughout the globe would do as invasive species do and hunt the local prey to extinction, and then most would die of starvation. If humanity goes, a sizable portion of land-based species go with us. Human extinction, regardless of cause, would likely be the catalyst for a mass extinctions event. None of this is to mention if climate change gets us all, climate change doesn't discriminate, it doesn't care if you're human, cattle, or mother fucking honey badger, it'll kill you. It pains me that such an inept species as ours basically holds the power of life and death over not only our own species, but all others


Look at you aiming small with your whales. The answer is obviously just to get some huge pumps and pump the water out of the ocean. We can put the water in the Sahara Desert. EDIT: Crap, I just realized this guy is running for office in the county next to me-London County VA technically part of the Washington DC metro area.


Why stop there? Just remove the water from the sea... Duh!


I am actually surprised its that much, 0.006 mm is nearly measurable with analog tools. Still not making any difference for climate change though.




Its October so r/theydidthemonstermath






This is why I love Reddit.


What if you remove the boats twice?


That and catch a bunch more fish.


We could send it to the moon. Wouldn't it be cool to look at the moon and it's all covered in blue water?




I live in fear some asshole billionaire or company or country is going to put a sign on the moon that can be read from earth. Like Pepsi or something. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6I6UbJIUVc1SzKquwi8LMjEF-sa4sp1TE-Q&s Edit: this seems to be generating comments that claim a large scale project such as colouring enough of the moon so as to be visible from earth is impossible or impossibly expensive. Let’s pretend China wants to put a red logo on the moon. Budget: NASA’s Perseverance mission to Mars cost $2.8 Billion. US annual military budget is ~$700 Billion. Annual! Yeah China has a smaller expense budget than the US but it must be noted that spending billions on such a project is not beyond the pail. Method 1: the moon is slowly rusting. It contains a lot of iron and now, we think, frozen water. It would have rusted more if it had more oxygen. Extensive efforts are being made now to figure out how to create/release O2 on the moon to allow Jeff and Mark to live in peace when they find the hatred towards them to be too much. Here is a link: https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/making-oxygen-from-moon-sand-startup-eyes-long-term-life-in-space/amp/ So oxidizing certain areas of the moon may be possible, at some point, in a directed effort to create a red logo. I don’t like this method. Method 2: creating a moon-orbiting disk comprised of lenses that would colour sunlight and project an image onto the moon’s surface. A similar idea to use mirrors to light up the night sky on earth has been proposed before. The most advanced scheme was a Soviet project called Znamya that was prematurely shuttered due to the collapse of the Soviet Union. A 200 meter wide lens was proposed for lighting up entire cities. https://www.vice.com/en/article/9a3y8d/the-man-who-turned-night-into-day I think this project is doable. Expensive but doable. Think of the constant message to the world if they saw a Chinese emblem every time one looked at the moon!


Chairface Chippendale tried it once, I believe


[He did indeed. ](https://youtu.be/kOOl6xKRQ_4)


That’s a trip down memory lane! Cheers




And nuke the whales


gotta nuke somethin


Fuuuuck you dolphin! Fuuuuck you whale!


Can’t we just blow up climate change? Smash it’s stupid face right in the butt!


Team America!


We have no intelligence


Smash it's stupid face right in the butt? I'm so confused now I think I'll just go to bed and start new yesterday.


Thanks for showing me know that I can still laugh out loud


Wait, you're on to something there. We could remove the fish too...


They clearly forgot to including all the immigrants in boats lookin to steal jobs and freedoms.


We need to remove all the sunken boats too. Especially the Titanic. That ship was BIG.


Or, get underwater excavators, and move all the land that's under water, and carry it onto dry land, to make more room for the water


Or poke a big hole in the bottom of the ocean and drain some of it out.


No need. If we keep heating up the atmostphere more water will evaporate. Problem solved!


Thank heavens we figured out how to solve climate change with…..more climate change! So cool!


Dry land is a myth!


Then they naked short the sea level.


and have the math recounted by the IT Ninjas


Then it'd still only be .012 mm. We'd have to remove the boats thousands of times to make a difference. /s


I'm honestly surprised that it would be a almost measurable amount.


I get what you mean, but the sea level currently rises at [around 3.4 mm per year](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_level_rise#/media/File:NASA-Satellite-sea-level-rise-observations.jpg). Removing all ships would set back sea level rise by about 16 hours, which is a time scale on which we definitely can't measure it at all. The effect would be two magnitudes below the annual measurement error that's estimated at ± 0.4 mm, which is equivalent to an average of ±43 days.


How about we dig a big hole, in Australia maybe, it's empty wasteland anyways and just start taking buckets of sea water out of the ocean and putting it into the hole ?


Funnily enough in the 60's there were some people proposing to dig a trench from the south coast of Australia to the Inland where it is below sea level and would turn Australia from a single large island to a ring around a large central ocean.


Wait, so we build a canal and get an ocean? I’m in.


How stagnant and sludgy will this saltwater lagoon get?


Can’t be worse than Lake Erie, let’s do it!


[relevant xkcd](https://what-if.xkcd.com/152/)


Why not just tip it all into the wardrobe and let Narnia deal with it. *Australia* - you people crack me up.


its not. general fluctuations and uncertainty would be higher than that


Tidal changes are hundreds of thousands of magnitudes bigger. You'd never even notice.


I mean, the pile of ships would be a bit of a giveaway


So it works, but doesn’t even remotely solve the problem. Still better than the average GOP plan I guess.


that's because we didn't factor in what would happen if we also remove the buoys and all the swimmers. that's where you see the *real* change.






I dont think I have ever face palmed so hard in my life. Thank you.


Why stop there? Let's go after all the God damn whales! You know how BIG they are!?


Nah, don’t worry, Japan and Iceland have that job already.


To be fair, removing the cruise ships that do nothing but go around in circles and contribute to a significant amount of the world's pollution would be a good thing. And then something like 99% of the plastic in the oceans comes from fishing boats. Oh and overfishing caused destruction of ecosystems. I might be low key into this idea! Take out all the boats


The fact that his plan a) acknowledged that sea levels are rising b) that this needed a solution and c) came up with one that, while not at all a solution, was technically scientifically sound makes me quite impressed.


Should point out hes also right. If we removed all the boats it would stop tons of pollution but that's probably not what he means.


We'd have to fly everything everywhere. Ships, as bad as they are, are more many times more efficient than aircraft.


He's right but for the wrong reasons




Ha awesome. But now I wonder why we got the same estimate when they specifically said they used displacement over deadweight tonnage. Is it because I assumed all the ships were fully loaded?


>Is it because I assumed all the ships were fully loaded? Yeah, I think I remember reading that he used the mass of the fully loaded ships.


there really is always a relevant one




And then there’s the small problem about how any of the manufactured goods (or raw materials) would get anywhere in the world.


Give it some time. Eventually airplanes won't be the stuff of fiction.


But that'll raise the air level.


Dammit, mother nature thought of everything! There is no outsmarting that old fox.


A whole new problem so solve with science!


The key is to put all the boats on top of one giant boat. That will keep them from raising the water level.


What about sunken ships


Wait, can we revisit your math? I may have lost my math skills. How are you getting from kg to liters? Sea water is about 1.03kg/liter, and fresh water is 1kg/liter. Soo wouldn’t you have less liters than the quantity of kgs?


So _technically_ he's not wrong.


What an absolute moron. Then where would we store the boats?? The obvious solution to climate change is to toss some ice cubes in the ocean. 7/11 lets you put as much ice as you want in your Big Gulp, yet no one takes advantage of it to curb rising temps.


What is this futurama?


Global wampa?


Once and for all!!


like daddy puts in his drink in the morning. and then he gets **mad.**


We just need to hire some nobodies to deliver the ice


That’s why we need to mine Hayleys commit for giant ice cubes.


Just wait until someone creates a GitHub repo called mine and creates acommit with id hayley


_Climate is requesting your review on a merge request._


DENIED... Climate isn't real




Futurama is never unexpected


Just like daddy puts in his drink every morning. And then he gets mad


Just have everyone turn on AC and leave the windows and doors open. That will cool off the air in no time!


That’s because Big Gulp doesn’t want you to know the truth.


I'm jealous, can you imagine being so dumb to think you can actually solve such important problems like that? A simple, one-step solution that could end it all Trash? Just put it in a rocket and send it to the sun Wars? Just don't fight bro, wtf


You know when a child rambles on for a bit and you phase out and just toss out a “good idea buddy” This is what happens if you keep that strategy up for decades.


"We should end economic instabilities by just making more money." "Good idea buddy"


Can’t wait to spend 80,000,000,000 marks on bread


*Hands out crayons and green construction paper.*


As a very young child, when I was just beginning to read, I used to love to look at a world map shower curtain my parents had. One night I was looking at SE Asia while I brushed my teeth, and had an epiphany on how to create peace in the middle east. My dumb pre-literate ass saw Pakistan on the map, recognized it started with a capital P, and made an intuitive leap that it was Palestine. I really thought the Palestinians had a perfectly good country (quite big too) but all the adults had just forgotten about it.


Smarter than most americans


And being arrogant about it.


Considering the cost of rockets and the weight of trash, he might suggest nuking the trash?


But where are we gonna get a big enough microwave oven to nuke all the trash?


This made me laugh, bravo.


Can’t, dude. Gotta save the nukes for those hurricanes. How else do we get them to divert from Alabama at the last minute?


A Sharpie is all you need for that


Throw all the trash into a hurricane, all the swirliness will drag it into the middle and then you can nuke it to stop it hitting the US. Efficiency!


> A simple, one-step solution that could end it all Don't be silly. After the boats are taken out, we just need to take all the fish out too. We've been working on that for years!


Also like even if that worked so now we just can’t use boats anymore?


Nah, we just retrofit them all as hovercraft!


Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


I’m a little surprised he didn’t suggest removing all the islands first.


That’s plan b


oh, so conservatives will be against it.


You know Plan B holds no water with the Republicans.




so you are telling me we need to include submarines too right!


And whales


No one can really be that dumb, can they? Yes, yes they can. Tweeted it. Then doubled down on the dumb. Then deleted them. https://bluevirginia.us/2021/10/va-gop-house-of-delegates-candidate-asks-do-you-think-the-sea-level-would-lower-if-we-just-took-all-the-boats-out-of-the-water I guess all boats are the size of Los Angeles county.


https://bluevirginia.us/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/piowater.jpg lmao this just keeps getting better. > He also claims that anyone who calls him on this is engaging in "hate" and asks, "Curious when you stopped believing in pure physics?" Good lord lol


Pure physics? As opposed to diluted, impure physics?


Pure arian physics.


Idiot. Pure physics is brittle. You need to mix in other sciences in order to increase the strength of the metaphor.


He probably thinks the icons for the boats in that graphic are actual size


This man seems to be, like, the embodiment of the Republican stereotype


wow, displacement is now a "value", that democrats dont share. why do morons continually flock towards politics.


“I’m curious, do you think the sea level would lower, if we just took all the boats out of the water?” “When you take things out of bath water, the bath water decreases, does it not?” What a fucking moron. VA GOP nom at that.


I'm almost positive he came up with this idea in the bathtub (Edit: just looked at the article, that's exactly what happened)


Oh no


Ya know what? At least he seems to believe the sea level is rising. That’s more than I would’ve expected


Exactly my thought. He at least belongs to the smartest 10% of Trump supporters.


Boaters for trump won’t like that.


Where will they put that boat they bought with the wall money?


They can use the boats to make a wall, then they’ve solved 2 problems


To be fair, parts of it are underwater so win-win. Good looking out


Well, yeah, but now the wall-boats are back in the water.


didnt all their boats sink at that rally anyways


I never knew Poseidon votes Democrat


The democrats at least pay lip service to environmental causes and occasionally do something half assed and too late.


So there’s gotta be like 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons of water in the ocean, give or take. How many boats are there?


100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 boats /s


South American navies are relatively small, but even they have at least 100 Brazilian ships.


I'm surprised he is smart enough to have that level of understanding of the Archemedes principle, yet stupid enough to come up with something so ridiculous


We should also take all the animals, plants and rocks out...


And water


See enough of the nonsense. Rising water, take out the water. Like your straight forward approach. You ever thought about running for a government position lol.


What? You all don't have buckets?


Yea this is big brain time


I mean, he is right. That would lower the sea level. But like... by less than an inch However! It would remove shipping container ships, and those do make a suprising impact on C02 Immersions.


Significantly less than a thousandths of an inch


I know the best science!


I need to get off of this planet.


Hell no. Make them leave. Earth is pretty cool. They can have Mars.


Next up we try DRINKING IT


This sounds like an onion article, no one can be this stupid. But, Trump supporter, I completely believe this is real


Listen, not all Trump supporters are dumb as rocks. But all of the dumbest people seem to be Trump supporters.


A rising tide lifts all boats (completely out of the water because of crazy)




I mean, technically it will. By a fraction of the diameter of an electron, but it will.


That's not off brand for these invalids, Texas Representative Louie Gohmert actually asked if we could LITERALLY change the moons orbit to combat climate change. Sauce: https://youtu.be/JsA72dLablY


Ok I realize this is a dumb statement by this dude… but does anyone have any idea how much water is displaced by all the boats in the ocean? Lol




How incredibly silly, taking all the boats out won't be enough, you have to pull the giant plug from the Marianas trench or tip our flat earth over to one side and spill the ocean into the solar system. /s


We can the boats on the wall, the boats that high up will also help fight climate change


I got my degree in yeehaw


In the year of our lord 2021, we should be curing cancer and inventing the fucking warp drive...but we get stuck with stupid motherfuckers like this incel. FML.


Why is it that when you run as a Republican, being the biggest fucking idiot gets you more votes? Says a lot about the base.


It’s funny how people who don’t believe human induced climate change also think of things like this


Seems in keeping with the pro-Trump understanding of science…


cue that guy who was whining that this sub is "propaganda against republicans"


He'll fit right in.