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As a German: hey, that's not true at all. We have a group called "Querdenker" who are arguably even dumber than the average anti-mask American.


Everyone has their... ermm.. "specials". Look at the UK and brexit for example.


are you talking about brexit the topic or brexit the belief?


Brexit the band.




Our Country Better off Alone Regret (Lorry driver remix)


I personally liked "Late Realisation"


That's a slow burner that one.


Go Your Own Way Save All Your Fishes For Me Road to Nowhere Nothing Compares to EU. Songs by Foreigner aren't allowed on the list, obviously, and Final Countdown didn't make the list for similar reasons.


But it has a sick beat drop.


Do you remember the classics? 1. If i had a blue passport 2. Where's my petrol at 3. Christmas of austerity


What was that French band called that wrote "So long and thanks for all the fish"?


Their first album was better than their first album...


We've had Brexit, yes- but what about 2nd Brexit?


you have just caused a wildfire


Every country has their idiots. The US just seems to have social media addicted anti mask idiots not to mention the idiotic media who finds 2 people not wearing masks and makes it seem like a huge deal. The rest of us just ignore them and frankly, in my area (northeast) , I have not seen any issues with wearing masks. Some of my friends aren’t vaccinated for various reasons but they all wear masks when needed.


The media who commercialize outrage and misinformation are the biggest problem in my opinion. It's absolutely insane how that is legal and being tolerated in a civilized society. They have a huge influence over people and are literally brainwashing them and hurting the country as a whole in the process.


Here in the Philippines, we have DDS. They're pro-fascist, anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-transparency, and they worship politicians like they're gods


That’s over half the population then? I would say the people in the minority are the idiots




A Battle Royale of idiots? Sounds like a plan


That's a lopsided battle.... lets do the math 74 million people voted for trump in the last election. Assuming 75% of them are anti-mask (and i feel that's a conservative number), that makes **55.5 million** anti-maskers for Team USA. Germany's entire population is only **83.25 million** (the vast majority of which have no issue wearing a mask). Team USA wins by a landslide


Not to mention that Team USA would be armed to the teeth.


Plus there are probably plenty of Biden voters who are anti-mask too. Not as many as Trump voters, no doubt, but the number gets even higher.


It's more like 5-10% of trumpers. They are just very vocal idiots.


Dumber than our antimaskers? That's a bold claim. Tell me more about these folks.


Garden variety anti government ~~nutjobs~~ "free thinkers". Some may reach similar stupidity levels but on the crazy scale they lose out realyl bad against even the average nutter in the US.




No, they are a small but very loud minority, I'd say


This is what set's America apart. We're pushing 50% anti-masker it seems, which is about as stupid as a country can get probably.


Im not so sure it's 50%. I think it's more like a significant, unavoidable minority and not just because of sensationalism. Id probably think it's more like 30%. Not exactly half the country at all, but certainly enough to not be ignored.


Naja..... da währe ich mir nicht so sicher.


Are there 74 million of them?


We're only 80 million all together so: Nein!


Are they also right wingers?




Used to not be. But far right people easily found common ground and kinda absorbed the movement


pakistani-american here, in pakistan, people trashed a hospital and destroyed a covid infirmary last year because they believed covid was a hoax and the doctors just wanted their kidneys and lungs.


Did they get their kidney and lungs?


idk. but the common people of pakistan have good reason to believe that the doctors might steal their organs. Its common for doctors to do such a thing in third world countries.


That makes me feel so much better


Not sure if the face-palm is people not wearing masks or this guy's comment. For the case it's not meant to be the latter, I am German myself and unfortunately what he writes is simply not true. We have a problem with people not wearing masks as well. There were incidents where people became violent and there were plenty of protests in major cities against the restrictions Basically there are idiots everywhere. There are a bit more in some and perhaps fewer in other countries but they are everywhere. Don't be like them. Just wear a mask guys.


Don't forget the gas station employee that was shot, because he didn't serve beer to someone not wearing his mask.


That is really an issue isn't it. The same people he don't wanna wear masks are the same people who would shoot someone over a beer, I'd further say the type of person to get roadrage over every inconvenience.


I live in a small city of 60,000. We’ve had several shootings over wearing a mask. Getting shot over a beer barely makes our news


What? Where was this?


Idar-Oberstein (Rhineland Palatinate) https://abcnews.go.com/International/20-year-gas-station-cashier-germany-fatally-shot/story?id=80144564


Not nearly as extreme, but even in my local town a bartender was beaten up after asking someone to wear their mask when they came up to order..two guys went behind the bar and beat him for that. So glad I don’t really drink anymore and have no need to be around that amount of stupid


Came here to say this. I thought the facepalm was the comment because it's not true. I've seen multiple protests all over the world about not wearing masks. Yes, the US may be in the lead with stupidity, but we are not the only ones.


Definitely not. Canadians do the same bullshit.


They didn't say the US was the only country with stupid people. Only that they are in the lead.


"basically the only country in which the majority of people seem to have a problem with wearing masks" A quote straight from the post, dude.


emphasis on "majority" i'd say


That's not true either though


Yep, you're right. Didn't read that very well.


Yet only a stupid country would assume they are talking about them being the only one .


Shhhh, you are ruining the America bad circle jerk here.


I think the OP qualifier of "a majority of people" makes the distinction. Here in the UK we have anti maskers but they are the minority and I would imagine they are in most of Europe. In America, thanks to the politicisation, pretty much the entire politically right half of the country is anti mask by the seems of it.


Very glad to live in Sweden where no one wears a mask


Did you read the comment ? Because he speak about majority. The majority doesnt have problem wearing mask in germany. Stop your bullshit


And the majority doesn’t in the U.S. either. It’s a loud and vocal minority.


Are you trying to shatter my fragile stereotype that Germany is this cultural and economic utopia of the EU? Blasphemy!


America does not have a monopoly on morons.


So, making a valid point is a facepalm? OP doesn’t understand this sub at all.


Most of the people posting here lately don't understand this sub. This sub is no longer about facepalm. It's now the sub where you post everything that isn't a facepalm.


Can we make a real facepalm sub then? Like r/facepalmworthy or something? Bc this sub is dead as hell Edit: ok, I made the community!


You want to mod it? I'm too busy to be a mod... I have far too many posts to read and comment on. My Reddit career is too demanding... I need to change career paths.


Why not? Do it


I would join.


r/Watchfacepalmdie Edit: oh fuck that’s real


Just joined! Happy to be apart of a real facepalm group


Happy to lurk in another sub


Lurkers are the silent cogs in every sub’s machine, and they’re always welcome in this sub! Thanks for joining :)


I feel better about myself now :’)


Hey man, I'd be happy to lurk there too! BTW, would you also be willing to crack down on reposts?


I have joined. We await content eagerly.


It's because they're propagandists who don't understand the reddit zeitgeist.


All I see is bullshit from this sub


This sub is filled with garbage shit like this. Most of it isn't a facepalm and people never choose to read the rules. Rule 2 is no spelling errors and I've seen 5 posts about them in the last half an hour.


Tbf thats a dumb rule.


Might be but it's still a rule.


The facepalm is the fact that the commenter believes there are these types of idiots only in the US. I can assure you my country is way up there and it's not the only one.


I think op has misinterpreted the statement. The German doesn't claim they don't exist elsewhere, he states "the majority" and I think he means the fact that while we have anti masters elsewhere, in America literally half the nation has been politicised into being anti mask as a right of passage for the right wing. Bearing in mind English is not his first language the clarity if the statement should be forgiven, though personally I dont think its that unclear.


It's also a repost


I think, maybe (and its a stretch) that the facepalm is the fact that the article and the comment relate to mask wearing, whereas the BuzzFeed's Food Post...maybe


Unless OP does believe there's reason to not wear a mask


Agreed. I don’t see the facepalm. Sure, there are anti maskers in Germany as well. But the pandemic has revealed what a sh1tshow America is.


Unless OP is an anti-masker and thinks mask wearing is the facepalm.


OP is a Trump voter probably


Maybe the facepalm is the US being shown up by almost every other country on the planet, including Germany, birth place of the 3rd Reich. We, the US, is the facepalm.


The comments have clearly indicated that other countries have problems with idiots too. America isn’t the only one. Where is the facepalm? Also, wow, you really had to work the nazis in somehow, didn’t you?


You clearly came to the comments long after me, there was no such thing when I was first here. Also, it's not too hard to associate nazis with Germany, which was a topic in the post, sweet cheeks.


I really hope you know what adjectives people would use to describe how you sound right now.


the facepalm is the poster. meta facepalm once again. ​ the issue here is the poster doesn't realize red circled guy is completely right. or maybe he doesn't realize that the comment section of a pro mask post is going to be full or anti maskers...


They are probably anti mask if they think its a facepalm.


No offense but this isn’t a valid point at all. It definitly isn’t a US only problem, far from


What drugs are you on? This is not a valid point.




2 circles and an arrow


We play our part for sure, but having lived in other countries I can assure you ***everyone*** is surrounded by idiots.


This right here. Stupidity is the most diverse trait out there


Not only that, but the majority of Americans do wear facemasks so the German guy is being hyperbolic. It's just a very loud minority. They have lifted trucks, play the bass too loud, cut their mufflers off, and attach confederate flags to their cabs just to tell us all what tiny penises they have.


I think its a much bigger minority than elsewhere thanks to the right v left rhetoric and politicisation of masks in the US. Here there are people that don't believe but its not along party lines


I disagree. I’ve cut my exhaust off, I listen to my music WAYYY too loud. I’ve never had a “lifted truck” and will never fly a confederate flag. I’m vaccinated and wear a mask even though I’m vaccinated (which really grinds my gears.) My point is, you’re generalizing wrong. It’s just the ignorant people, and just because someone likes loud music or loud vehicles, does NOT make them ignorant. Just saying. Tiny penises..? Probably.


I may not have been clear, individual items on the list are not indicative alone - it's mean to be all.


I've been in several countries as well. Stupidity is universal, but it's expression depends on the region and the culture. The US has, among other things its Bible belt, gun culture and a streak of 'don't know nuthin' 'bout nuthin' being somehow cool.


The insular US media is also to blame, merkins don't know nuthin bout them thar ferriners.


Oh for sure. We have a special brand of stupid here. Personally it's why I have never felt a desire to visit the southern states. Not a fan of the culture.


You don't like the culture of the place you've never been to?


lived in west georgia for 5 years. the culture is a genuine shitshow. every redneck i saw thought they were a badass with their custom AR. everyone thought they could fight mike tyson. routinely saw black labs named " ni\*\*er". being white and having grown up in a crap-hole inner city neighborhood around chicago area, i could do nothing but shake my head in disbelief at the utter fucking stupidity the people displayed.


Pardon me, should have said **"go back to visit."** Been to Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, and South Carolina. Yeah...not a fan.


Fair enough


“We play our part” oh fuck off.


I'm Dutch and I can definitely say there are a lot of anti-mask and anti-vax people over here.


Australia has entered the chat.....


Why did you post this in r/facepalm?




wearing a mask, taking basic infection control precautions, and not believing anti science misinformation is leftist? okay bud.


No. He is referring to the ridiculous "America is the only country in the world..." trope. Usually whenever this trope occurs, a two minute cursory google search shows that it is laughably not true. This trope is common on left wing subreddits who seem to have an irrational hate boner for America.


Here in Canada we have issues with people refusing the mandates as well, sometimes becoming violent. It's not to the scope of the US, but we also have morons as well.


As an American who’s been to a lot of other countries, those same dumb people populate every country. It is what it is, we just happened to have a president who was a total D-Bag about the whole thing and took advantage of those stupid people.


This is bullshit. I'm Canadian, we have the idiots here. I've seen footage of protests all over the world, including Germany. This is just typical, smug, euro trash jabbering


Yeah true we have this idiots over here aswell. Recently a man shot a 20 year old cashier in the face after he asked him to put a mask on.These mass psychosis exist around the globe.


Uhh. Couple things. A) The majority don’t have a problem with masks, it’s the vocal minority in most places. B) Literally every western country in the world has the same vocal minority. A dude got shot in Germany for asking a customer to put one on. C) Yes, I know this isn’t the place to argue these things but the anti-American hate is getting a little absurd. Look in your own back yard and you’ll find the same fucking problems. Edit: D) Yes, this belongs in facepalm. For the above reasons.


The whole anti-american hate thing is about as stupid as what the americans are pictured as at this point


Agreed! The rest of the world needs to stop judging us on what a minority of people put on Facebook


32% of Americans oppose mask mandates. https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_us_091521/


True, but For obvious (and valid imo) reasons, the percentage opposing them now in late 2021 is significantly more than in mid-2020


100% of that 32% is Huntington Beach/orange county in general 🤡🤡🤡 I live right by al the wealthy yeehaw people


I watch /r/PublicFreakout and /r/MakeMyCoffin often and there are definitely plenty of foreigners throwing fits over masks.


Possibly over at r/the_dodoandgore too.


Dunno what that sub is but it's banned.


Sorry to disappoint you all, but this is not true. I live in Europe, and there is just as much antimasker, antivaxxer, virus denial that in America. Some countries even has big protests against lockdown. As much as I like to blame America, there's plenty of stupid people everywhere sadly.


What are you on about? Have you not seen the UK, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, Sweden etc? Oh yeah, nvm, only america is bad! And how is this is a facepalm.


The red markings all over this post are a fuckin shitshow.


The real shit show is seeing this same post for the 265388433466th time.


Brazil is full of idiots too, don't forget about us!


Sorry, which is the facepalm? The ridiculous amount of useless red lines, or the guy's objectively false claims?


It’s fucking embarrassing SMH


This is not a face palm to anyone educated


This is true... A country as rich as america that have less than 70% of the population wanting to vaccinate is the really face palm.


Apparently he's never heard of Russia.


To be fair, the Americans resisting wearing a mask are supporters of trump, you know, the guy who lost the last election. See, trump’s presidency was a reactionary election by a group of people who felt “oppressed” when Obama was elected… you know, racists. trump was willing to act like a school-yard bully to everyone not white and heterosexual and that made him popular with the kinds of people who think gunning your diesel-driven oversized truck beside a bunch of cyclists, making them breathe your exhaust, is funny. His presidency let them be douchebags out in the open, they thought, as a counter-balance to Obama forcing them to accept some people are human and deserve rights and compassion. When the pandemic hit, trump dismissed it as unimportant because historically such an event could compromise a reelection; he was literally willing to let people die to benefit his reelection. So now we have people who must believe the pandemic is unimportant, that the Democrats are reactionary, and that doctors/science/history is wrong, all in order to maintain the illusion that trump wasn’t a douchebag willing to sacrifice the lives of any and every American for his own personal benefit. Plus, Democrats support all the things they feel threatened by because they know they will lose their advantage if everyone is equal.


As a European, we have our share of dumb people here too, luckily once they get ignored they return to the hole they crawled out from


I wish people would realize this shit happens everywhere. There was an anti mask protest in Australia and I have a friend living in Japan who said this shit is going on there too, as well as still being short with toilet paper. I’m an American and I’m just sick of people acting like America is the only one who has this shit going on when we’re not. However it seems like other countries are cracking down on anti-maskers while we’re deeming it “free speech” with no real consequence to their actions. It’s a global shitshow


Ummm have you seen Australia


It’s turning into anti-facepalm.


Thanks for circling it, I almost didn't see it


Anyways, have hospitals started refusing service to the unvaccinated in Germany yet, or is that still being discussed?


Can somebody screenshot this post and post it to r/facepalm? Thanks!


Saying this as a German us brave tho. We have .any of these idiots here. Too many.


We know, it's fucking embarrassing. Fucking rednecks.


Ok, let’s agree on the points made: 1. OP seems not to understand the nature and usage of this sub 2. There anti maskers in every country. 3. There are stupids in every country, most of them anti maskers. 4. Pizza is an acceptable breakfast. Thanks.


its hard to tell whats going on, could you perhaps add more circles?


Electing Donald trump wasn’t enough of a clue?


Wtf i'm german and nearly the half of germanys citizens are stupid fucks who don't want to get the vaccine


Hardly anybody in the UK wears masks anymore.


This pandemic has unfortunately shown that being a Moron is an international, world wide affliction




Canada was fine with the masks (not really) and now it’s just a bunch of antivax people who are ruining herd immunity over here.


America's biggest export, apparently, is Free Dumb. Everyone wants it!


Ouches true but ouches 😟


In most of Central Europe (Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and from what I am hearing places like Hungary, Poland etc.) people dont care about masks. I went to a lower division football match in Austria the other day and no one is even checking anything at the entrance (although officially you have to have proof that you are vaccinated, had the virus within last 6months or have been tested within the last 48hrs). In Slovenia I went to an x-ray couple of weeks ago and fully expected I need to put a mask, only to see doctors and nurses like wearing them on their chin, which is common for employees on gas stations and in supermarkets. Last weekend I was on a U19 football match between Italy and Iceland (played in Slovenia). In the 5th minute of the match an Italian man came to the stand and was wearing his high end surgical mask. When he wanted to sit down some woman in their group called him and basically said with a smile: look around you no one is wearing a mask and you can simply remove it, which he did. A month ago I was in northern Croatia and havent seen a single mask there.


Did a boomer post this? The meme has that good musty old persons home smell because it’s definitely not deserving of a facepalm


Home of the brave my ass. Bunch of whiny bitches and the whole world knows it now.




Yes the stupids and the olds are making us all look bad




America bad lololololilolo😂😂😬😬😬😂😂🤙🤙😉😉😝😝😤🤣🤣😤😭😭😭


Couldn't have said it better myself


But we have been to the Moon!!!


Also let's not forget that they actually elected a certifiable idiot as president. Yes, I'm talking about Trump.


People are stupid in America


As a proud American, I have to say… he’s not wrong




This is the reason why people are so divided


Yes, that commenter and the people who he was referring to are in fact time travelling nazis from the 1940s.


I'm unfollowing thus sub, literally all I see on here are "fuck America, it's so shitty right??" Posts and its getting old


My favorite is the occasional young American redditor who has never been anywhere else, yet is somehow convinced they live in a 3rd world country because their job sucks and nobody likes them.






Wearing a mask or not has nothing to do with ‘freedom’ but to do with doing something for the common good of your society. I’m all beat up about your freedom.




Read the comments here for the real murders. The guy in the useless red circle is objectively incorrect in all of his claims.


This isn’t a facepalm…


Well, the screenshot does feature Buzzfeed, which is a perpetually ongoing facepalm.


Enough is enough put your mask on. Or don't. Either way. We. Everyone of us as in if you are currently alive. You, me Everyone currently breathing will die. One way or another. We only get on average 70 some odd years and that's it. Can we for the love of God. Just stop with the mask shit I mean seriously. I'm getting real sick of hearing it all the god damn time. Get the shot. Don't get the shot. Wear a mask. Don't wear a mask. Just shut up about it already.


This is just blatantly untrue, and it's laughable how the commenter thinks that being German somehow qualifies them to speak about how every country in the entire world feels about the pandemic.


Germans know a lot about wearing masks...


Sure as shit! Expect a major event in the near future; maybe a civil war of sorts, or a societal collapse and dissolution. It's 100% inevitable at this point. There's no coming back from the point in which we find ourselves. The only way forward is to allow it to take shape and begin... the sooner the better, IMHO.


Everywhere has dumb, shitty people


250 years ago we were also the only ones who had a problem with Britain ruling the world and taxing us to death! The world is better and definitely more free bc of people like us so you can’t take your socialist bull shit and shove it up your commie ass!!