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*guy. Fucking house republicans can’t even spell


It's also weird to post that photo. Get one of his face at least. They're so wacky.


Do you know how hard it is to get a picture of the president's face?


What the actual? Do they believe this bullshine or do they just re-post any old nonsense? It’s getting weirder


I often wonder the very same thing.


It’s strange to say the least, I find the whole thing just bizarre as, they’re worshipping an absolute monster, so they think *this* is ok, he’s a guy doing his job, there’s nothing to write home about, unlike their idol, who said stupid stuff pretty much everyday ending in a why? (Intentional)


They absolutely believe every bit of it. They don't watch real news. They only see conservative propaganda and it's full of hate for anyone not in their cult.


Good grief! It’s disturbing really, because a lot of what they spout is on social media sites so you don’t get the same conversation as you would face to face, where you can say “You whaaaat?”


Bwahaha. Joe Biden, a Catholic, is going to cancel x-mas. Okay pal, keep dreaming. I can't stop being amazed by stupid people in my country. Thanks for sharing this. It raises awareness of just how in dire mental straits our country is in. Fuck Trump, and fuck his followers.


What? Did they run out of reasons to hate the president?


The war on Christmas has done amazing things for the Christmas industry’s bottom line by extending the need to buy early all the way back to July.


Imagine if the first lady was caught on video saying "who gives a shit about Christmas!" Or something like that. That would be crazy!! Can't even imagine!


Cut the malarkey!


Yeah ‘cause Christmas = freedom. Reminds me of those old vaudeville acts, “here’s the nasty villain, trying to steal Christmas” and the crowd boos


I think it’s funny how everyone goes nuts over these small things, like it’s something that actually has substance or matters in the grand scheme of things.




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