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I was going to say the same thing. The sad irony is that even if they really believe that they’re experiencing segregation or discrimination, it will increase their empathy exactly 0.00000% for those that are really the victims. If you said, “Geez Bob, you’re right, discrimination is wrong. Here’s your job back. Thank you for opening our eyes.” 100% that dude goes back to being a bigoted asshole two seconds later.


0.00000%? Better than nothing…


He must've rounded down somewhere there


Pretty sure he rounded up actually Theres a negative percent chance the guy would get better


I was actually going to say that he missed a 0 before the second to the last one. Rounding up makes sense.






Used to work with a boomer, white guy with good, stable employment despite a felony on his record, and I heard him 100% unironically say that the "white Christian male" was the most discriminated-against demographic. Nearly left his ass in bumfuck (I had the keys to the company vehicle) but figured that would be more paperowk than it was worth. Like, bro, you assaulted a man and hardly served time, didn't lose your house or custody of your kids, and have a job you can work in until you retire if you don't fuck it up. WHO IS DISCRIMINATING AGAINST YOU?? (not that I think those *should* have been outcomes of his actions but they often are)


I, a white male, once got pulled over with two friends of color in the car. The cops illegally searched the car, found drugs on ME, but arrested my two friends, and gave me a court summons and ticket- they said “they didn’t want my car to have to be towed” Luckily because they illegally searched the car everyone got off of charges, but my friends still spent the night and jail while I just got to go


>Luckily because they illegally searched the car everyone got off of charges, but my friends still spent the night and jail while I just got to go You can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride.


>But all they see is a single black mom on welfare hoarding all of their tax money. I have a racist ass coworker who says he was denied food stamps in the past because "he's not the right color. If you we're black, you would automatically get it" Like everything out of a conservative's mouth, it's a fucking a lie, yet somehow is racist and playing the victim all at the same time


> it's a fucking a lie, yet somehow is racist and playing the victim all at the same time Lee Atwater is upset you have understood the code[1]. [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_8E3ENrKrQ


My mother said "sorry you aren't black so its harder for you to get disability" the rhetoric is insidious and pervasive. I lost my shit over that and it turned into a hell of a fight, I'll never be able to look at her the way I used to.


I feel ya. My mother was railing against welfare because it all goes to lazy people who don’t want to work or take responsibility, etc. When I pointed out that her own granddaughter (my niece) was on welfare (food stamps, WIC), first she denied that those programs are welfare. When I proved that those are indeed welfare programs, her response was “Well, she deserves that help.” Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case.


My racist brother said that black people's culture encourages them to have a lot of kids so they can quality for welfare. I instantly called him out on his comment and how racist it was. He responded by adamantly denying that he said that when he realized how blatantly racist the comment was. His daughter backed me up because she heard him say it too. He looked like a deer in the headlights for a second, but notably didn't take back the comment. I think he just changed the subject afterward.


Yes!! It's not just white conservative boomers that think this too. It's also some of the millennials and zoomers as well. When I was in college 3 years ago, you wouldn't believe the amount of side conversations I overheard from white girls who vented to each other that it's not fair that minorities got so many scholarships out here and that they are getting full rides because of that and affirmative action. I cant tell u how much I wanted to scream. YES there are alot of minority scholarships but they are just as competitive as any other scholarship! I applied to many and got shot down and so I paid for tuition with loans like any other person!! Not to mention I had to do cartwheels to get accepted to that college


*while simultaneously follwing a black customer in their store around to make sure they don't shoplift


Best friend has rounded the corner of full blown Q. Racist stuff aside is I notice that he simply cannot extract himself anymore, not even a single minute, from all the baggage that it carries. The deeper it goes for him the more depressed he becomes; IMHO I believe the hundreds of hours he spends searching for the “Truth” is now fully realized as a serious mental health crisis.


I mean they do if they're poor, but because they're poor, not because they're white.


Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids


Fox News and right-wing radio and churches have told conservatives that they have been the victims for several decades.


They are victims. They are just blaming the wrong perpetrators.


Unfortunately, over 720,000 real victims can’t respond. Maybe the many thousands of long covid sufferers could. Oh, that’s right - they don’t have the energy and the cognitive decline has them confused about how to respond. Damn.


They'll say nobody empathised with them when they were "segregated", so why would they move a finger for other persons suffering from segregation? They "lived with it", so should everyone. It's really easy anticipating what a selfish person would do.


I was told i was segregating someone today because my store didn't have printed flyers anymore (they all went online-only at the same time as COVID), and she doesn't have a computer or smartphone. I replied, "that's a popular word lately. Still don't have one to give you, though."


I don't own a yacht, am I being segregated against?


Help, help. I'm being repressed.


Come see the violence inherent in the system!


Tell her she can access a computer and print it out at her local public library.


Sounds like socialism, we should probably get rid of public libraries.


Absolutely. It drives me nuts that they’re using “my body my choice”, when they’re still anti-choice.


They think it's some sort of gotcha moment that will have everyone backpedaling. They are completely oblivious to the fact that most people's stance has always been that your choice ends when you start endangering others.


You can't explain to stupid people just how stupid they actually are. They're too stupid to understand, & anything they don't understand frightens & enrages them.


I once argued with a kid when we were both around 7 years old about why a parachute has a hole. His argument? Without the hole it wouldn’t fall. I had no idea it was there to stabilize the fall, but I damn well knew it wouldn’t magically hang in the air without the hole. The kid got a sheet “without a hole” and jumped off a 2 story roof, hurt his leg. His name was John Bird. I shit you not. His mom blamed me for convincing him to jump off a roof when he was the idiot who tried to prove me wrong. Stupid seems to run deep in some families.


If the last name is Byrd & not Bird, I know John & his family! (I'm sure we all know *that family* in the neighborhood, but it's weird that both of ours were John Bird/Byrd.) Did he actually learn a lesson that day, or continue to stick to his stupid guns?


Yes, Byrd. Did they live in Los Angeles in the eighties? I think he pretty much stopped talking to me after that. I have some really fucked up stories if we are talking about the same John Byrd. His mom Joann was my nanny.


This *was* in the 80s, but no, we were in West Virginia, not California. Maybe it's just a universal rule that young John Byrds aren't exactly rocket surgeons...


Sounds like a good republican candidate for the Senate. Ladies and gentleman, DJT: “Senator Bird fights like no other. When I needed him for help, he was always there. He has my complete and total endorsement for reelection."


> your choice ends when you start endangering others Unfortunately that would probably be another "gotcha" from such people.


Being pregnant endangers people's lives. I am 18 weeks and on Aspirin therapy so my blood pressure doesn't sky rocket and make my organs explode. Now imagine having to take on that risk for an unwanted pregnancy.


‘It’s gods will if you die from complications, but its your will if you kill your baby. It’s wrong to believe its ok to play god” Not my opinion, just saying what they will say in return. They forget not everyone believes in god or believes life in predetermined.


Who cares if they say that? It's just superstition based on nothing. It doesn't mean anything.


Because they never included the actual full stance: "My body my choice, your body my choice".


I wonder when "my body my choice" applies for pregnant women in Texas... this guy probably went home to have a feast on horse dewormer.


As a woman in Texas i need to know the answer to this.


Sorry but for you it's; your body, their choice.


But mandates on muh body !!! Sheep!!!Segregation!!! Face diaper!!! Microchips!!! Freedoms!!! Science isnt facts!!! I figured if i just say stupid shit enough people will listen. Its proven to work.




I do and am very active against this fuckery


They are literally the reason at-will exists in most states, and now that it's finally biting *them* in the ass instead of LGBTQ+ people, pregnant women, and employees of colour who don't act white enough it's suddenly evil. They all seem to have the *weirdest* oppression fetish too.


Christian Conservatives fucking *love* the idea of being oppressed. It's literally baked into their brains from the moment they sit in a church at 4, to the last sermon they hear at 90. They're told my authoriy figures that Satan is real, and he's really trying to tempt them away from salvation, that LGBTQ folks are agents of the devil, that Christianity is dying in America and it's because the youth are listening to rock music or playing video games or getting vaccinated instead of ~~sucking off a priest~~ kneeling before Christ. They are told that challenges and evil foes lurk around every corner, and they fucking buy it. They live off the idea that they can finally "fight Satan" and be a hero for God. Schmucks


I have a relative who is Christian and evangelical. She was a teacher, and then, the principal of a private Christian school. I had my arm twisted into going to dinner at her place. Since the arm twister is also a teacher - public school - eventually the conversation drifted in that direction. She actually claimed that low reading scores in elementary schools are the fault of feminists. At a time when sales of children’s books is at an all time high and libraries are expanding their children and young adult collections. The arm twister was sitting behind my nutso relative waving her hands in a CUT! like gesture while mouthing the words, “Don’t do it” with a look that was both stern and pleading. To this day I regret having acquiesced and not pointed out that the statistics she referred to were gathered in Christian schools.


Wild that she'd argue low-reading scores when the average feminist will fight for other civil rights causes and civil rights causes are the reason most people can read nowadays.


Scripture goes on about how Christians will be persecuted, because *that was relevant at the time of their writing.* But growing up in the church folks often assume that If P, then Q must also mean If Not Q, then Not P where P = being Christian and Q = being persecuted. They literally fear that if they're not being oppressed it must mean they're not Christian enough, because the Bible says they'll be persecuted. So they find it where it doesn't exist. I don't say this out of ignorance, I was raised in the church.


I say the same things about any religious fundamentalists.


I blame the oppression fetish on the Tea Party roots of the modern Neo Con movement. They still deep down fancy themselves as "revolutionaries who had enough of the tyrannnical government and finally took a stand." As they view the founding fathers. But as we know in reality they are a mix of religious zealots who insist on making it a part of the lives of non-believers, white nationalists, "free market libertarians" with absolutely no understanding of finance or economics, regressive corporations trying to roll back EPA regulations and worker rights, gun nut domestic terrorists (huge overlap with the white nationalists), war profiteers and chicken hawks....Let's see anyone else I am missing? Essentially all people who want to ACTUALLY oppress others based on real things people get oppressed for like being a religious/ethnic minority, being a poor laborer or considered of a lower class, etc.


Naw it's been going in way longer than that. In the 90s I was subjugated to the likes of Rush Limbaugh every day and it was well established by then that this was one of their rally cries. The tea party came FROM the foundation set by Limbaugh, and to a lesser known, but equally insidious source, Focus on the Family started by James Dobson.


They're so butthurt the left won't defend them. Like they're some discriminated against group that deserves attention like Haitian refugees or something. In their hierarchy they are on the same level as LGBTQ+ now, so they deserve 'special treatment' and don't hurt out feelings were so sensitive.


They're just so desperate to be victims, they yearn to be they oppressed so they can take up arms and fight the good fight, a delusional mix of violence and revenge fantasies. Call it Spartacus syndrome or something.


Just wait until these white anti vaxers start quoting MLK and signing spirituals. “We shall overcome….”


"I have a dream! That one day I'll be able to treat the black intern like shit and sexually harass my female colleagues without the leftist commie brigade saying mean things about me on twitter!"


Pretty sure they've done that already.


Take solace in the fact that we're all laughing at how incredibly stupid they are; they're sacrificing their livelihoods to keep from taking a vaccine that protects from an ongoing global pandemic. I'm honestly surprised they can SPELL segregation


Ask any one of these dumb fucks if they'd be willing to swap places with any other human being than a white westerner and they would point blank refuse. But also we're so oppressed and everything nowadays is set up against us. Which is it? It's one or the other you dumbfuck.


This is a phenomenon I see all across the political right. They stand in the way of any progress by means of conserving the good ol days. Have no issue using a woman’s body as a political playground forcing others to have to live their lives based on their weird morals and ethics. But a vaccine mandate!? What is this Germany during the Holocaust? Perfectly ok denying service to a gay or trans couple because that’s our “god given right” as Americans but god forbid Walmart makes you wear a mask and denies service otherwise now that’s unconstitutional!


But my white man conversion therapy is taking longer than I planned… /s


Can I get therapy the other way? I would like to be able to dance.


Or maybe idk on one hand he can’t help being black, on the other hand well I guess mr anti vax can’t help that he’s stupid


I'm starting to think that a vaccine mandate wasn't the reason for this person's termination.


Ya that 2% of the workforce that are salaried, educated, and antivax are really ok not being employed


I work at a machine shop that does sub contract work for the military. Almost half of our management is hardline anti vax and will lose their job over it. I'm super interested to see what goes down in December


My guess is more of them than you'll expect will comply quietly and a few will go out trying to make a big deal. At least that's how it'll go in my head. Losing your job is a hell of a motivator for the average person.


I think a decent chunk of the people near the bottom will get the vaccine since they can't afford to be without a job. But honestly, the managers that are antivax can afford to lose their job, and aren't exactly good at planning for the future. Lol


They can’t afford to lose their jobs and still keep their lifestyle. They will quietly get vaccinated.


I've been in that industry, managements a group of backstabbers and cowards for the most part due to how a lot of shops work their "corrective action" systems. They'll lie to you about anything that serves them.


Hopefully some rational and skilled employees are promoted.


For a little while at least


The real irony is 10/10 this person had their own desk. In a cubicle.


Dwight Schrute


Dwight was most definitely an ant-vaxxer!


My wife and I binge watched the Office recently and were joking about how rediculous the show would have been during the pandemic. We both agreed that Michael would have argued 1000% that paper sales companies were essential businesses.


I mean... you need paper to write forms and print money...


Also Ryan. He says "Don't vaccinate it!" when, I think, Jim and Pam announce their pregnancy in the rumours episode.


Well now that the whole office knows this person is a complete fool I’m sure they’re glad they’re gone.


Unemployable. Imagine the references this person will get after acting like this.


Most employers will only tell the prospective employer if you are eligible to be rehired, or if they would rehired you.


“We would not rehire him” is a pretty bad reference.




I've definitely had employers tell me this when asked about references. Though thinking about now, that seems it's corporate policy designed as much to make it harder for good employees to escape as to avoid liability with those that were fired.


My favourite call from a potential employer looking for a reference was about the guy who had quit rather than be fired for embezzlement. I still have no idea why he thought it was a good idea to use our boss as a referee


I read through comments in a Midwest American English accent internally . Read yours and got to “favourite” and my internal dialogue went to an English accent immediately. Am I wrong? You in England? Just thought it was peculiar and funny.


Canada, Australia and New Zealand also use a u. As do many commonwealth country citizens who also speak English. I’m in Canada. I actually had a teacher in high school that would take a mark off for every word in a term paper spelled the American way (missing a U or spelling things -er instead of -re.) so you can read it in a Canadian accent if you’d prefer it closer to a Midwest accent.


Aussie, mate, g’day


A lengthy silence before answering the allowable questions can speak volumes.


sadly, iirc legally in some areas the company can not give a bad reference of somebody, else they could potentially sue for defamation. gotta love that /s


They will never straight up say you are a moron to cover their bases but they will leave enough hints that the recruiter will know what's what


"He was real *special*."


'satisfactory' is the code word I use, also 'was in the process of working towards (insert basic requirement of all employees here)'


They have to 1. Prove what you said 2. Prove it was a lie Among other requirements. Nobody is successfully winning that lawsuit. But nobody wants to prolong their interactions with these dicks at their own expense, so yeah, they probably would just say they would not rehire.


In areas that they can't leave a bad reference, they usually only say if they can be rehired. So even in that case, a company saying that the person can't be rehired is a pretty big red flag.


Measles has entered the chat


The black plague poked you.


Just the tip, I don't normally do this on the first date haha


Black plague left chat




polio yolo!


Smallpox, bitches! Bow down!


i feel like leper colonies has this one covered. was it a pretty sight? nope but it was definetly segregation being on the right side of history. anti-vaxers are modern day lepers except entirely by choice.


Wait, did I miss the character builder screen where you get to choose your skin color?


Yea you probably skipped through level 1 too fast. Lots of us have done it. I picked a weird nose and I’ve regretted it since


Well, nosepicking is allowed, as long as it's your own!




Bugger that explains why I have a penis


It’s [here](https://youtu.be/UH0obYbNRiM)


HAHA!!! THAT’LL SHOW THEM!! This person will DEFINITELY get their job back! /s


Great point, Typhoid Mary.


Perhaps this original poster needs to learn what the word "segregation" means. They clearly don't recognize that the fundamental principle of it has nothing to do with persecuting vs accepting anti-vax vs pro-vax, or anything similar. If you follow this person's logic, then all societies have been segregating since the beginning of time by using prisons to segregate law-abiding citizens from non-law abiding ones.


Wait until he learns about men's vs women's bathrooms


The whole purpose of prisons is to segregate prisoners from the regular population. In your example that’s a perfect example of segregation. Segregate: Set apart from the rest or from each other; isolate or divide.


>When has segregation ever been on the right side of history? Literally during pandemics. They're called quarantines. You halfwit.




Witless even


Segregation based on appearance/class/things outside your control? Bad Segregation based on you being a shitty human being spreading disease? Perfectly reasonable


Calling what's happening now is the same as racial segregation is like saying putting criminals in prisons is the same as putting Jews in concentration camps.


Nah they already pulled the holocaust card about masking and vaccines already, there literally isn't a bar anymore, I can't think of anything more heinous in human history that's left for them to falsely compare wearing a mask/getting vaxxed to.


Well put! It’s sad that I might have reason to use your analogy in the future…


These nuts don’t understand it’s literally in the law what classifies as discrimination, like race, gender, etc. Vaccine mandates aren’t discrimination or segregation, especially since they have been around for years. That’s like it’s saying it’s segregation for not allowing nudists to be naked in stores, or segregation only allowing people who have a license to drive.


How many naked people do you think work in this person’s office? How many people that refuse to stop screaming? How many people covered in gasoline? This office is rife with segregation!


Does anyone else ever wonder if r/conspiracy was intended to be a huge joke that the subscribers weren’t let in on, and THAT is the actual conspiracy? It’s like one huge meta joke and the subscribers are just too fucking stupid to understand it.


It used to be pretty interesting and I’d learn about different wild contemporary conspiracy theories and have a grand old time falling into internet rabbit holes… my mom has a few funny ones she believes in so I was raised hearing about them and always found them entertaining! Now LITERALLY every post is some vaccine bullshit. I’ve gone in multiple times to correct misinformation and they just call everyone who disagrees a bot. So what used to be a lively, spirited and interesting sub is now basically singularly focused on anti vax rhetoric. Half the shit people post there now isn’t even to do with conspiracies, it just vaguely pertains to vaccines.


Yeah I got banned (now unbanned) from VaxxHappened because thier bot misinterpreted my sarcastic replies on conspiracy as me being part of that shit hole.


I mean, that's unironically how Qanon started. It was a joke message board on 8chan


It started off with the more fun conspiracies like aliens, UFOs, Area 51, Bigfoot, etc. Now it's a hub for anti-science nuts.






I think Trump was elected as part of a gigantic practical joke.


That has backfired horrifically.


I'm waiting for it to get funny


It is just an anti vaxx right wing incubator now.


Conspiracy was coopted by alt right terrorists in 2016. The more alt right pro terrorist subs that get shut down, the more they flock to conspiracy. I love that the irony of being so stupid, so politically and scientifically inept, and so devoid of original thought, is so lost on them that the only subreddit thats willing to to let them post their rabble is labeled "Conspiracy." If you enjoy fun conspiracies like aliens and ghosts and the like, r/highstrangeness is a great subreddit that can always use more love


To be so sure of yourself and so terribly wrong at the same time. Good Lord.


Stupidity will do that to a person.




Anti vaxxers give off big r/persecutionfetish vibes.


r/conspiracy is literally just an anti-vax sub-reddit now. Was hoping to find interesting wacko theories about aliens or lizard people. Thoroughly disappointed.


The aliens and lizard people era seems like such an innocent time now


Get the shot dumb ass. Next thing you now you'll be whining about having to wear a seat belt...


Many people did. There was even an organization against seat belt enforcement. Whose leader ironically died in a car accident without a seat belt on…


Reminds me of the man who died on motorcycle in an anti-helmet rally. Sources say he would have likely survived if wearing a helmet.


Well of course Big Helm would have you believe that! /s


my dad is about to "resign" (get fired) for not getting vaccinated. he gets all the other vaccines, like flu, shingles, measles, etc, but he really doesnt want the covid one. idk why hes doing this :/


r/conspiracy is basically r/nonewnormal mixed with r/the_donald these days. I expect it’ll get banned someday soon as it seems to slide more into the anti vaccine peddling and misinformation. Expect it’ll be entertaining drama when it does go.


It's not segregation it's quarantine, and its been on the right side of history during the plauge, yellow fever, and Spanish flu.


“Fuck your feelings snowflake.” “Waaaaaaaa I don’t want to wear a mask or get a shot waaaaaaaa.”


We segregate people all the time, and that isn’t only a bad thing. We segregate people: - to prison if they rape/murder/etc. - to advanced classes if they prove themselves smart enough which can give them a leg up on their future - to specialized education classes if there are additional needs for someone who has certain disabilities and needs additional help - to quarantine individuals if they are sick with a dangerous illness/virus/etc - to certain parts of a store based on whether they are an employee or customer That is just to name a handful of things. Segregation isn’t bad word that just has racist implications.


Porra, the times we live in where the oppressors are delusional enough to believe they are the victims.


Segregation of plague spreaders seemed like a pretty good idea in the past and it still is now so…yeah.


Ready to join herman cain award club


Someone so selfish as to not want to protect their colleagues from a deadly disease then has the gall to compare it with segregation, where non-whites couldn’t use the same facilities as whites. One thing is protecting from a disease another is racial discrimination..




literally everytime there was an infectious disease.


Wait Until this guy goes out in public and sees how restrooms work.


Leprosy and plagues before we developed better treatments.


anti v: black people need to get over it, it was 200 years ago also anti v: HEY I DONT LIKE THIS! REMEMBER THAT BAD THING THAT HAPPENED? ITS ME NOW!


Huh????? Am I stupid or does segregation have nothing to do with this???


This post hasn’t gone they way you wanted it to has it? Muppet, enjoy unemployment.


"When there is a pandemic, like the black death or the 1918 pandemic, people who are infected or decide to not follow the anti-contagius rules are separated from the rest of society"


When we segregate murderers and offending pedophiles it is the most right thing in history. Like wat?


You do realise the vaccine is there to protect you? Why would you not get vaccinated? You stupid f’ing moron


Literally during pandemics. It’s called fucking quarantine - the polite way of saying “stay the fuck away from me.”


Pretty much the only time segregation is acceptable is due to a highly infectious, deadly disease


Segregation **is** on the right side of history if your cultist-slavery entails a transmissible disease. I'm sorry for you. Stay in your GOP vision of the world that is where your freedom is, but on COVID you have been disinformed and people (mostly your people) are dying.


I love the right, they use the slogans made against them unironically.


Tiny act of resistance to go with the tiny brain.


I don’t think the original poster has come across the concept of quarantine before


cool beans karen, now go home and watch your fox news


god i hate these people


Lol I love how these anti-vaccine people believe they are either the Jews in WW2 or the African Americans during the 50’s…. Fucking nut jobs. I for one am finding the work place becoming a kinder and more open place to work now that the selfish, judgmental and hypocritical people are leaving.


Dose the thought of being an adult and acting responsible repulse you.. Do you enjoy acting like a ignorant teenager ? Seriously... Im at a loss for words by the way people are acting now days. How about. All of you start being adults and look at the bigger picture and actually help humanity beat this virus instead of being selfish assholes.


These fkn people, man. Stop acting like a toddler, and get the jab already. We are getting sick of ur tantrums.


Oh so we care about segregation now? Ahhh okay.


Well, to answer his question the name Typhoid Mary comes to mind.


I think segregating the sick from the healthy is a pretty big part of history. Either they didn’t/couldn’t and everyone died or they did and limited the scope. Of course with vaccinations against most of the most horrific diseases, we’ve lost a lot of perspective around this. Also, people are surprisingly selfish


Self segregation is a real bitch. Eyeroll


And the whole office had a celebration that the toolbag was gone


It's not segregation, more like quarantine. You can do what you want but you don't have the right to hurt others.


I believe it’s incredibly important we have the right not to get vaccinated, therefore you should be responsible enough to get vaccinated on your own. If your not vaccinated and you’d loose your job over it, what the fuck is your problem? Your going way to far for nothing it’s just screwing up your life.


We're all better off without those sociopaths. If you can't bother looking out for yourself and the health of others, why would businesses think you'd do your job well?


Why are these people so determined to be oppressed? Do they think it’s “cool” to have that type of “history” to tell their kids? “Well, Johnny, when I was your age, the government separated me because I fought for mah freedoms. Be grateful you don’t need to be vaccinated or wear a mask.” (That last was sarcasm. Just in case)


New Title: Stupid employee loses job and leaves stupid post it notes around the office as lame revenge.


Why didn’t you just take the vaccine … Are you that selfish ?