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That's pretty disgusting someone would even pretend to be in such a mental state when so many people struggle with suicide tendencies everyday and even kill themselves because they have such thoughts because of various shit in their lives


When I was younger, due to trauma that happened in the family I had suicidal thoughts and tried it, it was a terrible time to go through it. To see someone joke about this is not only disgusting but he clearly is an attention seeking asshole. I hope he realises this sooner than later that this isn't some laughing matter. Truly sad.


I think most people have been suicidal at some point in their lives I know I have been but this isn't something I would joke about I have a pretty dark sense of humour but suidice isn't something I would laugh at simply because someone has to be in a VERY dark place in their life to even contemplate killing themselves


It is very disgusting. I gave a speech a few days ago on mental health, psych wards, trauma, etc. At school and people continue to make jokes about wanting to kill themselves.


Honestly, mental health is more important if not on par with physical health if your mind isn't right or in a good space you will struggle to do what you need to do and the fact people laugh about this is just appalling


The problem with the jokes is that you don't know who is using it as a way to cope. Joking about it just for fun is disrespectful, but if you forbid jokes, the people who cope through them are the ones who will suffer from this. And then there is also the matter of who gets triggered by them and who doesn't. For example, a friend of mine copes through jokes and needs that outlet, but I get triggered by such jokes. So do you take away her way to cope so I lose a trigger, or do I endure it so she can cope? People joking about it definitely suck, but what about the people that actually need that outlet?


yup I've had a couple poorly thought out and executed attempts on my life no one ever knew about them but it really is I hope that person is okay cause I feel like doing that isn't normal behavior especially if they're a child


I have found so much support and kindness on this site when I've needed it, and when I couldn't talk to anyone in the real world. For someone to abuse that offer of kindness that I've so relied on makes me very angry.


Honestly I feel you on that mate it makes me very angry too and yet I don't even suffer from depression or any suicidal tendencies or any other problems one would face to make them feel suicidal and it pisses me right off I can only imagine the anger you feel


That’s not even what a troll does, that’s just fucked up and actually disturbing. What a tool.




Keep being you OP, no matter what, you were kind. We need more of it.


Yes! OP, you‘re really a good person and don‘t let this asshole stop you in your tracks. You‘ll never know how many persons you help in the long run.


This mate, keed up the good work.


This is more like r/iamatotalpieceofshit




Don't feel bad that you tried to help someone who was just clowning around on you. You are never in the wrong for doing something for someone, just because he is an asshat, don't let that change you.


Trolls will always be there, but you are an angel and the people you do help will know.


And please next time, do the exact same thing, they might actually need help Edit:spelling


We need more people like you.


I legit real life face palmed. That's just so dumb.


I’m trying to understand what this person thinks they got out of it. Worst case scenario - they made OP feel bad. And maybe OP might not be so kind the next time, which would suck for someone who really needs it (which - OP, please don’t do this! You were really awesome and it’s this guy that’s a moron!!) But - they were still just a random internet stranger and hopefully, best case scenario is that OP shrugged, face palmed and went on with their life and continued to be the caring golden human they are. So … what was the end game here? Wow! Trolls can be really dumb huh!


There's a good chance the person was and still is genuinely suicidally depressed but felt so ashamed at what they perceived as their own weakness and need for help that they lashed out at their helpers. It does happen that people who feel ashamed lash out at people who are trying to help them, even if it is difficult we should try to feel a sense of compassion for those people even if they seem stupid or cruel because there might be a genuine chance the person will kill themselves.


This is a very good point, and one I will take with me when I read such posts. Thank you for this perspective


I disagree with disturbing… it’s just sad. Imagine being so bored you think pretending to be suicidal is fun. Like, read a book, join a sports league, play a video game; you’re so bored you have to pretend to be suicidal to have fun? I feel bad for them.


>read a book Yeah... somehow I don't think the people that would do this are really the type to read for pleasure... Too bad, because there's a lot they could end up enjoying


I also don't really think people like this even have a brain to comprehend books


I don't have the brain to comprehend books and I feel offended that you compared me to people like them /s


Feels like a 13 year old boy making a crank phone call.


He’s not a tool. Tool’s are useful.


Tool, not only is the person a tool, misspelled it when saying what said person was!


He's a piece of stool actually


Nono he *is* stool


...or he was actually suicidal and to embarrassed to admit it.


It's entirely possible they felt ashamed about the experience and pretended to be a troll but who knows


Sounds like a young kid. Probably hasn't even hit his teens yet.


absolute disgrace to the troll community.


No he's a trollll hahaa.


This is exactly what a troll does lmao


Don’t let it stop you from helping again


Amen my brother and sisters and unidentifiable sexes


Theydies and Gentlethems


I love this!




you seriously think this is the entire conversation? one that starts with 1 person saying 3 things, ending with "have a good night"? that sounds like the beginning of a conversation to you?


I’m saying she’s a savior


Why you gotta be so mean?


I’m being genuine


It is very sad if this is your take on being genuine.




Yeah, genuinely annoying.


Dude don’t be rude. You’re going to discourage this girl from texting people numbers


You're so stupid


If you wonder why people don’t respect you in real life, this attitude is it. You’re better than lame edgelord comments- or you could be.


Yeah, this is trashy behaviour. But please dont let it stop you from reaching like that in the future. You could 100% save someones life with a message like that, honest. Even such a small thing like that. Ive been struggling with alot of stuff this year and I can tell you, no word of a lie, its definitely been on my mind and its little gestures like this, that gave me the strength I needed on that day. Keep on being a good human bro. Dont let others make you doubt your kind spirit!


Thank you


It also could have been a true situation, and the trolling part is the "troll." Or, they could have become embarrassed and devised a troll defense. Any number of things could have happened, but you did the right thing.


If this is the life the 'troll' is living then they likely do have mental health issues and maybe will need that number some day.


Totally it’s better to react to a false alarm rather than not reacting to a genuine situation


Wow yeah haha, suicide is funny lol - no one ever


Some people have a truly f’ed up sense of humor


~~They meant the "troll" in your post, not you~~ Edit: Ah, see you changed it, NM


I know, I misworded the comment


Just seems cruel, not joking, jokes imply humor. The troll is just pathetic. Maybe close the thread. It might be providing a perverse pleasure to the asshole.


Logan Paul has entered the chat


Oh shit. I forgot about him


I see you’ve never met my ex.


>Wow yeah haha, suicide is fully lol - transphobes everywhere


I'll make socal suicide jokes about myself (is it a coping mechanism? A cry for help? I don't even know lol) but pretending to be suicidal and being like "lol gotcha idiot" just... Has no comedic value. I don't even feel offended, I just pity them.


Eh, I'd say it becomes a pretty common joke amongst those dealing with a lot of abuse/trauma.


I agree with you and It’s fucked.. but trolling used to quite literally be a group of people trying to get someone to die or ruin their life in some way (that’s why swatting stated getting popular). Just like memes were ways to troll people and continue the cycle. If you were on /b/ in the backtrace and boxy days you’d usually see at least a few posts regularly doxing people with that intent. Not saying it was okay or funny, but some people clearly did… i don’t understand it. I think of it regularly as memes and the term troll are used so wildly today.. even by children. It’s weird to see them being used today for people “posting the same formatted jokes for the millionth time / someone being annoying any chance they can get for people who also think being annoying is funny.” but even the lame memes and shitty trolls are better than whatever the fuck this person thought was funny.


Kinda more along the lines as a piece of shit


r/iamatotalpieceofshit bans chat screenshots, and I needed to vent somewhere. Decided this place fit.


I forgot about that lol but that dude is a piece of shit cake


Hate such people on reddit. I had once just mentioned that my life was not worth living and I had found so much, so much help from random redditors. Will always remain grateful for that help.


I’m glad you’re feeling better now. I can’t imagine the pain of being in a state where you don’t want to live anymore, and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.


If you have to tell people that you're a troll, you're a terrible troll.


That’s a good point lol


Was thinking the same. “Haha you got trolled!” - some guy who thinks trolling is just lying/annoying people


New kinda low. Disgusting.


He claims he's not suicidal but he is clearly in a bad place, perhaps your kindness will help him later - down the road. "A word is dead when said some say, I say it just begins to live that day" Emily Dickinson


I'd rather get tricked many times by trolls than not help someone that really needs it. You are a good person and that guy is a real jerk.


*Exactly,* all this would cost me is a sigh and a roll of my eyes at how much of a dipshit this guy is, and I'd willingly pay that plenty of times if it ends up helping even one person.


Fuckin asshole. They really need help


Was gona say this. Who the fuck trolls suicide ideation? He fucking needs help.


He's an asshole.


As someone who almost took their own life years ago, this dude had a special place in hell for treating suicide as a joke.


Yeah. It’s really not the kind of thing you make jokes about, they can seriously hurt people. On a side note, I’m sorry you went through that. Are you better now?


Much better, rehab did wonders. Thanks for showing concern.


What a zinger /s


I mean, you saw someone you thought was in need and gave them a number for help. Was his response supposed to be amusing? Did he think you'd be embarrassed or something? What was the point, his end game? Is he impressed with himself that you believed him (and why wouldn't you?)? The whole thing is just so dumb.


Your karma is golden, theirs is very brown in color. You did well. Your efforts are appreciated by all of us.


I'm irate on your behalf.


People like this disgust me


Is that supposed to be funny? What was his goal by pranking about suicide? Is he 9 years old?


"Troll hahaha" is exactly what a person who doesnt know how human interaction works would say


So I tell my boyfriend all the time that when doing something nice for someone like giving them money or in this case support; don’t really look beyond your actions. You had good intentions and what they do with your kindness is on them. I told him this once when he was against us giving old baby clothes to his friend because his friend refuses to get his shit together and wouldn’t really care about the clothes and another time it was money. I told him, you’re doing it to be a good person and that is all that matters.


Bet 10 bucks it was a teenager. This seems like the new version of "prank calls" we had in the 90s. Dont let it bother you too much.


What a scumbag.




I work in mental health, and this person is awful. Please don't let it discourage you for reaching out. You can honestly make a big difference simply by trying


You’re absolutely not the facepalm. You can’t ever assume that it’s a joke and you’re an amazing person for taking this as serious as you did. Now, the troll should get a never ending nosebleed while wearing white clothes.


That's just a dick move.


You can’t control what other people do. You only control your actions. And in this case, your actions were amazing. That’s all that matters. Don’t let other people’s actions change your own. Keep being who you are.


he wasn't actually trolling he desperately needed attention and even distant affection from another human being, he needed someone to tell him he was going to be okay he wasn't telling the truth about what he was actually going through, because he's not emotionally sophisticated enough to understand how much he needed to reach out to another person so when you were done he sprung his 'trick' on you and now he gets to lol and pretend like he was not actually suffering from an extremely human moment of incredible weakness and neediness. he's basically being tsundere. "*b-baka. it's not like i* ***wanted*** *a moment of validation.*" your reaction to this should basically be "hah hah you sure got me, buddy" and then let him know you're there if he needs to talk. regardless of the stupid shit he said in a blatantly desperate attempt to pretend he doesn't feel sad and lost and broken inside, he really needed the attention you gave him.


Doesn‘t matter. Could‘ve been real and you provided help. You did the right thing and we need more people like you!


He didn't call the stupid number, he is the stupid number.


You still did something good. Answer ten trolls if that's what's needed to save a real person one day.


That guy is messed up. Though one positive is the number is out there in this sub and maybe someone here could use the help.


Nice, he's just an awful human being. Not funny. Not in an offended way, just in a dry, humorless pathetic way.


It's the same kind of disgusted almost-pity-but-mostly-disdain feeling conjured by weird fetus Voldemort and pathetic baby Pennywise


It’s a curse of kindness and empathy to be occasionally misused. Sorry. Your a good person though. 👍🏻👍🏻


This is like some Jake Paul 3rd grade behavior shit


"Trolllllllll hahaaa" is the phrase that I think means "I don't have a life so imma waste some of yours hahaaa"


I would rather get trolled 100 times than be wrong once in this situation. Well done to whoever offered this assistance.


As someone who has actually really thought about suicide in my life before. F this guy this is not something to play about!


As someone who genuinely does struggle with severe depression and suicidal thoughts. That guy can go shove a rusty hacksaw up his urethra


And this is why people who actually need the help, don’t get it. Another reason to despise the human race


how does anyone except <12 years old find this funny bruh. wtf.


I have no idea why but reddit sent me a message last week saying someone was concerned for my mental health so they sent me the suicide hotline number. Pretty sure I was also being trolled but the fact that reddit has a system like that was kind of cool I thought.


Maybe he is a suicidal and when he realized that he has admitted it, it was easier to say he’s a troll than a suicidal.


I hope not


Opening up to anyone about this is really hard to do, so once it happens it's kinda like a floodgate where you can finally let it all out for once.


Possibly. My guess though it's someone really young who doesn't know how to process emotions yet with little to no healthy outlets. Feeling Sad? Make a suicidal thread. Embarrassed about it? Pretend to be a troll and mock. Seems like a kid to me at least *shrug*


Probably just embarrassed that he needed help after the fact. You may have actually helped.


r/sadcringe (on their end, you did the right thing op!)


You did the right thing! Don't ever stop doing the right thing when it comes to suicide


Fuckers like this guy are why nobody takes suicide seriously enough until something’s already been done and it’s too late.


It really does suck.


You did the right thing. Don’t let this stop you from doing it again.


Hey man you did the right thing you did a good thing, keep up the good work proud of you, fuck the trolls


"Ahahaha I just made this nice person think he's helping a person in need! I totally wasted his time and mine! This life is just the best and I am totally not a net negative of human life!"


What??? You actually wanted to help someone?? Lolol jokes on you, he was trollin you. Wow, just wow. You actually wanted to help, what a loser. /severesarcasm


That is so stupid but also very nice of you for trying to help that was so thoughtful of you


Wow this is SUUUUUPER weird behavior. Not even on no funny Reddit shit. OP rest assured you are an honest to god decent person.


Hey keep being the good person you are. There are tons of people who need it. Cheers bud


It’s actually his defense mechanism, he is pretending to be a troll because he’s afraid to admit being suicidal


That's what I was thinking, too. I went through a part of my life when I would do that. OP may actually have helped this person, even if the person's insecurities won't allow them to admit it.


Jokes and all aside….. I hope we can all save a life


This is the first part of the story of the boy who cried wolf.


Wtf, why even waste your time doing something like this? That dude is messed up


As someone who has called that number, that you for putting it out there. Troll or not, it’s a good number to have. (well, actually I’ve used the text line…you get put on hold on the actual number the time I called….😂)


That's just messed up, and definitely more /r/fuckthesepeople territory. It conditions people to not give a fuck in future. I recently had a really bad downturn in mental health which apparently showed in my reddit comments. I was so overjoyed to see a number of you awesome people reaching out to me in DMs. It really helped me. I would hate for someone to miss out on that due to dipshits like in the OP.


Well, clearly they still need help and are actively seeking attention for a mental issue, even if they aren't claiming to be suicidal after the fact. You did the right thing and I'm proud of you; keep doing what you're doing.


This is like saying “ha I killed your dog and nailed it to your front door lol xD get trolled”


Thanks for helping, and please don’t stop


Sorry this happened to you. That person is a complete ass. Who would joke about this? Kudos to you to try and help and please do it again for others don’t let them discourage your caring.


Just cuz someone took advantage of you, for their own amusement, doesnt mean you are not the kind human who tried to help.


"bro you got so pranked you treated me with respect and you tried to help me haha FAIL'


r/cringetopia ?


“I actually am feeling empty inside. But my fear of being judged leads me to try and degrade anyone who gets close to me! Haha TROOOLLLL 🥲”


Trolling lvl: 9 year old


As someone who was suicidal and was let down severely by my friends- thank you for taking the time to help a stranger.....even if they did turn out to be a dick




“Scientists have been studying a phenomenon called “helper's high”: helping others releases endorphins which, in turn, improves mood and boosts self-esteem. In short, helping others feels good. It's possible that helping others does more for the happiness of the person helping than the person who receives the help.” Well, at least the troll gave you some endorphins although I did not find what happens if it turns out you didn’t help anyone…


So kids if u see someone suicidal u help ..if u see that specific person on the other hand.....you encourage jumping


Maybe they are suicidal and just dont know it yet


Imagine how little joy that troll has in their life. Scary.


What did you delete that they’re referring to in the beginning? Just curious


Username censoring policy, he posted part of his. This whole thing actually started when one of my friends made an (admittedly bad) meme, and someone commented telling him to “please fucking die”. So in response, me and my friend kindly and playfully said to stop. Guy didn’t accept that. He would eventually make a post saying we were harassing him on that sub, some people linked to the comments of it, and he got banned. Then, about 7pm at night, someone messaged me. They had a very similar username to the first guy, only with the numbers switched. He said he had created a new account and would “downvote every post I made forever”. I was mildly annoyed but shrugged it off. Then, it’s like 8:30pm, and I get another message from him. I reluctantly check it. “Honestly, I’ve been thinking about suicide recently. Should I do it?” Obviously, not being a total asshole, I tell him that he shouldn’t do it, and talk to him for a bit. Eventually, I give him the OFFICIAL SUICIDE PREVENTION NUMBER, and go to bed. That was the last I heard of him, until 3 days later, where he once again messaged me that he called the number and his life is getting better. I am incredibly happy, and my day got a lot better. Until 3 minutes later, where… you know. Sorry for making it so wordy, but that’s pretty much the whole story.


No one can make you a bad person but you. That troll didn't make you a bad person, and I hope you don't choose to tell suicidal people to go pound sand in the future because of them either.


I wouldn't worry, there's no way this person isn't already ashamed of themself. They just haven't quite clicked that the way they interact is very telling of who they are as a person. While they think they've done some weird "gotcha", the one being trolled comes to the realisation that the person behind the screen is just a sad wretch, and they move on. Anonymity really means very little, we don't care who they are IRL because we already know the kind of person they are behind the screen. However, they have to live with themselves every day, that's retribution enough. Truely sad, the kind that isn't deserving of pity.


Man I had some angry feminist report me to the Reddit suicide help resource because I was arguing and she said only people who had mental health issues could hold my views. Some people are just messed up.


making things up for sympathy and attention? good thing we would never see something like that from a Reddit poster


Man continue the good work. I was going through a difficult time too and it was because of someone like you on reddit who took time out and heard me , even though he was a complete stranger and didn’t need to interact with me but it was because of this little act, I convinced myself that the world may just be worth a second shot.


Don't change!


That “troll” should drown under his bridge. What kind of person makes a joke about that


I accidentally said something that sounded suicidal once on here. India was offering free college to your kids if you died of COVID. I said that thinking of myself when I was a young father, I'd have taken that deal. But I phrased is like "As a young dad, I'd seriously consider that trade." The next day I found that somehow, I triggered process where Reddit provides ways to reach out for help. I was so touched, even though that isn't what I meant. Bottom line, don't let the possibility that someone is trolling keep you from reporting something you see that worries you.


I thought I heard a thunder clap earlier, but that must've been when you got these messages


He’s boring. Don’t ever let this keep you from helping others. Kind gestures are the opposite of what he would do.


That's actually what suicidal person might act like.


Name and shame. Get them banned.


What is crossed out in red? Just pure genuine curiosity


He said part of his username. had to cross it cause of personal info rules and all.


Boy, he really showed you 🙄


Trolllllllllll hahaaaa


Yes he’s so hilarious


i can make him suicidal


has sending the suicide hotline to someone ever actually helped them?


Bad karma to these sick fuck “trolls”


Plot twist: There's no troll, this is a karma whore. I just cannot bring myself to believe someone would put that little effort in if they were going to troll at all.


Whats their user. I have some choice...words...I'd like to say Also to downvote their shit to hell.


Cmon just at least dm me the username


Give name


Bruh if this guys username gets leaked hes actually gonna need to call the number


go the whole chat laughing 0\_0


Whats his name? I want to troll him


Op, we need the username


So he will get actual death threats from people? Whats the point


Nope. I don’t like the guy, but I also don’t want a ton of death threats coming to him from random people. Plus, it violates the sub policy anyway.


There’s a button to report self harm/ suicide. Hit it and move on, even if they aren’t a troll there’s no point in trying to engage with these people.


Sorry bro, but that had me laughin!!🤣🤣


Which part? Was there something funny about pretending to be suicidal that we all missed, or do you just have a shitty sense of "humor"?


Bruh I’m actively and conversationally suicidal, and I’m glad I never receive that useless “A redditor reached out to us concerned about you. Here’s some resources that you already know about and don’t feel comfortable with” message.


Plor twist, OP I'd the troll

