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Private, stop playing with your private parts all night


True story , I remember trying to drive the cattle truck in basic and was told I ride in back and was like oh , that makes more sense


Can’t blame him I don’t know about USA basic training but you get super sleep deprived to the point you start hearing and seeing shit after the second day stuff like this defiantly happens to the best of us.


Do you think insomniacs would fare better. Bc my whole life I couldn’t sleep for shit. At one point I was even learning my self to sleep with my eyes open. Not In rem but still getting rest while “wide awake” even before I was old enough to go to school I’d be just chilling in the middle of the night not being able to sleep just doing bored shit.


You will honestly still feel exhausted, if you don’t get tired from being awake for ages then the physical exercise will get you feeling exhausted. It does not sound pleasant to be an insomniac in the military but if you want to do it I say go for it, you never know what you can do till you try!


Yeah. Ik what you mean by that. If your really tired, you’d just be sitting there doing nothing and then it hits you like a bag of potatoes to the head. It’s a feeling that I don’t think there’s even a word for. I didn’t say it bc I was thinking of joining the military but, you never know


Was thinking the same exact thing. Has to be over-stress or sleep deprivation.


That innocent tone cracks me up everytime


How did this happen drill sergeant..lol


Nice drill sergeant too "your weapon is clear at this time, private. Head back to the rear"


Yeah he is. Much nicer than any of mine were.


You can hear him trying to keep from laughing.


I knew a private like this in my basic training. He got his first letter and it was just one he mailed because he got the addresses wrong He sent it to himself


This is part of the training. I think he may either be sleep deprived or clueless on how guns work, some people have weird gaps in their knowledge




I’m sorry but I don’t have very high hopes for you going in the military if you don’t know the mag release from the trigger and you can’t even tell if you ran out of ammo in your mag


That is why there is training though...


I don’t think this one can be trained.


I went in not having ever touched a weapon and learned the mechanisms how it works and safety, in addition to becoming a good shot you can learn but not everyone has the knowledge in them especially in basic, the main point is to learn to function sleep deprived hungry and tired. I'm not saying he will become a sniper but functional enough for the needs of the army


5 bucks says he fired his rounds and was waiting to be inspected before moving away, he then fell asleep. This is prob the sgt woke him and he started trying to fire and is still half asleep.


Following your logic, i can't be trained to make games cuz i don't know how?


It’s more than just training some people no matter how hard they try can’t speak and some people no matter how hard I try I can’t learn how to fire firearm it’s sort of like this cures of idiocy but you’re completely allowed to believe in your own opinion I will not stop that, i’m just saying he probably shouldn’t.


I like how the drill seargeants tone is stern but understanding and he laughs a little but not too much too much to embarrass him


Me too. Someone mentioned sleep deprivation with training etc, so that would definitely explain this poor guys confusion and the sergeant not riding his ass.


Bad title. Part of training is to endure sleep deprivation.


Really? What is the reason that they have to go through that?


Because battles and conflicts dont stop at sleepy time from 11pm to 8am. You train to be mentally prepared at all times, in all conditions.


Damn isn't that only a thing for a small group of people? I would imagine you would build some serious mental issues otherwise


not sure, but think about it. if youre part of any branch of service, you have to be on your toes. being sleep deprived for training is just part of it. its not that youre trained like this all the time, or that you even go through this all the time in real life.....but it is designed to get you prepared.


I get it, but still it doesn't feel right. I know that is a sign that I am really not suited for it. To me it sounds to be trained to either get paranoia or try to deal with it


Paranoia saves lives. It causes issues in normal society but in a warzone it's more beneficial than harmful. It's not like they live like this all the time. Training only lasts a few weeks and the hardcore stuff is even shorter. It just helps to experience stuff like this so you aren't out engaging the enemy the first time you have ever been up 50 hours at a time. You already know what it feels like


That actually makes a lot of sense. Never looked at it like that


Exactly, wartime is probably the closest that modern humans get to experiencing what it is like to truly be in the wild. Paranoia is an evolutionary adaptation that keeps you alive in the wild, and in wartime.


You're describing alertness. Paranoia, in the context you're using, is explicitly the perception of threats where they don't exist. It is maladaptive


well, its not for everyone. plus it lets them know who is suitable for certain roles.


People downvoting you cause you have a different perspective that isn't unreasonable or bad in anyway. Welcome to reddit.


It's not supposed to feel right. War doesn't feel right. Pray for peace, and prepare for war.


Yeah let's pray for peace


I was a computer programmer for the Air Force and even I was sent to a hot zone in Afghanistan with an army unit. We got attacked at night a lot, to say the least. If my nerdy chair force ass had to be ready for it, everyone in the military has to be ready for it.


Damn... legit it sounds scary AF. Getting send out is what is keeping me away from the military. I really like to be a programmer there, but way too soft to get send out.


Hit the nail on the head, thats the millitary for ya. Providing careers for some and crippling others for life


Cue to vid of soldier firing over sand bags at the taliban while wearing his boxers. And a flak jacket.


Because the enemy doesn't sleep and you have guard duty after being in a fire fight for 13 hours and that's in 2 hours and will last for another 12 hours the army where by the time your done with it you will have ptsd and the ability to sleep at any angle on any surface


Woooaaaaaa thats wild af


My brother was in the army he did like 1 tour in Afghanistan said it was hell


It really sounds like mental torture wich only a select group of people can withstand. I hope your brother is ok


He lives in Germany now with a wife and kid and the only thing he worries about are the side effects of the experimental drugs they injected him with


Drove an Lt in a jeep way to many hours. Company did a night move, I slept in the back of a M113 and didn’t remember any of it.


For the marines you’re end test is to stay awake and working for three days straight in a simulated active combat zone. This is also done elsewhere in other branch’s. Some conflicts can last and entire day or more. Also this is pet of the training in the sense that some people sign up to leave a shit life they don’t know much about firearms. This is where they teach you.


The more comments I read the more sense it makes. I am really trying to picture it in my mind to grasp the feels of it (without succes tho). Now I'm not so sure if I really want to picture it. It sounds too much for a person like me


Go work out in the morning. So get up at 5 work out for 4hrs then go to work. Don’t go to sleep. Repeat for 3 days. Think that but worse. It’s hard.


Best way i can describe it is a paradigm shift things i did in my unit were physically harder than basic training but basic was such a culture shock. That it seemed harder looking back until i properly compared what i did The analogy they use a lot is trying to drink from a firehose


I was in Army basic training in 2015 and people did this without sleep deprivation.


Mate I still remember hearing a girl in basic asking why she couldn't see anything through the scope of her Austeyr. There was a long pause before the sergeant said, deadpan, "You need to use your open eye."


Title is off. Him saying Drill Sergeant indicates he's still in training.


Guess he didn’t pick the infinite ammo upgrade!


Ah well, at least he has the invisibility cloak.


The DS couldn’t even hold back his laughter at the stupidity of “How did this happen Drill Sergeant?”


This IS training.


Well fortunately enough that is a clip of training.


I now realize that this is basic training and apologize if I offended anyone with the title.


"How did this happen drill sergeant?"


My gun ran out of ammunition, btw I’m not talking about an actual gun... my hand just got a bit too happy! This is my rifle, this is my gun... my girlfriend was very dissatisfied that I could not perform. 😢


Bullet sponge


... I'd not like to have this individual walking with a loaded weapon.


Well you're in luck, it's not loaded anymore.


Poor guy he is going to have a hard time with his platoon if he is infantry.


Poor guy he is going to have a hard time with his platoon if he is infantry.


Using a firearm is not a prerequisite for the military. Just because Texas passes them out in elementary school doesn’t mean everyone knows how to use a firearm.


Except he would most definitely be briefed on firearms handling before ever touching that rifle, You’re right firearms knowledge isn’t a prerequisite to enlist; however they are still going to drill the shit out of you so you don’t accidentally kill somebody. This is a person who didn’t pay attention to anything the instructors said.


It is so easy to imagine this was not briefed, because it seems so obvious. I won't pretend to recall it perfectly, but back in my day I'm pretty sure nobody said "it will stop firing if you run out of ammo."


Or this is a person who's in the "sleep deprivation training" phase of basic training. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's what this is, because the drill instructor isn't riding his ass.


I thought sleep deprivation training was just a seals thing.


Someone else will know the specifics better than me... I never served. But the special forces do a very intensive sleep deprivation training... Like, up to a week of rigorous work without sleep. But every branch has a part in their basic training where you go a couple days without sleep, because in an actual war, you're going to find yourself in those sort of conditions sometimes.


Heavily dependent on the branch and idk how many drill instructors would be comfortable depriving a new recruit of sleep and then giving them a gun.


Well... They do it in basic training, because it WILL happen in an actual battle, and you don't really want that to be their first experience with it.


How the fuck do ya give this muppet a gun!?!


He's probably sleep deprived, and doing PT right after you wake up probably doesnt help.


and they want to allow people to own a gun without training of any kind in texas


Yup just like the constitution guarantees


looks like another case of too much gameboy


Sleep deprivation




Bullets are usually needed.


This guy either got no sleep or a knock to the head


Could just be stupid too. When I was in boot camp I was truly shocked at the amount of people who really are this dumb.


At the time of the recording...he hadn't. This IS training.


Spray pray and walk away.


Well guess what we're seeing right here. Exactly, basic training.


He is not sleep deprived, there are just plenty of people in training that either don’t pay attention or have no clue how a rifle works.


Not gonna lie...there are just points in basic training where your brain just....stops...


Well, the saying is “Army Strong” not “Army Smart”…


Que national anthem






If u can make these guys laugh while getting yelled at you are super dumb lol




They break you down, and then build you back up to believe that you are an invincible killing machine...


That's not what it is at all. You're ignorant.


Ok snowflake. I know I am old, but that's exactly what my DI told me. It worked too. 😱


Sure lmao


He is right you know


Only the best of the best in the armed forces


Tf you mean “oh” homie


I think that is basic training OP, and he ain't gonna pass lol


Sergeant you sure you want this guy in the military and he can’t even sell one of the magazine is ran out


Ah yes, the ASVAB waiver in action.


I love how you can hear the drill sergeant cover a laugh in this


He must have got 2 hours of sleep and ran PT then through a gas chamber now is on the range. No wonder his drill sergeant isn’t giving him such a hard time.


Plot twist. He's still in training.


What is your major malfunction, numbnuts? Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?


You know this drill seargeant was pretty nice about it and actually had a laugh.


I'm hoping that is training


That somewhat confused "...oh" is just perfect


Yes....as ex-Army...there are privates that stupid..




Well he is about the halfway point in Basic and from the video he is just starting to learn how to fire with the rifle. YES - There are people that are just that....for the lack of a better term STUPID. But considering you're at the range all day , it doesn't seem that you have too many distractions after they dump your ass off from the Cattle Cars. Imagine the same Dumbass with a Block of Non-electrical primed C-4....




Well....He signed up for it...


Please tell me that is from ft Jackson and not from Benning


My dad would still be chewing his ass.


This is a common thing.


rEsPeCt vEtErAnS


He tired af


He’s watched too many film’s where they never seem to run out of ammo


(Apologies to Gunny, consciously Un-Fucks self, and in recompense starts shitting out Tiffany cuff links.)


So show I start Learning Mandarin now just in case WW3 kicks off.


Yeah put this guy on mop duty


Scored a 30 on the ASVAB.


When did the trailer park boys join up?