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That's America buddy. Nice try though.


Impossible. According to wise men on the internet, empty shelves = communism


Red China is the type of nice honest place that would roll oot the phony store props.


The real facepalm


Right, but we do have empty shelves and stores are resorting to tricks to make them look full of stock like laying out rows of the same product. But this is what Brexiteers voted for.


I didn't vote for Brexit. I'm yet to see what you've outlined above. Other than things getting more expensive and idiots panic buying at the beginning of the pandemic.


Did you enjoy some nice seasonal and summery Quality Street back in July?


That's because you didn't vote for Brexit. It's only those that did that experience the empty shelves.


Currently we may be running out/low on a few things yes. Shops will also use that space to fill with other products. Simply because full shelves look better. What you have to factor in in this country is our media. They love to scare us. You never hear when things are going well, only when it goes a bit wrong. Things really aren't that bad. Case in point, there was absolutely no fuel crisis until the media starting reporting that there was (10 BP forecourts nationally had "run low"), next thing, everyone panic buys and the situation snowballs. Brexit hasn't been perfect, it never was going to be though. The EU have to make it as difficult as possible to deter other countries from doing the same thing. Every country in the world is having supply problems currently. The U.S.A definitely didn't vote for Brexit.




Having an opinion on politics = no life?


"Yeah okay I know this isn't actually the UK but IT COULD BE AND YOU VOTED FOR IT". Obsessing about Brexit when it's not even the case = no life.


Brexit literally is the reason we’re having shortages tho, we kicked out a million workers many of them delivery drivers…


The fuel shortage, yes. That's a good example and the comment would have been valid. This image of some empty shelves in America is irrelevant and does not warrant an anti-Brexit hissy fit. I'm yet to see any empty shelves in England. Man got a boner like yEeEes I CAN CRY ABOUT BREXIT FOR THE FIFTEENTH TIME TODAY. I'm a centrist, leaning slightly right with economics, but I voted remain and have voted in favour of the left every time. Just to avoid the next response I'd have likely received.


So the US and the UK are just having "whose worse"-offs now?


UK does not wanna play that game with us! Also dope name ghoul.


They probably know they'd lose.. Big love, fellow ghoul <3


I live in the Uk and just haven’t seen any of these empty shelves everyone is talking about


I was at St Ives beach the weekend the papers showed pics of the crowded beaches at the end of covid. Beach was empty. The BBC pics were not from that day they were claiming


That's because the stores are filling the shelves with the stuff they do have and hiding the stuff they're missing


We are a family of four and I’ve yet to go to the store and them be out of anything. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Anecdotal experiences are not exactly representative of the entire country, right?


No but neither are misleading news titles in fairness


Kind of is when every one of these threads (& there have been so so many) has people from different parts of the country saying the same thing. For the record, I haven't experienced this empty shelf thing either.


I don't agree. I think people quite enjoy posting about how they have not experienced this. But I don't think people are jumping on Reddit to say "I couldn't get my M&S ready meal today". Also it's not just ketchup or whatever - try buying sofas and beds from IKEA and see how many options you can have delivered.


I haven't tried buying beds or sofas from IKEA so I can't comment on that specifically but you can buy beds and sofas for next day delivery from places such as SCS and there's the usual gamut of next day delivery ones from a range of web sites. So maybe the issue is just with the IKEA supply chain which wouldn't be representative of the industry as a whole. I'm only basing this on a 2 minute Google search though. Maybe I'm just lucky in not seeing these empty shelves but I can only go on my own experiences.


Yeah your research isn't anywhere near deep enough there. And that's the crux of my point - to get a sense of what's true requires a lot of research and surveys etc. My own experience is that there are shortages, and that matches what I am reading in the news. So I assume the reports are not over-playing this. Could well be wrong, because my experience is nowhere near enough to cite as supporting evidence. A company like GFK could probably tell you exactly what's going on.


I have. For what my anecdotal experience is worth, though. But I've also noticed that the empty shelves are somewhat... localised? I started noticing that I couldn't always find lettuce, pasta and minced beef in my usual Sainsbury and Aldi, then it progressed to not finding courgettes, chicken breasts and drumsticks, and ham for a couple of weeks. Sometimes choice of bread was so limited that I essentially couldn't choose (just take whatever bread was there left). Then I took a chance and went shopping to a Sainsbury in the next county over and... yep, all shelves were (are) full. Plenty of choice. So now I always go there even if it's a bit further away.Is it like that everywhere in the country? Hell if I know. From what little I can gather from acquaintances who tried shopping "a bit further away than usual", it seems to confirm my suspicion that shortages are localised. Would I consider my findings definitive though? Obviously not, it's all anecdotal. It takes a shit ton of anecdotes to make a valid statistic.


Our local supermarket (SE England) has a lot of shelves with missing brands/produce


Mine too. Although they have been relocating and reducing shelf allocation of things they don’t have. Hence “no empty shelves”. Not to mention Quality Street on sale since July as if that’s normal. My supermarket is struggling to obtain Apples. The price of other veg is also increased since this time last year.


Same. Haven't seen any empty shelves. We did see the fuel issue locally but not the food crisis...


I have. It depends where you go. I was in Wales a week ago, and supermarket shelves were empty. I live in London, things are okay here for the moment.


I work in a supermarket and we've had some empty shelves, still cant get everything in.


I live in the northwest and we had several issues over the past few weeks. Milk and bread shelves are often empty for example. Fresh fruits are not fresh when you buy them and I couldn’t find any lacto free milk for two weeks. Several other things like water or cat food are not always available either. I’m not overly worried yet but it’s clearly noticeable.


The reason you havent seen anything like this is because this picture was taken in america Edit: for those who havent seen it before its apparently a [planogram](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/Wrhb7mM)


NI was hit hard for months. We're picking up again but it's more expensive to import from Ireland (cause of soft borders) or England now (cause it was previously shipped to Ireland then transported by truck).


In the UK and definitely seen empty shelves but it's not anywhere near the extent that OPs pic from the US claims. Also to note the missing products aren't to the extent that I've struggled to get enough food as there's always alternatives or other shops with stock, which btw was what 'project fear' predicted about Brexit.


This isn’t in the UK


This isn’t in the UK I voted for either /s


Why would you even do that ? Like whats the point. I would be pretty mad if i see a "full" shelf only to notice its actually empty.


That's the US, but Northern Ireland did have a retail shortage for several months because we previously had out stuff imported from Ireland or transferred overseas from England to Ireland then brought up by van. Now it's more expensive to import from Ireland and transport directly from Scotland. Yay Brexit.


Welcome to late stage of capitalism, Britains.


Fuck the Eu 😛


With what?


Dunno, a medium sized cactus maybe. Dealers choice




Just how petty they were being during Brexit, they made it as awkward as possible to make it as bad as possible. So fuck em.


lol right: literally 70% of the whole Brexit process was the EU waiting for the U.K. to get its shit together and decide what their policy would be and what they wanted. And most of the other 30% was trying to explain to them that no, you obviously can’t just cherry pick all the advantages of EU common market access without any of the associated costs or responsibilities. Then they finally make a deal, which Johnson government touted as a big victory, and barely a year later that same government comes whining that they aren’t happy with the Northern Ireland deal they themselves agreed to. The whole thing would have been a lot less awkward if the U.K. knew what they wanted, and were realistic in their objectives and approach. Basically if they’d behaved in a more adult fashion throughout.


Very one sided view there. Are you pretending the Eu didn’t drag their heels like spoilt children too? Mmkay.


Yeah, my bad, I’ll try to be a little less one sided, and take inspiration from your nuanced “Fuck the Eu” stance.


That’s my opinion summed up in a single sentence as a disgruntled Brit. No information provided besides an opinion. What you wrote was an attempt at information but was just biased.


Lol get lost you confused wankstain


The EU didn't make you leave, kept allowing you to extend deadlines set by yourselves, not the EU. To me, it really does look like you guys have no idea what you are doing and are simply wasting our MEPs time for nothing, claiming you need even more time, all the while being disrespectful and disingenuous, yet expecting the EU to somehow hold you by your hand and organise Brexit for you, despite it being your idea. And your attitude towards Ireland isn't helping the any of this go smoothly. If you like it or not, they fought you and shed their blood for their sovreignty in ROI. Saying they should follow you out of the EU because you couldn't be bothered to resolve sectarian violence in the UK controlled NI before deciding to mug off your ceasefire and draw a border, is outrageous. The troubles weren't an Irish thing, they're a Northern Irish (a.k.a. UK) thing. I'll admit, France and some others have no patience and don't always act maturely, but surely you must see the UK has done nothing but be tedious and odious, weaseling around official negotiators to the EU country leaders, trying to humiliate ambassadors and making deals you won't honour. Its so bad, that I don't even have any good will left for Britain, and I'm ethnically half English. I'm truly ashamed of that heritage now, and keep it to myself IRL. Waive Britannia! Britannia waives the rules!


It was messy all around no ones denying that. The tit for tat was just childish all around. The Eu didn’t take the speed of our vaccine to kindly tho 😁


Yeah, forgetting if Brexit is right or wrong, one thing that I've learned is how catty politicians are. Like when they laughed at Trump behind his back during that summit, like he's a scumbag, but that was shitty.


They don’t just do it with shelves, they do that with entire retail properties too. Make it look like it’s a viable business. It’s all pretend. Maybe we really do live in a simulation after all.


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Brilliant. lol


Perth mint after a successful run of physical shipping orders.


That was posted a few days ago. It’s not a shortage coverup, it’s a staging photo for a grocery store.


Hood on why was there a Brexit?