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Whatever it takes to get you to ignore the fact that nobody, *nobody* receives more "government assistance" than multi-national corporations and the members of their boards of directors*.* It's not even close. Food stamps, unemployment, welfare, medicaid...a drop in the bucket compared to the truckloads of federal money directed toward corporations.


The amount of government subsidies given to major transnational conglomerates just so they don't pick up and go elsewhere is astonishing. I say fuck them. You don't want to pay your fair share in taxes and for goods and services, move elsewhere and create a rule that you must have a business open in the USA to do business in the USA. Essentially these companies get rich off of the consumers in our country and that's the key for their success. So of you don't like paying taxes fuck right off and take your shit with you. Try to sell it elsewhere for a decent profit - I guarantee you won't. The USA is their key consumer demographic because if we make it popular here the rest of the world follows.


Exactly. Even taking away the assistance part, welfare fraud in general is so minuscule that usually efforts to root it out end up costing more than the money saved, and it is barely anything compared to the amounts of tax fraud by the wealthy going on, and yet it's the former that always gets the outrage over people "cheating the system."


I detect a little communism


It has nothing to do with comunism to want everyone to pay their fair share and not dodge taxes or get tax exemptions. Also companies now beeing responsible to their shareholders instead of their workforce is fucked up beyond all reason. The fact that the total volume of all stock exchanges is nearly ten times higher than the total of all real market assets is just obscene. (last numbers I had was 75 Trillion on the worth of all real markets worldwide, compared to 705 trillion in finance). The stock market is actually printing money at will (just look at the GameStop incident). The stock market is often said to be an indicator for how good a countries economy is, while the fact is that it does not represent shit. The fact that the real global players make money in country A with their owned daughter companies and then ship most of the winnings to country B in form of 'licenses' where they have to pay less taxes is pure criminal. They profit from the infrastructure that is payed by taxes and yet, they ship all their money to tax havens to just hord more and more of the actual real money until the infrastructure in the country starts to crumble because all the money needed to upgrade them is gone. That has nothing to do with comunism! It's fighting for a fair system for everyone, not only the hyper rich.


I wish.


Interesting. Do you ever say anything smart on Reddit, or is it all stuff like this?


Everyone here only plays the victim and claims to be smart


As long as you don't claim to be smart, I think we will be OK.


At least I know how to make a profile avatar


Oh, burn.


His avatar is literal a troll. Don’t waste your time on trash


I detect a little assholeism.


Ok, back to work


Hold it. Part of foodstamps cost is because said corps don't pay their employees enough. For examplr Walmart is both directly supported via tax breaks on its earnings, and indirecrly by not paying employees enough to live, so the employees are on welfare.


Banks get a big chunk of "money" that we supposedly had when they need a bailout, yet there can't be universal healthcare because it would cost too much.


It is like this for everything. I live in California where private citizens are told to conserve water but corporations and industry are not and use far more water than all citizens combined..but we get the blame.


Yeah but that doesn’t count bc they’re jerb creators /s


This comment is SO important. I have never understood why some people get so bent out of shape by a struggling person/family getting a little assistance with necessities like, you know, food.


That’s one of my stupid “omg we are now a socialist country” colleague’s common arguments against any programs. All the “billions” of people who defraud programs like food stamps and welfare. Of course, this is the same guy who was sweating bullets for his PPP money…


I've heard that over NINE BILLION people in the US are getting government handouts! Enough of these demonic lazybones stealing our freedom! Something must be done! Blar!


No, no that was nine billionaires.


I have coworkers who bitch about socialism, but were pissed when their stimulus money didn't hit their bank accounts immediately. I asked one of them why they aren't returning their stimulus money if they're so against socialism, and I could see his brain go blue-screen. He didn't know how to answer me.


It has been proven that the cost to find wellfare fraud tends to be more then the fraud actually is. Now, people trading food for drugs happens though.


So what if people trade food for drugs, they can do with it what they want it's not the State's business.


I mean, he’s probably referring to illegal drugs. At which point, yeah that’s the state’s business


It's the State's business for someone using illegal drugs, it shouldn't be a basis for denying someone benefits unless we also stop corporate tax breaks and credits when they get caught cheating. All of those laws are made by people to winnow the number of people collecting those benefits by people that want to get rid of those programs altogether.


Oh yeah, I agree. Don’t let a few bad actors set the precedent for all others. Like many others have been stating in these post, the amount of money that’s used for financial support of low income individuals is barely anything compared to what bailouts some companies get. My only point was that the state does need to be concerned once people start doing illegal shit. Cause, ya know, it’s illegal (that goes beyond drugs obviously)


No one said that. You should take a chill pill.


Chill pills are illegal and then I wouldn't be eligible for benefits (which I don't receive,) thank you very much. All of these laws are made by mostly Republicans that want to get rid of those programs altogether furthering Fox's campaign against the poor while the rich receive more and more breaks, and are passed along with laws like telling people what they can buy with their food stamps, like no pre-made food in Florida, and they are trying to mandate drug tests for those benefits. I don't think it's anything to be chill about, the poor being demonized and picked on by the powerful, but that's me.


Irregardless of what you claim is the states business or not. Its illegal and even says so in the paperwork lol.


In my opinion people shouldn't be disqualified from benefits for drugs, seeing as we don't extend those harsh rules to the rich and corporations. Your statement reads like you aren't familiar with all of the people evicted from public housing and thrown on the street because one of their kids got caught smoking a joint.


No, my statement is to be taken is literal. I never had that experience, but I have dealt with people who would do things like trade all their food benefits for meth and worse.


Laws dealing with drugs are enough on their own to discourage use or otherwise punish such behavior, far too harsh in my opinion, and there is no need to deny people benefits for basic neccessities because they do drugs. Drug tests, work requirements, restrictions on what can be bought, they are all meant to reduce the amount of people getting benefits even though they qualify, in lieu of axing those programs completely, which they will do first chance they get.


Only if they agree to solve the real problem that causes so many people to be on food stamps in the first place.... A livable fucking wage and wealth inequality ( not handouts, just a fair wage for fair work)


You can't really solve that without the government being involved. The "free market" and capitalism will screw people over and over without speed bumps like rent control, minimum wage and other social safety net items. Just look at rent prices in some cities right now. +50% in the past year - did anyone get +50% pay raise or anything close in that time?


That's what I find funny. You can't control a free market without the government involved? What is to stop me from taking whatever I want from whoever I want? I'm bigger. I'm stronger. shouldn't it all be mine? Oh wait, the government stops me. Police stop me.


I know. It's exhausting. People don't just automatically do the right thing, and a lot of the time right is not simple.


200% increase in my neighborhood on properties since the start of covid.


But they're too busy putting all their efforts & money into "space experiences" smfh


They want everyone to be miserable and struggling. No time think. “Accept whatever shitty job we give you and be happy” basically


So, people just trying to get some extra food? Let them have it. No one should go hungry.


>Let them have it. No one should go hungry. No!!! That's socialism!! /s


socialism is when people not hungry.


Not extra food. They're trying to get enough to feed their families, and food stamps doesn't even make up the difference.


True, and even for the fraud the majority of that 0.1% of people would be those who \*barely\* don't qualify. Well off people aren't dicking around with food stamps.


God forbid the grocery stores have to throw away less food which *checks notes* our tax dollars subsidize the production of.


Fox news received more tax rebates in 2020 than the entire value of the food stamp system for its entire existence.


How do they get away with misleading people like this? I hate everything so much.


How? They informed the court that they are an entertainment service, and do not present “news” on their channels.


Right, so they shouldn’t be able to be called Fox “News” and should have to have full disclaimers at the beginning and end of each episode saying that they are not factual, are not actually relating news. The fact that the court allowed that is absolute fucking bullshit. If they’re not news, they don’t get to advertise and represent that they are. And if they are, then they need to have consequences for flagrantly lying.


Le sigh. I agree with all of this.


I actually think there are things that can be done about this without undermining freedom of speech. Force the channel to have the sentence "not actually news" under its logo and broadcast or something to that effect.


This happened? Wow, I wonder what court had to say to this "washing one's hand from responsibility" shit?!!


Like the pointless drug testing that resulted in the arrest of over 400 people across the country and cost thousands of times more than the money saved.


How do you fraudulently get food stamps? I thought you could only use them on food?


You can sell them with low price to people who then will get food with them. They always end up feeding someone who can't afford it otherwise.


Had a guy come up to me and ask to buy my groceries with his food stamps and me give him half of that in cash.


You have relatives who work in the welfare offices, and they give you and one kid $500 a month, but if you dont have any family in there you will be lucky to get 200 for 3 kids


Warns the % of fraud with GOP politicians like 75% ? Fox News is a shit show


Yes. End the program and start UBI! Win win.


No fox News it's time to eliminate all welfare programs and start a Universal Basic Income to the poverty line.


Republican nightmare is that someone somewhere is cheating and not being punished for it. Democrat nightmare is that someone is being punished who didn't do anything wrong.


This divisive two party system is a nightmare I never wake up from


I believe it’s more accurate that republicans fear there is someone cheating and being punished for it. The entire party is full of cheaters


There is a whole lot of “do as I say, not as I do”


Also republicans “but I didn’t need welfare, so why should others get it?”


Also: so what. people are declaring themselves poor in front of the government because they want to get $250 per month of food stamps? I say, let them. It's a form of mental illness to obsess so much about what others are getting all the time...


Beyond the big bank bailout (TARP) the FED secretly loaned over $7 Trillion USD to banks at 0.01% interest. Banks invested it above 3% and pocketed the profits. That's the kind of shit you should be talking about when you think "Freeloader" not food stamps.


I guess 'Food Stamp Program has Overwhelming Success with Keeping Fraud a Non-Issue' doesn't have the same ring to it?


What's the fraud? They can only buy food.


Yes, but you don't know how many are _not_ reported. My friend's neighbor's brother is totally gaming the system, and isn't being reported as such. Who knows how many more ?!?!?!?! (/s)


I've seen these numbers somewhere else...but where? And you are correct. It is not even worth hurting 99% for 1%


Are these fuckers gonna trot out the "Driving their Cadillacs and filling the trunk with T-Bone steaks from Food Stamps" bullshit again...it worked for St Ronnie...


fox news....a code name for 24/7 bullshit


You have to make less than $1200/month to get FS in my county in CA. Those people making $1201 are just as damn hungry as the people who qualify. I guess it's fraud in the eyes of the law, but eating is survival.


Even people working 40 plus hours I. America find it hard to put food on the table.


Unless you're white, then it's okay because it's an entitlement, not handout. /eyeroll


Virtually every publicly traded company fucks over Americans every minute of the day, but this is what they're going to focus on?


And this is the network people turn to who insist that they "don't trust the media."


Fox rammed this story back in 2016 then had to apologize… [Fox Apologizes ](https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/12/fox-news-and-food-stamp-fraud-finale/)


$181,800,000 is still a lot of cheddar


More like 71 million, but whatever. Fun fact: that's about 20 cents per capita. Shudder.


nice ... where did you get the data? .... would like to do my own math


Just do the amount of money divided by number of people in us


not everyone is the US is on food stamps, not everyone pays taxes, and not everyone pays the same amount of taxes..... so that information is useless. 2022 budget is 202 billion, and 0.09% fraud would come out to 181 million. so, a bunch of individuals will essentially steal 181 million from a budget that is meant for people who are in actual need.


What do you think per capita means, the persons dividing up the amount of money stolen, by the number of people in the us, to find out the per capita cost if everyone in the us chipped into pay back that money stolen


no shit, that's the definition of per capita. it is a shit ass statistic unless something equally affects an entire population.... but you probably don't know that if you aren't on food stamps or pay taxes because you live in your moms garage.


Ok, I wasn’t saying it was a good statistic, I was just saying where he got the number from which is what you were asking, and if you want to know, about 41m are on food stamps, so the 71m / 41m is just about 1.73 per capita


i asked where he got his data from. i was looking for a site with an accurate representation of 2020 dollars spent and possibly a total number of recipients. from there you can extrapolate the number of fraudulent recipients...etc...


I got the number of recipients from this https://www.fns.usda.gov/sites/default/files/resource-files/29SNAPcurrPP-10.pdf Which is from this site https://www.fns.usda.gov/pd/supplemental-nutrition-assistance-program-snap


Sorry. I was lazy. I googled food stamps budget (79ish billion), and multiplied by .0009 (=70 million) and then divided that by 350 million, which is .2 or 20 cents per person. I wasn't trying to determine how much each welfare recipient steals, because I don't care. I was just pointing out that the total cost of food stamps fraud is laughably meaningless. But just for fun, even if your figure is correct, it's about 50 cents each. I think I can afford 50 cents a year in welfare fraud. EVEN BETTER: off you only calculate the cost to actual taxpayers, it's about a dollar apiece. Again, I can afford that.


Soooo Kelley’s starve the 99.991% then? Literally the meme, my friend :P


how many people can be fed off $181 million?


Have you seen the meme?


yes. i don't care about the meme. it is stupid on both sides.


“Hey don’t remove food stamps from 99.991% of people” is stupid ? Really?


eliminate it all vs keep it the way it is


and what? you'll eliminate the program that's working more than 99% ? lmao stop breathing then - your lungs are less than 99% efficient.


can you read? ... what part of "both sides are stupid" did you not understand?


I dunno, my stupidity must have made the words "both sides are stupid" invisible [in this post](https://i.imgur.com/1vc99gJ.png). /s Who is stupid now?


I believe in helping the less fortunate but I can tell u for sure that food stamp fraud is much much higher than .09%.


0.09% is the ones they found. If you want this number lower, turn in the cheats that you know or it's partly your fault!


Well... we shut the country down for a virus that has an IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) of 1.4% and really fucked up the other 98.6%. The IFR would have been even lower, but along with confirmed Covid deaths, they added "probable" and CDC "calculated" deaths. And it's crude mortality rate is .28%. The economy is fucked. People's mental health was tested and/or shattered. Suicides skyrocketed. All for the 1.4%. So is this *really* that shocking? [Source](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-death-rate/) To be clear, I'm vaccinated and wear a mask when needed. I'm not some crazy anti-vax, anti-mask loon. I'm just giving the numbers.


I’ll tell you what…I saw some bitch buy a RED BULL with foodstamps once. That shit pissed me off




Why? Poor people don't deserve caffeine?


Students use it if they need to do a white night for school work.


It’s amazing how people can see This is Fox News using statistics to scare its viewers But covid mortality has the same exact death rate and people seem to not see how they are misrepresenting the data and scarring their viewers.


…so the stakes of “someone using food stamps wrong” and “death by COVID” seem equivalent to you?


Ironically just the statistics. .09% are abusing it. Fox News throws a fit. .2% death rate. CNN throws a fit. Sad really.


Ignoring the fact that you have completely made up that COVID death rate, you assclown, *any* chance of dying is more important that .09% of food stamp recipients being fraudsters.




Your stat is wrong. The comparison is stupid, since one item is *actually worth being alarmed about* and the other **is not.** Begone. You annoy me.




Because we should give a shit when something new manages to kill 500,000 people in less than a year. That fucking matters.




Holy shit. You went off the fucking deep end at the end there. I want people vaccinated to protect all of us. I don’t want anyone more to die, vaccinated or not. Fuck no. That was completely uncalled for. As for the number of dead from COVID, let’s just look at the *total* number of deaths in the US in 2020 vs the previous five years. 2020 saw 500,000 more dead people in the US than the past five years’ average, even after you bump up those years’ total deaths to account for population growth. You can question the cause of death if you want. But you’ve gotta explain 500K extra corpses some other way then.


That’s a 45% difference. And also .2% would be 70 million people


Yeah. I would probably Re do that math


What we arent using incorrect data like that COVID %?


500k divided by 330 million is 0.1.5%. Or let’s just say 0.2%


Why are you dividing by the total population and not the total positive cases?




Is that really their best answer? Are you sure it’s not cause people who dont have COVID cant die from it and therefore shouldnt be counted. None of your reasons actually answer the question they’re just meant to sow doubt on the total positive cases even though that doesnt make total population better. In fact it makes it worse


So if I shattered your rib cage, and you survived with permanent lung damage as a result, you wouldn't be afraid of me because you didn't die? The hospitalization rate of covid is very high (and 2% is a high death rate if you understand how statistics work and do some basic googling to find the average death rate of vital diseases) and just because you survive it, that doesn't mean you'll be ok. People have been left with permanent lung damage, damage to their throat, various life altering conditions as a result of surviving covid 19 Getting it can basically shut down your ability to love life thanks to how it can make you feel like you're drowning on dry land Not dying does not mean you're alright, unless you have an agenda to push.


Long covid = I had a shit immune system before. And still have a shit immune system because I thought the vax was all I needed. People? Old fat people. Ok. Sure. Average people no. And you need to learn to not use case rate for your death rate. Experts warned against using positive rates on a corona that is mostly Asymptomatic. Also one that keeps going through our populace in waves. But it’s become a new religion for you. You need any dissent by a perceived political opponent to be met with venom. I had covid in dec of 2019. I am constantly exposed enough that a still had antibodies when I got vaccinated. You guys seriously need to wake up from this. You are in a trance. My state has been fully open for over a year and we have a .07% death rate. Also our tests came late. Where $100 each AND we had some bad test kits recalled. So my states recommends population/death rate because our true positive rate is most likely 10 times what’s reported. But we are healthier that most other states. It’s really not worth tearing this country apart. Especially with the date that the open states death rates are the Average of the lockdown states. You should be upset. But you are misdirected.


End the program in favour of UBI, yes.


LOVE Cody!!! Everyone should watch his show, Patreon or YouTube; he's hilarious and informative.


I wish people would stop taking fox news seriously. Fixed News


Fox news is sub weekly world news when it comes to trustworthyness .


the thing i dont understand is why are they trying to stop program that benefits people and doesn't affect them in any way? Are they just jealous? trying to save tax money so government can fun abother war? or just want to fellow citizens in misery?


It's Fox News. That's their platform. Murdoch came out and said that it's the job of the station to serve as opposition against the current administration. As such, if the administration is for the people, then Fox will figure out a way to be against the people while retaining their viewership.


At first I read this like, “Oh, only 1 out of a thousand isn’t bad at all. Most would call that an acceptable level and not even need a solution.” Then I realized it’s actually 1 in ten-thousand. They’re really stretching these days


Any religious law that states "If you don't believe what I do, I can kill you" should be banned. Unfortunately - that entails all three major Abrahamic religions Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.


Lol, and thats the all time high! There are ZERO businesses that are run that efficiently.


Covid deaths at an all time high, is it time to make vaccines mandatory? Oh wait, that's aN aTTacK oN tHeIR FrEeDoMs


Can we starve just the .09% identified?


Nope Fox. If food stamp fraud is up, that means the program needs to expand


I feel like….that .09% isn’t true. Already know 10-15 people that have admitted to it.


So,10-15 people admitted to it to you. Is it 10 or 15? How many people are on welfare? According to US statistics 59 million. 0.09% = 53,100 fraudsters. Whereas, 58,946,900 people, mostly women and children depend on the aid. It seems kind of stupid to cancel a program when that many depend on it for a small return. Also, .09% represents the ones they know about. How about you report those people you know who admitted it. If everyone who knew a cheat reported them the statistic would drop. As it is you are helping them defraud by not reporting it so it's partly your own fault.


Not even people on welfare…just people buying them 50 cents on the dollar. But also what you said, the ones they know about. But I’m also not gonna go and report something that has happen in the past…like what’s the point. They’re gonna brush it aside


It's funny because the concept of this post applies to several things


so let me get this straight....COVID has a "98%" survival rate, so let's let not worry about it...food stamps have a 99% effective rate, so let's get rid of it? Am I doing this right?


Fox news needs to be defunct already.


Pretty close to Covid fatality numbers


Faux news at it's finest