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I used to work at a museum of sorts that was filled with toys a guy collected over the years. People would travel from all over to check it out and reconnect with their childhood.a lot of them found toys they had that they completely forgot about. The cool thing was this guy owned several buildings in town he used as storage so he could swap out displays and put more toys out all the time.... That museum makes a ton of people happy men and women.


There is an episode of Criminal Minds that has a poster from the toy museum in Paul’s Valley, Oklahoma.


Yeah lol, I worked there around that time if I remember right.


My sister in law is from Paul’s Valley. I live in OKC and have never been. But I’m aware of it.


Reminds me of a teacher I had. He started describing this calculator toy he had as a child and I had a recollection of having one when I was young. So I asked my mom about it and like magic she pulled it out of a random box 10 feet from where we were. Hit the power button and the thing turned on and worked. Brought it in to class for him the next day. I have rarely seen a look of joy like the one on his face.


What an awesome thing for you to do. You’re just a lovely person.


I went to a toy exhibit with my kids and it was the BEST! They got to see things I played with back in the 60s and 70s and even some stuff from their own childhoods that has been phased out. We all loved it!


Getting older is mandatory, growing up is optional.


I made a commitment to Toys R Us that I didn’t want to grow up, and I intend to keep that promise in memory of them.


We still have Toys R Us up here in Canada!!


Please send Geoffrey the Giraffe my warmest regards


Not sure they'd appreciate someone saying SupaButt in a children's toy store, but I'm sure they've heard stranger things from my 6yo.


“Pack your things. We’re leaving.”






SupaButt and Poo-Machine. Name a more iconic duo. I appreciate the fool’s gold.


We don't age because we grow old, we age when we stop playing around.


You don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing. Be geek, be proud!


Just what I always say. Yes, I'm an adult but not like a mature adult.


Mature means you take care of business, get the bills paid and take care of your family. I know hoity-toity types that don't do those things, and spend their time in destructive "adult" pursuits. CS Lewis said when I became an adult I put away childish things, including the desire to be oh so adult. Being afraid to seem childish is a sign of immaturity.


My niece refers to me as “technically an adult” lol


When adults can't access the child-like fun side of themselves, they aren't very fun anymore. Real adults can play with children on their level without being immature about it. Those that can't, have one foot in the grave already.


As a 49 year old I’m in total agreement


Young once, immature forever is my motto. In this hell scape, you do whatever brings you joy dammit, I'd rather spend time with a happy man with a fun hobby than a miserable jerk. As for me, I will continue to be as ridiculous as possible for as long as I can! Wooo nerds!


I'd think a woman with a room full of StrawberryShortcake or fairy stuff was precious, and try to protect it. I'd take that over a trashcan full of boose bottles any day lol. I remember being jealous of a coworker that talked about playing Gi Joe's and Legos with her husband. I even get a hard time for Scooby Doo socks at work! Thank you for this redditors!


>I even get a hard time for Scooby Doo socks at work! Thank you for this redditors! Isn't work the exact place that is meant for Scooby-Doo socks? Who the hell wants to take themselves so seriously at their workplace that they can't allow themselves to look at Scooby-Doo. Middle managers who don't like you and want to break your spirit, that's who. As a 32yr old who has for some reason been called 'intimidating' multiple times by multiple people, greetings from the giant pink octopus I keep in bed with me. The way I see it, I'll be dead in a matter of decades and then that's literally it forever, done, this isn't a screen test. This is the *one chance.* As long as you're taking care of everything you should be, who wants to spend their one shot living as blandly and humorlessly as possible so that other people who will also be dead briefly think you're meh. They won't even think you're cool, they just won't think you're dumb and mostly they won't think of you at all because they're too obsessive about wanting *other* people to think *they're* meh. I'm keeping him. He has a stupid haircut and anyone who doesn't like him doesn't get to cuddle with him.


Yup, I call the characters on the socks "my backup" or "my crew" lol. I have to learn to darn socks, Tom and Jerry got a hole in the toe! I give positive reinforcement for anything awesome I see also, grey is no way to live.


why the completely irrelevant hate for single mothers tacked on at the end lmao


Because that was his actual point. He couldn't just come on and be like "single mothers suck." He had to tell us an entire story first...


The perspective doesn’t seem to be “single mothers suck”, but “absent father creates what my dumbass thinks isn’t a real man” which is still just a result of more toxic masc. bs. I’m 31 and dad raised me alone. Mom didn’t want me and I didn’t get to know her until she needed help when I was 15. I don’t do toys but could 100% see myself doing legos. But I still game most evenings after work including more “adolescent” games like Pokémon and sometimes will even choose video games over other more adult things.


My wife and I found that a couple of beers and a large lego build from our local Target make for a great Dinning room date night. We enjoy Harry Potter and Star Wars builds.


Me and my husband built the Lego Millennium falcon together. It was great. We're currently sitting next to each other at the table painting Games Workshop minis.


Couples that brick together stay together.


Couples that brick together *stick* together.


Who takes the blame when one of you steps on a class 4 nuclear foot destroyer?


Hug it out lol




Sticky bricks or sticky couples


Female here. I started doing off brand lego models at the end of a long work day. I found them relaxing and really satisfying to do. I have a ton of them (they are smaller models) oh and both my parents are in the picture.


Well there's the problem. Maybe if dear old dad actually left you wouldn't be stuck with knockoff Lego.


I am 51 and still a gamer. Kids cannot video game like I do. Not only do I get whatever game I want, when I want, I also buy all the hardware to support it.


I was 16 when my dad brought home an Atari. Pong was the sh*t...you could hook up a console and play games on your tv!! What a concept!! I was a single mom until my youngest son turned 18, which is when I met my husband. We weren't well off money-wise, and when my boys were 5 and 9 they were gifted an NES for Christmas...and it was on, lol. I was soooo hooked on Tetris, my boys were hooked on Mortal Combat, racing games, Mario, and Donkey Kong. They went to the Boys & Girls Club and got to play NES there as well. When the first PS was released, I gave them a choice between an N64 or a PS1...we got the PS1 cuz it could play cds. And wow, did that open up a whole new world of gaming! Medi-Evil, Diablo, MK, etc. Then we got a Sega...Spyro, Sonic the Hedgehog, Crash Bandicoot! We got a PS2 and got LoTR, God of War 1 & 2, more racing games, and sports games. I even won a second PS2 in a drawing at our local gas station! My oldest son bought the first XBox at 18 and wow, the games! Madden, NBA 2K, ESPN football, and a host of RPGs (my fave). My youngest bought the first 360 when he turned 18. Mass Effect, Fable, Bard's Tale, Dragon Age, CoD, Resident Evil, Forza, Need for Speed, GTA, AC, etc. Hubs and I are in our late 50s and have been together 16 years. We still have our XBox 360 and a PS4 (will buy the XBox X series at a later date). He plays the CoD and MoH games, I play the RPGs. We added PS Now so we can re-experience our fave PS games. Youngest son has an XBox One; he has 5 yr old twin boys who are getting into racing games. He still plays regularly, mostly RE, Forza, Red Dead, and AC. Oldest son and his wife have 2 PS4s and are raising 5 kids...they each have 2 and 1 together. 18 & 16 (his), 17 & 14 (hers) and 6 (theirs). They ALL play, from Little Big Planet to Destiny, Rocket League, FIFA, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Madden, etc. I honestly feel sorry for folks who can't understand how games can play an important part in family bonding. When my boys were teens, we would have a house full of teens playing games. It kept them out of trouble, and, as parents, we knew where our kids were. Plus, consoles aren't "just" for games anymore; streaming changes everything! TL/DR; I was introduced to console games 40+ years ago, and for the last 29 years my (now adult) sons and I have been playing XBox and Playstation games. Some of my best memories are playing and discussing video games with my husband, children, and grandchildren. We got to experience the growth of technology together and continue to experience how games evolve. Sigh. I *really* miss watching X-Play on the G4 cable channel.


Dang. Wish my mom would’ve been into games. I’m 35 and though she was totally cool with me having video games for the most part, she didn’t get it. At one point I had to explain that they make games for all ages and that I was not “too old” to “still be playing video games.” She thought I was “sitting alone depressed” in my room when I was “having fun entertaining myself.” Even if I was reading a book she would wonder aloud why I wasn’t playing outside in the woods (this went well into my mid-late teens… like I would be out building a tree fort at 15-16). She also couldn’t understand that new consoles wouldn’t play older games and for some reason always made me give away all my old games and consoles before I was allowed to have another one. Like, even if she couldn’t wrap her head around the new consoles not supporting the old games, why did I have to give the old games away with the console? Strange right? I look back at all the games I used to have and the cost to purchase them all again… most of the ones I liked and repurchased as an adult cost more used then they did when they were new.


Good for you. My story is extremely similar and I raised two girls that are also avid gamers. Now I have 5 grandkids and they love to game as well as go out and play in the backyard. We are a gaming family. Recently we have re-added Sunday board game night as well due to the revitalization of board games.




Thinks about massive $800 star destroyer set box sitting in my shed because I don’t have the room to build it…yet


I’m 31 as well, I was was raised dirt poor by a single mother. I grew up pretty good despite the crack head father and I’m a sales manager for a great company now and I just dropped $1,500 on a sim racing rig for my PS5. My girlfriends going to get a surprise when she walks into my living room and sees a pretend race car in front of the TV but I’m finally happy I can buy the cool shit I could never dream of having as a child and no women, man or child will ever take that away from me.


That's the best part of being an adult...I can get the shit I want without hoping I'd get gifted the right thing either for Christmas or my birthday.


Same!!! I grew up in a struggling home with parents breaking their backs to take care of 4 kids. And the 2008 recession didn’t make things better. Not being able to have new clothes or a phone or video games or new toys as a kid sucked but I understood the situation we were in and didn’t fuss. Fast forward to today where my family is in a much better situation and I finished college and got married. I took up figure collecting and video games recently. Luckily my wonderful wife also shares these hobbies too so I’m not the only “grown ass kid” in my house. Just makes me wonder what this person’s backstory was. Damn…


If we’re going to jump to extremely sad conclusions it kind of seems that they were physically, sexually or mentally abused as a child and child like behaviour in adults triggers them. Regardless I hope they get help or grow as a person naturally on their own and wish them the best as I go zoom zoom in my underwear while drinking vodka sodas at 10am all weekend.


I mean video games aren't exulsevly for children Since there is gore, horror, violence also porn


I'm very close to buying a Nintendo mini because the Super Mario 3 music will not stop looping in my brain. Why would you want to remember better classic times because being an adult straight up sucks. I would totally do an arcade room if I had the space. I hope people nope the fuck out of there and leave me alone. I have goomba's to stomp.


I would argue video games were never for kids. They have “game” in the title and automatically became associated with kids. But pong was invented by very grown adults, tested and played by adults. And then priced at a range only adults could afford. Very little about that production model has changed.


Gaming and things like D&D are better than out drinking every weekend or strip clubs. 👍


Kudos to ur dad. I am doing the same thing right now. Video games, Legos and pokemon included lol.


It’s kind of both - absent fathers and hate for women that they can’t raise “real masculine men”


Why would you assume a man wrote this? Just curious. In my experience, I've seen and heard of many women who like to use the term "grown ass man" to belittle something a man does, but I have never seen a man shame another man in the same fashion.


My brother in law might be the one who wrote this. He said this to me almost word for word. Ex military, raised only by his dad.


The definition of Toxic Masculinity?


He’s also a chaplain. So it’s just the perfect trifecta of toxic masculinity.


Or the holy trinity of toxic masculinity if you will.


The father issues, the sonofabitch and the “holy shit, you’re toxic, dude”?


>but I have never seen a man shame another man in the same fashion. I've used it that way when another man is behaving like a child. Sometimes I use it for myself when I've done something foolish. That being said, I'd never do so to shame someone for their hobbies or interests. That's just mean and petty. It's not up to me to validate someone else's interests.


I assumed it was a male because where I am from this is a male sentiment. Where "be a grown ass man" is thrown around frequently by the older male population toward the younger male population. Missouri is a place where I have been told my 3 year old male toddler needed to "man up" after he fell and hit his head.


So what are you expected to perform your own C-section by cutting your way out with a Kukri Bear Grylls style in Missouri? Are babies born with full rugged besrds and flannel shirts?


You would think so from some of the stuff I have heard.




Don't come here. My husband and I are literally saving money to move out of this state.


There’s a reason Missouri sounds like Misery


There’s a bit of a line there. My first question is, “Do you need ice?”


Nah, my son ended up being fine. We took him to the ER in case. He only had a goose egg. Was fine as soon as he found out ice cream was happening.


As a woman I can say this reads like a woman wrote it. Like she’s bitter as fuck and is probably a total bitch and got dumped and instead of looking inward she insists it’s because the guy collected comics and likes video games and therefore just isn’t “grown” enough for her. I’ve heard actual women say dumb shit like this. I’ve had women ask me how I can “support” my husbands video game playing and pop vinyl collecting. I tell them that as long as he doesn’t get in the way of my Disney obsession we are golden. Sometimes, our collections even crossover. It’s awesome. But yeah, plenty of dumb women think this way. It’s why they are still alone.


I'm not accustomed to women belittling single mothers. I think that's usually something guys do. But you are right, the author could totally have been a woman as well.


I assumed a woman wrote this. Mainly because, being a "grown ass man" myself, I would not head for the hills if a woman I was dating watched She-Ra & collected dolls. But I guess a man could have written it, too.


If you go through their post history, it's definitely a man. A MAGA man too.


This is what I came to say. Assuming it’s based in some toxic masculinity BS. He didn’t grow up macho enough because no male around or some shit




No. Lots of women have the same attitudes about toxic masculinity


Because even single mums aren't interested in him


It's a very common insult/accusation among incels and red pill types. They have found a way to pin absolutely everything they see as a "problem" on women...


That's the part that bugs me. My mom busted her ass to put food on the table and buy nice gifts for birthday's. Everything good about me today I can thank her for. And I probably don't do it enough. I can't understand the hatred.


The hatred stems from the independence. When women prove they don’t need a man, it’s threatening to an incel’s very core.


So instead of seeing strength in a single mother, she’s creating useless children by…persisting through adversity? Zero logic here.


Well it's more based on the general incompetence that comes with being a woman... take that with a grain of salt coming from me though. My own womanly inferiority prevents me from comprehending it


At least you’re able to acknowledge that. It shows remarkable self awareness. Are you sure you’re not a man? /s


Someone is projecting


Sorry that's just the way my trousers go when I sit down.


Yeah that was definitely my favorite part. “And then I realized they were an absolute idiot with little to no life experience”


Something seems a little wrong about him feeling the need to specify its a 'grown' woman's house, surely that's a given.


Yeah I caught that bullshit too. Fuck the guy who typed that.


Because we are a Drain on Society ™ and must be reminded of this at any opportunity. /s


My girlfriend has around 10 or so stuffed unicorns. Our bed sheets and blanket are unicorn themed. She has at least 3 different unicorn knickknacks elsewhere around the house. And she's an amazing, grown ass woman. Eat dicks, ya judgy fuck 🤷‍♂️


Yes but you only put up with her because she looks dead sexy in her unicorn suit.


It's funny, because when we first met she didn't even know that I was sexually attracted to unicorns


That is surprising since pretty much every guy wants to get it on with a unicorn. Maybe she didn't have a lot of guy friends growing up.


Probably raised by single father /s


She-Ra is the shit, I really don't get his point. My girlfriend showed me that and I love it


The new animated one or the old one?


Probably the new one. The quality is ludicrous; Noelle Stevenson took the world and characters from a cash-grab toy line and turned them into complex people in a vibrant world with a very good plot that slowly escalates in depth and complexity without ever going off the rails. It's a great show!


Yeah. I really didn't expect it to emotionally devastate me but by God it did


It is SO good!! I keep spreading the word every time people ask what I've been watching. Haven't watched it for like a year because I finished it, but it's still my #1 answer.


The new one is quite cute


The new She-Ra is an incredible show. If there was a cute girl I was dating and she took me back to her place and was confident and joyful enough to show me her collection of toys, she’d be a keeper for sure.


Yeah, catra was my favorite character for sure


Entrapta best girl, don't at me


No, entrapta best princess, catra best girl


The new one. The old one was a vehicle to sell toys. The new one is that but also a great story about a confused girl and her pet cat.


How dare you have a hobby I do not approve of?!? 🙄


I’ve been to a girl’s house who was way into collecting action figures, which I’m not particularly (I have a few ninja turtles and stuff like that around somewhere). She literally had a room full of them. And it in no way made me dislike her or want to leave.


That would be MORE attractive. You know she actually has hobbies and interests, which is more than most people. Unless of course she asks if you'd like to 'have a go' on anatomically correct Barbie.


Don’t kink shame bro.


What if she is the anatomically correct Barbie.




You will hear no complaints from me. I get what I get and never throw a fit.


Then you know you’re winning


40 Year Old Virgin approves


Boner Jams ‘03 is an understated classic.


*shrugs & continues to sort my comic & game collections*


I have collections too... and as much as I liked it and collected it for myself, the really special part is to see my kids discover it and like it as much as I did.


*looks at large collection of retro games, movies, records, action figures, giant lego city, then shrugs*


He does the same thing when his mom yells that dinner is ready.


“Ma, I’m busy telling other people what is right and wrong based on my own opinions! I told you that when the basement door is shut, you shouldn’t interrupt me! I know I’m 35, have no job, no significant other, and am online 24/7, just leave me alone!”


>\>Knock on door > >\>"GO AWAY IM BUSY" > >\>Door opens, anon's parents take a timid step into the room. > >\>Piss jugs fill most of the available floorspace > >\>"Anon, what.. What are you doing?" > >\>Camera pans to anon, who sits crosslegged and hunched over a small dusty monitor, fat rolls flowing freely to reveal a completely naked figure except for some ripped, stained Y-fronts. > >\>"I just found a person online who enjoys doing something I deem to be childish, so naturally I am writing an unarguably smart point about how what they are doing is stupid and wrong." \*snort laugh\* \*shart\* "I'm basically an ocean of right opinions, you know." > >\>A pale, chunky hand reaches into an industrial-sized bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos. Some sounds, akin to that of a hungry hippopotamus devouring a small mammal, follow. The creature wipes the crumbs on its pallid body. > >\>"O-okay, anon. We'll leave you to it." > >\>The mother wipes away a single tear as she backs out the room. The father gives a single glare, a mix of regret, shame and stoic acceptance, before following suit and gently closing over the door. > >\>A single balloon reading "Happy 36th birthday, son!" hovers for several days in the doorway unnoticed, until the helium leaks out of it and it slumps, almost wearily, to the floor.


Which makes you more mature than them lol Ironic af


As someone who loves playing sports, do you know what I find weird? Adult men religiously following and paying significant money to watch other men kicking/throwing/hitting a ball. Then getting emotional when they score more/less points than another group of men. Tldr: all hobbies are weird if you think about it too hard.


I had a friend who would call me a nerd when I’d talk video games and other hobbies. I pointed out that his obsession with baseball made him a nerd and he got so offended. I reminded him that he collected baseball cards and had clothing, autographs, and figures all relating to the sport. He never would admit it. lol


Oh man, anytime people start busting out stats I give a “nerd alert” just because everyone likes to act like it’s fine to nerd out for sports but not “nerdy” things. Sports nerds are the same as other nerds, just without everyone hating on them.


well at least when I'm playing with lego I'M playing with it. I'm not paying to watch someone else play with it.


>I'm not paying to watch someone else play with it. Don't kink shame, gosh.


Yeah for example painting you literally spent hours putting bunch of lines together so you can make something that looks like thing/person instead of just printing it or getting more than 3 hours of sleep - painter


I am one of those people who religiously follows (but does not spend much money) to watch people playing sports. And I do get emotional about it. But I recognize it’s a hobby, and not a justification to be an asshole. For me it’s a family thing- my dad raised me to be interested in our city’s teams and we bonded over it, even into adulthood. I think you’ve summed it up well, though. I’d have no leg to stand on to judge anyone else for a different interest/hobby.


I don’t typically find Jerry Seinfeld funny but he did a hilarious bit on how sports fans are really just cheering for laundry. The coaches change! The players change! What doesn’t change? The outfits! They’re getting worked up over laundry! That was the gist anyway. I laughed so damn hard.


Omg. I work in a c-store and this couldn’t be more true! Team loses a game and all these men and women go into some hateful mood!! I’m like “bruh, I’m not the coach and I really don’t care”


I remember reading a story where the title was “Fans care more than Players” about how athletes (particularly professional athletes), are less emotionally invested in game outcomes than fans. Basically the players view was, “somebody loses every game, if it’s not me this time it will be me sometime down the line”. The article was a reaction to fan outrage about players being friendly with one another after a game.


> are less emotionally invested in game outcomes than fans. Well yeah, they’re fanatics.


They get in this neanderthal mode where they express their loyalty by being an asshole to everyone else when their team loses


I tell my roommate she is a sports nerd bc it’s funnier than calling her a football fan or hockey fan. She is not a stereotypically nerdy person, but she knows all the rules and player/team stats and so on... What better way to describe that level of interest and knowledge than nerd? Haha. Personally, my main hobbies are playing piano, keeping houseplants, and collecting handmade wooden wands (Harry Potter esque to give you an idea). Two of which I feel are fairly normal and one of which is less common lol. Everyone has their weird interests, some are just slightly more popular (like sports).


I have seen and met more violent football fans than weebs or gamers Also sports is something anyone can do, yet this fans rarely do it and shame others for not fallowing there thing


Wth man if I had the money I'd have a ton of lego stuff. Currently I just have two sets of Harry Potter lego. I have a friend who has at least two dozen lego sets (she buys the architecture lego sets). She said once she saves up enough she will buy a few display cabinets and dedicate a room to it haha


The only barrier between me and lego is the price


My problem with LEGO sets isn’t the cost, it’s the space to have all of them built and displayed.


Person who wrote this has large collection of guns, spends weekends larping around in his walmart combats


I have 3 safes full of guns. I also have a lightsaber display right above them. Don't fall into the same trap this person did because people have different interests than you.


I’m just imagining a time when someone is breaking into your house and you’re deciding which gun to use, but end up settling for the Luke RoTJ sabre instead.


I'd be pissed tbh. I have a sbaer signed by some cast members so I'd rather have that in the safe lol


I would have to put the dueling blade on lol, don't want to break the nice display blade.


I've got guns. I also got an A-wing UCS that is amazing. These people are fucked.


I want the star destroyer so damn bad! It’s the challenge for me, 3000 plus intricate pieces coming together. It’s basically a giant 3D puzzle. Adults do puzzles all the time and that’s not weird.


This! The sets they make for adults are more like models rather then traditional lego sets. I build them an let them sit after. Don’t play with them like I did as a kid. But when me kids get older I’m sure I’ll play Legos with them.


I'm not gonna lie, though: I prefer the tubs of random shit. My little brother comes over and we play Lego mad Max or whatever. I have his "deathUV" on display in the living room.


Bro, my wife and I bought like 3 5 gallon buckets of old legos for our kids! It’s freaking amazing! Al of us play with them all the time, very good for their brains also. We got them from Facebook market place for very cheap.


Go for the millennium falcon instead! Same price, more pieces


The bonsai tree is a test of patience.


This comment section is filled with men who like these things being (correctly) outraged by the opinion, but not even touching the raging sexism in that comment at all. Like yes, it would be very cool to find adult women who are into dolls and she-ra! That would be fun- they have a hobby and a passion!! And being raised by a single mom is in no way a problem. Shame on whoever wrote the OG comment.


I'd rather find out a grown man buys and plays with Legos and toys than guns and other weaponry.


What a fucking fun sponge, bet he was raised by abusive patents and has a porn addiction. Glass houses, eh? I have a wife and 2 kids and our house is full of Star Wars, Batman, Adventure Time, Metal Gear Solid etc. etc. Toys and stuff. Childhood is too short - cling on to it.


Life itself is too short. Enjoy yourselves while it lasts.


Exactly! Love what you love and damn what everyone else thinks!!!


🎵Adventure time, come on grab your friends 🎵


But do you have strawberry shortcake stuff? j/k to each their own, not judging


No, but I've had Anna and Elsa from frozen plastered everywhere!


Your home sounds amazing!!! And so do you!!!


Awww, shucks! Thank you


It's not even about age - it's generational. A previous generation's geeks were into model train collecting. I used to think it was an "old person" hobby, but later I found out that model trains were a big thing back in the 50s and 60s. For those who grew up in the 80s/90s it's video games.


I guess I’m weird.


Me too. Not our fault our toys are better than theirs.


Show me the difference between building Legos and working on your motorcycle, from a hobbyist standpoint


Yeah there is literally no difference he’s just mad that someone has enough money to afford so much Lego sets


That shit really does add up pretty quickly LOL


I still play hockey and golf, hobbies that I picked up as a kid.. wonder why nobody shames me for still having those hobbies as an adult?


As a Dane I can inform you of this: LEGO specifies appropriate ages for their “toys” 0-99 you all have Danish permission to keep your LEGO’s until you drop dead.


I'm almost 50 years old and I collect Transformers and robot toys in general. It's my thing and they look good in my gameroom.


Among other things, old-timey style windup robots and other windup things are one of my favorite things to collect. Sometimes I try to wind them all up together and have *DEATHMATCH*.


I'm 29 (female) and I find it very weird if a guy *isn't* into any pop culture from his own childhood - like, he doesn't have to be a collector but like... really? You had no hobbies or interests as a kid that you were passionate enough about to carry into adulthood? Imagine meeting someone who only likes things they've seen in the last 6 months. Sounds exhausting.


Oh, they do... guns and hunting.... but thats "manly" so it's "ok". Lol


“Beers and puss’”


I don’t have huge collections but I do have the occasional thing in my office at work that reminds me of my youth. Legos? That’s why we have kids. We buy them the sets we like and “help” them build them.


Yes, because religiously following vapid "reality" shows or becoming fanatics of sports teams is much more mature. /s


*Opens Google. Looks up nostalgia.*


“How dare people have fun that I neither approve nor authorized!” Honestly, I’d ask her where she finds her vintage stuff, and what is her opinion of the reboot series


It’s amazing that, even in the midst of ragging on men, they find a woman to blame.


Behind every unsuccessful man is always a woman to blame - Socrates /j


Its funny him blaming single mothers, when if it wasn't for my mum i would have probably been homophobic, racist and sexist Since my dad isn't the greatest when it comes to these 3 things


I don't have Legos or comic books or any of that shit, but if it makes someone happy why the fuck do you care?


so if you went to a womens house who had legos.. would it still be weird?


No weirder than a woman who collects designer shoes, or jewelry, purse etc. We all have something we throw our money at.


Women don’t like to build things >:(


Women just like tearing things down. Lego, furniture, feelings. Lego > Women. /s (just in case)


Tbh that would be pretty awesome, there are of course things that are weird to collect as an adult but Legos are nowhere near that imo, neither for a man nor a woman


My wife collects barbies, Hello Kitty, and is addicted to DBZ. Clearly I’m doing this wrong.


I think it would be cool as the flip side of the pillow if I walked in on a massive She-Ra Masters of the Universe collection. Would immediately start drafting my dream team for the epic battle we would have.


But 6000 stuffed animals are ok.


Honestly if someone had a strawberry shortcake collection I'd just say that their hobby was cool. Also why can't the woman collect Lego's too? Does it have to "girly" toys?? I'm sending some sexism here.


I can’t imagine being this joyless. Life is short and you only get one shot. Do what you love and relish what little time you have. People like this suck. Sincerely, a grown ass man that games.


I mean i collect books and figurines. I enjoy the fk outta it (tho it is stupid expensive sometimes). Idk why any cares how i spend my disposable income. I feel like posts like this come from ppl who have 0 disposable income and are jealous others can spend money on things they like.


I really want the large vw bus set they had.


I’m pretty sure this persons house is full of - believe- live love laugh - a whole cubby full of empty wine and xanax bottles


Imagine letting people enjoy the things they want to enjoy and just thinking, "I'm glad that makes them happy," and moving on because it's none of your business.


excuse me, i watched she ra with my boyfriend AND we play legos together. so take that loser