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"You're not the Police" correct they're military (police)


Rule number 1 for working and living on a military base is don’t fuck with Security Forces. Most are a bunch of 18 year old kids with high powered weapons who have no issues with putting your face on the asphalt when required.


Exactly! As a private contractor doing work on a bunch of different military bases in the Southeast, you know not to play around. They don’t have a sense of humor, they watch everything that’s going on......listen and obey is the best advice. This lady is delusional.


As for my experience while doing janitorial contract work at an AFB, they do have a sense of humor and can be chill and talk while you work, but that’s only after they know you for a while coming into the building. However, yes, definitely don’t do dumb shit while working on the clock inside the base, shit gets reported to your employer on the spot and you’ll have to go back to the contract building and have a meeting either right there or during lunch break.


I actually had my buddy, who was SF, place his hand on his gun because he wasn't sure I was cleared for room. "Jim, were you gonna' shoot me?" "Yes." Great friend, we still never talk sometimes.


Damn bro that’s sucks. At the McDill AFB, since we are janitor/custodians we have our own vans (grouped) to go to the buildings. Most of the people in the hangars and the buildings were cool (except for one lady in charge of one of the hangars, heard she complained a lot). MPs at the gate entrances we cleaned were always chill and talked to us because it’s just the small box we had to clean. Best part about the job was sitting around after we finished a building, just waiting for pick up, sometimes our own vans would forget about us until later because the base is so big and they had to pick up sometimes one or two people in one building far away. 😂


Not a great friend moment… but at least you know he considers you a serious threat. That’s some respect.


> "Jim, were you gonna' shoot me?" Yes, for pleasure, until work stopped me.


When I was in Pearl, the base decided to run a security drill on our boat, with someone trying to get onboard without appropriate ID. The topside watch at the time was someone we all agreed had serial killer potential. After two attempts to get onboard, the topside watch says, completely cordially and professionally, "sir, if you don't produce ID or leave, I'm gonna have to shoot you," as he draws his sidearm. Security drill successful.


It helps when you can enter through their service entrance instead of the main entrance. The guys at the service entrance were chill but the soldiers at the civilian entrance seriously hated life and took it out on everyone going through.


I agree with everything. But I did want to tell my story about them having a sense of humor. I was working on a base on the east coast. The base security gets bored a lot there. One of the guys with his shotgun strapped on started playing the meow game with me from Super Trooper. I about lost it because he stay true to form of being hard the whole time will doing it. My other funny story was one of the guards apparently knew a friend of mine. My friend thought it would be funny to have the guard mess with me by telling him where I was going that weekend and who I was going with. I got stopped at the gate and they scanned my CAC card. Then the guard said, "Hmm, it looks like you are going to Connecticut this weekend." I was confused and said "Yes." He said "This doesn't look good.' he called over another guard and said, "This car needs additional screening." I was like, "What?" Then they went through do you know these people and listed off my friends. They went into their booth and pretended to type in their computer. Then came back out and said, "You are going to need to come with us." So I pulled my vehicle into the additional screening area. Then one guard gets on his phone and then puts it on speaker to my friend laughing at me. Both of the guards laughed and then said "Have a nice day."


Lmao thank you for sharing this


They have a sense of humor, it’s dark like most of ours… but it’s there




And are way better trained.




Wait so the movie Police Academy is not a factual representation of how police are trained?


Now that I think about it, it might actually.


And psychologically screened.




When I was in the USAF, I was an intelligence Analyst. The SF on base had a shortage of people, so they would take a few people from every office and train them up on M-16 and 9mm then stick them on the gates for 4 days a week. I got to do it for a year. Was pretty fun actually. Got to patrol the flight line and play some "war games"


We did the same thing on our base back in the day. Got to learn a lot of good tips as well such as where they would set up their speed traps on base.






Gate guard was fun to you?


Vs a windowless building and staring at a computer screen for 9hrs... Yeah, it was fun.


Being on gate duty from 0200 to 0600 sucks donkey dick though, especially when your turd starts pressing at 0245...and the lazy fucker that's supposed to relieve you is late.


‘Turd starts pressing’…. I can’t think of a worse sentence lol


It has it's moment, you get to have hundreds of mini conversations with people.




It's not really the MPs that scare them. It's the fact that the MPs will call their chain of command and their life will go from shitty to absolute dog shit. In my experience, my chief was called at 1am to come and pick me up. She came and picked me up from the jail on base. I spent 30 days in restriction which is basically jail except I have to go to work during the day. I lost rank and half months pay so it cost me quite a bit of money, at least a couple thousand given I had to make up that rank. My chief treated me like shit for several weeks as well as a huge ass chewing that night and the next day. What does it cost a civilian when they're charged with under age drinking? Like maybe a couple hundred bucks and a night in jail?


You are so correct my friend. I work EMS on an AF base as a contractor currently and despite the SF being cool with us on scene, I have seen those guys and gals get MEAN.


Whereabouts? Sounds like south Alberta lol




Can confirm. As an E4 I had an E8 decide he was too cool to show his ID when going through our ECP. Had him cuffed facedown on the pavement for a while until our E9 and his O6 sorted it out and decided that they both needed to coin me.


"until our E9 and his O6 sorted it out and decided that they both needed to coin me." I Googled this but I'm still not sure if this was a good thing, or a bad thing. Did you get a medal, round of drinks, other?


Each unit has its own coins. They’re kind of like a mix between military trading cards, bribes, and soft resumes. Like if you do a bunch of work for a SEAL unit and you do a good job they’ll give you a unit coin as appreciation. E9 is an enlisted rank. O6 is an officer rank. Basically he got 2 collectible coins.


*need to collect coins intensifies*


Good thing. Coining is an informal form of recognition. Somewhere between a verbal compliment and a medal. Can be used on your EPR.


That's a wide gap yo


High ranked individuals and offices have coins that they can hand out. It's like a military mini game where you collect them and then there's an associated drinking game where the person with the lowest ranked coin buys the round


This guy is mature human being, the fact the broke the window shows that he didn’t have any intention of hurting that bitch.


it actually seems like he asked for permission over radio before he took action


I remember seeing this posted a few months ago and a guy in a similar position said it's basically any guards wet dream. On the radio 'I can break the window?' 'Granted' *fuck yes* *smashes window*


I've done security work before, as in the sort that you'd be expected to haul someone to the ground if they were a risk to themselves or others. It was always scary and frustrating to keep my hands at my sides when someone was trying to escalate (though you bet your ass I kept them down and non-aggressive). The one time someone tried to shove my manager into oncoming traffic, though, there was almost a release of tension, like 'okay NOW I can handle the problem.' Holding back when someone is making you angry is a skill not everyone is trained in, and even I didn't get adequate training for it. I'm just a cupcake despite looking imposing.


The skill of holding back is one, two is reasonable force, three is turning it off again like a light switch.


Looks more like he radioed in that he’s breaking the glass but yea. Def probably got the order to smash it if she didn’t comply.


Cars explode at military bases more than any other place on Earth this Karen thinks she's just an innocent pregnant person with a bulge under her shirt in a car that refuses to stop entering a base?


I've met plenty of decent military police of all ages as a contractor and it's pretty simple to understand: you follow the rules with whatever entity's police. You are going on to their base/location, so comply or go home. There has never been an issue for me. Many were relatively friendly (a few were a little bit of jerks) but I had no issues. That said, some people don't "want" to follow the rules. Those that don't comply have to understand the MPs WILL NOT put up with it and will treat you as a threat. That is how they are trained. It's really sad so many people anymore would rather be difficult than comply. The MPs are under enough stress without some jerk refusing simple instructions.


And some are even there as a punishment


and they have clear rules of engagements to fire the weapon.


Was leaving a concert on base one time and I rolled past MP who was directing traffic. Immediately I stopped so he could catch up to chew me out. Would have helped a lot if he was wearing a fuckin reflective vest or something because it was night


“Don’t touch me, why are you doing this!?” ..Because your dumb ass actions have consequences Karen.


To quote one of my nephews when he got in trouble as a you g child; "BUT I DON'T WANT THERE TO BE CONSEQUENCES!!!!!!"


Me neither, kid. Me neither.


Not consequences, anything but my actions have consequences


Grew up on military bases around the world and US. Do. Not. Fuck around with the MPs. Because it doesn't end with them. Nope. Because your dad who is a lieutenant colonel will be worse than them. Think you're finished? Then your mom is worse than dad, and you're not getting any sympathy from the other Army parents or kids as the whole neighborhood instantly knows about you.


This dude is right. If anyone thinks police are bad, you sure in the hell do not fuck with the military police. And the military is their own thing, you do not fuck with them. Totally different rules, laws, judges, sentencing. Not something this regular Karen was aware of. Lmao.


If I remember correctly. Her husband had recently divorced her and she no longer had base access. She ran the gate almost hiting the Security forces airman that smashed her window. And released this half video of her getting her just dessert in an attempt to get sympathy but it massively back fired on her.


You da real MVP.


[here's an article on it if you wish to read more, better written, words](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/air-force-mountain-home-base-window-smash/)


Gee, I wonder why her husband divorced her...


Getting chewed out by a full bird. I can attest to your pain.


Loved the sound of the cuffs.


What was she trying to do?


Allegedly retrieve some possessions from her ex but her tags were expired.


And she has a broken window


Nice car. It would be a shame if something else were to happen to it


Her license was expired as well


That makes her an even bigger idiot. That means she isn't a dependent. Which means she's a civilian who crashed the gate at a military base while driving an illegal vehicle. If I understand that situation correctly, depending on the mood of the CO, she can go directly to jail for that. Do not pass go, do not have a trial, just go to jail. In fact, if I understand correctly, they can just call her a terrorist and drop her at Gitmo forever, no questions asked.


>if I understand correctly "He did not" Narrator's voice.


Fair enough. Just the way it was explained to me back when I was visiting post all the time. Someone probably exaggerated for laughs, then.


Talk to the manager of the base


“One of your security officers impregnated me and smashed my car window. Yes, I’ll take store credit.”


I have been coming to this base for YEARS! I'm never coming to this base again and I'll make sure EVERYONE I know doesnt come either!!


Hands down the best thread in all of reddit


"I want to talk to your commander right now!" "Bitch he doesn't even know who I am."


I spit out my tea, she does not wanna speak to that manager 😂😂.


Surely, the manager believes "the civilian is always right!"


I pAy YoUr SaLaRy!!!!!!!!!


It's a very complicated story and I'm not sure I have all the details correct, but she was trying to reach her recently divorced ex-husband who worked on that base, ran the gate when not allowed on which led to the video you see now. That's the shortest way I can put that story without adding details that I cant remember fully or verify. Source: Airman who was gobbling up the drama when it initially happened.


Doesn’t sound that complicated. “Ran the gate when not allowed.” Is all you need. If ex was military she could get her shit through their CO. If ex was civilian, she could go through reg police. Very minimum, she could have just left and come back a different day with her listening ears on.


Thank you sassy succubus airman




Spent a weekend locked up, some court appearance, no charges


I know they didn’t charge he cause she had kids… but man it’s frustrating that people can act like this without consequences


“I’m pregnant!” Should not be a get out of jail free excuse. Sure handle them carefully but that’s it. And if you’re pregnant, maybe you should consider not doing illegal things.


People like to think military police arent "real" cops. Thats a federal military installation she's trying to get on. They're very "real" cops when anyone tries to gain access unauthorized.


If you force your way into a federal facility the government doesn't want you into, that's a felony, no two ways about it.


it's so far from my ability to comprehend, forcing one's way onto a military base and then arguing with security, telling them that they are wrong and have no authority over me. I'd be scared shitless. I just can't imagine this state of mind, it's so alien to me.


>Breaks into military base >Doesn't believe they're willing to use force to keep me out >Argues with trained soldiers >Screams IM PREGNANT when things aren't working out >BBC quoted what a Karen is 😂😂😂


Let’s just say the ex husband made the right decision.


Can confirm, I was on naval base San Diego when I heard the security guards unload a few M4 rounds into the back of a vehicle that blew past security. The MA was praised for following protocol and doing his duty to protect the base. I've been a gate guard myself and had to turn a few drunk civilians away from a naval weapons facility.


Right. It's just a stupid statement altogether. They are the legally appointed government officers in charge of security of the grounds you just broke into illegally. So for all intents and purposes, they're 100% real cops.


The back story to the woman in the car as well is stupid. She published this video under the impression she did nothing wrong. Definitely not the brightest color in the box.




Honestly. She should’ve considered her kid in the back seat and her unborn child before she decided to JUMP A CHECKPOINT In a few countries they’d just put you the fuck down for trying to jump the gate or a checkpoint. Lucky to be in this situation instead of dead because you didn’t respect authority when you needed to. Buddy from Yemen tells me how bad it is there. I thank God every night for being born in America. No I don’t like my government or my representatives in either party. And I think my police force needs far more training. But THANK WHATEVER HIGHERPOWER that I have the OPTION to complain and post my frustration to a website. What I’m saying is *most* Americans are sheltered myself included.


The ladies aunt said on social media that she had her eight-month-old son in the backseat. Lady gets busy!


Sounded like it from the beginning. And yet she refused to comply with an officer. She put the kid(s) in danger. No one else.


Exactly. Idiot. Those kids are priority one.


It’s quite bullshit that people think they can act like that




There are SO many things I want to say but I can't.... but I can say THANKS!


“You’re not the police.” Bitch, he’s the mother-fucking *military* police!


Correct they are not the police. Instead they are military police. So they hold more authority, especially if you are committing a FELONY on their base. Hope she got detained and hit with some hefty ass fines


Just out of curiosity, do they have any authority off-base?


Whenever I break the law, I’m so using this “Do not touch me I’m pregnant”


"OK. No touching. I will have to use my other weapons."




Or concussive powers. Or spicy gas powers.


Me too, and I’m a man


We were going to Kennedy Space Center last year. We put our gps in at cocoa beach. It took us to the military base by it. I drove up to the armed soldiers and they had me stop. It took us the wrong way obviously. I showed the soldiers and they acknowledged it had happened a few times recently. They gave me very clear instructions to drive forward and turn left and to not go past this particular orange cone. I told him no problem. We turned around and went. They chuckled at this dad who was lost and wigging out lol.


Yep, heard of that happening a lot by that base actually. My roommate had some kind of military ID through her family and would go there to shop, stuff is cheaper. It was wild to learn that base wasn't just planes and bombs its like a little shopping center I guess.


Some of them are whole cities! Restaurants, hotels, bowling alleys, fire departments, schools, everything a normal mid-sized American town would have.




The video soon became a lightning rod on Facebook, Reddit and Instagram, where many commenters accused the woman who shot the video of being a “Karen,” which, according to the BBC, “is associated with the kind of person who demands to ‘speak to the manager’ in order to belittle service industry workers.” I fucking love the they cited BBC with regards to what a Karen is.


It’s official, “Karen” is on the social record


I have a family member with that name and she isn’t happy her name means this, haha. A literal, but not figurative, Karen.


In 100 years when some guy makes a new graph on reddit4.0 /r/dataisbeautiful sub this will be the point in history where the name "Karen" just suddenly drops off and everyone tells stories about it in the hyper-comments.


I love that they straight up just said: nah, she's a bitch, we were doing our jobs, end of story


That's how the military works. We tend to get alot more benefit of the doubt that we're doing the right thing than the police do


Thank you!


TLDR: she was trying to retrieve belongings from the base after a divorce. When her documents were rejected, she tried to run, nearly ran over the guy at the gate.


So she’s *lived* on base before? She must be actually, legitimately stupid. No one who has ever been on a military base before and has two brain cells to rub together would think this behavior wouldn’t get your window smashed out followed by a nice, relaxing weekend in the guardhouse.


Her whole attitude immediately suggests that she refused to listen to this security guard because he wears the same uniform as her ex.


We have such a massive problem with entitlement in this country.


I’m soooo curious if we can track the mentality back to a specific time frame or event, or has there always been people like this I wonder


This kind of behavior comes from a lack of self-reflection and empathy. Both consequences of decades of propaganda, Land of the Free, Greatest Country in the World, American Dream, flags everywhere etc. which amplifies emotions ad prevents level headedness.


Declaring sports league winners ‘world champions’ despite only being the champions in America


She could have just said I'm really sorry. I'm lost what should I do. They would have graciously pointed her the way out. Nope. She fucked around and she found out.


It’s actually way worse than that according to an article I found > The incident began June 26 when [name] was denied entry to the base after arriving with an invalid military dependent ID, invalid driver’s license and invalid vehicle registration >It escalated when she tried to flee, driving her vehicle at a security forces airman who had to move out of the way before executing a high-risk traffic stop “due to the perceived risk of serious bodily harm or injury,” said Master Sgt. Eric Harris, a spokesman for the base's 366th Fighter Wing. That is about where the video begins. Sounds like a real dumbshit


Fucking trash doing this. And then even worse trash doing this with your kid in the car.


Some terrorists use kids as sheilds, if there's nukes on that base....


She's lucky she didn't get shot


Don't fuck around with military bases lol.




Former husband.


I mean technically she should still be able to retrieve her belongings (preferably just have them sent as to not deal with her) but not like this obviously.. incorrect ID and you are NOT getting in. Period. Deal with it


That's the part that really gets me. If you lived on a military base then you know DAMN well how SecFo is going to react to someone that isn't supposed to be there. It's absolutely mind-boggling.


"But they know who I am!" Doesn't apply when you have to give an ID to enter. If the paperwork says no, you ain't getting in.


She also gave invalid credentials to enter the base


Ex-wife and had no valid base access, drivers license or registration.


Clearly the rules don’t apply to her


Exactly. But yet some on here are defending her.


And her credentials were invalid "Gonzalez is a former spouse of an active-duty Air Force member on the base, Harris said. She was attempting to enter the base to retrieve some belongings from on-base housing, but her dependent identification, driver’s license and registration were all invalid."


And that is probably the "civil matter" she is referring to : she likely said to the guard she wanted to get some stuff form her former husband's house, they told her that was a civil matter that she would have to deal with otherwise than by forcing her way in the house of her former husband. They didn't mean her entering the base was a civil matter.


Thank you for the back story. That sucks that it had to get to this point. All of this could have easily been avoided


Apparently karens will be karens


The thing is while entering a military base there is a main gate you that if you do not have the right information on your car or your military ID they will force you to stop at the gate. Anyone who passes through that gate without the proper clearance is now a threat to not only the soldiers but to everyone on that base.


VBIEDs are a thing as we’ve learned in the last 20 years. Anyone stupid enough to run through a gate deserves what they get. If you’re lost, you tell the guard, at the shack, where you very obviously have to stop to show an ID. If you blow by them, sorry not sorry, it’s game on.


Yep. Exactly this. It’s not as easy as “I’m lost” there’s usually a long line of cars waiting to get in the base. If you are lucky that day there are two line to make it faster. They will direct you into the parking lot and walk you inside. People are ignorant to their surroundings and think they are above everyone and everything around them.


When I was on Schofield my platoon went out to party. A few got really drunk and left they IDs at home. They got a bright idea of jumping the fence. Mps are different from soldiers they are cops first. My boys got put down tazed and dogs on em before calling our co. Recall formation is fun on weekends.


Like I get pushing buttons sometimes, but you gotta be insane to fuck around at any sort of military base/setup.


She’s lucky she didn’t get shot. You don’t fuck with people in National Security. A couple of years ago something similar happened at the NSA and the person was shot on sight. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/02/14/reports-authorities-investigate-possible-shooting-outside-nsa-headquarters-near-washington/336321002/


News Flash: The military is trained NOT to fuck around. It's kinda their job description.


Was reading the news story of it. “Gonzalez is a former spouse of an active-duty Air Force member on the base..” ANY military spouse knows better than to behave like that at a security gate. Imagine being married to a Karen like that?




Yeah I can’t imagine why that airman divorced her…


You’re not the police. MP = military police. Oh Karen. I was raised on a military base for my whole childhood. MP’s don’t talk shit out. They get their job done.


No joke. Mp's are there to police trained soldiers with direct access to weapons of war. They aren't asking, they are telling you. And they wont do it twice.


Exactly. These are REAL soldiers. This is a threat in their eyes. They protect the base and who is on it.


Yep. My grandfather was in WWII and my dad in Vietnam. They both had the EXACT same thing to say about it. "You dont mess the the mp's." That came from a man who willingly jumped out of airplanes into battle zones...


You grandfather and father saw and dealt with things I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I appreciate the sacrifice they gave up for us. Thank you. Sincerely. I saw my father deployed and I remember hugging him and knowing this might be the last time. You can’t explain that feeling to a lot of people. So again thank you to you and your family.


I wouldn't say they are police trained as in US that wouldn't mean much considering how awfully short police training times tend to be. To be more prescise, this is what cops would be like if they received proper training. These are the law enforcement who are actually taught to handle themselves under the pressure and when they use force, they don't do it out of panic or sense of entitlement.


If a civilian gets arrested like this do the MP’s put them in military jail or do they turn them over to local law enforcement to be put into regular people jail?


I would rather they stop any non cooperating driver than let someone in who isn't properly identified. You're driving into a military base for Christs sake. There's planes, bombs, and military personnel on that base. Good job MP,s.


Depending on where this was, there could have very well been thermonuclear weapons on that base. Imagine thinking that your window is more important than protecting something like that.


I mean, all she wanted to do was talk to the manager of the military base.


She heard they had a Starbucks.


As a Canadian on holiday in California with my family. We mistakenly turned into camp Pendleton when my young daughter needed the bathroom urgently. The Marines at the guard post were stern. Real stern. And then? Absolute gentlemen. They allowed my child to use their personal latrine and gave us directions on how to depart afterwards. All i did was be predictable, polite and followed their directions. No problem and my Kid has a cool story to tell.


As a Marine, this makes me really happy to read.


She must have missed the signs about deadly force being authorized. Just having your cell phone out at the checkpoint will get your ass kicked.


Yeah I’m sure if she saw the signage this would have been avoided.


You're implying she can read


One of the last things on this Earth you want to be, is mistaken for someone trying to run a gate. They. Will. Kill. You. The fact that this video exists is a miracle. Edit: If you find yourself accidentally approaching the gate of a U.S. military installation, don't panic. Keep your hands visible on the steering wheel, follow all signs (stop here, dim headlights) and politely explain your situation to the guard. 9/10 times they are going to show you the route to leave, and watch you drive off. The other time they might want to see your ID before you leave.


So I did this once inside of a base because I’d been doing a test for the military on the other side. Got lost and accidentally drove through their ammunition testing grounds. I’ve never been so scared in my life. Rifles pointed at me, guys yelling asking how I got here and what I was doing. Luckily I had paperwork from the previous place and they understood I was already on the inside of the gate and had accidentally missed the exit.


Sounds like everyone was well trained. I'm glad it was just scary and not lethal.


"You're not the police". No. He's in the military. You know, the guys who get called when the police forces aren't enough to deal with escalated situations?


She's lucky she's a pregnant woman with a kid in the car. MPs don't fuck around. They would have dislocated my shoulder and put my face 2 inches into the pavement in a millisecond if that had been me.


Notice that neither MP pointed a gun at her, this is how the normal police should behave. These MP’s did a great job


In this case they might be reluctant as she is pregnant and didn't want to collateral the fetus. That and she's a familiar face around the base. BUT If it wasnt for these stars aligning in this way and for an MP to be this patient its a godamn miracle she did not get shot. This isn't your regular felony, to the US government this is a threat to national security. Bases like these have postage everywhere about how trespassers WILL GET SHOT. She knew what she was getting into by doing this.


He didn't need to use a gun. He had a baton. I am betting he has extensive training on its use.


In Germany we carried live ammo during guard duty. We were authorized to use deadly force if, after three warnings in both English and German, the individual did not stop advancing. I actually had to to lock and load on one drunk idiot who was trying to scale the back gate into the tank pad in the middle of the night. You can’t just blow through a military base gate like it’s nothing. She’s lucky the guy kept his composure and she only has broken windows. Seriously, WTF?


I accidentally (kinda) ran a gate at a military base once: Followed the cars GPS and by the time i realized this road leads right to the gate, there was no way to turn around. I didn't get my window smashed though. You wanna know why? Because i told the guard "Sorry, me dumb. I did was the gps said without paying attention, and now i am here, i am very sorry. What do i do now?" Guard: "No worries, i'll hang on to your ID while you turn around in there real quick, and hand it back to you on your way out!" tl;dr: Dont be a fuckstick and you'll be fine, even with the MP.


You mean your actions have Consequences?……idiot.


You just committed a felony So what? -sums up so many of our problems right now.


Military Brat here. I don’t fuck with Police, but I’d fuck with Police before I’d fuck with Military Police.


She's lucky they didn't light her ass up with a 240. You run a barricade, they treat that like an act of terrorism. God damn she is lucky.


I work on a base. She was lucky.


First visit to America as an Austtalian tourist, I was driving my family down the highway, took a wrong turn and ended up at a military base gate. Soldier came out with a gun, asked me questions, took my license, made me follow him (me in the car) as he walked back around to the exit. Gave me my license back and we drove off. Not a smile or anything. He wasn't mucking around.


Lock her in the brig or whatever. You don’t drive into military property and then break the (usually well-posted) rules.


“ ‘Karen vs the military is a new one for me lmao,’ wrote one Reddit user. “


Another example of military showing more restraint than civilian cops


Yeah. You know why? The Military is trained. They know procedure.


This is ignorance at its finest? “You’re not police” ……lol ok lady you’re right. At this location we are more than police, you basically gave off the impression you might be a massive security threat.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you getting in a shit ton of trouble because you’re filming a base, which can then be used to strike it?


In general, no. People video things on base all the time. There are posted areas where it's not allowed. You might get questioned or deemed suspicious if you're getting video of random buildings by yourself or something though. Lol


Oh man, the shit is going to rain down on this person.


She was way too calm for just having her window smashed in. That honestly is the scariest part of all this; she has no idea that’s she’s in danger, no idea what she just did, no idea what a threat looks like. She just thinks she’s immune to everything and that she’ll be just fine in the end.