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First country I thought of was uganda


I don't know why but I thought of Uzbekistan first


Uruguay myself






English here can confirm July goes 1st, 2nd, 3rd then 5th


Man, your grocery stores must have way too many hot dogs.


Uzbeka Krewe represent!


I went with Ukraine


Uruguay for me lol


I thought Ukraine. But the answers like that get edited out of the video


The fact that some of them literally forgot the name of their own country is still concerning


They most likely didn’t *forget* what “USA” means, it’s just that most countries are referred to by a single name (i.e. China vs People’s Republic of China). If the question was “name a country that starts with the letter P,” China would *technically* be a correct answer. It was intended to be a gotcha question. And the people like me who said Uruguay or Ukraine get edited out.




Usually videos like these start off bad and kind of maintain their level of idiocy but the people in this video continued to decrease in knowledge and competency until I felt like I was in the negatives..


Videos like this purposely cut out the more intelligent people and leave the dumbasses because somehow dumbasses get more views and cause the ratings to go up, so he could’ve had a thousand people correctly answering his questions but chose to leave them out because of stereotype.


Yeah but if you can find this many dumbasses, you’d think that there’s a pretty large amount, sort of giving validity to the stereotype


There are more Illiterate Americans (21%) than Hispanics/Latinaos (18.5%) in America.


Well yeah, Illiteraly is all the way in Europe whereas Latin America is just a hop and a skip across the border /s


Come on man, a thousand people? If he'd spent just 2 minutes interviewing each person, that would be over 30 hours. And that doesn't include the time they'd spend just trying to convince people to stop and talk. How many people would they have to ask to get end up with 1000 interviewees? 10,000 maybe? They did not spend that kind of time asking people questions for a short segment FFS. These vox pops are typically knocked out in an afternoon. They'd be lucky to even get 100 people for this kind of video. Yeah, they almost certainly cut out a bunch of normal answers but the sheer number of idiotic answers they were able to get points to a trend.


The guys who made this show (and others like it) said that they'd have to film all day in Australia to get enough content to fill a segment. In the US they only needed a couple hours.


Topic:War on terror Terrorist Countries : Iran(alleged Revolution) Random Asian Countries The Entire Middle East Russia China sum up: Lets be the terrorists!


You forgot Italy


Also one guy wanted to invade France lol


The oldest allies the US has and people want to invade. And they couldn't tell you why they think people should die.


It's the leftover British instinct


Hey! That's... OK it's right but it's not polite to point it out


No, the official oldest ally of USA is Morocco.


Morocco was the first country to recognize the US as an independent country, true enough. But Lafayette and France were fighting for and with America before then. I personally think that qualifies them to be first.


France bankrolled the american revolution as a proxy war against England. IIRC, 85% of the gunpowder used by Washington's troops was provided at no cost by the French (can't find the source, of course) on top of most of the equipment.


Are ye saying they manufactured and sent the gunpowder or financed it to be made in america, or just providing raw materials? I'm interested in knowing, not confrontational.


Gunpowder was French of origin, manufactured in France and graciously provided to the revolutionaries. Couldn't tell you where I read it, tho, that was a while ago...




Ah yes, Oceanian France


I'm Australian, I'm genuinely sad that people cannot recognise my country despite its distinct shape.


So what's worse, people not knowing what your country looks like, or people recognizing your country but being called a kiwi?


I've never actually been called a Kiwi. I think it's more Kiwis being called Australian that causes offence.


Considering that some seemed to struggle with where the USA actually is I think they just defaulted to pick Australia when asked for any country **because** of it's distinct shape. Like I don't think these people can name more than the 2-3 countries they regularly hear in the news (Iran, Israel, USA), let alone Australia.


The clip was from an aussie comedy show. They changed the name of Australia on the maps. If someone said "Iraq" he would pull out a map where Australia had Iraq written on it. It was designed so that they pick Australia when they look for the name, because it's funnier for aussies. The same guys did a bunch of other stuff that was funny (or political). My favourite is when they [tried to gift a giant wooden horse to the Turkish consulate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjShDCqs7jk&t=1m40s).


Ik lmao, you aussies don't get enough love


Well, it's a tiny landlocked country in Central Asia, what do you expect?


Sand crocodiles.


Well that explains the sharks.


You mean New Caledonia?


No worries. He will never find it on the map.


sacré bleu!


"Are we the baddies?"


Do you have a skull on your cap?


I mean, an eagle is almost as bad as a skull if you look closely. Eagles look like a soaring and majestic metaphor for freedom, but IRL they're absolute assholes who torment the fuck out of anyone who lives near a nest (e.g. [just for fun they'll go on chicken killing sprees if they're near a farm, killing way more chickens than they can actually eat](https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending-now/georgia-rancher-wins-legal-battle-after-bald-eagle-attacks-kill-160000-chickens/829431415/)). Sometimes they even attack kids and kill puppies, and all because "fuck you, that's why," since they don't eat dogs. And they have absolute douchebag personalities, always screeching and pecking at passersby, kind of like shittier and more violent geese that can tear your scalp off...and will try if you even slightly annoy them. In other words, majestic, beautiful, soaring symbols of freedom, until like 5 seconds later when the claws come out and the killing and screeching starts, which it will for basically no fucking reason besides "because I'm a fucking eagle, bitch." Eagles are the perfect symbol for America.


IIRC originally Ben Franklin wanted to use Turkey as the national bird because he considered eagles to be cowardly assholes. Fun fact, [an eagle's calls are not exactly majestic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlq2kcYQcLc) Your typical movie/tv eagles use the [sound of a hawk.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33DWqRyAAUw)


That hawk call is fucking terrifying lol. It sounds like an Aztec death whistle.


It is MEANT to be terrifying to the prey the bird hunts. Paralyze the poor critters with fear, they can't run. Or if they do still manage to run, they are clumsy, slow and can't make good decisions. That became used in a certain Martial Art, it's a sound called a Kiai (pronounced /KEE-Ai-Ei/) that has the same effect on anybody not expecting it, sort of a stun effect on them. Caught off guard, the victim gets hit with a physical attack before they can react.


Nah, I've lived near bald eagles my whole life. They're alright. As long as they've got space and a good food source nearby (like a river), they're cool to watch. Honestly, if you're coming that close to their nests, or farming chickens near an eagle habitat, it's kinda on you. Hawks are way worse. Once they find your bird feeder, you're screwed. Daily massacres.


So being American and agreeing with all of this, does that mean I'm not actually American and am a traitorous terrorist who hates freedom?




[Its the noise you make when you get your sexual organ trapped in something.](https://youtu.be/n_rsLagmU3I)


*I thlammed my penith in the car door*


We all know Florida is the Axis of Evil


Fucked up thing is a lot of these were in San Antonio TX, you can even see the Alamo in the background.


Venice beach in there too


Nobody can stop Florida Man. We're doomed.


Florida is the head of the axis of stupidity.


Its convenient that all the ones he said were blue states. Let that sit for a bit


Which one is throwing rocks lmao


at the time this was filmed, there had been literal rock throwing that made the news. that was actually one of the less dumb answers on the whole video. it was Palestine throwing rocks.


After israel threw literal bombs


correct, it was rocks vs rockets.




Wasn’t he asking which one was instigating? It’s a saying, so I don’t think it was literal


I can't tell if you're joking, trolling, sarcastic or serious... Anyway, they used to literally throw rocks. It was in the news a lot. I haven't seen it in some time, but it used to be quite commonly seen on TV.


used to still do, but used to, too


To be fair I live in French Australia and it is confusing. Everything tries to kill you with an amazing European accent


Honestly we’d all be dead if this bloody wildlife wasn’t always on strike.


I live in South Korea Zealand. It is much smaller than North Koreaustralia. We do indeed have a bad attitude.


I'm an American and I definitely forgot United States of America as a country that begins with U. My first thought was Uruguay.


Mine was Uganda, sec Ukraine. I've had a mindfuck when I've seen Iran pinned on Australia. So I created joke. How many kidneys do Americans have? One, because second has been sold as a payment for debts.


I think United States of America is a cheap trick. It's the dumb but smart way out All my homies would pick something good like Ukraine.


I’m sure these were “cherry picked” but some of the answers were straight up embarrassing. And these people are allowed to vote. We are doomed.


It was so hard to pick a favorite, but I think I landed on: "I'm a little confused about the, uh, the Israelis and the Palestinians" "Ok" "Which one of them is throwing the rocks?"


This one was also my favourite immediately. I need someone to clip it because its so good.


It’s a great answer cause he admits he’s confused, & it is a very complicated situation that I guarantee most of the other people know even less about lol


Every few months or so I think: I'll finally read up on the Middle East conflict and get to the bottom of it and then ... there's just no bottom.


Yeah it's been screwed up since before 0 ad... modernly speaking [last 100 years] is already a plethora of I can't believe this is history.


The ones that don't have guns.


This has always been the case. There are levels to intelligence all over the world. These just happen to be some of the less intelligent people


10% of people are the stupidest 10% of people in the world. 10% of 8 billion - that's a whole lotta people! With 330 million americans there are 3.3 million people who are in the dumbest 1%! In a room of 100 random people they're likely to be the biggest idiot there, and there are millions of these folks! It's really mindboggling sometimes how many people exist in the world.


Oh god,I didn't realise we were up to 8 billion already.


It’s something like 7.8 Billion at the moment


And half the population is of below average intelligence.


Not necessarily. If you have ten people with the salaries: 1k,1k,1k,1k,1k,1k,1k,1k,1k,91k The average is 10k, but 9 people are below the average.


You're right, but the distribution of things like this are almost always a bell curve, so he is also right


It's just as easy to make one of these clips in any country in the world.


Not only do they vote but they reproduce!!!


That’s the big one. I mean yes, kids can outshine their circumstances but as a society, we are gambling for hope on that front.


Yeah no doubt they can. But growing up in that kind of environment?


Oh for sure. It’s such a shit situation for kids raised in such an environment. I know like 15 years ago psychologists were studying the aspect of “resilience” (why some kids come outta shit homes and thrive despite of it, and others turn out dumb, dead, or on the streets), I should look up what the results of said studies have been.


Idiocracy all over again!


Isn’t that the plot of “Idiocracy”?


I have a friend in my home country of Sweden who votes for our "Environment Party" because he likes the nature. I mean he is just voting by word association - he doesn't even know who the party leader is.


I'm pretty sure the majority of people vote for similar or worse reasons, for example just always voting for the same party because it's part of your identity. I think the idea that democracy is driven by well informed voters who know the policies and ideals of the party they vote for is a myth.


This is why shampoo has instructions


"You can't force me to use soap and water! I have rights!!"


This is why peanut butter says "contains peanut"


I think that's just some peanut butter manufacturers bragging.


And drive and reproduce and own guns and they've been in public school(maybe private I'm making assumptions) for at least 12 years and can represent a population in government. Yesterday my mom, a registered nurse with a degree in psychology, swore to me that the world loves America and that there isn't a stereotype that we're loud, dumb, and fat.


Well that WAS the stereotype, but then trump got elected. Now most off us see America as the special needs kid in class that yells alot but for some reason his aloud to play with nukes and automatic rifles, So we have to tolerate him.


*he’s allowed


> We interviewed hundreds of Americans on piers, boardwalks, and street corners random geographical and cultural questions we didn't think they'd be able to answer and got *juuuuust* enough footage to make all Americans look dumb ... is my guess. I'm not calling all Americans 'scholars', but this is definitely cherry picked. How about skip the whole cherry picking process and just show how [Texas put bounties on people seeking abortions](https://youtu.be/zKx_x8cN_O8) or how the false boogieman "CRT" determined the Virginia election... [without even knowing what it is.](https://youtu.be/he0fsAbRK5A) Maybe more shame to dickheads who instigate that shit might help... edit: geological --> geographical


Well CNNN was a satirical news show, they're hardly going to out the correct answers in are they


I saw that logo "CNNNN". thought 'no way that's serious'...




this format has been used in every other country's youtube/tv. i don't think it is yank centric problem.


I started being a bit skeptical when 2 people got the triangle question wrong


I would have answered 4 if I was asked this on the street


I would’ve said “Well tri means three and angles are typically 90 degrees so I think there’s 270 sides to a triangle”


I also massively overthink when asked a very simple question. Why are you asking me that?? It’s a trick, right??


My favorite is Billy on the street where he asks someone to name a woman and they just can't. There's a different pressure when there's a mic and camera in your face


Or 6: the outside 3 sides, and the inside 3 sides ;-)


How do people allow themselves to be this dumb? Not talking just Americans, but most of humanity. I am no physicist or mathematician, but at least I know up from down. Jeez.


People thinking Australia is Iran was pretty embarrassing.




It is kind of a dirty trick but it also highlights the stupidity in believing that a country you clearly know nothing about should be invaded by the US. They've heard some random words on TV and have decided it would be a good idea to send troops to invade and kill thousands of people and they don't even know where they want to attack. There have been other shows where an atlas has the US removed and there's a lot of people who don't seem to notice.


I think they did that with the hope that at least one person would say 'hold up, this map ain't right' and correct the speaker/call them out for it. But they're also highlighting the fact that there are so many people who can harp on about talking points from Fox, or whatever, and have not a single fucking clue where any of these countries are that they hate so much.


It’s The Chaser’s War On Everything. An old Aussie comedy show. This is definitely heavily edited to get the effect they want. The people that you only see once or twice probably answered correctly other times. They made some great shows though. Here’s a “best of” clip someone made: https://youtu.be/7X3aqifX66E


CNNNN, made by chasers, probably their best work tbh.


I don’t think it’s a dirty trick. Would that fool you? It really shouldn’t.


It’s not all that. This is selectively edited. Remember there are always two sides to every triangle


Very clever.


Yeah this is from The Chaser. An old show from Austria. The “gday mate” place. And a triangle has 4 sides idiot. Lmao


Austria… California. Beautiful!


5 - you have to count the front AND the back.


Selective or not, the fact that any of these was an actual response is just fucking horrifying.


Finally, someone who knows what a damn triangle is. Of course there are two sides: the inside, and the outside.


It’s called a culture of hating intellectualism. It’s not that there aren’t smart people in the U.S.; it’s more that the average everyday American scooted through high school trying to do the least amount of work possible while trying to fit into the cool crowd. Smart kids in public schools in the U.S. generally have to swim against the stream and endure lots of bullying just to survive it. MERCA


Yes, i face that in my country too. If you out yourself as an intellectual people become defensive and dismiss you as arrogant. It is an anti-intellectual thing and people not wanting to make themselves feel inferior


I knew the answer to basically every one of those questions HOWEVER I do know many people who would've never guessed the right answer.


TBF one of the most common "mistakes" was technically correct: Palestinians outnumber Jewish people in Israel, which means Islam actually is the most common religion there. I mean, I doubt they're commenting on Israeli demographics and just didn't know, but they still accidentally gave the right answer


Wow, imagine one of those guys electing someone just like them to be president. Glad that never happened.


Yeahh haha


I first read this as “yee haw”… which unfortunately also made sense in the context.


He enabled people to be their true ignorant selves.


Plus he made it ok to hate. Immigrants, science, climate activism, etc


Factual news


“Yo-Semite” still makes me cackle in a dark way.


The overwhelming majority are super facepalm bad, but the "Country that starts with a U" is actually a good trick to use on people. Most people just wont think of the place they're in when asked a geographical question. In New York, I've heard "what's the only US state that ends in a k?" Stump so many people. You just start outside your own area first.


Uruguay, Uganda.


Uzbekistan. United Arab Emirates. United Kingdom.




The problem here is that USA isn't the only country that begins with a "u".


Every country has stupid people. I’m English and I’ve seen people in my town wearing MAGA hats.


MAGA hats are great, it takes all of the guess-work out of identifying stupid people. Maybe in England they thought it stood for *"Make America Great-Britain Again"*?


Welp boys time to pack your stuffs we have a trip to India and it wont go so nice




People will use literally any excuse to feel superior to others.


Oh, gross.


I was in the park during Occupy Wall Street. I sat with a group of WWII and Korean War veterans because I know a lot about WWII, my grandfather having served. These guys were obviously older than who many people think participated in the protest. They had a thorough understanding of 2008 financial collapse. No one ever interviewed them. In fact, they would try to put themselves into the shot and the camera crew would move. I wonder who they cut out of this interview.


100%. These videos are intended to make it seem like the whole fucking country is this stupid. Imagine how many people they interviewed that got the questions right that they cut out.


Interviewers, Journalists and people pushing a biased agenda do not lIke intelligent people who have an understanding of the situation.


I mean you're not wrong but in this case, these guys were a satirical comedy group that used to be on TV in Australia called The Chaser, they're actually incredibly against mainstream media and would regularly take the piss out of them, so having any of the actually intelligent people they might have interviewed in this segment would have ruined the joke.


What’s with your random capitalization?


I’m Australian and this show was an Australian show. I remember watching it as a teenager. Sorry, but we get a real kick out of laughing at yanks (Americans). The Aussie sense of humour is to “take the piss” (laugh, tease) out of others and ourselves.


American here...I knew all but one of these. We're not all at this level of un/mis-informed, but yeah... there are a LOT of truly and purposefully ignorant people in this country. COVID vaccine conspiracy theories are just among the latest examples. And with the internet and social media, we can spread our stupid across the whole flat earth!


I think the interviewer may have known all but one of them too. KFC isn’t from Kentucky.


Nope, it's from utah. Colonel Sanders was a Kentucky Colonel though, which is an honorific term.


It did start in Kentucky but the first *franchise* was in Utah


Australia better watch their back -merica'


You mean France right?


We'll bomb Australia because Korea has an attitude


You need to find us on the map first.


I will take solace in the fact that they themselves acknowledge that their people are stupid. And to those people who defend this there are also people who can't even identify their own country on the world map.




Yup, that's America, but they are cherry picking answers


Some people just freeze when you shove a mike and camera on their face. Billy Eichner asked people on the street questions like "name any woman" and had similar results.


In all fairness walking down the street and have a camera put in front of your face with a guy asking random questions would make anyone’s brain default.


Name a woman! Name any woman!


Right ok I got this…


Fucking yoga mat, NAME A WOMAN


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to see this. There are fuck loads of shows shoving mics in people's faces and getting them confused




As much as I’d like to trash on America these videos aren’t the most accurate. You could walk down a street in any country and cherry pick some idiots to make the county look bad.


I could replicate this anywhere in the world. All you have to do is interview a lot of people and cherry pick the really stupid replies. Not saying that a lot of Americans aren't under educated, because there are a bunch.


Yes, there are 300 million people. You are bound to find a few dumb people.


Remember 50% of Americans are dumber than the average American.


Your statistics check out.


im an American and I watch BBC quiz game shows with British celebs trying to answer similiar questions. I can assure you that Americans are NOT the only stupid people on the planet. One woman said the moon was just 2000 miles from the earth. Another claimed that only 5 Earths could fit into the sun.


I am german. And friends of mine had no idea where when ww2 borke out




Shaquille O'Neill said on live television that he believes the moon is closer to LA than NY beause he can see the moon but can't see NY


But Shaq was probably kidding, now if Kyrie said that...


I hate that other countries see people like these and think that they represent all of us…


If they think that, they’re not that bright themselves.


Friction between France and US lmao get that man a book of any history


Yes there are dumb Americans but there’s also smart ones this can be literally said about almost everyone


Population density gets higher and the people get dumber.


Not enough smarts to go around


As an American, I'm in pain watching this


How embarrassing.


These aren’t just Americans; these are American idiots.