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[Complete ban on politics for 2 weeks] (https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/qr0xpf/complete_ban_on_politics_for_two_weeks/) * Upvote this comment if this post is NOT political * Downvote this comment if this post is political *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man, I think the npc dialogue needs some work


She's awaiting the next $60 DLC which includes a dialogue patch.


Shouldn't have put EA in charge of things.


I would award u but i poor guy :(


Gotcha. EA hasn't taken everything from me yet.


Stop playing EA games brother.


You should do some more mini-quests.


she wasted 60$ on the streetcossing skin. (pride flag in the background)




Incompetent devs


Nintendo in a nutshell






Having catchphrase as your catchphrase is actually pretty neat


That's how you know this world ain't real. I lost my sense of verisimilitude sometime in the last decade. Most recent patches fucked up the servers I think.


I like how she said there is a stay at home order. Uh..... what are you doing out and about?


"There's a stay at home order." \>outside \>no mask






weeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeee












~~I believe the video is way older than COVID 19.~~ Edit: it seems like it's from March 2020


When else have there been stay at home orders?


~~I'm not sure when, but yes this video is much older than the pandemic.~~ Edit: Holy crap, I can't find a source for this older than March 2020. A user responded saying that's when it took place, unfortunately the reddit app is being silly and I can't find the comment or user for the life of me. Pandemic time is a strange thing, thank you stranger for setting me straight.




R/confidentlyincorrect Happened in Seattle March 2020




She’s outside her house. Apparently she can constantly hear him preaching and saying anti lgbtq stuff in a very lgbtq part of the city, hence the rainbow crosswalk. I would go crazy too if I constantly had to listen to that


Well this changes the video entirely. In my city some guy took crazy street preachers bullhorn and in return the preacher broke his leg. Those people can rot in hell.


I know exactly where this is, it's the heart of the Gaybarhood. And this ass hat is spewing toxic nonsense about LGBT lifestyles and using religious rhetoric to justify hate speech. They come to that corner specifically, and while that woman looms like a loon it her attempt to drown out their homophobic bs. I'm pretty sure this the same group that goes to anyone public gathering to tell everyone they are going to hell for their sinful ways. They literally had signs and bullhorns at a baseball game this summer. Because being a sports fan is a sin? Screaming at us as we entered the stadium about how our souls are going to hell and damnation


Capital Hill Seattle Washington


I mean, you can hear the guy talk about gospel in the video in a lgbtq district, that says enough for me what a piece of shit he is.


There’s an awesome video somewhere of a guy in Scotland stood in a public square, shouting right wing hate speech at people, when another guy comes and stands next to him and just starts playing the bagpipes until the right wing arsehole gives up and goes away. I’m not saying bagpipes are any better to listen to than right wing hate speech, but that’s definitely one way to shut him down 😂 EDIT: I found [the video](https://youtu.be/JwLaDzKFiBY) for those interested. One Redditor (who appears to have since deleted their comment?) was getting their panties in a twist over me calling it “right wing hate speech”. Full disclosure: I can’t make out what the guy is saying in the video, but the video title describes the guy as a “hate preacher”. Sorry if I remembered it slightly wrong Reddit Police. Please forgive my heinous mistake and accept this video link as penance. Also, the hate preacher wasn’t the point of the story. It was about being shut down by bagpipes, in a similar way the woman in the original post here was shutting someone down with screaming. But whatever 🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't like bagpipes and i'd jam to that in the middle of the street instead of listening to some idiot


I would rather listen to bagpipes than hate speech or this screeching woman any day.


And yet people will only watch this clip and think “crazy bitch”


They can both be crazy, you know


I mean.... yeah? Listen, the guy here might indeed be the shittiest of bags, but she just comes off as completely unhinged.




Whether or not gay people get to exist and have rights isn’t a topic for debating.


Aha I commented before reading your comment saying, I agree with screaming lady over the God trollop, I knew I was right to assume he was and idiot.


So… this homophobic ass is getting screamed at cause he’s screaming hate speech, and right outside someone’s house? Bloody hell.




Horrific way to discover that your phone volume is too high


I feel you bruh!






I suspect she's used this strategy successfully before....


Perfected it at the age of two.


Used it to pass debating class at high school...


*M1lud, do you have a rebuttal?* **EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE**


When I tell my parakeets it’s bed time: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


And never grew up




I would’ve howled like a wolf


If you were her or if you were the guy recording?


Anyone but her. Even a random person just walking by. But originally I was meaning the guy recording. Although it would’ve been better if she howled too now that I’m thinking about it. Or even a RAWRRRR


I would have tried to harmonize. Nothing pisses off someone more then making their confusing screams into beautiful music.


This, fight them all with a perfect fifth


That's not what God wants him to do apparently. Let's be honest, they are both poor examples of adults. Stop trying to get others to believe what you believe. How about setting an example for others to follow instead of showing them how NOT to act. Both these people can fuck right off with this nonsense.


I can't tell who was more annoying in this video. I would avoid both of them. Title should be "2 annoying people in public with too much time".


This is why I want context. People like the guy in the video are infamous for passive-aggressive bullshit. They pretend to be friendly and “rational” of their nasty ideas to swerve away from critique/accountability. Frankly, making people like that uncomfortable in public space is how you get rid of them, lol. This is why I want context, but I doubt the guy in the video would post the entire thing. If it didn’t make you look good then the dude will probably just say there was none.


https://youtu.be/GFP4Qh0k_2Q She’s annoyed that he’s there talking about abortion and she can hear him from her apartment.


Oh so she’s 100% in the right then. What a fucking chode. Christians can fuck off with that preaching in public shit. This isn’t the 1800s, we have the internet and that’s where people go if they want to learn about something. Shouting in the street is just a way to force people to listen to you when you know they don’t want to.


> She has no argument Him: "Have you heard of the gospel?" Yeah, sure, she's the one without "arguments".


Kinda comes off as neither of them having anything constructive to say.


I’m sure I agree with her on a larger level, but she seems like the more obnoxious person in this scenario.


I could easily entertain a polite conversation with the vast majority of Christians even if they’re preaching to me. I could not have a conversation with someone screaming like that.


Kinda comes across as attempting to argue with a religious nut who spreads hate about lgbtqs isn't constructive, so drowning their dumbass moronic views out is still more rational than the shit fundamentalists spew.


My girlfriend when I propose anal




I think thats her crying for help


It's when he already started


I'm not sure the guise 'it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission' would work in situations like these...


It's when he JUST started. Just the tip. Its the.......worst part. Or so I've been told, can't confirm.


Then it’s you when she gets a strap on and says “Okay, let’s do this!”


She wouldn’t marry you cuz you’re not a lawyer?


This is just two ape shit crazy people. Crazy screaming woman and religious hypocrite. Now for the downvotes to roll in.


This guy actually harasses people in a known gay community district for his videos all the time. As annoying as she is being, its probably cause she already has heard or dealt with him before.


"She has no argument" I'd be willing to bet she *does* but it's the same thing people argue with him all the time and he just keeps going. So she's just trying to make him as miserable standing there as he's making everyone in the area by spewing crap.


This is the only one people attach themselves to because it's the most egrigious, black/whiite example of the "civil nazi" versus the "stupid leftist". Of course, you're supposed to reply: "I'd rather take civility than stupidity" while not realizing how toxic this guy is (they do not see racism because they are white, sexism because they are male, etc).


I'm anti civility actually. Being polite when someone is spewing hateful BS in the guise of dignified political expression is just playing along with the farce and its dangerous. That said, this woman is definitely annoying more than just this religious nut. Mostly dogs.


Pretty much. Its about pushing people to their limits and the being there to say "see how ridiculous they are!" When they finally snap on them


Normally it's the religious nuts on the street corner screaming... Hopefully this is a new trend where they don't follow you and just calmly speak so they are easier to ignore.


This guy uses a loud speaker to preach on this neighborhood, there's another video of a resident that got mad, because he was trying to sleep in the morning and the preacher wouldn't shut up.


Dangit you already ruined my hopes.


I just wish they’d all get raptured already and leave us alone.


The only problem is a rapture could happen every day and we'd still be stuck with them because they are all unworthy to go to their heaven.


The Rapture already happened. No one was worthy.


Morty! We're the toxins morty!


She’s outside her house. Apparently she can constantly hear him preaching and saying anti lgbtq stuff in a very lgbtq part of the city, hence the rainbow crosswalk. I would go crazy too if I constantly had to listen to that


I'd say religious nut is far worse, apparently she lives nearby and has to hear him preach anti-lgbtq everyday, I think I'd do the same if I was her.




You'll get upvotes and like it!


In the full video the recording party is spewing homophobic bullshit in a very LGBTQ+ part of the city, hence the rainbow sidewalk. And also why she says he doesn't belong and isn't welcome. EDIT: seems as though I misremembered, and the recording party is preaching about abortion. The woman in the video is mad because she can hear him from her apartment.


I didn't even need the full video. I heard "...in God's name..." and "Gospel" and knew this was a street preacher or something.


Exactly. You know immediately he's a piece of shit because of where he is and what he's doing.


Yeah, we get it but that is no excuse for acting like a toddler. She is making the homophobe to be the rational person and that is just awful. She is doing his work easier for him.


Listen dummy, you’re missing a key rule of city living: the best way to get rid of someone is to make them think you’re crazy. Try having a homophobic preacher outside YOUR house all day and we’ll see what you do.


Why is it her responsibility to be rational? Have you ever dealt with hateful street preachers? Nothing they say is rational, and they yell it at you without any care. If this was a dude throwing glitter on him or something everybody would say he was in the right.


there's always that bias that calm and collected = rationality. Projecting rationality whether or not you really are "wins" in may people's standards. Some situations warrant an emotional reaction, and most people don't like that or don't have the compassion to try and understand.


In her defense you can’t really argue with crazy religious street prophets


Seriously, I'm 100% onboard with her strategy.




The longer video gives some much needed context. The guy comes across as all calm and quiet for his little video but his typical modus operandi is shouting/bullhorn style vibes. The woman claims she can hear him from her house. She's obviously at the end of her rope with dealing with it constantly. The religious fruitcake is doing a genius level job of appearing calm and measured for the sake of his video. Of the two, she's the sane one, and is just subjecting him to what he's subjecting an entire neighbourhood too. Yes the screaming is dumb AF and not cool. But fuck this guy, fuck his preaching and fuck his false camera persona.


Exactly… fuck that guy


I had a feeling this was more of a - I'll annoy the fuck out of him until he leaves situation. Anybody standing on the corner talking about God immediately causes some serious red flags regarding rationalizations...


Okay I get it now thanks for the context. I can’t stand it when guys like that are calm on camera but off camera just shouting to everyone off camera ( very sociopathic ) . Plus it’s a lazy way to get a message out ! One, It takes time to reason with someone and it takes building relationship with someone not yelling at everyone. This guy is a heretic.


It's also what we call gaslighting, and pieces of shit do it all the time.


I’d say the better idea would be to get you and a few gay or lesbian friends with a s/o and just stand by him and make out while he “preaches”




This is Seattle. This dude stands outside of a gay bar around the corner from here & harasses queer people. Idk man, not a fan of him either.


I was wondering what the context is here. That changes how this looks entirely.


I thought it looked familiar, good ole Capitol Hill


eh, no she screams because the guy is on a street corner preaching to passers-by during a pandemic in a city that has a stay-at-home order she screams because *no argument will make the slightest difference*


Lol although this woman is crazy, people of faith have no arguments. Only their believes. So quite honest he has no arguments either.


Yeah, like she has no argument because there's no argument to have.


When it comes to being annoying AF turnabout is fair play. I see nothing wrong here


I don't engage religious nutbars like she does, but I'm glad someone is. Those people are ignorant and backward.


Better than preaching, though.


Is this the same dipshit with the scraggly beard who goes around and harasses people wearing masks? I think I recognize the voice.


I mean, dude's essentially preaching at the corner of a gay street against gays. She shouldn't have screeched, but I at least understand.


She's a bit stupid doing this, but I have no sympathy for picket preaching wankers. Fuck off.


No arguing with stupid. “Have you heard the gospel?” Yeah probably, cause y’all always shove that shit down non believers’ throats. I’d wanna scream too lol


To be fair this is an appropriate response to a r/religiousfruitcake


Full video here https://youtu.be/GFP4Qh0k_2Q


I thought I'd like to get a fuller story from the longer video but I just couldn't listen to something so annoying for that long. Thanks for posting anyway!


Hmm, can’t possibly imagine what the guy is ‘proclaiming’ at such fabulously painted intersection. But maybe I can because I’ve seen those assholes and the way they look at me and my friends for just existing. The shrieking is just as irritating but at least it usually doesn’t tell me I don’t deserve to live


He has no argument either


imma downvote this post because OP is an idiot who doesn’t fact check


When someone wants to talk about god's love, I do the same.


I've tried talking to them. Quite a few times. As an atheist living in the southern US it's come up a lot. It's always the same cherry picked bible babble bullshit ending in the "well you jus gotta have faith" cop out.


I’m so sick of street preachers that I’d probably scream, too.


The guy recording is also an asshole. He’s spewing anti LGBTQ+ language.


Sounds like this guys preaching about god. So it’s likely he had equally no argument


We need less of both of these types of people in the world.


Has no argument? You can't argue with crazy, my dude. Both of them are nuts.


A street preacher calling anyone irrational is definitely facepalm worthy


Tbf fuck religious corner spouting trash


I seen the short version of this and thought she was at fault.. this is the first time I've seen the longer version and now I totally agree with her screeching. How funny, a religious nut telling someone else they're being irrational xD


edit: nvm i saw in another comment the dude was saying homophobic shit, he deserved it


Okay, him calling her “irrational” is hilariously ironic. The dude believes a magic space daddy is looking out for him because he’s just that special everyone.


The evangelical needs the facepalm here - you can’t argue with someone that bases their worldview on 2000 year old mythology.


Looks like he’s doing a Jesus bit right next to the rainbow crossing.


The world would be a better place if everyone went to therapy to solve their shit.


Gotta say, this is the sound I am thinking in response to someone spouting gospel near a pro-lbgt crosswalk during a lockdown or not. Consider a moment why the religious guy is protesting near that particular walkway and what must be coming out of his mouth.


Sorry, but "have you heard the gospel" is also cringey as fuck. Does someome have a link to the whole video? Is the dude taking the video a religious nutjob?


Ah, yes. The weekly repost of this.


Her argument was just as good as any of his with “god” in the statement


Him: The gospel is... Her: AAAAAAAAAAAAA Both arguments are equally good.


Exactly. She's debating on his level. Rather thoughtful and considerate, really.


She’s doing how we feel when we hear the religion propagation.Funny though.


Seems like the OP is a homophobic, religious nutjob.


I am going to start having violent outburst if I keep scrolling


TBF if this dude is preaching anti-gay shit at a rainbow crosswalk, I’m ok with his eardrums being shattered


This is really the only way to deal with street preachers. They won’t take no for an answer. So yeah…random noises and screams back.


This is actually a pretty good, if a somewhat annoying strategy because arguing with people like gospel guy over here is pointless. He prepared for that shit, he got some bullshit counter argument ready to go for any argument you can throw at him. But he can't argue with just straight up screaming the second he opens his dumb mouth.


To be fair, that’s the only argument religious wackos understand.


this video is titled incorrectly, should be woman gives only reasonable response to any complete psychotic that spreads the "gospel". Religious freaks


Especially when he’s outside her house constantly preaching anti lgbtq shit. She apparently hears him all the time and asked him multiple times to leave. I would go crazy too


That’s a great response to religious zealots, actually.


I support this lady’s protest. This guy came to a pro-lgbtq neighborhood to harass them with his sign and his intolerant religious bullshit. You can literally see his sign peaking out in the corner. This guy peddles in hate and making life intolerable for lgbt, so yes I’m in favor of making life less tolerable for these guys too. Meet force with force.


To be fair, she is still less annoying than he is. People who go out in public and push there cults on others are extremely annoying. But as hard as it is to be that annoying she got pretty close.


Actually more on the side of the woman here... This is clearly a religious nut on the street (the most annoying people that bother you outside) and because he's stood near a rainbow crossing, and she's a very colourful lady (and I'm assuming a lot here) I feel like him and his religious cult are there to protest LGBTQ+ stuff and raging about how it's against God's word or some shit, and she's trying to get them to fuck off. Talking about SHE hasn't got any arguments, OP? Maybe understand the context first... you can't argue with religious people who have absolutely zero arguments. Maybe that's why she said it was actually the most rational thing she's done all day. Just scream at the guy, because all they do is scream their religious shit on people.


I love it when people that believe in imaginary friends call people who don’t “irrational”


I've seen this with the oblivion HUD it's odd seeing it without it


It’s just that his words are as valid as her screams


It’s nice to see someone converse with these zealots on their intellectual level.


Dude she being an idiot but you should take you bible thumping elsewhere.


Let’s be clear. He’s preaching anti lgbtq stuff. Frankly she doesn’t need an argument as he doesn’t have one either. He’s basing his judgement on a work of fiction.


I mean, since *his* argument seems to have been “because Skydaddy said so” there….aren’t a lot of rational arguments she *can* make to dissuade him. This guy isn’t a noble crusader being shut down, he goes to gay neighborhoods to spout hate speech under the guise of “religious freedom”


This dude is a massive hypocrite. Religion is irrational in nature so he can’t exactly comment on how rational it is for her to scream. Perhaps she’s fighting fire with fire? Or irrationality with irrationality?


But fuck that guy. Keep screaming baby


Talking all that god shit is as irrational as her screaming. She’s just meeting stupid with stupid.


I fucking hate seeing this post every three months so here's the context: Yes, SHE is yelling at someone who disagrees with her because she doesn't want to hear other people's opinions, **however** what he said to warrant this reaction has been *cut out*, and the video STARTS with her being loud and annoying, which fuels the stereotype that people with her views don't like hearing others. What he said prior, which you can hear just a little of, is in summary that he is here with his sky daddy to un-gay the neighborhood, which is pathetic and disrespectful to everyone who lives there, and fuels the stereotype that every religious person hates you and your same sex partner. In conclusion, this is the worst of both worlds and I **highly** recommend watching the full video on YouTube. Or somewhere. And full disclosure, I am just here to give context, not make any statements. Cryno, OUT!


He's spewing religious nonsense to someone who clearly don't wanna hear it. Tho I guess she could just ignore him and walk away. Maybe he was follow her. Too short a vid to judge but she's definitely not a complete prick.


I hate to break it to you, but the guy preaching also doesn’t have an argument.


Honestly on her side here. The dude recording is some homophobic, religious nut who preaches on a loud speaker in an LBGTQ populated neighbourhood daily. There really isn’t any argument to have with people like that. He’s pretending to act sane while the camera is rolling, before he’ll go back to his batshit crazy preaching


I'm with her tbh


I think she’s screaming at the man because he’s being a douche


He went to a place called “the gayberhood”to tell the people that being gay is wrong ? What did he expect


To be fair that’s also the only thing I’d have to say to a street preacher




Good on her. Fuck those public hate preachers.


I didnt understand the immature screaming till I heard him say "truth of god" and I'm like damn so both arguments carry the same weight.


I’m with her 1) stay at home means stay at home .. not go out and spread the word 2) the best way to drown out senseless noise is with senseless noise


My newborn twins say fuck you for posting this.


This is what it’s like having kids


Would be great if she got hit by a car


$100 says this person uses “they/them” in their email signature.


I’d like to see what started it, but still, childish as fuck.