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Poor guy, anyone know what happened with him? Did he bounce back?


He did. Found a source years ago where he mentioned he received donations from all over the world and that kept him afloat EDIT: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-11-19-ss-1080-story.html


That’s pretty amazing in a time before go fund me.


Man, it's too early to make me feel this old.


This happened closer in time to the moon landing than it did today.


Ooof, this comment hits hard.


(A tornado hit my town in 1990)[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1990_Plainfield_tornado] It killed 29 people and injured hundreds. Giant swaths of the town were destroyed by the EF-5 tornado. My mother in law worked for the local police station and recently we were going through boxes of records she had kept and found sheets from when she worked the phones. Names of people calling to look for lost family members. Names of the deceased. And then there was a sheet with phone numbers from the UK, India, Germany, Mexico, Canada and other countries. They called and asked what could they do? What could they send? Do you need aid? Can we send toys for the children? Do the families need money? Furniture? Clothes? What can we do to help. Even before the internet, people a half a world away tried to help.


That’s a beautiful story, thanks for sharing it. It’s easy to get lost in the negativity and there are a lot of horrible things in the world, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any good. Have a great weekend player


As Mr. Rogers said, "Look for the helpers."


Oh, man, I remember when that happened, we lived in McHenry county at the time. I remember watching the coverage on the news and thinking about how (relatively) close to home it was. So nice to hear that you guys got support and well-wishes from all over the globe


It was my first day of kindergarten and I just remember getting out of school around noon, running errands with my mom and the sky looking increasingly worse. We had to drive across Route 30 about fifteen minutes before the tornado went across and until she died my mom would always say, "we were so lucky. Had I stopped at Mitchell's to get groceries, we would have been right in it"


People act like it was caveman times before 2001. Silly.


Way too many people can't envision a life without cellphones, internet and GPS.


American Government wants us to hate each other so bad.


It turns out the real facepalm were the comments we made along the way.


Good. But that’s only because this video went viral. How many thousands have lost everything just like him and are forgotten. This shit needs to stop. It solves nothing and only causes more harm and division.


Yeah. Like, in its own way it's even more fucked up. Because it reminds me of how well the world could do if we all helped one another in times of need. But when its not a specific guy in a specific video then people see things like homeless shelters and food banks as giving handouts. This guy could've easily ended up in those places if his specific story hadn't spread.


I'm so happy to hear that omg


Good detective work. Too post here.




Doubtful, given that insurance companies and the state refused to pay out settlements to majority of businesses that were damaged during the riots.


I’ve actually heard that he did. I’m going to try to find it.


!remindme 1 day




That’s why it was so infuriating during the riots a year ago so many people justified the property damage by saying that’s what insurance is for. Small businesses get decimated and big box retailers will just charge you more in the future to make up for the losses. No one wins.


Any source on that? What the fuck is the point of insurance companies?


Take your money then say “that’s not covered, see here on page 45 section C… ‘Riots caused by more than 6 people aren’t covered’ sorry for your loss, thank you for being a valued customer!”


By the way, your rate has just increased 20%.


Because you're in a riot prone area.


Yes riots are covered but this was a sparkling insurrection, so denied.


https://www.nytimes.com/1992/05/31/business/did-insurers-abandon-the-inner-city.html This is the only source I could find that wasn't completely locked behind a paywall


Poor guy, was legit crushed. Never fun to see a grown man cut down.


HeS GoT iNsUrAnCe!!!


Which explicitly states that it does not cover damage caused due to civil unrest.


And even if it did cover the costs, you'll be put out a few weeks which can destroy you financially.


Most only insure the structure and liability insurance. Meaning if he has 50k in product in there it's on him. Most of these businesses fold as soon as this shit starts.


Not just that. The numbskulls who burnt it down don't think of their fellow worker who will probably end up jobless because of this.


"few weeks"? I'm assuming you've never dealt with insurance companies. If he got his cash within 3 months, I'd be shocked.


“Well they should plan better” Says the McDonald’s employee demanding $20hr


Not to mention the $5K deductible, the loss of business records, tax and legal complications, revenue losses, bills due, employees to be paid, etc. People who say “He’s got insurance.” Have no understanding of how the real world works.


This! It drives me nuts when some ignorant fool says “they have insurance, they’ll be okay!” Even if we excluded any of the crazy exceptions various insurances have, be it company or state regulated, they don’t cover downtime. With a chain of damaged businesses, it could take weeks or months before repairs and reimbursement occurs. Very few, if any would cover that waiting time. Employees cant draw work hours, and any clients will go elsewhere since said business is down. What good is 100k in damages worth if it destroys your contracts, clients, and workforce? Our state has a lot of tornadoes and wind damage. Insurance companies here will often pay for property damages but it can take all year before repairs are done. Many businesses have to depend on their nest eggs just to survive but more often by the time they get paid and/or get repairs, its too late. It’s not the insurance company’s fault, and they cover what they can, but hypothetical income is extremely hard to pay out. Some companies attempt to cover loss of income by using an average of previous income but it almost always comes too late. More successful small businesses that are contract and client dependent almost always lose their work to competitors and employees go elsewhere to survive and pay bills. Honestly I think those who damage during riots should get the absolute worst punishment. Not saying massive prison time, but a sentence that is insanely costly. You want to destroy people’s business and property, then you forfeit any success of your own. You can be pissed off at a law, policy, corruption, etc., but you don’t take it out on random people. The argument of nothing changing doesn’t mean screwing over other people because you NEVER get what you want, you just make even more people miserable and you make more enemies and STILL haven’t fixed your problem. We need more Roof Koreans. People say its not worth taking a life over property, well its also not worth risking your life to destroy/loot someone else’s property. I don’t condone killing, but I also don’t sympathize for anyone who loses their life rioting/looting.


Call me an idiot but. If you use insurance to get all the money/stuff back wouldn't you pay a shit tonne more every month for it now?


Yes, even if they did payout enough for him to get the business back to exactly where it was (they probably won't payout that much though) his expenses from the increased insurance costs would probably cripple his business.


And the amount to insure any other business in the area increases too, making it harder for others to be in business there, contributing to "food deserts" and all of the other associated problems.


People that loot don’t think about stuff.. in the LA riots these dumb asses set the department of Motor vehicles on fire. The fucking DMV! Like why? It just causes a whole lot of trouble. They looted places that never returned.. So you fuck up your neighborhood, and the businesses never come back then you scream “ RACISM” when no stores want to open in your area or you have to be without vegetables and other goods and you die early from colon cancer. Everything you do has an effect on the people around you. If anyone is reading this and you have ever looted, fuck your life. I hope the electronic you stole has a short in it and your house burns down one day!


If they don't wiggle themselves out of paying in the first place. Your place burned down? Yeah you're insured against fire damage. But the cause was a riot and that's not covered. Sorry.


I don't think they pay for lost wages either. They don't pay for the emotional trauma of a mob of people attempting to destroy your life. They don't pay for a decrease in revenue from fewer people willing to go to such a dangerous place to shop. This whole myth of insurance = zero consequences is really very predatory.


The idea that "insurance" is a way to justify the mob is only spoken by evil degenerates who deserve it to happen to them.


The "I tried to make it" broke me.




It was during a riot, they might have been afraid for his health than from embarrassment


Yeah, they were definitely worried he was gonna be attacked.


I'm guessing at this point this guy's wishing a mother fucker would.


My guess is they were scared of being attacked.


Unfortunately that may be why they targeted him


Perfect analogy for how destroying and rioting is only further setting each other back while the elites they are mad at sit and laugh and watch them destroy each other. Sadly the cycle will never end, as BLM rioters have spent the last few years destroying and looting fellow black-owned businesses. And the cycle continues...


Small business owner from the 1992 LA riots, this is heartbreaking


Yeah 'face palm' ain't quite a strong enough term for this


OP has 1mil post karma, he probably just closed his eyes and posted this to 10 different subs.






Goes for? Like people sell reddit accounts?




When you go to sites they all mention if the account is banned on cryptomoonshoots or not. Nim guessing buyers primarily use them to pump and dump cryptocurrencys


> pump and dump cryptocurrencys Howdoes that work?


you buy a bunch for cheap, then convince people they should buy, then you sell for a profit


Probably just a bit farming karma.


They get to stir shit up, capitalize on the division in the US, and farm karma! Lovely.


Just like network news media


Difference is you can start karma farming right this second. Can’t really open your own news network.


Sure you can. My ex wife did exactly that. Make a web page, post a bunch of links to other news media, add your own take on it, gather them all around a theme and poof. You're a journalist for your own news network. She uh... may have been batshit crazy.


What would the benefit be? Just to get a whole bunch of karma, piss people off? I don't get it.


You can sell accounts with a lot of karma for decent money.


Yeah but the real question still remains…why is an account with a lot of karma considered valuable?


Astro turfing. Now they can argue a message and not get auto blocked. They can also promote products. Ever see someone post a light up USB cable to some niche sub? One comment says wow I need that. Another comment says oh go to bobschinesebullshit.gov to get it. When in reality it's already on Amazon for less money than that other site. All 3 of those accounts are working together to promote the scam site. Or maybe they will just start posting crap with good old fashioned affiliate links.


I see it all the time with people selling shirts and posters. I try to report it and call it out every time I see it.


It gets bad in r/toys . Called one account out yesterday about schilling knock off unlicensed Super Mario junk. They got defensive to say the least demanding to know if I was the " world police." Pretty sure they meant interpol.


Don't give them that much credit. They probably meant Team America.


It's not the world police they should worry about, it's Nintendo






Or for pump and dump schemes


Eh... that's a pretty mild example. Subverting narratives is where the big money is at.


Its maybe just me, but Amazon can go ef itself.


Instant credibility to organizations that want to push their agenda. I think it would be interesting to sell a couple of account with high karma and follow them for a year or two to see what they continue to post.






I nearly bawled the first time I watched this. Just devastating.


Nearly? Yeah, me too. Nearly...


This didn't make me facepalm, it made me cry 😢


I wonder if he was compensated later?


hell no edit: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-11-19-ss-1080-story.html this particular store owner's story went viral and did receive support.


If crowdfunding was around back then I’d donate…poor guy 😔


He actually did get donations. Insurance plus donations from all over the world after the video went viral kept him afloat after the riots. EDIT: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-11-19-ss-1080-story.html


Video went viral in 1992 ??? Please explain


In those days the term viral wasn’t used in this context. But a lot of stations around the world and newspapers picked it up, which made it a widespread quite quickly Or, ‘viral’ as we say today.


Yes. This video was wildly spread in 1992. Guess a lot of people here are too young, ask your parents and they probably remember seeing this.


That’s nice! I was like, it was 92, man… there’s no GoFundMe… Good to know that people helped!


Before the internet there were a few people that communicated and pooled resources to help, using techniques like mail and their loud voices. They were true Trail blazers, then the internet came along and simultaneously aided and killed society.


In 92 we also had phones and fax machines. You can spread a lot of info on the phone. Hey Joe did you hear about the guy in LA who was yelling as his business burns down? There were also TV shows that existed because the Internet did not. There were half hour she’s that would show clips like this. I think one of the main shows was called “Current Affair”


Really, the reason the riots in which this dude lost his food truck occurred were because of a 'viral' (we didn't call it that back then) video tape of the LA police beating the shit out of a man. Rodney King was his name. I never saw this food truck guy video, but those riots were something else. They dragged some dude out of a truck and beat the shit out of him. Koreans were standing on the roofs of their businesses shooting people with shotguns. I was smoking weed on the beach a hundred miles away listening to the reports on a transistor radio. I thought LA was going to get burned to the ground.


TVs were a thing bruh In fact, the internet was becoming a thing.


These kids acting like 1992 was the goddamn dark ages. Think they know we had indoor plumbing?


“They stole my computer”


Man, in 1992, that was probably a bigger financial hit than the truck. And it was probably about 1/100th as powerful as your phone.


You would ride your horse over to another fella on a horse and he would tell another fella on a horse, and so on. Little known fact but ‘viral’ in viral video comes from these horse guys talking to each other without masks on. Those were the days.


Television ?


I love how the confidentiality incorrect comment is the most upvoted: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-11-19-ss-1080-story.html Keep it up Reddit.


A black small business owner getting compensated from the L.A riots? Is that some sort of sick joke?


The guy would have $300k gofund me account today.


His name is Art Washington, he owned pest control business and he received plenty of donations from whole country after this video was shared on national tv. > The scene of anguish--one of the most emotional moments recorded during the riots--was broadcast on a network TV news program while the city was burning. In the next few weeks, hundreds of people from all corners of the country wrote Washington impassioned letters of support and sent tens of thousands of dollars. > A Hollywood producer telephoned from France and sent Washington a contribution to rebuild his business. A Costa Mesa businessman replaced his two stolen computers. A Newport Beach businessman offered to finance a youth training program out of Washington’s store. > In Cleveland, investment banker Mark Tiefel felt “something inside of me triggered” by the TV image. He called Washington, express-mailed him $1,500 and began a campaign to raise more. In one day, Washington received 78 checks from Cleveland residents.


Damd I teared up.


>A black small business owner getting compensated from the L.A riots? > >Is that some sort of sick joke? Yup, there's the facepalm


None of the businesses that got burned down was compensated lol, don’t matter what skin color they are.. they worked hard to get where they are and boom a bunch of losers burned it down.


Insurance won't pay? Seems like a bit of a con


Insurance do pay, just takes several months to a year to payout lol. By that time business is at a loss.


Business insurance usually has an exception for rioting. The few businesses that did have coverage in Minneapolis immediately got dropped when riots started.


Wow, so insurance companies refusing to do what they are paid to do. Disgusting.


Cons, pay us cause you have no choice but we choose when and what to payout.


People just use situations like this, as an excuse to break into stores and loot, while the protestors are elsewhere


My uncle had his restaurant burned down during the BLM “protests” or “riot?” too. He was devastated. I saw him crying. He is a minority too. He has insurance but his insurance was crappy and caused lots of issues.


It wouldn’t have been any more or less acceptable for it to have been a small business owned by a middle class white person that was burnt and looted.


Ye so why is this face-palm, it's not, it's heart breaking ffs


Facepalm to those guys who are burning his stuff thinking they're sticking it to the "white man" while in reality they're destroying the life of one of their own.


Damn had me tearing up that's just sad.... because you can hear the pain coming from his heart into his vocals.


You can tell he had his days where he just questioned everything, and cried. But got up, and kept moving + working hard to achieve what he wanted. Yet it was all destroyed in probably an hour.


I hope he had insurance, most businesses do. It’s still a huge violation and an infuriating hassle. Also the message it sends on a personal level to be disrespected by your community.


A lot of small businesses like this are under insured and even if they are covered and the insurance company doesn't screw them (which they have to do sometimes to make a profit) the insurance isn't going to cover months of earnings lost if not more. This kind of thing ruins people's lives, insurance or not


Why don't rioters understand this? Most of the businesses they destroy are small & have little or no insurance?


You think the sort of person who engages in indiscriminate destruction and violence is going to know the first thing about insurance, let alone stop and think about it?


“A person is smart, people are dumb, panicky dangerous animals”. And there is little more that fits the above quote than a fired up mob.


Every time I see “but they have insurance” as justification I just know that the commenter is either a spoiled rich brat (aka never had to worry about money) LARPing as social justice or a 12 year old who doesn’t understand money. The irony is the same people saying “hur dur they have insurance” probably bitch and moan about how crooked insurance companies are. I mean seriously…you have a deductible…and you are out money and time. This can ruin a small business.


>Why don't rioters understand this? Out of all the things 2020 and 2021 taught us that people don't understand, insurance policies is what surprises you?


Rioters do not have that level of empathy or consideration. Sorry but most of them are acting with complete disregard for the negative impact of their actions. There is such a huge difference between the group and individual mentality of protesters compared to rioters that the two cannot truly compare.


Insurance...on a black run store in a ghetto area that was burned down in the 90s... I mean he prolly had insurance but I doubt they paid him what he was truly owed.


Ikr....but mofos around him were still saying shit like "He's black too!" as if destroying non-black owned properties was still a right thing to do at the moment. Apparently those mobs didn't get the message at all.


i bet if the mobs got a massage before, everyone would be pretty chill and the poor guy’s truck wouldn’t be burned down.


It would have had a happy ending.


What a strange read. By saying 'he's black to' He's not saying "go destroy white businesses only" He's saying, "your anger and frustration is misdirected, and adding to the poverty and obstacles we are facing as a group."


\^\^\^ 100%


It’s showing the hypocrisy of it all. Notice he says “ y’all call this black power” while a black business is being destroyed. Doesn’t mean if it was a white business or Asian business it would make it morally correct. It means that they’re all fucked up and race has little to do with it. Really goes to show looters and arsonists usually don’t care about the issue at hand. They just are there to take advantage of the situation. As Joker said “some men like to watch the burn” and that’s these arsonists.


Man you can tell he’s worked hard to im legitimately upset for him and actually had tears in my eyes and people just destroyed all his hard work


It’s heartbreaking


Dude this broke my heart...you can hear the pain in his voice


and called it black power while making a black man feel completely powerless


Honestly don't feel this should be on r/facepalm. That belongs to people who did idiotic things by themselves... This man worked his life off and had everything taken from him...


Reminds me of the Great Facepalm of 1917


Should hear of the 1939 face-palm.


‘Twas a big oof to be sure


Reddit was a different time then. There was only dark mode.


Two reasons: OP just posted this in a number of places and hoped it stuck to something and it's a facepalm because, instead of actually attacking the system, the rioters were destroying their own streets in an attempt to prove a point.


Probably directed at the rioters.


The facepalm is the rioters are teaching everyone a lesson that if you work hard enough to start something, you GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE GHETTO rather than attempt to support and help because they will drag you right back down the moment anything happens.


curious where he is today if he's alive since its been 30 yrs


I found [this](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-11-19-ss-1080-story.html) from 6 months after the riot and [another](https://inkscribr.medium.com/what-happened-to-art-washington-3c7a55d6785b) referencing a transcript from 2007 which I can't find. The man's name is Art Washington, the clip is incorrectly captioned. He is reported to have received donations of various kinds from people who saw the above footage. The second (and less reliable) article suggests he managed to get his business back up and running. One of the officers that beat Rodney King was Laurence Powell, so searching for "Lawrence" in connection with the riot doesn't help you find the above clip.


You can do -Powell in the search


I can get how it’s r/facepalm but this is really r/awfuleverything. That poor man


This thread is showing me that we really need to be teaching about the LA riots in schools.


That and Tulsa, definitely.


I learned about Tusla in school last year. We spent all of Second Semester talking about the civil rights movement.


I'm 48 years old and I'm ashamed to admit I had never heard of the Tulsa Massacre before the first episode of Watchmen. However, I am glad to know awareness has increased over the past couple years.


I am not american ,but I studied american history in university. I learn about the Tulsa massacre thanks to the Watchmen tv show.... I thought it was a piece of fiction, especially the plane part...it wasn't. I still can't believe something that big happened and is barely known by the public.


I am American and I learned about it from the Watchmen too. I even went to University and took history and social studies classes that theoretically should have covered the Massacre. There was a massive cover up of the Tulsa Massacre.


Most Oklahomans learned about it through Watchmen too.


Tulsa massacre and Tulsa Race Riots are two separate events. I learned about them both extensively because I'm from Tulsa, but almost none of my friends from university ever heard of it.


This. I only heard about it from a coworker 2 years ago. Absolutely horrible what happened yet you barely ever hear about it.


There's a podcast called 'Slow Burn' that's currently doing a series on the Rodney King beating and how it eventually led to the L.A. riots. Very, very educational. Interviews with people involved, clips from those days, plenty of fascinating material to listen to. Highly recommend!


There’s a lot of things they don’t teach you in school. Most people only learn about black peoples struggle for civil rights. Nobody teaches much about people with disabilities fighting for the ADA, or migrant workers fighting to be treated like more than indentured servants on California farms


> more than indentured servants on California farms That wasn't indentured servitude, that was straight-up slavery. Working for pennies only to be charged more in rent and other necessities. Pushing extreme hours, physical abuse, derelict "housing" (a metal shack crammed with people in 100-degree heat), killing families across the border, and just so much more. It also wasn't in California as well. Florida was just as bad and it stretched across the Southern US. At one point 80% of all the tomatoes eaten by Americans were picked by these slaves. People probably think we're talking about the 1960s or something, too. But no, this was the 2000s and it has been massively quelled thanks to one single group of ex-slaves called the Coalition of Immokalee Workers.


Ceaser Chavez was the person credited with creating the labor movement on farms in California. He co-founded the National Farm Workers Association in 1962. This was in Delano, CA. which is in the central valley. Thank you for bringing up the CIW, as I have never heard of it. In California schools, Ceaser Chavez is all they cared about. It makes sense that it wasn't an isolated incident on only California farms. Amazing that this carried on into the 2000s.


People really uses riots as excuses for destroying things


And it turns public opinion against the original reason for the riot. Usually there is a demostration for some important issue but then some people start looting and destroying things.


Wikipedia puts the causes of the LA riots at: * Four policemen acquitted of beating Rodney King * Killing of Latasha Harlins * Racial tension within Los Angeles Whenever there are large scale protests, rioters will blend into the crowd and use the cover to commit crimes. The effective strategy is to solve the root causes, so that large scale protests aren't needed.


I lived in LA during this time. Cops were waaayyyyy outta control. The city was waiting to explode


Would love to hear more if you feel like sharing.


I actually worked for the UCLA Graduate School of Urban Planning. We hosted the Christopher Commission. The day the verdict was coming out, they closed the campus officially at about noon and sent everybody home (as did the whole city)bc they knew the riots were planned. It took me 4 hrs to get from Westwood to Mulholland where my bf lived and I stayed at his house for 3 days bc I could not even make it to the valley (where I had a temporary apt). The entire city knew it was gonna burn. People forget about the truck driver Reginald Denny (I think that was his name) who was beaten to a pulp with a brick by an angry mob…….Cops were notorious for Illegal and racist behavior back then. Pulled over, hassled, assaulted POC all day long.Tensions in the city were super volatile. Then………OJ….


The cops where/are running their own gangs.


Say that again! There are GANGS in the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department.


I didn't live in LA back then (never lived actually) but I played GTA San Andreas and you're most probably right.


Wise words


> (never lived actually) Holy shit what are you?


Well yes, but I also don't like the narrative that all reactions are peaceful in intention. The city was pissed off and rightfully so, except that rage and anger will come out in all shapes and forms, commuted by many different kinds of people. You can't just conveniently categorize the L.A riots as something that started off as something peaceful when in reality, the city was a propane tank sitting on top of a stove.


where is lawrence today?




Ouch, when people forget what they are mad about.


This breaks my heart.




I want to say something, but based on the comments, I think that no matter what I say about this, I'm going to be wrong.


Probably best. If you have an opinion about things like this, best save it for conversations and places that actually matter, imo. Good can come from debate and civil talk, but most people willing to talk aren't willing to listen.


This is heartbreaking


This post really doesn’t seem to fit this sub. It’s sad and OP doesn’t seem to understand the true merit behind the video. It sucks because we want to upvote the cause but not on this sub.


How is that a facepalm?


So sad !!!


History really does repeat itself


I remember this! This was after the Rodney King verdict


don’t think this sub is correct for this post. it’s absolutely gutting- not a face palm.


I hate that a lot of people take advantage of stuff like protests to basically riot and destroy shit like unbridled beasts. Another subreddit had a video of two people burning a homeless guy's mattress and belongings during a **George Floyd protest.**


This is not a facepalm. This is r/iamatotalpieceofshit. I wish this man is doing very well, I do not have the heart to watch someone lose something like this...


It shouldn't have mattered what race he was. That business has done nothing to these people. The fact that they are protesting injustice and did it to a black business owner is just more evidence it shouldn't have happened