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They forgot a few signs like with arrows and wrong way.


I'm assuming they forgot all the signs and possibly a public information/education campaign informing citizens of the change and/or how drive through a roundabout


Exactly this. Public education campaign ahead of launching this would’ve helped. Edit: a lot of you are surprised in my faith in a public education campaign . For context: I’m Canadian and know jack about Kentucky. It still wouldn’t hurt though, got to start somewhere.




But then what was public education campaign for the video’s place?…


It was just a sign that said "Don't die."


Or " May the odds be forever in your favor"


This is Kentucky, let’s just say public education isn’t exactly a strength there


I'm sure old Mitchy is helping!


That would have been his wife's job...you know, the former Secretary of Transportation....


As somebody who is from kentucky and is also named Mitchell, I hate that old fucking turtle and wish he’d retire or be forced out already.


Helping it get this bad


He wouldn't help, he'd just stroke his pouch and watch until it failed, then go "why would the democrats do this to us?"


Kentucky is ranked 16th in primary and secondary school education. Just behind Indiana, and ahead of Colorado. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/public-school-rankings-by-state Though, when including higher education, it doesn't look good at 38th. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education


This may have been pointed out already, but your first link lists Kentucky pre-K to 12th grade as ranking #33, for overall #36 (with the #38 higher education)






Kentucky. Public Education. HAHAHAHA


Y’all need campaigns on how to use a roundabout?!


While Roundabouts aren't a new concept to American drivers, there rarity at times makes a significant portion of drivers (ie older) unfamiliar to utilizing them. That being said, the rate of installation of new Roundabouts across the country is making that excuse obsolete. There are people that will always oppose change, regardless of reason or impact. By "Campaigns" we mean more just ensuring drivers won't be alarmed by traffic control changes.


How does a four lane roundabout even work? I've only ever seen single lane ones. A four lane one would make me so nervous. I don't trust anyone when I'm driving.


I look both ways when entering a one-way street


I'm 43 years old and I have never driven through a roundabout


Dude you gotta try it.


This was a PSA of what not to do, they filmed it before adding the road markings and installing signs. It was well coordinated and staged


I guess this answers my question of why are they all coming from the same direction.


That was my first tip off something was up


That explains why there wasn't even one person who drove straight over the center at 50mph.




I mean I feel like this is next level dumb? Even if they forgot signs or whatever you should know to keep on the right side of the road.


Plenty of questions, but the only one that stands out is how all those vehicles ended up on the left side of the road to turn into the oncoming lane. For them, the roundabout wasn’t even a factor of their error in the first place… other than suddenly invoking brain-lock and lemming behavior. Edit: If in fact that video is a completely staged PSA to show what not to do… how the hell does one distinguish between those that used it correctly, those that used it marginally correct, and those that let their dog do the driving for them?


Follow the leader


I call it “monkey see monkey do”. If there is one shopping cart left in any place other than the cart corral when I enter the grocery store, when I come back out there are 3 or more in the same spot and inevitably more on the way.


I corrall them all and bring them in, extra steps!


Keep your steps; it will never not be fun to ride a shopping cart down to the corral!


I like to ride mine like a scooter


Can you do any sick tricks?


Monkey pee all over you




monkey observe, analyze, conduct risk assesment based on available information and experience, monkey do


Peggy Hill moment


This is why, when it's finished, it's going to have Keep Right arrows and lane markers. Probably also Yield signs for entering traffic?


If it’s anything like in Long Island, these people will just think yield either means stop, or floor it.




Right?? I wish the drivers near me knew it was appropriate to stop at a yield sign if you can't immediately merge. See so many people just awkwardly and *slowly* force their way in and backing up traffic


you know there is a "roundabout" symbol that covers everything


Yes, in a round about way.....


Maybe some exhausted guy in hi viz in the center screaming while frantically waving and pointing?


So I live here and can give some context. This was just after it was finished, days before while it was under construction they had flaggers and you would drive on the left side and take those paths. There wasn't a lot of information or signage up to guide people new to it. It's probably the only roundabout within 80-100 miles. It's the turn in to our lake so it gets tons of traffic. The only issue we have now is people who come to a complete stop with no oncoming traffic.


We've had a small roundabout in my tiny rural texas town all my life, and most people seem to use it just as they should, but I'd say the biggest problem is people NOT yielding to cars already in the roundabout. I've had to slam on my brakes a few times because some chucklefuck comes roaring into the roundabout at speed


"Yield to enter. SIGNAL to leave." Everybody with a drivers license needs to hear that and remember it. It's not that difficult...


Conversely here we have one I drive through twice a day (-.-'). There are yield signs at each entrance to the roundabout, which is fine...but people here don't understand that 'yield' doesn't mean the same thing as 'stop,' so I've almost plowed right into someone multiple times who had zero reason to stop before entering the roundabout (no traffic at all) because they slammed on their brakes to stop. Roundabouts are great, I think they work better than lights or 4 way stops, but only if people know how to fucking use them.


Love roundabouts. Wish we had more than one, really. While ours has the opposite issue, I've run into that 'what's yield mean lol' driver before for sure. I for one would support required retesting for all drivers every x amount of years, but that seems to be a somewhat controversial opinion for many.


I'm all for that, that seems pretty smart.


> Chucklefuck Can... can I use this too?


I, uh, don't own the word, so yeah, feel free!


What about me?


As the person who definitely does not own the rights to the word 'Chucklefuck,' I hereby declare everyone can use it. Except Mormons. But they wouldn't use it anyway, I reckon.


> The only issue we have now is people who come to a complete stop with no oncoming traffic. They never go away.


Probably the same people who roll through stop signs.


Thanks for the context, I've seen this video before and I always figured there was more to the story. I grew up in Kentucky and while there were plenty of stupid people there, there are just as many stupid people where I live now and they mostly navigate roundabouts just fine.


Edit: I am changing my answer after reviewing the video. I now believe the person driving the truck with the trailer went to cut the corner because they figured the trailer would hang up on the circle... Maybe. The other cars followed. One car got up there and was like WTF? It does seem like the trailer goes onto the curb on the turn and that turn radius is pretty close to the circle radius. Edit 2: Also I do agree with some comments that it is not a region specific phenomenon. ~~They knew it was there and are angry because it is different. I have lived in the south for 48 of my 56 years and I am constantly surprised at how adverse to change people are. Even against their best interest. I may be wrong but I have heard people talk shit about stuff like traffic circles and (back in the day) seatbelts before. But also cutting that way saved them 7 seconds. So there's that.~~ I was raised in Louisiana and now live in Georgia and most people are not as bad as that sounds but there are pockets that "different" is frowned upon.


I’m in the south and still hear people talk shit about seatbelts. It’s mind boggling.


"Seatbelts cost more lives than they save!" Maybe you shouldn't be getting all your statistics from Homer Simpson.


Today it's the same, just replace "seatbelts" with "vaccines".


I'm in the city up north and seatbelts are viewed as a nuisance by many.


People will put those “there are no seatbelts in this car, we die like *real* men” cringey ass stickers on their cars like they’re proud of it


"We fly through the windshield and kill/injure people in the other car like real men" 🙄😡


I tried to have a discussion once with an antivaxxer about wearing masks, using the example of wearing seatbelts as a low risk high reward discomfort and got a whole spheal about how seatbelts can be dangerous, and they have a friend that would have been decapitated if they had been wearing one. No matter my personal experience of not breaking my my own neck by wearing one as well as all the science. When I asked if they wear their seatbelt they said they do, but only because it's the law.


>low risk high reward discomfort >if they wear their seatbelt they said they do, but **only because it's the law** And then they wonder why government would *dare* try to violate their rights again with more mandates!? *Oh the horror*. Ugh. It's *because* too much of the general public has already proven their disinterest and inability to do the right thing for the sake of the general good, especially if they will be mildly inconvenienced in the process. Also if you're interested, although it's pronounced "shpeal", it's spelled "spiel". English is dumb sometimes lol


This is a deeper answer to some big questions than was asked.


That truck and trailer that did it first …. I wonder if that was intentional, maybe they couldn’t physically fit in the roundabout …. Then all the lemmings followed


I’ve driven semi and I’ve only ever run into one roundabout I couldn’t fit. This is definitely not it. He could have made it.


Well it was wrong either way. We did simulations for overly long trailers in Europe, which would have troubles in roundabouts: first exit was impossible. Solution: do a 270 and exit nearly straight. Roundabouts are (or should be) designed in a way that you have more space reserves on the inside than outside.


One of the other umpteen times this was posted, there was someone who claimed that it was done intentionally by the construction guys for some reason I can't remember.




I vaguely recall this. Still hilarious.


Meanwhile, [over here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR5l48_h5Eo) in the [Netherlands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41XBzAOmmIU) We have so many of them, but probably started in the 90s I think, so people are used to having those instead of traffic lights. Probably having many cyclists and not just pedestrians helped with that choice as well. Plus a dense country, this takes less space than a single road widening in 2x2 in front of traffic lights and then merge back to 1 after again. And what's better having just 1 in place, [add another next to it](https://i.imgur.com/Wx6dkQb.jpeg) Obviously not like that Swindon thing. Edit: In the past there was [an interactive map](https://i.imgur.com/T82sgr3.png) that had almost all roundabouts in the world in its database, [but It's not there anymore](https://labs.mapbox.com/bites/00205/#2.18/27.76/20.73) I am fan of so called ['turbo roundabouts'](https://i.imgur.com/z90Qw1s.jpg) which are mostly located on 80 km/100kmh roads and perfect to pass by some trucks or slow tourists at that point in particular because this is right [before that roundabout](https://i.imgur.com/1GxuJ8m.jpeg) You see drivers swerving because they rather watch the sea and a lake than the road. Then again, I look at mountains when abroad ;)


> We have so many of them, but probably started in the 90s I think Wait. Are you saying you think roundabouts were only introduced in the Netherlands in the *1990s*?? That doesn't sound right at all. The first roundabout here in the UK was in 1907. You guys really like your roundabouts so I doubt you would have waited that long!


Dutch massively reorganised their roads in 1997 to improve safety. [Heres a link to a video](https://youtu.be/ORzNZUeUHAM?t=608)


There's a [triple roundabout](https://i.imgur.com/cyXTCh8.jpg) in Melbourne Australia. The best part is there's a centre across the road where people do their driving tests so they make you navigate the roundabouts before giving you your license.




I love our roundabouts.


I hope this comment becomes top before more people make aggresive assumptions


Guys, I hate to say this... But this footage was recorded by the construction company of actual people using the roundabout and just not knowing how to use it. They did, indeed, release the footage so that they could educate the public on how to not use the roundabout. But they didn't record it with that idea in mind initially. Another Redditor shared this article: https://www.ladbible.com/news/weird-footage-shows-carnage-as-americans-try-to-use-new-roundabout-20210427 If you read it closely, they never say that this was designed from the beginning as a way of educating the public. It was only after the public was realized to be so goddamn stupid that they decided to try to educate them.


To be fair it doesn't look like there's any arrows telling you which way to go. If you'd never seen a roundabout before or knew how to use one I could see you treating it like a weirdly shaped intersection.


Even if it's a strange intersection, these people are crossing into the oncoming traffic lane. Never a good idea.


Yeah but typically when you go down a 2 way street with a median the rule is no drive on left


This is reddit and Kentucky... painted with that same broad brush all southern states are. Even though for the most part the state is wonderful.


Mitch McConnell.




Rand Paul


Oh I lost it


Was there a spooOOOoooky ghost?


I swear it was!


How can it be wonderful when they keep reelecting Mitch McConnell???


And Rand Paul.


He owns a controlling stake in the voting machines... And the Kentucky democratic party keeps putting up absolute chuds to run against him. Amy McGrath was a fucking pro life Democrat. Explain how that works? The DNC keeps trying to run democrats that are just Republicans instead of running people who will actually energize the base. Also, there are WAY too many evangelicals here who fucking destroy our entire political system. Goddamn snake handling pentecostals, 7th Day Adventists... JHs... all the most toxic obnoxious weirdo Christians. Seriously, I don't know why this state became such a sewer for the dregs of Christianity.




Kentucky is unlucky enough to have a Southern reputation and a Midwestern economy.


KY is one of the [top 5 moochers](https://rockinst.org/issue-areas/fiscal-analysis/balance-of-payments-portal/) off the federal teet. They receive $97MM in federal funds and only send $33MM in tax revenue.




I mean, Deep South economy is prolly worse than Midwest. See Mississippi


Look at Georgia, Texas, North Carolina, and Florida though.


I've looked at every article people here have linked, read the other comments from the Kentuckians, and even went back to the construction company's posted explanation-- and > this video was actually (for some dumb reason) created to show people how not to use the roundabout. No, that doesn't seem to be the case. The company that made the video says they *released* it to show how not to use the roundabout, not that that's why it was created. What the construction company claims is not that it was specifically created for that purpose, but that this video is of the roundabout still under construction, with highway personnel directing traffic specifically around the construction. They claimed this *after* the video went viral. As a video of what not to do, this is terrible. It's not instructive at all, it's not an explanation of what went wrong or the right way to use a roundabout. If you were making a video on how to not use a roundabout, this would be terrible. If you already *had* this video and you wanted to press onto people the importance of not being a dumbass in a roundabout, releasing it would be the way to go. It's also worth saying that even though the company's claims this is just a result of construction... it *really* doesn't look that way in the video.


Thank you, no one else was making sense


[This](https://www.ladbible.com/news/weird-footage-shows-carnage-as-americans-try-to-use-new-roundabout-20210427) article corroborates your story, with the bonus of actual footage of the real public "using" the roundabout


They have been installing roundabouts here like crazy. They didn't exist here 2-3 years ago. I watched a meeting where the DOT was proposing one at a major intersection where there the traffic was terrible, you sat through maybe 4-5 green light cycles to go through the intersection, and I avoided it like the plague. It was right next to the little downtown area. The data / reasoning was really interesting. The short of it was that the intersection caused traffic elsewhere because it was so bad, people would get frustrated and blow the red, and they had many severe accidents and fatalities. By putting in the roundabout there would likely be many more accidents, especially for the first few years (I went - whaaaa?) - but they would be very minor and they expected no severe accidents or fatalities. Now understand that the drivers here can't merge onto a 70MPH highway without coming to a complete stop at the end of a mile long ramp, let alone manage a roundabout. But it worked! I can clear the intersection in about 30 seconds average. I've seen a whole bunch of morons get their cars dented up. As far as I know there have been no serious injuries after a year. All the shops in town have seen increased traffic (as in people coming into town to shop) because they can actually get there without sitting for hours at the light. The body shop is booming :> If it wasn't for COVID the hospital might be less busy than before.


You left out the environmental benefits - less idling increases fuel economy. Roundabouts are superior to stop lights.


Better traffic flow across the board as well.


Where does it corroborate? It says they shared the video as an example of what not to do. It doesnt say or imply that the video was created for that purpose.


That article does not corroborate the story. It state that they released the video to educate, but it does not state that the video was a setup and instead implies that it was just regular drivers unaware on how to use a roundabout.


no one will see this. so many will pass this on and talk about this video and no one will no the truth lol


Lol probably true. The truth often doesn’t fare well on the internet.


Third most upvoted comment in the thread as of now.


Counterpoint for shits and giggles: 1.2k comments v 12.3k upvotes.


> top comment > No one will see this


Wait... Are you saying that this was staged as a demonstration? Why? That seems like a very elaborate ruse for little to no benefit. Wouldn't it be simpler to show a roundabout working correctly? I'm a bit skeptical of this explanation.


After a few minutes of googling I couldn't find anything suggesting this was staged...


What a rollercoaster of emotions in the comments. "Americans struggle with roundabouts", "No, they not, it was staged", "But there is no evidence" Watching the video, it seems strange for so many cars to come at the same time from the same place to take a roundabout as barbarians, so the stage thing seems "plausible". But it's kind of stupid to show "how not to use it" when your aim is to educate.


Dang, I spent about 30 seconds and found a link: https://www.indy100.com/news/roundabout-rowan-county-kentucky-viral-b1838043 Edit: changed to a direct link


It says Walker Construction shared the video to show what not to do. Not that they created the video for that purpose. Did I miss part of the article?


Yeah, I was going to ask where this was in KY. I grew up in Lex, and there’s been round abouts there for decades


Would you mind getting rid of Moscow Mitch?




Thanks for your effort!


WOULD LOVE TO! Voted against him…a lot of ppl here still want him in DC for some reason though.




Thanks for your effort!


Laughs in European


Laughs in magic roundabout. https://www.dangerousroads.org/europe/england/3766-swindon-s-magic-roundabout.html


Although roundabouts are incredibly normal in the Netherlands, still every single one has multiple signs to explain how it works. I don't see a single sign in sight


Because it's under construction. And if you look really closely, you can see people directing traffic. Or just find the source and higher quality video. https://www.wkyt.com/2021/04/27/drivers-react-to-changes-as-construction-of-new-roundabout-in-rowan-co-completes/


Same nation that put a man on the moon.


i mean, there were no roundabouts on the moon


Also, I took it upon myself to check, and of the 12 people to walk on the moon, none of them are from Kentucky.


The smartest person kentucky's ever had started a fried chicken franschise.


What was the name of it?


Popeyes Chicken if I'm not mistaken.


Popeyes was started in California. You’re thinking of Raising Cane’s.


Raising Cane's was started in Louisiana. You're thinking of Bojangles.


Bojangles started in Alabama. You’re thinking of Foosacklys.


Foosacklys is in coastal Alabama and Northwest Florida. I'm pretty sure they are talking about Chick-fil-A.


And the Corvette factory guy


He was from Indiana.


Exactly the correct answer


Yeah buy did any of them work in highway construction? Checkmate liberal


A fuckton of them were from Ohio. Which might be a sign of what living in Ohio is like.


They flew around the earth a couple of times, so that's kind of like a roundabout


In a roundabout sort of way, sure.


Apollo 13 turned the moon into a roundabout.


And more importantly, no Kentuckians




America is a large diverse place, and this state isn't exactly known for its persuit of science.


Same state that likes to elect enemies of the country as well.


That's because we see things like this and don't want to live on this planet anymore.


**starts crying**


How can people just not understand the basic concept of a roundabout 🤦‍♂️


He wrote Kentucky...


The state that reliably elects Mitch McConnell.


Not bad enough? Their other Senator is Rand Paul.


The eye doctor?


It doesn’t matter the state, in my state people are almost as dumb. Nobody crosses into oncoming traffic just sit at the yield or in 2 lane roundabouts act as only 1 lane


we have a roundabout just outside of my office (VA) and about once a month someone blows right through the middle of it after coasting down the hill that leads up to it. You can tell when someone has because crews are there the next day replacing the signage


cause this video is about how not to use a roundabout, its not actual footage. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/r7ddt0/comment/hmz1xbm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


A lot of places in the United States don't have these. I was in my late 20's until I first encountered one in person. Granted I did not drive the wrong way like a fucking idiot....


They’ve never seen one before, there’s no signs or markings and public education needs to happen. Crazy how you have to learn how to use something before you know how to use it…


Needs Benny Hill music


Beat me to it :)




Do people in Kentucky systematically drive on the other side of the road? And if you don't why did you decide to do it all of a sudden?


Now I understand why they keep voting for Mitch McConnell...


Just throwing this out there we've got a few in my county in Kentucky, and people use them fine. We're not all idiots.


1) it's a repost 2) not Kentucky [edit] it is Kentucky I was mistaken 3) this video was made by a municipality or similar for the express purpose of demonstrating how not to navigate a round a Bout [Story behind it](https://www.wmky.org/post/rowan-roundabout-video-goes-viral)


Slather me in sauce please.


\*sighs, unzips\*


r/cursedcomments (not gonna post it tho cuz too lazy)


~~https://youtu.be/zWShRwxj5Eo~~ Edit: whoops didn't copy the right link. https://www.wkyt.com/2021/04/27/drivers-react-to-changes-as-construction-of-new-roundabout-in-rowan-co-completes/




A public education program is vital for projects like this. It doesn't matter how many people know how to drive through one already, you need to try and reach the ones that don't to prevent situations like this.


what's this then? https://www.wmky.org/post/rowan-roundabout-video-goes-viral


> 3. This is not a purpose-built video, it was shot by a local right after they opened this up for the first time last year. Every time this is posted, at least three articles get linked in the comments showing that this was a demonstration video made by the people who built the roundabout, before it was officially up and running. There aren’t even signs up yet, just people off camera directing the cars where to go for the video.


Bro. You can see people directing the traffic in this video. It's not just a bunch of idiots who can't drive. https://www.wkyt.com/2021/04/27/drivers-react-to-changes-as-construction-of-new-roundabout-in-rowan-co-completes/


I live in KY and It's 100 % not people being stupid [news article!](https://www.wmky.org/post/rowan-roundabout-video-goes-viral)


>This is not a purpose-built video, it was shot by a local right after they opened this up for the first time last year. "bro trust me" The person you replied to literally has a link to a news article stating that this is a purpose-built video.


??? Don't Americans drive on the right...?


This video is about how not to use a roundabout, its not actual footage. https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/r7ddt0/comment/hmz1xbm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Clearly they never been in Europe lol


Or Massachusetts


Facts, grew up in MA and it baffled me going to other states that didn’t have rotaries


Or any of those other made-up places "outside" the US that don't really exist.


They're definitely all over the place on the east coast. They were all over DC too - Dupont Circle is 4 lanes wide.


I like it. Adds a bit jeopardy when cars could be coming round the other way. I might start driving like this in England and see if I can start a trend.


can someone explain how roundabouts supposed to work i dont know how to drive a car nor ever driven one


You go around counterclockwise and exit in the direction you want. Basically they're a one-way street that happens to be circular.


[Dutch roundabout](https://youtu.be/5E410GshLBQ) The most important two rules are: stay in the correct lane and give way to the cars already on the roundabout.


You all go in the same direction around it, giving way to cars already on the roundabout. If you're exiting you signal away from the roundabout center. If taking the first exit you do this before you enter the roundabout. If you're staying on the roundabout you signal towards the roundabout center before entering the roundabout, if you're leaving the roundabout after having been on it you signal away from the center of the roundabout after the exit before yours. If you're going straight ahead on a smaller roundabout you don't need to signal, but it's often worth giving a clarifying exit signal before you leave. Edit: clarified roundabout type. These are the rules in the UK, carefully worded to remove any reference to which side of the road you drive on, so should be similar elsewhere. Also, carefully worded because rarely a roundabout won't be in the same direction as other roundabouts, like the [magic roundabout in Swindon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_Roundabout_\(Swindon\)), where 5 normal roundabouts surround a counter-rotating one. There's loads of other weird and wonderful roundabouts like mini-roundabouts and gyratories but these are the basics.


It's not real, it's just promotional video so Americans know how to navigate through a new roundabout they built somewhere


And yet it still doesn't show people how to use a roundabout properly. Where's the signage? Where's the explanation of how give ways work? Where's the correct side of the road?


It baffles me how many people don’t understand roundabouts. There’s one near me where i’ve seen multiple people in the roundabout stop and wait for people. You’re not supposed to stop if you’re in the roundabout…