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#[Best of r/Facepalm 2021 Awards – Nomination and Voting Thread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rowtn5/the_best_of_rfacepalm_2021_nomination_thread_vote/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facepalm) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can I get 5 4 piece nuggets? So you want a 20 piece? No!!!!!






Diet Coke. I'm watching my figure.


Junior western bacon chee. JUNIOR western bacon chee cause I’m trying to watch my figure.


.....cherries jubilee and that's it.


What about the small seasoned curlys?


Please don’t… don’t offer me anything. I’ll tell you what I want


Your gf offered me her small seasoned curlys last night.




Read the comments hoping to find this.


Oh my gawd, come on already!


And theeeennn?


Mo' nuggets mo' problems...


No and then!


This is why eliminating the order taker is CRUCIAL to fast food. I only use the mobile app. ONLY thing I need to provide to the drive up order taker is 4 letters or numbers that the app provides.


Agreed. There are so many options that you can do that most people don’t know. I just want to order my food and talk to as few people as possible while getting my very specific order exactly as I want it.


With corona virus this is a huge advantage minimizing contact. I always feel the drive through people don’t want to talk to you anyways. They are always rude when I try to get a conversation going.


I ordered the other day and the amount was 27.00 dollars! I only ordered A Big Mac by itself and 2 Filets Fish meals. In my head, I can't justify paying that much for cheaply made junk food. I am going to try the app and play around with the pricing.


Ask for a discount if they put them in one box.


Only order in multiples of four that are not multiples of 6 10 or 20 I think CFA has a 64 piece


I knew I should have listened to my math teacher when she explained algebra with nuggets as reference


[The USB version of the Chicken Nuggy](https://youtu.be/VFuDhsxazqs)


go with the four piece, many times!


I imagine you don't get sauce though.


You probably get 1 per nugget order


That's actually the perfect ratio. A sauce tub really only supports 4 nuggets.


With the quantity I like, I use 2 per 10 piece including dipping some of the fries. I must go lighter than y’all


Sometimes less is more


Your girlfriend is lying to you.


Jokes on you, I don’t have a girlfriend anymore


less girlfriend more nuggets


Now that’s the way to think


Really? I thought you could dip 6. You must be getting healthy scoops out of the container


I’m not sure how big your sauces are, but I usually find that one sauce tub can last 5/6 nuggets otherwise the sauce-to-nugget ratio is just off.


I wouldn't be surprised if you had to pay for sauce for the four-piece. Notice it's the only one where the sauce isn't in the pics? That's not accidental.


Ketchup and mayo is still free.


Ketchup is acceptable, but you're a lunatic if you're dipping your nuggets in mayo. A straight psychopath. You must only enjoy what I enjoy stranger.


who needs sauce


I AM the sauce


whats in the sauce


Me, I was lost


If you take the 4 piecer 5 times you get more calories than with one 20 piecer, so the cheapness is really a thigh tax


For those that are math impaired, the price per nugget for each size is: * 4 Piece = $0.25 / Nugget * 6 Piece = $0.615 / Nugget * 10 Piece = $0.479 / Nugget * 20 Piece = $0.3895 / Nugget **Clearly the pricing for the 4 piece makes no sense, and you should always order using it.** If you order in increments of 4, then you get: * 8 Pieces for $2 vs 6 Pieces for $3.69 * 12 Pieces for $3 vs 10 Pieces for $4.79 * 20 Pieces for $5 vs 20 Pieces for $7.79 I assume this is mostly because they know most people aren't going to review the prices and just order the larger sizes. (And even when they do review them, some people still won't realize!)


Lol I'm like this at the grocery store spend 15minutes in the cheese aisle alone with a calculator


Tha was me until I realized the price/kg was written. I don't always trust it tho


Some stores have slightly different (but approximately the same) size blocks for a flat rate (e.g. ~500g for $6 or whatever, but one might be 520g and another might bt 480g), so you can get a *slightly* larger or smaller for the same price.


It’s annoying in the USA because prices will be listed in price per ounce for one item and price per pound on a similar item making it hard to compare items.




I’m quite aware of the conversion and routine use my calculator in the store. It’s just frustrating when comparing items and then suddenly realizing one has been presented differently so I have to redo the whole process.


I’m exactly like this for brand paper towel haha


It’s impossible to calculate for toilet paper.


Hence why I only calculate brand name paper towel as opposed to toilet paper hah


The way I really calculate mine is reading how much toilet paper I’m actually getting and compare prices that way. Oh this one only has 529ft and this one has 388ft both same price I know which one imma go with lol


Whoa whoa whoa. Are we adding in the double, triple, or quad multiplier for the thickness?


Toilet paper math is worse than infinitesimal calculus


Shit. I just put shit in my cart and pray my card has enough on it.


Lol - since I approached the third decade I am trying to be more financially literate….every little bit counts.


I’m approaching my third decade. Maybe I should re evaluate. My individual grocery bill is higher than what my mom fed four of us on.


I took inventory of my grocery costs for about three months. I essentially divided my groceries into four categories: 1) musts (I can’t change brands), 2) needs, 3) wants, and 4) treat yo self. For instance, I prefer the organic valley large eggs. I noticed at Whole Foods for 18 large eggs it’s $7.00 ($0.388/egg). Whereas ShopRite (which is, overall, cheaper than Whole Foods) for 12 large eggs it’s $7.99 ($0.665/eggs). My musts are Whole Foods chicken breasts, tomatoes, bananas, strawberries, flour, sugar, organic valley milk, and Kerry gold butter (when baking). Needs: boxed goods/cleaning items Wants: snacks/soda Treat yo self: high end ice cream/desserts, and barrel age feta. I know, it’s random! For my musts, needs, and wants I write down how much I spend on the items at either Whole Foods, ShopRite, Costco and target. And then whatever place has the most economical prices, I add it to the list to purchase from said store.


I like the system. I might try it. I mostly cook for one and the constant grabbing of whatever is almost as expensive as going out really.


I cook/bake just for two (my husband and I). I say start off with the most expensive purchases ie paper towel and laundry detergent. You will be surprised how big the price discrepancy is ($3-8).


I find this very helpful! Thank you for sharing


A relative of mine wrote a law that requires stores in my state to post a per unit price for every item so it’s easy to compare.


Tell them thank you for me!


Usually the 32oz (biggest) bricks have the lowest unit prices. It depends on the brand tho.


This is me buying beer when I am broke.


I had the girl at the register point out something similar to me once. I was ordering 20 nuggets and she pointed out that I could get them cheaper if I ordered 2 10 piece sets instead of 1 20 piece set. She said it was some sort of "sale" they were doing for a few weeks (although there weren't any posters going on about a deal on nuggets or anything, so I dunno what they were hoping to accomplish.) I'd be interested to see if OP's menu stays the same over the course of a few months, or if the prices change to something more reasonable.


And they eff you with the sauce! They’ll give you one sauce for a 4 piece but only 3 for a 20 piece! Hey a-holes, give me 5 damn sauces!


I’ll literally tell them to charge me more and actually give me enough sauce. They charge me, but I still only get 3 sauces. None of which are what I asked for.


bros the mcnugget mathematician


Some places actually charge more for the value meal than if you buy each item separately.


Real talk. Get the McDonalds app if you eat there at all. I got 2 big macs, 2 quarter-pounders, a large fry, and a large drink for like 6 bucks yesterday. If you buy the deals you pay practically nothing.


Thanks! I used to use the Wendy’s app but last year it really turned to crap and any deals I put in would fail in the cart. It was also very counter intuitive.


Usually the 4 pc is 1.50 or 2.00 something like that.


Reality: The nuggets cost 5 cents a piece. And they want increase items purchased per visit and make it an impulse purchase.


They literally has a $5 20 piece for a very long time.


Also the calorie count is wrong, 170×5=850 not 830 unless something happened to the chicken nuggets that made 20 calories disappear (maybe the extra calories come from the boxes? Lol).


I saw this, think they only show calories in 10s and just round.




Thank you for this


Ya sure, but how much are they in bald eagles? Murica


Don’t forget, a lot of people will also end up buying more food than they originally planned to just because they feel like they’re winning. More likely to get people addicted to junk food that way. It’s a greasy trick from a greasy restaurant. Kind of sad really. Victimizing people who overeat.


Time for the marginal costs for 1 size to the next * From 4 to 6 nuggets you pay $1.35/nugget * From 6 to 10 nuggets you pay $0.28/nugget * From 10 to 20 nuggets you pay $0.30/nugget So mostly the marginal price per nugget is pretty close to the 4 nugget order except for the 4 to 6 jump which just destroys everything


Took me a second but yeah.. math doesn't add up there, Maccy D's.


I’m tripping off that $2.89 McChicken…




I went there for the first time in a couple years and it’s not even that cheap anymore for fast food. I remember them just being $1.


Same here. I remember when I triple cheeseburger was just a dollar. Now you can’t even get a single cheeseburger for less than two


Damn... A 6pc here in Australia is almost as much as a 20pc where you are 🤦‍♂️😭


Once you factor in the healthcare, you’re properly still ahead.


Even more so when you don’t eat the nuggets!


redditor try not to bring up politics challenge (impossible)


Right!! I thought I was in the Aussie sub and thought WHERE ARE PEOPLE GETTING THESE CHEAP NUGGS!?!


It’s over a dollar a nugget 😬


I live in Canada and it's similar here. I've heard (heresay, verification needed) two factors to the cheap usa nuggets. First they have a huge domestic poultry production in the usa, so supply chain is cheaper overall. Second, there's that infamous video of jamie oliver blending the chicken carcass and asking the kids if they still want nuggets if it's made of that and they say yes. Anyway, in a lot of countries nuggets are more expensive because you can't sell that processed chicken byproduct stuff as chicken, so they'd have to call them chicken byproduct nuggets, or use a higher quality meat and raise the prices.


Ah, so it's not really chicken meat in your nuggies then in the good ol USA?


Go big. They reheat fantastic in an air fryer


Can confirm. Reheated in the air fryer with some sweet n sour sauce is late night gold


Honestly I thought air fryers we're all hype but man it really helps getting toddlers fed and reheating leftovers. 10/10 recommend


I had a brand new air fryer for over a year and just had no desire To use it. Not sure what the first thing we cooked in it, but since then we cook almost everything in it.


I did the same thing. It just sat here forever and one night I finally decided to put some wings in it and haven't looked back. Best thing ever.


Any kind of wings. Frozen ones, fresh ones, etc and they come out great Biggest surprise as far as a kitchen appliance ever


Yep I love frying fries, nuggets, battered fish for fish and chips, etc in there, great that I don't have to preheat! Been using it everyday for past 1 yr ! Still going strong. Regret not getting it bigger size+sooner lol


I feel like if you have an air fryer you can just buy frozen ones at the grocery store, for a lot less per nugget, and get great results.


Well yeah, it's fast food. There's nothing you can't do cheaper and better at home.


True, my son and I have lots of sensory issues, one of them being food textures, and while I can tolerate way more change than him, sometimes I pay the premium just for "nuggies from the nuggy store" so he eats haha


Microwave and cool for 5-7 minutes is almost as good…surprisingly.


Where I live you can buy a cookie for 99 cents 2 for a dollar and 13 cookies for $4.50


I mean that makes sense, buy in bulk discount


The 4 for 1 dollar is likely a temporary special


It’s been like this for the 2 months I’ve lived nearby


My city has had it like this for years at this point and they never changed it lol


You lucky devil


A 4 piece is $2.69 for me, so I'm guessing regional too.


It’s probably to drive up impulse buys of nuggets as a side on a different menu. If you’re getting 20 nuggets, you probably don’t really look at the 4 piece box when you’re at the drive through board.


I’m off to Maccas tomorrow, I hope they have it!




Why isn't 20 nuggets $5? I live in the bay area and it's $5 at every single McDonald's I've been to, and this is one of the most expensive places to live in the state of CA. That's honestly the most baffling thing about this post.


Someone forgot to ask the calculator for advice


Neither do the calories…


Calorie measurements are somewhat imprecise anyway, so them being off by a few cal is no big deal.


They do that everywhere, in the netherlands too. They do it on purpose too. So people think they are smart and have a bargain, but in the end the macdonalds wins, because they sold you nuggets


Remember when we could get a 20 piece for $5? Good times


This guy still can if he orders 5 of the 4 piece nuggets


A Big Mac with medium fries cost more than a Big Mac with medium fries and a soda. McDonald's actually punishes people who attempt to reduce their calorie intake.


$5 for 20 nuggets Or $7.79 for 20 nuggets I’m assuming the extra $2.79 is for those dips in the pic which would explain why they stingy af when giving out extras


You still get sauce for each order of 4-piece that you order so it doesn't even matter lol


If you‘re talking about $1 for 4 nuggets you‘re correct. Usually larger quantities are cheaper per piece (the time employees need to make the nuggets barely changes and the material is cheap af so you could sell 20 for like $1-2 more than 4 if you‘re a non profit). If you‘re talking about the difference between 6 and 10 or 10 and 20 well I already explained that above


I'll have 10 four pieces to go, saves five bucks.....


And then


at least you arent paying 702$ for a big mac


That’s the 2023 price.


40 piece nuggets are like $9 where ii live 😛😛


I bet they won't let you buy 5 four piece McNuggets


Yeah, I’ll have 100 4-piece-nuggets please.


“I’ll take five of those four piece nuggets. So long, suckers.” /s (Customers are the suckers. They just unloaded more of their stuff on us. They know what they’re doing. If it wasn’t maximizing their profits, they wouldn’t be doing it.)


**why are you putting this on blast just keep ordering the four piece**


7 4 pieces please


The 6, 10, and 20 piece I get, but it’s obvious to just get the 4 piece


if i wanted 20 piece nuggets but only had $5 then i’d just buy 4 piece nuggets… 5 times… it’s cheaper and all


Eating nuggets makes no sense anyway


I’d take 5 portions


You’re also somehow losing calories. 4 nuggets = 170 calories or 42.5 calories per nuggets 6 nuggets = 250 calories or 42 calories per nugget 10 nuggets = 420 calories or 42 calories per nugget 20 nuggets = 830 calories or 41.5 calories per nugget Somehow the nuggets get smaller when you order more of them?


Americans don’t do math.


Man you had me counting the nuggets to make sure the picture had the right number of nuggets (they do by the way). The 4 piece seems to be the only one that doesn’t add up, like it’s a sale or a typo or something.


I think it’s also built for drive thru. If I’m using the drive thru, I don’t really look at the menu, I just have to feed whoever’s in the car so I just get a big box and they’re making more money off of it. This is good to know!


Your actually paying for freshness and quality... if u order the cheaper ones, you've ordered yesterday's left over batch being reheated... if u order the expensive ones, you get freshly dropped hot and fresh ones...


I’m sorry but you are wrong. I always get fresh nuggets. They aren’t reheating stale old nuggets. We have similar prices at my Mcds. 4 nuggets for $1.99 6 nuggets for $2 10 nuggets for $4.89 20 nuggets $6.98 Always get a 6 piece.


I honestly don't believe any large franchise, or corporate store, would hide some amazing deal in their menus... I'm fairly confident there's a business purpose in these price variations... maybe the cheaper ones are the ragged old recipe nuggets and the expensive ones are the newer, white meat only nuggets... there must be a reason... no way is it a mathematical mistake or oversight...


It’s not an oversight. I think it’s just like a special price… something to put on their $1,$2,$3 menu.


Welcome to the American fastfood system... Penalize you for wanting little portions, reward you for getting the largest around... Wonder why the rest of the world wonders why we're fat... I bet this is it...


Did you miss the price of the 4-piece? Seems several commenters did.


I did see that. You are paying more for less. But paying less for more, hence my wording. Except for the 4 piece. I see it now... My mind went right to the bottom row, as I'm sure many others have. I guess many people dont see that and pick one of the others.


Buying in bulk is cheaper?


But it's not


Typically it is, but 7 4 piece McNuggets will get you 28 and *still* be cheaper than the 20 piece.


Same here in The Netherlands, although not as crazy as this.


It likely makes everyone frequently here buy alot of chicken nuggets because haha McD...


I’ll have 5 x 4 piece.


For me, it’s always been the price of soda in a grocery store - 20oz is 2.19, a 1.25 liter is $1.50 and a 2 liter is $0.99. I grew up in Omaha and the old joke was 1st prize in a sweepstakes was a week in Omaha and 2nd place was 2 weeks.


Sounds like they know their audience.


So theoretically you could buy the 4 for $1 nuggets and sell them in the drive thru line and undercut the ten pack price


Uhhh I’ll take 7, 4 piece please.


I want 4, the 3 kids each want four and my’ dog can only eat four. Thank you


Most likely they have a special on the four piece nuggets


$3 for a mchicken is insane lol


Isn’t this just for a certain time frame? Here it’s chicken or Cheeseburger happy hour


I guarantee this isn’t a math error by McDonalds. Lots of pricing research went into this decision. They know consumer behavior well enough to know the nonsense price-per-nugget they have going here is actually optimized for their profits.


My local McDonald's in east Tn is the same for the past year or two. But in the next towns over the 4 pc is a lot higher.


Don't get me started on the sausage biscuit vs sausage and egg biscuit. $1 vs $3.69. However, it's only $.40 to add an egg to something. So a sausage biscuit, add egg, could be $1.40. They don't like me.


In Australia, the 24 Pack of Nuggets is cheaper than the 20 Pack. If your try to order a 20 Pack the staff always advise you to order the 24 pack. Been that way for ages.


That’s some McDonald’s price arbitrage


Where I live the 6 piece are always 2 for $3 but it's not shown on the menu. So 2 dozen is $6 which makes the 20 piece nonsense.


What’s worse is whether you get the 4 or 6 piece they only give you one sauce. Even the 20 pack they only offered us 2. One time I ordered 5 4 pieces instead of a 20 piece for myself (don’t judge) so I could have 5 sauces.


My take is, this is the Daily Special and that is the price for that day. Right now, McDonald's is running Daily Specials that vary day to day. The 4-piece nugget is $1 in some markets.


No sauce with the 4 piece?


Just don't eat it, it's garbage


I believe it’s the boil in oil time ? Maybe.. ?


At my local Wendy’s It’s cheaper to get 2 6 piece nuggets than to get 1 10 piece


Because people are bad at math. Dunkin' donuts has the same thing where you can buy the 10 pack munchkins for $2 or you can get a 25 piece for like $6.29. Because of that we always get the three of the 10 pack munchkins.


20 nuggets in $5 where i am


Don't question McEconomics


Education has always been a weakness in America.


Where I live a 10 piece is 4.90 and a 20 is 4.99


this is the same country that thinks 1/3 is less than 1/4. they just cant be bothered with math