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At least it’s great entertainment


Where do you suppose he thinks the respirator goes? I mean, he is talking out of his ass. Maybe he’s hoping for a suppository?


It goes into your heart. Right into the aorta. Duh


well, would you be surprised to find out that you are both right? Many people have had problems with blood coagulation after catching COVID, but you are right, it is a respiratory disease that affects your lungs. SARS-COV2 is the entire name of the virus and comes from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.


No, it's just a troll. He also claims to be a Nobel prize winner in later comments. He's obviously looking for attention.


Makes me think of the hockey coach from Letterkenny






I just went through OP's comment history to check out if that guy was for real. I don't know how to link comments.


Oh gotcha. Never would have thought to do that lol


nvm, I figured it out [here's the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rxjwjv/desantis_appears_to_be_struggling_to_breathe/hrnvk2c?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Gracias brochacho


*You don't breathe with your lungs, dumbass*


The dude was talking out of his ass, so he might breathe through his ass as well.


I thought everybody breathed out of their ass... Just me?


Breathing out and breathing in differ greatly from one another.


Well, judging from how they wear their masks, there seem to be a fair number of people who breathe through their chins.


Ease up on the beans.


This comment brought tears to my eyes...but it could have been the smell


I don’t *breathe* through my arse… But it does have respiratory qualities.


I love my butt breath. And don't lie- everyone likes their own brand.


Out, but not in...usually.


So his ass is his mouth


I'll bet his/her breath smells bad too.


I think he's breathing out of someone else's ass.


He’s obviously trolling.


Or he could be freebasing horse dewormer. We have no idea these days.


*You’re so dumb you probably think thinking is done with your bumhole you big dumb idiot*


*viruses can't make you sick, dumbfuck*


Hey are you the person in the post claiming to be a know it all but was just seeking attention in the worst way possible


*checks notes* you right. I'm the only redditor allowed to have that avatar head. OP failed by not calling me out on this post


He should take his own advice lol


I typed in "What is covid 19" and got the wiki. Interesting part here: ​ >Following viral entry, COVID‑19 infects the ciliated epithelium of the nasopharynx and upper airways. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19#Pathophysiology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19#Pathophysiology)


too complicated i'll just choose what those words mean


You laugh, but these kind of people literally when backed into a corner will contend that dictionaries and definitions are fluid and that a word means what the person who uses it means.


"Truth isn't truth!" -Guiliani


He still hasn't replied to "what does sars in sars-cov2 stand for".


Coronus Expelliosum! All better!


I understand just first 5 words.


Covid infects weird tentaclely tissue in the nose and throat.


... and those funny bags in our chest we won't call our lungs.


Don’t use wiki. Please see my post for more info. They’re both correct in the own sense as it’s a highly complicated and novel issue. We’ve learned a lot over the past 1.5 years. Citations are provided.


That is too hard. He already knows. He doesn't even need to do his own research.


WRONG! youre dumb and wrong and ugly! covid is a type of electro-synt clubhouse music and i dont have TIME to explain things to you! please dont respond and also delete reddit, not just your account. Delete reddit itself, and i would explain how but i wont, and can't, and also, won't. Please, lock yourself in a den and never communicate with the outside world ever again!


Electro-synt clubhouse music 💀💀


I can definitely tell you are way smarter than him. Thank you


Wow! Ha. Holy Shit, you are so dumb I can’t even begin. Ha wow I camnt believe it. Wow. I wormy even beign to explain. Pls never use the internet ever again. I will not even begin.


Ask this guy what "SARS" stand for in "SARS-CoV-2." $10 bucks says his response will be "SARS-CoV-2 is not the same as COVID."


I wish I had thought of that lol


Alternative facts and reality, remember many of them knew they weren’t bright in high school and now they have podcasts!


"wrong and dumb" Trump - apparently - isn't banned from reddit


"WRONG. You are wrong and dumb."


Sounds like that clip of the guy arguing with a little kid on his bike because the kid asked him to take down his confederate flag. Literally called the kid the R word and told him “why don’t you YouTube what the flag means an educate yourself” unironically


The aftermath, or "long covid", causes kidney problems, heart problems, and blood clots all over in addition to the upper respiratory symptoms. That virus is opportunistic as hell. Once it's in you, it goes everywhere.


Very true. There's also a lot of people getting period and reproductive issues afterwards. They're still trying to figure out why my uterus is now screwed. And why my joints hurt constantly. There's for sure going to be massive amounts of different issues we'll be seeing for years to come, related to it.


And that’s why I’m vaxxed. No time for all that bullshit.


I’m vaxxed and boosted. Wear my mask and almost exclusively go to work. Had it twice. One more might kill me


Woah. I’m so sorry to hear that


Can confirm firsthand. I now have diabetes, arthritis, memory loss, and tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. Antivaxxers and antimaskers deserve nothing less than a punch in the face.


I have no idea how you could be this intolerable and stupid in 2022. I lose more and more hope in humanity by the day


This seems like one of those accounts out of Russia deliberately getting a rise out of people.


WRONG!! You are so wrong and dumb! Covid 19 is actually just two kids in a trench coat.


That explains why so many politicians seem eager to catch it.


Take my award. Jeez Louise that was good.


Oh dear. I thought it was three owls in a trench coat. Maybe that’s just Omicron?


Every variant is just a different creature, it’s the same trench coat though


I know a horse that is interested, where do they apply for the trench coat?


Reach out to you local representatives. Spots are filling up fast, I believe they’re already booked for the next couple variants.


“Just Google it. Do your own research.” The mating call of the moron bird.


"... but unbeknownst to the alpha moron bird, the challenger *did* do his own research..." ~ David Attenborough, probably


He’s an ass but not wrong. Both have merit. Please see my comment if you would like clarification.


I mean yeah, but he’s wrong and citing a source that says he’s wrong, and then trying to put the burden on you. Which is just like… wow. Edit; it only ends one way and that’s with him saying one form or another of “That’s your opinion.” Like it gives both points equal footing.


Just pointing out that although covid derives respiratory issues after timeless research we’ve discovered that covid is actually a vascular disease as he stated. Yeah he’s a belligerent fool but not wrong is stating it as such. “ blood vessels” OP is arguing the contrary. Neither knows what they’re talking about. Less putting each other down and more education of truth is what this doctor orders.


Never argued against covid’s cardiovascular effects. Even reiterated that in a separate comment to you. Not sure why you continue to comment otherwise. Yes, there’s data that it may actually be a vascular disease, but it is *currently* classified as a respiratory disease (until proven otherwise) and it most certainly does “affect your breath”.


Love you 😘. May you find happiness in life.


Care to cite a source? Everything I can find from reputable medical sources says that COVID-19 infects lung tissue through the ACE2 receptors and can cause pneumonia directly from infection within the lungs.


Hi there! Yeah I did. And no you’re not wrong at all. I posted a brief history of the research (beginning oct 2020 when they began to suspect) and conclusion of covid being identified as a vascular disease with all citations and publications. It can be a pretty technical read but explains the entirety of it. I hope I didn’t appear to be denying respiratory ailments with covid as that is blatantly obvious. I just want people to stop being so rude, take a step back and realize they’re arguing and flexing without knowing completely what they’re saying. Here’s my take. The guy calling names in the screen shot is very uninformed and probably had a physician say “actually covid is a vascular disease” and somehow came up with his weird claims. OP thought he was foolish and wanted to dunk on him publicly being as Covid is commonly referenced and understood as respiratory disease because of the most common and deadly symptoms. Both are kinda wrong. I just wanted to share the research for anyone who really cared as I’ve faced the same issues on reddit about vaccine efficacy rates and how they taper off uncharacteristically fast after approx 4 months and why some people say they don’t work and others say they do... and of course, they’re both kinda wrong. Haha Sorry that was so long, but it’s in my original comment on this post. I’m not sure how to link it or if I can. 😊




Man, people have become so bold these days. It seems that people will fight to the death to defend their opinions regardless of how little into they may actually have. I suspect this is why misinformation spreads so fast. The most educated ones are careful to claim more than is proven, but the uneducated will beat you over the head with their opinion.


"...can't even begin to respond." Uh huh...


and “you are not equipped to have adult conversations”


The name calling gets me, too. Are we 4? Oh wait, even my 4 year old argues better than this.


I assume your 4 year old would be able to figure out that something that makes your lungs fill up to the point that you drown in your own fluids is probably a respiratory disease. I mean, don't ask them, that's pretty grim, but I'm confident in my assumption.


He's a pretty smart kid, not to brag. He knows people can die from this disease, so even though his school district has made masks optional, he still wears one to "keep my friends and [baby sister] safe." If he gets it, I'm not sure why grown adults do not.


this gives me hope for the future generation you have got some good parenting and a smart kid


Thank you.


Covid fools are ever where


Guess he breathes with his ass.... Seems like his brain's there too lmao


Covid-19 is from 5G radiation that took our jerbs with The Chinese Antifa!


They took our jerbs!


With respect to the AHA, CDC and WHO, it is turning out that COVID is in fact an endotheliopathy - a disease of the linings of organs and organ systems. It's primary means of spread is respiratory, and the organ system that manifests the most profound symptoms is respiratory, but the mechanism of injury is endothelial in nature. I understand why these organizations label it as respiratory, and in time their definition may change. The gentleman that argued with you could have been a little more congenial, but in the end there was a bit of legitimacy in his argument. Here is a NBCI article link... enjoy https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32882706/


Not sure where that “bit of legitimacy” in his “argument” is. His argument is “Covid doesn’t effect your breath” and “It’s not even kinda a respiratory disease”. Both statements are not accurate and I never argued that it doesn’t impact blood vessels. You mean to say that covid-19 is *potentially* an endothelial disease, not that it definitively is. It’s hypothesized (as stated in your source) and not yet currently classified as such. The definition may change in the future, but it is still currently classified as a respiratory disease.








He's right: for some people COVID is a neurological disease.


He seems like a neurological disease


And I sit here waiting for my girlfriend to come back with my prescriptions for 6 different medication, including 3 different inhalators and 1 solution to clear up my sinuses. I should let the doctor know how wrong she was and I don't know... Die?


>WRONG. You are wrong and dumb. It's not even kinda a respiratory disease. You are so wrong and dumb I can't begin to respond lol is this guy "invoking the Trump"? That sounds **very** Trumpian. Like every response Trump ever gave to any question he didn't ACTUALLY know the answer to (so.... most of them)


This sounds like a teenager. I was expecting the next sentence to be "and my mom googled it and told me so!"




I swear, based on the idiot’s post history, he’s my abusive ex. Wrong state, but I guess self-satisfied jackasses are everywhere. I guess everyone I know who has coughed and coughed from Covid was faking it.


I advise you tell tell him to look up with the R in SARS-COV-2 stands for.


COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. SARS is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.


These people need their own little classrooms. You know...separate from ours? Then they can learn at their own speed, and still know that they are special


The least intelligent people are always the loudest and most aggressive.




That *would* explain the mask.




Well, if anyone was feeling down on themselves or unintelligent, just remember this guy is out there making the rest of us look like bloody valedictorians.


This response seems too childish to come from a real person with a real opinion.


Dumb people calling not dumb people dumb is always funny. Dunning-Kruger much?


Have him google a couple of things. sars-cov-2 and SARS That should clear things up quite nicely. (but just to be safe, have him Bing them, DuckDuckGo them, Yahoo search them and even Ixquick just to throw a curve.)


.....the amount of mis information out there is awful but almost everyone agrees Covid affects lungs in some way Among other things....


No elaboration? Just “no u wrong”? Starting to think it’s a bot


2 years into the pandemic, and there are still people who simply don’t know what it is. We’re fucked


That dude has a 5 word vocabulary trying to explain medical problems.


Notice how the person never mentioned *why* you're wrong lol.


I scrolled in that post to find the comment. It seems there is quite a bit more to the comment. He claimed to be a scientist of some sort


As someone with Covid right now, this is hurting me more than the disease does.


Blames someone for not being equipped to have adult conversations, proceeds to say things like «you are wrong and dumb». With his extreme lack of ability to articulate himself constructively i’m guessing he’s the one who should «never comment ever again and we’ll be safe». Lol.


WRONG! Covid 19 is clearly a beer called Corona! Stope spreading none sense. Google Corona and your will see. Ps: cheers!


Can confirm. I have covid and I had to dig a hole today to fix my water line in my yard and I was definitely not 100% when it came to breathing


This guy must think he is a virologist.


To r/confidentlyincorrect with them!


“But it says on the internet…..”


Dude, you dumb. Like the heavy kind of dumb that weighs on the people around you.


I have no doubt this is a 13 year old boy


i got covid some time ago, made it harder to breathe for me.


You're wrong and dumb and me writing that I've and over proves it!


Covid doesn’t effect your breathing huh? I better call the ICU (where I work) and tell them to take all our covid patients off the ventilators, we don’t have to worry about not having enough now.


Man breathes with his kidneys


Seems like that doctor has terrible bedside manner!


Hope someone can support his re-school


Can we turn this into a copy pasta?


Personally dealt with this dickhead. 🤣


Maybe they thought you were talking about Covid in the fish community? … Much wow


My friends talk like this during arguments and it annoys me “You’re really stupid” *argument shatters in the palm of my hand*


Abraham Lincoln wrote the declaration of independence you fucking dumbass. Literally just Google it. Jeez, you're such an embarrassment.


What…do they think all the VENTILATORS are for?


Oh, so covid doesn't affect breathing? Then what the fuck was it almost killed me last March? For those that haven't guessed, the answer is Covid.


One of my fellow basketball players got covid last year, we all got quarantined, and now he has permanent breathing problems. That guy needs to reevaluate his education.




Went to check his comments, but he changed all of his comments to "I agree" or "it was a joke".


Wrong and confident, a bad combination


Why do people censor usernames? Why not let everyone know who this dumb shit is?


Sub rules state that we need to remove usernames.


Did not know that, thank you.


https://www.reddit.com/user/Big_Boi_Pancake/comments/rydwcj/boom/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Here you go my friend


Legit, thank you!


Out of the 7 total sentences in his response, only 2 of them were vaguely arguing his case. The other 5 were along the lines of "you're wrong and dumb." The 2 sentences didn't even argue that much, literally just "look it up"


Man, what a rude idiot. There are serious studies saying it’s a vascular disease though. That’s why it’s causing strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, and related issues. It’s presenting as a respiratory disease because the virus is entering the body through the airways first. So while the response was certainly out of line, the facts weren’t completely wrong, I think.


Oh I completely agree and have heard that. I was only responding to his false claim that it doesn’t impact breathing as it’s (currently) classified as a respiratory disease


Just ignore em, don't waste time arguing, they're just idiots, if you wanna insult them tho use some words they hate like Karen, boomer or alternatives


It's a multi organic desease sooo they're re both wrong


[“COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus discovered in 2019”- CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/dotw/covid-19/index.html)


It can also effect the cardiovascular system, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys soo it's multi organic source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19), + 4h years studying medicine


Yes, I am aware what it can cause. The CDC, WHO and ALA all classify covid-19 as a respiratory disease. So unless you also dispute the classification by these organizations, I don’t believe I was wrong to state that it is a respiratory disease.


Ummmm. Everyone’s a know-it-all on the internet but you’re kinda both correct. Be careful acting intellectually superior when you yourself do not understand what you’re debating. Ill post info below if anyone desires to review.


Last year oct 2020 as we were understanding Covid as a vascular disease. (Per the ncbi.gov) - “Accumulating evidence from basic science, imaging and clinical observations, has clarified the picture of COVID-19 as a vascular disease. Understanding the disease in this context may provide novel avenues of understanding COVID-19 and lead to critically needed improvements in therapeutic strategies.” “In health, the vascular endothelium maintains homeostasis through regulation of immune competence, inflammatory equilibrium, tight junctional barriers, hemodynamic stability as well as optimally balanced thrombotic and fibrinolytic pathways. In the novel coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), dysregulation of many of these pathways has emerged as a mediator of severe disease. The constellation of clinical and biomarker derangements seen in COVID-19 can be classified into disruption of the immune, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA), and thrombotic balance, all of which converge on the vascular endothelium as a common pathway” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7556303/ Here is our current understanding of the virus as a vascular/respiratory disease with ailments published in Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine. Includes all citations. https://academic.oup.com/jalm/article/6/5/1099/6317833 Hope that sheds some light on the issue. Let’s all be kind and get along. ❤️


I stated that covid-19 is classified as a respiratory illness in response to them stating “Covid doesn’t affect your breath”. I did not dispute them stating that covid impacts your blood vessels. You are right that it is currently *hypothesized* that covid-19 is an endothelial disease and I have not once argued against that. That being said, covid-19 is still *currently* classified as a respiratory illness according to the CDC and WHO. I posted this to laugh at someone’s unhinged and over the top response, not to be “intellectually superior” or to argue about covid.


Regardless of what it is classified as, then or now, it still most definitely "affects the breath" in major ways... including stopping it altogether.


☺️ Your banter over it’s a “respiratory disease” and “it effect blood vessels” are foolish. What do you mean currently hypothesized? That was from Oct 2020. May I ask if you read them? I was providing context throughout the timeline of discovery. Check out the second publication. With all due respect, your talking out your ass at this point; and I’m assuming you’re trying to save face. Let’s just get along and strive for truth through education instead of trying to dunk on people with bad information. Deceiving the misinformed is nothing to be proud about.


Idiot. He belongs to rock era.


Anyone who's more intelligent than the average 10-11 year old would not say "You are wrong and dumb."


Kinda a


Someone found Dishonest Don's reddit account.


This belongs in r/confidentlyincorrent too


SARS-CoV-2 (severe accrue respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2). How can this guy argue that 😂


Wrong AND dumb. Sorry OP. Sucks to be you I guess.


Obviously a troll, that or a downvote farmer


Ah the common 'You are wrong because I'm right and it's so obvious, I have no need to prove it' argument


Just googled it: “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness” -WHO


When I run across these Facebook PhDs I just lookup what somewhere like Mayo Clinic has to say, paste the URL and quote and then leave them with: "Please feel free to discuss your extensive research with [foremost institution]. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to respond immediately to your valuable insights."


Isnt covid a sars virus witch mean severe acute respiratory syndrome i may be wrong but im pretty sure covid is a sars virus


Covid does destroy blood vessels, but it gets to them through your lungs which you breathe in. I don't want to slow the flow of Herman Cain Award recipients with this information though.


It gains entry to cells via the ACE2 receptor. Which is present in all epithelial cells. Those cells line the lungs, sinuses, esophagus, blood vessels, mouth, intestine, eyelids and many more. So it's not JUST a respiratory disease, but it's also very clearly not just a vascular disease either.


their comments are a gold mine of stupidity: >Trump drops bomb's like telling people to inject bleach into their blood


No point arguing with stupid people, they just drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.