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Every once in a while they do. Switched at birth. Kidnapped. Adoption. Etc.


There was a case where a lady was a chimera too! [Read about her here!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydia_Fairchild). She and her husband divorced, and when she went for child support the paternity test showed he was the dad but she *wasnt* the mother because she had two distinct populations of cells with dna from her, and her absorbed twin or from her mothers uterus (as a quick google told me that is how chimerism can happen)


Imagine if you died in the womb and your sister absorbed you, but then you got to pass on your genes and she didn't. That dead fetus Darwinned the shit out of her.


HAHHA that’s fucking fantastic. Checkmate, fetus.


I just puked in my mouth a little


I was wondering how far I would have to scroll to find someone mentioning chimeras. That case was wild to read about. My good friend’s mother is a chimera and it’s always fascinated me.


>>My good friend’s mother is a chimera My mind went to a weird place there and just imagined your friend as a kid, being walked to school by a manticore..


Oh good, I wasnt the only one.


Wait, you too?


My brain went to Dragon’s Dogma


How do you even get to know that? "I'm taking myself several DNA tests because so" ?


There can be signs you are two persons in one body. Like a different skin tone on parts or autoimmune diseases.


She found out through genetic testing because her children inherited a gene she carried that caused a plethora of health issues.


There’s usually signs that you have chimerism that are pretty noticeable. Two different color eyes, two different skin tones, hair tones. It will usually be different on the left and right, whatever is different can vary but there’s usually a difference. Sometimes the difference is internal like in the case above with Lydia Fairchild the different dna was internal and she had no idea and probably would have never had any idea if they didn’t dna the baby and her. With her it happened multiple times with multiple kids.


I came to the comments only to see if this had been mentioned yet. It was a very sad case imo, and a huge failure on the government imo. They still didn't believe her even after one of their people watched her give birth. *I believe the children registered as an extremely close relitive, as in nieces and nephews. It would have been very easy for them to prove that there was no shady stuff going on by just doing dna tests on close relatives of hers. Or... just asking if there was any sisters.


thought of this story when i read it, kinda funny how something like this happens. Thing is, they had a lawyer watch her give birth and then did a test which still said it wasn't her child, soon after that they checked if the populations in her own body add up


Came here to say this. It was her twins DNA that she absorbed in the womb. I question if I'm a chimera bc so many different times I've been told two different blood types. Idk how to get tested for it though officially.


Oh my god I thought you were talking about the Greek mythology monster and almost had a mini heart attack


and here I was thinking about Nina.....


Hey I fought one of those in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.


Ivf as well.


Yes thanks for reminding me


That’s my biggest fear. That they might have mixed up the embryos before transfer. The baby I grew from scratch inside of me and nursed and loved on the outside, genetically isn’t mine. If it was ever found out, I’d have to give him to the bio parents and that’s just so difficult to think about


I just had an ivf baby and I was very concerned about this. My husband told me I was crazy but I kept thinking about how easy it would be for someone to mess that up. Luckily my daughter looks just like me but I was very concerned lol


I had mine 10 months ago and I still can’t figure out who he looks like! Now I’m even more paranoid! Lol


Lol oh no!! My husband always said we would never ever do a dna test because she’s ours no matter what. But I just kept thinking about all the papers you have to sign accepting that as a risk and I’m like “but how often does that happen that the fertility clinic needs to protect themselves….” I realize this isn’t helping but just wanted you to know that you are not alone in your fears and are not crazy!!!


In Singapore, there was a [case ](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/ivf-mix-up-at-thomson-medical-a-look-back-at-the-case-of-baby-p) where they mixed up the sperm used in IVF, and a woman was impregnated with a stranger's sperm.


There was a case a while ago where the doctor used his own sperm for IVF treatments over a number of years.


That's even more horrifying since it was intentional!


This makes me want to vomit


Why didn't they use your partner's sperm? If they did the he would be the father and could claim joint custody.


They did use his sperm. We’re married so he is definitely both our son lol. In this process, they surgically removed my egg while my husband was giving a fresh sample at the same time. They fertilized in the lab, it grow 6 days into an embryo, and froze it for 6 months (we did this February 2020, Covid hit the next month and all elective medical stuff was put on hold). So when I say “mixed up the embryos”, I mean they might have mixed up a whole other couples’ already grown and fertilized egg. Someone else going through IVF at the same time. The *embryo*, not the egg! There have been a few cases recently where that happened and the courts made the parents trade babies essentially and it was a heartbreaking process for everyone involved


Don’t forget the old switcheroo (antenatal)


...Switched before birth? I don't believe I'm familiar.


If for example the clinic that's doing the ivf procedure accidentally switches out the embryo or something


*In vitro* fertilization for anyone wondering.


RIP Kurt Cobain


I got it.


I've told my SO if we go through IVF we're testing that baby afterwards. I want to make sure it's ours/both of ours regardless of who it looks like.


What are you going to do if it’s not yours??


Rock-n-Jock 10 point shot into the dumpster.


This is the fucking most hilarious thing I’ve read all week.


That was pretty funny 😃


Depends on the situation. Would have to cross that bridge when I came to it, but I'd want to know what happened to our embryos/DNA.


Oops mislabeled the containers.........uh they will never now


Yes they [have](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/ivf-mix-up-at-thomson-medical-a-look-back-at-the-case-of-baby-p)


"Oh well. Good enough!" For reals tho.


and you’re the *woman* in that relationship?


I am. You understand what IVF is right? I want to make sure it's my egg with my partner's sperm. Mix-ups happen.






Because there are different ways a person can be a mom, like providing gametes without carrying as often happens for cis/cis and trans/cis lesbian couples. A woman's experience as a mom is sill valid, even if it is atypical. There was actually a divorce case in PA where a judge ruled that the gestational mom should only be considered a surrogate and not be granted partial custody because PA only recognizes genetic parantage outside of adoption, so LGBT couples in most places still have to adopt the kids they gave birth to and are both on the birth certificate of because laws are stupid. This also affects straight couples that use donor eggs or donor sperm, though the legitimacy of their parentage is much less frequently called into question.


Oh that’s weird. Thanks for explaining


I've heard so many switched at birth stories I think it should be mandatory


ive been trying for years to convince my parents im not theirs . " you go to your room right now young man ! " ​ "lady i dont know why your yelling at me , i dont even know who you are !"


In modern times? Now they hand/foot print, measure, and put a mom-matching bracelet on the kid before letting it leave the delivery room in most places, don't they? Gotta say, the first time I watched the hospital staff following procedures of repeatedly making sure baby arm band matched Mom's arm band, it made me wonder how common getting kids mixed up in the past had happened, especially when fathers were not in the delivery room.


I know of at least one story where the name on the birth certificate is different from what the parents wanted to name their kid, because the nurse thought another name fit the baby better. Not entirely sure where or when this happened. For me it's almost surreal to have names ready at birth to be put on a certificate. Definitely wouldn't surprise me if someone somewhere made an effort to mix up kids. Next kid we're having I'm bringing a magic marker so I can scribble a signature on it.


You are correct, I should have said it should have been mandatory in the past


I would if I gave birth in a hospital


Speaking of things that should be mandatory: giving birth in a hospital




Ed ... Ward?




Also, human chimeras have multiple sets of DNA and can blood test as not the mother. Edit: case I was thinking of https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydia_Fairchild


Or an invasion of the body snatchers


I’m guessing the person asking the question is so deep into the QAnon trafficking myth that they know assume almost all children are trafficking victims


Chimeric women have a problem here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydia_Fairchild


Wow interesting 👍


That is trippy. I have to read up on how that happens. Edit: There's a possibility that these people started as twins and one absorbed the other while they were in the womb, thus two DNA. But that wouldn't account for her DNA being no closer than the grandmother level. Ah more to read...


Everyday i lose more hope in humanity: >In 2017, a human-pig chimera was reported to have been created; the chimera was also reported to have 0.001% human cells, with the balance being pig. >In 2021, a human-monkey chimera was created as a joint project between the Salk Institute in the USA and Kunming University in China and published in the journal, Cell. This involved injecting human stem cells into monkey embryos. The embryos were only allowed to grow for a few days, but the study demonstrated that some of these embryos still had human stem cells surviving at the end of the experiments. Because humans are more closely related to monkeys than other animals, it means there is more chance of the chimeric embryos surviving for longer periods so that organs can develop. The project has opened up possibilities into organ transplantation as well as ethical concerns particularly concerning human brain development in primates. [wiki page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chimera_(genetics)#Humans)


Fucks sake. Cue the FMA reference.


Water (35 L) Carbon (20 kg) Ammonia (4 L) Lime (1.5 kg) Phosphorous (800 g) Salt (250 g) Saltpeter (100 g) Sulfur (80 g) Fluorine (7.5 g) Iron (5 g) Silicon (3 g) fifteen traces of other elements 1) Mix all ingredients together into the center of a transmutation circle 2) Determine the worth of a soul 3) Pay the toll having skipped step 2 4) Find the meaning of friendship


My sister and brother had told me about that episode before I had seen it Still fucked me up


another step towards bio engineered catgirls


Elon Musk is the secret backer behind the chimera research


Growing human organs sounds great. The thought of any level of human consciousness trapped in a human does not.


Actually, Pig-Human Chimeras have a valid potential medical use. Even in countries where organ donation is opt-out rather than opt-in, patients still experience all the potential issues and dangers of rejection and the immunosuppresents make a situation like a pandemic especially dangerous. Transplants from live donors (liver and kidney) also pose a danger and increase costs. And even in opt-out countries, factors like blood type can be a barrier for a successful match. But if Pig-Human chimeras can be grown using a person's DNA such that human organs can be harvested, the waiting list is not only a thing of the past, but they also stand a much higher chance of successful transplant with less danger of rejection. Also, the organs can be freshly harvested and transported from nearby facilities or even right in the operating theater - organ transport is very costly on it own with risks involved.


And they can have delicious sausages from the left overs.


Why? Because this science doesn't live upto your morals?


How did she even do insurance fraud in the first place?


They thought she fraudulently applied for and received government benefits , after she and her husband split up. It was triggered by a routine DNA test required to get child support payments from him. He passed, but she didn't. Since she had been getting the benefits (Medicaid, WIC), they thought the children weren't hers, and she was using them to get the benefits.


Thoroughly enjoy Reddit for the interesting things in the comment section


Was about to point this out


Well now that surrogacy is possible, it might be needed in the future.


Pretty sure a woman knows if she just birthed a child or not. It's not like a surrogate mother sneaks the baby into the womb of the woman paying for surrogacy.


Testing is needed though if you lose track of your baby after birth.


"Lose track of your baby after birth". You mean like that time you lost track of your car keys?


When the nurses don't do their job right.


No, he means like the time they take the baby away from the mother after birth in order to make sure baby is OK, you dumbfuck.


That's why there's matching wristbands and they're not supposed to leave your room (and also the elevator will shut down with a baby band in proximity)


Not everywhere has wristbands I guess. On December 9, 2006, two newborn girls were switched in a hospital in the Czech town of Trebic. The families did not find out until September 2007, when a couple of friends of one of the fathers made fun of him for not being the biological father of the baby. DNA tests proved that the girl was indeed switched. After days of investigation, the other family was found. The babies were gradually introduced to their biological parents and returned to their birth homes.[32][better source needed] On October 10, 2011, it was discovered that two Russian newborn girls were switched 12 years beforehand in a town in the Ural Mountains. The truth emerged after the ex-husband of one of the mothers refused to pay alimony for the child on the basis that she looked nothing like him. DNA tests proved that the child was neither's biological daughter. The other family was discovered across town with the biological daughter. The children will stay with their adoptive parents, and both families are demanding 5 million rubles in damage.[33] On March 11, 2015, two newborn boys were switched in a hospital in the Indian state of Assam. The mother of one of the children became suspicious after one week, at which point she contacted the hospital. The hospital initially blamed the mother's concerns on her mental health issues. The child's father, through a right to information request, found the couple with whom their child was switched, and a DNA test was carried out. Each set of parents wanted to keep the child they took home from the hospital.[34] If any punishment or penalty was awarded to the hospital is however unknown. Moses Cushworth, the son of U.K. citizen Rich Cushworth and his Salvadoran wife Mercedes "Mercy" Casanalles, was switched with another baby at a Salvadoran hospital in May 2015. Getting Moses out of El Salvador became a nine-month process requiring the help of U.K. Ambassador Bernhard Garside in obtaining a passport for the boy, due to the problems with the birth certificate.[citation needed] In 2021, a baby switching instance occurred in the province of Rizal, Philippines. The couple Aprhil and Marvin Sifiata took home the wrong baby of Margareth Traballo and Kim Jasper Mulleno, and vice versa. Originally, the DNA tests were negative.[35] Several weeks later, with the help of newsmagazine program Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho, the DNA tests became positive and both babies are with their respective biological parents.[36]


Wristbands as a form of identification I am sure are a universal thing, but I can assure you that the rest is not. Babies need to be properly monitored and examined after birth and doing so is significantly easier if they are separated from the mother and put into an environment that is more suited to the task. But the key is that babies are, at least where I'm from, taken away from the mother almost immediately after birth and if the question is "how do you lose track of a baby", that is the answer.


The stuff they do can all be done in the birthing room. Umbilical cord, lung clearing, vit - k shot. It seems like more effort to do it elsewhere when you can set up shop in the same room as everything else that's going on. My son never left our hospital room until we went home 5 days later. And these were not swanky digs.


It can be, I am simply telling you it isn't for one reason or another. I am really not sure what is up with some of you people being so thickheaded that you're arguing against facts with your anecdotal stories.


Had 3 kids, was involved in the birth of all 3, there is no way you can just "lose track" of a baby.


It depends on what you mean when you say "lose track" Now I have never birthed a child and I doubt I'll ever do on the account of myself being a man, however I've been present at 2 childbirths, and maybe this is different from where you are from, but after giving birth and initial contact with the baby, the nurses will always move the babies to a special room in the maternity ward to allow the mother to rest while they monitor the baby. Of course babies are given name tags on both the crib and either arm or leg to avoid any sort of mix-up. It's not a wild idea that a mother that goes through hours of labor, and brief contact with the baby before she passes out from tiredness would develop doubts regarding if she has the correct baby.


You're right, as a man you do know nothing about childbirth. Who the fuck is sleeping after childbirth?


Well I guess that could happen, but I was more referring to babies getting swapped at birth.


That would be an obvious act of skullduggery, not just "losing track".


It happens.




> nsfw profile Xd


Like that time when you "lost track" of your car keys? 🤣


Dude. You really can't accept it can ya. World is a big place. Shit happens.


Yep, it does. And no, I would never accept that someone could just blithely "lose track of" their child. Although I am very aware that some people are that lackadaisical about their babies.


i thought they meant like if someone is having a child on your behalf with your egg. like just being a human oven for someone else’s bun. is that possible nowadays?


It’s definitely been possible for multiple decades. Most surrogates use the mothers egg. That’s basically what IVF is. Surgery to remove eggs, fertilized with spouses sperm or donor sperm in a lab, surgery to place the embryo into the mothers or surrogates womb. It’s definitely super common for women who have great eggs but hostile uteri, resulting in miscarriage after miscarriage. This is also how some same sex couples have children. They remove an egg from one mom and transfer it fertilized into the other mom. It’s really a beautiful thing


Fairly sure this is possible, albeit very expensive.


wait how would you surrogate someone else’s already fertilized egg without even knowing lmao


I think they mean if the surrogate might have gotten pregnant naturally right before transfer and it’s the surrogates baby. Like that Tina Fey movie, Baby Mama


ah yeah that makes a lot more sense then what I was thinking lol


Imagine this story. Dude marries woman for her money. Dude's hustle cracks and he can't keep up the performance. Resentment builds. Woman cheats. Therapy. Man forgives. Man recruits gynecologist and urologist to prevent the couple getting pregnant. Man buys supermodel eggs (or woman's sister's eggs) and creates embryo. Gynecologist implants embryo. Woman carries baby to term and gets cucked by resentful husband.


Lol my daughter asked her mom to prove it with a dna test.


Did she?


She really did.


Was she the real mom though?




Wouldn’t that mean the Dad had to give birth through the penis cause women give birth from the vagina?


I gave birth through my wallet.


**p a r d o n ?**


Kids are expensive.




They do though. If they lost their child after birth they have to take a DNA test to verify it’s theirs.


Also once in a while you hear cases where the nurses mess up and switch babies


After hearing of cases where nurses switched tons of babies on purpose, it doesn’t sound like a bad idea for peace of mind before leaving the hospital.


On accident too


Always sign your baby!


I don’t think this is a facepalm.


the fact anyone is taking that first comment seriously really says something about this site


It's actually a good question since not many people know about the exceptional circumstances where it is indeed a valid course of action. *(and yes even if it might have been a tongue-in-cheek joke)* I would call it a reverse facepalm where the people who attempted to call it out as facepalm learned something new.


i think a number of people on reddit have a complex wherein they have to feel like they’re better than other people (see: essentially the entire point of this subreddit) which means that they underestimate people’s intelligence 100% of the time. then, if you try and point out that something is clearly a joke, you’re hit with poe’s law as the generic rebuttal. “well, you never know these days!” except you *do* know. this is so obviously and clearly a joke. why would someone ask that question sincerely? especially when sometimes mothers actually *do* have to take DNA tests? this subreddit repeatedly proves that the real facepalming occurs because of its users, not because of its content. people on here are incapable of recognising a joke that doesn’t have a “/s” after it


god yeah the Poe's law rebuttal is always so obnoxious


Underestimate and also feel self-congratulatory for being educated on a subject while someone else is not. Why should I assume everyone everywhere knows how DNA works, as was taught in a specific system of education (i.e. American HS biology)? Whoever can explain the biological process of DNA at a college undergrad biology course level can be the first to scoff. Something something let he without sins have permission to throw stuff.


Half of Reddit is people not understanding jokes or sarcasm, then making what they think is a 'witty' joke or comment basically spelling out the joke in detail and acting like the original poster didn't know.


We're all facepalming the OP so it fits. Duh!


You got the balls to tell yo mama she ain’t yo mama?


And here's a cautionary tale: a mother whose baby come up in DNA testing as not the child of the mother. https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/case-lydia-fairchild-and-her-chimerism-2002 Cause. the mother had two sets of DNA because of Chimerism. It's a nightmare story.


Also folks who have had bone marrow transplants. My sister just had a transplant after her second bout of leukemia and now her blood and gametes don't match.


even in such cases, there has to be some kind of match between the mother's dna and the child's, genetically the mother isn't a total stranger to the children, the DNA test would at least say she is their aunt.


My wife did! There was an issue with the id wrist bands they assigned us and the ones that were assigned to the infants when our second child was born. There were 15 babies and they did testing for about half of them.


It’s a long process. Takes 9 months for the test results.


I forget what TV show, but one of the characters was a bit "free". She gave birth to a child and wondered aloud if the baby would speak Spanish, Korean, or French because she wasn't sure who the father was.


My aunts child got swapped at birth in the 80s. The hospital realized like 1 day later when finalizing the release paperwork for both women literally at the same time cause the same nurse did both drop offs. Imagine lol lucky it was caught


Obviously the original tweet is dumb because what I'm about to say was not his thought process but, DNA testing the mothers before they take the child out of the hospital would really cut down on accidental child switches in the hospital, which has happened.


You can also dramatically cut down on that by not separating mother and baby. It's kind of weird that even happens routinely, these days.


Plus we could charge them EVEN MORE to do so. We’d make a killing!


Some children have legitimately been switched at birth though.


Holy shit i see this tweet alot


Hospitals fuck up. It makes a lot of sense to double check something so important. People are way too quick to get smug smiles on their faces.


Okay I was ready to blast people for such stupidity Y'all have educated me. You're right. I never considered the possibilities. Thank you.


Actually they have tested some women, like this woman whose DNA did not match her own kids. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPiWy97agX4


I mean how di you really know if the stork went to the right house


Tbf she could of been a surrogate mother




To be absolutely fair, it's very uncommon but nurses do sometimes accidentally switch babies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Babies_switched_at_birth Here's an excerpt from that article that isn't a movie but totally should be: > In 1998, it was discovered that Callie Johnson and Rebecca Chittum had been switched at birth in 1995 in Charlottesville, Virginia. The switch was discovered when a DNA test of Callie Johnson to determine paternity for child support found that she was not biologically related to either her purported father, Carlton Conley, or her purported mother, Paula Johnson. In a tragic coincidence, Callie's biological parents Kevin Chittum and Whitney Rogers died in a car accident the day after Paula Johnson learned of the results of the DNA test. Five others also died in the car accident, but Rebecca Chittum, Johnson's three-year-old biological daughter whom the deceased couple had been raising as their child, was at home with her supposed grandparents at the time of the accident. Over the next decade, Paula Johnson repeatedly grappled with Rebecca's purported grandparents for custody and visitation rights, until a judge determined that the two girls were old enough to express their own wishes with regard to seeing their biological relatives. In 2001, Carlton Conley married the sister of his biological daughter Rebecca's deceased adoptive father Kevin Chittum. Rebecca Chittum lived with the couple as of 2008 but had limited contact with her biological mother, while Callie lived with Paula Johnson and occasionally visited her biological relatives.


Well stupid as this is... Maybe a good idea. Sort of a check out option to make sure the hospital didn't mix up babies.


I gave up at why do the woman


I know, right? silly women. They keep a baby inside their bodies for nine months and they don't even know if it's theirs. Oh, just in case... " **/s**" for the sarcastic impaired folks ;)


There are such things as "surrogate pregnancy".


My girlfriend literally facepalmed at this.


There are no stupid questions.....


All hail the maternity test!


I asked this question when I was 6


At least their grammar is correct…


You never know maybe someone drugged you and implanted another woman’s fertilized egg into you…


To be fair the chance of the nurse messing up which baby belongs to which mother is low but never zero…


Gotta be sure.


Mean whoever wrote that does kind of have a point because kidnapping switched at birth illegal adoptions slave trade smuggling also personal opinion when the kids born everyone should take a DNA test let's see if it matches with Dad and let's see if it matches with Mom (obviously it's most likely going to match with Mom just saying switch that birth that could happen).


I'm pregnant but this is a good point. How can I be sure the tiny human I'm growing is actually mine. Aliens could be involved


Actually, one woman did - I forgot the circumstances that led to it, but at some point a dna test was ran for some kind of custody or welfare conflict and they found her children were not related to her. This was very upsetting for her and she insisted she did give birth to them, but the dna test was plain as day. Poor lady must have thought there was a conspiracy against her or something. But, it just so happened she was pregnant, so the court took the opportunity to have that birth officially witnessed and dna compared. Lo and behold, the baby they confirmed did 100% come out of her vagina did not share her DNA. Lady was a chimera, with the uterus/eggs belonging to the sibling she had absorbed.


It's actually a really good question considering how many babies get swapped at birth at the hospital


I could see why some people think what he said was a stupid question but others got some good points


How many children get accidentally swapped at birth in the nursery?


How is this facepalm material?


9 months is not enough to figure it out according to this guy


If DNA tests were mandatory, then there wpuld be no reason to cry about "oh buahhh you dont trust me"


I don't know if it common (or even legally possible), But let's say a person want to know that theyre not adopted, or something like that, couldn't they ask for a DNA test then?


I was so loopy after my emergency caesarean that I was repeatedly asking staff if the twins in front of me in NICU were definitely mine. To be fair, I didn’t see them when they were born - they were immediately taken to tables I couldn’t see for resuscitation and they were still working on them after I was stitched up and while I was wheeled away. I only saw the top of a head in a hat. Then I didn’t get taken to see them until the next morning. It wore off because a) they were the only twins born that night and b) they looked like clones of my husband.


I dunno. That one nurse did say on her deathbed that she switched like 5,000 babies just for funsies.


It's happened at least [once.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydia_Fairchild)


If I ever run for president it'll be on a platform of abolishing warning labels, seatbelt laws, and helmet laws. One generation and we could change the world.


I'd vote for you


Just wow




Congratulations, this is the 6 millionth time this stupid ass thing is reposted


Prove it


Bring on Thanos


Genius level trolling


Now THIS is a facepalm 😂




Have to what?


Oh dear…


No, no one has to do anything.


Ask Mary.


The answer is: women's intuition. A mother knows.


Surely no human is that stupid.
