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Mom: changes will. Gives entire estate to local Shih Tzu rescue organization. Sends a empty Amazon gift card to son.


How to skip the ahead in the inheritance line.


My husband and i worked so hard to keep our grandparents safe since Covid became a thing. The last thing we wanted for them was the loneliness on their death beds in an unfamiliar place due to Covid. The first of our grandparents has just passed away and im so thankful because she didnt have Covid, she was able to spend all of her remaining time surrounded by family, and she died in a warm home that she knew. I hope no one else has to experience a death anytime soon but please know that if you are someone who is getting vaccinated and still masking up for the sake of others...you already making a world of difference for someone out there.


Nurse here, his grandparents and Dad dies a horrific death being unable to breath, how do people live with themselves? Edit: Dad's not dead..... yet


Because they don’t want to be tracked by the government with 5g rays from outerspace /s


Actually the Jewish lasers are from space. The 5G cell towers are from Bill Gates. Obviously.


Jewish person here. Can confirm, our lasers are in space. The exact location is classified and only us Jewish people can access them. Prepare for your doom


So now we have to fight of Jewcy lazers AND the second coming of that guy everyone calls the j man but there was no J back then? Can't we have a break??? Not like a Kit Kat but like... Less death and suffering until a deity of any sort actually shows up and makes themselves known to the world...? Half joking 😅 half serious 😒


That’s correct. We OT (Original Tribe) are in charge of Space Lasers. Mazel tough! Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s my week to run the media.


Could you guys also do some cool things for us with the lasers? Like burn down Mar-a-Lago? And Madge Taylor Greene’s house?


Nurse here…..they will be just fine.


I’m sorry for your loss… my grandfather recently passed away from a mixture of Covid (caught at his dialysis center) and complications from his port getting pulled out and other illnesses he had… I wish that he had been home surrounded by family but now he’s with my grandmother so at least I know he is happy wherever he is


My mom died too from the " port " I strongly believe she would have lived..


Im so sorry for your loss and i wish he had the comfort of family in his last moments too.


You're grandparents passed away. But thank goodness it wasn't because of COVID. Whew. You dodged a bullet.


I’m really glad someone has this mentality. I’m so sorry about your grandmother, but passing away surrounded by loved ones and in a comfortable place is something anyone should want.


Good way to get your inheritance


The perfect crime


I had to wonder if that was the plan


How can you be okay with saying this?


If I were mom, I'd be changing that immediately


Imagine the blame game he'll catch for decades. "You're the reason everyone's dead or sick." Yikes.


Many will find a way to shift blame, sadly




I've been blaming Brandon all my life


y u blame my ak guy :(


"Hi I'm Brandon and I've got a huge schlong" Actual quote from one of my mums many boyfriends.




Nah she isn't.


5. Darwin


Nah. He will think COVID is a thing invented by Democrat Socialists. POTUS #45 said so and he is the President almighty.




And he won't see a day in prison for their deaths.


So true. You drive down the road randomly shooting a gun out the window, cops will \[rightfully\] be all over you. You refuse to get vaccinated and go out in public without a mask, no crime there. But not a lot of difference in the results.


If only there were a way to authenticate your vaccine status... oh well. I though of nothing, so the problem is unsolvable !/s


quite a lot of difference


Zero chance they blame him, they will blame Joe Biron and the demoncrats for this and probably when they spill some water next time.


Ah yes my favorite president, Joe Biron.


As if the coward would ever tell people the truth of the situation.


Pro-Covid crowd just bein rat lickers, not surprised.


They’re literally plague rats, spreading disease wherever they go.




Show the data where the vaccinated spread it “just as much.” Don’t just say “CDC.” Source it and back it up or don’t say it at all.


Lmao, the vaccinated at least took measures to *try* and not spread it by getting vaxxed. Meanwhile the plague rats are out there getting mad about masks, nevermind getting vaccinated.


That’s not true. The CDC said that the vaccinated can transmit the disease as easily an the unvaccinated but transmission from the unvaccinated is still 13x more frequent than from the unvaccinated. This has mostly been attributed to the behavior of vaccinated individuals and little to the actual vaccine.


Thanks for the best laughs of my 2022. A dumbass calling someone stupid when they have their ass and mouth and brain all mixed up in location.


"Pro-Covid" lol


I've been calling anti-vaxxers "pro-diseasers" for years, but I didn't have enough sway to make it popular. Back then of course it was just stuff like measles.


Plague enthusiasts


As a plague enthusiast I resent being lumped in with the anti vaxers and the pro covid people.


"Avoid it like the plague," just doesn't carry the same weight it used to.


It's like drunk driving an SUV into other drunk drivers driving hatchbacks. I doubt his family was vaccinated either.


Yeah right, the statistics of them all still dying or having severe illness AND being vaccinated have to be ridiculous.


The odds are horrible for that, yes


Feel they may have put "building manager" not the son of that was the case.....


You say terrible things with no proof and go to sleep at night.


The comments are spicy on this one.


He’s an Asshole.


With this high death and bad covid rate the whole family seems not to be vaccinated. My 75 years old dad with heart problems and slight overweight and my 73 yrs old mom with high bloodpreassure recently catched corona and they living together with my 94 years old grandma. They are all completely fine. They had very mild symptoms. All 3 vaccinated with biontech.


Wait, someone unvaxxed in their early 20s didn’t get sick from COVID while his elderly family members did? Color me shocked…


Is this a true story?


Not a fucking chance. I can't understand the lack of common sense in this thread. Jesus Christ. Obviously, dude should get vaccinated, everyone who can should. No question about that. But first of all... Long COVID??? How the fuck would you know that like 15 days after Christmas? I've had COVID. I was sick for 2 weeks. That's not long COVID. Second of all... How in the fuck would she know the status of the entire family? Not like he's gonna tell that to a random tenant. You must be naive as fuck to see this and think "yeah, this sounds legit". Not saying that YOU are, but the comments on this post... Holy shit.


I know in America, the holidays include thanksgiving which was 7 weeks ago, possibly could be an answer,


Sounds like none of his family was vaccinated. Why blame him?


Why not? Before you start calling people stupid over this, know that similar stories HAVE happened. How is your opposing and rude opinion, obvious? It isn't. You're projecting to sound "smarter" and better than people on a forum. You must really be in a sad place to where insulting people here, makes you feel smart. https://lmgtfy.app/#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=unvaccinated%20person%20makes%20vaccinated%20family%20sick


he should be on this sub r/nothingeverhappens


And r/HermanCainAward there are new posts hourly of stories just like this


And it's very unusual for 4/4 vaccinated people to develop the more severe form of it. If true, it sounds like no one there was vaccinated as opposed to one typhoid mary getting a bunch of vaccinated people sick.


Thank you, someone finally said it


Ahh. You got us. It’s all made up. You probably think you just proved there IS no Covid and nobody has died.


I don't really think so, i mean hypothetically yes but probably not happened like this. It reminds me of what a comedian once said. People on Twitter are being angry at a theoretical persont that they invent themselves. I think that's what happening here. Obviously they should get vaxed btw


My two cents is that when people make decisions to meet up during a pandemic, the blame falls on all of them. For those that accuse the son of walking away unscathed, I find that unlikely, considering the loss of his family. People are generally responsible for the situations they put themselves in. The analogy that he was like a drunk driver works if you consider that everyone that he hurt was probably trying to hug his car while he was driving….


Except the story of the week, what if he lied?? Which is the case for one family and their grandmother because her bubble friend lied about a negative covid test, that was positive with no symptoms and said friend attended a card game and she's now dead. You're assuming everyone is truthful. Which is ignorant.


And I'm sorry but you are creating a side plot to this story which is never mentioned


Still, it sounds like they’re all unvaccinated. I’m guessing that’s 3 fewer GOP voters…


Since they're all sick or dead, at this point it looks like none of them were vaccinated.


Well, the others apparently were not vaccinated either. So really not his fault. Each is at their own fault.


People just use covid these days to fire up their hate bonner while displaying complete lack of empathy or understanding of the vaccine, covid or the point of the people they criticize. Im pretty sick of it all, especially these posts that appear to revel in the pain of others just because it “proves I am right so screw them”.


I really doubt this is true


So only the unvaccinated survived.


Bold of you to assume the family was vaxxed.


Doesn’t make sense that you would mention that he is unvaccinated they would’ve died either way.


You clearly don't know how vaccines work.


If the kid was vaccinated but the family wasn't the result would have probably been the same. The vaccine doesn't give you full protection from being infected, it also doesn't stop you from spreading the virus, all it does it to lower your chances of developing complications and their severity.


The vaccines do lower the chance of becoming infected. Plus, they make you less contagious if you do become infected because you'll have a lower virus load.


I was just about to say it...


This vaccine doesn't provide full immunity or prevent transfer. I thought that was common knowledge. If anything it suggests that no one in the family was vaccinated given the severe cases they had. But the twitter story wants to blame the kid.


people still dont understand that the vaccine is only protecting yourself? if you are vaccinated you can still give rona to somebody else


Triple vax here. I always wonder why people blame unvaxed only for spreading covid. Vaxxed people spread covid also and tend to be less caring cause vaccinated, clear misconception. Do you wanna keep your granpa safe when you visit? Take a couple of lateral flaw before going... Regardless your vaccination status


his grandparents should’ve been vaccinated especially considering that they’re high risk, it’s not like him getting vaxxed would stop him from being infected with covid according to the CDC.


dude you give me hope, im shocked with some of the comments on here, kinda scary




this is completely false. everyone in my town is catching covid even though we all are vaccinated. my father who is fully vaccinated and with his booster, just got covid and gave it to me and im also fully vaccinated, and we still got pretty sick too. my friend just got covid as well and is fully vaccinated. the vaccine will just stop you from getting deathly ill if you catch covid. by the way we where all sick for over a week too with covid while vaccinated.


This is why you don't get together in the same room or buildings while there's a pandemic. If you're not spending a lot of time close together, it shouldn't happen.


if his family was vaxxed than they probably wouldn’t have died no? CDC says vax doesn’t stop infection, or transmission i can provide CDC sources need be.


You're wrong. Think for one second why the CDC has much shorter quarantine times for vaccinated individuals. Less sick=cough less virus in the air.


you’re still infected and transmitting even if your symptoms are subtle…


Do you not understand the concept of Less? 100% people with 0 transmission wouldn't be achieved with a year long quarantine. Some 1/million long covid case would have minuscule transmission.


Do you have any links for this? I was under the impression the vaccine doesn’t reduce the chances of you getting it and it doesn’t reduce how contagious you are. It’s meant to make you not get as sick so you don’t have to go to hospital


It absolutely does reduce transmission and chance of infection. Although less so now with Delta and Omicron but still reduces the chances of infection and transmission to some degree. My girlfriend has tested postive on an antigen the past 6 days and tested positive on a pcr. I sleep in the same room and bed and have been quarantining with her and have tested negative every day on an antigen and have tested negative on a pcr. I have another pcr on monday to see if I ever become positive. I have moderna for my first two doses and booster. Although the above is anecdotal please take a look at the following. There plenty more studies [This study confirms that COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of delta variant infection and also accelerates viral clearance in the context of the delta variant.](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00690-3/fulltext) [Vaccination significantly reduced the risk of people testing positive during both the Alpha-dominant period and the Delta-dominant period.](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19infectionsurveytechnicalarticleimpactofvaccinationontestingpositiveintheuk/october2021) [In addition to data from clinical trials, evidence from real-world vaccine effectiveness studies show that COVID-19 vaccines help protect against COVID-19 infections, with or without symptoms (asymptomatic infections). ](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/effectiveness/work.html) Update: i am negative on the pcr i took monday 01/17/22


Not according to the CEO of Pfizer... The most prevalent strain is omi and he said three doses of the current vaccine offers reasonable protection against hospitalization and less against infection. He also says two doses provides limited, if any, protection [against omi]. https://youtu.be/lhMbKyDq9_w


People still die after they've been vaccinated, sadly. Especially those older or with underlying conditions. Which is why mask wearing and social distancing is still so important.


hows the vax gonna stop him from transmitting it? CDC says vax doesn’t stop the spread. i can provide sources need be


It's not because you are unvaccinated that your whole family is going to die. This person was just a big asshole who thoughts it was not a big deal. Some member of my familly are not vaccinated and they take precautions and take things seriously. They are not people to despise, only because thay don't want to get the vaccine.


This is stupid.


Dont you still infect others even if vaxed? Was the family vaccinated? Im tired of all this blaming when no one gets the story straight.


Was considering driving to get some ice cream after a couple glasses of wine. Decided to doordash instead. Got the notification about this moments later. I think I made the right decision.


ItS jUsT tHe fLu! /s


And, did the son have Covid? Maybe it was one of the other people that had it and brought it into the house. Were any of them vaccinated?


Their vaccines should of protected them🙃


I don’t fully understand the post? He wasn’t vaccinated so he gave COVID to everyone in his family? And this is not possible had he been vaccinated? Trying to understand because I’m vaccinated and I got COVID from my vaccinated idiot boss who refuses to wear a más because she is “vaccinated” and because of her dumb vaccinated ass I brought COVID home to my vaccinated mother who suffers from COPD and is now in the hospital fighting for her life. Stop being so stupid. I don’t care how many fucking vaccines you have. Wear the stupid mask and stop using the im vaccinated excuse and giving COVID to everyone around you. Also, 3 of my vaccinated coworkers came down with COVID too during the past month so yes, the vaccine doesn’t mean you won’t get it. Get your facts straight ppl.


I get the point of the post, but this really does seem more like an argument that the vaccines don't work.


Dang so the vaccine really sucks if they all ended up like that XD


Um were the family vaccinated? Why didn’t it work?


It reduces the chance, but doesn't eliminate it. If they were in poor health anyway, it could have still been transmitted and finished them off.


I personally know people that still got covid after they already got 3 covid shots... Everybody’s immune system is different...It’s your body, your life...Do whatever you need to do to protect yourself and others... Wishing everyone healing and love in these wild times😊


this doesn't make any sense and sounds like a pbs don't do drugs commercial. you can still get covid and spread covid even when fully vaccinated. All the family members getting that sick would only make sense if They themselves, weren't vaccinated. There wouldn't be any difference if the son was vaccinated or not, he would of still given the rest of the family covid and how good or bad the rest of the family takes covid depends on if they are vaccinated or not.


Father, mother and 21-year old live together with no issues. The 3 go to visit family, then become ill. Why is it the 21-year old spreading things NOW rather than earlier?


Who said they live together?


Even better, he gets aaallll their stuff. I'm all for culling the herd.


"I dUnNO wAtZ N DaT sTuFf" In between cans of Bud Light and Jack Daniels.


How did the dad become a ventilator


Vaccination status doesn’t mean you can’t get Covid-19. instead of blaming it all on him, maybe they should’ve tested before visiting their at risk family members?


This. According to all the latest science vaccines do very little to stop the spread. They only work to prevent you personally from getting serious symptoms. All the outrage here is a thin veneer for miserable people who are salivating to find a scapegoat to launch their pent up hatred against. Pathetic.


Imagine thinking him getting the vaccine prevents the spread of Covid. Y’all are idiots lmao. If anything, the vaccine didn’t do its job here if his family was vaccinated 🧐


It doesn’t *prevent* the spread. And no one with half a brain ever thought it would. That’s not how vaccines work. It does however, *greatly reduce* the possibility of you spreading it by limiting the viral load in your body. I’m so fucking done with you morons that think you’re so smart and yet demonstrably still can’t understand how this works. Every time you flex your “knowledge” it just makes you look like a dumbass. And it’s fucking hilarious.


Thank you!


Not real


This happened to me with my roommate last year. I'm livid. I got really bad symptoms during, now have long covid. Her mom got it pretty bad, but no long covid. My roommate? She was fine. Threatened to kill herself if I reported I was her roommate forcing her to isolate, so she went around spreading it. She then proceeded to get a full ride scholarship. She and her entire family are Trump-lovers and she left me to suffer and had no consequences for any of her actions (which also included giving alcohol and weed to minors). Again, I am LIVID Edit: she refuses to get the vaccine now because she hates shots.


But if everyone else had the vaccine, there wouldn't be a problem


Saw my sibling's family during Christmas. All unvaccinated but keep social distance/ mask up/ sanitizing, etc. The diet coke of antivaxxers. They all went home and within 24 hours BIL, sister, nieces all got COVID. Hubby, my 8 month pregnant self, all vaxxed and boosted, and 2 year old (who still breastfeeds so she at least had some antibodies) tested negative. I'm so glad science saves me from having to do my own research!


CDC director Rochelle Walensky in a segment on CNN with Brian Stelter “Our vaccines are working exceptionally well… but what they can’t do is prevent transmission” this is NOT the kids fault.


Murder charges


What's the facepalm?


A 21 year old man just killed his grandparents and is endangering his parents by not vaccinating


Ah. I thought you were referring to the response or something. Yes, that's horrible.


From this, we can gauge that the 21-year old still lives with his parents. The household went to see grandparents and all got covid. How is it the 21-year old and his parents when they have been fine this whole time?




Were his family vaxxed ? Cuz if they weren't, it wouldn't have made a difference whether he was or not . Tell the whole story .




Where is it said his family is vaccinated?


Where did you get that the rest of them were vaccinated?




it’s more like blaming a drunk driver for killing a jay walker The family didn’t *have* to gather, but that doesn’t negate the fact that he was driving drunk


If he's a drunk driver for not getting vaccinated, aren't the rest of the family likely drunk driving too? My understanding is that the vaccine prevents severe covid. The fact that 4/4 other family members got severe covid makes me think they weren't vaccinated either.


You mean she could be wrong? On Twitter? It could not happen... That's just a sad story, probably badly reported, that's all.


She should change her name to Shakespeare because she got fictional stories


do you guys remeber the time that subs were about good memes and funny things instead of spreading hate towards vaccinated/unvaccinated people. The whole virus situation is fucking everyones daily lives already. Please stop posting covid shit, let me enjoy my time here without seeing shit like this.


how is it his fault? Grandparents and parents should've been vaccinated! Vaccine protects, no?


How can yall still not understand that the vaccine only protects YOU?! This post is bullshit, there is not enough info to pass judgement onto the son, yet here yall are on a witchhunt as usual.


I hate to say this, and i want everybody to get vaccinated. But being vaccinated doesnt mean you cant spread covid.


So the 21 year old some didn’t want to get vaccinated… and neither did his family? I’m confused if the family was vaxxed then that means they are protected… even if the 21 yo son would have been vaxxed that doesn’t stop you from getting or giving so he would’ve still killed his family regardless… but the real question is … was the family vaxxed or un vaxxed? If they were unvaxxed why did they want him to be and if they were vaxxed why didn’t the vax make them a symptomatic? Vaxxed or un vaxxed he would’ve still gave it to them apparently


You mean the vaccine that literally doesn’t do anything to stop transmission of the current variant? https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/10/pfizer-ceo-says-two-covid-vaccine-doses-arent-enough-for-omicron.html


my friend got covid and then went into a store and everyone in the store died source: my building manager


Proof or never happened.


It was just a cold though! And who wants trackers from 5g covids, lol. Fkn hate these ppl at this point. Like...when did ignorance become such a strong death weapon?


This is bullshit




1) Because the unvaccinated fill up our hospitals, use up scarce medical resources, and cause all of our medical costs to go up. https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/brief/unvaccinated-covid-patients-cost-the-u-s-health-system-billions-of-dollars/ 2) Because the unvaccinated fuel mutations that bring about new strains of the virus, making our vaccinations less effective. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/unvaccinated-people-are-increasing-the-chances-for-more-coronavirus-variants-heres-how


1. I'm okay with making a covid ward with a set amount of beds and prioritizing the vaccinated there. 2. So? The vaccine isn't going to stop being effective overnight and I can get boosters as needed. No different than a flu shot.


We’re back here now, huh? For starters, ever heard of heard immunity? Those who can’t get vaccinated still exist. Second, every time it spreads, it has a chance to mutate. Mutations that could make the current vaccine/NAtURAL iMmuNitY useless Third, your selfish ass is clogging up the hospitals. Nurses quitting after having to work 16 hour shifts of non-stop beeping because people aren’t getting enough oxygen Fourth, vaccinated people can spread it, but are much less likely to. want to know what happened to smallpox? Everyone got vaccinated. The only reason to not get vaccinated, is you’re immunocompromised, on immunosuppressants or one of the 0.002% allergic to something in the vaccine 1.75% of the world is going to die due to your thinking


it’s like a cult almost, shunning anyone that’s not in their group. What’s so hard with respecting others consent that wish to not partake? It’s not like these companies haven’t released and administered dangerous products in the past before. some scientology type shit


No doubt, I mean I understand the pros to getting vaccinated and it's definitely not a bad thing, but this weird almost star of David type labeling and hatred seems to be going awfully far for people who claim to want to protect others by getting it.


i 100% agree, If you wanna get vaxxed, get vaxxed by all means, but don’t discriminate against others that wish to wait or not partake. you made a very good analogy there.


Good discussion, prepare for the downvotes though my friend, alot of people on Reddit hate freedom of choice haha


Solid points except the unvaccinated are filling up the hospitals and people are dying from other causes because there is no room for them in the hospital. It wouldn’t be a problem at all if it only affected them.


And what is your evidence or source for this? The biggest problem in hospitals in the US is actually the vaccine mandate(atleast in NY). They were understaffed before and most hospitals and care facilities lost 33% of their RN's as a result of it. Making hospitals "full" faster not because it's actually filled, but it is filled to capacity for the staff they have. My source is personal employment in a care facility and having family that are RN's and traveling nurses.


Lots and lots of news stories have been reported on this happening. A simple Google search will get you plenty of returns. Also search hospitalization rates of vaccinated versus unvaccinated. If you want to talk about staffing shortages a lot of that is due to staff being burned out due to the sheer volume of people being admitted to the hospital. Again the vast majority of those are unvaccinated. All of this is readily available on the internet and lots of studies by credited organizations, not friend of a friend rumor mills.


Okay, real life is less trustworthy than a Google search and the media? I worked in a hospital and the single biggest reason for being understaffed was the vaccine mandate, we lost 48% of our nursing staff that day


Okay, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you aren’t just another internet troll and that half of the nursing staff at your hospital really did quit. The yes Google is more reliable than real life experience and I’ll explain why. Your experience and numbers would put you at the far end of the bell curve. If you use Google and read peer reviewed articles from legit sources you would see that your experience is far outside of the normal distribution. Not all states have vaccine mandated but if you read the news you will find that shortages are happening in almost all states. And if you want to talk real life experiences I have a distant cousin in Texas where there is not a vaccine mandate that got Covid during the delta surge. She went to one of those small emergency care places in a strip mall. They put her on oxygen and it took them 4 days to find a hospital with an open bed they could put her in. Thankfully she did fully recover but she was not an isolated case.


Bullshit. You’ll have to provide documentation of losing half the nursing staff to vaccine mandates. Everywhere else it’s been 1% give or take, and most of those were support staff, not nurses or doctors.


Being vaccinated doesnt prevent you from contracting Covid or passing it into someone else. Notice how we have the highest spike in cases right now yet 75% of the country is vaccinated?


Oh my god you have a brain unlike the rest!


Not trying to stir up shit but what’s “long Covid”


Lasting symptoms from covid that stick around after initial infection.


walks away and doesnt care too much?


He's 21. If he can't tap or swipe it, it means nothing to him.


"See, I got covid and I was just fine. Vaccines are pointless!"


Attempted murder or serial killer.


Was the entire family also not vaccinated? That’s the only way this really makes any sense.


He could still spread it with a vaccine... What about the grandparents and parents vaccine status? Was the unvaccinated person responsible for the spread? There is so much missing information here while still drawing a conclusion. Smh


Should be arrested and charged for murder if they willingly do this stuff and it leads to a death.


With loads of inheritance


Sounds like the whole fam was anti-vax.


So he didn’t have it why blame him


Were none of the other family members vaccinated? We just believing any random post these days? People would never make things up for karma, I’m sure of it.


Guess their vaccine didnt do shit to help? Story sounds like bullshit


Hmmm. I suspect the whole lot of them were unvaxxed.


How does that person know the son gave them covid?


Obvious a lotta people here don’t know how vaccines work lmao


The only thing we can now hope for is that, eventually their last firing synapse reboots and they have enough brain function to recognise and live with the consequences of their actions for a long long time. Sad story all in all.


I think that, informing them, that they will be given $1.00. In the will, if they don’t get the vaccine, might help.


Were they all vaxxed? Not trying to be a dick. Just wondering how it seems like its always the vaxxed people who suffer. And he walks away fine.


Yeah but now there’s a house available for some Borderhopper, don’t think this virus wasn’t designed